Brand Love Scale PDF
Brand Love Scale PDF
Brand Love Scale PDF
Effects of brand love, personality
and image on word of mouth
The case of fashion brands among
386 young consumers
Received 17 March 2011 Ahmed Rageh Ismail
Revised 28 June 2011 Marketing Department, College of Business, School of Business Management,
7 October 2011 Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok – Kedah, Malaysia, and
Accepted 11 January 2012
Gabriella Spinelli
Marketing Group, Brunel University, London, UK
Purpose – Fashion brand love is a central concept in the consumer-brand relationship domain. Brand
managers tend to create more lovable brands, e.g. McDonald’s “I’m lovin it”. However, the importance
of this concept is not frequently discussed in marketing literature. Furthermore, the impact of brand
personality and brand image on brand love has not been investigated in any empirical research. This
paper aims to address this gap by developing a causal model incorporating brand love, brand
personality, brand image and word of mouth (WOM) to investigate the relationships among them.
Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected using a survey method and usable
questionnaires were completed by 250 undergraduate students. Path analysis was used to test the
hypotheses using AMOS 16.0.
Findings – Results revealed that only brand image is considered as a determinant of brand love that
affects WOM along with brand personality.
Practical implications – Results provide detailed implications and a platform on which future
research can be built.
Originality/value – The extant love research seems to be solely in the US context. To the best of the
author’s knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the concept of brand love outside the USA.
Keywords Brand love, Brand image, Brand personality, Word of mouth, Fashion brands,
Brand identity
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
For decades, branding in fashion research has gained increasing attention among
scholars worldwide and specifically in the UK. Different studies focussed on various
topics. To mention just a few; gaining a competitive advantage in fashion retailing
(Lewis and Hawksley, 1990), benefiting from the fashion own brand (Moore, 1995),
branding strategies in UK fashion retailers (Birtwistle and Freathy, 1998), corporate
branding (Burt and Sparks, 2002), factors influencing the willingness to buy retailer
own brands (Veloutsou et al., 2004), factors crucial to develop an intentionally
appealing brands (Wigley et al., 2005), attitude toward brand extension (Liu and Choi,
2009), luxury fashion brands (Moore and Birtwistle, 2005; Fionda and Moore, 2009;
Moore and Doyle, 2010), strategic alliances in the fashion sector (Wigley, 2011),
Journal of Fashion Marketing and understanding of the centrality of the own brand to fashion retailer brand strategy
Vol. 16 No. 4, 2012
(McColl and Moore, 2011). Whereas, previous research in this area provides
pp. 386-398 fundamental contribution, still more research is needed to explore other facets of the
r Emerald Group Publishing Limited
branding theme. Loving fashion brands is an important aspect of research that is
DOI 10.1108/13612021211265791 interesting and worth studying. Consumers love their fashion brands that are well
suited to them and make them feel and look good. As a result, consumers develop a Effects of
relationship with a brand feel emotionally associated to their brands. brand love
Consumer-brand relationship in the last decade has gained much attention from
both practitioners and academics. Understanding the relationships between consumers on WOM
and their fashion brands has practical relevance to marketers due to the significant
impact of this relationship on a company’s profitability. Therefore, it is important to not
only understand how relationships are formed between consumers and fashion brands, 387
but we also must be aware of the factors that drive those relationships. Our purpose in
this study is to examine whether fashion brand personality and fashion brand image
will make consumers love their brands using framework that integrates fashion
brand love as theoretical starting point along with two well-researched constructs of
personality and image. We examine the relationships among those constructs due to
their potential relevance to the consumer-brand relationship domain. We also link them
to word-of-mouth (WOM) as an outcome of the relationship with a brand. The model
builds upon the study of Carroll and Ahuvia (2006) which has identified some
antecedents and consequences of brand love. In this study, however, we identify effects
of brand personality as well as brand image on brand love.
This paper is organized as follows. The next section provides the conceptual model
of how loving a fashion brand might be influenced by brand image and brand
personality and develops related hypotheses. The methods undertaken to examine the
relationships between the constructs are then detailed. The results of the empirical part
of this study are then presented, followed by the conclusions and implications. Finally,
future research directions and some limitations of the study are presented in
H1 H2
Figure 1.
The relation among the H3 H4
main research constructs WOM
excitement dimension of brand personality. As suggested by many scholars, Effects of
excitement and sincerity are considered two fundamental dimensions that capture the brand love
majority of variance in personality ratings for brands (Aaker, 1997; Aaker et al., 2004).
This finding is robust across individuals, product categories and cultural contexts on WOM
(Aaker et al., 2001).
Fashion brands convey their personalities directly through the clothing items
themselves, or indirectly through advertising, store design, shopping malls, etc. For 389
instance, Levi Jeans and Victoria’s Secret elicit a feeling of excitement, fashionable,
youthful and outgoing. The fit between a fashion brand’s personality and the
consumer’s personality may have important implications. For example, it has been
argued, that a brand personality contributes to brand equity (Aaker, 1991) and may
lead to a more positive evaluation of the brand by the consumer. Also, by buying a
fashion brand similar to the consumer’s actual personality, he/she is communicating
something about him/herself (Aaker, 1999; Keller, 1993). Therefore, in the current
study, we argue that brand personality will contribute to enhancing brand image,
loving the brand and disseminating positive WOM.
2.3 Brand image
Brand management scholars (e.g. Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1997) have argued that
brand image is an essential part of powerful brands which enable brands to
differentiate their products from their competitors. Brand image is made up of
brand association (Koubaa, 2008) it is a set of perceptions about a brand as reflected
by the brand associations held in the consumers’ memory (Herzog, 1963).
Aaker (1991) defines brand associations as “the category of brand’s assets and
liabilities that include anything ‘linked’ in memory to a brand.” Associations are
informational nodes linked to the brand node in memory that contains the meaning
of the brand for consumers (Keller et al., 1998, cited in Koubaa, 2008, p. 141). Dobni
and Zinkhan (1990) argued that the product image is the result of the interaction between
the receiver and the product stimuli. Factors contributing to the development of brand
image are: product attributes, the firm, the marketing mix, the individual perceptions of
the brand, personal values, experience, type of brand users and context variables.
Sources of image formation could be either through direct experience with the brand or
brand communication (Dobni and Zinkhan, 1990).
Despite the importance of brand image in the realm of marketing, there is a lack of
theory development that has resulted in much ambiguity in its relationship with brand
personality (Patterson, 1999). At the theoretical level, both terms brand image and
brand personality have been used interchangeably in the literature (Upshaw, 1995;
Graeff, 1997). On the basis of the relational paradigm, brand image literature above and
the notion that consumers may attribute human characteristics to brands (Aaker, 1997;
Fournier, 1998), we suggest that excitement affects both brand love and brand image as
emotional outcomes. Also, we hypothesize that brand image will influence brand love.
H1. Excitement dimension of brand personality will have a positive impact on
brand love.
3. Methodology
3.1 Questionnaire design
The questionnaire was designed as the survey instrument including all the constructs
in the proposed model to investigate the hypotheses of interest. The questionnaire
consists of two parts. The first part of the questionnaire deals with the measurement of
the constructs of the study by asking the respondent to think of a fashion brand they
feel emotionally attached to. The fashion brands have been selected because we believe
that fashion brands are hugely popular among young consumers who love the latest
and most popular designs of those brands (see the Appendix). Similarly, fashion
brands managers are trying to create and retain emotional attachment to their
brands. The measures for all the constructs in the study were drawn from previous
research. Brand image was adopted from Low and Lamb (2000). Brand love was
captured using scale developed by Carroll and Ahuvia (2006). Excitement is one of the
five dimensional BPS (Aaker, 1997). All the items were measured using a seven-point
Likert-type scale, with anchors (1) and (5) consistent with Aaker’s (1997) study. WOM
in this study modified based on a scale developed by Gremler and Gwinner (2000).
The second part of the questionnaire presents respondents’ demographic information Effects of
(i.e. gender and age). brand love
3.2 Sample design and data collection on WOM
The study was carried out in the UK using self-administered questionnaire. Applying
the convenient sampling technique, a total 250 questionnaires were obtained from
Brunel University students who were selected randomly as participants; they were 391
instructed to think about a fashion brand that they are emotionally attached to, a list
of fashion brands that frequently mentioned by students are presented in Appendix.
All the respondents were from British nationals. The respondent profile is summarized
as Table I. The sample was 38 percent male, 62 percent female and, in terms of age
group, 1.2 percent were between 16 and 18, 29.2 percent were between 18 and 20,
47.7 percent were between 20 and 22 and 21.8 percent were 22 or above.
4. Empirical results
4.1 Measure reliability and validity
In this study, confirmatory factor analysis was employed. The result of the factor
analysis for the study constructs is shown in Table II.
One item (up-to-date), two items (being useful and being natural) and three items
(I have a natural feeling about this brand, I have no particular feeling about this brand
and I am passionate about this brand) were removed from the scales measuring
excitement, brand image and brand love constructs, respectively, because their loading
factors o0.5 after CFA first run. Reliability for each of the factors was obtained using
the calculation of a Cronbach’s a coefficient. The Cronbach a coefficients ranged from
0.82 to 0.91 (see Table II). In the second run, all the items were above the cut-off point of
0.5 recommended by Hair et al. (2006) and t-values for all the standardized factor
loadings of the items were found to be significant (p40.01). In addition, convergent
validity is assessed based on the factor loadings of each item of a unidimensional
construct. Convergent validity is achieved because the factor loadings of the
measurement items are significant and substantial, i.e. 40.5 (Hair et al., 2006), as well
as the model receiving a satisfactory level of fit. Also, the convergent validity of the
measures is assessed by measuring the composite reliabilities of each of the constructs.
Male 93 38
Female 152 62
o16 1 0.4
16-18 2 0.8
18-20 71 29.2
20-22 116 47.7 Table I.
422 53 21.8 Respondent profile
JFMM Factor Cronbach
16,4 Constructs loadings a
Daring 0.71 0.82
Spirited 0.77
392 Imaginative 0.83
Brand image
Fashionable and trendy 0.78 0.89
Reputation for quality 0.84
Elegant 0.80
Sophisticated 0.72
Well known and prestigious 0.78
Brand love
This is a wonderful brand 0.84 0.91
This brand makes me feel good 0.90
This brand is totally awesome 0.87
This brand makes me very happy 0.71
I love this brand 0.81
This brand is a pure delight 0.57
I’m very attached to this brand 0.60
I encourage friends and family to buy this brand 0.81 0.90
I recommend this brand whenever anyone seeks my advice 0.85
Table II. If the brand been mentioned in a conversation, I would recommend this brand 0.83
Scale factor loadings I have actually recommended this brand to my friends and/or family 0.83
The results indicated high levels of construct reliability and average variance extracted
for all latent variables (see Table III). Because all t-values were significant (p ¼ 0.05)
and the average variances extracted were 40.50, convergent validity was established.
Discriminant validity “assesses the degree to which measures of different concepts are
distinct” (Bagozzi, 1994, p. 20). Discriminant validity is assessed using criteria
suggested by Fornell and Larcker (1981). In this approach, in order to establish
discriminant validity the researcher needs to compare the variance extracted estimate
for each construct with the squared interconstruct correlations associated with that
construct (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). All construct pairs in the model were tested for
discriminant validity using Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) stringent criteria. All the
variance extracted estimates are greater than the corresponding interconstruct
squared correlation estimates (see Table IV).
To summarize, the measures in the measurement model have adequate reliability,
convergent and discriminant validity. Assessment of nomological validity is based on
EX – BL 0.365 0.13
EX – BI 0.361 0.13
EX – WOM 0.525 0.28
Table III. BL – BI 0.737 0.54
Interconstruct squared BL – WOM 0.711 0.51
correlation estimates BI – WOM 0.608 0.37
the correlation matrix (Hair et al., 2006) provided in Table IV. The results support the Effects of
prediction that these constructs are positively related to one another and these brand love
relationships simply make sense.
The results of SEM analysis were depicted in Figure 2, the overall model were CMIN on WOM
w2 ¼ 413.782, df ¼ 146, p ¼ 0.0. The fit indices were all in acceptable ranges with
CFI ¼ 0.91, TLI ¼ 0.90 and RMSEA ¼ 0.079. Models with cut-off values above 0.90 for
CFI, and below 0.08 for RMSEA are considered to have a good fit between the 393
hypothesized model and the observed data (Hu and Bentler, 1999).
0.51 (5.47)
0.13 (1.53)
Figure 2.
2=0.59 WOM Validated research model
JFMM Common method bias test. The common method bias implies that the covariance
16,4 among measured items is driven by the fact that some or all of the responses are
collected with the same type of scale (Hair et al., 2006, p. 833). To determine the
presence of common method variance bias among the study variables, a Harman’s
(1967) one-factor test was performed following the approach outlined by Podsakoff
et al. (1984). All the items of the study were entered into a principal component analysis
394 with varimax rotation to see if a single factor emerges from the factor analysis or one
general factor accounts for more than 50 percent of the covariation. The results
indicated that there is no single factor in the factor structure. Therefore, it does not
appear to be a common method bias concern in the present study (Table V).
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Brand Brand
Topshop Dior
Gucci Primark
Adidas Abercrombie & Fitch
River Island Prada
Armani Next
Diesel Louis Vuitton
Dolce & Gabbana Zara
Converse New look
Hollister Ralph Lauren
G-star Chloè
Guess Miss Sixty
Ed hardy Topman
MAC cosmetics H&M
Dorothy Perkins Chanel
Hugo Boss Pineapple
Mango Levis
Table AI. Miu Miu Esprit
Fashion brands that Vivienne Westwood Burberry
frequently mentioned Christian Louboutin Jane Norman
in this study Roxy
Corresponding author
Ahmed Rageh Ismail can be contacted at: [email protected] or [email protected]