Coiled Tubing Operations
Coiled Tubing Operations
Coiled Tubing Operations
Typical stack up
CT Leak At Surface
Clear area (esp. around reel & injector) MINOR LEAK (pinhole) Pull slowly on to reel while displacing to water (minimize reel pressure)
MAJOR LEAK (large or hazardous material) Set SLIP & PIPE rams then check set Cut pipe, pull up to close BLIND rams Purge reel , remove failure, fish CT in BOPs
MINOR Pull on to reel carefully (may break) MAJOR (or parted coil) Follow Emergency BOP sequence
Open blind shear rams Open pipe and slip rams and POOH
Remove clamp
L = S( As x E) F x 12
S = stretch (in)
Replacement Of Injector
Close SLIP and PIPE rams, bleed off coil. Ensure slips are holding coil, check valves hold. Secure coil on either side of cut, clamp at injector. Cut coil above injector and secure to reel. Bleed off pressure above tubing rams. Back off inside chain tension. Break the union below the injector and walk up coil with the crane, clamp coil above BOP.
Replacement Of Injector
Back off chain tension and walk new injector down to safety clamp on BOP Clamp above, remove clamp below. Make up union and pressure up inside chain tension. Pull test before opening SLIP rams. Reconnect coil to reel with double roll on.
Tubing Kinked
If coil is run inside small ID tubing and BOP, kink will be between stuffing box and chains.
Coil run in large diameter completion will kink at a diameter change or at the largest ID.