Mustard Data
Mustard Data
Mustard Data
An attempt has been made in this study to examine the economic analysis of production and marketing of rapeseed-mustard
in Bastar Plateau of Chhattisgarh State, India. The study was conducted in Tokapal and Lohandiguda blocks in Bastar district
of Chhattisgarh State, India. Fifty two farmers were selected randomly from ten villages from these blocks to collect the
required information on the cost of cultivation, marketing and other aspects for the present study. The primary data was
collected from the rapeseed-mustard producers through personal interview method with the help of well prepared schedule
and questionnaire for the production and post harvest year for rabi rapeseed-mustard 2013-14. The average cost of cultivation
and input-output ratio of rapeseed-mustard was worked out as Rs. 11030.14/ha. and 1: 1.23. The average Cost A1, Cost B1,
Cost B2, Cost C1, Cost C2 and Cost C3 were observed as Rs.11026.84, Rs.11529.45, Rs.18121.71, Rs.19231.26, Rs.25823.47 and
Rs.18405.81 per hectare. The three type of marketing channel identified in the study area were Channel-I: Producer – Village
trader, Channel-II: Producer – Retailer – Wholesaler and Channel-III: Producer – Wholesaler. The marketable surplus of
rapeseed-mustard is observed as 2.85 quintal, 3.60 quintal, 4.00 quintal and 6.74 quintal per farm which is 99.30 per cent, 99.17
per cent, 93.00 per cent and 99.26 per cent to their total production at marginal, small, medium and large farms respectively.
The average marketable surplus of rapeseed-mustard is found to be 4.44 quintal constituting 99.32 per cent to the total
quantity produced. The quantity of rapeseed-mustard sold per farm was very less which was mainly due to low productivity.
Lack of irrigation facilities (89.00 per cent) fallowed by lack of recommended package and practices, particularly, doses of
fertilizer, insecticides and pesticides were perceived by 84.00 per cent of rapeseed-mustard farmers were major constraints in
rapeseed-mustard cultivation. More than 81.00 per cent rapeseed-mustard producers perceived that transportation of small
quantity of produce was not an economical option if they sold their small produce in the market. The study suggested that
urgent attention must be paid towards enhancing the productivity and marketing of rapeseed-mustard by providing improved
and high yielding varieties, technology, irrigation, marketing, price support, policy and effective extension.
Key words : Rapeseed-mustard, cost and returns, marketing and major constraints.
Table 1 continued....
Total hired machine cost 0.0 0.0 864.04 2674.27 866.37
(0.00) (0.00) (2.98) (9.33) (3.35)
Total labour cost 12102.82 12775.05 12777.10 13581.60 12806.61
(57.04) (53.68) (44.06) (47.39) (49.59)
4. Material cost i) Seed 160.47 199.32 171.49 207.8 184.28
(0.76) (0.84) (0.59) (0.72) (0.71)
ii) Fertilizer 1804.05 2918.92 3393.60 3342.44 2896.3
(8.50) (12.27) (11.70) (11.66) (11.21)
iii) Plant protection 341.22 389.18 396.69 463.02 397.32
(1.61) (1.63) (1.37) (1.61) (1.54)
Total material cost 2305.74 3507.42 3961.78 4013.26 3477.9
(10.61) (14.74) (13.66) (14.00) (13.47)
Interest on working capital 82.28 93.17 122.98 177.73 118.77
(0.39) (0.39) (0.42) (0.62) (0.46)
Total variable cost 14490.84 16375.63 16861.86 17772.59 16403.28
(68.30) (68.81) (58.14) (62.02) (63.52)
B. Fixed cost i) Rental value of owned land 6342.90 6675.67 6694.21 6623.79 6592.25
(29.90) (28.05) (23.08) (23.11) (25.53)
ii) Land revenue 1.92 2.0 2.17 2.24 2.08
(0.009) (0.008) (0.007) (0.008) (0.008)
iii) Depreciation value 216.22 562.16 4595.04 3498.39 2323.25
(1.02) (2.36) (15.84) (12.21) (9.00)
vi) Interest of fixed capital 164.02 180.99 846.85 759.33 502.61
(0.77) (0.76) (2.92) (2.65) (1.95)
Total fixed cost - 6725.06 7420.82 12138.27 10883.75 9420.19
(31.70) (31.18) (41.86) (37.98) (36.48)
Total (A+B) cost - 21215.90 23796.45 29000.13 28656.34 25823.47
(100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)
Note: Figure in the parentheses indicates the percentages to the total cost of cultivation.
3. Cost concept – cost and return of rapeseed- input-output ratio was estimated 1:1.33, which was higher
mustard on the sampled households at small and marginal farms followed by large farms.
The cost and returns on the basis of cost concept in 4. Marketable surplus of rapeseed-mustard at
the cultivation of rapeseed-mustard have been presented sample households
in table 3. Table portrays that on an average per hectare The total quantity produced, quantity used at home
Cost-A1, Cost-B1, Cost-B2, Cost-C1, Cost-C2 and Cost- and for seed purpose is shown in table 4. The total quantity
C3 were worked out to be Rs. 11026.84, Rs. 11529.45, produced of rapeseed-mustard is estimated as 2.87 quintal,
Rs. 18121.71, Rs. 19231.26, Rs. 25823.47 and Rs. 3.63 quintal, 4.30 quintal, 6.79 quintal and 4.38 per farm
28405.81, respectively in average farm situation. These at marginal, small, medium, large and average farms
costs were observed highest at Rs. 14356.79, Rs. respectively, which shows that the total quantity produced
15203.64, Rs. 21897.85, Rs. 22305.92, Rs. 29000.13 and at these farms is increasing as the size of holding
Rs. 31900.14 respectively under medium farm situation. increased. Out of this quantity, almost all farmers across
The incomes over different costs were also worked out. the categories were retaining very small (0.46 per cent)
The average per hectare income over Cost-A1, Cost-B1, quantity for the purpose of seed for next year. Generally,
Cost-B2, Cost-C1, Cost-C2 and Cost-C3 calculated was 0.15-0.35 per cent quantity of produced used by these
Rs. 23751.40, Rs. 23248.79, Rs. 16656.54, Rs. 15546.98, producers for their home use for oil and pickle making.
Rs. 8954.77 and Rs. 6372.43, respectively. The average Remaining 99.32 per cent per farm quantity of rapeseed-
An Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing in Rapeseed-mustard Crop 41
Table 2 : Yield, cost and return of rapeseed-mustard on the sample farms (Rs./ha).
Farm size
S. no. Particulars
Marginal Small Medium Large Average
Sample farm (n) 12 13 15 12
1. Input cost (Rs.) 21215.90 23796.45 29000.13 28656.34 25823.47
2. Yield (Qtl/ha) 11.62 12.76 13.33 13.10 12.74
3. Gross return (Rs.) 31025.40 34813.49 36409.03 36454.42 34778.24
4. Net return (Rs.) 9809.50 11017.04 7408.90 7798.08 8954.73
5. Cost of production (Rs./qtl) 1825.81 1864.92 2175.55 2187.51 2026.96
6. Input-Output ratio 1 : 1.46 1 : 1.46 1 : 1.25 1: 1.27 1 : 1.35
Table 3 : Break-up of cost, cost concept wise income over different cost in rapeseed-mustard on the sample farm (Rs./ha).
S. no. Particulars Marginal Small Medium Large Average
Sample farm (n) 12 13 15 12
A. Break-up cost
1.Cost A1 6045.34 8797.18 14356.79 14261.38 11026.84
2. Cost B1 6209.36 8978.17 15203.64 15020.71 11529.45
3. Cost B2 12552.26 15653.84 21897.85 21644.50 18121.71
4. Cost C1 14873.00 17120.78 22305.92 22032.55 19231.26
5. Cost C2 21215.90 23796.45 29000.13 28656.34 25823.47
6. Cost C3 23337.49 26176.09 31900.14 31521.97 28405.81
B. Income over different cost
1.Income over cost A1 24980.06 26016.31 22052.24 22193.04 23751.40
2.Income over cost B1 24816.04 25835.32 21205.39 21433.71 23248.79
3.Income over cost B2 18473.14 19159.65 14511.18 14809.92 16656.54
4.Income over cost C1 16152.40 17692.71 14103.11 14421.87 15546.98
5.Income over cost C2 9809.50 11017.04 7408.90 7798.08 8954.77
6.Income over cost C3 7687.91 8637.40 4508.89 4932.45 6372.43
C. Gross income 31025.40 34813.49 36409.03 36454.42 34778.24
D. Total cost 23337.49 26176.09 31900.14 31521.97 28405.81
E. Input-output ratio 1 : 1.33 1 : 1.33 1 : 1.14 1 : 1.16 1 : 1.23
mustard is ready with them to dispose off to fulfill their Channel-II: Producer – Retailer – Wholesaler and
other cash needs. Table clearly reveals that the marketable Channel-III: Producer – Wholesaler at the producer level.
surplus of rapeseed-mustard is observed as 2.85 quintal, The quantity sold by the producers is given in table 5. It
3.60 quintal, 4.00 quintal and 6.74 quintal per farm, which is clear that three types of market intermediaries are
is 99.30 per cent, 99.17 per cent, 93.00 per cent and prevailing in the study area. Most of the growers sold
99.26 per cent to their total production at marginal, small, their about 77.54 per cent, 86.11 per cent, 16.50 per cent,
medium and large farms respectively. The average 16.32 per cent and 40.20 per cent produce through village
marketable surplus of rapeseed-mustard is found to be traders at marginal, small, medium, large and average
4.44 quintal constituting 99.32 per cent to the total quantity farms, respectively. During the course of study, it was
produced. told by the growers that due to lack of demand from the
5. Quantity sold of rapeseed-mustard consumers directly, most of the quantity is disposed-off
by them through village traders.
The three type of marketing channel identified in the
study area were as Channel-I: Producer – Village trader,
42 O. P. Sonvanee and H. Pathak
Table 4 : Marketable surplus of rapeseed-mustard of sampled households. (In quintal per farm )
Farm size
S. no. Particulars
Marginal Small Medium large Average
1. Sample farm n = 12 n = 13 n = 15 n = 12
2. Total quantity produced 2.87 (100.00) 3.63 (100.00) 4.30 (100.00) 6.79 (100.00) 4.38 (100.00)
3. Quantity retained for seed 0.01(0.35) 0.02(0.55) 0.02 (0.46) 0.04 (0.59) 0.02 (0.46)
4. Quantity used for home 0.01 (0.35) 0.01 (0.27) 0.01 (0.23) 0.01 (0.15) 0.01 (0.23)
5. Total quantity Utilized 0.02 (0.70) 0.03 (0.83) 0.03 (0.70) 0.05 (0.74) 0.03 (0.68)
6. Marketable surplus 2.85 (99.30) 3.60 (99.17) 4.00 (93.00) 6.74 (99.26) 4.44 (99.32)
Note: Figures in parenthesis indicate percentage to total quantity produced per farm.
Table 5 : Quantity sold of rapeseed-mustard through different intermediaries. (In quintal per farm)
Farm size
S. no. Particulars
Marginal Small Medium large Average
1. Village traders 2.21 (77.54) 3.10 (86.11) 0.66 (16.50) 1.10 (16.32) 1.73 (40.52)
2. Retailers 0.64 (22.46) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.15 (3.51)
3. Wholesalers 0.00 (0.00) 0.50 (13.89) 3.34 (83.50) 5.64 (83.68) 2.39 (55.97)
Total marketable surplus 2.85 (100.00) 3.60 (100.00) 4.00 (100.00) 6.74 (100.00) 4.27 (100.00)
Note: Figures in parenthesis indicate percentage to total marketable surplus per farm.
not aware about the name and quantity of applications one of the major constraints in rapeseed-mustard
needed for insecticides and pesticides. In such conditions, cultivation in the study area. According, capital investment
they were completely dependent on the shopkeepers who on enhancing irrigation should receive priority in the
sold the insecticides/pesticides. They further perceived region. The scarcity of labour is another problem as 31
that soil-testing facilities should be created by the per cent of rapeseed-mustard farmers perceived it. This
Department of Agriculture at least at the block level in problem becomes more acute at the time of sowing and
order to test the soil fertility of land. About 97 per cent harvesting stage of the crop. Consequently, the farmers
farmers faced this problem. Establishment of soil testing had to pay higher wages in order to complete the work
facilities may prove very useful in improving the on time. Lack of financing at reasonable rate of interest
productivity of rapeseed-mustard in the study area on is also a constraint in the study area as about 100.00 per
one side and in reducing the per hectare cost of cultivation cent rapeseed-mustard producers were facing this
on the other. A large number of oilseed growers perceived problem. This problem can be overcome by financial
that the lack of irrigation facilities (89.00 per cent) was institutions by providing the loan to the farmers at their
44 O. P. Sonvanee and H. Pathak
doorsteps. They were of an opinion that it was processing units in the rapeseed-mustard producing areas
inconvenient and time taking procedure to get the money will not only increase the employment but will also improve
from financial institutions. Consequently, they were forced the economic condition of farmers through value addition
to take required money from money lenders of village at in the raw product.
higher rate of interest in order to fulfill their financial
requirement. References
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prepared to give the support price if produce was sold by Anonymous (2013). Pocket Book on Agricultural Statistics.
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