The Research On The Parameter Tuning Method of An Analytic Type Fuzzy Integral Hybrid Controller
The Research On The Parameter Tuning Method of An Analytic Type Fuzzy Integral Hybrid Controller
The Research On The Parameter Tuning Method of An Analytic Type Fuzzy Integral Hybrid Controller
Abstract: This paper proposed the method of Analytic Type comparing to the traditional PID control system. In
Fuzzy Integral Hybrid Control (ATFIHC)regarding the reference[3], a designing method of a parameter adaptive fuzzy
difficulties of realization of fuzzy control algorithm and the controller was advanced based on the conventional fuzzy
steady state error of the fuzzy control system. The parameter controller ,the performance of the basic fuzzy controller was
tuning equations of ATFIHC are obtained on the basis of the boosted. In reference[4], fuzzy control algorithm based on
corresponding relations of parameters between the analytic fuzzy parameter auto-tuning with gain scheduling was proposed and
integral controller and the classic PID controller, then the grid applied to the control of a single linear inverted pendulum ,the
search method was applied to obtain the coefficients of the
experiment result showed the algorithm was relatively robust
parameter tuning equations. The result of simulation shows that
with quick response and good anti-interference ability.
the control effect of the ATFIHC is superior to the optimized PID
controller in integral norms such as IAE 、 ISE 、 ITAE and Two problems require special attention in the application of
control norms such as Overshoot and Response Time, and it is fuzzy control system, one is that the amount of fuzzy rules
more adaptive to the changes of parameters and structure of the grows exponentially as the amount of controlled object and the
controlled objects. domain classification increase, which causes great difficulty to
realize the fuzzy control algorithm with the excessive quantity
Key words: Fuzzy Control; Analytic type Fuzzy Integral Hybrid of fuzzy rules and to meet the need of real-time control.
Controller(ATFIHC); Parameter tuning; Intelligent control Another problem is that the steady-state errors exist in the
I. INTRODUCTION fuzzy control system because it has no integration loop. To
solve the first problem, the analytic type fuzzy controller could
The auto control stems from the need of the automation of be adopted .This type of controller approach the fuzzy control
the producing process, which reduces the tense of labor and rules by analytic expression with faster running speed and
elevates the production efficiency and quality of products. With stronger adaptability. To solve the second problem, the fuzzy
the rapid development of science and technology, it became integral hybrid controller can be adopted, i.e. adding
increasingly complicated and difficult to build a precise integration loop in the fuzzy controller to eliminate the steady-
mathematical model of the controlled object because of the state errors. By integrating the aforementioned two controllers
nonlinearity, time-variance and uncertainty. Even if the we obtain the Analytic Type Fuzzy Integral Hybrid Controller
mathematical models are built, it is difficult to apply them to (ATFIHC). Although ATFIHC has many advantages, the
the design of real control systems. Therefore, the classic parameter tuning of it is a critical problem to solve. This paper
control theories and modern control theories, which are based studied the parameter tuning method of ATFIHC.
on the precise mathematic model of the control objects, face
The intelligent control theory is a new generation of control
theory arose in the context of lack of precise model; it is a The basic structure of an ATFIHC is illustrated in figure 1.
computational digital control of the combination of artificial Similar to classic controller, the input of the Fuzzy Integral
intelligence and feedback control theory, as an important and Hybrid Controller is error e, and the control signal of the
efficient form of intelligent control, the fuzzy control controlled object is u.
developed rapidly. In reference[2], an adaptive fuzzy-PID
control DC brushless motor speed regulating system was
designed, the simulation and test show that the adaptive fuzzy
PID control has less overshoot and better control effect
iT = (11)
Apparently, the transfer function of an analytic fuzzy a2 τ
integral Hybrid controller is: b
Td = a3T
T 3
GFC ( s ) = GF ( s ) + GI ( s ) = K F (α + (1 − α ) s ) + τ
s the coefficients in the equation(11) take the values in the
(4) following table[9]:
the transfer function of a classic PID controller is:
Gc ( s ) = K p (1 + + Td s ) (5)
Ti s
comparing equation(4)and equation(5), we yield the
corresponding relationship between an ATFIHC and a classic
PID controller as following:
a1 T 1
a3 α = 1 1 + a3T
0.482 0.560 0.381
b3 -1.137 -1.006 -0.995
based on equation(12), we modify the coefficients based on
B. The empirical parameter tuning equation of an ATFIHC table 1 by following steps:
From equation (6) and equation (11), we yield ATFIHC step(1):Take typical objects
parameter tuning equation based on optimized PID controller
parameter tuning method, which is as following: From the equation(12) it is clear that the influence that the
object model has on parameter is mainly embodied on
parameters K 、 T and T τ . Take three set of parameter
where in each set T and T τ remain the same and K take
values 0.5,1 and 2; in different sets either T or T τ changes
while other parameter remain the same(see table 2). This
method can cover all the change trends of parameters.
Model of Controlled Object IAE ISE ITAE
set K T T τ KF KI α KF KI α KF KI α
0.5 8 4 18.5 0.40 0.56 23.4 0.52 0.47 17.8 0.38 0.57
0.5 8 2 15.0 0.35 0.36 18.6 0.46 0.31 13.2 0.33 0.40
0.5 4 2 10.2 0.71 0.53 12.2 0.93 0.47 9.2 0.66 0.57
step(2): Calculate the values of parameters where the step range of K F was 0- K F +5, with step length
According to equation(12)and table 1, we calculate the of 0.1, and the step range of K I was 0- K I +1 with step length
parameter value of ATFIHC listed in the following table2.
of 0.01 and the step range of α was 0-1 with step length of
step(3):Search for optimized parameter 0.01 . The search result value of optimized parameter is listed
We used the data on table 2 as search center and searched in table 3.
for the optimized parameter by means of Grid Search(GS) [10],
set K T T τ KF KI α KF KI α KF KI α
0.5 8 4 14.7 0.85 0.52 15.6 1.02 0.45 13.1 0.79 0.54
1 8 4 7.6 0.43 0.51 7.8 0.51 0.45 6.0 0.39 0.57
2 8 4 3.6 0.21 0.52 3.9 0.26 0.45 3.0 0.19 0.56
0.5 8 2 10.5 0.41 0.38 12.6 0.50 0.31 9.2 0.39 0.41
0.5 4 2 7.9 0.89 0.54 8.3 1.02 0.46 6.4 0.78 0.59
step(4):Parameter determination
With the data in table3 based on the basic form of
equation(12),we determine the coefficients of the empirical
equation of ATFIHC parameter tuning by data fitting. The
result is on table 4 as shown below.
Thus, equation(12) is the empirical equation of parameter
tuning of ATFIHC ,the coefficients of the equation are listed on
table 4.
IAE ISE ITAE Figure 2. The comparison of the optimized IAE index
G1 ( s ) = e −2 s (13)
3s + 1
We calculated the optimized PID controller parameter
according to equation(11)and table 1 and calculate the
ATFIHC parameter according to equation(12)and table 4.The
results are in the following table 5 .
Ti Td KF α
Figure 4. The comparison of the optimized ITAE index
IAE 2.1 4.63 0.91 2.7 0.39 0.56 From the simulation result it is clear that by using the
parameter tuning method proposed in this paper ,the control
ISE 2.2 3.72 1.11 3.2 0.50 0.48
effect of ATFIHC is superior to optimized PID controller in
ITAE 2.0 4.81 0.76 2.4 0.38 0.59 integral norms such as IAE、ISE、ITAE and control norms
The comparison of simulation results is inllustrated as such as overshoot and response time.
figure2-4 Next, we validated the adaptability of the controller by
changing the parameter and the structure of the transfer
function of the controlled object. We changed the parameter of
the controlled object as in equation(14) and obtain simulation
result as in figure5-7,then we changed the structure of the
controlled object as in equation(15) with the simulation result
shown in figure8-10.
G2 ( s ) = e −2 s (14)
2.5s + 1
G3 ( s ) = e −2 s (15)
(3s + 1)( s + 1)
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