The mole
Calculating masses from equations
1. Hydrogen burns in oxygen to form water. What mass of oxygen is needed for 1 g of
15 hydrogen, and what mass of water is obtained?
2. Iron reacts with a solution of copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4 ) to give copper and a solution
of iron sulfate. The formula for the iron sulfate could be either FeSO4 or Fe2(SO4)3. 1.4
g of iron gave 1.6 g of copper. Write the correct equation for the reaction.
1. Zinc and lead are obtained from ores that contain
only the metal and sulfur, in the molar ratio 1:1.
a Name the compounds in these ores.
b Write down their formulae.
25 In the extraction of the metal, the compounds are
roasted in air to obtain the oxide of the metal.
The sulfur forms sulfur dioxide.
c i Write equations for the roasting of the ores.
ii Which type of reaction is this?
30 iii Care must be taken in disposing of the sulfur
dioxide produced. Explain why.
Then the oxide can be heated with coke (carbon) to
obtain the metal and carbon monoxide.
d i Write equations for the reactions with carbon.
35 ii Which substances are reduced, in the reactions?
S o m e n o n - m e ta l s a n d t h e i r compounds
Sulfur and sulfur dioxide
15 1. Sulfuric acid is made by the Contact process.
The first stage is to make sulfur trioxide, like this:
30 2. Powdered limestone is used to treat the waste gases from power stations that burn coal and petroleum.
The equation for the reaction that takes place is: