Economics of Black Gram Cultivation and Its Impact On Farmers Livelihood in Two Selected Districts of Bangladesh

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SAARC J. Agri., 16(2): 83-96 (2018) DOI:



M. Mohiuddin1*, N. Akter2 and R. Khanum3
Agricultural Research Sub-station, OFRD, BARI, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh
On-Farm Research Division, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh

The present study is an attempt to assess the existing agronomic
practices of black gram cultivation, its impact on farmers livelihood and
constraints of black gram production and marketing. Primary data from
85 farmers were collected during February to March 2016 through face
to face interviews. Descriptive statistics and Garret ranking method were
used to analyze the data. The majority of the farmers had sown seeds
during the last week of September to first week of October. The average
seed rate was found to be 19.36 kg per hectare which indicated that all
farm households used below recommended dose of seeds (35-40
kg/ha). The average yield of black gram was found higher than the
national average. The average net income was observed to be Tk.
26990 and Tk. 19845 in Sherpur and Jamalpur respectively. The
average gross margin was observed to be Tk. 37629 on total variable
cost basis. It was also found that average returns to labour was Tk.
1000/man-day in Sherpur and Tk. 692/man-day in Jamalpur district
respectively. It was also observed that all kinds of livelihood assets of the
selected farmers increased significantly through black gram farming. The
results revealed that the main constraints faced by black gram grower
were lack of irrigation facility, non availability of HYV seeds, low output
price, labour scarcity, lack of knowledge about improved varieties with
their production technology, excessive rainfall after flowering and weak
research-extension farmers linkage etc. Farmers also faced some
marketing related problems such as limited buyers, price instability, lack
of storage facilities and high market toll. Farmers cultivated black gram
because of higher yield, higher income, and easy growing.
Keywords: Black gram, garret method, farmers livelihood

Corresponding author email:

Received:11.09.18 Accepted: 13.12.18

84 M. Mohiuddin et al.

Agricultural sector is the backbone of Bangladesh economy providing employment to
45 % of the total population and contributes about 14.79% of GDP (BER, 2017).
Pulses constitute an integral part of human diet and are potential source of protein for
the millions of people of Bangladesh. Pulses provide significant nutritional and
health benefits, and are known to reduce several non-communicable diseases such as
colon cancer and cardiovascular diseases (Yude et al, 1993; Jukanti et al, 2012).
They contribute 2.3% value added to agriculture in Bangladesh (Niaz et al., 2013).
Pulses are considered as ''the meat of the poor'' because still pulses are the cheapest
source of protein (Hamjah, 2014). Pulses are popular and common food, people take
this food almost alternate a day, so, this can play an important role to reduce the
malnutrition for the poor people of the country if it becomes available to that type of
people. The per capita consumption of pulse in Bangladesh is only 14.3 g day-1,
which is much lower than WHO recommendation of 45 g day-1 and Indian Council of
Medical Research recommendation of 60 g day-1 (HIES, 2010; Afzal et al., 1999).
With the increase production of nutrient-rich crops like more pulses and oilseeds,
farmers can ensure reduction of poverty at grass root-level with increase nutritional
food security at local levels (Rahman and Zilani, 2009). Among the pulses,
Blackgram is very much popular in Bangladesh and ranks 3rd in terms of
consumption and total area in which different varieties of this crop are cultivated
(BBS, 2014). Black gram is very nutritious as it contains high levels of protein (25
g), potassium (983 mg), calcium (138 mg), iron (7.57 mg), niacin (1.447 mg),
thiamine (0.273 mg), and riboflavin (0.254 mg) per 100g. Among the pulses, 45-50
% area covered by black gram in Jamalpur and 75-80% area in Sherpur district. Total
cultivated area in Bangladesh is 9805360 hectares of which 44.63%, 18.28% and
10.20% are suitable, moderately suitable and marginally suitable for black gram
production (BARC, 2016).
An estimated 6.5 million people live on the char and associated erosion and flood
prone areas which are 5% of the total population of Bangladesh. On the other hand,
total char area is 5% of the total land area of Bangladesh (EGIS 2000) where in
Jamalpur and Sherpur district, it covers 40-42% and pulse crops grown mainly in this
char land. In the existing farming systems, pulse crops fit well due to its short
duration, drought tolerance, less care and minimum input requirement. Cultivation of
different pulses is decreasing day by day. According to department of agricultural
extension, pulse area decreased 15-20% in year 2013-14 from year 2012-2013 in
Jamalpur and 30-36% area decreased in year 2013-2014 from year 2010-2011 at
Sherpur district respectively. Not only that the country is facing acute shortage of

pulses due to accelerated increase of requirements with its rapid population growth.
But price of pulses increasing and government of Bangladesh spent more foreign
exchange every year in importing pulses to meet up the local demand. Though, pulses
are excellent sources of proteins, but they are treated as minor crops and receive little
attention from farmers and policymakers. So the decrease in pulse production is a
major concern to the government. Considering the above circumstances, pulse
production should be increased rapidly to improve the national nutritional status
along with less outflow of precious foreign currency.
Many studies (Miah et al., 2004; Islam et al., 2011, 2013 and 2015; Kumar et al.,
2009-2010; Gowda et al., 2013; Kumar and Bourai, 2012; Hamjah, 2014; Niaz et al.,
2013) focusing on different pulse crop have been conducted earlier in Bangladesh
and India are very general and consider the problem from national or regional points
of view while no work has been done to understand the problems of black gram in
specific locations or districts of Bangladesh. For these reasons, the present study has
been undertaken to know the economy of black gram cultivation and its impact on
farmers livelihood in Jamalpur and Sherpur districts.


The present study was conducted in purposively selected two black gram cultivated
upazila in Sherpur and Jamalpur district on the basis of maximum area under this
crop. Simple random sampling techniques was followed to select the sample size. At
first, in each district one upazila (Nakla upazila of Sherpur and Jamalpur sadar
upazila of Jamalpur) and from each upazila two char villages were selected based on
intensive black gram producing areas in consultation with upazila agricultural officer
and Sub Assistant Agricultural Officer to collect primary data and information. Then,
a list of all black gram growers in each selected villages was prepared and finally, a
total of 85 farmers taking 40 from Sherpur and 45 from Jamalpur district was
randomly selected. Primary data were collected by using a predesigned and pre-tested
questionnaire in February-March, 2016. The impact on livelihoods was measured
through finding comparative position of physical, social, financial, human and natural
assets of the farmers before and after adoption of the intervention. The collected data
was coded, edited, summarized, tabulated and analyzed to fulfill the objectives of the
study. Labour use efficiency was measured to see the rate of return from labour
employed by using the following formula as Huq et al., (1998).
Return to labour  Gross return  All cos t except cos t of labour
No. of labour employed
Constraint analysis
The Garrett's Ranking Technique (Mahesh, 2000) was used to rank the constraints for
both production and marketing of black gram. As per this method, respondents have
86 M. Mohiuddin et al.

been asked to assign the rank for all factors and the outcome of such ranking has
been converted into score value with the help of the following formula:
% position = 100(Rij - 0.50)/Nj
Rij = Rank given for ith factor by jth individual
Nj = Number of factors ranked by jth individual
The % position of each rank thus obtained was converted into scores by referring to
the table given by Garrett. Then for each factor, the scores of each individual are
added and then total value of scores and mean values of score is calculated. The
factors having highest mean value is considered to be the most important factor.


Level of technology used
For achieving higher yield and profitability, appropriate input use and time of
operation is important. It is revealed that the number of ploughing varied from farm
to farm and location to location. About 13.04% and 17.86% farmers ploughed their
land to cultivate black gram in Sherpur and Jamalpur district, respectively (Table 1).
Rest of the farmers produced black gram without ploughing their lands. Ploughing on
the survey plot started in the 3rd week of September. In all areas, farmers ploughed
their lands with the help of power tiller.

Table 1. Distribution of % of farmers according to land preparation

Location Land preparation (ploughing) Variance between
With Without
Sherpur 13.04 86.96 2.02%
Jamalpur 17.86 82.14 10.09%

Sowing of seeds
Farmers followed broad casting method for sowing black gram seeds in all areas.
Maximum farmers sowed the seeds during last week of September to first week of
October (Table 2). After removal of water from their land, farmers broad casted black
gram seeds in their field. The time of seed sowing depended on when flood waters
receded. As there was sufficient moisture available in the soil, ploughing did not have
much effect on yields.

Table 2. Distribution of farmers according to different dates of sowing

Date of sowing Sherpur Jamalpur Variance between respondents
Month Week % of the farmer
September 3 8.69 3.57 0.63%
September 4 21.31 23.41 2.05%
October 1 63.78 58.73 9.26%
October 2 6.22 14.29 2.09%
Total 100 100

Variety used
Black gram varieties sown by the farmers are presented in Table 3. All of the farmers
of Sherpur used seeds of BARI Mas-3 where in Jamalpur 45% farmers used local
variety. On an average, the highest (about 66%) % of the farmers used purchased
seeds from the market followed by own seed (34%). The average seed rate per
hectare of black gram cultivation was found to be 19.36 kilogram which was below
the recommendation of 35-40 kilogram. Variety-wise yield was also observed and
presented in Table 4. It was observed that BARI Mas-3 performed better in
comparison to local variety sown in the survey plots.
Table 3. Variety used by the farmers
Variety Sherpur Jamalpur Variance between
% of the farmer respondents

Local - 44.71 5.64%

BARI Mas-3 100 55.29 6.36%
Total 100 100
Source of seed
Purchased seeds 56.52 75 11.76%
Own seeds 43.48 25 7.24%
Seed rate (kg/ha) 19.93 18.78 2.36%
Rec. seed rate 35-40

Table 4. Variety-wise yield of black gram

Yield (Kg/ha) Sherpur Jamalpur Variance between respondents
Local - 953.67 6.07%
BARI Mas-3 1153.19 1188.64 5.23%
88 M. Mohiuddin et al.

Use of chemical fertilizer: Use of chemical fertilizer by the farmers varied from
location to location. Most of the farmers (about 71%) used urea followed by DAP
(17%), TSP (6%), and MoP (2%) for black gram cultivation (Table 5). It is noted that
there is no farmers found in both the areas used manure in their black gram field. It
was found that the average dose of urea application was about 49 and 103 kg per
hectare in Sherpur and Jamalpur district respectively. In Jamalpur district, the
application of urea per hectare was found doubled than recommended dose. It was
also found that, the farmers of Jamalpur district did not use MoP and DAP fertilizer.
Among the different kinds of fertilizer used, the rate of urea application was found
higher than those of other fertilizers and recommended dose also. In Sherpur area,
farmers used all types of fertilizer with excessive rate of DAP (Table 5). Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Institute recommended urea 40-50 kg, TSP 85-95 kg, MoP 30-
40 kg, and bio-fertilizer 4-5 kg ha-1 for its varieties to produce 1.5-1.9 t ha-1 black
gram (Anonymous, 2011).
Table 5. Location-wise fertilizer application by the sample farmers
Fertilizer Sherpur Jamalpur Variance between respondents
% of the farmer
Urea 52.17 89.29 7.73%
TSP 4.34 7.14 1.74%
MoP 4.35 - 0.75%
DAP 34.78 - 1.39%

Table 6. Average labor requirement (man-days/ha) for cultivation of black gram

Location No. of labour/ha variance between respondents
Sherpur 38.58 5.31%
Jamalpur 45.05 4.52%

Economic profitability of black gram cultivation

Profitability is one of the major criteria for determination of acceptance of a crop. A
perusal of (Table 7) revealed that on an average cost of black gram cultivation was
Tk. 55449 and Tk. 55502 ha-1 in Sherpur and Jamalpur district, respectively. Study
found that human labour, threshing, ploughing and cost of seeds cover the major
fractions (70-74%) of the total cost. Location-wise, there was no wide variation in the
cost of black gram cultivation per hectare. Return to labour was found highest in
Sherpur (Tk. 1000 head-1) which indicate efficient utilization of labour input as it was
the single highest cost involved input in black gram cultivation. Return to labour in
Jamalpur was also found efficient, as it was also greater than that of the wage rate of
labour. Benefit cost ratio was found better in both areas. It is thus revealed that pre
boro period of black gram cultivation is a good profit earning enterprise.

Table 7. Cost of production, return to labour and benefit cost ratio of black gram in
the study areas
Location Average Average Return to Benefit cost ratio Coefficient of
cost ha-1 income ha- labour variation (in
1 Min. Max. Averag cost)
Sherpur 55449.47 82439.44 1000.23 1.36 1.88 1.49 13.40%
Jamalpur 55502.01 75346.67 692.14 1.29 1.47 1.36 15.11%

Comparative economic analysis with competitive crop

The summary results of gross return, variable cost and gross margin per hectare and
BCR (undiscounted) of black gram and mustard are presented in Figure 1. It shows
that ha-1 gross return and gross margin of black gram were much higher than those of
the mustard farming although the cost of production per hectare black gram farming
was higher than that in mustard (Figure 1). From these discussions it is clear that
both black gram and mustard farming were profitable, but black gram was more
profitable than the mustard production in the char area of Jamalpur and Sherpur
district. Thus, the standard of living of farmers as well as resource-poor people would
be increased substantially since pulse and oilseed farming are highly remunerative to
the char people.

Figure 1. Comparative economic analysis with competitive crop

Source: Akter and Hossain, 2014

Impact of black gram cultivation on farmers livelihood

Livelihood asset: “A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets and activities
required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and
recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets
both now and in the future, while not undermining the natural resource base” (DFID,
2000). A livelihood is the set of capabilities, assets and activities that furnish the
means for people to meet their basic needs and support their well being. Therefore
the sustainable livelihood framework identifies five types of assets or capitals upon
90 M. Mohiuddin et al.

which livelihood are built, namely human capital, social capital, natural capital,
financial capital and physical capital.
Table 8 shows the improvement of livelihood assets of selected farmers in the study
areas. Majority of the farmers reported that quality of the components of human
capital has increased over the periods through gaining education and knowledge,
improving health condition, more access to nation, better training and development of
skill in all the selected areas. Almost all farmers involvements in different social
groups, their managerial capacity through black gram production had improved in the
study areas.
Farmers’ income had increased and they were able to have more cash savings and
liquid assets through black gram farming along with crop farming, livestock rearing
and fisheries. The condition of other major components of housing as well as safe
sanitation such as drinking water and paka toilet also developed considerably.
The livelihood diversification is a process of change which varies from farmer to
farmer and over the space and time (Ghosh et al., 2011). Therefore, the adoption of
any technology is not exclusive, but one of the factors influencing the changes in
livelihood of farmers. The rural livelihoods are also wide-ranging (Ashley et al.,
2003). Both crop diversification and farm sector diversification lead to livelihood
diversification influencing the rural economy; therefore, the adoption of appropriate
agricultural technology holds the key for development of rural economy (Mehta,

Table 8. Changes in human capital, social capital, natural capital, financial capital
and physical capital of farm household
(All are in % of respondents’ number)
Components Increase Decrease Constant
Human capital
Health and sanitation 61 14 25
Education 59 - 41
Knowledge/efficiency 23 - 77
Access to information 60 - 40
Social Capital
Involved in social group/activities 45 6 49
Political involvement 31 11 58
Self managerial capability 59 2 39
Social access 57 6 37
Decision making ability 67 3 30
Women empowerment 37 - 63

Components Increase Decrease Constant

Natural Capital
Cultivable land 24 8 68
pond 10 - 90
Tube-well water access 47 - 53
Financial capital
Cash in hand 12 - 88
Cash at Bank 11 - 89
Jewelry 19 8 73
Physical Capital
Building 3 - 97
Tin roof 49 - 51
Motor cycle / bicycle/ motor van 23 5 72
Electricity 39 - 61
TV/Radio 22 6 72
Mobile phone 53 - 47

Major categories of constraints to black gram cultivation

Although black gram was observed to be a profitable crop, there exist lots of
constraints to its higher production. The respondent farmers were asked about the
various constraints faced by them in black gram production. The identified
constraints were listed out and the farmers asked to rank those problems. The
Garrett's ranking technique was used to combine the ranks given by all the farmers
and to find out the final ranks. These results are presented in Table 9 and discussed
Infrastructural constraints
Infrastructural constraints comprised of four related constraints viz lack of irrigation
facilities, non availability of high yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds at the time of
sowing and non availability of plants protection chemicals in the market. Among
these constraints, lack of irrigation facilities and non availability of HYV seeds of
black gram at the time of sowing were the two major constraints faced by the farmers
in production of black gram, in order to importance as perceived by the farmers
(Table 9).
Socio-economic constraints
Table 9 reveals that six constraints were identified by the farmers as related to their
socioeconomic conditions. Low price of black gram, Labour scarcity with high cost
and high market toll on output were the major constraints in this category.
92 M. Mohiuddin et al.

Technological constraints
An analysis of the data presented in Table 9 reflects that lack of knowledge about
improved varieties of black gram, seed rate, spacing, sowing date was ranked I, in
order to importance as perceived by the farmers. Lack of knowledge about insect pest
and disease management, lack of knowledge about fertilizer dosage and
recommended method of its application, lack of knowledge about seed treatment and
weed management were other major technological constraints identified by the
farmers in the study areas. Similar have also been reported by Yadav et al., (2002).

Table 9. Major constraints in black gram cultivation as perceived by the farmers

Constraints Total Mean Rank
score score
Infrastructural constraints
a. Lack of irrigation facilities 2817 704.25 I
b. Non availability of plant protection chemicals in the 2612 653 IV
c. Non availability of HYV seeds at the time of sowing 2684 671 II
d. Non availability of good quality seed and fertilizers 2621 655.25 III
Socio-economic constraints
a. Low output price 3123 520.50 I
b. Labour scarcity with high cost 3083 513.83 II
c. Non availability of credits in time 2847 474.50 IV
d. High market toll on output 3075 512.50 III
e. Lack of subsidy for inputs 2582 430.33 VI
f. High cost of inputs 2731 455.17 V
Technological constraints
a. Lack of proper knowledge about improved varieties, 3115 623 I
seed rate, spacing and sowing date
b. Lack of knowledge about seed treatment 2695 539 IV
c. Lack of knowledge about fertilizer dosage and time of 2932 586.4 II
d. Lack of knowledge about weed management 2543 508.6 V
e. Lack of knowledge about insect pest and diseases 2830 566 III
Environmental constraints
a. Excess rainfall after flowering 1604 534.55 I
b. Low soil moisture at the time of sowing and fruiting 997 332.33 III

Constraints Total Mean Rank

score score
c. Terminal draught 1425 475.11 II
Institutional constraints
a. Weak research-extension farmer linkages 1811 603.55 I
c. Lack of regulated market 1411 470.33 II

b. Non availability of suitable literature 1149 383.11 III

Environmental constraints
Table 9 reveals that three constraints were identified by the farmers as related to the
meteorological conditions. Excessive rain after flowering, terminal draught and low
soil moisture at the time of sowing and fruiting were the three major constraints in
this category. Similar have also been reported by Joshi et al., (2002).
Institutional constraints
Regarding institutional constraints it was observed that there was a weak research-
extension farmer linkage and there was no regulated market nearby where the
villagers could sell their produce (Table 9). Weak research-extension-farmer linkage
was ranked I and lack of regulated market was ranked II. The third in order in this
category was non availability of suitable literature.
Marketing constraints of black gram cultivation
The farmers also faced some marketing related constraints in the study areas. An
analysis of the data presented in Table 10 reflects that limited buyer is the main
problem in the local market followed by price instability, absence of storage facilities
and high market toll on output (Table 10).

Table 10. Marketing related constraints faced by the farmers

Constraints Total score Mean score Rank
Limited buyers or buyers syndicate 3330 666 I
Price instability 2975 595 II
Lack of storage facilities 2560 512 III
High market toll 2480 496 IV

Farmers’ attitudes towards black gram cultivation

Almost all the farmers in the survey areas reported that they will increase black gram
area in the next season. When asked about the intention to grow black gram in future,
63 % farmers reported that higher yield and income encouraged them for continuing
94 M. Mohiuddin et al.

black gram cultivation. While 33 % farmers in all the areas reported that they will
grow black gram as it is easy to grow.

Black gram provided high return to investment. This crop is gaining popularity in the
study areas very quickly due to its high yield potential. Appropriate level of input use
and time of operation is important for achieving higher yield and profits, but the
technology employed by the farmers were not at the level of recommendation. A
good opinion came out from the sample farmers in the study areas that higher yield
and income encouraged them for continuing black gram cultivation.

Traditional cultural practices are being followed by the farmers so, it is necessary to
provide information regarding proper time of sowing, seed rate, fertilizer dose, etc. to
the farmers. The findings of the present study provides the empirical feedback to
NARS institute (such as BARI, BINA), Agricultural universities who work to
develop high yielding varieties, DAE, BADC and various non-governmental
organizations working in agricultural and allied departments to strengthen the
research-extension farmers linkage by providing credible and timely information to
the farming community.

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