Controller Tuning For Disturbance Rejection Associated With Delayed Double Integrating Process, Part III: PI-PD Controller

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International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES),

ISSN: 2349-7157, volume13 July 2015

Controller Tuning for Disturbance Rejection Associated with

Delayed Double Integrating Process, Part III: PI-PD
Galal Ali Hassaan
Emeritus Professor, Department of Mechanical Design & Production,
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

ABSTRACT: The problem of tuning a PI-PD [5]. Wang, Zhang and Wang (2006) investigated
controller for used with an unstable delayed double using a PI-PD controller on the basis of particle
integrating process for disturbance rejection is studied. swarm optimization to decrease peak overshoot,
The effect of time delay of the process in a range between maximum undershoot, settling time and rise time of
0.1 and 2 seconds is considered. The controller is tuned non-minimum phase system. They compared their
using MATLAB optimization toolbox with five forms of approach with genetic algorithm simulated
the objective function in terms of the error between the
step time response of the closed-loop control system.
annealing PID controller [6]. Pail and Kuo (2008)
Using the proposed controller with the delayed double presented a speed control scheme for a 2-mass
integrating process indicates the effectiveness and motor drive system. They proposed two kinds of
robustness of the PI-PD controller in the time delay hybrid fuzzy PD/PI for the speed control problem.
range used with superior time-based specifications They showed that their proposed controller can
compared with other techniques based on using PIDF, track effectively the desired speed in the presence
IPD and PD-PI controllers with the same process. of load disturbance [7].
Tan (2009) presented a graphical method for
Keywords PI-PD controller, Delayed double the computation of all stabilizing PI-PD controllers
by plotting the stability boundary locus. His
integrating process, Controller tuning, Control system
method was used to design robust PI-PD
performance, Controller robustness.
controllers for control systems with parametric
uncertainties [8]. Matusu and Prokop (2010)
I. INTRODUCTION studied the comparison of different continuous-
Delayed double integrating processes are examples time strategies applied to control SISO periodically
of unstable processes which require extensive time varying systems with delay. They use a
efforts in proper selection of suitable controllers or modified PI-PD Smith predictor for control
compensators and also looking for proper tuning processes with long dead time tuned using ISE and
techniques to achieve stable control system and ITSE objective functions [9]. Pedro and Dahunsi
accepted performance. (2011) presented he design of a neural network
Merkin and Zhang (2001) presented the based feedback linearization controller for a 2DOF
parameterization of stabilizing 2DOF controller for quarter-car, servo-hydraulic vehicle suspension
possible unstable processes with dead-time. They system. They compared the proposed controller
applied the proposed method to integral processes with a PID controller based on Ziegler-Nichols
with dead-time to obtain the sub-ideal disturbance tuning method during suspension travel setpoint
response [1]. Kaya (2003) showed that in some tracking in the presence of road disturbance [10].
situations, improved set point and disturbance Liu and Gao (2012) presented step response of
responses can be obtained bu using PI-PD identification methods for integrating and unstable
controller. He presented some examples to processes using open-loop or closed-loop step test.
illustrate his approach [2]. Hangin (2003) studied They studied two 2DOF control schemes for set
the control system design for time-delayed unstable point tracking and load disturbance rejection for
processes and for periodic disturbance rejection. He stable, integrating and unstable processes [11].
used PID control, IMC-based PID control and Sundaram and Padhy (2013) proposed a GA-based
modified Smith predictor control [3]. PI-PD controller for active queue management.
Majhi and Mahanta (2004) proposed a fuzzy PI-PD They tuned the controller using an ISTE objective
controller tuned by genetic algorithm and had self- function. They demonstrated the practical
tuned gains. Their results demonstrated better advantage of using GA-based PI-PD controller
transient performance using the proposed fuzzy PI- over the PI controller [12]. Hassaan (2014) used a
Pd controller [4]. Kaya and Atherton (2005) PI-PD controller to control a highly oscillating
suggested a cascade control structure and controller second-order process. He tuned the controller using
design based on standard forms for controlling an ISE objective function through using the
integrating processes in a cascade control structure MATLAB optimization toolbox. He could cancel
International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES),
ISSN: 2349-7157, volume13 July 2015
completely the overshoot of the step time response III. CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL
of the control system and reduce the settling time to SYSTEM
only 0.35 second [13]. Ali (2014) presented a The controller used is a PI-PD controller with
design of robust PI-PD position controller for inputs from the reference input of the control
magnetic levitation ball system. He used the
system and its output. The structure of the
particle swarm optimization method to tune the
controller. He demonstrated the effectiveness of the controller is shown in Fig.2 in a control system
PI-PD controller experimentally and by simulation having both reference and disturbance inputs.
[14]. Saranya and Vijayan (2015) designed PI [16,17]. The disturbance input in Fig.2 is added by
controller for unstable MIMO systems using firefly the author.
algorithm. They examined the feasibility and
effectiveness of their proposed method using a 2-
input 2-output unstable system [15].

The controlled process is delayed double
integrating process having the transfer function,

Gp(s) = (Kp/s2) exp(-Tds) (1)

Where Kp is the process gain and Td is its time
It is dealt with the exponential term in Eq.1 through Fig.2 Block diagram of the control system with two
the first-order Taylor series as [..]: inputs.
exp(-Tds) 1 Tds (2)
Combining Eqs.1 and 2 gives the process transfer The PI-PD controller has two parts:
function as: - Feedforward part having an input which is
Gp(s) = (-KpTds + Kp) / s2 (3) the error R(s) C(s) and a transfer
function Gc1:
The unit step response of the process using Eq.3 is Gc1 = Kpc[1 + (is)-1] (4)
shown in Fig.1. Where:
Kpc = proportional gain of the controller.
i = integral time constant of the controller
- Feedback part having an input which is
the system output C(s) and a transfer
function Gc2:
Gc2 = Kf(1 + ds) (5)
Kf = feedback gain of the controller.
d = derivative time constant of the controller

This means that the PI-PD controller has four

parameters to be tuned for proper control system
performance: Kpc, Kf, i and d.

Fig.1 Step response of the double integrating For purpose of studying disturbance rejection,
process. only the disturbance input D(s) will be considered
It is clear from Fig.1 that the double integrating as a control system input and the reference input
process is an unstable 1. The controller has to R(s) of Fig.2 will be omitted. The resulting block
generate an stable feedback control system and also diagram of the closed-loop control system is shown
to achieve an accepted performance when rejecting in Fig.3.
a process disturbance through tuning the controller.

International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES),
ISSN: 2349-7157, volume13 July 2015
- The tuning procedure is applied for a
specific time delay of the double
integrating process in the range 0.1 Td
2 s.
- The step response of the closed-loop
control system is plotted for a unit step
disturbance input using the command
'step' of MATLAB [23].
- The time-based specifications of the
control system are extracted using the
Fig.3 Block diagram of the control system with MATLAB command 'stepinfo' [23].
disturbance input.
A sample of the tuning results is shown in
IV. CONTROL SYTEM TRANSFER Table 1 for an 0.1 s time delay of the double
FUNCTIONS integrating process and a unit gain.
The closed-loop transfer function of the control
system, M(s) for the control system with Table 1: PI-PD controller tuning for process unit
disturbance input is obtained using the block gain and 0.1 s time delay.
diagram of Fig.3 and given by: Objective Kpc Kf i (s) d (s)
M(s) = (b0s2 + b1s) / (s3 + a0s2 + a1s + a2) (6) ITAE 20.021 1.282 0.961 3.180
Where: ISE 65.192 9.911 0.766 0.446
b0 = -KpTd IAE 142.113 140.958 0.612 0.553
b 1 = Kp ITSE 1034.80 0.396 0.267 89.941
a0 = KfKpd KfKpTd ISTSE 27.437 1.268 0.885 5.410
a1 = KfKp + KpcKp KpcKpTd/i
a2 = KpcKp/i The time response of the control system for a
unit step disturbance input is shown in Fig.4 for
V. PI-PD CONTROLLER TUNING time delay of 0.1 s.
The controller has to be tuned to achieve two
(i) Providing a stable closed-loop control
(ii) Controlling the performance of the closed-
loop control system in terms of
efficient rejection of the disturbance
effect on the system output
(magnitude and time).
The PI-PD controller parameters are tuned as
- The optimization toolbox of MATLAB is
used for this purpose [18].
- The MATLAB command 'fminunc' is used Fig.4 Control system time response for an 0.1 s
[18]. time delayed double integrating process.
- A number of objective functions based on
the error between the step time response Varying the type of the optimization objective
of the control system and its steady-state function has remarkable affect the time response of
response are selected to tune the the control system. This means that there is a
compensators. They are ITAE, ISE, IAE, specific objective function providing the best
ITSE and ISTSE [19-22]. tuning of the PI-PD controller parameters to
International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES),
ISSN: 2349-7157, volume13 July 2015
minimize the sensitivity of the control system to increases. The settling time of the time response is
the disturbance input. zero for time delay range covered in this research
The effect of the process time delay on the study.
disturbance step response of the control system
incorporating the delayed double integrating
process is shown in Fig.5. VI. COMPARISON WITH OTHER
The unit time response of the control systems as
presented in the present work using a PI-PD
controller is compared with the research works
using PD-PI controller [24], PIDF controller [25]
and IPD controller [26] for the same delayed
double integrating process having unit gain and
unit time delay. The comparison is presented
graphically in Fig.7.

Fig.5 Effect of the process time delay of system

time response.

The response level is very small (less than 0.02)

for the process time delay range between 0.1 and 2
s. This means that this controller is very efficient in
suppressing the system disturbance over the other
types studied before by the author [24,26].
The effect of the time delay of the double
integrating process on some of the time-based Fig.7 Disturbance time response comparison.
specifications of the control system due to
disturbance input is shown in Fig.6. The present work gives outstanding time
response compared with the other techniques. The
time based specifications are compared in Table 2.

Table 2: Performance comparison.

cmax Tcmax (s) Ts (s)
Present 0.026 0.047 0
I-PD [..] 0.431 1.010 15
PD-PI [..] 3.619 1.509 19
PIDF [..] 7.100 7.000 32.5

- A PI-PD controller was used for
disturbance rejection associated with
Fig.6 Effect of process time delay on maximum
delayed double integrating processes.
time response and time of maximum response. - A process time delay between 0.1 and 2
seconds was covered.
The maximum time response almost increases - The controller was tuned using the
as the time delay increases. The time of maximum MATLAB optimization toolbox and five
response almost decreases as the time delay

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International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES),
ISSN: 2349-7157, volume13 July 2015

Prof. Galal Ali Hassaan:

Emeritus Professor of System Dynamics
and Automatic Control.
Has got his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Cairo
University in 1970 and 1974.
Has got his Ph.D. in 1979 from Bradford
University, UK under the supervision of
Late Prof. John Parnaby.
Now with the Faculty of Engineering,
Cairo University, EGYPT.
Research on Automatic Control,
Mechanical Vibrations , Mechanism
Synthesis and History of Mechanical
Published more than 100 research papers
in international journals and
Author of books on Experimental Systems
Control, Experimental Vibrations and
Evolution of Mechanical Engineering.
Chief Justice of International Journal of
Computer Techniques.
Member of the Editorial Board of a
number of International Journals.
Reviewer in some international journals.
Scholars interested in the authors
publications can visit:


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