Kisi-Kisi Compre
Kisi-Kisi Compre
Kisi-Kisi Compre
UU. RI. No. 14 year 2005 contains "POSITION, FUNCTION, AND OBJECTIVES OF A
Graduate competence standard and content standard relate to the role of the teacher as a
designer in charge of developing teaching and learning programs in accordance with the
curriculum, developing teaching plans, determining strategies and methods of teaching and
learning, and setting standards for graduation. SKL is used as a criterion in determining the
graduation of learners in each educational unit, referral to formulate other education standards, as
well as the direction of improving the quality of education. They are also related to the role of
teachers as a manager because teachers are tasked to carry out classroom administration such as
filling student attendance books, student score lists, filing report cards, and so on relating to
graduate standards.
Process standards relate to the role of teachers as an educator who provide knowledge and
lesson to students, train skills, provide guidance, design teaching, conduct learning and assess
learning activities. This is also related to the role of the teacher as a facilitator who provides
various learning resources to support the achievement of learning aims. This is also related to the
role of teachers as mentor/advisor who provides convenience to learn and as a place to share a
problem or opinion.
Assessment standards relate to the role of the teacher as an evaluator that evaluate the
learning process and learning outcomes of the students and the learning process by the teachers
themselves in order to obtain progress that can be used to revise a more appropriate learning
strategy. It also relates to the role of the teacher as an appraiser that establishes the process of
determining the quality of learning outcomes/processes to determine the level of achievement of
the learning goals of learners which includes the three stages, namely Preparation,
Implementation, and Follow-up.
10. Menjelaskan Permendiknas No. 41 tahun 2007 tentang Standar Proses pada Satuan
Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
Process standards are national education standards relating to the implementation of learning
in educational units to achieve graduate competence. Process standard contains the
minimum criteria for the learning process in primary and secondary education units.
Standard processes include learning process planning, lesson planning, evaluating learning
outcomes, and monitoring the learning process to implement an effective and efficient
learning process.
a) Learning process planning includes syllabus and lesson planning (RPP) which include
subject identities, competency standards (SK), basic competencies (KD), indicators of
achievement, learning objectives, teaching materials, time allocation, learning methods,
learning activities, assessment of learning outcomes, and learning sources.
b) Lesson planning (RPP) is described from the syllabus to direct the learning activities of
students in an effort to reach basic competence. Each teacher in the education unit is
obliged to prepare lesson plans in a complete and systematic manner so that learning
takes place interactively, inspiring, fun, challenging, motivating students to actively
participate, and providing sufficient space for initiatives, creativity, and independence in
accordance with their talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of
c) Implementation of the learning process includes study groups (elementary school = 28
students, junior high school = 32 students, senior high school = 32 students, vocational
school = 32 students), minimum workload of teachers (minimum 24 hours face to face
in 1 week), textbooks, class management. Learning activities: opening activities, main
activities, closing activities.
d) Assessment of learning outcomes: carried out by teachers to measure the level of
achievement of student competencies, and used as a form of preparation of report on the
learning outcomes, and improve the learning process by using tests and non-tests in
written or oral forms, observing performance, attitude measurement, assessment of
work in the form of assignments, projects and products, portfolio, and self-assessment.
e) Supervision of learning process: Monitoring, Supervision, Evaluation, Reporting,
11. Kompetensi yang harus dimiliki guru
1. Professional competence is the teacher’s ability to manage the teaching and learning
process including classroom management, mastery of learning material, teaching
strategies, and the use of learning media.
2. Pedagogical competence is the teacher’s ability to understand the learning process to
achieve dynamic learning including understanding of educational base, students’
character, developing curriculum/syllabus, developing learning design, evaluating
learning processes and outcomes, and developing students to actualize their potential.
3. Social competence is the teacher’s ability as an educator to communicate and interact
well with all elements of school and society including social interaction with students,
other teachers, and society.
4. Personality competence the teacher’s ability in carrying out their duties and functions
because a teacher is a role model for their students so that the teachers must have good
attitude and personality, noble character, wise and stable personality, authoritative and
independent personality, and so on.
12. Menjelaskan UU No. 14 Tahun 2005
Guru merupakan pendidik profesional yang tugasnya yaitu mendidik, mengajar,
membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada
pendidikan anak usia dini, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah.
Guru merupakan bidang profesi, maka pelaksanaan tugasnya harus didasarkan pada prinsip-
prinsip profesionalitas:
The teacher is a professional educator in which the duties are to educate, teach, guide, direct,
train, assess, and evaluate the students in early childhood education, primary education, and
secondary education.
Teacher is professional field, so the implementation of their duties must be based on the
principles of professionalism:
o Having talent, interest, soul calling, and idealism.
o Having a commitment to improve the quality of education, faith, and noble character.
o Having academic qualifications and educational background in accordance with the
field of duty.
o Having competencies needed in accordance with the field of duty, namely professional,
pedagogical, social, and personality competence.
o Having responsibility for carrying out professional duties.
o Obtain income determined according to work performance.
o Have the opportunity to develop professionalism on an ongoing basis with lifelong
o Have a guarantee of legal protection in carrying out professional duties.
o Having a professional organization that has the authority to regulate matters relating to
teacher professionalism.
Teachers must have academic qualifications obtained through higher education undergraduate
programs or four diplomas. In addition, it is also mandatory to have pedagogical competencies,
personality competencies, social competencies, and professional competencies obtained through
professional education. Teachers who have met these requirements will be given an educator
1. Bacalah dengan (menyebut) nama Tuhanmu yang Menciptakan,
2. Dia Telah menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah.
3. Bacalah, dan Tuhanmulah yang Maha pemurah,
4. Yang mengajar (manusia) dengan perantaran kalam,
5. Dia mengajar kepada manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya.
Meaning: "Read by (mentioning) the name of your God who has created, He has created
man from a lump of blood, Read, and your God is the most generous, who teaches (man)
with the intercession of kalam (speech). He teaches man what is unknown.
With the decline of this surat, it changed the stupidity in all aspects, including the darkness
of knowledge. The command to read here is not limited to reading Al Qur’an, but also
reading all types of 'books' in the world. Like reading the signs of the greatness of God,
reading ourselves, the universe and others. That means the verse instructs us to learn from
seeking knowledge and keep ourselves from ignorance.
Ayat pertama merupakan perintah untuk mencari ilmu, ilmu yang bersifat umum baik ilmu
yang menyangkut ayat-ayat qauliyah (ayat Al Qur’an) dan ayat-ayat kauniyah (yang terjadi
di alam).
The first verse is an order to search for knowledge, general knowledge that is good about the
verses of qauliyah (verses of the Qur'an) and verses of kauniyah (which occur in nature).
Ayat kedua mengandung makna memberi petunjuk kepada manusia untuk mengenal dirinya
secara jelas, yaitu mengetahui asal kejadiannya.
The second verse implies giving instructions to humans to know themselves clearly, namely
knowing the origin of the event.
Ayat keempat, Allah SWT mengajar manusia dengan pena. Maksudnya dengan pena
manusia dapat mencatat berbagai cabang ilmu pengetahuan, dengan pena manusia dapat
menyatakan ide, pendapat dan keinginan hatinya dan dari pena manusia juga mendapatkan
berbagai ilmu pengetahuan baru.
The fourth verse, Allah SWT teaches man with a pen. That is to say, with a human pen can
record various branches of science, with a human pen can express ideas, opinions and
desires of the heart and from human pens also get a variety of new knowledge.
Ayat kelima, Allah mengajarkan apa yang belum diketahui manusia karena manusia lahir ke
dunia dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui apa-apa. Secara perlahan, Allah memberikan
manusia kemampuan melihat dengan matanya dan mendengar dengan telinganya, sehingga
dengan kemampuannya itu manusia mampu mencapai cabang ilmu baik ilmu agama
maupun ilmu yang lain bahkan ilmu yang mungkin langsung diberikan oleh Allah kepada
beberapa orang yang dikehendaki tanpa melalui belajar (ilmu laduni).
The fifth verse, God teaches what is unknown to man because humans are born into the
world in a state of knowing nothing. Slowly, Allah gives humans the ability to see with their
eyes and hear with their ears, so that with that ability humans are able to reach the branches
of science both religious and other sciences even the knowledge that may be directly given
by Allah to some desired person without going through learning (laduni science).
Asbabun Nuzul
Pada awal kerasulan Muhammad, beliau berkhalwat (meningalkan keramaian) di Goa Hiro.
Setelah beberapa hari beliau menerima wahyu yang pertama Surat Al ‘Alaq 1-5. Dalam
keadaan kedingingan, beliau menemui Khadijah dan menceritakan yang telah terjadi.
Waraqah bin Naufal adalah pendeta yang menjelaskan bahwa itu adalah peristiwa kenabian,
sebagaimana terjadi pada nabi-nabi sebelumnya.
At the beginning of Muhammad's apostolate, he moved in Goa Hiro. After a few days, he
received the first revelation Surat Al ‘Alaq 1-5. In cold condition, he met Khadijah and told
her what had happened. Waraqah bin Naufal was a pastor who explained that it was a
prophetic event, as happened to previous prophets.
ِ ْت َو َم ْن فِ ْي اأْل ر
ض َ هُ َم ْن فِ ْيxَتَ ْغفِرْ لxصنَ َع َواَ َّن ْال َعالِ ُم لِيَ ْس
ِ َم َواxالس َ ضاعًا بِ َما
َ ب ِر َ اِ َّن ْال َماَل ئِ َكةَ ت
ٍ َِض ُع اَجْ نِ َحتَهَا لِطَال
)(رواه ابو داود...ب ِ َو فَضْ ُل ْال َعالِ ِم َعلَى ْال ِعبَا ِد َكفَضْ ِل ْالقَ َم ِر َعلَى َسائِ ِر ْال َك َوا ِك, َحتَّى ال َح ْيتَا ِن فِ ْي ْال َما ِء
“…sesungguhnya para malaikat meletakkan sayapnya bagi penuntut ilmu yang ridho
terhadap apa yang ia kerjakan, dan sesungguhnya orang yang alim dimintakan ampunan
oleh orang-orang yang ada di langit dan orang-orang yang ada di bumi hingga ikan-ikan
yang ada di air, dan keutamaan yang alim atas orang yang ahli ibadah seperti keutamaan
bulan atas seluruh bintang…” (H.R Abu Daud)
Orang yang berilmu selain diangkat derajatnya oleh Allah ia juga dimuliakan hidupnya oleh
orang-orang di sekitarnya yang mana orang yang berilmu selalu dijadikan model dan teladan
bagi umat. Dengan adanya orang yang berilmu maka lahirlah generasi yang berperadaban,
unik, terpilih untuk mewarnai dan menawarkan solusi dalam pendidikan islam sebagai mana
ِ (ر َواهُ ْالب
) ُخَارى َو ُم ْسلِ ٌم َ َم ْن اَ َرا َد ال ُّد ْنيَا فَ َعلَ ْي ِه بِ ْال ِع ْل ِم َو َم ْن اَ َرا َد اأْل َ ِخ َرةَ فَ َعلَ ْي ِه بِ ْال ِع ْل ِم َو َم ْن اَ َرا َدهُ ِما فَ َعلَ ْي ِه بِ ْال ِع ْل ِم
“Barangsiapa yang menghendaki kebaikan di dunia maka dengan ilmu. Barangsipa yang
menghendaki kebaikan di akhirat maka dengan ilmu. Barangsiapa yang menghendaki
keduanya maka dengan ilmu” (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim)
"Whoever wants good in the world, then it must be with knowledge. Whoever wants good in the
hereafter, then it must also be with knowledge. Whoever wants both, it must also be with
a. Indonesian does not use changes in word form to express gender. For humans, the words laki-
laki or perempuan and pria or wanita are used, and for animals are used jantan and betina.
English: lion-lioness, host-hostess, steward-stewardness.
Arabic: muslimin – muslimat, mukminin – mukminat, hadirin – hadirat
b. Indonesian does not use changes in word form to express plural. Untuk menyatakan jamak,
antara lain, mempergunakan kata segala, seluruh, para, semua, sebagian, beberapa, dan kata
bilangan dua, tiga, empat, dan seterusnya; misalnya: segala urusan, seluruh tenaga, para
siswa, semua persoalan, sebagian pendapat, beberapa anggota, dua teman, tiga pohon, empat
mobil. Dalam bahasa Inggris, misalnya, kita temukan bentuk kata eat (untuk menyatakan
sekarang), eating (untuk menyatakan sedang), dan eaten (untuk menyatakan waktu lampau).
c. Indonesian does not use changes in word form to express time. Untuk menyatakan waktu,
cukup ditambah kata-kaa aspek akan, sedang, telah, sudah atau kata keterangan waktu
kemarin, seminggu yang lalu, hari ini, tahun ini, besok, besok lusa, bulan depan, dan
d. Susunan kelompok kata dalam bahasa Indonesia biasanya mempergunakan hukum D-M
(hukum Diterangkan – Menerangkan), yaitu kata yang diterangkan (D) di muka yang
menerangkan (M). Kelompok kata rumah sakit, jam tangan, mobil mewah, baju renang,
kamar rias.
e. Indonesian doesn’t recognizes standard pronunciation, namely the pronunciation that is not
influenced by regional pronunciation. If someone uses oral Indonesian and through
pronunciation can be guessed or can be known from which tribe he came from, then
pronunciation of that person is not a standard Indonesian pronunciation. There hasn’t been a
complete Indonesian dictionary pronunciation. As a result, until now there have not been clear
signs for sensitive words, terraces, war, systems, eagles.
4. Mejelaskan keguanaan part of speech
Example: Oh my God!!! He sees a gorgeous girl and directly asks her name, but surprisingly
she is sick of him.
5. Mejelaskan jenis-jenis sentence
Sentence is a group of words containing at least one main verb showing a complete thought
followed with punctuation.
o Simple sentence is a sentence containing one main verb and showing one idea.
Example: My brother and I always study hard at home
o Compound sentence is a sentence containing two main verbs and showing two ideas
connected with a coordinating conjunction.
Example: I like my English teacher, but I don’t like English lesson
o Complex sentence is a sentence consisting of one independent clause and one dependent
clause connected with subordinate conjuction or relative pronoun.
Example: After I sweep the floor, I directly mop it
o Compound complex sentence is a sentence consisting of two independent clauses and
one or more dependent clausese.
Example: Because I don’t pay attention to the teacher’s explanation, I don’t understand
the material well, so I cannot do the assignment well
6. Menjelaskan phrase dan clause
Phrase is a group of word showing a meaning but have no subject and verb
Clause is a group of words consisting of subject and verb
7. Mengetahui pemakaian question tags, singular and plural nouns, passive-voice,
degree of comparison and superlative, etc.
8. Mengetahui pronunciation seperti short and long vowels, dipthongs, consonants,
word and sentence stress, linking and merging sound, assimilation and intonation.
9. Mengetahui penggunaan speech functions and speech function rejoinders seperti
statements, questions, commands, offers and their responses.
10. Menjelaskan jenis-jenis teks
a) Narrative text is a text to amuse or entertain the reader or to tell a story. Generic
structures: orientation, complication, resolution, reorientation (optional)
A Lion & A Mouse
Once upon a time, there was a sleeping lion. At that time, there was little mouse who
ran up and down on the lion’s body so that it made the lion waking up and make him
angry. (Orientation)
Finally, the lion opened his mouth and wanted to eat the little mouse. The little mouse
was afraid and said “please don’t eat me, if you let me escape, I will not forget and
repay your kindness. Then, the lion laugh the mouse’s statement and let the mouse
escape. One day, there was a hunter who catched the lion. The lion was tied by the
hunter and he couldn’t do anything. (Complication)
Fortunately, the little mouse saw the lion’s condition when he wanted to look for some
food. Finally, the little mouse helped the lion by biting the rope, and the lion was able to
escape when the hunter was sleeping. (Resolution)
The lion was very thankful to the mouse, and remembered that the mouse’s statement
was proven. (Reorientation)
b) Recount text is a text to retell something that happened in the past or to tell a series of
past event. Generic structures: orientation, events, reorientation