JET Manual 13: Coiled Tubing Pressure Control Equipment
JET Manual 13: Coiled Tubing Pressure Control Equipment
JET Manual 13: Coiled Tubing Pressure Control Equipment
Version 1.0
JET Manuel 13 Coiled Tubing Pressure Control Equipment
InTouch Content ID# 4221744
Version: 1.0
Release Date: February 23, 2007
Owner: Well Services Training & Development, IPC
Schlumberger private
Document Control
Revision History
Rev Effective Date Description Prepared by
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 7
1.1 Learning objectives 7
2.0 CT Pressure Control Equipment 9
2.1 Operating categories 10
3.0 Stripper 11
3.1 Description 11
3.2 Specifications 11
3.3 Stripper types 12
3.3.1 Conventional stripper 12
3.3.2 Side door stripper 13
3.3.3 Sidewinder stripper 14
3.3.4 Radial stripper 14
3.3.5 Over/under stripper 14
3.3.6 Antibuckling guide 15
3.4 Stripper components 16
3.4.1 Brass bushings 16
3.4.2 Stripper element 17
3.4.3 Energizer 18
3.4.4 Nonextrusion rings 19
3.5 Stripper hydraulic system 20
3.5.1 Stripper drive system 20
3.5.2 Stripper quick pack or retract 22
3.6 Redressing side door stripper 22
4.0 BOP 27
4.1 Description 27
4.2 Specifications 28
4.3 BOP types 29
4.3.1 Quad BOP 29
4.3.2 Combi BOP 29
4.3.3 Shear-seal BOP 30
4.3.4 Annular BOP (ABOP) 30
4.3.5 CIRP BOP 31
4.4 BOP components 31
Schlumberger Well Services (WS) carries out • List the main types of BOP and stripper
many types of coiled tubing (CT) operations in and explain the differences between the
live oil and gas wells. One of the most important types.
safety considerations in CT operations is the
• Define and list the main components of
ability to carry out the work safely and with
BOPs and strippers.
complete control over the live well pressure.
Well Services uses a variety of pressure control • Describe the hydraulic circuit of the BOPs
equipment on the surface to control the live well and stripper.
pressure. • Explain the function of auxiliary pressure
control equipment.
This job execution training (JET) manual
introduces you to the different types of • Identify different types of quick unions,
strippers, blowout preventers (BOPs), and flanges and gaskets.
auxiliary pressure control equipment used by
Schlumberger in carrying out CT operations.
The manual describes the functions and
components of the main pieces of equipment. All pressurized equipment has
the potential to cause damage to
property, and/or injury or death
Note: to personnel. The greater the
Maintenance and assembly pressure in the system is, the
procedures are not covered in greater the danger is. To minimize
this manual. These procedures dangerous situations, follow all
are covered by the equipment the Well Services-approved safety
manufacturer manuals. Refer to the procedures.
Coiled Tubing Surface Equipment
Maintenance Program, InTouch
Content ID# 4196880, for more Proper supervision is required during
information. hands-on training. Request assistance
from your supervisor if you are unfamiliar or
uncomfortable with the operation.
• List the items of CT pressure control When conducting any pressure testing, follow
equipment. the procedures in Safety Standard 5: Location
Safety, InTouch Content ID# 3313681.
• Explain the functions of each item of
pressure control equipment.
| Introduction
2.0 CT Pressure Control Equipment
It is important to remember that
even if a well has no WHP (a dead
well), it may still have a potential
WHP that makes it a Category 2
or 3.
3.1 Description
The stripper is the primary well control barrier
on CT operations. It is sometimes referred to as
the stuffing box.
3.3 Stripper types
Different categories of strippers are used in
different operating conditions: Lower bushing
• conventional
• side door assembly
• sidewinder
• radial
Interlocking stripper inserts
• over/under.
Figure 3-2. Conventional Stripper
3.3.1 Conventional stripper
The conventional or top-loader stripper design Note:
(see Fig. 3-2) is based on the original stripper The stripper elements,
design, where the bushings and stripper insert nonextrusion rings, and the upper
are loaded from the top of the stripper body. bushing are all split in half. This
This design makes changing stripper inserts arrangement ensures that the
quite difficult when the stripper is pinned to the elements can be replaced during a
injector. job, with the CT in the well.
12 | Stripper 12
3.3.2 Side door stripper rings by hydraulically retracting the pack-off
piston and exposing an open window on the
Side door strippers (Fig. 3-3) are preferred side of the stripper. This feature is particularly
over conventional strippers because of design advantageous when changing the stripper
features that give improved safety and ease of element with tubing in the well.
use. They are the most common model of CT
stripper used by Schlumberger. This model of stripper has a longer section of
brass bushings than the conventional stripper.
This section gives improved centralization of
the CT string to reduce stripper insert wear.
14 | Stripper 14
between the bottom of the injector head chains
and the top of the stripper (see Fig. 3-7).
• to minimize the abrasion on the CT string Figure 3-9. Brass Bushings from Side Door Stripper
16 | Stripper 16
3.4.2 Stripper element The most common materials used are listed
below, but a wider range of specialized stripper
The stripper element is a two-piece, interlocking elastomers for particular conditions can be
elastomer element (Fig. 3-10), which fits around obtained from the suppliers.
the CT string inside the stripper body. This
element is compressed by a piston to provide • Urethane is the longest wearing material,
a seal around the CT string against wellhead but can only be used at low to moderate
pressure. The piston is driven by hydraulic temperatures. It has a temperature range
pressure controlled from the control cabin. of -40 to 93 degC [-40 to 200 degF]; it
deteriorates above 93 degC [200 degF].
• Nitrile is the most common oilfield rubber
compound. It has good oil and water
resistance, and can be used at high
wellbore temperatures. Nitrile cannot be
used in the presence of H2S (hydrogen
sulphide) gas. It has a temperature range of
37 to 177 degC [100 to 350 degF].
• Viton™ has excellent resistance to most
Figure 3-10. Two-Piece Interlocking Element from Stripper oil and gas well chemicals and has a
higher temperature range than urethane
and nitrile. Resistance to abrasion wear is
Higher hydraulic pressures, resulting in greater not as good as urethane or nitrile. It has a
compression of the elastomer element, are temperature range of 5 to 204 deg C [40 to
required for higher wellbore pressures. 400 deg F].
• Ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM)
Note: has excellent resistance to steam and
The stripper inserts are the geothermal hot water fluids. It will not
sacrificial components in the tolerate oil, so it cannot be used in oil
stripper system as they become wells. It has a temperature range of 7 to
worn out regularly. They should 260 degC [20 to 500 degF].
be replaced after every CT run, For further information on the range of
but often need to be changed out stripper inserts available, the suppliers can be
during a run if they have become contacted:
• Texas Oil Tools:
• Benoil: Stripper element material
Stripper elements are available in a range of
different materials, with different levels of
• wear resistance
• temperature resistance
• chemical resistance.
18 | Stripper 18
Figure 3-12. Full-Bore Stripper Not Requiring Energizerr
3.5.1 Stripper drive system Figure 3-14. Backup Controls in CTU Cabin
The stripper hydraulic system is pressurized by
a Haskell air-over-oil pump located in the CTU Emergency procedures
cabin. The following emergencies can be met by these
As a backup, if air pressure is lost, the Haskell
pump can be manually operated. An additional • loss of air supply: If the air supply is lost,
hand pump mounted on the small pump or the air-operated portion of the Haskell
console, known as a Rucker pump, can also pump fails, the pump can be operated
operate the stripper if a stripper pump fails. manually using the hand lever supplied.
Since the stripper pressure adjust control
The primary and secondary systems can apply will no longer be active, the pressure
5,000-psi hydraulic pressure, although normal will be controlled by manual effort and
operations will require much less pressure than displayed on the pressure gauge located
that. The stripper is fitted with two hydraulic on the pump console. The system is then
hoses that run back to the control cabin, one for operated as normal.
packing and one for retracting.
• failure of Haskell pump: If the Haskell pump
The stripper hydraulic system also acts as a fails to operate, either pneumatically or
backup system for the BOP and the injector manually, the manual Rucker pump can
head traction hydraulic systems. Figure 3-14 be used to supply the systems. The supply
shows the backup controls. pressure is controlled by manual effort.
20 | Stripper 20 Hydraulic pumps (normal STEP 02 Place the stripper control valve in
operation) the PACK position (see Fig. 3-16).
With the Haskell pump selected in the normal
operating mode, the hydraulic system pressure
is controlled as follows:
Both stripper-system hydraulic pumps can be
Step 02 Pressure up the retract port
(Fig. 3-19) and fully retract the piston, exposing
selected to supply backup hydraulic pressure
the stripper insert. Remove the bushing clamp
to the BOP and injector head traction circuits.
on top of the stripper by removing the cap
When the pumps are being used for this
screws. The piston moves from open to closed
purpose, the stripper hydraulic system must be
(Fig. 3-20).
isolated from the pump pressure.
22 | Stripper 22
Figure 3-20. Piston Moving from Open to Closed Figure 3-22. Removing Upper Brass Bushings
24 | Stripper 24
Step 08 Install a new stripper insert Step 09 Install the bushing clamp and
(Fig. 3-28), followed by the nonextrusion ring install both cap screws to hold it in place
(Fig. 3-29). (Fig. 3-30).
Figure 3-28. Installing New Stripper Insert Figure 3-30. Installing Bushing Clamp
Figure 3-31. Piston in Open Position Figure 3-33. Making Up Lock Screws to Mechanically Lock
26 | Stripper 26
4.0 BOP
4.2 Specifications
BOPs are available in various sizes and are
classified by the internal diameter of the bore.
Each size can be dressed to accept a specific
size of CT string. The specifications of the
most common sizes of BOP can be seen in
Table 4- 1.
28 | BOP
4.3 BOP types A quad BOP is equipped with four sets of rams
(from top to bottom):
The following describe the various types of
BOP used in CT applications. • blind rams
• shear rams
4.3.1 Quad BOP • slip rams
The Texas Oil Tools (TOT) 10,000-psi
• pipe rams.
working pressure, H2S-resistant quad BOP
(Fig. 4‑3) is the BOP most commonly used by This model incorporates two equalizing valves;
Schlumberger CT services. one each to equalize pressure across the blind
rams and pipe rams. These valves are used
to equalize the pressure across the ram in a
Upper flange/
connection adapter controlled manner before it is opened, to protect
the ram seal from damage.
Pressure port
Pipe rams
• blind-shear rams: cut CT and seal fullbore
in one function
Kill port
• slip-pipe rams: grip CT and seal annulus
Lower flange/
pressure in one function.
Equalizing valve
connection adapter
Kill port
4.3.3 Shear-seal BOP
Shear-seal BOPs (Fig. 4-5) are single ram
BOPs used as tertiary barriers. The shear-seal Pack off
BOP is equivalent to the upper ram of a combi
BOP, but these single rams are stronger and
are offered in larger bore sizes.
30 | BOP
4.3.5 CIRP BOP More information on the CIRP system can be
found in JET Manuals 16 (InTouch Content
The CIRP* completion insertion and retrieval ID# 4221749) and 32 (InTouch Content ID#
under pressure system is a Schlumberger- 4221770).
developed system for deploying (making up)
or retrieving long perforating gun strings under
wellhead pressure. This system is often used in 4.4 BOP components
CT perforating operations.
The following are the main components of the
The CIRP system uses a special CIRP BOP assembly.
deployment stack, commonly known as a CIRP
BOP. This stack is not truly a BOP because it
4.4.1 BOP body
does not contain any pressure-sealing rams.
It is actually a set of special function rams in a The BOP body is manufactured from one solid
BOP body, which are designed for making up block, to avoid the weaknesses associated
and breaking special CIRP connectors in long with joints, connections, and welds. Flanged
gun strings (Fig. 4-7). connections are used on top and bottom, and
for the side port.
No go ram actuator
Lock actuator
CIRP connector
4.4.2 BOP rams Side port
The components for each BOP ram are
assembled onto a stainless steel ram body. The Figure 4-9. Convention to Distinguish RH from LH Parts
design of the ram body is specific for the ram
function for which it will be used. Blind rams
This design allows the same ram body to be
The BOP blind rams are used to seal the entire
used over a range of CT sizes by changing the
wellbore, using front and rear seals (Fig. 4-10).
relevant ram inserts. The ram body is attached
They are used to contain wellhead pressure.
to the actuator rod by an off-centered slide
The rams only hold pressure from below.
arrangement (see Fig. 4-8) that ensures that
the ram and actuator are correctly assembled
when fixed to the BOP body. Rear seal
Front seal
Front seal
Blind-ram body
Actuator rod
Retainer bar
Ram Body
Figure 4-10. Blind Ram with Front and Rear Seals
32 | BOP
Low pressure above Shear rams
the ram set
The BOP shear rams (Fig. 4-12) are designed
to cleanly cut the CT string and any internal
electrical cable if present.
Pressure Pressure
differential differential
acting to acting to
maintain maintain
closure closure
34 | BOP
Well pressure seals and hydraulic system
Note: seals are separated by a vent and weep hole
The CT string movement must be (Fig. 4‑16) to prevent accidental pressuring of
stopped before closing the pipe the hydraulic system by well pressure.
The ram position (open/closed) is indicated
by the ram indicator rod, which is attached
These rams can be manually locked after being to the actuator piston. Ram function tests
closed hydraulically. They must be manually are carried out before every CT operation to
unlocked before opening hydraulically. ensure that the rams are opening and closing
in accordance with the controls inside the
CTU cabin. One operator will always verify
4.4.3 Ram bonnet and actuator the movement of the ram by watching the ram
The ram body and actuator form a complete indicator rods.
assembly that must be removed to inspect
or replace the ram bodies. Each assembly is
secured to the BOP body by four studs and
capped nuts. The main features of a ram
bonnet and actuator assembly are identified in
Fig. 4-15.
Closing tube
Indicator pin
Hydraulic cap
Bonnet Bolt
Manual lock wheel
Severe damage will result to
the internal components of the
actuator if an attempt is made to
Figure 4-16. Checking Weep Hole for Leaks hydraulically open the actuators
while the manual locks are closed. Manual operation
The handwheel at the end of each actuator can To avoid accidental opening of the ram while
be used manually locked, it is important to lock out the
BOP controls in the CTU cabin. This action is
• to close the ram in case of a failure of the particularly important when crews are working
hydraulic system in shifts.
• to lock the ram if it has been hydraulically
4.4.4 Equalizing valves
On a Texas Oil Tools quad BOP, it takes
When the blind or pipe rams are used to hold
approximately 19 or 20 turns of the handwheel
pressure from below, it is important to equalize
to fully close a ram.
(balance) the pressure above and below the
rams before reopening them. This equalization
is done with the aid of an equalizing valve.
It is important to count the number Opening the equalizing valve exposes a small
of turns of the handwheel when orifice in the BOP body that opens a pathway
closing a ram, to ensure that it is between the bore of the BOP above and below
fully closed. the closed rams. This pathway allows the
pressure to slowly build up above the closed
blind or pipe ram. When the pressures above
The same procedure is used to lock a ram that and below the rams are equal, the valve can
has been hydraulically closed. A ram should be closed again and the rams can be opened
be locked if it is planned to be closed and left safely.
unattended for a prolonged period of time.
Figure 4-17 identifies the features of an
The handwheel cannot be used to open a ram; equalizing valve assembly.
a ram can only be opened hydraulically.
36 | BOP
Blind ram or pipe refers to the ability to pump through this port to
Valve outlet
ram isolating the
above the kill a well.
BOP bore
BX 152
valve allen Weco 1502
Ring Gasket
key socket union
• Opening a ram without equalizing the On 3.06-in and 4.06-in, 10,000-psi BOP
pressures will damage the face of the models, the kill port is a 2 1/16-in, 10k flange,
sealing ram. which is generally provided with an adaptor to a
• The BOP hydraulics are not strong enough 2-in 1502 Weco connection for easy rig up of a
to open the rams against the additional pumping line.
closing force exerted by the wellbore
pressure. In Category I and II operations, the kill port is
generally isolated with two plug valves during
The equalizing valve is opened and closed with
operation. The electronic pressure sensor for
a 1/4-in allen key.
WHP is generally rigged up between these
The equalizing valve has a left hand 4.4.6 Pressure port and debooster
thread, which means it is opened
A pressure port is located on the BOP body
by turning it clockwise and closed
above the blind rams. This port allows WHP
by turning it counterclockwise.
to be monitored only when the blind rams are
38 | BOP
Hydraulic passages Adapter Retainer tube Elbow
drilled through Set screw Hex
bonnet & woodruff retainer
key Indicator
Seal Sleeve
Stem Retainer
Piston nut
guide Piston Cylinder Key Hydraulic
Seal Rod nut cap
Bonnet Piston
During standard operations, the
The BOP accumulator allows limited operation 3,000 psi hydraulic system pressure,
compresses the bladder of N 2 gas
of all BOP functions following the shutdown of
Hydraulic oil N 2 gas
the power pack engine.
Discharge cap
40 | BOP
4.6 Redressing the BOP
The pictures in this section were taken during
the redress of one quad and one combi BOP.
Figure 4-28. Blind Ram Body Figure 4-30. Retainer Bar and Front Seal Sliding Out of Blind
Ram Body
Figure 4-29. Holding Blind Ram Actuator in Vice Figure 4-31. Inspecting Shear Ram Actuator
42 | BOP
Step 07 Sliding the shear ram body off the Step 08 The front and rear seals and the
actuator rod (see Fig. 4-32). retainer bar from the pipe ram (see Fig. 4-34).
Figure 4-32. Sliding Shear Ram Body off Actuator Rod Figure 4-34. Front and Rear Seals and Retainer Bar
44 | BOP
Step 04 Fitting the pipe-slip ram onto the Figure 4-41 shows a combination blind-shear
actuator rod; Fig. 4-39. ram: note the space for the blind seal.
46 | BOP
5.0 Auxiliary Pressure
Control Equipment
For more detailed information, you
should consult the manufacturer’s
technical manuals.
During rig up on a CT operation,
stabbing the injector head and
stripper onto the BOP is hazardous.
In many cases, an operator is Figure 5-1. Hydraconn Union
close to the connection, assisting
in stabbing the quick union. This
proximity creates a risk of a
personal injury.
5.1.1 Operation
The female part has a tapered seal bore, which
makes it easy to stab the connection. To make
up the QL, the male part of the QL is simply
lowered inside the lower female part. The latch
inside the female engages on the male profile,
locking it in place.
Figure 5-3. Closing the SDDT Window
After the CT operation, you need to break the
See JET 36, CT Downhole Tools, InTouch
QL connection to rig down the CT. The QL
Content ID# 4221770, for more detailed
also has mechanical locking screws to prevent
information on tool deployment using a SDDT.
accidental release of the QL. The QL can be
unlocked by first unscrewing the mechanical
screws and then applying hydraulic pressure 5.3 Load-bearing quick connect
through the hydraulic port with a hand pump.
The load-bearing quick connect is designed to
This pressure will release the latch inside the
safely and quickly stab the injector head to the
QL and allow the injector and stripper to be
drill pipe or flow head when working on a drill
released by lifting with a crane.
ship or semisubmersible rig.
5.2 Side door deployment tool Texas Oil Tools manufactures the JHS™ model
load-bearing quick connect with the following
The side door deployment tool (SDDT) is
features (see Fig. 5-4):
pressure control equipment used to deploy long
toolstrings. It is actually a hydraulically actuated
• tapered bore to allow for easy stabbing
window in the pressure control equipment
even in rough seas
stack that can be opened to allow the BHA
connections to be made, without breaking the • strong design of latching system can
lubricator stack (see Fig. 5-3). take entire weight of drillstring. Some
models have tension rating of greater than
Using an SDDT allows safe access for making 1.5 million lbm (682 metric tons).
up tools without needing to work under a • three separate seals in separate bores,
suspended load. each rated to the pressure rating of the
quick connect.
Pressure testing the surface
pressure control equipment is
forbidden with any explosive
guns or chemical cutters in the
riser, as doing so could lead to
the detonation of the guns or the
ejection of the very toxic chemicals
from a chemical cutter.
5.3.1 Operation
The large taper on the skirt makes it easy to
stab the connection even in rough conditions.
The load-bearing quick connect is latched by
simply lowering the skirt over the lower stinger
It is estimated that a QTSS can reduce the Figure 5-6. Hand Pump Pressure Test Connection
time needed to pressure test the stackup by
more than 30 min per run. On expensive drilling
rigs, saving 30 min can result in saving a lot of 5.4.2 Operation of QTSS
money for the client! The QTTS should be placed in the pressure
control equipment stack at the position of the
The main advantages of the QTSS are that it joint normally opened to insert and retrieve the
tools or guns from the well.
• eliminates the risk of pressure testing with
perforation guns or chemical cutters in the Before introducing a perforating gun or
riser chemical cutter into the riser, the entire
• saves rig time on pressure test for all pressure control equipment stack should be
multiple run CT jobs and especially multiple pressure tested internally.
run perforation jobs
After a successful pressure test, the pressure
• avoids contaminating the well with should be bled off from the pressure control
pressure-test fluids. equipment stack. Then, you can break open the
Risers and lubricators are sections of blank the BOP and the wellhead in certain
pipe with standard end connections that are circumstances, but a lubricator cannot. In
used as part of the pressure control equipment high-pressure applications, only a flanged
stack for one of the following reasons: riser can be used between the upper and
lower BOPs.
• provide space for deploying downhole tools
• position BOP and injector head in
accessible position (often known as
spacing out).
The terms riser and lubricator are often
• 3.06 in
• 4.06 in
• 5.12 in
• 6.38 in
• 7.06 in.
They come in many lengths, but the standard
lengths are 4, 8, and 12 ft.
This section describes crossovers and the main Or a crossover may adapt between different
types of connection Schlumberger uses on types of connection, for example, see Fig. 7-2.
pressure control equipment:
• flanged
• quick union (or pin-and-collar)
• threaded.
7.1 Crossovers
Crossovers or adaptors are used in the
pressure control stack to adapt between
different connections. They are sometimes
denoted as XO in drawings or text.
Flanged connections are built to American Figure 7-4 illustrates the different ring gasket
Petroleum Institute (API) specifications. API profiles.
specifies API 6B and API 6BX flanges for
wellhead equipment. Figure 7-3 illustrates the
main differences between these flange types. R Ring gaskets- oval or octagonal in
cross section
Standoff Pressure
arrangement Thread
and location pitch
Bowen CB
7.3.2 Making up pin-and-collar unions • Clean and inspect seal areas, seals and
backup rings.
Some unions have a top thread that will hold
the collar. In other cases, use bungee cords or • Ensure collar retaining arrangement is
similar devices to hold the collar up (see secure.
Fig. 7-9). • Use appropriate thread protectors during
• BOPs with a quick union adaptor below
Note: them should be stored on a matching
Be very careful when making up stump.
quick unions, as they have caused
many hand injuries in the past.
66 | Glossary
10.0 References
68 | References
11.0 Check Your Understanding
1. How many BOPs and strippers are needed 5. What type of stripper was developed to
for a Category 1 CT operation? make it easier to change out the stripper
a. 1 BOP and 1 stripper element during a CT operation?
b. 2 BOPs and 2 strippers a. conventional
c. 3 BOPs and 3 strippers b. radial
c. sidewinder
2. Which one of these factors does not affect d. side door
the life of the stripper insert?
a. hydraulic pressure 6. The stripper bushings are made of _____.
b. lubrication a. rubber
c. bushing condition b. stainless steel
d. CT string OD c. brass
3. The nonextrusion rings in the stripper are
made of _______. 7. In which stripper can the packer elements
a. brass and wear bushings be fully retracted from
b. nitrile the vertical wellbore?
c. Teflon a. conventional
d. urethane b. radial
c. sidewinder
4. To redress a conventional stripper, the d. side door
inserts are replaced from the ____ of the
stripper. 8. The main drive system of the stripper
a. top hydraulic circuit is the _______.
b. side a. Haskell hand pump
c. bottom b. Rucker pump (manual)
c. Haskell air-over-hydraulic pump
d. auxiliary hydraulic circuit