1.4.2. Operation Manual - CMC4 - Plus
1.4.2. Operation Manual - CMC4 - Plus
1.4.2. Operation Manual - CMC4 - Plus
Operation Manual
1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION ...................................................................................... 5
2 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 7
The control unit has a programmable memory, with which many functions can be activated; the
most important ones are described below. Some features require an additional HW, for more
details see the section entitled "Control System Performance."
49. Landing board input for Fire Service, Smoke detectors, Out of service, door status, VIP,
Attika, Shabbat, floor removal.
50. Outputs on landing board for external buzzer (even though one is included in the board),
directional arrows or next departure, gong, Out of service, position indicator.
51. Landing lantern function on landing boards.
52. Arrival acoustic notice (Gong);
53. Different communication protocols for Position Indicators (CAN, LS, PIU & TAW).
54. Daily time synchronisation of displays connected via CAN or PIU.
55. Programming and maintenance tools: POME, PC, BoMo, PDA, LD2T, TPT...
56. CAN interface with the control device of the Monitoring system TKMON (BCC).
The basic features of the system have been described above; however there are many more
which are explained in the section entitled “Features of the Control System”.
The elevator control system CMC4+ is a unit of electronic devices whose aim is to govern the
functioning of any elevation system such as lifts or freight lifts. This manual is focused on the use
of the system in lift control pursuant to applicable regulations.
The control system is strictly a piece of electronic equipment that is designed to be integrated in
the Control. It is not a control itself. In order to work, it needs the whole electromechanical system
to be connected for each traction system or special HW function.
The main system nucleus consists of the cabinet terminal unit UBA2 in which the control board
UCM2 is connected, as well as the communication board with the inverter UCV. Moreover, the car
control board UCC2, car operating panel with BMC or IMC boards, door operator control UCO (if
the operator control is not CAN bus) and the floor control boards UCP+ o BPP+ are required,
which compose the minimum circuitry to carry out a functional system. Therefore, the system
control is strictly carried out by the electronic equipment, although there are some dedicated
peripheral devices that can improve the functionality of the lift control system.
The CAN bus is the communication means between all the control system components. An
innovation introduced is the CAN communication using the Frequency Inverter, enabling less
amount of wiring as compared to conventional systems, making the installation easier and
providing greater flexibility and versatility in the control, parameter setting and information
exchange with the inverter. Another new feature is the addition of a local car bus (bus LIN) for the
wiring of the button units (push buttons, keys, lights).
The main features of the control system are:
Positioning of the cabin through the pulses provided by the machine Encoder. This
achieves the elimination of the speed change magnets making the assembly and
commissioning of the system easier.
There has been a more modular distribution of the control system to accommodate the
needs of each installation (traction type, installation characteristics...).
New peripherals are added to the CAN bus such as the load weighing DMC and the door
operator UCO.
The car communication LIN bus is added, giving it greater modularity and facilitating the
wiring of button units (BMC or IMC).
In VF drive cabinets for SCM (without machine room) the inverter is built into the cabinet.
Only in cases of high power will the inverter be mounted in the shaft. In VF drive cabinets
for CCM (with machine room) the inverter is built into the cabinet.
Standard Automatic Rescue System with door opening.
It is possible to control up to eight lifts, working in a group, without needing any other additional
circuitry. Group operation provides an improvement in the service provided by the lifts making
them work in a synchronised manner, solely intended to improve the traffic in the building.
2.1 Overview
The operation is highly configurable and can be easily adapted to many installations by
appropriate parameter selection. This, combined with the existing variants regarding the selection
of optional elements provides advantages as compared to equipment with other operating
principles, such as low power consumption, high efficiency, high reliability, and above all, a wide
application with fully programmable features. This is a programmable system.
The following CMC4 + operation features should be highlighted insofar as being a complete
Firmware based on CMC4 with new features and modular hardware.
Hardware based on CMC4 with enhanced features for compliance with the new
CAN Bus for floor, car, group and VVVF.
32 stops, selective double access, selective up / down, up to 8 lifts in group.
Programmable and configurable microcontrollers in different system boards, e.g.
operation control board, car, floor, ...
Tools for installation maintenance, programming and configuration e.g. LD2T, POME,
BoMo, ...
LIN Bus for car operating panel (COP).
Adaptation to energy saving system.
Installation without ducts with RN, RZ1 hoses or similar according EN81.
A sole operating rope (for operations with no special requirements) and single shaft bus
Car board, UCC2. Connection of car elements with registration and signalling, reading
the positioning system (extreme changes of end floors and floor position sensors); it also
incorporates a microprocessor. Its functions are: To process the information generated in
most car devices and send it to the control board via CAN. To receive commands from
the control board and execute them. It has an additional bus, a LIN bus that connects the
BMC (Modular COP) and IMC (Car Modular Interface) in a simple manner making the
wiring of the button units easier.
Landing board, UCP+ o BPP+. Connection of floor elements with registration and
signalling, it also incorporates a microprocessor. Its functions are: To process the
information generated in the floor devices and send it to the Control board via CAN. To
receive commands from the control board and execute them.
Expanding board for hydraulic control pursuant to EN81-[A3]. It allows the
connection of the control part of the switchboards (default Bucher, although configurable)
in order to manage unintended car movement.
Peripherals and indicators. All position indicators and/or lanterns that are used in
Special peripherals:
o BCC (Basic Communication Centre) that allows the incorporation of the
Monitoring System TKMON. The electronic unit BCC is intended for the
exchange of information with the lift control, in this case CMC4+ giving a common
format to the data to be sent to the supervision and control system. It has several
communication lines, enabling connection to all of our controls. For CMC4+, it is
connected using CAN bus and using Ethernet for IP communication network
The CMC4+ Control system has been developed based on the following European legislation:
EN12015 (2004). EMC for elevating machines Part 1 - Emission:
o EN 55011 (1991): Continuous conducted emission
o EN 55014 -1(1993) / A1 (1997) / A2 (1999): Discontinuous conducted emissions
o EN 55011 (1998) / A1 (1999): Radiated emissions
EN12016 (2004). EMC for elevating machines Part 2 – Immunity:
o EN 61000-4-2 (1995): Electrostatic discharge
o EN 61000-4-3 (1996): radiated field EM of RF
o EN 61000-4-4 (1995): Fast Transients Common Mode
o EN 61000-4-11 (1994): Voltage dips and interruptions
EN81-1. Safety standards for the construction and installation of electrical lifts.
EN81-2. Safety standards for the construction and installation of hydraulic lifts.
Moreover, CMC4+ has been developed in compliance with the ThyssenKrupp Group’s internal
guide on product development (PDG_TKE_2009_02) on Health, Safety and Environment
standards (HSE).
The new CMC4+ comprises a highly modular system, thus having more boards than the former
model. It includes the following boards:
Cabinet terminal unit UBA2
Control Board UCM2
Motor overheating detection (PTC) VTH3
Interface between UCV-Inverter-Encoder:TEncoder
Inverter Terminal unit UBV
Inverter control unit UCV
Car Terminal unit UBC
Car control unit UCC2
Modular COP BMC
Car Modular Interface IMC
Floor control unit UCP+
Floor control unit for flat button units BPP+
Access Control Key LCA1
The figure shows the block diagram of a lift control system governed by the control system
The figure shows a complete system with all the connected elements using CAN bus and LIN bus.
There are three different CAN buses:
In the shaft bus, it can be observed that the floor boards (up to 64 in a maximum system of 32
stops and double access) and the car board are connected. A single car board can control two
accesses with up to two button units per access.
In the group bus, up to a maximum number of 8 UCM2 are connected for multiplex group
In the third CAN bus, the frequency inverter CPI or VACON (in the special FW version for CAN bus)
is connected.
Regarding the LIN bus, the section of BMC or IMC boards are connected to obtain the car
operating panel. There is a single LIN bus for the front car operating panel and the rear car
operating panel, although a hose is used for each access.
In the series channel of the UCM2 board, it is possible to connect the maintenance or
programming terminals (POME, BoMo, …) or a PC with the appropriate software (LD2T, …),
although in order to enable communication between the diagnosis tools or maintenance terminals
and the control system, an intermediate interface should be used, namely LCA1 (Access Control
In the Cabinet Terminal Unit, UBA2, we will have the Shaft element connection, the presence
series, interlock and safeties, the limit switch, the pit operating panel, the speed governor
connection and its remote triggering, safe door bypass for inspection, etc. Summarising, it
complies with the cabinet terminal functions.
For more details on each board, please refer to the relevant user manual.
To use the brake shoe contact verification such contacts must be wired to inputs of the connector
X75 of the UBA2 board. Thus activation of brake-related contacts is tested, both when starting
and stopping. If such contacts were not activated, thus indicating a possible fault in the brake, the
lift would immediately stop.
These parameters can be used to configure different delays both in lift start-up and stopping.
Parameter Activation Comments
Stopping delay for hydraulic lifts.
Ret_parar 0..50
Can be set from 0 to 5 seconds
Start-up delay, for any kind of traction
Ret_start 0..250
Can be set from 0 to 25 seconds DOOR OPENING
This parameter is used to set the delay in door opening when the lift stops.
Parameter Activation Comments
Door opening delay, once the lift has stopped.
Ret_stop 0..100
Can be set from 0 to 10 seconds START-UP AND/OR DIRECTION CONTACTORS
These parameters set a controlled delay to the input of start-up and/or direction contactors.
Parameter Activation Comments
Delayed input of start-up contactors
Ret_ls 0..250
Can be set from 0 to 25 seconds
Delay in upward travel contactor
Ret_up 0..250
Can be set from 0 to 25 seconds DELAY AT A LEVELLING COMMAND
This function enables a delay in the levelling command from the position sensor input (e.g.
photocell) in the levelling Vane.
Without delay With delay (T>0)
Stopping vane
There is an upward and downward time delay. With these delays we can delay the levelling
command and amend any error in the levelling Vanes (or magnets) or even use levelling Vanes
that are larger than required according to set VO and levelling deceleration ramp. This is useful
when, due to the VN used, it is necessary to install larger Vanes than usual so as not to lose them
in the nominal travel speed when too large to enable proper stopping.
Parameter Activation Comments
Delay time.
Set between 0 and 255 msec.
There is also an additional control, the TimeOutFot parameter which controls the time elapsed
between the start-up command and the moment the car leaves the floor, controlled by a photo
switch signal. The default setting of this parameter is 5 seconds for electric traction lifts, and 15
seconds for hydraulic lifts
To avoid the risk of the car going to the end limits in an inspection trip due to gliding, when the
car stops after entering the last stopping screen, it is possible to establish a maximum travelling
time after going through an extreme bi-stable change towards that end section. Once this time
has elapsed or if the car stops before then, it will not continue moving forward in the same
direction. The car will have to travel in the opposite direction until it leaves the end section.
Parameter Activation Comments
0: NO
LimiteTiempoInspeccion 0..200 1..200 Limit of inspection travel duration in an end section
in tenths of second
4.1.11 RESCUE
The following parameters are set:
Parameter Activation Comments
0: No automatic rescue
1: Automatic rescue due to power cut, gravity driven (only
electric lifts)
modo_rescate 0..3
2: Forced automatic rescue on default floor
3: Automatic rescue due to power cut, gravity driven (only
hydraulic lifts)
Planta_rescate 0..31 Rescue floor for mode 2
CMC4+ provides the following rescue systems: GEARLESS SCM LIFTS:
Manual Rescue with power supply: The elevator can be moved in case getting trapped
by opening safety series, as contemplated in the standard EN81-1 in paragraph This system is a default setting and needs power supply and human
intervention. The Control Cabinet has "rappel" or rescue buttons for this purpose,
notwithstanding the additional functionality parameters included in all elevators.
Automatic rescue without power supply, gravity driven: The system detects a power
failure, and to prevent becoming trapped, it feeds the machine brake and controls the lift
speed automatically, until reaching the nearest floor in the direction of the load. Once the
floor is reached, the door automatically opens. It is powered by a UPS (housed inside the
cabinet), and does not require human intervention; the parameter "modo_rescate" should
be set at "1".
Forced automatic rescue on default floor: In the event of power failure, the lift is carried
to a predefined floor "planta_rescate", regardless of the load, because unlike the
preceding case, it feeds the traction motor. To this end a more powerful UPS is used. This
option replaces the previous system. No human intervention is required, but the
parameter "modo_rescate" must be set at "2" and the parameter "planta_rescate" to the
desired value.
Because the CMC4 + does not have the manual rescue mode, there is no manual / automatic
rescue switch. Whenever the lift is in normal mode, with safety series and there is a power failure,
the system automatically operates to avoid getting trapped. GEARLESS CCM LIFTS
The same functions as in SCM, and additionally the brake release manual mechanical rescue
system can be used with no incompatibilities. GEARED CCM LIFTS
The same functions except the forced automatic rescue option to default floor.
Note: Gravity driven automatic rescue due to power failure may be more limited with a geared
machine due to the friction of the gearbox, which can prevent movement driven by gravity.
However in these cases the manual mechanical release will always be available. CCM HYDRAULIC LIFTS
Manual rescue using manual emergency valve: According to section 12.9 of EN81-2.
This device will be installed in the Hydraulic Group.
Gravity-driven automatic rescue due to power failure: The system detects a power
failure, and to prevent getting trapped, it feeds the down valve and controls the speed of
the lift automatically, until reaching the nearest floor in a downward direction. Once the
floor is reached, the door automatically opens. This system is standard and is powered
by a UPS (housed inside the cabinet). It does not require human intervention.
Minimum distance between floors 300mm with no pre-opening and 700mm with pre-
Distances shorter that 2200mm can be considered a short floor
If there are more than two short floor areas, floors separated by more than 1450mm
without pre-opening or 1600mm with pre-opening, can continue to be treated as normal
distances, overlapping vanes and placing changes at 1300mm.
Configuration instructions:
Levels defined by short distance areas must be programmed using the programming
terminal. See complete list of parameters.
Values to be programmed in hexadecimals go from 00 (lower level) to 1F (level 31).
Parameter Activation Comments
Area 1 short floors, lower level
PltCortas 0..31 0..31: level defining start of short floor area 1
20h: NOT defined
Area 1 short floors, upper level
PltCortas+1 0..31 0..31: level defining end of short floor area 1
20h: NOT defined
Area 2 short floors, lower level
PltCortas+2 0..31 0..31: level defining start of short floor area 2
20h: NOT defined
Area 2 short floors, upper level
PltCortas+3 0..31 0..31: level defining end of short floor area 2
20h: NOT defined
… … …
… …. …
Area 16 short floors, lower level
PltCortas+30 0..31 0..31: level defining start of short floor area 16
20h: NOT defined
Area 16 short floors, lower level
PltCortas+31 0..31 0..31: level defining start of short floor area 16
20h: NOT defined
If only one short floor area is used it is very important that the values of the other areas
are programmed as 20H (default value), so that the short floor mode code is not
Place vanes according to table of distances between short floors.
Adjust parameter 08.32 of the frequency inverter (V intermediate) according to the
attached table (only valid for Vacon)
If there are several short floor areas, adjustments should be made based on the floor with
the shortest distance; it may be necessary to make a compromise between the
slowdown-stopping speed, the intermediate speed and the nominal speed of the
Nevertheless, different distances and intermediate speeds can be tested in order to
obtain the best possible adjustment. The vane procedure does not change; they can be
overlapped, or not, according to installation requirements, even in short floor areas. If the
vanes are overlapped, remember to change the vane order using the programming
from Half speed
Distance between Overlapping short Allows
slowdown P18.12
floors (mm) distances preopening
vane to CT
stop (mm)
> 2748 1300 NO NO Not applicable YES
2748 > Dp > 2200 1449-1300 YES NO Not applicable YES
2199 > Dp > 2000 925 NO YES 710 m/s YES
1999 > Dp > 1800 825 NO YES 630 m/s YES
1799 > Dp > 1500 675 NO YES 520 m/s YES
1499 > Dp > 1100 475 NO YES 360 m/s YES
1099 > Dp > 700 275 NO YES 210 m/s YES
699 > Dp > 450 150 NO YES 110 m/s NO
449 > Dp >= 300 100 NO YES 100 m/s NO
Distance from
Nominal Distance between Allows
Traction Half speed slowdown
speed floors preopening
vane to stop
0.1 m/s 300 to 599 mm 100 mm No
1.0 m/s 0.2 m/s 600 to 899 mm 250 mm Yes
1.6 m/s 0.3 m/s 900 to 1199 mm 400 mm Yes
1.75 m/s 0.4 m/s 1200 to 1499 mm 550 mm Yes
VF 0.5 m/s 1500 to 1799 mm 700 mm Yes
0.6 m/s 1800 to 2199 mm 850 mm Yes
1.6 m/s 0.7 m/s 2200 to 2499 mm 1050 mm Yes
1,75 m/s
0.8 m/s 2500 to 2799 mm 1200 mm Yes
1.75 m/s 0.9 m/s 2800 to 2999 mm 1350 mm Yes
The half speed value shown in the table must be set at Parameter P8.32 of the inverter (Vacon).
In all cases the short distance parameter should be set and overlapping is allowed.
It is important to mention that if all the floors of a particular installation can be classified as short
floors, according to the description of this function, this would mean that there is a single short
floor area between the lower and upper level of the building. This means that the lift will never
travel at nominal speed - always at half speed. To correct this situation, provided the distance
between the floors so allows, we can define smaller areas and overlap them, this means the lift
would travel to nearby floors at V2 but at Vn to those further away, provided the distance allows
this. For example: zona1 inf=0, zona1 sup=1, zona2inf=1, zona2 sup=2, zona3 inf=2, zona3
sup=3, and so on until the entire installation, or the maximum 16 areas available, has been
The double access function is related to the hardware configuration of the same, not only to the
parameters. Therefore, you must be familiar with the control boards and their configuration.
The UCC2 board has two different connectors to connect the front car call buttons (X338) and the
rear car call buttons (X338T). Further details are shown in diagram 2685.26 or the UCC2 user
A single UCC2 board can control two accesses in terms of the car operating panel. For door
control, if the operator is not connected to CAN bus, a UCO board is needed to command both
The parameter for this double access function is:
Parameter Activation Comments
0: NO, no double access
Bflag_doble 0..1
1:YES, double access activated
Related parameters: in the event of double access, front or rear Access on each level must be
Parameter Activation Comments
It defines if the front door is inhibited (not operational) for
level 0
Binh_fdoor 0..1
0: NOT inhibited
1: YES
Binh_fdoor+1 0..1 Same as before but for level 1
… …
Binh_fdoor+31 0..1 Same as before but for level 31
In the case of selective double access, front and back requests made both in the landing and the
car are distinguished.
To activate the selective double boarding mode the following parameter must be activated:
Parameter Activation Comments
0: NO
AccesoSelectivo 0..1
In this case, irrespective of the above parameters, as both landing and car requests are wired as
front and/or rear, the control board is able to decide whether the front or rear access door should
be opened.
Possible combinations of the UCC2 board in double access are described below (see diagram
Non-selective double access only needed to connect the section of button units (BMC,
IMC…) for front access.
Selective double access, front and rear access button units must be connected (BMC,
Parameters to define FRONT landing boards (UCP+ o BPP+) (se diagrams 2685.15 y 2685.14):
Parameter Activation Comments
Front control boards levels 0 to 7
Indicate bit by bit whether there is a front landing board
(UCP+ o BPP+) on each level.
situacion_UCPs 0..FFh 0: floor without landing board
1: floor with landing board
Example: front UCPs on levels 0 to 3
0000 1111
Front control boards levels 8 to 15
situacion_UCPs+1 0..FFh
The same as parameter “situacion_UCPs”
Front control boards levels 16 to 23
situacion_UCPs+2 0..FFh
The same as parameter “situacion_UCPs”
Front control boards levels 24 to 31
situacion_UCPs+3 0..FFh
The same as parameter “situacion_UCPs”
Parameters for REAR landing boards (UCP+ o BPP+) (see diagram 2685.15 and 2685.14):
Parameter Activation Comments
REAR control boards level 0 to 7
situacion_UCPs+4 0..FFh
The same as parameter “situacion_UCPs”
REAR control boards level 8 to 15
situacion_UCPs+5 0..FFh
The same as parameter “situacion_UCPs”
REAR control boards level 16 to 23
situacion_UCPs+6 0..FFh
The same as parameter “situacion_UCPs”
REAR control boards level 24 to 31
situacion_UCPs+7 0..FFh
The same as parameter “situacion_UCPs”
Certain parameters enable the lockout of a given stop (using the car operating panel or external
operating panels).
The inhibition function may be carried out via the car operating panel, by setting one of the push
buttons of the BMC or IMC to “Call lockout”.
The procedure is as follows:
Activate the key switch. If there was already an inhibited stop, the corresponding push-
button for that stop will remain lit. The unlit registers indicate that their level is not
Press the stops to be locked or released. Every time you press such stops, the level
programming changes.
Disconnect the switch. The programming will be registered.
The level inhibition is also programmable using the programming terminal (POME or
similar). A cancelled level by the car operating panel can be released with the
programming terminal, but the opposite is not possible.
Level lockout can also be carried out using landing board X608 input key.
This lockout function can also be performed by directly setting the memory positions by means of
a programming tool, e.g.: LD2T, POME...
Parameter Activation Comments
Defining access for level 0
0: NO inhibited
Binh_cota 0..2
1: lockout from car
2: Permanent
Binh_cota+1 0..2 Same as before but for level 1
… …
Binh_cota+31 0..2 Same as before but for level 31
The control board memorises the time elapsed between the screen before a bi-stable change and
the end section bi-stable change itself (two times are recorded, one for the B322 “CMB” and
another for the B323 “CMS”). Each time the control board is in rappel position the times recorded
are deleted and new ones recorded when new calls are made to the end levels.
When a malfunction is detected (the CMB or CMS signal does not change according to the time of
the screen count) it immediately stops and forces a corrective control manoeuvre towards the end
section opposite the one causing the fault. In the case of 4 consecutive faults, no more
corrections will be attempted and it will remain in the locking fault INCOHERENCIA_CONTAJE.
4.3 CAR
4. If the code is correct, the call will be registered and the operation goes into normal mode.
If the code is incorrect, operation goes into normal mode without registering the call.
Note: there is a maximum waiting time of 5 seconds between tapping in each digit. When the
waiting time is over, if the sequence has not been completed, the operation returns to the normal
mode. No access codes will be updated and no calls will be registered.
The active codes can be reset writing the value 0xA5 in the memory position
This control system enables load-measuring contacts to be used to determine the following
operational situations:
Overload 100%-110% The lift will not start
Full load 80% The lift will not serve outside requests (bypass)
Half load 50% Lift half full. Not assigned to functions
Car empty 0% For use with the false request detector
Load control signals can be found on the X317 connector of the UCC2 board.
The car may have a press button or key switch for fan operation. The BMC or BMI settings should
When the elevator starts to move the fan turns on. When it reaches its destination the fan remains
running for the time set by the parameter "tiempo_ventilador". A key may be connected in the car
Only a push button or key switch can be used in the car. By pressing it once, the fan stays on for
the time set by the parameter "tiempo_ventilador". ACTIVATING/ DEACTIVATING FAN FROM CAR WITHOUT A TIMER
Pressing the button once, the fan goes on; pressing it a second time turns it off.
On the UBA2 board there is a connector, X87, which has an LS which can be used if you wish to
have an indicator in the control cabinet.
If the LS protocol is used, the number of pulses associated with each level must be assigned,
Parameter Activation Comments
LS code for level 0
Impul 0..55
Defines the number of pulses assigned to this level.
Impul+1 0..55 LS code for level 1
Impul+31 0..55 LS code for level 31
The LS codes for the different floor names are as follows:
Code Decimal Hexadecimal Code Decimal Hexadecimal
0 0 00h -8 28 1Ch
1 1 01h -9 29 1Dh
2 2 02h *0 30 1Eh
3 3 03h *1 31 1Fh
4 4 04h *2 32 20h
5 5 05h *3 33 21h
6 6 06h *4 34 22h
7 7 07h *5 35 23h
8 8 08h *6 36 24h
9 9 09h *7 37 25h
10 10 0Ah *8 38 26h
11 11 0Bh *9 39 27h
12 12 0Ch ““ 40 28h
13 13 0Dh A 41 29h
14 14 0Eh A1 42 2Ah
15 15 0Fh B 43 2Bh
16 16 10h E 44 2Ch
17 17 11h E1 45 2Dh
18 18 12h G 46 2Eh
19 19 13h G1 47 2Fh
-0 20 14h GF 48 30h
-1 21 15h S 49 31h
-2 22 16h SA 50 32h
-3 23 17h SS 51 33h
-4 24 18h S1 52 34h
-5 25 19h R 53 35h
-6 26 1Ah P 54 36h
-7 27 1Bh H 55 37h
If the PIU protocol is used, it must be programmed by sending the desired digit in ASCII. The
correct ASCII code depends of the display used. E.g. with LIP-4, LIP-6 and LIP-7, MD-090…
numbers between 0 and 9 are accepted, as are capital letters from A to Z except ñ, "-" and “*”.
In this case, the ASCII code for each level must be entered into the memory.
Parameter Activation Comments
ASCIIDisplay 0..255 Hundreds ASCII code for level 0
ASCIIDisplay+1 0..255 Tens ASCII code for level 0
ASCIIDisplay+2 0..255 Unit ASCII code for level 0
All the parameters required to group several CMC4+ lifts are explained below.
CAN communications of the CMC4+ control are compatible with CMC4 control. Thus both controls
can be connected in a group.
The highest number of lifts that can be connected to operate as a group is 8. Connection between
control boards is performed using CAN Bus. (See diagram 2685.13).
The main levels (Lobby_1 and Lobby_2) are the parameters associated with the group operation
of the lift. It is important to correctly programme these values to ensure optimum operation of the
Parameter Activation Comments
Mult_number 0…7 Number of lifts in bank
Type of register for group request
MXFloorregister 0..1 0: Only registers operation with assigned request
1: All register the request.
There are three modes of group operation. Each mode uses its own algorithm to balance the time
an elevator takes to attend a given call and to discriminate in which case it should or should not
attend a call. Based on this balancing function each elevator of the group assigns the calls to
attend them as quickly as possible.
activated. It is however recommended that this parameter is activated in each elevator that forms
part of an uneven group, unless one of them wants to be used for exclusive calls.
If we need to have both functionalities (exclusive calls and uneven calls) and given that both share
the same push button, we can use wiring strategy to solve the issue. In this case we cable the
uneven calls and activate the corresponding parameter in the elevators that do not require
exclusive calls, and we cable exclusive calls in elevators that do require said functionality without
activating the parameter.
As we can see from the following examples, there is wiring for calls common to both A and B
elevators; and also the uneven wiring can be common to both elevators with its corresponding
parameter activated.
Uneven Wiring to lift
Lower Level Lift A A A&B B Lift B
7 6 b-1 b 6
6 5 b-1 sb 5
5 4 b-1 sb 4
4 3 b-1 sb 3
3 2 b-1 sb 2
2 1 b-1 sb 1
1 0 b-1 s 0
0 -1 s
Lower level 0 1
Upper level 7 7
Uneven Wiring to lift
Upper Level Lift A A A&B B Lift B
7 7 b
6 6 s7 b 6
5 5 s7 sb 5
4 4 s7 sb 4
3 3 s7 sb 3
2 2 s7 sb 2
1 1 s7 sb 1
0 0 s7 s 0
Lower level 0 0
Upper level 7 6
Uneven Wiring to lift
Intermediate Level Lift A A A&B B Lift B
7 6 b1 b 6
6 5 b1 sb 5
5 4 b1 sb 4
4 3 b1 sb 3
3 2 b1 sb 2
2 1 sb
1 0 s1 sb 0
0 -1 s1 s -1
Lower level 0 0
Upper level 7 7
Lower level
Intermediate(*) 0 1
Upper level
Intermediate(*) 0 3
disabled --- 2
Uneven Wiring to lift
Intermediate Level Lift A A A&B B Lift B
7 6 b2 b b0,b45 6
6 sb 5
5 sb 4
4 3 b2 sb b0,s45 3
3 2 sb
2 1 s2 sb b0,s45 1
1 sb 0
0 -1 s2 s s0,s45 -1
Lower level 0 0
Upper level 7 7
Lower level
Intermediate(*) 0 2
Upper level
Intermediate(*) 7 4
Level/ door
disabled 1,5,6 3
Uneven Wiring to lift Wiring to lift
Combined Level Lift A A A&B B Lift B Lift A A A&B B Lift B
Lower 7 6 b1,b-1 b 6 6 b1 b b-1 6
with 6 5 b1,b-1 sb 5 5 b1 sb b-1 5
Intermediate 5 4 b1,b-1 sb 4 4 b1 sb b-1 4
4 3 b1,b-1 sb 3 3 b1 sb b-1 3
3 2 b1,b-1 sb 2 2 b1 sb b-1 2
2 1 sb 1 sb
1 0 b-1,s1 s 0 0 s1 s b-1 0
0 -1 s1 s -1
Lower level 0 1 1 0
Upper level 7 7 7 7
Level/Door disabled --- 2 --- 2
Intermediatete lower level(*) 0 1 0 1
Intermediatete upper level(*) 0 3 0 3
To detect up peak traffic, each time the car leaves the main floor, the system counts the number
of car calls. If this number is above a certain threshold the system increases a counter, otherwise
it decreases it. This threshold is related to the number of floors and the number of elevators of the
installation. Once the counter goes above a certain limit the system enters into up peak traffic
To detect down peak traffic the system follows a similar routine only that this time it only takes
into account the downward landing calls. Again once the counter goes above a certain limit the
system enters into down peak traffic mode.
The trends are defined based on the internal clock of the control board and a trend programme.
In the "TrendProgramme" it is possible to define a trend programme according to the time bands
throughout the day. It is possible to define up to 7 time bands with the following format:
Byte 1 Byte 2
Bit 7: 0=Downward trend 1= Upward trend Duration. Duration in minutes of the trend divided
Bits 6..0: Start time for the trend in minutes from 00:00 by 15
divided by 15
Two time bands are defined:
Band 1: upward trend from 08:30 to 09:15
Trend =1
Start (8*60+30)/15=34 = 0x22
Byte1 = 0x80 + 0x22 = 0xa2
Duration=(09:15-08:30)/15=45/15= 3 = 0x03
Byte 2 = 0x03
Band 2: downward trend from 18:30 to 21:30
Trend =0
Start (18*60+30)/15=74 = 0x4a
Byte1 = 0x00 + 0x4a = 0x4a
Duration=(21:30-18:30)/15 =180/15 = 12 = 0xc
Byte 2 = 0x0c
Band 1 1 2 2 3 3 .. .
Offset table 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Value 0xa2 0x03 0x4a 0x0c FF FF FF FF
Furthermore, depending on how the BFLAG_NOCLOSE_TEND parameter is defined, the lift can
remain with the door open once it has arrived at the peak parking level.
Bit 3: It is the same as bit 2 but related to the change measurement during the ascent at
nominal speed (B323 CMS or CS2).
Bit 6: During ShaftTechin the number of levelling magnets counted differed from that
expected, as determined by the cota_inf and cota_sup parameters.
Bit 7: The distance measured is too large (the encoder count was exceeded).
The errors during a shaft teaching can be due to the presence of an error in the parameters
related to the encoder (pulse per revolution, pulley diameter, VN distance, etc.) or a poor
arrangement of positions elements in the shaft.
The RECOVERY mode (emergency or rappel) allows the lift to be operated by connecting the
recovery operating panel to the control unit. This is similar to the inspection operating panel, with
the following basic differences:
The lift is activated and controlled from the control cabinet.
The INSPECTION function (on the car ceiling) overrides this; if the inspection switch is on,
the lift cannot be moved in recovery mode.
This allows the lift to be operated with some of the security systems bypassed (pit
elements and limit switches, chock contacts, etc.). Generally, it enables lift recovery when
it overshoots or the car is released.
Allows the machine to move without car or landing control boards. It only needs the set of
control boards (UBA2, UCM2 and UCV).
This parameter “E2cont_arranques” cannot be modified using the operating panel or
programming terminal. t can only be read using a maintenance terminal or using the correct
software installed on a PC.
It is possible to configure the internal RTC so it automatically adjusts the winter/summer time
Parameter Activation Comments
Automatic change of summer/winter time
SummerWinterTime 0..1 0: NO
1: YES
The car is connected to the emergency equipment, EAR, through connector X327. In this way, the
emergency equipment detects a possible fault in the unit and also reads the
FALLO_EQUIPO_EMERGENCIA, registering it as a battery fault and continues to operate normally.
Once the fault is activated, while the car is stopped the code *8 will be shown on the displays to
indicate a fault in the user rescue system. The unit will be operative at all times.
The non-failure condition is provided by a 24V input. This voltage is taken from the EAR (device
according to EN81-28) when everything is in order.
The fire-fighter must then deactivate the fire service landing key, leaving him or her 5 seconds to
enter the car and activate fire service mode. If this is not done within the time limit, the lift will
return to normal operation.
Once fire service mode has been confirmed in the car, when a request button is pressed the
doors will close. (In spite of the exact wording of the standard, it is not necessary to activate the
close door command or hold down the call button in order to close the doors.) Once this has been
activated, the lift will only respond to requests from one landing to another, cancelling the
previous request if a new floor button is pressed. The lift will start up, but when it gets to its
destination the doors can only be opened using the open door button, which must be held down
until the doors are fully open. If the button is released before the doors are fully open, they will
automatically close again.
The lift remains on the floor with the doors open, waiting for the fire-fighter. Fire service mode can
only be deactivated by going to the fire service level and deactivating the car key. Once this is
done, the lift will resume normal service after 5 seconds.
Special fire service mode for Portugal
This is exactly the same as the fire service mode as per EN81-72, with the addition of fire sensors
available on the landing control board UCP+.
If any of the fire sensors are activated, the lift will enter a mode similar to the out of service mode
and will go to the fire service floor, open and close the doors and then remain there with the doors
closed. Only an authorised operator can then release the lift by entering a certain parameter.
Fire service functionality under EN81-73
If one of the floor fire sensor inputs is activated, the evacuation service will be automatically
activated. When selecting the destination floor level, the system will check that all fire sensors on
that floor have not been activated. Should any of the fire sensors of a floor be activated the lift will
go to the next floor on its list. The list for analysis is as follows: planta_bomberos, lobby_1,
lobby_2, prefer_sup and prefer_inf.
Once the fire service is detected the exit indicators will be activated in compliance with EN81-73 in
the UCP+ or BPP+.
The parameters for activating these modes are the following:
Parameter Activation Comments
Fire service mode pursuant to EN81-72
bflag_bomb_72 0..1 0: NO
1: YES
Special fire service mode for Portugal
(includes fire sensors connected to the UCP)
bflag_bomb_portu 0..1
0: NO
1: YES
Fire service level
planta_bomberos 0..31 Defines the floor to which the lift goes when it enters
fire service mode
Operation compliant with EN81-73
Bombero_EN81_73 0..1 0: NO
1: YES
The car contains the corresponding output (special setting 45 of the BMC or IMC) for the
connection of a device to indicate fire service mode.
There is a connector (X606_1) in the landing control panel UCP+ (see diagram: 2685.17) or BPP+
(see diagram: 2685.18) for the activation of the Out of Service mode; this enables a key to be
used on each floor.
The parameters for activating this mode are the following:
Parameter Activation Comments
To activate the out of service mode and wire the key(s) in the
landing boards
program_fs 0..1
0: NO
1: YES
Fire service priority
prioridad_fs 0..1 0: Low (Bomb – FS)
1: High (FS – Bomb)
It is not necessary to configure the Out of Service floor level as this is activated in the
corresponding landing board, and identified in this way by the UCM.
When the lift detects activation of the out of service mode it will go to the floor on which the key
was activated. It will also discard all requests, and if the car is travelling away from the out of
service stop it will stop at the next floor, and then continue without stopping to the out of service
Once it arrives at the out of service floor, it opens and then shuts the door, and remains with the
door closed. It will not respond to any requests, either from the car or from the landing. Only the
open car door button will be enabled.
This type of parking does not require any additional hardware or any special kind of request.
This function is incompatible with any other parking types.
It only affects lifts in which it has been programmed: when the lift has been inactive for longer
than the time programmed it will go to the forced parking level.
In this type of parking, unlike standard parking, when the lift is in a group, it is not necessary for
the remaining lifts to have stopped.
The parameters for activating this function are the following:
Parameter Activation Comments
Activating forced parking
tendencia 0..1 0: NO
1: YES
Forced parking time in seconds. After this time,
tiempo_tendencia 0…..250seg
the lift will go to the defined level and park
cota_tendencia 0..31 Forced parking level
By activating the "Shabbat" service programme, the lift will bypass group control and go to the
ground floor. Car buttons and landing requests are ignored.
After reaching the ground floor, the doors open and the car remains in this position for between 1
and 4 minutes (programmable).
When this period expires, the doors close and the lift goes up to the next floor. The doors open
and the car waits for a time between 2 and 10 seconds (programmable), before closing doors
and heading for the next floor.
Before the doors close (3 seconds), the buzzer sounds and continues to sound until the doors
While the doors are closing the photocells and/or light curtain will disconnect. The power to these
devices is cut (not only to bypass the contact). The only protection is provided by the safety edge
(or other mechanical protection).
After the safety edge has opened again, the doors will remain open for 2 seconds and then close
again. When the lift reaches the top floor, the direction arrows change from "down" to "up" and
before the car reaches the ground floor the arrows change from "down" to "up".
The cycle starts again after reaching the ground floor.
It will be possible to define the floors with automatic stops when the elevator is in Shabbat mode.
The car will stop (or not) on each floor depending on the settings of a Shabbat Programme. The
Shabbat Programme is stored in a memory board in the ShabbatProgramm address, with
capacity for 32 levels. The content of each element in the table can have 4 different values, each
of them with the following meaning.
0xFF the car will stop at level X both when ascending and descending
0xF0 the car will stop at level X only when descending
0x0F the car will stop at level X only when ascending
0x00 the car will not stop at that level
Consider an installation with 8 stops, from level 0 to level 7.
The Shabbat main floor is on level 2.
=> The “lobby_1” parameter must be 2
When descending it must do Shabbat stops at levels 0, 3, 5 and 6.
When ascending it must do Shabbat stops at levels 1, 5 and 7.
=> The Shabbat programme will be:
Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ShabbatProgramm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Value 0xFF 0x0F 0xFF 0xF0 0x00 0xFF 0xF0 0xFF
Attika configuration (see diagram 2685.17 and 2685.18 or UCP+ and BPP+ manuals). When the
owner requests a floor call, the pending car calls are served, the rest of floor calls are cancelled
and a waiting time is set for the car to empty (a load weighing device signalling 0% is required).
The owner can also give a visitor permission to make a car call to his private access. In order to
do this, the visitor has a calling push button in the car to alert the owner and to confirm the call
later on. And the owner can also confirm permission to the visitor either on the input “special call
to go up” (X612ES) on a UCP+ board or with the top push button or programmable input
(X606_1) on a BPP+ board with an Attika configuration.
The process for the visitor is as follows:
1. The visitor presses the car push button associated to the private apartment being
2. The owner presses the appropriate push button to accept the visit. At that moment,
whilst holding down the acceptance button, the visitor's push button register in the car
3. The visitor must confirm the call and the car call is registered.
The Attika function is not compatible with the VIP and the Shabbat functions.
An elevator with the Attika function is not compatible with the group operation.
The Attika function enables an automatic rescue system to be installed, to guarantee that the
rescue will never take place on a floor with private access. To do this, the “modo_rescate”
parameter should be set at “2” and the “planta_rescate” parameter set to a floor other than a
private apartment floor.
Parameters involved in the Attika function:
Parameter Activation Comments
0: NO
AttikaMode 0..1
1: YES (Attika enabled)
0..90 Waiting time in seconds for attic owner’s call
WaitAtkVisitor 0..90 Waiting time in seconds for attic visitor’s call
Automatic rescue in Attika mode
RescueAtkForzado 0..1 0: NO
Priority service, also known as "car priority" or "independent service", does not have an
associated parameter but involves additional hardware.
By activating a key switch on the car operating panel BMC or IMC with the special setting “Car
priority”, the lift is separated from the group (in the case of a group of lifts) and does not respond
to outside commands, i.e., does not respond to landing requests. The control unit only responds
to car commands. If the car has automatic doors, these will remain open. Car requests will be
served one by one.
When the lift enters inspection mode, by the control panel switch on the car ceiling, a supervision
mode (WaitOutRevision) can be activated. This means that in order to return to normal service, in
addition to changing the position of the inspection switch, the emergency or rappel mode must be
activated from the machine room, or the down pushbutton on the control board must be
activated, or the BoMo tool must be connected.
If the car is moving, on detecting the sensor activation, it will stop at the nearest floor.
Once the car stops, or if it was not moving, it will open the doors and will remain with the doors
open indefinitely. The sensor activation is memorised, so if there is a power failure in the UCM2,
the locked status can be recovered as soon as the power is back. To remove the locking control it
is necessary to activate the rappel or to press the manual reset in the UCM2. The fault code
The fume sensor will be connected to the chosen programmable input.
If the car is moving, on detecting the fume sensor activation, it will stop at the nearest floor. Once
the car stops, or if it was not moving, it will open and close the doors and will remain with the
doors closed indefinitely. The fault code SHAFT_FUME_SENSOR_ON will be activated. Calls will
be ignored. If any push button to call the car or to open the doors is pressed, a new door-opening
and closing sequence will be initiated. The function will be deactivated when the sensor is
The car light sensor will be connected to the chosen programmable input.
If the car is moving, on detecting that the car light is off (no light on in the car), it will stop at the
nearest floor. Once the car stops, or if it was not moving, it will open and close the doors, and
then it will remain with the doors closed indefinitely. The fault code LUZ_CABINA_SENSOR_ON
will be activated. It will not respond to calls. If any push button to call the car or to open the doors
is pressed, a new sequence of door opening and closing will be initiated. The function will be
deactivated when the sensor is deactivated. FLOODING PROBE FUNCTION
The flooding sensor (buoy) will be connected to the chosen programmable input.
A parameter defines the number of floors at risk of flooding.
Parameter Activation Comments
Defining the lowest level of the installation without any risk of
PlantasInundables 1..16
When the flooding probe is activated, the elevator will complete the call in progress and will go
out of service. If the call in progress was for the lowest floor, it will stop at the lowest floor plus
PlantasInundables (FloodableFloors). If it was for the top floor, it will stop at the top floor minus
PlantasInundables. If the elevator was not attending any calls and was stopped on any of the end
section floors that could be flooded, it will go to the nearest floor with no risk of flooding.
Once the elevator is out of service due to flooding, the normal service will only resume when the
flooding sensor is deactivated and the control board is switched off and on again. The normal
service can also be activated using reset, emergency situation or rappel, provided the flooding
sensor is deactivated. REMOVE ELEVATOR FROM GROUP
This function removes an elevator from the group, making it operate as a simplex. In order to do
this, this elevator must be provided with its own floor operating panel line. The remaining
elevators in the group will continue operating as a group.
Inputs: function activation key, up and down push buttons, top and bottom sensors to
detect the alignment with the approaching car.
Outputs: top and bottom indicators of car alignment.
Only authorised personnel will be able to activate the transfer function between cars.
The transfer mode is activated with the car transfer key.
At that point all calls are ignored.
Await a single call to perform an initial approach to the car being rescued.
Once the first approach trip is completed, no more calls are admitted and it will be possible to
move the car up and down, at the inspection speed, with the special push buttons for the transfer
The sound of a buzzer and a light signal will indicate when the car is close to the car being
When both cars are aligned, the two light signals will be activated and there will be a different
sound coming from the buzzer. At that point, proceed with the transfer.
Once the transfer is completed, the transfer function key will be deactivated and the car will
perform a correction trip, changing into normal operation.
In case of failure of the MP1_TKE module managing the signals for the transfer operation
between cars, the fault FALLO_EQUIPO_MPI_TKE will occur and this will be shown in the display
as *3. But the elevator will continue working.
In case of evacuation in fire service mode, it will be possible to choose the evacuation floor by
means of additional signals. To end a special evacuation a specific signal is used. This special
function is activated with the following parameter:
Parameter Activation Comments
0: NO
SpecialFireEvacuationl 0..1
1: SI
This function requires a MP1_TKE (SW1 = 3 and SW2 = 1) module, to which the following input
signals will be connected
L5: Evacuation to lobby_1.( EL1)
L6: Evacuation to lobby_2.( EL2)
L7: End of special evacuation. (FEE)
When the fire service key is activated, the car will go towards the floor indicated in the EL1 and
EL2 inputs.
If EL1 is activated, the car will go towards lobby_1
If EL1 is not activated and EL2 is activated, the car will go towards lobby_2
If both EL1 and EL2 are deactivated, the car will go towards the normal evacuation floor.
Once the evacuation has been completed, the elevator will remain locked until the signal (FEE) is
In case of failure of the MP1_TKE module managing the special fire service evacuation signal, the
fault FALLO_EQUIPO_MPI_TKE will occur and this will be shown in the display as *F. But the
elevator will continue working.
CMC4+ automatically detects if a push button is stuck in car and landing boards. If a push button
is depressed for more than 5 seconds the board will communicate this fault to the control unit,
which will store the code in the fault battery and indentify the level where the push button is
From this moment the control unit will bypass the stuck push button and continue to operate
normally. It will not service any more requests from this button.
The function is included by default and no external programming is required.
With this function, the lift attendant activates the mode key in the car, thus gaining control of the
lift. In principle, the lift will serve car and/or landing requests as normal, but the lift attendant,
based on information of requests pending "above" or "below", decides the direction of travel of
the lift by means of the lift attendant "up" or "down" buttons. Following this, the attendant must
press the ASCAR button, i.e., the start-up command for each journey. The start command can
also be executed with the activation of the push button for closing doors (CP).
The attendant can also bypass landing requests by activating the ASC80 bypass.
The associated hardware is summarised in the following chart.
Key/connector Function
Lift attendant - Special setting “Lift attendant” of the BMC or IMC
This key activates the lift attendant function
Lift attendant Down - Special setting “Lift attendant Up” of the BMC or IMC
Establishes the direction of travel of the lift, Down
Lift attendant Up - Special setting “Lift attendant Down” of the BMC or IMC
Establishes the direction of travel of the lift, Up
Lift attendant Start-up - Special setting “Lift attendant Start-up” of the BMC or
Orders lift start-up
Lift attendant Bypass - Special setting “Lift attendant 80%” of the BMC or IMC
ASC80 Equivalent to 80% car overload, it activates the bypass function so that landing
requests are ignored.
Close doors and start-up - Special setting “Open doors” of the BMC or IMC
Gives the order to close door and start-up lift
Pending calls below car position - Special setting “Lift attendant LL D” of BMC
or IMC
It tells the Lift attendant that there are outside calls below the current car
Key/connector Function
Pending calls above car position - Special setting “Lift attendant LL E” of BMC
or IMC
It tells the Lift attendant that there are outside calls above the current car
A number of parameters which may be changed are programmed in the EEPROM memory.
Although the pre-programmed EEPROM feeds the control boards, certain parameters may be
changed later in the installation using the programming terminal, e.g. LD2T, POME...
Access to the TABLE OF PARAMETERS recordable in EEPROM must be requested.
To carry out the feature programming (parameter settings) in the control CMC4+, we have several
5.1 Software LD2T with programmer USB2CMC4 or TKE-USB
Using the software LD2T we can connect to the control board by connecting the access key LCA1
to the UCM2 and the programmer USB2CMC4 or the TKE-USB and carry out the following
Introduction of all parameters that define an installation
Installation management in database
o Data modification and retrieval
o Generating reports and statistics
Reading the existing control board configuration
o Possibility of reading a control board and saving the configuration to the database
Adjustment of other parameters
o Reading and time set of the control RTC
o Temperature sensor reading
o Voltage level reading of the 3V battery
o Start-up counter reading and zero setting
o Machine room/cabinet triggering temperature
o Deleting configuration
o Factory configuration by default
Installation maintenance
o Viewing fault record
o Current lift status (Inputs, outputs, FW version, …)
Configuration recording will be carried out at factory using the parameters associated to the
manufacturing order number.
Programmer TKE-USB: 2664.19
Programming cable USB2CMC4 or TKE-USB: 2683.60
Access control key LCA1: 2688.27
For further details, check LD2T assistance.
5.2 Maintenance and programming terminal POME
With the maintenance operating panel POME in the installation we can modify the EEPROM
memory parameters. An LCA1 key is needed for its connection to the UCM2.
For the CMC4+ not all parameter changing function of the POME terminal are activated.
To this end, the function number 25 is used and the direction indicated in the parameter table
described below is accessed.
Maintenance functions (control status, fault record, etc) are fully accessible for the control board.
5.3 POME emulation software for PDA or PC
The mounting operating panel BoMo is a simple tool to carry out basic start-up/ maintenance
operations. Using its 8 LEDs, it allows you to identify the operating panel functioning mode and it
shows the corresponding information in every case in the two displays of 7 segments.
Using the Mode and Function buttons, we can select the functioning modes. These modes can be
summarised as follows:
Machine run mode: functioning in emergency mode, it allows you to control car travel
going upwards and downwards. In normal mode it carries out end calls;
Front/ rear door operator mode: functioning in emergency mode, it allows the front and
rear lift doors to open and close using the BoMo push buttons;
Failure stack mode: when configuring this mode, the hexadecimal code of the last failure
is shown in the display with 2 digits; with the push-buttons you can access the values
stored in the stack.
Parameter mode: it allows the reading and modification of certain parameters within the
allowed range.
Extra operation mode: it allows you to view the battery voltage, check and adjust the
triggering temperature of the machine room/cabinet, and activate special functions such
as the calibration of the load measurement device, copying operation data between two
control boards or shaft teaching among others. For further details, check the BoMo user
5.5 DTB basic maintenance operating panel
Diagnotic Tool Basic, DTB, is a simple tool to perform basic maintenance operations. This tool
does not allow for the writing of parameters or the execution of functions that may alter any
parameter. This element is solely intended for the maintenance of an installation that has already
been adjusted and needs no changes. Its six LEDs identify the operation mode of the button units
and display the appropriate information in each case in the two 7-segment displays.
Using the Mode and Function buttons, we can select the functioning modes. These modes can be
summarised as follows:
Machine run mode, functioning in emergency mode, it allows you to control car travel
going upwards and downwards. In normal mode it carries out end calls;
Front/ rear door operator mode, functioning in emergency mode, it allows the front and
rear lift doors to open and close using the BoMo push buttons;
Failure stack mode, when configuring this mode, the hexadecimal code of the last failure
is shown in the display with 2 digits; with the push-buttons you can access the values
stored in the stack.
5.6 Parameter dumping by direct connection between UCM2s
There is a “parameter copy” option for cases in which a UCM2 is replaced by another one, using
a cable and connecting both boards. If one of them is supplied, we can load the whole previous
installation configuration onto the new board. Only a POME or BoMo is needed to activate the
corresponding parameter.
UCM2 board replacement procedure; dumping operation data to an external board:
Placement of new UCM2 board in the control cabinet;
Put control board in emergency mode using the relevant selector switch;
Connection of the former board to the new UCM2 via the connection cable by means of
the connector X8 E2PROM;
Download mode activation using parameter access with POME or BoMo;
Press reset button of the new UCM2 board to initiate download;
Download complete, disconnection and normal functioning. If the BoMo is used, we can
check if the copying has been carried out correctly given that “00” is shown in the display
if the dumping process is successful or “FF” in the event of a copying error.
The “copy_old_memory” parameter activates parameter dumping from EEPROM with the value
“0xA5”. The accessible memory position using function 25 of POME to enter parameter dumping
mode of EEPROM memory.
5.7 BMC or IMC button unit configuration
The control CMC4+ uses CAN bus for the interconnection of the system elements. It is a
communication asynchronous series protocol used originally in the automotive sector. It is
designed to allow highly reliable communications and reduce wirings.
The main features of the CAN bus according to ISO 11898 are the following:
Robust system. It uses a differential braided pair for data transmission, making it
especially immune to noisy environments.
Inherent message preference in the identification.
Flexibility in the configuration.
Reception using multi-broadcasting with time synchronisation. All the elements connected
“listen” to the messages and they can answer.
Multi-master system.
Error detection and signalling. Automatic retransmission of wrong frames, distinction
between temporal errors and permanent failures of the network nodes and autonomous
disconnection of defective nodes.
Communication speed up to1Mbps.
Bus impedance of 120 ohms (min. 85 ).
There is a relationship between the bus length and the transmission speed, the control CMC4+
uses a speed of 100Kbit/s, making the maximum bus length approximately 400m.
Bit Rate (Kbit/s) Bus length (m)
1000 25
800 50
500 100
250 250
125 500
100 400
50 1000
20 2500
On the other hand, there is also a relationship between the bus length, the maximum node
number (CAN elements) that we can connect and the cable section to be used, as according to
the cable section and length, signal losses are possible.
Therefore, the number of nodes will depend on the maximum length, which will always be from
400m to 100Kbits/s, and the cable section used.
Maximum cable length
Cable section Node number
32 64 100
0.50 mm (AWG 20) 360m 310m 270m
0.75 mm2 (AWG 18) 550m 470m 410m
In our case, the cable section used is the one shown in the following table. The braided
connection pair to the car is included in the low voltage travelling cable and the braided pair for
the landing board connection is included in the shaft CAN bus cable set specially defined for the
control CMC4+.
CAN Bus, car connection CAN bus, UCP connection
Low voltage travelling cable Shaft CAN bus cable set
0.50 mm2 (AWG 20) 0.75 mm2 (AWG 18)
In principle and in theory, we could use up to 100 nodes (CAN elements) in the bus. Every board
integrated in the control CMC4+ has at least one CAN controller, in this case integrated in the
microcontroller. Therefore, the lift control boards connected to the CAN bus are treated as nodes.
It is necessary to place some terminating resistances at the bus top sides, normally of 120 ohms
to avoid reflections and noise in the bus. The function of these resistances is to maintain the
voltage levels as the CAN bus uses differential transmission.
In case of star topology, it is necessary to modify the terminating resistance value to maintain the
typical impedance of the bus. This case corresponds to the double CAN bus wiring in shaft for
front and rear car boards, as we can see in the diagram “Shaft Bus Connections” 2685.15 y
This way, the bus impedance may be ultimately maintained and thus the necessary voltage levels
for its correct functioning.
7.1 Overview
The control system CMC4+ includes the visual display of messages regarding the control events
using car and landing position indicators and optionally in the control cabinet, either by
connecting any of the diagnosis tools explained in “Programming features” or a position indicator
to the connector X87 where we have the LS or PIU signal.
These messages appear in two types of situations:
Control failure (see section on “Code interpretation”)
Special operating situations such as inspection, emergency, STOP switch activation, etc.
The information displayed has a fault indicator symbol (*) and an identifying character from 0 to 9
or from A to Z, only viewable with the PIU protocol. The data display will blink while the failure or
special event persists.
For example: failure 0, the following visual display will appear:
In addition to the code given by the position indicator in case of a failure situation, the landing
registers will show the following status:
In universal control (PB) The will remain ON
They will remain OFF in failure situations in which
In selective control (1BC/2BC)
registered calls are deleted
The direction arrows will always be turned off, in universal and selective control.
Some of these failures lock the system, i.e. after correcting the failure, it is necessary to activate
the RESET push-button of the control board (if lockout was not performed for its repair) for the
start-up procedure to be executed and to check its proper operation. The failures caused by
parameters of the group cannot be eliminated with a simple RESET; values should be restored
using the programming tool available, e.g. LD2T, POME, etc. Other failures that lock the system
need to be released using the Emergency or Inspection switch.
In addition to the codes, all the boards of the CMC4+ system have a fault indicator LED. This LED
encodes through pulses the state of the communications with the control board, indicating
whether the teach-in has been carried out properly, if there is a failure in the CAN bus drivers or if
everything is working correctly. For a detailed description, check the relevant board manuals.
Besides the aforementioned failure code, the control CMC4+ also includes a number of related
failure codes, which can be detected using the maintenance or diagnosis operating panel (e.g.
LD2T, POME …). The corresponding failure code is also indicated.
Sensor operation should be checked as follows: taking into account the position of the
sensor in the car ceiling, its activation is carried out placing the magnet in front of the
sensor. When it is in front of VANE (magnet), the corresponding LED will be activated at
the control board.
Check the supply voltage to the sensor (24 V DC between the connector terminals of the
car board).
Check that there is voltage in the sensor output connector of the car board (magnet in
front of the sensor).
At the control board, we can check the sensor signals using the FS LEDs (upper) and FI
(lower). In case of installations with a single sensor in the positioning system, the signal
FI is activated.
If there is door closing order and the presence and/or interlock order is not reactivated, several
attempts are made. The car and landing doors will physically close or not according to the failure
situation or its cause.
Check at the board UBA2 the corresponding LED status when closing the presence and/or
interlock series.
Communication failure between control board and car board due to a wiring fault or board
No signal activity from the position sensors (FI or FS) is detected; its correct functioning is
time-controlled in all the functional phases. The cause of this fault may be no sensor
activity due to sensor failure (it does not detect the output and/or input in VANE) or due to
there being no car movement when start-up conditions have been confirmed (traction
Check sensor operation, checking car board status using LED_RUN, and checking photo-
switch connector.
Failure of the emergency equipment. There is some problem with the remote alarm
system according to EN81-28.
The control detects the opening of safeties series; in the absence of this signal, the lift locks
awaiting the signal.
In hydraulic traction lifts, if the series opening takes place on an upper floor, the lift will lock until
the series recovers and a reset is prompted (the ESH signal will be activated).
If the fault takes place without series opening, it may be due to the control board and/or altered
parameters located in the Eeprom. In both cases, it is not possible to recover the lift without
replacing the board and/or correctly parameterising the Eeprom.
To find the failures, the information in the failure stack is arranged as follows:
All the codes are registered in the failure stack identified according to an order number in the list
of 50 failures that can be stored by the CMC4+ control, the level at which the failure takes place,
the travel direction, (indicated with an arrow ) and if the situation is P (lift stopped) or in M (lift
Depending on the type of fault code the information for the level will have a meaning other than
the usual meaning.
Next the date appears, followed by the decimal code assigned to the failure and a brief
description. In the case of outdated diagnosis terminals, if the failure is not known by the latter,
we will find the correspondence between the code displayed and the failure caused in the
following table.
The extended failure codes can only be properly viewed by using the PIU protocol. These codes
extend the numeration from *A to *Z. In LS protocol these new codes are shown as any of those
included in the LS table, e.g. *A is shown as G1, *B as GF and so on, going through the entire LS
table until *Y is 7 and *Z is 8.
Code number
Fault-related text Display Meaning
Dec. Hexa. Output
00 00h No NORMAL No Normal operation
Front open door limit does not
01 01h No NO_ABRE_FPAF No
Rear open door limit does not
02 02h No NO_ABRE_FPAT No
Front open door limit does not
Rear open door limit does not
Front closed door limit does not
05 05h No NO_ABRE_FPCF No
Rear closed door limit does not
Front closed door limit does not
Rear closed door limit does not
Front door open push-button
09 09h No AP_FRON_ACT No
activated in excess
Rear door open push-button
10 0Ah No AP_TRAS_ACT No
activated in excess
11 0Bh No CAP_FRONT_ACT No Front capacitive edge activated
Code number
Fault-related text Display Meaning
Dec. Hexa. Output
12 0Ch No CAP_TRAS_ACT No Rear capacitive edge activated
13 0Dh No FOT_FRONT_ACT No Front photocell activated
14 0Eh No FOT_TRAS_ACT No Rear photocell activated
15 0Fh No BORDE_FRONT_ACT No Front safety edge activated
16 10h No BORDE_TRAS_ACT No Rear safety edge activated
The interlock series does not
17 11h No NO_ABRE_41 No
open with open order
The presence series does not
18 12h No NO_ABRE_40 No
open with open order
Failure detected in EPROM
19 13h No FALLO_E2PROM No
Presence series signal is not
20 14h No NO_HAY_40 No
Interlock series signal is not
21 15h No NO_HAY_41 No
Fault in SR module detected
22 16h No FALLO_SR No
23 17h No PRIORIDAD_ CABINA No Preference connection car
24 18h No FUNCIÓN _BOMBEROS No Fire service switch activated
25 19h No FUERA_SERVICIO No Out of service switch activated
26 1Ah No EARTHQUAKE_ON No Seismic sensor activated
27 1Bh No FALLO_COM_POSICION No Failure in position communication
28 1Ch No APER_SSEG_500 No Safeties opening < 500ms
Opening door in operation
29 1Dh No APER_PTARUN_200 No
30 1Eh No Free No
31 1Fh No Free No
Overload sensor activation
Differential load sensor activation
Communication failure of the
34 22h No FALLO_MPLEX No
multiplex lift group
Rotational emergency power
function activated
Expected uneven start-up time
36 24h No EXCESO_ANS No
has been exceeded
37 25h No ACT_SENSOR_FUEGO No Fire sensor activated
Multiplex weighting fault, front
38 26h No FALLO_MX_FS No
calls going up
Multiplex weighting fault, front
39 27h No FALLO_MX_FB No
calls going down
Multiplex weighting fault, rear
40 28h No FALLO_MX_TS No
calls going up
Multiplex weighting fault, rear
41 29h No FALLO_MX_TB No
calls going down
Code number
Fault-related text Display Meaning
Dec. Hexa. Output
Communication failure in
Fault due to short-circuit in a
43 2Bh No FALLO_PROTEC_SALIDAS No protected output of the UCM2.
More information in POME level
44 2Ch No POWER_FAIL No Power failure
45 2Dh No FALLO_24V No 24V failure
46 2Eh No STS_SHABBAT No Control in SHABBAT mode
Emergency equipment in car
(EAR) failure signal
Vane counting fault (Shaft
Number of connections/time
49 31h YES OVER_CONEX *0
No signal 41 when attempting to
50 32h YES NO_CIERRA_41 *7
close door
No signal 40 when attempting to
51 33h YES NO_CIERRA_40 *7
close door
52 34h YES OVERT_DOOR *7 Door time exceeded
53 35h YES NO_NEXT_START *0 No start-up order activated
Both activated slowdowns
54 36h YES AMBOS_CM_ACC *2
Stop travel when upwards
55 37h YES PMS_SIN_PANT *8
activated without vane(1V)
Stop travel when downwards
56 38h YES PMB_SIN_PANT *8
activated without vane(1V)
57 39h YES APER_SERIE_SEG *9 Safeties series opening
58 3Ah YES APER_S40_MARCHA *4 Presence series opening
59 3Bh YES APER_S41_MARCHA *4 Interlock series opening
60 3Ch YES INCONGRUENCIA *9 Incorrect variables detected
Slowdown when upwards
incorrect activation B323
Slowdown when downwards
incorrect activation B322
Opening with slowdown when
upwards B323
Opening with slowdown when
64 40h YES APER_SEG_CMB *9
downwards B322
65 41h YES PROGRAM_ERROR *9 Program error detected
66 42h YES SITUAC_INSPEC *3 Inspection control connection
67 43h YES SITUAC_RAPPEL *3 Recovery control connection
68 44h NO SITUACIÓN_CORREC NO Lift in correction phase
69 45h YES DETECT_LOAD.100 *0 Overload activated
70 46h YES NO_COMUNIC_CAB *8 Car communication failure
71 47h YES DETECT_SOBREC_DIF *0 Differential overload activated
72 48h YES NO_AREA_RENIV *3 No area signal
Code number
Fault-related text Display Meaning
Dec. Hexa. Output
Front capacitive edge activated
73 49h YES CAPF_ACT_30S *0
for 30 seconds
74 4Ah YES ON_MODOTEST *9 Board UCM2 test mode activated
Failure in the EEPROM parameter
75 4Bh YES NO_COPYE2P *9
Landing door opened w/o voltage
in main controller; reset
76 4Ch YES APER_PTA_V0 *3 activating and deactivating the
emergency switch on the control
Short-circuit in Car board UCC2.
77 4Dh NO CORTO_UCC NO It may also trip due to
Landing door opened with
78 4Eh YES APER_PTA_V1 *3
voltage in main controller
Rear capacitive edge activated
80 50h YES CAPT_ACT_30S *0
for 30 seconds
Front photocell activated for 30
81 51h YES FOTF_ACT_30S *0
Rear photocell activated for 30
82 52h YES FOTT_ACT_30S *0
Front safety edge activated for
83 53h YES BORF_ACT_30S *0
30 seconds
Back safety edge activated for 30
84 54h YES BORT_ACT_30S *0
Teach-in failure, rear landing
85 55h YES NO_UCPS_TRASERO *A board not detected, level shown
Teach-in failure, front landing
86 56h YES NO_UCPS_FRONTAL *B board not detected, level shown
Teach-in failure, more landing
87 57h YES MAS_UCPS_FRONTAL *A boards than programmed are
detected (front)
Teach-in failure, more landing
88 58h YES MAS_UCPS_TRASERO *B boards than programmed are
detected (rear)
89 59h NO FALLO_NO_REGISTRADO Faults not assigned
90 5Ah YES LOST_UCC *C Car communication failure
Front Car board initialisation
Rear Car board initialisation
93 5Dh YES SOBRETEMP_CTOMAQ *0 Machine room overheating fault
94 5Eh YES SOBRETEMP_PTC *0 PTC overheating fault
Running contactor K06 does not
95 5Fh YES NO_CAE_CPIK06 *1
switch off. (CPI-CAN)
Code number
Fault-related text Display Meaning
Dec. Hexa. Output
Running contactor K06 does not
96 60h YES NO_ENTRA_CPIK06 *1
switch on. (CPI-CAN)
None of the running contactors
97 61h YES NO_CAE_CPIK0612 *1 K06, K061 or K062 switch off.
None of the running contactors
98 62h YES NO_ENTRA_CPIK0612 *1 K06, K1 or K2 switch on. (CPI-
Brake contactor K0F does not
99 63h YES NO_CAE_CPIK0F *1
switch off. (CPI-CAN)
Brake contactor K0F does not
100 64h YES NO_ENTRA_CPIK0F *1
switch on. (CPI-CAN)
CAN communication failure
101 65h YES FALLO_CANCPI *1 between control and CPI. (CPI-
CPI Starting, stopping or
102 66h YES FALLO_SECCPI *1 slowdown sequence failure. (CPI-
Internal communication failure.
103 67h YES FALLO_HNDCHKM16R8 *1
Brake switch surveillance,
104 68h YES NO_ENTRA_BRK1 *1 contact does not switch on BRK1
Brake switch surveillance,
105 69h YES NO_CAE_BRK1 *1 contact does not switch off BRK1
Brake switch surveillance,
106 6Ah YES NO_ENTRA_BRK2 *1 contact does not switch on BRK2
Brake switch surveillance,
107 6Bh YES NO_CAE_BRK2 *1 contact does not switch off
108 6Ch YES FALLO_INITCPI *1 Initialisation failure CPI CAN
109 6Dh NO SHAFT_FUME_SENSOR_ON NO Smoke detector in shaft activated
Fault of unintended movement
110 6Eh YES FALLO_CMI_A3 *3
control system
111 6Fh YES INCOHERENCIA_CONTAJE *8 Fault end section bi-stable
112 70h NO INUNDACION_SENSOR_ON no Buoy flooding sensor activated
113 71h YES ERROR_PARAM_CMI_A3 *3 Error in parameter ControlMI_A3
It has been detected that a
114 72h YES NIVEL_BAJO_ACEITE *0 hydraulic elevator has low oil
115 73h NO LUZ_CABINA_SENSOR_ON NO Car light fault detected
Command to stop received from
remote service
Code number
Fault-related text Display Meaning
Dec. Hexa. Output
After an automatic fire service
evacuation as per
117 75h YES BLOQUEO_EVACUACION NO parameterisation
32CFResetFireService the lift
locks until it is reset
An uncontrolled exit from the
area is detected
119… 74h..
NO free NO
125 7Dh
Programmed nudging time not
within limits
Short floor area incorrectly
128 80h YES INMEDIATE_STOP *0 Immediate stop
129 81h YES NO_IMPULSOS_PANT *8 No VANE impulses received
Programmed time in slow
Fast speed contactor does not
switch on
Fast speed contactor does not
132 84h YES NO_CAE_HCONT *1
switch off
Slow speed contactor does not
switch on
Slow speed contactor does not
134 86h YES NO_CAE_LCONT *1
switch off
Upwards trip contactor does not
switch on
Upwards trip contactor does not
136 88h YES NO_CAE_UCONT *1
switch off
Downwards trip contactor does
not switch on
Downwards trip contactor does
not switch off
Downwards trip contactor does
not switch off
140 8Ch YES NO_PROX_PAR *8 Next stop not defined
141 8Dh YES NO_MOTORCODE *9 Traction type not defined
142 8Eh YES INVERSION_FASES *2 Direction reversal detected
143 8Fh YES FALLO_GRAB_EEPROM *9 EEPROM writing failure
144 90h YES ERROR_COLC_PANT *8 VANE placement error
145 91h YES NO_SALE_PANT *8 Start-up order and no VANE exit
146 92h YES FALLO_RAM *9 Reading/Writing RAM failure
147 93h YES FALLO_PARAM_EPROM *9 EEPROM parameter failure
148 94h YES NO_MAXT_DOOR *9 Maximum out of range door time
Maximum number of
149 95h YES NO_CONEX_HORA *9
150 96h YES NO_RESERVA_CONEX *9 Maximum connection reserve
Code number
Fault-related text Display Meaning
Dec. Hexa. Output
151 97h YES NO_MAXT_GRANDE *9 Maximum time at fast speed
152 98h YES NO_MAXT_PEQUEÑA *9 Maximum time at slow speed
153 99h YES NO_MAXT_RENIVEL *9 Maximum time Re-levelling
154 9Ah YES NO_CAB_CALL_MAX *9 Maximum number of calls per car
155 9Bh YES NO_RET_STOP *9 Maximum delay to stop
Maximum switching star-delta
Stuck push-button, shows level
Maximum time delay after
158 9Eh YES NO_RET_RBB *9
electrocam de-energisation
159 9Fh YES NO_PREFER_SUB *9 Preferential upper level number
160 A0h YES NO_PREFER_INF *9 Preferential lower level number
161 A1h YES NO_LOBBY_1 *9 Main level 1 number
162 A2h YES NO_LOBBY_2 *9 Main level 2 number
163 A3h YES NO_PLANTA_BOMBEROS *9 Fire service floor not defined
Delta contactor does not switch
Delta contactor does not switch
166 A6h YES FALLO_CPI *1 CPI regulator failure (Ready)
Photo switch position sensor
pulse fault
Photo switch position sensor
168 A8h NO CODE_FOT_F1 *8
pulse fault (additional info )
Photo switch position sensor
169 A9h NO CODE_FOT_F2 *8
pulse fault (additional info )
Photo switch position sensor
170 AAh NO CODE_FOT_F3 *8
pulse fault (additional info )
Starting command without
setting the direction of travel
A required MP1_TKE module
does not work
173 ADh YES SITUAC_RESCATE *3 DEA rescue device activated
174 AEh YES RESCATE_OK *3 DEA rescue finished
175 AFh YES RESCATE_ERROR *3 Error in the DEA rescue control
General fault in intermediate
Failure parameter lower
intermediate level
Failure parameter upper
intermediate level
179 B3h YES FALLOCANHUECO *1 Shaft CAN bus failure
180 B4h YES FALLOCANGRUPO *1 Group CAN bus failure
Error in a parameter related to
the positioning with encoder
182 B6h YES MEDIDA_ENCODER *9 Shaft measurement not valid
Code number
Fault-related text Display Meaning
Dec. Hexa. Output
183 B7h YES PULSOS_ENCODER *9 Encoder pulse signal fails
Positioning does not match with
shaft measurements
185 B9h YES LOGICA_ENCODER *9 Encoder general fault
The extra CM is not consistent
186 BAh YES FALLO_CM_SUPLEMENTARIO *9 with B322 “CMB” and B323
The DMC device is not connected
187 BBh NO FALLO_DMC *F or has not been initialised
The UCO or door operator CAN is
188 BCh NO FALLO_OP *F not connected or has not been
initialised properly
189 BDh NO free NO
When stopping the Inverter does
not authorise brake activation
Failure to detect when stopping
191 BFh YES FALLO_SCNA_VACONCAN *1 the opening of the series which is
normally open
When stopping the Inverter does
192 C0h YES FALLO_ESP_VACONCAN *1 not authorise the opening of the
motor contactor
Failure to close when stopping
the series normally closed
At start-up the series which are
normally open and the series
normally closed are not in their
initial status
At start-up the series which are
normally closed fail to open
At start-up the Inverter does not
196 C4h YES *1 authorise the activation of the
motor contactor
FALLO_SECUANCIA_EBS_VACON At start-up the Inverter does not
197 C5h YES *1
CAN authorise brake release
At start-up the series which are
FALLO_SCNA_BRAKE_EBS_VACO normally open do not close or do
198 C6h YES *1
NCAN not open the brake micro
While running the inverter run
signal fails
The control is in brake testing
Brake testing has been
unsuccessfully completed
Unexpected current detected in
the inverter transformer
203 CBh YES AVERIA_INVERTER *1 Fault reported by the inverter
Code number
Fault-related text Display Meaning
Dec. Hexa. Output
204.. CCh..
NO free NO
250 FCh
251 FB NO RST_PILA_AVERIAS NO Fault stack has been reset
252 FCh NO INICIALIZANDO NO Control initialising
253 FD h YES RESET NO Manual reset completed
254 FE h YES FALLO254 NO Generic failure
255 FF h -- Not used -- --
Failures with codes 85 and 86 are saved to the failure stack, storing the floor where the failure
was detected in the byte for car position storage.
Failures with code 43 are saved to the failure stack, but in this case the car position byte will show
the output where the short-circuit was detected. Thus:
24 to 17: S_AUX_4, OMI2, OUT_Z, VINS, rele_rev, rele_ls, S_AUX_3, LS.
16 to 9: TEACH_T, V2, OMI1, OUT_Y, SANS, rele_rbr, rele_hs, S_AUX_2.
8 to 1: AVERIA, TEACH_F, No_Usado, EnFRENOTEST, RELE_HF49, T3_UCM, rele_up,
0: general failure of short-circuit detection circuit.
When a short-circuit occurs, it can be detected in more than one output apart from the one where
it occurred.
Test the LEDs described in the table shown in the “Normal Running” section.
The STATUS LED of the UBA2 is set to reveal certain failure situations by flashing. If this LED
flashes, check the relevant table in the Assembly Manual.