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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Fuel system 1
CRI system diagram 1

a CRI is an abbreviation for common rail injection.

1. NE speed sensor 9. Fuel supply pump 10. Common rail

2. Engine controller 9A. PCV 11. High pressure injection pipe
3. Injector 9B. High pressure pump 12. Flow damper
4. Orifice (for bleeding air) 9C. Priming pump 13. Pressure limiter
5. Fuel tank 9D. Feed pump 14. Electric priming pump
6. Pre-fuel filter 9E. Relief valve 15. Engine controller cooler
7. Main fuel filter 9F. Bkup speed sensor
8. Overflow valve (G sensor)

12 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00198-01

Outline of CRI system 1

Outline 1. Fuel system
q The CRI system checks the condition of the
engine (engine speed, accelerator angle, cool-
ant temperature, etc.) with sensors.
q The microcomputer of the CRI system controls
the fuel injection rate, fuel injection timing, fuel
injection pressure, etc. totally to operate the
engine under the best condition.
q The CRI system has a diagnosis function and
an alarm function, with which the computer of
the system checks the main component parts
and notifies the operator of detected failures.
q In addition, the CRI system has a failsafe func-
tion which stops the engine when a certain
parts fail and a backup function which contin-
ues the operation by changing the control
method in such a case.

q The CRI system is divided by the function into
the fuel system and control system.

q The fuel system distributes the high-pressure

fuel supplied by the fuel supply pump to the
cylinders through the common rail.
q The solenoid valve in the injector opens and
closes the nozzle needle valve to start and fin-
ish injection.

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

2. Control system

q The engine controller calculates and controls

the energizing timing and energizing period of
the injector with the signals from the sensors
installed to the machine to inject proper quan-
tity of fuel in proper timing.
q The control system is roughly divided by the
electric parts into the sensors, computer, and

14 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00198-01

Structure and operation of CRI system

q The CRI system consists of the fuel supply q If the TWV is turned on (energized), the fuel
pump, common rail, injector, engine controller circuit is so changed that the high-pressure
to control them, and sensors. fuel in the control chamber will flow through the
q The fuel supply pump generates fuel pressure orifice. As a result, the needle valve is raised
in the common rail. The fuel pressure is con- to start fuel injection by the nozzle cracking
trolled by the fuel discharge rate of the supply pressure of the high-pressure fuel on the noz-
pump. zle side.
q The discharge rate is controlled by turning on q If the TWV is turned off (de-energized), the fuel
and off the PCV (pressure control valve) of the circuit is so changed that the high-pressure
fuel supply pump according to the electric sig- fuel will be applied to the control chamber
nals from the engine controller. through the orifice. As a result, the needle
q The common rail receives the pressurized fuel valve lowers and finishes fuel injection.
from the fuel supply pump and distributes it to q Accordingly, the fuel injection timing and fuel
the cylinders. injection rate are controlled respectively by the
q The fuel pressure is sensed by the common timing to turn on the TWV and the length of the
rail fuel pressure sensor installed to the com- turn-on time of the TWV.
mon rail.
q A feedback control is applied so that the actual
fuel pressure will match to the command pres-
sure set according to the engine speed and the
load on the engine.
q The fuel pressure in the common rail is applied
to the nozzle side of the injector and to the
control chamber through the fuel injection pipe
of each cylinder.
q The injector controls the fuel injection rate and
fuel injection timing by turning on and off the
TWV (2-way solenoid valve).

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Structure and operation of component parts 1

1. Fuel supply pump

1. 3-top cam 6. No. 2 high-pressure pump

2. Overflow valve 7. Priming pump
3. Drive coupling 8. Feed pump
4. No. 1 high-pressure pump 9. Gear for Bkup speed sensor (G sensor)
5. PCV (Pump control valve)

Outline q Since the number of the times of feeding fuel

q The fuel supply pump consists of priming to the common rail is the same as the number
pump (7), feed pump (8), and high-pressure of the times of fuel injection, the common rail
pumps (4) and (6). fuel pressure is smooth and stable.
q The function of the fuel supply pump is to gen- q The fuel fed by high-pressure pumps (4) and
erate common rail fuel pressure by controlling (6) to the common rail is divided as follows.
the fuel delivery. q No. 1 high pressure pump (on the drive cou-
pling side) (4) compensates for drop of the
Structure common rail fuel pressure caused by fuel
q High-pressure pumps (4) and (6) have the injection into the No. 1, 3, and 5 cylinders.
pressure feed systems similar to those of the q No. 2 high-pressure pump (on the feed pump
conventional in-line fuel injection pump and the side) (6) compensates for drop in the common
PCVs (pressure control valves) for each cylin- rail fuel pressure caused by fuel injection into
der to control the fuel delivery. the No. 2, 4, and 6 cylinders.
q By employing 3-top cam (1), the necessary
number of the cylinders of high-pressure
pumps (4) and (6) is reduced to 1/3 of the
engine cylinders.

16 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00198-01


q (A): During the lowering stroke of the plunger,

the PCV is open and the low-pressure fuel
is sucked in the plunger chamber through
the PCV.
q (B): While the PCV is not energized and is open
after the plunger starts the rising stroke, the
sucked fuel is returned through the PCV
without being pressurized.
q (C): If the PCV is energized and closed in the
timing for the necessary delivery, the return
passage is closed and the pressure in the
plunger chamber rises. Accordingly, the
fuel is fed through the delivery valve (check
valve) to the common rail. That is, the
quantity of the fuel corresponding to the
plunger lift after the PCV is closed is the
delivery. The delivery is changed and the
common rail fuel pressure is controlled by
changing the opening timing of the PCV.
q (D): After the cam passes the maximum lift
point, the plunger starts the lowering stroke
and the pressure in it lowers. At this time,
the delivery valve closes to stop feeding the
fuel. Since the PCV is de-energized, it
opens and the low-pressure fuel is sucked
in the plunger chamber, or the state of (A)
starts again.

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

1) PCV (Pressure control valve) 2) Feed pump

q The PCV adjusts the fuel delivery from the fuel q The feed pump built in the fuel supply pump
supply pump to adjust the common rail fuel assembly draws the fuel from the fuel tank and
pressure. The delivery from the fuel supply sends it through the fuel filter to the high-pres-
pump to the common rail is decided by the tim- sure pump chamber.
ing of energizing the PCV. q The outer and inner rotors of the feed pump
are rotated by the camshaft.
q The fuel is sucked in on the suction side and
discharged on the delivery side according to
the increase and decrease of the spaces
between the outer and inner rotors.

18 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00198-01

2. Common rail

Structure When fuel is stopped

q Common rail (4) distributes the high-pressure q If the fuel flows out abnormally because of a
fuel from the high-pressure pump to the injec- burst of the piping, etc., piston (2) moves to the
tors of the cylinders. right stroke end.
q Common rail (4) is equipped with common rail q The tip of piston (2) contacts seat (b) to stop
fuel pressure sensor (2), flow dampers (1), and the fuel.
pressure limiter (3). q Once the fuel is stopped, piston (2) does not
q The fuel injection pipes are connected to flow return to the initial position until the engine is
dampers (1) to send the high-pressure fuel to stopped.
the injectors.
q The piping of the pressure limiter (3) is
returned to the fuel tank.

1) Flow damper

q The flow dampers damp the pressure pulses in
the high pressure piping and supply the fuel to
the injectors with stable pressure.
q If excessive fuel flows out, the flow dampers
block the fuel passage to prevent abnormal
outflow of the fuel.
q If the fuel flows out abnormally, high pressure
is applied to the piston, which moves to the
right until it reaches the seat to stop the fuel.

When fuel is not injected
q Piston (2) is in contact with stopper (1) (initial
q The fuel for static leakage is supplied through
orifice (a) of piston (2) and clearance in the
sliding parts.

When fuel is injected

q The fuel pressure is applied to piston (2),
which compresses spring (3) and moves to the
q The fuel for static leakage is supplied through
orifice (a) of piston (2) and clearance in the
sliding parts.

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

2) Pressure limiter 3) Common rail fuel pressure sensor

q If abnormally high pressure is generated, the q The common rail fuel pressure sensor is
pressure limiter opens to release that pres- installed to the common rail to sense the fuel
sure. pressure.
q If the common rail fuel pressure reaches about q This sensor is a semiconductor pressure sen-
220 MPa {2,156 kg/cm2}, the pressure limiter sor, which utilizes the phenomenon that the
operates (opens). electric resistance of silicon changes according
q If the common rail fuel pressure lowers to 30 to pressure applied to it.
MPa {310 kg/cm2}, the pressure limiter resets
itself (closes) to maintain the pressure.
q Under the normal condition, the pressure lim-
iter does not reset itself (close) until the engine
is stopped.

1. Ball
2. Housing
3. Spring
4. Guide
5. Body

20 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00198-01

3. Injector

q The function of the injector is to inject the high-
pressure fuel from the common rail into each
combustion chamber of the engine in the opti-
mum timing, by the optimum quantity, at the
optimum injection rate, and under the optimum
spray condition.
q The TWV (2-way solenoid valve) controls the
start and finish of fuel injection by controlling
the pressure in the control chamber.
q The orifice limits the opening speed of the noz-
zle and controls the fuel injection rate.
q The hydraulic piston transmits the force gener-
ated by the pressure in the control chamber to
the needle valve of the nozzle.
q The nozzle sprays the fuel.

170E-5 Series 21
SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard


1. Inlet connector 7. Orifice (in)

2. Terminal 8. Pressure control chamber
3. Upper body 9. Control piston
4. Solenoid 10. Spring
5. Valve body 11. Pressure pin
6. Orifice (out) 12. Nozzle assembly

q The injector consists of the nozzle section, ori-

fice to control the fuel injection rate, hydraulic
piston section, and 2-way solenoid valve sec-

22 170E-5 Series
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A: No fuel injection C: Finish of fuel injection

B: Start of fuel injection D: From common rail

1. Nozzle 5. Valve body

2. Control piston 6. Solenoid
3. Orifice (in) 7. Spring
4. Orifice (out) 8. Pressure control chamber

1) No fuel injection (A) 3) Finish of fuel injection (C)
q While solenoid (6) is not energized, valve body q If solenoid (6) is de-energized, valve body (5)
(5) is pressed down by spring (7). is lowered by spring (7) and the fuel passage is
q Since the high-pressure fuel is applied from closed.
the common rail to pressure control chamber q At this time, the high-pressure fuel in the com-
(8), nozzle (1) is closed and the fuel is not mon rail is applied to pressure control chamber
injected. (8) suddenly and nozzle (1) is closed quickly,
fuel injection is finished sharply.
2) Start of fuel injection (B)
q If solenoid (6) is energized, valve body (5) is
pulled up by the electromagnetic force and the
fuel passage is opened.
q Since the fuel in pressure control chamber (8)
flows out through orifices (3) and (4), nozzle
(1) rises and fuel injection pump starts.
q The fuel injection rate is increased gradually by
the function of orifices (3) and (4).
q If solenoid (6) is kept energized, the fuel injec-
tion rate is increased to the maximum.

170E-5 Series 23
SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Electric circuit diagram

k Since high voltage (65 V) is applied to the

wiring harnesses connected to the engine
controller, COMMON 1 and COMMON 2 of
the supply pump, and TWV #1 – #6 of the
injector, take care not get an electric shock.

24 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00198-01

Various controls

q The CRI system controls the fuel injection rate 2. Fuel injection timing control function
and fuel injection timing more properly than the q The fuel injection timing control function is
mechanical governor or timer of the conven- employed instead of the function of the con-
tional fuel injection pump. ventional timer. It controls the fuel injection
q For the control of the system, calculations nec- timing most properly from the engine speed
essary to the engine controller are performed and fuel injection rate.
fr om th e si gn als se nt fr om the s en so rs
installed to the engine and machine.
q The energizing timing and energizing period of 3. Fuel injection pressure control function
the injector are so controlled that the optimum (Common rail fuel pressure control function)
quantity of fuel will be injected in the optimum q The fuel injection pressure control function
timing. (common rail fuel pressure control function) is
a function of measuring the fuel pressure with
1. Fuel injection rate control function the common rail fuel pressure sensor and
q The fuel injection rate control function is feeding it back to the engine controller to con-
employed instead of the function of the con- trol the delivery of the fuel supply pump.
ventional governor. It controls the fuel injection q This function performs pressure feedback con-
according to the signals of engine speed and trol so that the fuel injection pressure will be
accelerator angle so that the fuel injection rate the same as the optimum value (command
will be most proper. value) set according to the engine speed and
fuel injection rate.

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

4. Various sensors

a Nos. 1 – 12 in the above illustration correspond to title Nos. 1) – 12).

a The above illustration shows the engine for PC1250-7.

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

a Nos. 1 – 12 in the above illustration correspond to title Nos. 1) – 12).

a The above illustration shows the engine for HD465-7 and HD605-7.

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

1) Common rail pressure sensor 4) Charge pressure sensor

q This sensor is used to sense the charge pres-
2) Oil pressure sensor sure (boost pressure).

3) Charge temperature sensor

q The charge temperature sensor senses the
intake air temperature (boost temperature) and
sends it to the engine controller.
q The sensor unit is a thermistor the resistance
of which changes according to the tempera-
ture. The engine controller applies voltage to
the thermistor and senses the temperature by
the voltage divided by the resistance in the
computer and the resistance of the thermistor.

A: Mounting screw: M6
Tightening torque:
5.5 ± 0.5 Nm {0.56 ± 0.05 kgm}

1. Sensor
2. O-ring

q The following graph shows the output charac-

teristics of the charge pressure sensor.

30 170E-5 Series
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5) Bkup speed sensor (G sensor) 6) Atmospheric pressure sensor

(Cylinder No. sensor) q This sensor is used to correct altitude.
q Similarly to the NE speed sensor, this sensor
utilizes the pulses of 0 – 5 V generated by the
change of the magnetic line of force crossing
the sensor unit.
q The disc gear installed to the central part of the
camshaft of the high-pressure pump has teeth
(cut parts) around it at intervals of 120°.
q In addition to the above teeth, one more tooth
is installed. Accordingly, 7 pulses are gener-
ated every 2 revolutions of the engine.
q The standard pulse of the No. 1 cylinder is rec-
ognized by the combination of the NE speed
sensor pulse and Bkup speed sensor pulse.

A: Pressure inlet
B: Mounting screw: M5
Tightening torque:
4.5 ± 0.5 Nm {0.46 ± 0.05 kgm}
q The following graph shows the output charac-
teristics of the atmospheric pressure sensor.

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

7) NE speed sensor (Crank angle sensor)

q If the signal hole made on the flywheel passes
the sensor, the magnetic line of force changes.
q If the magnetic line of force changes, the out-
put of the Hall element sensor changes linearly
and it is converted into pulse of 0 – 5 V by the
wave form shaping circuit in the sensor, and
then output.

10) Bypass valve position sensor (Applicable

machine: PC1250-8, HD465-7, HD605-7)

11) EGR valve position sensor

q This sensor senses the opening and closing
positions of the EGR valve and bypass valve.

8) Engine controller

9) Fuel temperature sensor

q The fuel temperature sensor senses the fuel
temperature and sends it to the engine control-
ler. The sensor unit is a thermistor the resis-
tance of which changes according to the
q The engine controller applies voltage to the
thermistor and senses the temperature by the
voltage divided by the resistance in the com-
puter and the resistance of the thermistor.
1. EGR and bypass valve position sensors

q The following graph shows the output charac-

teristics of the position sensor.

32 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00198-01

12) Coolant temperature sensor

q The coolant temperature sensor senses the
coolant temperature and sends it to the engine
q The sensor unit is a thermistor the resistance
of which changes according to the tempera-
ture. The engine controller applies voltage to
the thermistor and senses the temperature by
the voltage divided by the resistance in the
computer and the resistance of the thermistor.

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Fuel piping 1

a The above illustration shows the engine for WA600-6.

a The shape is subject to machine models.

Specifications A: Fuel inlet

Fuel supply pump B: To engine controller cooler
Manufacturer: DENSO CORPORATION C: To main fuel filter
Model: DENSO ECD-U2 D: From main fuel filter
Lubrication method: E: To injector
Forced lubrication with engine oil F: Return fuel
(Between overflow valve and main fuel tank)
G: Return fuel
(Between injector and main fuel tank)

34 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00198-01

a The above illustration shows the engine for WA600-6.

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Overflow valve 11. PCV

2. Air bleeding tube 12. Priming pump (sub)
3. Fuel injection pipe (No. 1 cylinder) 13. Feed pump
4. Fuel injection pipe (No. 2 cylinder) 14. Fuel supply pump drive gear
5. Fuel injection pipe (No. 3 cylinder) (Number of teeth: 48)
6. Fuel injection pipe (No. 4 cylinder) 15. High pressure pump
7. Fuel injection pipe (No. 5 cylinder) 16. Oil inlet pipe (for pump lubricating oil)
8. Fuel injection pipe (No. 6 cylinder) 17. Electric priming pump
9. Common rail 18. Pre-fuel filter
10. Fuel return pipe 19. Main fuel filter

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Fuel filter 1
Main fuel filter

a The shape is subject to machine models.

A: Fuel inlet
B: Fuel outlet

1. Air bleeding pipe adapter

2. Filter head
3. Cartridge

Filtration area: 1.06 m2

36 170E-5 Series
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Pre-fuel filter

a The shape is subject to machine models.

A: Fuel inlet
B: Fuel outlet

1. Filter head
2. Cartridge

With water separator

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SEN00198-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Electric priming pump 1

A: Fuel IN
B: Fuel OUT

1. Connector
2. Vibration prevention rubber

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Engine controller cooler 1

A: Fuel IN (From feed pump of fuel supply pump)

B: Fuel OUT (Main fuel filter)

1. Engine controller
2. Engine controller cooler

q The fuel is circulated as refrigerant through
engine controller cooler (2) to prevent engine
controller (1) from overheating.

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