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Kisi2 Kompetensi Pedagogik:

1. Menjelaskan pengertian belajar, pembelajaran, pengajaran, dan pendidikan
Belajar (Study) is an effort to obtain behavior change as a whole
Study is all activities and efforts to acquire knowledge and can lead changes in the form of
behavior, intelligence, and others that come from someone’s experiences in interaction with
environment related to cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
Pembelajaran (Studying) is interaction process between students with teacher
Studying is the process of interaction among students, teachers and learning resources in a
learning environment.
Pengajaran (Teaching) is a preplanned, goal directed educational process designed to
facilitate learning
Teaching is an activity to teach, explain, and deliver material in learning process in which
the students’ interaction with learning environment is designed in such a way to achieve
learning goals, namely the ability owned by students after completing their learning.
Pendidikan (Education) is a process to build students’ character and behavior
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning
process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength,
self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by themselves and
2. Menjelaskan unsur-unsur dalam sistem pembelajaran.
a. Student => A person who acts as a seeker of knowledge and participant in the classroom
to get lessons needed to achieve the learning goal.
b. Teacher => A person who acts as manager, educator, motivator, and other roles who
enables to conduct effective teaching and learning.
c. Learning place => A place used to carry out the learning process either indoor or
d. Motivation => The readiness condition of teachers and students to conduct learning.
e. Learning aims => Statements about goals containing behavior changes (cognitive,
psychomotor, affective) that are expected occur in students after participating in
learning activities.
f. Learning sources => All information in the form of facts, principles, theories, and
concepts needed to achieve learning goals.
g. Methods => systimatical and structured ways to teach and deliver learning material.
h. Media => Equipment and tools used to support presenting information and explanation
i. Learning outcomes => Achievement obtained by students based on the planned goals.
j. Evaluation => Certain ways used to assess the process and results of learning.
3. Menjelaskan tiga ranah tujuan pembelajaran (kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik).
According to Benjamin S. Bloom in 1956.
a) Cognitive is the ability related to knowledge, reasoning or mind, and all brain activities
consisting of memorization, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and
In cognitive domain, there are six levels of thinking process, starting from the lowest level to
the highest level.
o Knowledge (memorization). For example, students can mention kinds of coordinating
conjunction properly and correctly.
o Understanding (comprehension). For example, students can explain the use of each
coordinating conjuction using their own words.
o Application: For example, students are able to make sentences using coordinating
o Analysis: For example, students can identify which conjuction is used to indicate place,
time, condition, etc.
o Synthesis: For example, students can write essays about the importance of mastering
many kinds of conjuctions in academic writing.
o Evaluation: For example, students are able to differenciate the advantages and
disadvantages of using slang word in daily conversation.
b) Affective is the ability related to attitude, manner, value, feeling, emotion, consisting of
receiving, responding, valuing, organization, and characterization by value.
o Receiving: the ability or sensitivity to receive stimulation from outside in the form
of problem, situation, or symptoms about something.
o Responding: the ability to actively involve or participate or make reaction toward
the problem
o Valuing: giving value or appreciation toward an activity or object. Students are
expected to not only receive something but also they can value whether it is good or
o Organization: organize or unite the different values so that it forms new value that
is universal for general improvement.
o Characterization by value: formation of life style referring to to someone’s
characters to have personal, social, and emotional regularity
c) Psychomotor is the ability related to physical skills consisting of physical activities such
as running, painting, dancing, guided movement, and creativity.
4. Menjelaskan pengaruh hereditas dan lingkungan terhadap pembentukan
“kepribadian” anak (menurut teori Nativisme, Empirisme, Konvergensi, dan Fitrah).
Human’s development is influenced by inborn factor.
Nativism emphasizes the abilities in children themselves, so that environmental and
educational factors have no influence on children's development. The results of these
developments are determined by the traits that have been obtained from birth. This innate
factor is natural from birth and cannot be changed by environmental influences.
Human’s development is influenced by environment.
Empiricism emphasizes the importance of external stimulation in human development, and
states that children development depends on the environment, while disposition/trait is not
important. This theory explains that human development is solely dependent on the
environment and educational experience.
Combination of nativism and empirism theory.
Convergence argues that human development is influenced by interactions and a
combination of heredity and environmental factors. According to this theory, heredity will
not develop naturally without stimulation from environmental factors. Conversely,
environmental stimuli will not foster an ideal personality without being based on heredity.
Humans’ natural talent/potential
Fitrah is something that someone brings from birth. Fitrah or natural talent will not develop
if we don’t train and sharpen it. The potential possessed by someone is sometimes based on
genes and also coaching and guidance.
All newborn children have good dispositions that will be damaged due to the influence of
environment. Education provided by adults can actually damage the child's good character.
5. Menjelaskan fase-fase perkembangan anak dan implikasinya pada pendidikan.
o Pre-natal phase => pregnant until born.
o Baby phase => birth until 18 or 24 months. (Baby communicates by crying and smiling,
baby tries to creep and walk)
o Early childhood phase => 2 - 6 years old. (Baby tries to communicate by imitating what
people say what people behave (2-3 years old). (Children start to go to kinderganten
school (4-6 years)
o Middle and final childhood phase => 6 - 12 years old. (They starts to explore the
environment and make friends, in primary school)
o Teenage phase => 12 -18 years old. (They start to think logically and explore their
o Early adult phase => 18 - 25 years old. (They have been had critical and logical
thingking, know their passion)
o Middle and final adult phase => 25 years and over. (They have been able to
differenciate which one is harmful and which one is beneficial, which one is right and
which one is not)
a. By knowing the stages of child development, the teachers are expected to use learning
strategies and methods based on the age and character of the students so that the
learning objectives can be achieved thoroughly.
b. Teachers are expected to have activities that are not monotonous and varied so that
students do not get bored quickly and easily receive the material because the activities
are in accordance with student development.
c. Teachers are expected to be up to date in the use of various media and learning sources
in order to enable children to be fully involved and to maximize what students have in
learning activities.
d. Teachers are expected to have many programs to maximize the potential and talent of
children so that they know their passion.
e. The teachers are expected to be able to associate material with the children’s life so that
learning becomes meaningful.
6. Menjelaskan macam-macam metode pembelajaran.
a) Lecturing is a learning method in which the explanation is delivered through verbal
means. Advantages: Encourage students to be more focused and the teacher can explain
the material widely. Disadvantages: learning will make the students bored and students
become passive.
b) Discussion is a learning method related to problem solving carried out by some students
in a group. Advantages: Provide understanding to students that every problem must
have a solution, students are able to think critically, encourage students to express their
opinions. Disadvantages: This method is just suitable for small groups, limited
discussion themes, and dominated by talk-active students.
c) Demonstration is a learning method using objects, props, or information that can
provide a real picture of what will be learned. Strengths: Students can understand more
clearly about a process or work method, explanation becomes easier to understand.
Disadvantages: Too many students can block students' views, require teachers who
really understand how to use the tools so they can demonstrate well.
d) Recitation is a learning method in which the students are required to make a resume
about the material that has been explained by writing it on paper using their own word.
e) Question and answer is a method in conveying information through interactions
between teacher and students where the teacher gives questions to students.
f) Experimental is a teaching method using action in the form of lab experiment in which
each student is able to see the process clearly and learn directly.
g) Problem based learning is a method where students are given a case to stimulate in a
small group discussion. Then students express the results of material searches related to
the case and are discussed in groups.
h) Role play is a learning method using drama or role involving students in acting as a
certain character in a particular situation.
7. Menjelaskan macam-macam metode mengajar Bahasa Inggris
o Direct Method. The teaching is done entirely in the target language. The learner is not
allowed to use his or her mother tongue. Grammar rules are avoided and there is
emphasis on good pronunciation.
o Grammar-translation. Learning is largely by translation to and from the target
language. Grammar rules are to be memorized and long lists of vocabulary learned by
heart. There is little or no emphasis placed on developing oral ability.
o Audio-lingual. The theory behind this method is that learning a language means
acquiring habits. There is much practice of dialogues of every situations. New language is
first heard and extensively drilled before being seen in its written form.
o The structural approach. This method sees language as a complex of grammatical rules
which are to be learned one at a time in a set order. So for example the verb "to be" is
introduced and practised before the present continuous tense which uses "to be" as an
o Suggestopedia. The theory underlying this method is that a language can be acquired
only when the learner is receptive and has no mental blocks. By various methods it is
suggested to the student that the language is easy - and in this way the mental blocks to
learning are removed.
o Total Physical Response (TPR). TPR works by having the learner respond to simple
commands such as "Stand up", "Close your book", "Go to the window and open it." The
method stresses the importance of aural comprehension.
o Communicative language teaching (CLT). The focus of this method is to enable the
learner to communicate effectively and appropriately in the various situations she would
be likely to find herself in. The content of CLT courses are functions such as inviting,
suggesting, complaining or notions such as the expression of time, quantity, location.
o The Silent Way. This is so called because the aim of the teacher is to say as little as
possible in order that the learner can be in control of what he wants to say. No use is
made of the mother tongue.
o Community Language Learning (CLL). In this method attempts are made to build
strong personal links between the teacher and student so that there are no blocks to
learning. There is much talk in the mother tongue which is translated by the teacher for
repetition by the student.
o Immersion. This corresponds to a great extent to the situation we have at our school.
ESL students are immersed in the English language for the whole of the school day and .
expected to learn math, science, humanities etc. through the medium of the target
language, English. Immigrant students who attend local schools find themselves in an
immersion situation; for example refugee children from Bosnia attending German
schools, or Puerto Ricans in American schools. .
o Task-based language learning. The focus of the teaching is on the completion of a task
which in itself is interesting to the learners. Learners use the language they already have
to complete the task and there is little correction of errors. (This is the predominant
method in middle school ESL teaching at Frankfurt International School. The tasks are
subsumed in a major topic that is studied for a number of weeks. In the topic of ecology,
for example, students are engaged in a number of tasks culminating in a poster
presentation to the rest of the class. The tasks include reading, searching the internet,
listening to taped material, selecting important vocabulary to teach other students etc.)
o The Natural Approach. This approach, propounded by Professor S. Krashen, stresses
the similarities between learning the first and second languages. There is no correction of
mistakes. Learning takes place by the students being exposed to language that is
comprehensible or made comprehensible to them.
o The Lexical Syllabus. This approach is based on a computer analysis of language which
identifies the most common (and hence most useful) words in the language and their
various uses. The syllabus teaches these words in broadly the order of their frequency,
and great emphasis is placed on the use of authentic materials.
8. Garis besar UU. No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.
a. Students have rights and obligations, including the right to get religious education
according to what they believe/adhere, to get educational services in accordance with
their interests, talents, and abilities. For parents who cannot afford the school fee will get
cost assistance.
b. Educators and educational staff. The duty of the educator is to carry out learning,
while the duty of educational staff is in administrative activities. Educators and
educational staff are based on the needs of the formal education unit looking at the needs
of the region in which the government facilitates all the needs of educators and education
c. Facilities and infrastructure. Each educational unit must provide facilities and
infrastructure to support educational needs in accordance with the growth and
development of students.
d. Educational funding. The central government, local government, and community are
responsible for providing educational funding sources with the principles of fairness,
adequacy, and sustainability as well as directives that are in accordance with the
applicable laws and regulations.
e. Curriculum. Curriculum development is carried out by referring to national education
standards in order to realize the goals of education with the principle of diversification in
accordance with the potential of the region and students. The basic framework and
structure of curriculum for primary and secondary education are determined by the
government, while the basic framework and structure of curriculum in higher education
curriculum are developed by the institution itself referring to the national education
standards for each study program.
f. School and community relations. The relationship between school and community is
in the form of community participation in education including the participation of
individuals, groups, families, professional organizations, entrepreneurs, and community
organizations in the implementation and quality control of educational services.
9. Menjelaskan Standar Nasional Pendidikan menurut PP. No. 19 tahun 2005 dan PP.
No. 32 tahun 2013.
Standar Nasional Pendidikan adalah kriteria minimal tentang sistem pendidikan di seluruh
wilayah hukum Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
National Education Standards are the minimum criteria of education system throughout
the jurisdiction of Indonesian Republic.
8 Standar Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia (8 Indonesian National Education Standards)
1. Standar kompetensi lulusan adalah kualifikasi kemampuan lulusan yang mencakup
sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan.
Graduate competence standart is the qualification of graduate ability which includes
attitude, knowledge, and skill. It is used as assessment guidance in determinng learners’
graduation from an educational unit.
2. Standar isi adalah ruang lingkup materi dan tingkat kompetensi yang dituangkan dalam
kriteria tentang kompetensi tamatan, kompetensi bahan kajian, kompetensi mata
pelajaran, dan silabus pembelajaran yang harus dipenuhi oleh peserta didik pada jenjang
dan jenis pendidikan tertentu.
Content standard is the scope of material and level of competency as outlined in the
criteria about graduate competency, subject matter competence, subject competence,
and learning syllabus that must be fulfilled by learners at a certain level and type of
3. Standar proses adalah standar nasional pendidikan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan
pembelajaran pada satu satuan pendidikan untuk mencapai standar kompetensi lulusan.
Process standard is the national standards of education related to the implementation of
learning in an educational unit to achieve graduate competency standards.
4. Standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan adalah kriteria pendidikan prajabatan dan
kelayakan fisik maupun mental serta pendidikan dalam jabatan.
Educator and educational staff standard is the criteria of pre-service education and
physical and mental feasibility as well as in-service education.
5. Standar sarana dan prasarana adalah standar nasional pendidikan yang berkaitan
dengan kriteria minimal tentang ruang belajar, tempat berolahraga, tempat beribadah,
perpustakaan, laboratorium, bengkel kerja, tempat bermain, tempat berkreasi dan
berekreasi, serta sumber belajar lain, yang diperlukan untuk menunjang proses
pembelajaran, termasuk penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.
Facility and infrastructure standard is the national standard of education related to the
minimum criteria of learning space, gym, worship place, library, laboratory, workshop,
playground, creative and recreational place, as well as other learning resources needed
to support the learning process, including the use of information and communication
6. Standar pengelolaan adalah standar nasional pendidikan yang berkaitan dengan
perencanaan, pe1aksanaan, dan pengawasan kegiatan pendidikan pada tingkat satuan
pendidikan, kabupaten/kota, provinsi, atau nasional agar tercapai efisiensi dan
efektivitas penyelenggaraan pendidikan.
Management standard is the national standards of education related to the planning,
implementation, and supervision of educational activities at the educational district/city,
provincial, or national levels of education in order to achieve the efficiency and
effectiveness of education.
7. Standar pembiayaan adalah standar yang mengatur komponen dan besarnya biaya
operasi satuan pendidikan yang berlaku selama satu tahun.
Financing standard is the standard that regulates the components and the amount of
operating unit cost of education applicable for one year.
8. Standar penilaian pendidikan adalah standar nasional pendidikan yang berkaitan
dengan mekanisme, prosedur, dan instrumen penilaian hasil belajar peserta didik.
Educational assessment standard is the national standard of education related to the
mechanisms, procedures, and instruments of student learning outcome assessment.
1. Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (Graduate Competence Standard)
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) untuk satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah
digunakan sebagai pedoman penilaian dalam menentukan kelulusan peserta didik. SKL
tersebut meliputi standar kompetensi lulusan minimal satuan pendidikan dasar dan
menengah, standar kompetensi lulusan minimal kelompok mata pelajaran, dan standar
kompetensi lulusan minimal mata pelajaran. Fungsi utama SKL yaitu kriteria dalam
menentukan kelulusan peserta didik pada setiap satuan pendidikan, rujukan untuk menyusun
standar pendidikan lainnya, serta arah peningkatan kualitas pendidikan.
Graduate Competence Standards (SKL) for primary and secondary education units are
used as guidance for assessment in determining students' graduation. The SKL covers the
minimum competency standards of graduates of elementary and secondary education, the
minimum competency standard of the subject group, and the minimum graduate competency
standard of the subjects. The main function of SKL is the criteria in determining the
graduation of learners in each educational unit, the reference to compile other education
standards, and the direction of improving the quality of education.
o Permendiknas Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL)
untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
o Permendiknas Nomor 24 Tahun 2006 tentang Pelaksanaan Standar Isi dan Standar
Kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
o Permendiknas Nomor 6 Tahun 2007 tentang Perubahan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan
Nasional Nomor 24 Tahun 2006 tentang Pelaksanaan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan
Nasional Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan
Menengah dan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
2. Standar Isi (Content Standard)
Standar Isi mencakup lingkup materi minimal dan tingkat kompetensi minimal untuk
mencapai kompetensi lulusan minimal pada jenjang dan jenis pendidikan tertentu. Standar
isi tersebut memuat kerangka dasar dan struktur kurikulum, beban belajar, kurikulum tingkat
satuan pendidikan, dan kalender pendidikan. Dalam perkembangannya, Standar Isi telah
dikembangkan oleh BNSP dan menjadi Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional
(Permendiknas) Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi untuk suatu
pendidikan dasar dan menengah.
Content Standards cover the minimum material scope and minimum level of
competence to achieve minimum graduate competence at a certain level and type of
education. The content standards contain the basic framework and curriculum structure,
study load, education unit level curriculum, and educational calendar. In its development,
the Content Standards have been developed by BNSP and become the Regulation of the
Minister of National Education (Permendiknas) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22
Year 2006 regarding Content Standards for a primary and secondary education.
o Permendiknas Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan
Dasar dan Menengah.
o Permendiknas Nomor 14 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Isi untuk Program Paket A,
Program Paket B dan Program Paket C.
3. Standar Proses (Process Standard)
Proses pembelajaran pada satuan pendidikan diselenggarakan secara interaktif,
inspiratif, menyenangkan, menantang, memotivasi peserta didik untuk berpartisipasi aktif,
serta memberikan ruang yang cukup bagi prakarsa, kreativitas, dan kemandirian sesuai
dengan bakat, minat, dan perkembangan fisik serta psikologis peserta didik. Selain itu,
dalam proses pembelajaran pendidik memberikan keteladanan. Setiap satuan pendidikan
melakukan perencanaan proses pembelajaran, pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran, penilaian
hasil pembelajaran, dan pengawasan proses pembelajaran untuk terlaksananya proses
pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien.
The learning process in the educational unit is organized in an interactive, inspiring, fun,
challenging, motivational way to participate actively, and to provide sufficient space for
initiative, creativity, and independence according to the talent, interest, and physical and
psychological development of learners. In addition, in the learning process educators
provide exemplary. Each educational unit carries out the plan of learning process, the
implementation of learning process, the assessment of learning outcomes, and the
supervision of learning process for the implementation of effective and efficient learning
o Permendiknas Nomor 41 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Proses untuk Satuan Pendidikan
Dasar dan Menengah.
o Permendiknas Nomor 3 Tahun 2008 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Kesetaraan
Program Paket A, Program Paket B, dan Program Paket C.

4. Standar Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Educator and Educational Staff

Pendidik harus memiliki kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi sebagai agen
pembelajaran, sehat jasmani dan rohani, serta memiliki kemampuan untuk mewujudkan
tujuan pendidikan nasional. Kualifikasi akademik yang dimaksudkan di atas adalah tingkat
pendidikan minimal yang harus dipenuhi oleh seorang pendidik yang dibuktikan dengan
ijazah atau sertifikat keahlian yang relevan sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan yang
berlaku. Kompetensi sebagai agen pembelajaran pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan
menengah serta pendidikan anak usia dini meliputi kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi
kepribadian, kompetensi profesional, dan kompetensi sosial.
Educators must have academic and competence qualifications as learning agents,
physically and mentally healthy, and have the ability to realize the goals of national
education. The academic qualification referred to above is the minimum level of education
that must be met by an educator as evidenced by a relevant diploma or certificate of
expertise in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Competence as a learning
agent at elementary and secondary education and early childhood education includes
pedagogic competence, personality competence, professional competence, and social
Pendidik adalah tenaga kependidikan yang berkualifikasi sebagai guru, dosen,
konselor, pamong belajar, widyiswara, tutor, instruktur, fasilitator dan sebutan lain yang
sesuai dengan kekhususannya, serta berpartisipasi dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan.
Pendidik meliputi pendidik pada TK/RA, SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA,
SDLB/SMPLB/SMALB, SMK/MAK, satuan pendidikan Paket A, Paket B dan Paket C, dan
pendidik pada lembaga kursus dan pelatihan. Tenaga kependidikan meliputi kepala
sekolah/madrasah, pengawas satuan pendidikan, tenaga administrasi, tenaga perpustakaan,
tenaga laboratorium, teknisi, pengelola kelompok belajar, pamong belajar, dan tenaga
Educators are qualified personnel as teachers, lecturers, counselors, tutors, widyiswara,
tutors, instructors, facilitators and other designations that suit their specificity, and
participate in education. Educators include educators in TK/RA, SD/MI, SMP/MTs,
SMA/MA, SDLB/SMPLB/SMALB, SMK/MAK, educational units Package A, Package B,
and Package C, and educators at courses and training institutions. Teachers include
principals, education unit supervisors, administrative staff, library staff, laboratory
personnel, technicians, learning group managers, learning guards, and cleaning personnel.
o Permendiknas Nomor 12 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Pengawas Sekolah/Madrasah.
o Permendiknas Nomor 13 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Kepala Sekolah/Madrasah.
o Permendiknas Nomor 16 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Kualifikasi Akademik dan
Kompetensi Guru.
o Permendiknas Nomor 24 Tahun 2008 tentang Standar Tenaga Administrasi Sekolah.
o Permendiknas Nomor 25 Tahun 2008 tentang Standar Tenaga Perpustakaan
o Permendiknas Nomor 27 Tahun 2008 tentang Standar Kulifikasi Akademik dan
Kompetensi Konselor.
o Permendiknas Nomor 40 Tahun 2009 tentang Standar Penguji pada Kursus dan
o Permendiknas Nomor 41 Tahun 2009 tentang Standar Kualifikasi Pembimbing pada
Kursus dan Pelatihan.
o Permendiknas Nomor 42 Tahun 2009 tentang Standar Pengelola Kursus dan Pelatihan.
o Permendiknas Nomor 43 Tahun 2009 tentang Standar Tenaga Administrasi Pendidikan
pada Program Paket A, Paket B, dan Paket C.
o Permendiknas Nomor 44 Tahun 2009 tentang Standar Pengelola Pendidikan pada
Program Paket A, Paket B, dan Paket C.
5. Standar Sarana dan Prasarana (Facility and Infrastructure Standard)
Setiap satuan pendidikan wajib memiliki sarana yang meliputi perabot, peralatan
pendidikan, media pendidikan, buku dan sumber belajar lainnya, bahan habis pakai, serta
perlengkapan lain yang diperlukan untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran yang teratur dan
berkelanjutan. Setiap satuan pendidikan wajib memiliki prasarana yang meliputi lahan,
ruang kelas, ruang pimpinan satuan pendidikan, ruang pendidik, ruang tata usaha, ruang
perpustakaan, ruang laboratorium, ruang bengkel kerja, ruang unit produksi, ruang kantin,
instalasi daya dan jasa, tempat berolahraga, tempat beribadah, tempat bermain, tempat
berkreasi, dan ruang/tempat lain yang diperlukan untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran
yang teratur dan berkelanjutan.
Each educational unit is required to have facilities that include furniture, educational
equipment, educational media, books and other learning resources, consumables, and other
equipment necessary to support a regular and continuous learning process. Each educational
unit is required to have an infrastructure that includes land, classrooms, leader of educational
unit room, educator room, administrative room, library room, laboratory room, workshop
room, production unit room, canteen room, power and service installation, gym, worship
places, playground, creative venue, and other rooms/places needed to support a regular and
continuous learning process.
o Permendiknas Nomor 24 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Sarana dan Prasarana untuk
Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (SD/MI), Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah
Tsanawiyah (SMP/MTs), dan Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/MA).
o Permendiknas Nomor 33 Tahun 2008 tentang Standar Sarana Prasarana untuk Sekolah
Luar Biasa.
o Permendiknas Nomor 40 Tahun 2008 tentang Standar Sarana Prasarana untuk Sekolah
Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) dan Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK).
6. Standar Pengelolaan Pendidikan (Management Standard)
Standar Pengelolaan terdiri dari 3 (tiga) bagian:
 Pengelolaan Oleh Satuan Pendidikan:
a) Pengelolaan satuan pendidikan pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah
menerapkan manajemen berbasis sekolah yang ditunjukkan dengan kemandirian,
kemitraan, partisipasi, keterbukaan, dan akuntabilitas.
b) Pengelolaan satuan pendidikan pada jenjang pendidikan tinggi menerapkan otonomi
perguruan tinggi yang dalam batas-batas yang diatur dalam ketentuan perundang-
undangan yang berlaku memberikan kebebasan dan mendorong kemandirian dalam
pengelolaan akademik, pengelolaan, personalia, keuangan, dan area fungsional
kepengelolaan lainnya yang diatur oleh masing-masing perguruan tinggi.
c) Standar pengelolaan oleh satuan pendidikan meliputi perencanaan program
sekolah/madrasah, pelaksanaan rencana kerja sekolah, monitoring dan evaluasi,
kepemimpinan sekolah/madrasah, sistem informasi manajemen.
The Management Standards consist of 3 (three) parts:
 Management By Education Unit:
a) Management of educational units at primary and secondary education levels
implements school-based management as demonstrated by independence,
partnership, participation, openness, and accountability.
b) Management of educational units at higher education applies university autonomy
within the limits set forth in the provisions of applicable legislation to give freedom
and encourage independence in the management of academic, management,
personnel, finance, and other functional areas governed by management each college.
c) Management standards by education unit cover planning of school/madrasah
program, implementation of school work plan, monitoring and evaluation,
school/madrasah leadership, management information system.
o Permendiknas Nomor 19 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Pengelolaan Pendidikan
oleh Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
 Pengelolaan Oleh Pemerintah Daerah:
a) Pemerintah Daerah menyusun rencana kerja tahunan bidang pendidikan dengan
memprioritaskan program: wajib belajar, peningkatan angka partisipasi pendidikan
untuk jenjang pendidikan menengah, penuntasan pemberantasan buta aksara,
penjamirtan mutu pada satuan pendidikan, baik yang diselenggarakan oleh
Pemerintah Daerah maupun masyarakat, peningkatan status guru sebagai profesi,
akreditasi pendidikan, peningkatan relevansi pendidikan terhadap kebutuhan
masyarakat, dan pemenuhan Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) bidang pendidikan.
b) Realisasi rencana kerja tahunan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) disetujui dan
dipertanggungjawabkan oleh Gubernur atau Bupati/Walikota sesuai ketentuan
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
 Management By Local Government:
a) Local Government prepares annual work plan of education by prioritizing program:
compulsory education, increasing participation rate of education for secondary
education level, completion of illiteracy eradication, quality of education unit, both
organized by local government and society, improvement of teacher status as
professions, educational accreditation, increased educational relevance to
community needs, and fulfillment of Minimum Service Standards (SPM) in
b) The realization of the annual work plan as referred to in article (1) is approved and
accountable by the Governor or Regent/Mayor in accordance with applicable laws
and regulations.
 Pengelolaan Oleh Pemerintah: Pemerintah menyusun rencana kerja tahunan bidang
pendidikan dengan memprioritaskan program: wajib belajar, peningkatan angka
partisipasi pendidikan untuk jenjang pendidikan menengah dan tinggi, penuntasan
pemberantasan buta aksara, penjaminan mutu pada satuan pendidikan, baik yang
diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah maupun masyarakat, peningkatan status guru sebagai
profesi, peningkatan mutu dosen, standarisasi pendidikan, akreditasi pendidikan,
peningkatan relevansi pendidikan terhadap kebutuhan lokal, nasional, dan global,
pemenuhan Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) bidang pendidikan, dan Penjaminan
mutu pendidikan nasional.
 Governmental Management: The Government prepares an annual work plan for
education by prioritizing programs: compulsory education, increased participation rate
of education for secondary and higher education, completion of illiteracy eradication,
quality assurance on education units, both organized by the Government and society, the
status of teachers as professions, lecturers' quality improvement, education
standardization, educational accreditation, increased relevance of education to local,
national and global needs, fulfillment of Minimum Service Standards (SPM) in
education, and national education quality assurance.
7. Standar Pembiayaan Pendidikan (Financing Standard)
Pembiayaan pendidikan terdiri atas biaya investasi, biaya operasi, dan biaya personal.
Biaya investasi satuan pendidikan meliputi biaya penyediaan sarana dan prasarana,
pengembangan sumberdaya manusia, dan modal kerja tetap. Biaya personal meliputi biaya
pendidikan yang harus dikeluarkan oleh peserta didik untuk bisa mengikuti proses
pembelajaran secara teratur dan berkelanjutan. Biaya operasi satuan pendidikan meliputi
gaji pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan serta segala tunjangan yang melekat pada gaji, bahan
atau peralatan pendidikan habis pakai, dan biaya operasi pendidikan tak langsung berupa
daya, air, jasa telekomunikasi, pemeliharaan sarana dan prasarana, uang lembur,
transportasi, konsumsi, pajak, asuransi, dan lain sebagainya. Standar biaya operasi satuan
pendidikan ditetapkan dengan Peraturan Menteri berdasarkan usulan BSNP.
Educational financing consists of investment costs, operating costs, and personal costs.
The investment cost of education unit covers the cost of providing facilities and
infrastructure, human resource development, and fixed working capital. Personal costs
include the cost of education that must be spent by students to be able to follow the learning
process regularly and continuously. The cost of operating the educational unit includes the
salaries of educators and educational personnel as well as any allowances attached to
salaries, materials or educational equipment consumables, and operating costs of indirect
education in the form of power, water, telecommunication services, maintenance of facilities
and infrastructure, overtime, transportation, consumtion, taxes, insurance, and so forth.
Standard operating cost of education unit shall be stipulated by Minister Regulation based
on BSNP proposal.
o Permendiknas Nomor 69 Tahun 2009 tentang Standar Biaya Operasi Nonpersonalia
Tahun 2009 Untuk Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (SD/MI), Sekolah Menengah
Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (SMP/MTs), Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah
(SMA/MA), Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa (SDLB),
Sekolah Menengah Pertama Luar Biasa (SMPLB), Dan Sekolah Menengah Atas Luar
Biasa (SMALB).
8. Standar Penilaian Pendidikan (Assessment Standard)
Standar Penilaian adalah proses pengumpulan dan pengolahan informasi untuk
mengukur pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik sedangkan evaluasi pendidikan adalah
pengendalian, penjaminan, dan penetapan mutu pendidikan terhadap berbagai komponen
pendidikan pada setiap jalur, jenjang dan jenis pendidikan sebagai bentuk
pertanggungjawaban penyelenggaraan pendidikan.
Assessment Standards are the process of collecting and processing information to
measure the achievement of learners' learning outcomes while the evaluation of education is
the control, guaranteeing, and determination of the quality of education on various
components of education in each lane, level and type of education as a form of
accountability of education.
Penilaian pendidikan pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah terdiri atas Penilaian
hasil belajar oleh pendidik, Penilaian hasil belajar oleh satuan pendidikan, dan Penilaian
hasil belajar oleh Pemerintah. Penilaian pendidikan pada jenjang pendidikan tinggi terdiri
atas Penilaian hasil belajar oleh pendidik dan Penilaian hasil belajar oleh satuan pendidikan
tinggi. Penilaian pendidikan pada jenjang pendidikan tinggi sebagaimana dimaksud di atas
diatur oleh masing-masing perguruan tinggi sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang
Assessment of education at elementary and secondary levels consists of Assessment of
learning outcomes by educators, Assessment of learning outcomes by educational units, and
Assessment of learning outcomes by the Government. Assessment of education at the level
of higher education consists of Assessment of learning outcomes by educators and
Assessment of learning outcomes by higher education units. The assessment of education at
the higher education level as mentioned above is regulated by each university in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations.
o Permendiknas Nomor 20 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Penilaian Pendidikan.
The explanation why Graduate Competence Standard, Content Standard, Process
Standard, and Assessment Standard are closely related to teacher’s role

UU. RI. No. 14 year 2005 contains "POSITION, FUNCTION, AND OBJECTIVES OF A

Graduate competence standard and content standard relate to the role of the teacher as a
designer in charge of developing teaching and learning programs in accordance with the
curriculum, developing teaching plans, determining strategies and methods of teaching and
learning, and setting standards for graduation. SKL is used as a criterion in determining the
graduation of learners in each educational unit, referral to formulate other education standards, as
well as the direction of improving the quality of education. They are also related to the role of
teachers as a manager because teachers are tasked to carry out classroom administration such as
filling student attendance books, student score lists, filing report cards, and so on relating to
graduate standards.
Process standards relate to the role of teachers as an educator who provide knowledge and
lesson to students, train skills, provide guidance, design teaching, conduct learning and assess
learning activities. This is also related to the role of the teacher as a facilitator who provides
various learning resources to support the achievement of learning aims. This is also related to the
role of teachers as mentor/advisor who provides convenience to learn and as a place to share a
problem or opinion.
Assessment standards relate to the role of the teacher as an evaluator that evaluate the
learning process and learning outcomes of the students and the learning process by the teachers
themselves in order to obtain progress that can be used to revise a more appropriate learning
strategy. It also relates to the role of the teacher as an appraiser that establishes the process of
determining the quality of learning outcomes/processes to determine the level of achievement of
the learning goals of learners which includes the three stages, namely Preparation,
Implementation, and Follow-up.
10. Menjelaskan Permendiknas No. 41 tahun 2007 tentang Standar Proses pada Satuan
Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
Process standards are national education standards relating to the implementation of learning
in educational units to achieve graduate competence. Process standard contains the
minimum criteria for the learning process in primary and secondary education units.
Standard processes include learning process planning, lesson planning, evaluating learning
outcomes, and monitoring the learning process to implement an effective and efficient
learning process.
a) Learning process planning includes syllabus and lesson planning (RPP) which include
subject identities, competency standards (SK), basic competencies (KD), indicators of
achievement, learning objectives, teaching materials, time allocation, learning methods,
learning activities, assessment of learning outcomes, and learning sources.
b) Lesson planning (RPP) is described from the syllabus to direct the learning activities of
students in an effort to reach basic competence. Each teacher in the education unit is
obliged to prepare lesson plans in a complete and systematic manner so that learning
takes place interactively, inspiring, fun, challenging, motivating students to actively
participate, and providing sufficient space for initiatives, creativity, and independence in
accordance with their talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of
c) Implementation of the learning process includes study groups (elementary school = 28
students, junior high school = 32 students, senior high school = 32 students, vocational
school = 32 students), minimum workload of teachers (minimum 24 hours face to face
in 1 week), textbooks, class management. Learning activities: opening activities, main
activities, closing activities.
d) Assessment of learning outcomes: carried out by teachers to measure the level of
achievement of student competencies, and used as a form of preparation of report on the
learning outcomes, and improve the learning process by using tests and non-tests in
written or oral forms, observing performance, attitude measurement, assessment of
work in the form of assignments, projects and products, portfolio, and self-assessment.
e) Supervision of learning process: Monitoring, Supervision, Evaluation, Reporting,
11. Kompetensi yang harus dimiliki guru
1. Professional competence is the teacher’s ability to manage the teaching and learning
process including classroom management, mastery of learning material, teaching
strategies, and the use of learning media.
2. Pedagogical competence is the teacher’s ability to understand the learning process to
achieve dynamic learning including understanding of educational base, students’
character, developing curriculum/syllabus, developing learning design, evaluating
learning processes and outcomes, and developing students to actualize their potential.
3. Social competence is the teacher’s ability as an educator to communicate and interact
well with all elements of school and society including social interaction with students,
other teachers, and society.
4. Personality competence the teacher’s ability in carrying out their duties and functions
because a teacher is a role model for their students so that the teachers must have good
attitude and personality, noble character, wise and stable personality, authoritative and
independent personality, and so on.
12. Menjelaskan UU No. 14 Tahun 2005
Guru merupakan pendidik profesional yang tugasnya yaitu mendidik, mengajar,
membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada
pendidikan anak usia dini, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah.
Guru merupakan bidang profesi, maka pelaksanaan tugasnya harus didasarkan pada prinsip-
prinsip profesionalitas:
The teacher is a professional educator in which the duties are to educate, teach, guide, direct,
train, assess, and evaluate the students in early childhood education, primary education, and
secondary education.
Teacher is professional field, so the implementation of their duties must be based on the
principles of professionalism:
o Having talent, interest, soul calling, and idealism.
o Having a commitment to improve the quality of education, faith, and noble character.
o Having academic qualifications and educational background in accordance with the
field of duty.
o Having competencies needed in accordance with the field of duty, namely professional,
pedagogical, social, and personality competence.
o Having responsibility for carrying out professional duties.
o Obtain income determined according to work performance.
o Have the opportunity to develop professionalism on an ongoing basis with lifelong
o Have a guarantee of legal protection in carrying out professional duties.
o Having a professional organization that has the authority to regulate matters relating to
teacher professionalism.
Teachers must have academic qualifications obtained through higher education undergraduate
programs or four diplomas. In addition, it is also mandatory to have pedagogical competencies,
personality competencies, social competencies, and professional competencies obtained through
professional education. Teachers who have met these requirements will be given an educator

13. Menjelaskan dalil Al-Qur’an dan hadits terkait dengan pendidikan.

Surat Al Mujadalah ayat 11
“Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by
degrees. And Allah is Acquainted with what you do.”
Surat Al-a’alq ayat 1-5
‫) َعلَّ َم‬4( ‫) الَّ ِذي َعلَّ َم بِ ْالقَلَ ِم‬3( ‫) ا ْق َر ْأ َو َربُّكَ اأْل َ ْك َر ُم‬2( ‫ق‬
ٍ َ‫ق اإْل ِ ْن َسانَ ِم ْن َعل‬ َ َ‫ك الَّ ِذي خَ ل‬
َ َ‫) َخل‬1( ‫ق‬ َ ِّ‫ا ْق َر ْأ بِاس ِْم َرب‬
5( ‫اإْل ِ ْن َسانَ َما لَ ْم يَ ْعلَ ْم‬

1. Bacalah dengan (menyebut) nama Tuhanmu yang Menciptakan,
2. Dia Telah menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah.
3. Bacalah, dan Tuhanmulah yang Maha pemurah,
4. Yang mengajar (manusia) dengan perantaran kalam,
5. Dia mengajar kepada manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya.
Meaning: "Read by (mentioning) the name of your God who has created, He has created
man from a lump of blood, Read, and your God is the most generous, who teaches (man)
with the intercession of kalam (speech). He teaches man what is unknown.
With the decline of this surat, it changed the stupidity in all aspects, including the darkness
of knowledge. The command to read here is not limited to reading Al Qur’an, but also
reading all types of 'books' in the world. Like reading the signs of the greatness of God,
reading ourselves, the universe and others. That means the verse instructs us to learn from
seeking knowledge and keep ourselves from ignorance.
Ayat pertama merupakan perintah untuk mencari ilmu, ilmu yang bersifat umum baik ilmu
yang menyangkut ayat-ayat qauliyah (ayat Al Qur’an) dan ayat-ayat kauniyah (yang terjadi
di alam).
The first verse is an order to search for knowledge, general knowledge that is good about the
verses of qauliyah (verses of the Qur'an) and verses of kauniyah (which occur in nature).
Ayat kedua mengandung makna memberi petunjuk kepada manusia untuk mengenal dirinya
secara jelas, yaitu mengetahui asal kejadiannya. 
The second verse implies giving instructions to humans to know themselves clearly, namely
knowing the origin of the event.
Ayat keempat, Allah SWT mengajar manusia dengan pena. Maksudnya dengan pena
manusia dapat mencatat berbagai cabang ilmu pengetahuan, dengan pena manusia dapat
menyatakan ide, pendapat dan keinginan hatinya dan dari pena manusia juga mendapatkan
berbagai ilmu pengetahuan baru. 
The fourth verse, Allah SWT teaches man with a pen. That is to say, with a human pen can
record various branches of science, with a human pen can express ideas, opinions and
desires of the heart and from human pens also get a variety of new knowledge.
Ayat kelima, Allah mengajarkan apa yang belum diketahui manusia karena manusia lahir ke
dunia dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui apa-apa. Secara perlahan, Allah memberikan
manusia kemampuan melihat dengan matanya dan mendengar dengan telinganya, sehingga
dengan kemampuannya itu manusia mampu mencapai cabang ilmu baik ilmu agama
maupun ilmu yang lain bahkan ilmu yang mungkin langsung diberikan oleh Allah kepada
beberapa orang yang dikehendaki tanpa melalui belajar (ilmu laduni).
The fifth verse, God teaches what is unknown to man because humans are born into the
world in a state of knowing nothing. Slowly, Allah gives humans the ability to see with their
eyes and hear with their ears, so that with that ability humans are able to reach the branches
of science both religious and other sciences even the knowledge that may be directly given
by Allah to some desired person without going through learning (laduni science).
Asbabun Nuzul
Pada awal kerasulan Muhammad, beliau berkhalwat  (meningalkan keramaian) di Goa Hiro.
Setelah beberapa hari beliau menerima wahyu yang pertama Surat Al ‘Alaq 1-5. Dalam
keadaan kedingingan,  beliau menemui Khadijah dan menceritakan yang telah terjadi.
Waraqah bin Naufal adalah pendeta yang menjelaskan bahwa itu adalah peristiwa kenabian,
sebagaimana terjadi pada nabi-nabi sebelumnya.
At the beginning of Muhammad's apostolate, he moved in Goa Hiro. After a few days, he
received the first revelation Surat Al ‘Alaq 1-5. In cold condition, he met Khadijah and told
her what had happened. Waraqah bin Naufal was a pastor who explained that it was a
prophetic event, as happened to previous prophets.
ِ ْ‫ت َو َم ْن فِ ْي اأْل ر‬
‫ض‬ َ ‫هُ َم ْن فِ ْي‬xَ‫تَ ْغفِرْ ل‬x‫صنَ َع َواَ َّن ْال َعالِ ُم لِيَ ْس‬
ِ ‫ َم َوا‬x‫الس‬ َ ‫ضاعًا بِ َما‬
َ ‫ب ِر‬ َ ‫اِ َّن ْال َماَل ئِ َكةَ ت‬
ٍ ِ‫َض ُع اَجْ نِ َحتَهَا لِطَال‬
)‫(رواه ابو داود‬...‫ب‬ ِ ‫ َو فَضْ ُل ْال َعالِ ِم َعلَى ْال ِعبَا ِد َكفَضْ ِل ْالقَ َم ِر َعلَى َسائِ ِر ْال َك َوا ِك‬, ‫َحتَّى ال َح ْيتَا ِن فِ ْي ْال َما ِء‬
“…sesungguhnya para malaikat meletakkan sayapnya bagi penuntut ilmu yang ridho
terhadap apa yang ia kerjakan, dan sesungguhnya orang yang alim dimintakan ampunan
oleh orang-orang yang ada di langit dan orang-orang yang ada di bumi hingga ikan-ikan
yang ada di air, dan keutamaan yang alim atas orang yang ahli ibadah seperti keutamaan
bulan atas seluruh bintang…” (H.R Abu Daud)
Orang yang berilmu selain diangkat derajatnya oleh Allah ia juga dimuliakan hidupnya oleh
orang-orang di sekitarnya yang mana orang yang berilmu selalu dijadikan model dan teladan
bagi umat. Dengan adanya orang yang berilmu maka lahirlah generasi yang berperadaban,
unik, terpilih untuk mewarnai dan menawarkan solusi dalam pendidikan islam sebagai mana
ِ ‫(ر َواهُ ْالب‬
) ‫ُخَارى َو ُم ْسلِ ٌم‬ َ  ‫َم ْن اَ َرا َد ال ُّد ْنيَا فَ َعلَ ْي ِه بِ ْال ِع ْل ِم َو َم ْن اَ َرا َد اأْل َ ِخ َرةَ فَ َعلَ ْي ِه بِ ْال ِع ْل ِم َو َم ْن اَ َرا َدهُ ِما فَ َعلَ ْي ِه بِ ْال ِع ْل ِم‬
“Barangsiapa yang menghendaki kebaikan di dunia maka dengan ilmu. Barangsipa yang
menghendaki kebaikan di akhirat maka dengan ilmu.  Barangsiapa yang menghendaki
keduanya maka dengan ilmu” (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim)

"Whoever wants good in the world, then it must be with knowledge. Whoever wants good in the
hereafter, then it must also be with knowledge. Whoever wants both, it must also be with

Kisi2 Kompetensi Profesional:

1. Membaca dan menulis Al-Qur’an (AL FIIL, surat ke 105 ayat 1-5)
Asbabun Nuzul
This surat tells an event that occurred near before the birth of the Prophet. King Abrahah,
Governor of Yemen and as King of Habasyah argued for establishing a church in Shan'a
Yemen. When the church had been bulit, called Quallais, as a building that had never been
known in the history, a Quraysh man defecated carelessly and smeared the walls of the
church with his excrement which made King Abrahah very mad. Then he prepared
elephants’ throops to destroy the Ka'bah. King Abrahah departed with thirteen elephants, the
largest elephant named Mahmud.
Abdul Muttalib ordered all the men of Mecca and brought their wives and children to vacate
the country moving to the tops of the mountains for fear of Abraha's troops. As soon as
Abrahah's troops moved, until they arrived in the valley of Muhassar, then suddenly herd by
herd of Ababil birds came stoning elephants with stones from the fire of hell and the the size
of stone is like a green bean. Their flesh melted and fallen like leaves eaten by caterpillars,
finally they died
Setelah kejadian itu, lalu turunlah surat al fiil yang arrtinya:
"Tidaklah Engkau (MUHAMMAD) perhatikan bagaimana TuhanMu telah bertindak
terhadap pasukan bergajah?
Bukankah Dia telah menjadikan tipu daya mereka sia-sia?
Dan Dia mengirimkan kepad mereka Burung yang berbondong-bondong,
yang melempari mereka dengan batu tanah liat yang dibakar,
Sehingga mereka dijadikan-Nya seperti daun yang dimakan ulat.
After that event, then t letter al fiil goes down which means:
Don’t you (MUHAMMAD) notice how Your Lord has acted against the elephant troops?
God has made their deceit in vain?
And Your Lord sent to them a group of Birds
which pelted them with burned clay stones
So they are made like the leaves eaten by caterpillars.
Pembahasan tajwid surat al-fiil
ayat 1 :
‫ = أَلَ ْم ت ََر‬idhar syafawi karena ada mim mati bertemu ta'
ِ ‫ = بِأَصْ َحا‬mad thobi'i karena ada fathah diikuti alif
ِ ِ‫ب ْالف‬
‫يل‬ ِ ‫ = بِأَصْ َحا‬idhar qomariyah karena ada lam ta'rif bertemu fa'
ayat 2 :
ْ‫ = أَلَ ْم يَجْ َعل‬idhar syafawi karena ada mim mati bertemu ya'
‫ = َك ْي َدهُ ْم فِي‬idhar syafawi karena ada mim mati bertemu fa'
‫ = فِي‬mad thobi'i karena ada kasroh diikuti ya' sukun
ayat 3 :
‫ = َعلَ ْي ِه ْم طَ ْيرًا‬idhar syafawi karena ada mim mati bertemu tho'
‫ = طَ ْيرًا أَبَابِي َل‬idhar halqi karena ada tanwin bertemu alif dan mad thobi'i kareana ada fathah
diikuti alif
ayat 4 :
َ ‫ بِ ِح َج‬x‫ = تَرْ ِمي ِهم‬mad thobi'i  karena ada kasroh diikuti ya' sukun dan ihfa' syafawi karena ada
‫ار ٍة‬
mim mati bertemu ba'
‫ار ٍة ِّمن‬
َ ‫ = بِ ِح َج‬idhghom bighunnah karena ada tanwin bertemu mim
‫ = ِّمن ِسجِّي ٍل‬ikhfa' hakiki karena ada nun mati bertemu sin
ayat 5 :
‫ف‬ٍ ْ‫ = فَ َج َعلَهُ ْم َك َعص‬idhar syafawi karena ada mim mati bertemu kaf
ٍ ‫ف َّمأْ ُك‬
‫ول‬ xٍ ْ‫ = َك َعص‬idhghom bighunnah karena ada tanwin bertemu mim

Keterangan lengkap dari nomor-nomor di atas adalah:

1. Idzhar syafawi karena huruf mim sukun bertemu dengan huruf ta'. Cara membacanya
dengan jelas.
2. Mad lin karena huruf ya' sukun didahului oleh huruf kaf berharakat fathah. Dibaca panjang 2
3. Mad asli atau mad thabi’i karena huruf 'ha berharakat fathah bertemu alif dan setelahnya
tidak bertemu hamzah, sukun, waqaf, dan tasydid. Cara membacanya panjang 2 harakat.
4. Alif lam qamariyah karena huruf alif lam bertemu huruf fa. Dibaca secara jelas.
5. Mad arid lissukun karena huruf mad jatuh sebelum huruf yang diwaqaf. Cara membacanya
dengan dipanjangkan 2 sampai 6 harakat.
6. Idzhar syafawi karena huruf mim sukun bertemu dengan huruf ya. Cara membacanya
dengan jelas.
7. Qalqalah sughra karena huruf qalqalah jim berharakat sukun dan posisinya di tengah
kalimat. Cara membacanya dipantulkan secara ringan.
8. Mad lin karena huruf ya' sukun didahului oleh huruf kaf berharakat fathah. Dibaca panjang 2
9. Idzhar syafawi karena huruf mim sukun bertemu dengan huruf fa. Cara membacanya dengan
10. Mad asli atau mad thabi’i karena huruf fa berharakat kasrah bertemu ya' sukun dan
setelahnya tidak bertemu hamzah, sukun, waqaf, dan tasydid. Cara membacanya panjang 2
11. Mad arid lissukun karena huruf mad jatuh sebelum huruf yang diwaqaf. Cara membacanya
dengan dipanjangkan 2 sampai 6 harakat.
12. Mad lin karena huruf ya' sukun didahului oleh huruf lam berharakat fathah. Dibaca panjang
2 harakat.
13. Idzhar syafawi karena huruf mim sukun bertemu dengan huruf tha. Cara membacanya
dengan jelas.
14. Mad lin karena huruf ya' sukun didahului oleh huruf tha berharakat fathah. Dibaca panjang 2
15. Idzhar sebab huruf ra berharakat fathah tanwin bertemu huruf hamzah. Dibaca jelas tidak
berdengung sama sekali.
16. Mad asli atau mad thabi’i karena huruf ba berharakat fathah bertemu alif dan setelahnya
tidak bertemu hamzah, sukun, waqaf, dan tasydid. Cara membacanya panjang 2 harakat.
17. Mad arid lissukun karena huruf mad jatuh sebelum huruf yang diwaqaf. Cara membacanya
dengan dipanjangkan 2 sampai 6 harakat.
18. Mad asli atau mad thabi’i karena huruf mim berharakat kasrah bertemu ya' sukun dan
setelahnya tidak bertemu hamzah, sukun, waqaf, dan tasydid. Cara membacanya panjang 2
19. Ikhfa syafawi sebab huruf mim sukun bertemu huruf ba'. Dibaca samar dengan dengung dan
ditahan selama 3 harakat.
20. Mad asli atau mad thabi’i karena huruf jim berharakat fathah bertemu alif dan setelahnya
tidak bertemu hamzah, sukun, waqaf, dan tasydid. Cara membacanya panjang 2 harakat.
21. Idgham bighunnah karena huruf ta berharakat kasrah tanwin bertemu huruf mim. Dibaca
masuk dengan dengung dan ditahan sampai 3 harakat.
22. Ikhfa karena huruf nun sukun bertemu huruf sin. Cara membacanya samar dengan dengung
dan ditahan selama 3 harakat. Pada waktu mengucapkan huruf nun mati, sikap lidah dan
bibir dipersiapkan menempati huruf sin.
23. Mad arid lissukun karena huruf mad jatuh sebelum huruf yang diwaqaf. Cara membacanya
dengan dipanjangkan 2 sampai 6 harakat.
24. Idzhar syafawi karena huruf mim sukun bertemu dengan huruf kaf. Cara membacanya
dengan jelas.
25. Idgham bighunnah karena huruf fa berharakat kasrah tanwin bertemu huruf mim. Dibaca
masuk dengan dengung dan ditahan sampai 3 harakat.
26. Mad arid lissukun karena huruf mad jatuh sebelum huruf yang diwaqaf. Cara membacanya
dengan dipanjangkan 2 sampai 6 harakat.
2. Mempraktikkan ibadah mahdhah baik yang fardhu maupun sunnah.
Ibadah Mahdhah is a direct worship connecting the relationship between man and God.
Example: take a ritual ablution, tayammum, taking a bath, sacred from hadats, adzan,
iqamat, prayer, reciting Al Qur'an, i’tikaf in the mosque, fasting, hajj, organizing jenazah.
Ibadah Ghairu Mahdhah is worships that is not connected directly to God. All forms of
activities that aim to get closer with God, the place and time are not regulated in detail by
God, so that it is called Ibadah ghairu mahdhah. Example, charity, infaq, throwing away
something that can prevent people on the road, learning, teaching, working, dhikr, da'wah,
helping others, mutual cooperation, keeping harmony with neighbors and so on, even
including commendable deeds.
3. Menjelaskan dasar-dasar kaidah bahasa Indonesia, Arab, dan Inggris.
Aspek Bhs Indonesia Bhs Inggris Bhs Arab
Keterangan Manusia: pria & wanita Male – Female Mudzakar –
jenis kelamin Hewan : jantan & betina Man - Woman Mu’annats
Prince – Princess Muslimin – Muslimat
Steward – Stewardess Mukminin –
Waiter – Waitress Mukminat
Haji - Hajjah
Lion – lioness
Host - Hostess
Keterangan Segala, seluruh, para, Singular : boy, girl, car, Mufro (Muslimun),
jamak semua, dsb book, pen Mutsanna
(Muslimiaaini), Jamak
Plural : boys, girls, cars, (Muslimuuna)
books, pens
Keterangan Kemarin, akan, Present, Past, Future, Fi’il madhi, fi’il
waktu sekarang, tahun ini, dsb Present Continuous, mudhori’, fi’il amar
Present Perfect (kata perintah)

a. Indonesian does not use changes in word form to express gender. For humans, the words laki-
laki or perempuan and pria or wanita are used, and for animals are used jantan and betina.
English: lion-lioness, host-hostess, steward-stewardness.
Arabic: muslimin – muslimat, mukminin – mukminat, hadirin – hadirat
b. Indonesian does not use changes in word form to express plural. Untuk menyatakan jamak,
antara lain, mempergunakan kata segala, seluruh, para, semua, sebagian, beberapa, dan kata
bilangan dua, tiga, empat, dan seterusnya; misalnya: segala urusan, seluruh tenaga, para
siswa, semua persoalan, sebagian pendapat, beberapa anggota, dua teman, tiga pohon, empat
mobil. Dalam bahasa Inggris, misalnya, kita temukan bentuk kata eat (untuk menyatakan
sekarang), eating (untuk menyatakan sedang), dan eaten (untuk menyatakan waktu lampau).
c. Indonesian does not use changes in word form to express time. Untuk menyatakan waktu,
cukup ditambah kata-kaa aspek akan, sedang, telah, sudah atau kata keterangan waktu
kemarin, seminggu yang lalu, hari ini, tahun ini, besok, besok lusa, bulan depan, dan
d. Susunan kelompok kata dalam bahasa Indonesia biasanya mempergunakan hukum D-M
(hukum Diterangkan – Menerangkan), yaitu kata yang diterangkan (D) di muka yang
menerangkan (M). Kelompok kata rumah sakit, jam tangan, mobil mewah, baju renang,
kamar rias.
e. Indonesian doesn’t recognizes standard pronunciation, namely the pronunciation that is not
influenced by regional pronunciation. If someone uses oral Indonesian and through
pronunciation can be guessed or can be known from which tribe he came from, then
pronunciation of that person is not a standard Indonesian pronunciation. There hasn’t been a
complete Indonesian dictionary pronunciation. As a result, until now there have not been clear
signs for sensitive words, terraces, war, systems, eagles.
4. Mejelaskan keguanaan part of speech
Example: Oh my God!!! He sees a gorgeous girl and directly asks her name, but surprisingly
she is sick of him.
5. Mejelaskan jenis-jenis sentence
Sentence is a group of words containing at least one main verb showing a complete thought
followed with punctuation.
o Simple sentence is a sentence containing one main verb and showing one idea.
Example: My brother and I always study hard at home
o Compound sentence is a sentence containing two main verbs and showing two ideas
connected with a coordinating conjunction.
Example: I like my English teacher, but I don’t like English lesson
o Complex sentence is a sentence consisting of one independent clause and one dependent
clause connected with subordinate conjuction or relative pronoun.
Example: After I sweep the floor, I directly mop it
o Compound complex sentence is a sentence consisting of two independent clauses and
one or more dependent clausese.
Example: Because I don’t pay attention to the teacher’s explanation, I don’t understand
the material well, so I cannot do the assignment well
6. Menjelaskan phrase dan clause
Phrase is a group of word showing a meaning but have no subject and verb
Clause is a group of words consisting of subject and verb
7. Mengetahui pemakaian question tags, singular and plural nouns, passive-voice,
degree of comparison and superlative, etc.
8. Mengetahui pronunciation seperti short and long vowels, dipthongs, consonants,
word and sentence stress, linking and merging sound, assimilation and intonation.
9. Mengetahui penggunaan speech functions and speech function rejoinders seperti
statements, questions, commands, offers and their responses.
10. Menjelaskan jenis-jenis teks
a) Narrative text is a text to amuse or entertain the reader or to tell a story. Generic
structures: orientation, complication, resolution, reorientation (optional)
A Lion & A Mouse
Once upon a time, there was a sleeping lion. At that time, there was little mouse who
ran up and down on the lion’s body so that it made the lion waking up and make him
angry. (Orientation)
Finally, the lion opened his mouth and wanted to eat the little mouse. The little mouse
was afraid and said “please don’t eat me, if you let me escape, I will not forget and
repay your kindness. Then, the lion laugh the mouse’s statement and let the mouse
escape. One day, there was a hunter who catched the lion. The lion was tied by the
hunter and he couldn’t do anything. (Complication)
Fortunately, the little mouse saw the lion’s condition when he wanted to look for some
food. Finally, the little mouse helped the lion by biting the rope, and the lion was able to
escape when the hunter was sleeping. (Resolution)
The lion was very thankful to the mouse, and remembered that the mouse’s statement
was proven. (Reorientation)
b) Recount text is a text to retell something that happened in the past or to tell a series of
past event. Generic structures: orientation, events, reorientation

My Community Service Program (KKN) in Demak

Community Service Program (KKN) is university program to devote and dedicate the
students’ ability in society to implement and to actualize the knowledge and theories
that have been obtained during college. My group and I were placed in Karanganyar
Demak, and it took place 1.5 months from October 22 to November 16, 2019.
In the first week, we visited and sillaturrahim to the chief of village, kyai, village
officials, and educational institutions to ask permission to carry out our KKN’s
programs. Fortunately, all society were enthusiastic and happy to welcome us. (Events)
In the second, third, fourth and fifth week, we carry out our programs. We have 5
o The first, the educational division’s programs included assisting teaching and
learning activities and extracurricular activities in educational institutions especially
in kindergarten and elementary school, and we held tutoring activities every night.
o The second, religious division’s programs included assisting teaching and learning
activities in TPQ and Madrasah Diniyah, participating in recitation activity.
o The third, the environmental division’s programs included holding mutual work,
providing hydroponic plants to several schools, and providing fruit seeds for society.
o The fourth, Entrepreneurship division’s programs included giving socialization about
utilization of plastic (making decorative flowers from plastic) and making tofu pizza.
o The fifth, health division’s programs included holding brushing activities for
kindergarten, helping posyandu activities, holding socialization activities and BPJS
seminars for society. And there are still many other programs.
Pada minggu keenam, kita menyelesaikan program kerja dan berpamitan kepada lemba-
lembaga terkait karena sudah diberi ijin untuk membantu. Dan pada tanggal 16
November kegiatan KKN berakhir.
In the sixth or the last week, we finished our programs and said goodbye to the relevant
institutions because they have given permission to us to carry out our program. And on
November 16, the community service was ended.
That is the series of KKN’s programs in my group. Alhamdulillah, all the programs
have been conducted successfully and give a good impression to the people of
Karanganyar. (Reorientation)
c) Descriptive text is a text to descrice a particular thing, person, place, and others. Generic
structures: indentification and description.
My lovely Cat, Pom-Pom
I love cats so much. I have a cat at home named Pom-Pom. My brother found it around
3 years ago near high way. He took a pity on it, so he brought it to our home.
My cat is a male cat and he is fat enough so that my mom calls him, Pom-Pom. His fur
is black-white and have long tail, sharp claws and tusks. He is very spoiled like a child
and likes to be caressed. When is hungry, he will walk around my mom’s feet. If my
mom doesn’t feed him quickly, he will hit my mom’s feet. That’s a funny thing I thing.
Every night, he likes to sleep with me, and he always snore loudly. He always gets up
before I get up. If he finds something from outside, he will bring it to our home. He’s
very cute and funny. All my family members love him and have considered him as part
of our family. (Description)
d) Report text is a text to present information as it is. Generic structures: general
classification and description.
Handphone is one of technologies in this globalization era used to communicate with
other without having to face to face directly. Nowdays, everyone has handphone since it
is considered a needed thing and the prisce is varied based on our pocket money.
(General Classification)
Beside used to communicate via audio, handphone or smartphone can be used to
communicate by knowing the person’s face called video call. It can be used to browse
or search for information as we want. We can take some pictures with high quality
pictures. It can be used to enternaining such as playing game, watching videos or films.
However, it has some disadvantages, namely addiction. If we have liked to play Hp, we
can forget our time, being lazy to do our work, and spend money to buy pulse.
Finally, it is based on the users, if the users use it wisely, it will bring many benefits.
e) Explanation text is a text to explain the process or working of natural or socio-cultural
phenomena. Generic structures: general statement, explanation, closing.
General statement:
Flooding is a natural phenomenon that usually happens in a lot of areas drained by the
river flow. In simple terms, it can be defined as the presence of water in a vast region
that covers the area of the earth’s surface.
Flooding process occurs when the rains come and cause water sources such as rivers,
seas, lakes, and ditches no longer able to accommodate the water drop. The barren land
covered with tress without overflowing.
So, that’s the explanation of flood and how does it happens.
f) Prosedure text is a text to help the readers how to do or make something completely.
Generic structures: Goals/aims, materials/equipments, steps/methods
How to make a pencil box
Aims: to make a pencil from used thing
Materials: a plastic bottle, a sharp cutter, a white paper or colorful paper, glue, color
1. Cut the bottle into 2 pieces and use the part which has no lid
2. Wash the bottle until clean
3. Stick or cover the bottle using colorful paper using glue, or if you use white paper,
you can paint some pictures using color paints
4. Add decoration as you like
5. The pencil box can be used
g) Discussion text is a text to present information about an issue in more one side, pros or
h) Review text is a text to critique or evaluate an art work, event, or somethig for public
i) Analytical Exposition is a text to reveal that something is important case
j) Hortatory Exposition is a text to persuade that something should or shouldn’t be done
k) Annecdote is a text to share with others about an unusual or amusing incident
l) Spoof is a text to tell an event with a humorous twist and entertain the readers
m) News item is a text to inform the readers about events of the day which are considered
newsworthy or important
11. Mengetahui perbedaan TOEFL, TOEIC, dan IELTS.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) yaitu tes bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
asing yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris.
TOEFL diperuntukan bagi mereka yang hendak sekolah ke negara-negara English-
American, seperti Amerika Serikat contohnya. Ada tiga macam pilihan tes:
1. PBT (Paper Based Test), yaitu kamu mengerjakan tes TOEFL di atas kertas. Materi tes
biasanya meliputi listening, reading, dan structure. Skor TOEFL PBT: 310 - 677.
2. CBT (Computer Based Test), yaitu kamu mengerjakan tes TOEFL langsung di
komputer. Materi tes biasanya meliputi listening, reading, structure, dan writing. Skor
TOEFL CBT: 30 - 300.
3. IBT (Internet Based Test), yaitu tes TOEFL kamu mengerjakan tes TOEFL langsung di
komputer yang terhubung ke internet. Materi tes biasanya meliputi listening,
reading, structure, writing dan ada tambahan speaking. Skor TOEFL IBT: 8 - 120.
Skor TOEFL berlaku selama 2 tahun. Jika lewat dari 2 tahun, kamu harus mengambil lagi
tes TOEFL. Untuk bisa mengajukan beasiswa kuliah di luar negeri, skor TOEFL kamu
minimal harus 550 (PBT).
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) yaitu program tes untuk menguji
kemahiran dalam berbahasa Inggris. IELTS biasanya digunakan untuk mengurus visa luar
negeri, studi/sekolah ke negara-negara English-British (seperti Inggris dan Australia
misalnya), pindah kewarganegaraan, dsb. Ada dua versi IELTS: Academic Version (versi
akademik) dan General Training Version (pelatihan umum):
o Versi akademik diperuntukan mereka yang akan masuk perguruan tinggi dan para
profesional seperti dokter atau perawat yang akan bekerja di negara pengguna British
o Versi pelatihan umum diperuntukan mereka yang akan bekerja atau keperluan imigrasi
(seperti pindah kewarganegaraan).
Materi tes IELTS ada 4, yaitu: listening (30 menit), reading (1 jam), writing (1 jam), dan
speaking (12-15 menit). Secara keseluruhan, tes IELTS membutuhkan waktu sekitar 3 jam.
Rentang skor tes adalah IELTS: 1 - 9. Jika akan digunakan untuk keperluan sekolah ke
Inggris Australia, Kanada, Selandia Baru maka skor IELTS yang dibutuhkan adalah 5,5 ke
TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) yaitu tes bahasa Inggis untuk
komunikasi internasional. TOEIC lebih khusus diperuntukan orientasi pekerjaan. Jika kamu
ingin bekerja di luar negeri atau perusahaan asing di Indonesia, maka kamu harus memiliki
sertifikasi TOEIC.
Materi tes TOEIC hanya listening dan reading. Tipe soal-soal TOEIC biasanya mengarah ke
bisnis. Adapun rentang Skor TOEIC adalah 10 - 990. Agar kamu dapat bekerja di luar
negeri, usahakan skor TOEIC kamu lebih dari 450.

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