Thursday Final Final
Thursday Final Final
Thursday Final Final
Stage 2 - Evidence
Are the students able to get in touch How will students demonstrate their understanding (meaning-
with their feelings when discussing making and transfer) through complex performance? What will
the life of refugees in small groups. they make or do?
I will know what they discuss
because they will fill out questions Students will demonstrate their understanding through a final
as they are talking about their project.
feelings about learning about The project can either be presented through a video or through a
refugees. PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. Their final projects will
include their experience of living a day in the life of a refugee.
They will address the question what is your life like at home?
and compare that to how their experience was living like a
Students will be assessed by refugee. They will choose an article to analyze throughout this
completing the questions in their project and will be required to talk about the article they read in
adventure map. their final project?
I will assess their final projects Questions for the students to consider putting into their final
based off a rubric that we will project:
create as a class prior to them
presenting. Which refugees come to San Diego?
o Why San Diego?
What is a refugee?
Why do you think refugees choose to go to the places
they go?
What kind of emotions did you get out of doing this
project and learning about third world countries?
What deeper learning did you get from the article you
o How did the article expand your learning on
this topic?
Why did you choose the article you chose?
What is something valuable you are walking away with
from this unit?
o Day 3: Thinking Map: Complete the remaining questions in the sections provided.
o Day 4: Express Yourself: Students will be able to choose from various prompts that
pertain to what a refugee's life is like. (i.e. If you had to pack a backpack sized bag full
of items from your home, what would you bring?
o Day 5: Table Conversations: Students will get into small groups to discuss their
thinking maps and the prompt that they chose to write about during the Express
Yourself class time.
Parts 2 + 3: UDL Lesson and IEP Goal
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Lesson
This UDL Lesson will support Selma Student in Some: Will walk away with some
making progress on the following IEP Goal: meaningful insight. Some will research
three or more topics such as what
Present Level of Performance (Baseline): When provided countries have refugees?, what is the
with maximum supports and verbal and visual prompts, typical age range for refugees and what
the students has an initial understanding of authors is a typical day for a refugee?
purpose and point of view with 50% accuracy.
Most: Most will research five or more
Goal: By June 2017, when a text is read and topics such as what countries have
discussed, the student is provided with verbal and refugees?
visual prompts. The student will explain how the
author uses reasons and evidence to support points in All: The learning objective for all the
a text, identify which reasons and evidence support students is to live a day in the life of a
refugee and walk away with meaningful
what point(s), using targeted vocabulary and
insight. All will understand how political
grammar structures on 4/5 trials with 80% accuracy. conflict and war leads to displacement of
The above goal is aligned to the following Common Core
Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.4
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are
used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains
related to history/social studies.
What is it like to experience and step into the
shoes of someone in the developing world for one CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.7
Conduct short research projects to answer
a question, drawing on several sources
and generating additional related, focused
questions for further research and
1. Students will get into small groups to discuss their thinking maps and the prompt that they
chose to write about during the Express Yourself class time.
2. Each student will have a minute to share their thinking maps with their groupmates.
3. Students will have the opportunity to respond to their peers after each peer shares their map.
4. As a group, they will answer questions that will be provided to them, to further expand their
5. After group conversation, the class will come back together to talk about what their group
discussed, what answers they came up with to the questions, and see if anyone feels
comfortable sharing what they wrote.