Thursday Final Final

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Stage 1 Desired Results


What content standards will this

unit address?

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.4 Students will be able to independently use their learning to

Determine the meaning of words What kinds of long-term independent accomplishments are
and phrases as they are used in a desired?
text, including vocabulary specific
to domains related to history/social The kind of long-term independent accomplishments that are
studies. desired are for students to understand how fortunate they are to
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.7 live the life that they have. They should walk out the class
Integrate visual information (e.g., taking this unit to heart because focusing on a lesson like this
in charts, graphs, photographs, allows them to recognize the opportunity they have. They will
videos, or maps) with other be able to think more critically about current events in our word
information in print and digital and understand how and why people get displaced from their
texts. country of origin. They will able to take what they learned and
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.7.3 put that information into a discussion with their parents or their
Analyze the interactions between peers. When students are having a discussion with others, this
individuals, events, and ideas in a will allow them to teach others about a powerful topic and get
text (e.g., how ideas influence other aware of what is going on around the world.
individuals or events, or how
individuals influence ideas or
Compare and contrast a text to an
audio, video, or multimedia version
of the text, analyzing each
medium's portrayal of the subject
(e.g., how the delivery of a speech
affects the impact of the words). Students will understand that
Establish and maintain a formal What specifically do you want What thought-
style. students to understand? What provoking questions
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.2 inferences should they make? will foster inquiry,
Write informative/explanatory texts meaning-making, and
to examine a topic and convey Students will understand what it is
ideas, concepts, and information like to live in a third world country.
through the selection, organization, This will allow them to get outside of What is the physical,
and analysis of relevant content. their comfort zone. By understand the mental, and emotional
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.3 life of a refugee in a third world experience of a
Write narratives to develop real or country, students will be able to refugee?
imagined experiences or events research in order to better understand
using effective technique, relevant the causes of migration/refugee. What could you do to
descriptive details, and well- Doing this research will allow the help refugee families?
structured event sequences. students to look at how countries are
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.3.B today versus how they were back
Use narrative techniques, such as then. For example, researching
dialogue, pacing, and description, present day Syria, the war and
to develop experiences, events, conflict that is caused in a third world
and/or characters. country, and how people are being
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.3.E taken from their home due to violence
Provide a conclusion that follows and sexual misconduct.
from and reflects on the narrated
experiences or events.
Conduct short research projects to
answer a question, drawing on
several sources and generating
additional related, focused
questions for further research and

What deeper learning competencies

will this unit address? Acquisition
Academic content because the
students are comparing their lives
to those who live in third world
countries and this will allow them Students will know Students will be skilled
to think about how the world is at
What facts and basic concepts should
their oyster with all the things they
students know and be able to recall? What discrete skills
can do, while others dont have as
and processes should
much opportunity as we do. Students will learn about 2-3 students be able to
countries who have refugees and the use?
events that cause people to become
displaces in their life and home. Students will be able to
walk 2 miles to get
What is a typical day like for a their own food or
refugee. water.

Students will be able to

describe what it is like
to live in a third world

Students will learn

how to research
articles and videos.

They will write

narratives based off of
prompts given to them
and stories that they
have read written by

Stage 2 - Evidence

Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence

What criteria will be used in each PERFORMANCE TASK(S):

assessment to evaluate attainment
of the desired results? Students will show that they really understand by evidence of

Are the students able to get in touch How will students demonstrate their understanding (meaning-
with their feelings when discussing making and transfer) through complex performance? What will
the life of refugees in small groups. they make or do?
I will know what they discuss
because they will fill out questions Students will demonstrate their understanding through a final
as they are talking about their project.
feelings about learning about The project can either be presented through a video or through a
refugees. PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. Their final projects will
include their experience of living a day in the life of a refugee.
They will address the question what is your life like at home?
and compare that to how their experience was living like a
Students will be assessed by refugee. They will choose an article to analyze throughout this
completing the questions in their project and will be required to talk about the article they read in
adventure map. their final project?

I will assess their final projects Questions for the students to consider putting into their final
based off a rubric that we will project:
create as a class prior to them
presenting. Which refugees come to San Diego?
o Why San Diego?
What is a refugee?
Why do you think refugees choose to go to the places
they go?
What kind of emotions did you get out of doing this
project and learning about third world countries?
What deeper learning did you get from the article you
o How did the article expand your learning on
this topic?
Why did you choose the article you chose?
What is something valuable you are walking away with
from this unit?

Stage 3 - Learning Plan

Outline the major learning activities of your unit:

Walk from the border back to campus

Live the day and life of a refugee and their family
Read stories and watch videos about refugees who are the same age as the students.
Final project reflecting on their experience 10-week experience
Writing Prompts relevant to the everyday life of a refugee
Thinking Mapsto better understand what a third world country is like and to learn about
A week in this lesson would look like this:
o Day 1: Thinking Map: Answer a variety of questions based off of refugees that are
broken into separate sections.

o Day 2: Talking about Emotion: Answering a variety of questions based on how

students express and experience their emotions

o Day 3: Thinking Map: Complete the remaining questions in the sections provided.

o Day 4: Express Yourself: Students will be able to choose from various prompts that
pertain to what a refugee's life is like. (i.e. If you had to pack a backpack sized bag full
of items from your home, what would you bring?
o Day 5: Table Conversations: Students will get into small groups to discuss their
thinking maps and the prompt that they chose to write about during the Express
Yourself class time.

Parts 2 + 3: UDL Lesson and IEP Goal
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Lesson


This UDL Lesson will support Selma Student in Some: Will walk away with some
making progress on the following IEP Goal: meaningful insight. Some will research
three or more topics such as what
Present Level of Performance (Baseline): When provided countries have refugees?, what is the
with maximum supports and verbal and visual prompts, typical age range for refugees and what
the students has an initial understanding of authors is a typical day for a refugee?
purpose and point of view with 50% accuracy.
Most: Most will research five or more
Goal: By June 2017, when a text is read and topics such as what countries have
discussed, the student is provided with verbal and refugees?
visual prompts. The student will explain how the
author uses reasons and evidence to support points in All: The learning objective for all the
a text, identify which reasons and evidence support students is to live a day in the life of a
refugee and walk away with meaningful
what point(s), using targeted vocabulary and
insight. All will understand how political
grammar structures on 4/5 trials with 80% accuracy. conflict and war leads to displacement of
The above goal is aligned to the following Common Core
Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.4
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are
used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains
related to history/social studies.
What is it like to experience and step into the
shoes of someone in the developing world for one CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.7
Conduct short research projects to answer
a question, drawing on several sources
and generating additional related, focused
questions for further research and

Multiple means of representation

I would represent the information to the students through
Their weekly adventure maps, which will include stories about refugees or recent stories about
refugees in a certain country.
Videos and pictures about what a third world country looks like
Lecture about what a refugee and third world country are

Multiple means of action and expression

They will show what they know, by making a video of what they learned when spending the day in the
shoes of a refugee. This video will also explain what they have learned throughout the entire unit.
If students are uncomfortable speaking in front of others, they can do a PowerPoint or Prezi
The students have a choice on how they want to express their feelings and express their learning.

Multiple means of engagement

Students will be motivated to engage in learning through this unit to see what it would be like to live
without their smartphone, walk to the store to get groceries, eat a single egg among their family for
breakfast, or even walk barefoot on the dirt.

Plan for Assessment/Checking for Understanding

The students will demonstrate what they learned by making a final video or doing a presentation based
of off what they learned and what they got out of the experience.
Lesson Sequence (your step by step plan use any format you like)
A lesson that I would focus on would be table conversations.

1. Students will get into small groups to discuss their thinking maps and the prompt that they
chose to write about during the Express Yourself class time.
2. Each student will have a minute to share their thinking maps with their groupmates.
3. Students will have the opportunity to respond to their peers after each peer shares their map.
4. As a group, they will answer questions that will be provided to them, to further expand their
5. After group conversation, the class will come back together to talk about what their group
discussed, what answers they came up with to the questions, and see if anyone feels
comfortable sharing what they wrote.

Questions for Discussion:

Why did you choose the prompt you chose?

What did you learn from your peers work?
Did any questions arise when you were talking to your group? If so, what were they?
What are your thoughts on refugees and third world countries?
What were your thoughts prior to starting this unit on refugees and third world countries?
What would you do to help third world countries?

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