P. S. Bhosale, Et Al

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Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 472-476

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Special Issue-11 pp. 472-476
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article

Economics of Production of Turmeric in Satara District (M.S.)

P. S. Bhosale1*, A. C. Deorukhakar1, R. R. Mali2*, S. B. Katkar1 and S. S. Manerikar1*

Department of Agriculture Economics, DBSKKV, Dapoli (M.S.), India
Department of Agriculture Economics, VNMKV, Parbhani (M.S.), India

*Corresponding author


Turmeric is an ancient and sacred spice of India known as ‘Golden Spice of India’. This
Keywords paper attempts to estimate the cost and economic returns of turmeric cultivation among
Cost of cultivation, three size categories (small, medium and large) of farmers in Satara district of Maharashtra,
Turmeric which is one of the turmeric growing regions in India. The results of the study showed that
of all the size categories, the turmeric was economically beneficial crop.

Introduction Materials and Methods

Turmeric is an aromatic medicinal plant also A multistage sampling technique was used in
known as ‘Indian saffron’ which is an this study for selection of turmeric
important commercial spice crop grown in cultivators. Western Maharashtra zone was
India. It contains appreciable quantities of purposively selected for the present study
proteins (6.3%), lipids (5.1%), carbohydrates where there is more potential for turmeric
(69.4%) and fiber (2.6%). Turmeric is rich in production. Satara district was selected
minerals like phosphorus, calcium, iron and purposively as turmeric production is
vitamin A. Curcumin is a bright yellow increasing in this district. Two tahsils
chemical produced by Curcuma longa plants. namely, Wai and Satara having maximum
It is sold as an herbal supplement, cosmetics area under turmeric were selected
ingredient, food flavoring, and food coloring. purposively. From each tahsil, six villages
Area under turmeric was 224 thousand ha and were selected randomly and from every
production was 1107 thousand MT during selected village ten farmers were selected
2017-18 in India. In 2017-18 Maharashtra randomly. From each tahsil sixty turmeric
was having second rank (190.09) in turmeric cultivators were selected randomly. Thus the
production, while Telangana was first in area total sample consists of 120 turmeric
(50.15) and production (294.56) of turmeric. cultivators which were analyzed to obtain
In Maharashtra, Satara having second rank appropriate results. The data for the present
with area 1452 ha, production 88150 MT and study were collected in the month of October
productivity 5.5 MT/ha. 2019 pertained to the agriculture year 2018-
19 from the selected turmeric growers.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 472-476

Analytical tools worked out to be Rs 509156. This indicated

that, the cost of cultivation of turmeric
The data were arranged in suitable tables and showed an increasing trend with respect to
simple statistical tools such as averages, size of farm. At overall level, maximum cost
percentages, ratios were used for analysis. was incurred on rental value of land 20.63 per
For estimating cost of production, standard cent followed by cost of seed 17.48 per cent,
cost concepts viz., cost-A, cost-B, cost-C cost of manures12.30 per cent, rent of
were used. machine hrs. 10.61 per cent, hired labour
10.19 per cent, fertilizers 5.72 per cent,
Results and Discussions family labour 4.43 per cent and cost of plant
protection 2.95 per cent, and cost of irrigation
The group-wise detail information about per 0.76 per cent. Out of the total cost (cost ‘C’)
hectare input utilization for turmeric is 76 at overall level the share of input cost i.e.
presented in Table 1. It is seen from the Table cost ‘A’ and cost ‘B’ was 66.04 per cent, and
1. that per hectare hired human labour 92.68 per cent respectively.
utilization was observed in small, medium
and large group were 218.69, 317.76, 369.33 It is seen from the Table 3. that, The net
days, respectively, and at overall level it was profit at cost ‘C’ was worked out to be
333.22 labour days. It is observed that the Rs.61559, Rs.116015, Rs.133161 and
hired human labour utilization was highest in Rs.121536 in small, medium, large and at
large group followed by medium and small overall level group respectively. The benefit-
size group. Per hectare utilization of cost ratio on small, medium, large size farm
machinery hours was found 51.24 hrs at and at overall level were worked out to 1.13,
overall level. 1.23, 1.25, and 1.24 respectively.

In large size group per hectare utilization of In conclusion, per hectare total cost of
seed was highest i.e. 31.98 followed by cultivation of turmeric i.e. cost 'C' was
medium and small farms, it was 30.54 quintal highest in the large size group i.e. Rs.525232
and 26.67 quintal per hectare respectively. At Per hectare followed by medium size group
overall level it was 30.69 quintal per hectare. Rs.510910 and small size group Rs.469552
At overall level manure utilization was 15.66 respectively. At overall level the benefit cost
ton per hectare and fertilizers utilization was ratio was 1.24. Per hectare average
95.34 kg N, 185.62 kg P, 202.81 kg K, 25.43 production of turmeric was found to be 94.07
kg micronutrients per hectare. At overall q, 88.53 q, 77.78 and 89.51 q in large,
level plant protection chemicals utilization medium, small and overall level group,
was 1.13 kg, 8.11 lit per hectare. respectively. The average yield and gross
returns per hectare increased with the
It was observed from the Table 2 that, total increase in size of farms. The benefit cost
cost of cultivation (cost ‘C’) of turmeric was ratio of turmeric at cost 'C' was 1.25 in large
worked out to Rs.469552, Rs.510910 and group, 1.23 in medium group and 1.13 in
Rs.525232 in small, medium and large group, small group. This indicates that, cultivation
respectively. At the overall level, it was of turmeric crop was economically beneficial.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 472-476

Table.1 Per hectare physical input utilization

Sr. Particulars Unit Small Medium Large Overall

1 Hired labour
Male days 29.90 35.95 38.81 35.90
Female days 188.88 281.80 330.52 297.31
Total days 218.79 317.76 369.33 333.22
2 Family labour
Male days 127.96 63.12 35.79 53.18
Female days 104.45 61.68 33.45 49.50
Total days 232.40 124.81 69.24 102.69
3 Total labour
Male days 157.86 99.08 74.60 89.09
Female days 293.33 343.49 363.97 346.82
Total days 451.19 442.57 438.57 435.91
4 Machine labour hrs 56.52 51.11 53.07 51.24
5 Seed qtl 26.67 30.54 31.98 30.69
6 Manures tonnes 13.61 16.33 14.88 15.66
N kg 93.068 95.26 98.43 95.33

7 P2O5 kg 186.22 187.09 188.80 185.62

K2O kg 200.35 206.87 210.88 202.81
Other kg 19.55 25.53 26.20 25.431
kg 1.11 1.14 1.14 1.13
8 Plant protection chemicals lit 4.66 4.46 4.72 4.51
9 Herbicides lit 3 3.64 3.67 3.6
10 Yield qtl 77.78 88.52 94.06 89.50

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 472-476

Table.2 Per hectare cost of cultivation of turmeric

(Fig in ₹ )

Sr. No. Particulars Small Medium Large Overall

1 Hired labour
Male 8672.9 10644 11451 10592
(1.85) (2.08) (2.18) (2.08)
Female 26444 38889 46603 41326
(5.63) (7.61) (8.87) (8.11)
Total 35117 49532 58054 51918
(7.48) (9.69) (11.05) (10.19)
2 Machine hrs. 54604 53809 55170 54028
(11.62) (10.53) (10.50) (10.61)
3 Seed material 78111 89182 92752 89025
(16.64) (17.45) (17.66) (17.48)
4 Manures 54444 65354 59529 62652
(11.59) (12.79) (11.33) (12.30)
N 4020.40 3775.60 3697.10 3707.10
(0.86) (0.74) (0.70) (0.73)
P 9218.20 8981.30 8853.70 8841.20
(1.96) (1.75) (1.68) (1.73)
K 11786.00 11518 11275 11443
(2.51) (2.25) (2.14) (2.24)
Other 2868.90 4223 4374.60 5184.90
(0.62) (0.82) (0.83) (1.02)
5 Plant protection chemicals 15544 15059 15404 15024
(3.31) (2.94) (2.93) (2.95)
6 Irrigation charges 3777.80 3983.70 3914.30 3911.70
(0.80) (0.78) (0.74) (0.76)
Input cost 269492 305418 313023 305736
(57.39) (59.78) (59.59) (60.04)
7 Land revenue & other cesses 36 57.29 94.04 62.25
(0.007) (0.01) (0.018) (0.012)
8 Depreciation on machineries, 4027 9755.30 22755 12110
implements & tools (0.86) (1.91) (4.33) (2.38)
9 Interest on working capital @ 16170 18325 18781 18344
6% of input cost (3.44) (3.58) (3.58) (3.61)
Cost 'A' 289725 333555 354653 336252
(61.76) (65.28) (67.52) (66.04)
10 Interest rate on fixed capital 26949 30542 31302 30574
@ 10 per cent (5.70) (5.97) (5.96) (6.004)
11 Rental value of land 88483 104430 109639 105053
(18.84) (20.44) (20.87) (20.63)
Cost 'B' 405157 468528 495594 471879
(86.30) (91.69) (94.35) (92.68)
12 Family labour
Male 37107 18684 10558 15690
(7.90) (3.66) (2.02) (3.08)
Female 14622 8512.60 4716.50 6881.1
(3.11) (1.66) (0.89) (1.35)
Total 51730 27196 15275 22571
(11.01) (5.32) (2.91) (4.43)
13 Supervision charges 12665 15187 14363 14706
(2.69) (2.99) (2.74) (2.89)
Cost 'C' 469552 510910 525232 509156
(100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)
15 Gross returns 531111 626926 658400 630691
16 Net returns 61559 116015 133168 121536
(Figures in parentheses indicate percentage to total cost)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 472-476

Table.3 Per hectare profitability of turmeric

Sr. No. Particulars Small Medium Large Overall

1 Gross return 531111 626926 658400 630691
2 Total cost
a) Cost 'A' 289725 333555 354653 336252
b) Cost 'B' 405157 468528 495594 471879
c) Cost 'C' 469552 510910 525232 509156
3 Net return over
a) Cost 'A' 241386 293370 303747 294439
b) Cost 'B' 125954 158398 162805 158812
c) Cost 'C' 61559 116015 133168 121536
4 Benefit cost ratio
a) Cost 'A' 1.83 1.88 1.86 1.87
b) Cost 'B' 1.31 1.34 1.33 1.34
c) Cost 'C' 1.13 1.23 1.25 1.24

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