Lecture Method Introduction To Lecture Method
Lecture Method Introduction To Lecture Method
Lecture Method Introduction To Lecture Method
Techniques of Lectures
Elicit feed back from students
Providing further clarifications
Time management
Lecture Strategy
Lecture as a method and strategy is the oldest one that has been used
by the teachers to teach almost all the subjects of the curriculum at all grade
levels. It belongs to the category of autocratic strategy as teacher here place
virtually the role of a monarch and autocrate controlling each and every
function of the class room teaching.
Definition of Strategy
Lecture strategy may help in maintaining a proper channel of
motivation, enthusiasm and interest in the class room.
One can proceed from ideas to ideas, concept to concepts in a
chained sequence by organizing the subject matter at his command.
Lecture strategy may prove an ideal source of inspiration and
personal touch.
Shortcomings and Limitations
Planning Stage
The nature of the learner along with their learning potential should be
properly identified.
Try to acquire sufficient mastery over the subject matter and contents
going to be delivered in the class room through the lecture.
Consult useful reference books, current Journals and books other than
the prescribed text books for preparing the lecture notes.
Plan and develop the lecture by identifying a few key concepts.
Try to make the presentation as interesting and understandable to the
Inorder to compensate the limitation of the lecture as a teaching
strategy, it is better not to confine to mere lecturing but to use this
strategy with suitable variations in the shape of lecture cum
demonstration strategy, lecture – cum – blackboard strategy, lecture –
cum question – answer strategy etc.
Try to avoid showing your back to the class even at occasions like
writing on the black board, showing maps and charts etc.
demonstration strategy, lecture – cum – blackboard strategy, lecture
– cum – question – answer strategy etc.
Do no waste your time in irrelevant facts and unrequired detailed
Do not turn your lecturing into mere paper reading or notes dictating
Do not make your teaching through lecturing as a one – sided affairs.
Try to summarise the key points of the presented material at the end
of the lecture.
1. The teacher must always keep in mind the goals and objectives of
his/her teaching and evaluate her teaching outcomes in the light of the
realization of the set objectives.
2. She must try to evaluate the students understanding for the presented
3. Maintaining a proper flow of questions paper
4. At the end of the lesson (or) in a midcourse evaluation may be
performed either orally or by presenting response sheet, questionnaire
or proforma to be filled in by the students.
5. To assess the effectiveness of the lectures strategy by seeking opinion
of the students through questionnaires or rating scale etc.
Preparing Students For Discussion
Group Discussion Strategy
In its simple meaning, the term group discussion stands (or) the
discussion held within a group, interchange of ideas between students and
the teacher or among a group of students resulting into active learning for
the realization of the pre – determined, teaching learning objecties. The
teacher is the leader. There are 3 stages.
First stage
At the first stage teacher induces the need of holding group discussion
and sets the stage and make necessary assignment for facilitating the
employment of group discussion as a teacher strategy.
Second stage
3. It provides opportunities to the students for improving the qualities of
a good listener as well as effective leader.
4. Students may be able to develop their abilities and skills regarding
critical thinking analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating, interfering and
problem solving.
5. It teaches the students not to accept any idea blindly but to weigh it
with all its pros & cons and consequences before practicing.
6. It provides good training for verbal communication, expression of
ideas and creative and constructive thinking.
7. A free and democratic discussion provides proper check over the
wrong information ideas and ways of problems solving.
Drawback and Limitations
4. The tone for discussion should be properly set by the teacher.
5. The teacher although acting as leader, should never dominate.
6. Students must be trained for the proper utilization of group discussion
7. The outcomes of the group discussion strategy should be evaluated from
time to time in light of realization of the set objectives, through the help of
the adaptation of some evaluation proforma, or the decisions, and
conclusions arrived at through the end of the discussion.