P. S. Bhosale, Et Al
P. S. Bhosale, Et Al
P. S. Bhosale, Et Al
*Corresponding author
Turmeric is an ancient and sacred spice of India known as ‘Golden Spice of India’. This
Keywords paper attempts to estimate the cost and economic returns of turmeric cultivation among
Cost of cultivation, three size categories (small, medium and large) of farmers in Satara district of Maharashtra,
Turmeric which is one of the turmeric growing regions in India. The results of the study showed that
of all the size categories, the turmeric was economically beneficial crop.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 472-476
In large size group per hectare utilization of In conclusion, per hectare total cost of
seed was highest i.e. 31.98 followed by cultivation of turmeric i.e. cost 'C' was
medium and small farms, it was 30.54 quintal highest in the large size group i.e. Rs.525232
and 26.67 quintal per hectare respectively. At Per hectare followed by medium size group
overall level it was 30.69 quintal per hectare. Rs.510910 and small size group Rs.469552
At overall level manure utilization was 15.66 respectively. At overall level the benefit cost
ton per hectare and fertilizers utilization was ratio was 1.24. Per hectare average
95.34 kg N, 185.62 kg P, 202.81 kg K, 25.43 production of turmeric was found to be 94.07
kg micronutrients per hectare. At overall q, 88.53 q, 77.78 and 89.51 q in large,
level plant protection chemicals utilization medium, small and overall level group,
was 1.13 kg, 8.11 lit per hectare. respectively. The average yield and gross
returns per hectare increased with the
It was observed from the Table 2 that, total increase in size of farms. The benefit cost
cost of cultivation (cost ‘C’) of turmeric was ratio of turmeric at cost 'C' was 1.25 in large
worked out to Rs.469552, Rs.510910 and group, 1.23 in medium group and 1.13 in
Rs.525232 in small, medium and large group, small group. This indicates that, cultivation
respectively. At the overall level, it was of turmeric crop was economically beneficial.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 472-476
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 472-476
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 472-476