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Cleanliness and Environmental Protection: An Integral Issue

Article in SAMRIDDHI A Journal of Physical Sciences Engineering and Technology · December 2016
DOI: 10.18090/samriddhi.v8i2.7146


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2 authors, including:

Prof Bharat Raj Singh

School of Management Sciences,Technical Campus, Lucknow


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Cleanliness and Environmental Protection: An Integral Issue
Bharat Raj Singh*1 and Amar Jyoti Singh2
1*. Director General & Professor, School of Management Sciences, Lucknow, India.
2. Professor, Sociology, Nehru Gram Bharti University, Allahabad.

Publication Info Abstract

The environment is a constituent element of culture in all societies. It therefore
must take precedence on over all efforts to boost development and quality of
life by the autonomous value of the environment and the need to protect it and
Article history :
manage it properly. We owe it, nevertheless, to ourselves, but chiefly to our
Received : 20th Aug. 2016
children and future generations. An effort such as this, which aims to improve
Accepted : 30th Nov., 2016
the environment and assist it to recover from human exploitation, must involve
DOI : 10.18090/samriddhi.v8i2.7146
citizens, above all.
We must all adopt a positive instance towards the environment and make citizens
aware not to do the impossible, but adopt few simple actions that can help
Keywords :
make the difference every day. For instance, if we separate recyclable items
Environment, cleanliness, recyclable
and place them in the special blue bins, we are not only assisting to protect the
items, garbage.
environment but to conserve natural and financial resources. If we throw small
items of garbage in wastebins rather than on the street, our city will immediately
become cleaner. Additionally, by depositing rubbish in the bin, we improve the
visual image of our city, reduce unpleasant odours and facilitate the movement
of pedestrians and motor vehicles.
*Corresponding author : This paper covers day to day need to adopt cleanliness and its impact on
Bharat Raj Singh environmental protection. Our efforts should be continuous to create a clean,
e-mail : [email protected] environmentally-friendly city, state, country and globe at large to make our
children and future generations healthy.

1. INTRODUCTION warming. In recent years, the Earth's average

temperature has increased. Climate and weather
I t is a fact that a clean environment ensures the
continual existence and survival of all life on Earth.
changes, such as heavy rainfalls, resulting in heavy
floods, severe heat waves, drought, melting ice
Cleaning the environment reduces pollution, caps and rising sea levels, have accompanied these
protects unique ecosystems, prevents the extinction rising temperatures.
of endangered species and conserves resources, Other factors that negatively impact the
such as water, land and air. A clean environment environment include toxic emissions and the pollution
ensures the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems of water, land and air. Pollutants also adversely
upon which human life and all other life on Earth affect human health, causing health conditions and
depends. Now question comes: diseases such as cholera, heart disease, cancer,
 Why are fossil fuels bad for the environment? cystic fibrosis, and respiratory tract and eye
 Why is ecological balance important? irritation. Pollutants have led to increased mortality
Some of the greatest threats facing the planet
as of 21st Century are climate change and global
copyright  samriddhi, 2010-2016 S-JPSET : Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online)
Cleanliness and Environmental Protection: An Integral Issue

To maintain a clean environment, people need 2.2 Greenhouse Gases and its Impact on the
to reduce the use of toxic materials, conserve water Environment
and energy, dispose of garbage properly, recycle Several greenhouse gases are present in Earth's
waste products, purchase recycled products, invest atmosphere, notably carbon dioxide, methane,
in green energy and drive fuel-efficient cars with nitrous oxide and various fluorinated gases. Each
reduced carbon dioxide emissions. of these compounds absorbs light at its own set of
2. FACTORS AFFECTING THE ENVIRONMENT frequencies, so together they manage to trap heat
2.1 Effect of Fossil Fuels on the Environment in the atmosphere across a broad spectrum of
wavelengths. Carbon dioxide is one of the most
Now it proven that burning of fossil fuels has common greenhouse gases present in the
negative effect on the environment because they atmosphere. It is produced by the burning of
release carbon dioxide and other gases that trap carbon-based fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, as
heat in the Earth's atmosphere, which contributes well as via some natural processes such as the
to global climate change. According to the Union decomposition of plant matter. Carbon dioxide is
of Concerned Scientists, the burning fossil fuels naturally scrubbed from the atmosphere by rain
during the last 150 years have increased atmospheric and other natural phenomena. Methane is a
carbon dioxide levels by 25 percent. Levels of powerful greenhouse gas that is also generated in
methane and nitrous oxide have also increased. In the process of decomposition. Much of the
addition to contributing to global climate change, methane in the atmosphere is the result of large-
burning fossil fuels also pollutes the air, leading scale agriculture, such as the raising of cattle.
to negative health effects for animals. Exposure Nitrous oxide is produced in ways similar to
to the carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil carbon dioxide and methane. Agriculture and the
fuels can cause headaches and increase the risk of burning of fossil fuels contribute to its growing
heart disease. According to research data, more concentration among atmospheric gases, and its
than 2.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide is relative potency makes it the fourth leading
produced just by power plants each year. Sulphur greenhouse gas. Fluorinated gases are a distinct
oxides produced when burning fossil fuels form family of compounds that contribute to the
sulphuric acid when they combine with water greenhouse effect. These gases are extremely
vapor. As this acid accumulates in lakes and potent synthetic compounds that typically persist
streams, it makes the habitats uninhabitable for in the atmosphere for thousands of years because
plants and animals [1]. few natural processes have developed to remove
Burning fossil fuels also results in thermal them [2-3].
pollution. The process of burning any substance 2.3 Importance of Carbon Dioxide
generates heat, and this heat is often released into
lakes and streams when the water that they contain Carbon dioxide is important because it is used
is used as a coolant. The increased temperatures in photosynthesis, a process that is necessary for
in these lakes and streams upset the ecosystem, the survival of life on Earth. Carbon dioxide is
causing some species' populations to increase and also a vital greenhouse gas that helps trap heat in
others to decrease. the atmosphere, and it plays a key role in Earth's
carbon cycle. Plants and some microbes use a
biochemical process called photosynthesis to make
S-JPSET : Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online) copyright  samriddhi, 2010-2016
Bharat Raj Singh and Amar Jyoti Singh

food by using up carbon dioxide. These organisms The pollution of plastics also affects nearly one
combine carbon dioxide and water to produce hundred thousand animals per year, mainly sea
carbohydrates while giving off oxygen. The rise turtles. The sea turtles mistake floating plastic bags
of photosynthetic organisms that consequently as jellyfish and end up choking on the bags. Birds
reduced carbon dioxide levels led to increased are also common victims of plastic bag pollution
oxygen levels and the development of oxygen- as they eat the bags, they become stuck in their
breathing organisms. Carbon dioxide contributes throats. In addition, animals are also affected by
to the greenhouse effect by interfering with the the toxins from plastic being released into the
return of energy from Earth's surface to space by environment as it decomposes.
infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases absorb 3 CLEANLINESS & ENVIRONMENT
infrared radiation. Without carbon dioxide in the
The Municipal Authority considers t he
atmosphere, Earth's climate would be much preservation of a healthy, sustainable environment
cooler[4]. a key priority. As a basic component of environmental
Carbon dioxide acts as a climate buffer, because protection, recycling constitutes the core of our
feedback in the carbon cycle helps to maintain efforts. The City of Athens has introduced a major
global temperatures so Earth's climate does not recycling initiative.
get too hot or cold to support life. Out-gassing from Respect for the environment is a constituent
the Earth's interior at active volcanoes, volcanic element of culture in all societies. Therefore, the
arcs and mid-ocean ridges is the primary source autonomous value of the environment and the need
of carbon dioxide. Some out-gassed carbon to protect it and manage it properly must take
dioxide remains in the atmosphere, but some is precedence over all efforts to boost development
dissolved in the oceans or stored as biomass in and quality of life. We owe it, nevertheless, to
living or decaying organisms [5]. ourselves, but chiefly to our children and future
2.4 Impact of Plastic on the Environment generations. An effort such as this, which aims to
improve the environment and assist it to recover
According to Environmental Health News, plastic from human exploitation, must involve citizens,
has left harmful footprints on the environment and above all.
possibly human health. Plastic waste is one of the
We must all adopt a positive stance towards
most long lasting changes to the surface of the
the environment. It is not desired at all that citizens
Earth. Before its News, most plastic products are
to do the impossible; just a few simple, everyday
not biodegradable and will most likely end up in a
actions can help make the difference. For instance,
landfill or floating around Earth's surface. Plastic
if we separate recyclable items and place them in
products take hundreds of years to decompose, and the special blue bins, we are not only assisting to
as it does, it releases toxins into the soil and bodies protect the environment but to conserve natural
of water. This year alone, almost one trillion plastic and financial resources. If we throw small items
bags have been produced, and production increases of garbage in wastebins rather than on the street,
at an average of nine percent every year. With the our city will immediately become cleaner.
increase in production, the amount of pollution Additionally, by depositing rubbish in the bin, we
also increases along with the amount of plastics improve the visual image of our city, reduce
piling up in landfills where it takes hundreds of unpleasant odours and facilitate the movement of
years to decompose. pedestrians and motor vehicles.
copyright  samriddhi, 2010-2016 S-JPSET : Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online)
Cleanliness and Environmental Protection: An Integral Issue

Our efforts to create a clean, environmentally- rate at which the density of a population in an
friendly city are continuous. The waste management ecosystem comes back to the equilibrium after a
department provides its services on a 24-hour particular disturbance. Resistance stands for the
basis. Furthermore, within the framework of the potential of an ecosystem to prevent the animal
Community Support Fund, the City of Waste population and trees from succumbing to stresses
Management Department i.e. Municipal Corporations such as high pollution or drought.
are implementing a comprehensive, modern Diversity is maintained when organisms interact,
communication, automated-tracking management and enhancing or destroying a specific species in
and transport scheduling system which aims to an ecosystem may affect the entire population
make the most effective use of human resources density over time. Some species, such as the sea
and facilitate citizens in terms of managing waste otter, play a significant role in maintaining ecological
and protecting the environment. Thus we have to balance and are known as keystone species.
give more emphasis on following points to make
clean environment: 5. CONCLUSION
From the above study, it is seen that without
 Waste Management Regulations
cleanliness Environment cannot be protected nor
 Recycling
Ecological balances can be maintained for the
 Obligations of Citizens & Businesses
survival of the species, mankind and all livelihood
 Disposal of Large Items
on the earth. It is rather not only responsibility but
 Abandoned Vehicles
duty to make better environment by cleanliness
 Stray Animals
that are an integral issue.
 Greenery
 Atmospheric Pollution REFERENCES
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S-JPSET : Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online) copyright  samriddhi, 2010-2016

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