Urbana Middle School Health 8 Grade: Instructor: Mr. Bauer Email: Phone: 301 520-1037 Course Description
Urbana Middle School Health 8 Grade: Instructor: Mr. Bauer Email: Phone: 301 520-1037 Course Description
Urbana Middle School Health 8 Grade: Instructor: Mr. Bauer Email: Phone: 301 520-1037 Course Description
Class Expectations
Are on time, seated at your ASSIGNED SEAT before the bell stops ringing.
Listen to and follow directions.
Raise your hand and wait to be called upon.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Make only positive comments to classmates, substitutes, and teacher.
Will refrain from sleeping in class or writing notes.
We will follow the Urbana Middle School follows the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and
Supports) program, which is a school-wide approach to discipline. Our goal is to change
behaviors that are disruptive to the learning environment. In accordance with the PBIS program,
students will be rewarded with wings for positive behavior and there will be consequences for
failure to follow behavior guidelines and expectations. For the 2014-2015 school year
consequences are accumulated PER STUDENT and not within each classroom. Therefore, you
may hear from different teachers regarding your childs progression through the steps. The
progression is as follows:
Verbal Warning, First classroom reflection #1 with parent contact Second classroom reflection #
2 with parent contact, Lunch detention with parent contact, After school detention with parent
contact, Office referral with parent contact.
Urbana Middle encourages parents to regularly check their students grades on HAC.
The following list of codes is provided to help parents better understand the HAC
grading program.
An E is issued to excuse work. (This neither hurts nor helps a students grade.)
A Z is used by teachers to let parents know that an assignment has never been turned
in. (The Z counts as a zero in the students grade in order to give an accurate reflection
of what the grade will be if the assignment is never turned in.)
An actual 0 in a grade book signifies that a student earned a zero on the assignment.
Students will be provided homework opportunities throughout the course. For some assignments
we will use Google Classroom. If a student does not have access to a computer/device at home I
will provide the student with a hard copy.
Late Work Policy: School Policy
Homework handed in one day late will be accepted for 75%of the earned credit.
Homework handed in two days late will be accepted for 50% of the earned credit.
Homework handed in three days late will be accepted for 25% of the earned credit.
Homework handed in four or more days late will not be accepted for credit.
E.L.T Extended Learning Time
Tutoring times will be most days after period 2. Ds and Fs will be pulled with no exceptions.
Students may request tutoring by asking the teacher.
Grading Policy and Make Up Work
It is the students responsibility to request missed assignments from the teacher when
absent or going on vacation.
UMS will be following the FCPS grading guidelines (excused absences = 1 day out with
2 days to make up work; 2 days out with 4 days to make up work, etc.)
Students will be graded on a points system.
Grading Scale
A = 90% - 100%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60%-69%
F = 59% - below
Materials Required:
1. Two Pocket Folder (1)
2. Notebook Paper
3. Pencil and Pen (blue/black ink
Each unit will include the following items with the points totaled and graded on a cumulative
Formative Assessments
o Worksheets, Quizzes, Class Work
o Warm Ups (should be dated, entire question written down and answered)
o Pocket Folder Check (must table of contents written and contents organized in
Summative Assessments
o Tests/Projects
Dear Parents or Guardian,
Please be aware that this is a 9 week course. Please sign below to indicate that you have read
this paper. A permission slip for Family Life will be distributed when we get closer to that unit. If you
have any questions about my expectations, consequences, grading, or course content, please feel free
to contact me any time. My contact information is at the beginning of this syllabus. Thank you.
Mr. Bauer
Phone: 301 520-1037
[email protected]