Annotated Bibiliography
Annotated Bibiliography
Annotated Bibiliography
An annotated bibliography is a list of cited sources about a particular topic, in
which each citation is followed by a brief annotation, or discussion of the source. The
annotation usually consists of just one paragraph, but your instructor may require more. An
annotated bibliography is useful for documenting your research in a specific area, exploring
varying viewpoints, and summarizing main points from different sources. Format
requirements of an annotated bibliography vary greatly from one documentation style to
another; please refer to a style manual for specific format requirements (ex: MLA, APA,
CBE, Chicago, etc.). There are two parts to every entry in an annotated bibliography: the
citation and the annotation.
The Citation:
The citation includes the bibliographic information of the source. The documentation style
required for this information depends upon your particular academic field and will usually
be assigned by your professor (some common styles include MLA, APA, CBE, and
Chicago). Follow the instructions for the assignment, and the guidelines in the appropriate
documentation handbook. Citations are organized alphabetically.
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each
citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative
paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the
relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited
The Annotation:
The annotation is a brief paragraph following the citation.
Purpose of the Annotation:
The annotation of a source can serve several different purposes; your professor may require
your annotations to do some of the following:
condense the content of the source (write a brief summary of the information
evaluate the credibility of the source (analyze for authority, accuracy, currency,
assess the usefulness or relevant application of the source
discuss the writer’s background (examine expertise or layman knowledge ability)
analyze the intended audience (education, age, experience, needs, bias)
describe your reaction (credible source? value of source? analytical/emotional reaction?
The length of an annotation depends upon the assignment. Shorter annotations will
most likely cover only main points and themes; longer annotations may require a more in-
depth description, discussion, or evaluation of the source. Consult the specific requirements
for your assignment as your professor may dictate a word count or length for each
Indicative annotations
This type of annotation defines the scope of the source, lists the topics and explains what the
source is about. In this type of entry, there is no attempt to give actual data such as
hypothesis, proofs, author etc.
Informative annotations
Evaluative annotations
This type of annotation assesses the source's strengths and weaknesses, in terms of
usefulness and quality.
Combination annotations
Most annotated bibliographies contain combination annotations. This type of annotation will
summarize or describe the topic, and then evaluate the source's usefulness and a summary.
An annotated bibliography may serve a number of purposes, including but not limited
A review of the literature on a particular subject
Illustrate the quality of research that you have done
Provide examples of the types of sources available
Describe other items on a topic that may be of interest to the reader
Explore the subject for further research
The annotated bibliography may be selective or comprehensive in its coverage.
A selective annotated bibliography includes just those items that are best for the topic
while an exhaustive annotated bibliography attempts to identify all that is available on a
Length: Generally, annotations constitute one paragraph and are approximately 100 -150
words long, with a goal of concise and explicative annotations
Person: The third person is the standard, though first person may be appropriate for
certain types of annotated bibliographies.
Language and Vocabulary: Use the vocabulary of the author, as much as possible, to
convey the ideas and conclusions of the author. If you use a quotation excerpted from the
work set it within quotation marks. Vary your sentence structure and try to avoid repetivitive
vacuuous phrases in your annotations, such as, "The author states," "This article concerns,"
or "The purpose of this report is," as well as sentences starting with "It was suggested that,"
"It was found that," and "It was reported that."
Format - Sentences: Whole sentences are preferable, but single descriptive words, and
simple phrases or lists may be acceptable.
Format - Paragraphs: Annotations should be one paragraph long. The paragraph should
contain a statement of the work's major thesis, from which the rest of the sentences can
Citation Format
The bibliography portion of the annotated bibliography usually follows one of the
standard citation formats, APA, MLA, Chicago, etc. Citation format information is available
from the library's Cite a Source web page. The most complete citation resources remain in
print; copies of the APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, ASA and ACA style guides are
available at the reference desk.
StyleBaker, T. (1995). Gun control and You. Stevenson Learning Law Review, 45 (2), 180-
193. The author researches several federal and state firearms regulations and their effect on
the everyday citizen. By testing his hypothesis that firearms regulations have an inherent
effect on everyday citizens, findings yield in support of the hypothesis. In contrast, Baker
cited in an earlier study the complete opposite findings.
Style Johnson, Jaime. "Gun Control: Your Only Means of Defense.” Researcher's Special
Journal (1999): 254-325. Print. The author researches several federal and state firearms
regulations and their effect on the everyday citizen. By testing his hypothesis that firearms
regulations have an inherent effect on everyday citizens, findings yield in support of the
hypothesis. In contrast, Baker cited in an earlier study the complete opposite.
Crohn’s and Colitis Drug Effective in Trials. (2013). Medical News Today. Retrieved from:
Published on the website Medical News Today, this article discusses the research findings of
two studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Vedoluzimab is a drug being
tested to help Crohn’s and Colitis patients deal with the debilitating effects of these diseases.
The article briefly outlines the research suggesting effectiveness of the drug.
MediLexicon International, the publisher of the article, is a U.K. based health care internet
publishing company that is dedicated to providing top notch unbiased content. Publishing
since 2003, this reputable company’s articles are reliable for use for research support.
Glover, Sonia B. Coping WithCrohn’s, The Pain and The Laughter. Newfoundland and
Labrador: Boulder Publications. 2007. Print
This insightful account of one woman’s struggles with her symptoms and diagnosis of
Crohn’s provides valuable personal information for those struggling with Crohn’s.
Example 1:
Obstetrics and Gynecology . Kolkata, India 2004.In this publication D.C.Dutta’s Textbook
midwives for improved patient care. It is a great pleasure to see this book come out with
international quality in its seven edition as there an overwhelming demand for the new
thoroughly revised edition of the book in many parts of the world. Dutta’s book committed
to be revised and updated continually. Maximum attention has been paid to update the “core
curricula” that impact fundamental knowledge, learning and skill. In view of expanding
knowledge of molecular biology, genetics, imaging and other diagnostic modalities, major
changes have been incorporated in all the chapters of the current edition. New management
option are also discussed. Object of the text is to prove a current cutting edge information
which is again easy to read, and above all will be based on evidence. Recent research has
necessitated major changes in all the chapter in the text. Few chapter have been exhaustively
updated while some have been completely rewritten. Operative Obstetrics has been
thoroughly updated and amply illustrated fir easy learning of common obstetric operation
skills. The incorporated CD will be of immense help of this purpose. This chapter has been
enriched with numerous high quality photographs covering instruments, specimens, drugs
and plates of imaging studies. There are several hundreds of model questions with answers
and explanations. This chapter is to help the students while preparing for the clinical and
viva voce part of the examination. In fact the total information gives in chapter 41, amounts
Example 3:
are useful to find out the detailed information. In addition , a number of diagrams , tables
and illustrations and nursing processes have been presented, where ever necessary .This
book is in simple language and organized into 12 logical sequence including all the units
outlined in the syllabus prescribed by the INC for midwifery course. Each chapter begins
with a list of learning objectives. These tells the reader specifically what she or he should
know after reading the chapter. As the concept of nursing process has been incorporated into
midwifery education, a chapter on nursing process is included to familiarize midwifery
students to the appropriateness of using the problem -oriented approach with their maternity
and newborn clients. With a few selected topics , the nursing processes that can be carried
out are included which are hoped to serve as guidelines. Pertinent information from other
health sciences is included throughout the book , particularly as it relates to the childbearing
and child rearing periods in the life of the family and from preconception through the first
six weeks postpartum. This chapter is to help the students while preparing for the clinical
and viva voce part of the examination.