Hyd RO Dose User Manual

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Why Use hyd-RO-dose!

Indices calculated by hyd-RO-dose

Copyright 1998 French Creek Software, Inc. Kimberton, PA 19442 All rights reserved The hyd-RO-dose Series

Getting Started

Installation & System Requirements


Selecting Analytical Units

Choosing the pH Control Point

System & Membrane Spec’s

“What-if” Modeling

Optimizing Treatments
Selecting A Product
Inputting A Product Formulation
Developing Inhibitor Model

Quick Reference

Appendices and Bibliography

WHY USE hyd-RO-dose?


The Langelier Saturation Index

Ryznar Stability Index
Stiff-Davis Saturation Index
Practical (Puckorius) Scaling Index
Larson-Skold Corrosivity Index


Ion Association Model Saturation Level

Momentary (Precipitation to Equilibrium)


hyd-RO-dose Color Coding

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 1

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 2
WHY USE hyd-RO-dose?

hyd-RO-dose allows a water treatment chemist to evaluate the scale potential for common
scalants over the range of water chemistry, temperature, pressure, pH and recovery
anticipated in membrane system. . hyd-RO-dose can evaluate the scale potential over a broad
range of recovery and pH control options.

hyd-RO-dose was developed to allow a water treater to readily evaluate the scale potential
for common scalants over the broadest of parameter ranges without the necessity for tedious
manual calculations for the Stiff-Davis, , Langelier saturation index, Ryznar stability index,
or other indices. Even when all of these common indices are available conflicting results can
cloud interpretation of what they are foretelling. These indices are also limited to calcium
carbonate scale prediction. hyd-RO-dose allows a water treater to review popular and some
less known indicators relatively painlessly to develop a more complete picture of problems,
and potential problems anticipated from a water.

hyd-RO-dose also provides "portable" indices in the form of saturation levels. The saturation
levels calculated by the program account for "common ion effects" through a procedure
called speciation or ion pairing. This method allows indices to be based upon free ions
present rather than total analytical values to provide meaningful common denominators for
comparing the scale potential of vastly different water chemistries on as close to an apples to
apples basis as possible. The use of ion pairing also allows calculations at very high ionic
strength where the association of ions become as important, or more important, than the
method used to estimate activity coefficients.

In summary, hyd-RO-dose is used to:

 To develop an overall profile of scale potential for common scalants over the entire range
of critical parameters anticipated.
 To evaluate the impact of acid feed on scale potential and scale inhibitor requirements.
 To evaluate the impact of % recovery on acid and/or inhibitor requirements.
 To quickly review these indicators as water quality changes, or environmental constraints
force operation with reduced water quality and increased scale potential.
 To learn more about the interaction of water chemistry and operating conditions (pH,
temperature, recovery, pressure) by using the program as a system simulator.
 To save time. hyd-RO-dose can calculate and save the indices you currently calculate by
hand, and store the water analyses and calculated indices. In many cases, hyd-RO-dose
allows you to prepare presentation quality graphical profiles in about the same time it
would take to manually calculate the Langelier and Stiff-Davis indices. hyd-RO-dose
provides a complete profile for the manpower cost of calculating a few indices using a
nomograph or water chemistry slide rule.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 3

WHAT hyd-RO-dose WON'T DO!
hyd-RO-dose will not recommend a treatment program. It will not substitute for experience.
You will have to provide the interpretation based upon your, and your company's, knowledge
of inhibitor effective limits.

hyd-RO-dose programs will provide guidelines for treatment levels, and where inhibitor
limitations are known, warn you of projected inhibitor failure through color coding. Dosages
turn RED when out of range.


hyd-RO-dose calculates indicators of scale potential for barium sulfate (barite), barium
carbonate, (witherite) calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate (anhydrite and gypsum), strontium
sulfate (celestite), calcium phosphate (hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate), amorphous
iron hydroxide, iron phosphate(strengite), iron carbonate (siderite), amorphous silica,
calcium fluoride (fluorite), and magnesium hydroxide (brucite). It also calculates common,
simple indices for reference. Simple indices calculated over the range of conditions specified

 the most common (Stiff-Davis, Langelier and Ryznar);

 those that have been used by the major water treatment companies but have generally
been unavailable to most water treaters (Saturation levels based upon an ion association

 and some that the program author has found useful (the Larson-Skold corrosivity index).

A detailed review of these indices is included in a later section of this manual, and in
references in the bibliography.hyd-RO-dose calculates indicators of scale potential for
calcium carbonate, tricalcium phosphate, hydroxylapatite, silica, calcium sulfate, calcium
fluoride, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium silicate, iron hydroxide, iron carbonate, and iron
phosphate. It also calculates a corrosivity index based upon the work of Drs. Larson and
Skold on the corrosivity of Great Lakes waters towards mild steel.


The Langelier Saturation Index

The Langelier Saturation index (LSI) is a purely equilibrium model derived from the
theoretical concept of saturation. A water is said to be saturated with calcium carbonate
when it will neither dissolve, or precipitate calcium carbonate "scale". This equilibrium

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 4

condition is based upon an undisturbed water, at constant temperature, which is allowed to
remain undisturbed for an infinite period of time. A water is said to be under-saturated if it
will dissolve an existing calcium carbonate substrate if left at rest for the same infinity. A
supersaturated water will precipitate calcium and carbonate from a water if allowed to rest.
The Langelier saturation index provides an indicator of a water's degree of saturation with
respect to calcium carbonate.

Saturation is referenced to the solubility product for a compound. By definition the ion
activity product of reactants (e.g. Ca and CO3) is equal to the solubility product (Ksp) when
the water is in equilibrium.

[Ca]Ca[CO3]CO3 = Ksp

A saturation level is defined as the ratio of the ion activity product to the solubility product.

Saturation level = Ca[Ca]CO3[CO3]


If a water is under-saturated with respect to calcium carbonate, the saturation level will be
less than 1.0 . When a water is at equilibrium, the saturation level will be 1.0 by definition
(although our estimation of the ion activity product or solubility product might be in error). A
water which is supersaturated with calcium carbonate will have a saturation level greater
than 1.0 .

Saturation level is the driving force for crystal formation, and crystal growth. As the
saturation level increases beyond 1.0, the driving force for calcium carbonate crystal
formation or crystal growth increases.

It can be shown that the Langelier saturation index approximates the base 10 logarithm of
calcite saturation level. The Langelier saturation level approaches the concept of saturation
using pH as a master variable(1). The Langelier saturation index can be interpreted as the pH
change required to bring a water to equilibrium. A water with a Langelier saturation index of
1.0 is one pH unit above saturation. Reducing the pH by 1 unit will bring the water into
equilibrium. This occurs because the portion of total alkalinity present as CO3 (the bad
actor) decreases as the pH decreases. A pH decrease of 1 unit will decrease the CO3
concentration of the water about ten fold. This impacts saturation level directly by also
decreasing the ion activity product tenfold. So a 1 pH unit decrease will decrease the
Langelier saturation index by 1 unit. A 1 pH unit decrease will also decrease the saturation
level (IAP/Ksp) ten fold.

A negative Langelier saturation index indicates that a water is under-saturated with respect to
calcium carbonate (calcite). If the LSI is -1.0, raising the pH of the water 1 unit will increase
the calcium carbonate (calcite) saturation level to equilibrium. The 1 pH unit increase does
this by increasing the CO3 portion of the carbonate alkalinity present ten fold. The calcite
saturation level increases accordingly (ten times).

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 5

The Langelier saturation index is probably the most widely used indicator of cooling water
scale potential. It is purely an equilibrium index and deals only with the driving force for
calcium carbonate scale formation and growth. It provides no indication of how much scale
(CaCO3) will precipitate to bring a water to equilibrium. It simply indicates the driving force
for scale formation and growth in terms of pH as a master variable.

The Langelier saturation index is defined as:

Langelier saturation index = pH - pHs

 pH is the measured water pH

 pHs is the pH where the water will be saturated (at equilibrium) with
respect to CaCO3.

In the cooling water pH range of 6.5 to 9.5, the pHs calculation simplifies to:

pHs = (pK2 - pKs) + pCa + pAlk

 pK2 is the negative log10 of the second dissociation

 constant for carbonic acid;
 pKs is the negative log10 of the solubility product for calcite;
 pCa is the negative log10 of calcium measured in the water;
 pAlk is the negative log 10 of the total alkalinity measured for the water
being evaluated.

hyd-RO-dose uses the full iterative method for estimating the pH of saturation for calcite for
calculating the Langelier saturation index.

The LSI is analogous to voltage for those who are electrically minded. A voltage is the
driving force for moving electrons across a resistance. As voltage potential difference
increases, there is a higher driving force for current (electron) flow. Voltage, however,
indicates nothing of the current being moved. The LSI, and other saturation level based
indices, describe the driving force for scale formation and growth, but say little of the
amount of scale which will form (or be dissolved) in order to bring a water to equilibrium.
Although they are very useful, a second factor must be considered in interpreting saturation
level based indices. Saturation level based indices indicate the potential for scale formation
if a water is unperturbed for an infinite period of time. Most cooling water systems have a
substantially shorter holding time index.

A final point on the Langelier index deals with the concept of "corrosivity." The LSI was not
intended as an indicator of corrosivity towards mild steel or other metals of construction. The
LSI describes only the corrosivity of a water towards an existing calcium carbonate scale, or
other calcium carbonate bearing structure. The LSI does describe the tendency of a water to
dissolve (corrode) calcite scale. It has also been used to control the "corrosion" of asbestos-
concrete-board (ACB) fill which uses calcium carbonate as part of the binder. Water is

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 6

LSI. But the interpretation of corrosivity towards metals is not explicit in the LSI.

It has been postulated that a supersaturated water will form an eggshell like film of calcium
carbonate scale which will act as an inhibitor film for corrosion of mild steel. This can occur
in highly buffered waters. The LSI or other saturation based indices do not guarantee this
inhibitory behavior. Calcium carbonate film formation is typically observed in highly
buffered waters.

Researchers (Stumm(3), Lowenthal, and Marais(4)) have shown that waters supersaturated
with calcium carbonate often develop tubercular deposit which do not inhibit corrosion on
mild steel.
This behavior is typically associated with waters of low buffer capacity. Puckorius(5) also
warned against using saturation level derived indices as the basis for foretelling corrosion
problems in systems.

The Langelier saturation index is elegantly derived in the original published form(2). It is
also thoroughly explained by Lowenthal and Marais(4).

The Ryznar Stability Index

The Ryznar stability index attempts to correlate an empirical data base of scale thickness
observed in municipal water systems to the water chemistry. Like the Langelier saturation
index, the Ryznar stability index has its basis in the concept of saturation level. Ryznar
attempted to quantify the relationship between calcium carbonate saturation state and scale
formation. The Ryznar index takes the form:

Ryznar stability index = 2(pHs) - pH

The empirical correlation of the Ryznar stability index can be summarized as follows:

RSI << 6 scale tendency increases as the index decreases;

RSI >> 7 calcium carbonate formation will probably not

lead to a protective corrosion inhibitor film;

RSI >> 8 mild steel corrosion becomes an increasing problem.

hyd-RO-dose uses the pHs calculated by the rigorous iterative method for RSI estimation.

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The Stiff-Davis Saturation Index
The Stiff-Davis index attempts to overcome the shortcomings of the Langelier Index with
respect to high TDS waters and the impact of "common ion" effects on the driving force for
scale formation. Like the Langelier saturation index, the Stiff-Davis index has its basis in the
concept of saturation level. The solubility product used to predict the pH of saturation (pHs)
for a water is empirically modified in the Stiff-Davis index. Stiff-Davis indices will predict
that a water is less scale forming than the Langelier index calculated for the same water
chemistry and conditions. The deviation between the indices increases with ionic strength.
Interpretation of the index is by the same scale as for the Langelier Saturation index.

The Practical (Puckorius) Scaling Index

The Puckorius (or Practical) scaling index attempts to further quantify the relationship
between saturation state and scale formation by incorporating an estimate of buffering
capacity of the water into the index. The previously discussed saturation derived indices only
account for the driving force for calcium carbonate scale formation. They do not account for
two other critical parameters: the buffering capacity of the water, and the maximum quantity
of precipitate that can form in bringing a water to equilibrium.

A water high in calcium, but low in alkalinity and buffering capacity can have a high calcite
saturation level. The high calcium level increases the ion activity product. A plot of ion
activity product versus precipitate for the water would show a rapid decrease in pH as
calcium precipitated due to the low buffering capacity. Even minuscule decreases in
carbonate concentration in the water would drastically decrease the ion activity product of
the water due to the small quantity present prior to the initiation of precipitation. The water
might have a high tendency to form scale due to the driving force, but scale formed might be
of such a small quantity as to be unobservable. The water has the driving force but no
capacity and no ability to maintain pH as precipitate forms.

The Puckorius scaling index is calculated in a manner similar to the Ryznar stability index.
Puckorius uses an equilibrium pH rather than the actual system pH to account for the
buffering effects:

Puckorius scaling index = 2 (pHeq) -pHs

hyd-RO-dose calculates the pHs for this index using the rigorous iterative method. Puckorius'
formula for pHeq(5) is used

pHeq = 1.465 x log10("M" Alkalinity) + 4.54

The Puckorius scaling index provides another tool for evaluating the calcium carbonate scale
potential for a water and is included in the hyd-RO-dose indices of calcium carbonate scale

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 8

The Larson-Skold Corrosivity Index
The Larson-Skold index describes the corrosivity of water towards mild steel. The index is
based upon evaluation of in-situ corrosion of mild steel transport lines in systems
transporting Great Lakes waters. The index is the ratio of equivalents per million (epm) of
sulfate (SO4) and chloride (Cl) to the equivalents per million of alkalinity in the form
bicarbonate plus carbonate (HCO3 + CO3).

Larson-Skold index = (epm Cl + epm SO4)

(epm HCO3 + epm CO3)

As outlined in their paper (6), the index correlated closely to observed corrosion rates and to
the type of attack in the Great Lakes water study.

It should be noted that the waters studied in the development of the relationship were not
alkalinity or buffering capacity deficient. They were capable of forming an inhibitory
calcium carbonate film, if no interferences were present.

The results of the study demonstrate that chlorides and sulfates increase the aggressiveness
of a cooling water with adequate buffering capacity and alkalinity to otherwise not be overly
aggressive. Perhaps the presence of chloride and sulfate interferes with the film formation
which otherwise would be expected.

It must be noted that the Larson-Skold relationship is based upon Great Lakes waters.
Extrapolation to other waters, such as those of low alkalinity or extreme alkalinity, goes
beyond the range of the original data. Such extrapolations should be closely scrutinized or
weighted lightly. Most water treaters will agree, however, that the aggressiveness of a water
increases with increasing chloride and/or sulfate levels, and that corrosivity also increases
with decreasing alkalinity.

The index has proven a useful tool in predicting the aggressiveness of once through cooling
waters. It is included in hyd-RO-dose due to the preponderance of waters of composition
similar to the Great Lakes waters, and due to its potential usefulness as in indicator of
aggressiveness in reviewing the applicability of corrosion inhibition treatment programs
which rely heavily on the natural alkalinity and film forming capabilities of a cooling water.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 9

The index might be interpreted by the following guidelines:

Larson-Skold Indication
<< 0.2 chlorides and sulfate probably will not
interfere with natural film formation.

>> 0.2 but << 0.8 chlorides and sulfates may interfere with
natural film formation. Higher than desired
corrosion rates might be anticipated.

>> 0.8 the tendency towards high corrosion rates

of a local type should be expected as the
index increases.


Ion Association Model Saturation Level

Saturation level has been previously discussed as the basis for many of the common indices
used by water treaters. The saturation level is defined as the ratio of the ion activity product
of the reactants to the solubility product. Saturation level can be defined as follows for
common system scalants based upon their respective solubility products:

For CaCO3 (calcite and aragonite)

Ca + CO3  CaCO3

Saturation Level = [Ca] Ca [CO3] CO3


where Ca is the activity coefficient for calcium

CO3 is the activity coefficient for carbonate
[Ca] is the molar concentration of calcium
[CO3] is the molar carbonate concentration

This relationship can be simplified if we incorporate the activity coefficients into the
solubility product so that our examples can be expressed in a more readily viewed format.
The conditional solubility product incorporates the activity coefficients into the solubility

Kspc CaCO3 = Ksp x (1/Ca) x (1/CO3)

This notation (Kspc) will be used for the remainder of the examples.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 10

For Calcium sulfate (anhydrite):

Ca + SO4  CaSO4

Saturation level(CaSO4) = [Ca][SO4]

Kspc (CaSO4)

For Silica
SiO2 + 2 H2O  H4SiO4

Saturation level (SiO2 ) = H4SiO4

([H2O][H2O] Kspc)

Note that the activity of water is included in the calculation.

For tricalcium phosphate, a higher order of reaction is encountered:

3 [Ca] + 2 [PO4]  Ca3(PO4)2

Saturation level = [Ca]^3[PO4]^2


A higher order of reaction is also encountered for calcium fluoride (Fluorite)

[Ca] + 2 [F]  CaF2

Saturation level = [Ca][F]^2


and magnesium hydroxide (Brucite):

[Mg] + 2 [OH]  Mg(OH) ^2

Saturation level = [Mg][OH]^2


The method used for estimating activity coefficients is a major target of criticism for most
indices. hyd-RO-dose uses the mean salt activities for estimating ion activity coefficients
based upon temperature and ionic strength. The method is well covered in reference
Truesdell and Jones(7). The use of ion pairing expands the usefulness of hyd-RO-dose
calculated saturation levels.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 11

The simple indices previously described are based upon saturation levels calculated using the
total ions present. For example, calcium carbonate indices, such as the Langelier saturation
index, assume that all calcium is present as free calcium ions, and that all carbonate is
present as the unbound ion. In actual waters, the reactive species are present in many forms.
Not all of the ion measured analytically is available to react. For example, calcium can be
bound with hydroxide, sulfate, carbonate, and bicarbonate and unavailable for other
reactions. This binding, or reduced availability of the reactants, decreases the effective ion
activity product for a saturation level calculation. hyd-RO-dose uses an ion association
model to estimate the available (or free) ions present in the water. The ion association
method is well described in the literature.(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) hyd-RO-dose uses the free ion
concentrations estimated by the ion association method in saturation level calculations. The
resultant saturation levels calculated are significantly lower than those based upon total
analytical values.

The ion association model saturation levels have been in use by the major water treatment
companies since the early 70's. The indices tend to give a more accurate indication of the
driving force for scale formation. They have not been in general use, however, due to the
difficulty of calculating them. The iterative approach required for the calculations mandates
the use of a computer. One of the purposes of hyd-RO-dose is to make the ion association
method for saturation levels available to all Water Treaters.

Saturation levels, no matter how refined, are still an equilibrium based index. They provide a
measure of the driving force for a scalant to form, but do not incorporate the capacity of the
water for continued scaling. A water can have a high saturation level with no visible scale
formation. The driving force might be present but there is insufficient mass for gross

Saturation levels should be viewed as another tool for developing an overall picture of a
water's scale potential. They can point out what scales won't form under the conditions
evaluated, but they can not predict that deposits of an economically significant quantity will
form. The next index covered incorporated the properties of quantity as well as driving force
to round out the hyd-RO-dose indicators of scale potential.

Momentary Excess (Precipitation To Equilibrium)

This index is adapted from a little used calculation of Momentary Excess. This index
describes the quantity of scalant which would have to precipitate instantaneously to bring a
water to equilibrium. In the case of calcium carbonate:

[Ca][CO3] = Kspc at equilibrium.

If a water is supersaturated:

[Ca][CO3] >> Kspc

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 12

Precipitation to equilibrium assumes that one (1) mole of calcium will precipitate for every
mole of carbonate that precipitates. On this basis, we can estimate a quantity X, the
precipitation required to restore a water to equilibrium, as follows:

[Ca - X][CO3 - X] = Kspc

X is a quantitative indicator of precipitation reserve for a water. X will be a small value

when either calcium is high and carbonate low, or when carbonate is high and calcium low.
It will increase to a maximum when equal parts of calcium and carbonate are present. As a
result, this index (Precipitation to Equilibrium) will provide vastly different values for waters
with the same saturation level. Although the original Momentary Excess index was applied
only to calcium carbonate scale, hyd-RO-dose extends the index to other scale forming

In the case of sulfate, momentary excess is calculated by solving for "X" in the relationship:

[Ca - X][SO4 - X] = Kspc

The solution becomes more complex for tricalcium phosphate:

[Ca - 3X]^3 [PO4 - 2X]^2 = Kspc

The index provides a quantitative indicator of scale potential and has been used to correlate
scale formation in a kinetic model(12). The index does not account for two critical factors.
The pH will change in some cases as precipitate forms by the precipitation of alkalinity
contributors such as carbonate or phosphate. Secondly, the index does not account for
changes in driving force as the reactant levels decrease due to precipitation.

hyd-RO-dose includes Momentary Excess (precipitation to equilibrium) as a final indicator

of scale potential for the scalants covered by the computer program. hyd-RO-dose expresses
the precipitation to equilibrium in parts per million.

Momentary Excess does not represent a quantitative assessment of the amount of a fouling
which will precipitate. It is an indicator of the capacity of a water to scale, and can be
compared to the buffer capacity of a water. The calculation method is covered in more detail
in the literature(12).

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 13

Scale Potential As Indicated By Saturation Level
All but one of the indices discussed in this section describe the tendency of a water to form,
or dissolve, a particular scale. These indices are derived from the concept of saturation. For
example, saturation level for any of the scalants discussed is described as the ratio of a
compounds observed ion activity product (IAP) to the ion activity product expected if the
water were at equilibrium (Ksp). In hyd-RO-dose graphically profiles, the degree of
supersaturation is labeled as this ratio (IAP/Ksp). This ratio has many names and is referred
to as Saturation Level, Degree of supersaturation, and x Saturation. This ratio will be
referred to as Saturation Level or Degree of supersaturation throughout the manual.

The following general guidelines can be applied to interpreting the degree of supersaturation:

1) If the saturation level is less than 1.0, a water is under saturated with respect to the scalant
under study. The water will tend to dissolve, rather than form, scale of the type for which the
index was calculated. As the saturation level decreases and approaches 0.0, the probability
of forming this scale in a finite period of time also approaches 0.

2) A water in contact with a solid form of the scale will tend to dissolve or precipitate the
compound until an IAP/Ksp ratio of 1.0 is achieved. This will occur if the water is left
undisturbed for an infinite period of time under the same conditions. A water with a
saturation level of 1.0 is at equilibrium with the solid phase. It will not tend to dissolve, or
precipitate the scale.

3) As the saturation level (IAP/Ksp) increases above 1.0, the tendency to precipitate the
compound increases. Most waters can carry a moderate level of supersaturation before
precipitation occurs in a finite period of time - such as the seconds to minutes a water is
present in a once through system, or the hours to days a water is present in a cooling tower
system. Most systems can carry a small degree of supersaturation. The degree of
supersaturation acceptable for a system varies with parameters such as residence time, the
order of the scale reaction, and the amount of solid phase (scale)present in the system. To be
on the safe side, it is recommended that an appropriate inhibitor be fed to a system if the
saturation level is above 1.0.

The acceptable degree of saturation for a given system should be based upon your
experience. The author has found the following guidelines useful.

Calcium carbonate: In once through systems, treatment is necessary when the saturation
level at the highest temperature and pH in the system is above 1.2 to 1.5.

A slightly higher degree of supersaturation can be carried in some cooling towers.

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Calcium sulfate: Treatment is recommended when the saturation level for gypsum exceeds
1.0. In higher temperature systems (>> 130 F), treatment is required normally when
anhydrite saturation level exceeds 1.0.

Silica: Most cooling waters can carry a silica saturation level of 1.1 to 1.2. hyd-RO-dose
silica saturation levels are calculated using the solubility product for amorphous silica. A
saturation level in this range equates to a cooling water silica level of around 150 ppm (as
SiO2) at an acid to neutral pH, and 180 ppm or above in waters with a pH above 8.0. This is
comparable to the old guidelines for "acid chromate programs" (150 ppm as SiO2) used by
most water treatment companies when such treatments were acceptable, and for the
guidelines for the new "All Organic" programs (180 to 200 ppm) operating in the pH range
of 8.0 to 9.0+.

It is of particular importance to evaluate silica saturation level in systems with borderline

solubility as cooling water temperature or pH decrease seasonally.

Magnesium silicate: Mag-silicate compounds do not necessarily form due to a

stoichiometric reaction. The author believes that magnesium silicate forms through the
adsorption of silica onto precipitated magnesium hydroxide. Brucite saturation level was
added to hyd-RO-dose calculated indices as a measure of the potential for magnesium silicate
to form in a system based upon this philosophy. If a water is supersaturated with magnesium
hydroxide (Brucite) and even low levels of reactive silica are present in the cooling water,
magnesium silicate formation is possible. Magnesium silicate formation is probable when
the water is supersaturated with Brucite and silica levels are 40 ppm (as SiO2) or above.

A recent NACE paper reported the formation of stoichiometric magnesium silicate scales in
systems. A stoichiometric form was added tot he scales evaluated by hyd-RO-dose as a
result of this paper. Precipitation might be expected when the magnesium silicate saturation
level exceeds 1.2 .

Calcium fluoride: Treatment, or operating parameter changes, are recommended when the
saturation level for Fluorite exceeds 1.0.

Tricalcium phosphate: Tricalcium phosphate saturation level calculations are a fifth order
affair. As a consequence, small changes in free phosphate concentration, or even smaller
changes in calcium concentration, have a dramatic impact on the calculated saturation level.
For this reason, high saturation levels, on the order of 100,000 or above, can be observed in
cooling waters treated for calcium phosphate scale control. The authors experience is as

Beware when a system is supersaturated with tricalcium phosphate.

A tricalcium phosphate saturation level below 100 is easily treated. Most inhibitor
treatments can prevent scale formation, even if not specifically directed towards tricalcium
phosphate. pH decrease can decrease tricalcium phosphate saturation level to an acceptable

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 15

pH reduction and/or a tricalcium phosphate specific treatment program is recommended
when tricalcium phosphate saturation level rises above the 100 to 1000 range.

hydroxylapatite: Hydroxylapatite saturation level calculations are a ninth order affair even
higher than that of tricalcium phosphate. As a consequence, small changes in free phosphate
concentration, or even smaller changes in calcium concentration, have a dramatic impact on
the calculated saturation level. For this reason, high saturation levels, on the order of
100,000 or above, can be observed in cooling waters treated for calcium phosphate scale
control. Saturation level guidelines are similar to those for tricalcium phosphate, although a
significantly higher hydroxylapatite saturation level can be carried in the presence of a
copolymer,. terpolymer, or other calcium phosphate scale control agents.

Iron carbonate: Siderite, the mineral name for iron carbonate, is usually found in
conjunction with calcium carbonate scale in system. Iron carbonate scale can be expected
when the saturation level exceeds 1.2 .

Amorphous iron hydroxide: Iron hydroxide precipitation can be expected in cooling water
when the saturation level exceeds 1.0, a very common situation when iron is present. Iron
may precipitate in the bulk water as iron hydroxide, but not form scale in high flow rate
systems. Remedial action, such as a dispersant, should be taken in systems with high iron
hydroxide saturation levels. Note that iron hydroxide momentary excess values reported will
almost always be negligible. This ids due to the high order of the reaction. Rely upon the
saturation level for deposition prediction and ignore the momentary excess in most cases.

Iron phosphate: Strengite, the iron phosphate mineral modeled by hyd-RO-dose, should be
considered a problem when the saturation level exceeds 1.0 . Momentary excess for this
scale former will be negligible in most cases due to the low level of "free" phosphate
typically available. Rely upon the saturation level for prediction of iron phosphate scale.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 16

CaCO3 Scale & Corrosion Potential As Inferred From Simple Indices
The Langelier Saturation Index, Stiff-Davis, Ryznar Stability Index, and Puckorius (or
Predictive) Scaling Index are well documented. Values calculated by hyd-RO-dose for these
indices should be very close to those calculated using normal methods. Guidelines for these
indices are covered in their respective sections of this manual. It should be noted that these
indices are limited to calcium carbonate scale potential. They are based upon total calcium
and total alkalinity present and may be of limited usefulness in high TDS waters for this
reason. The indices, as previously discussed, do not account for ion pairing which reduces
the free calcium and carbonate concentrations available for scale formation. It is
recommended that these indices be used as points of reference and that the more rigorous
saturation level for calcite be adopted, especially in high TDS waters.


Graphs produced by hyd-RO-dose are color coded as an aid in interpreting them. This
section discusses the meaning of the colors.

Saturation Level and Simple Scale Indices

RED - Red signifies a definite problem prediction. Corrective action such as treatment, pH
adjustment, or concentration ratio decrease (blowdown) should be taken to eliminate, or
alleviate, the problem. Red signifies loss of control in TREATED SATURATION LEVEL

MAGENTA - Magenta (purple) signifies that a problem is highly likely. Some systems
might be able to carry the degree of supersaturation indicated by magenta without deposition
occurring. Most system will scale if operated in the Magenta range without treatment.

YELLOW - Yellow signifies that a problem will occur with a minimum of change. Make
sure of your measurements. A slight error in pH could mean that you are really operating in
a RED zone. The system is borderline and should be watched.

GREEN - No problems are likely. Significant changes (e.g. a 0.1 pH increase, a 10 C

increase) could result in a problem.

BLUE - Blue signifies a safe operating range where deposition from the scale evaluated
would not be expected. Blue is also used to signify a successful treatment in TREATED

Dosage Profiles
RED - Red signifies a definite problem prediction. The treatment will not work regardless of
dosage level. The system is out of range (e.g. too high a saturation level) for the treatment

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 17

MAGENTA - Magenta (purple) signifies that a problem is approaching or highly likely. In
the case of calcium carbonate inhibitors, MAGENTA signifies that the system is within ten
(10%) percent of the limit for the inhibitor (e.g. 135 calcite saturation level to 149 calcite
saturation level for an inhibitor that fails at 150 or above).

In the case of blended orthophosphate/copolymer products, MAGENTA signifies that

insufficient polymer is present for calcium phosphate scale control when the product is dosed
at the level required for adequate corrosion protection. The corrective action is to increase
the ratio of copolymer to phosphate.

BLUE - Blue signifies a safe operating range where the treatment will prevent deposition of
the scale evaluated.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 18

"Fuzzy Chemistry"tm
Profiles Predict Problems Over A
Broad Range of Operating Conditions

Color coding identifies the severity of the problem.

Blue signifies a safe range.
Green indicates a mild problem
potential if conditions change slightly.
Yellow warns you to check measurements, trouble is near.
Magenta indicates a problem is likely. Take corrective action.
Red warns of a problem. Treatment or
other remedial action is required.
hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 20
THE hyd-RO-dose Rx SERIES

hyd-RO-dose Rx Series Programs

The Field Engineer Edition

The Formulator Edition
The Laboratory Edition

hyd-RO-dose Files

Workspace Files (.HYD)

Membrane Specification Files (.MBR)
Graphic Files (.PCX, .TIF, .BMP)
Data Output Files (.DAT)
Product Files (.PRD)
Inhibitor Files (.INH)

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 21

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 22
hyd-RO-dose Rx Series Programs

Most of us use our own system for varying inhibitor treatment levels with water chemistry.
Over the years we've developed our own rules of thumb. For example,

 Most of use apply higher levels of inhibitors as temperature increases.

 Most of us increase dosage as the driving force for scale formation increases. Higher
levels of CaCO3 inhibitors are applied as the Langelier Saturation index or calcite
saturation level increase.
 Many of us will feed higher inhibitor levels to a 72 hour holding time index system than
to a 3 hour residence time system. We will definitely feed higher levels to a long holding
time system than to a short residence time system.
 And finally, most of us will feed a slightly higher dosage in high pH systems.

All other things being equal, dosages for scale inhibitors are applied as a function of a
driving force for scale formation and growth (e.g. Calcite saturation level), temperature as it
affects reaction rates, pH as it affects the dissociation state of the inhibitor, and time. hyd-
RO-dose Rx allows you to develop mathematical models for the minimum effective scale
inhibitor dosage as a function of these parameters: driving force, temperature, pH and time.
Mathematical models for inhibitors can be developed using the Laboratory version of hyd-
RO-dose by editing water chemistry, temperature, and time data developed in the laboratory,
through field experience, or both.

The hyd-RO-dose Rx series is composed of the following programs:

 hyd-RO-dose Rx Field Engineer's Edition - This version of the program allows a user
to select a product and obtain a dosage or dosage profile. Product (.PRD) files must be
supplied for each product the Field Engineer's version can model. The program can also
perform all functions of the basic hyd-RO-dose program. Dosage recommendations are
incorporated into the basic hyd-RO-dose system as an additional line of output on the
tables output, and as an additional graph selection in the "What-if" modules.

 hyd-RO-dose Rx Formulator's Edition - This version allows a user to input a product

formulation and create a Product (.PRD) file. The program must have access to
Inhibitor(.INH) files for an inhibitor to be incorporated into a formulation. The
Formulator's version incorporates all functions and printouts available in the basic hyd-
RO-dose program, and in the Field Engineer's Edition of the hyd-RO-dose Rx series.

 hyd-RO-dose Rx Laboratory Edition - This version allows a user to develop

mathematical models for scale and corrosion inhibitors, in addition to the functions of the
other programs in the series. Mathematical model templates are available for common
inhibitors types. Laboratory and/or field data can be entered in forms almost identical to
the regular hyd-RO-dose chemistry input forms.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 23

Additional fields in the Laboratory version are time and dosage. Mathematical models for an
inhibitor are developed by the program using multiple regression. The correlations (models)
developed are output in the form of inhibitor (.INH) files. The goodness of fit for the data can
be presented in table and graphical format.

The hyd-RO-dose Rx Laboratory and Formulator's Editions are shipped with inhibitor files
for common materials such as AMP, HEDP, PBTC, and PAA to name a basic few. Inhibitor
files are also available for calcium sulfate control agents, calcium phosphate control,
corrosion inhibitors, and modeling corrosion rates on mild steel. Additional files are
available from inhibitor's manufacturers.

The hyd-RO-dose Rx Laboratory Edition includes the raw data for AA-AMPS as published
by Calgon in a NACE paper.

Correlations can be developed for dosages versus any of the hyd-RO-dose indices, any of the
data input, and some internal calculated values such as buffer capacity..

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN hyd-RO-sat and the hyd-RO-dose Rx Series

The hyd-RO-dose Rx series adds one or two pull down menus to the main hyd-RO-dose

The Field Engineer's Edition has one selection on the additional menu (FORMULARY) and
one additional selection - SELECT PRODUCT. This module displays a list of the products
on file, and their description. The Product Names and Descriptions listed are derived from
the Product(.PRD) files. Printouts contain one additional line for the recommended dosage
for the current product selected. An additional graph selection is available for Product dosage
profiles. Although the Field Engineer's Edition of the program allows the use of the
mathematical models and formulation data in the product file, the original data cannot be
accessed. Someone with a product file cannot determine the active ingredients or their
percentage in the formulated product.

The Formulator's Edition adds a second additional selection to the FORMULARY menu -
INPUT PRODUCT. The product's name, description, and formulation are entered in this
menu to create a Product (.PRD) file. Only inhibitors for which you have Inhibitor (.INH)
files can be included in the formulations.

The Laboratory Edition adds a second additional pull down menu, which is appropriately
labeled - LABORATORY. Water chemistry data, dosage, temperature, and the time period
during which the water was "stable" are entered into the RAW DATA INPUT module. Once
data is entered, multiple regression is used to develop a model and determine the goodness of
fit between your data, and the model. This module generates Inhibitor files for use by the
Formulator version of the program, or the related modules in the Laboratory version. Note:
the Laboratory version can perform any function done by the Field Engineer's or Formulator

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 24

hyd-RO-dose Rx Files

The hyd-RO-dose series uses three (3) file types in addition to those used and generated by
the original hyd-RO-sat program. The original files included the .HYD work files, and the
.PCX, .BMP and .TIF graphic output files, and the .MBR membrane specification files. The
hyd-RO-dose Rx series adds the .PRD product information file, the .INH inhibitor
correlation file, and the .COR, laboratory data for correlation file.

hyd-RO-dose Files -

Workspace Files: .HYD files store water analysis entered into hyd-RO-dose, units
information, ""What-if" parameters, and any indices which were calculated prior to being
stored in .HYD file format. .HYD files are hyd-RO-dose work files which allow you to stop
work, save what you have completed, and return at another time. A .HYD file returns the
hyd-RO-dose program, analysis, and values to the same condition they were when the file
was saved.

Membrane Files: .MBR files store the ion rejection specifications for membranes. A
separate .MBR file is required for each membrane type.

Graphic Files: .PCX files are a standard graphic format used to store pictures on the
screen for transfer to other programs. hyd-RO-dose creates a type 5 .PCX file with all color
(palette) information stored as well as the graphic information.

.BMP files are standard Windows bitmap files.

.TIF are another standard bitmap format for graphics.

hyd-RO-dose Rx Field Engineer Edition Files -

The Field Engineer Edition creates the same files that are created by the original hyd-RO-
dose program. The Field Engineer Edition .HYD file includes any dosage recommendations
calculated prior to the file being saved as well as information on the current product.

Product Files: The Field Engineer Edition uses (but cannot create, modify, or display)
product information files (.PRD). .PRD files contain product formulation information such
as active ingredients and their percentages. This information is used in conjunction with
mathematical inhibitor model coefficients to calculate dosage recommendations. The Field
Engineer Edition can use the information in the files, but is not capable of displaying this
sometimes proprietary information. The active ingredient list, and their percentages, cannot
be obtained by loading a product (.PRD) file into the Field Engineer Edition program.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 25

hyd-RO-dose Rx Formulator Edition Files -
The Formulator Edition creates the same filesthat are created and used by the original hyd-
RO-dose program. Additionally, the Formulator Edition can create product (.PRD) files. It
can also access inhibitor (.INH) files.

The Formulator Edition can create, modify, and display product information files (.PRD).
The INPUT FORMULATION module is used to access or create a .PRD file. Active
ingredients information is added to the .PRD files through the loading of the inhibitor file for
the active ingredient being added. The appropriate percentage(s) for active ingredients thus
loaded are entered into the form. The inhibitor (.INH) files contain the mathematical
inhibitor model coefficients to calculate dosage recommendations. The Formulator Edition
can use the information in the .INH files, but is not capable of displaying this sometimes
proprietary information, or the laboratory data which was used to generate the inhibitor

The Formulator Edition has full access to the formulation information such as active
ingredients, and their percentages. The Formulator Edition can also create membrane
specification files (.MBR). Membrane Specification files are created by entering the specific
ion rejection coefficients for a membrane type into the INPUT SPECS form, and saving as a
.MBR file.

hyd-RO-dose Rx Laboratory Edition Files -

The Laboratory Edition creates the same files that are created by the original hyd-RO-dose
program. The Laboratory Edition has all of the capabilities of the Formulator Edition. It can
create product (.PRD) files.

Additionally, the Laboratory Edition can be used to directly edit inhibitor (.INH) files. The
Laboratory Edition has the unique capability of processing .COR file data to generate
inhibitor (.INH) files.

The Laboratory Edition can create, modify, and display product information files (.PRD).
The Laboratory Edition has full access to .INH files, including the capability of displaying
the sometimes proprietary information stored in them.

The Laboratory Edition has full access to laboratory and field data stored in .COR files.
.COR files contain water chemistry information, dosage required for 100% inhibition, and
temperature data for laboratory and/or field data. A series of analysis can be used to
statistically model the inhibitor performance and develop a .INH file mathematical model. A
minimum of five (5) analysis are required for a .COR file to be used.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 26


System Requirements


Selecting Analytical Units

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 27

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 28
System Requirements

As a general rule, French Creek Software programs will run on the minimum system
configuration for a given Windows operating system. Performance increases with memory
and processor speed. Suggested minimums are as follows.

The program requires approximately 700 mb of hard drive space for a ful installation.

Please note that each workspace file will consume up to 50K of hard drive space. Each
graph stored as a PCX file will use around 50K. Each graph stored as a .BMP file can take
up to 600K of hard drive space.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 29




The program is installed like most Windows software: by running the SETUP.EXE file on
the installation CD.

1) Insert the program CD.

2) Use the Windows RUN command to execute

SETUP.EXE <press enter>

You can also execute by double clicking on the SETUP.EXE

program icon from FILE MANAGER, FILE EXPLORER, or MY
COMPUTER, depending on your version of Windows.

3) The install program will search for an existing

installation. You must install to the HYDRO directory, e.g.

4) Execute the program by clicking on the French

Creek Software Icon, by using the Windows RUN
command, or from the Windows START menu.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 30

Selecting Analytical Units
The first time hyd-RO-dose is run, it will display a warning that default analytical
input units are in affect. This is a reminder to run the Input Units module in the
preferences menu and choose the analytical reporting units used by your company.

Analytical units are available for almost any reporting method in use. Date format
can also be changed in this module. You might also wish to select the ions which
will be used to balance incomplete water analyses.

Selecting Windows To Display

hyd-RO-dose displays an enormous amount of information. At times a total display

is useful. At other times two much information is confusing or a nuisance. You can
determine which informational output windows will be displayed after inputting
analysese or running a ‘What-if Scenario.’

These forms allow you to customize the display of these output windows.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 31

It is recommended that new users set all windows to display. They can be
deactivated and reactivated as desired using these forms.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 32

You can also determine what analytical values and indices will be included in
printouts by activating or deactivating individual items in the Choose Ions To Print
and Choose Scales To Print forms, which can be accessed from the Preferences

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 33

The Output Size On Screen form allows you to select the number of lines form a
printout that will be display on the screen. This allows you to size the output window
so that an entire printout can be displayed on the screen. This form is also accessed
through the Preferences menu.

The final setup form is rarely needed. It allows the selection of either directly
printing to a printer or printing indirectly by preparing the printout in the computer's
memory prior to transmitting to the printer. Choose Direct Print initially. Change
your selection to Indirect Print if problems are encountered printing graphs.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 34


System Specifications

Selecting Membrane Type

Creating A New Membrane File

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 35

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 36
System Specifications

The hyd-RO-dose program series uses the specifications entered into the SYSTEM
PARAMETERS modules for calculations of concentrate and product chemistry.
Flow units can be changed in the Input Units module. The % Recovery entered in
this module will be used by other modules as a basis for calculations.

Selecting Membrane Type

The membrane type can be selected in the Specifications module of the INPUT
pulldown menu. Press the MEMBRANE button and select the membrane closest to
that used in the system under study.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 37

If the membrane in use is not on file, a .MBR file can be created by accessing the Membrane
module in the SYSTEM PARAMETERS section.

Enter specific ion rejection values as a fraction.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 38


“What-if Scenarios”

pH Prediction

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 39

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 40
What-if scenario modeling provides one of the greatest benefits from using hyd-RO-dose™.
The WHAT-IF SCENARIO modules allow you to visualize what will happen to the scale
potential and corrosivity of a water as environmental parameters and water chemistry
change. The What-If scenarios allow you to evaluate the impact of bringing a water to the
surface, or of mixing waters under varying conditions to find the safe ratios for mixing. The
What-If's also provide a predictor for use in anticipating problems in new or proposed wells.

The What-If scenarios allow you to evaluate the scale potential of a water over the %
recovery range expected, and the pH range encountered. Input parameters for selecting the
What-If scenario rangescan be run with and without acid feed for pH control. All of the
What-if Scenario modules can be run versus pH,


Calcite CaCO3 Stiff-Davis
Aragonite CaCO3 Ryznar
Witherite BaCO3 Puckorius
Magnesite MgCO3 Larson Skold
Siderite FeCO3
Barite BaSO4
Anhydrite CaSO4
Gypsum CaSO4*2H2O
Celestite SrSO4
Fluorite CaF2
Amorphous Iron Fe(OH)3
Amorphous Silica SiO2
Brucite Mg(OH)2
Strengite FePO4*2H2O
Tricalcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2
Hydroxyapatite Ca5(PO4)3(OH)
Thenardite Na2SO4
Halite NaCl
Iron sulfide FeS

Three CONVENIENCE GROUPS have been programmed into hyd-RO-dose™ to allow
multiple graph selection of common groups.

 The Common Foulants Group includes Calcite (CaCO3), Barite (BaSO4), Witherite
(BaCO3), and Anhydrite (CaSO4) saturation levels.
 The Common Indices Group includes the Langelier, Stiff-Davis, Oddo-Tomson and
 The Calcium Carbonate Group includes Calcite saturation level, Langelier saturation
index, the Stiff-Davis index, and the Oddo-Tomson index.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 41

What-if Scenarios
Three scenario types can be run for membrane systems. The scenarios calculate the
indicators of scale potential and corrosivity versus pH, recovery, or both. The modules are
called VARY RECOVERY, VARY pH , and 3D PROFILE for these scenarios.

Prior to running any of these modules, setup the profiles and “what-if” parameters in the
Select Parameters module. This module requests information on the minimum and maximum
pH, minimum and maximum recovery, acid feed options, and pH prediction methods for the
scenario calculations.

The first graph selected for a series of profiles takes the longest. All indices are calculated
during the first run of the "What-If" scenario. Once they are calculated, recalculation is not
required until you change either the pH, recovery , temperature, or water chemistry.

Once a graph is displayed, it can be printed, or saved as a graphics file. A menu bar at the
top of the graph window provides options for working with graph. Options include Printing,
Displaying and Exporting the graph as a color or gray scale format.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 42

The CHOOSE GRAPHS module should be used to select the graphs desired. Once a graph is
displayed on the screen, it can be saved as a PCX, BMP, or TIF file for use in other programs
such as word processing programs, or printed. Like the other modules, the ALT and G hot
key combo will pop-up the CHOOSE GRAPHS menu. The ALT and F hot key combo will
pop-up the SAVE FILE menu for saving a graph as a PCX file, and the ALT P combo will
print the graph to the selected printer.

Calculated values used to plot the 3Dgraphs can be exported as quotation mark-comma
delimited ASCII files. These .DAT files can be imported into most spreadsheet and graphics
programs and used to recreate graphs, or further manipulate the data.

Predicting pH as the water concentrates is one of the more difficult aspects of computer
modeling. hyd-RO-dose provides several options, chosen from the SELECT
PARAMETERS menu form.

 The MANUFACTURER'S METHOD uses pH:Alkalinity predicting pH in a totally

closed system and assumes no CO2 exchange with the atmosphere. This method is
recommended when totally closed is selected for the CO2 exchange type.

 The TRANSLATE SOURCE pH is recommended when vented is selected for the CO2
exchange type.

 The DEFAULT curve is a pH:Alkalinity curve which is used by several of the major
water treatment companies for predicting pH from alkalinity. This is included for
compatibility with previous versions and should only be selected for vented systems.

 The USER DEFINED curve uses data input in the INPUT pH-ALKALINITY module
to predict pH from alkalinity.

The Caplan curve is similar to the default curve. It is derived from a paper published by
Gary Caplan at Corrosion '90 (NACE). This is included for compatibility with previous
versions and should only be selected for vented systems.

The pH control point selected will depend on your perspective. Chemists will typically be
interested in the pH of the brine (concentrate), and would select the Brine as the pH control
point. An operator would be more interested in the pH of his feed water, and would choose
Feedwater as the pH control (measurement) point.

In either case, acid requirements projected will be mg/L of acid feed to the Raw Water.
When the control point is the brine, the acid feed (or alkali feed) projected is the feed to the
raw water required to control the pH in the brine. When the control point is the Feedwater,
the projected acid or alkali requirement is the feed required to adjust the raw water pH to the
desired feedwater pH.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 43

Please note that pH profiles can not be run unless an acid and/or alkali is selected.


If you right click on the top of a 3D graph bar, or a 2D graph bar, the water analysis for that
poiint will be copied to the Windows clipboard and can be pasted into other French Creek
programs. For example, you can right click on the top of the 3D bar for your expected %
Recoverey and pH, copy the analysis for this concentrate to the Windows clipboard, and
paste it into the mixing input forms of a French Creek program like DownHole SAT tm,
MineSAT tm, or WatSIM. tm Paste into DownHole SAT for deep injection well disposal to
check compatibility with the aquifer.

You can also right click on a column in any table to copy the analysis to the Windows
clipboard. hyd-RO-dose will acknowledge that the copy was successful.

or from 3D graphs

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 44

Raw water can be copied or pasted using the COPY and PASTE buttons on the Input Form.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 45

Compares The Safe Operating Range
For a Treated versus Untreated System

% Recovery o o
C, o K
or F

Choose the "Treated" or The RED color code

"Untreated" color coding indicates potential trouble.
option from the Options
Pop-up Menu.

The BLUE color code indicates

a safe zone for operation.

Selecting A Product

Inputting A Product Formulation

Developing Inhibitor Models

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 47

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 48
Products can be selected using the Select Product module in the ANTISCALANT pull down

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 49

Each product listed represents a product file (.PRD) located in the \HYDRO\INHIB\
directory. This module can also be accessed from the menu bar atop the graphic window
when a graph is displayed.


You can compare the limits for a product to the actual conditions and chemistry by clicking
the CHECK LIMITS selection. This is helpful if you need to find out why a dosage profile
is not BLUE or is in brackets. It describes what scale, index, or ion is out-of-limit.

The CHECK LIMITS form can be accessed from the SYSTEM CHEMISTRY summary
displayed when you CONCENTRATE from the WHAT-IF menu.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 50

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 51

The Input Product module, in the FORMULARY pull down menu is used to create a product
(.PRD) file. The Input Product module is available only in the hyd-RO-dose Rx Formulator
and Laboratory Editions.

Use the Input Product module to create a new product file or modify an existing product file's
Product Name, Description, or Formulation. All entries are made in the form reproduced on
the next page. The Product Name and Description information entered are stored in the
product file and used as the Product Name and Description list in the Select Product module
pop up menu.

Inhibitors MUST be selected from the pop-up menu list of available inhibitors on file. Move
the cursor to the Inhibitor Field. Press F2 to pop-up the list of available inhibitors. Select the
inhibitor of interest. The inhibitor file will be loaded for the ingredient selected.

if you are using a material which is 50% active AMP, and you wish to have the product be
10% active, you would enter 20% on a manufacturing batch sheet for the material on an "as-

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 52

is" basis. Enter 10% on the hyd-RO-dose Rx formulation sheet for the material on an active

hyd-RO-dose will total the active ingredients and balance the formula with water.

Pressing the OK button saves the formulation and inhibitor information in the product
(.PRD) file named in the File Name field. Copies of this file can be distributed to users of the
hyd-RO-dose Rx Field Engineer Edition program.

NOTE: Inhibitors should be re-loaded into a formulation sheet when an inhibitor file is
updated. Product files load a copy of the inhibitor file when they are created. They DO
NOT automatically re-load a new file when the inhibitor data is updated.

NOTE: If models for more than one scale are loaded for a given inhibitor, each model
should be entered at the active percentage. e.g. if a product is 30% PAA and you load the
BaSO4 inhibitor model, the CaCO3 inhibitor model, and the SrSO4 model, each should be
given the value of 30% Your total may exceed 100%. The program will treat the product
as the appropriate percent active, 30% in this case.

NOTE: The minimum dosage is the minimum dosage the program will recommend in the

The module accepts input data for a product file, loads the mathematical correlations for the
individual inhibitors in the formulation, and outputs the new or updated product file.

An inhibitor file (*.INH) must be in the \WATER\INHIB\ sub directory for each inhibitor
which is an active ingredient.

Inhibitor files are created in the Input Lab Data module of the LABORATORY pull down
menu in the hyd-RO-dose Rx Laboratory Editions. They can be created from in-house
laboratory and/or field data, or obtained from raw material suppliers who use the hyd-RO-
dose Rx series a s a technical support tool.


Press the SET LIMITS button in the INHBITOR FORMULATION INPUT FORM to access
the PRODUCT LIMITS INPUT FORM. This is available in Formulator and Laboratory

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 53

Activate a limit by clicking the radio button by an index or ion. Input the upper or lower
limit. The program will “flag” dosages as out of range if they are above the upper limit set in
this form, or below the lower limit. If no values are input or active in this form, limits in the
inhibitor files loaded to make the product will be used. You can populate this form by
pressing the SCAN INHIBITORS button. It fills in the limits from the inhibitor models
loaded. You can over-ride these inhibitor file limits by entering values in this form and
activiating them with the radio button.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 54


The section describes the basis for the models used by and developed using hyd-RO-dose Rx.
Models are discussed by parameter.

DRIVING FORCE - The basic parameter to which scale inhibitor dosages have been
correlated historically is the driving force for crystal formation, and crystal growth. Early
models attempted to develop models based upon the Langelier Saturation Index or the
Ryznar Stability Index. More recently, correlations have been published to the Practical
Stability Index on the back of the Puckorius and Associates slide rule. Most water treaters
are in agreement that dosage requirements increase with the driving force for scale
formation. They differ in which driving force is used. Calcite saturation level provides an
excellent driving force for calcium carbonate scale inhibitor models, gypsum saturation level
for calcium sulfate in the cooling water temperature range, and tricalcium phosphate
saturation level for calcium phosphate scale prevention. The Momentary Excess indices can
also be used effectively to model dosage requirements. hyd-RO-dose Rx allows the water
treatment chemist to develop models using any of the indices calculated by hyd-RO-dose.

TIME - A second critical factor in determining an effective dosage, or developing a model

for an inhibitor is time. Time is the residence time of scale forming species in the system you
wish to treat. The time where scale inhibition can be as short as 4 to 10 seconds in a utility
condenser system, or extend into days for cooling towers. Induction time is a term applied to
the period before a water will begin to form scale. In high saturation level systems, the
induction period can be very short. In systems where a water is barely supersaturated, the
induction time can approach infinity. Scale inhibitors have been observed to extend the
induction time before scale formation, or growth on existing scale substrate, occurs. Gill et
al. presented a paper at the 1984 International Water Conference which provides excellent
examples of the variation of dosage requirements as critical parameters change.

Figure 1 portrays the impact of HEDP dosage on induction time at constant driving force.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 55

Figure 2 presents similar data for AMP.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 56

It can be seen from figures 1 and 2 that induction time increases as inhibitor dosages
increases. In cooling water systems, scale inhibitors may function by increasing the induction
time until the water has passed through the system.

Figure 3 demonstrates that induction time decreases with saturation level, even in the
presence of an inhibitor.

A simple mathematical description of these relationships might be modeled as:

Induction Time = function(1./Saturation Level)

This models the decrease in induction time as saturation level increases. The degree of
supersaturation is the driving force which increases the rate at which scale will form.

Induction Time = function(Inhibitor Dosage)

Inhibitors extend the time before scale will form in a system by interfering with the kinetics
of crystal formation and growth. Rate decreases as inhibitor dosages increase.

Induction Time = function(Inhibitor Dosage, 1./Saturation Level)

In systems, the inhibitors fight the driving force for scale formation and growth. Inhibitors
increase the induction time, and interfere with reaction rates, so that scale formation will not
occur until the treated water has passed through the system.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 57

hyd-RO-dose Rx uses more sophisticated relationships than these to model the dosage
requirements for scale inhibition. Additional parameters include temperature, as it affects the
rate of crystal formation and/or growth.

Dosage changes with temperature can be modeled by the Arrhenius relationship:

A.e -(Ea/RT)

 A is a constant
 Ea is the activation energy
 R is the gas constant
 T is absolute temperature.

pH can also be included in the models. pH is an important parameter to include when an

inhibitor can exist in two or more forms within the pH range of use, and where one of the
forms is much more active as a scale inhibitor than the other(s). pH can also affect the type of
scale that forms (e.g. Tricalcium phosphate versus hydroxylapatite).

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 58


This section describes the use of the Laboratory Edition Modules for:

 Inputting laboratory and field data to develop an inhibitor model.

 Editing inhibitor files to add special rules for handling iron.
 Editing inhibitor files to include a safety factor.

The Input Lab Data module, in the LABORATORY pull down menu is used to create
inhibitor (.INH) file. The module accepts initial specifications for the inhibitor (e.g. Name,
Description, Molecular weight) and instructions for developing a model (e.g. the Driving
Force to use, the modeling method).

After this preliminary data is entered, and the Correlate button is pressed to signify
completion, the module accepts input of water analysis data through almost the same
analytical input form that is used in the Once Through Source Analysis module and Cooling
Tower Make-up Analysis modules. The Input Lab Data form adds two (2) significant fields
to the water analysis forms - dosage and time. The input form differs in another way -
operation. The Lab Data Input Form replaces itself with a fresh form every time OK is

The Next Page and Last Page buttons allow you to browse through the analysis that have
been input and make changes. The program will sound a warning when the first analysis on

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 59

file is reached. The program will ask if you wish to add another analysis when the last
analysis is reached.

Once all data has been entered, press Correlate to invoke the statistical analysis of the data
and generation of an inhibitor file. A table of predicted versus input dosages will be
displayed. Use this table to determine crudely how well the data was modeled. A correlation
coefficient is also output. Typical coefficients for usable models will range from 0.9 to 1.00 .

Pressing the Graph button will present further information on the correlation in graphical

The Input Lab Data module is available only in the hyd-RO-dose Rx Laboratory Edition. The
Edit Coefficients module is used to add special rules and safety factors to the inhibitor files.

The raw laboratory analysis and calculated values are stored in a .COR file. The data is used
to create an inhibitor (.INH) file.

1. Enter inhibitor dosages on a 100% ACTIVE BASIS.
2. Make backup copies of .COR files under another name. This will prevent anguish and
stressed tempers when a .COR file with a thousand or so analysis is over-written

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 60

3. Always press Graph after completing the correlation to see the graphs of predicted versus
observed dosages, and graphs of error % versus versus the independent parameters.
4. The Options Menu Bar allows correlation graphs to be saved as a .PCX , TIF or BMP
5. Always enter at least 5 valid analysis.


A common question from hyd-RO-dose Rx users is What should I use for an experimental
design? French Creek Software recommends that the experimental designs for developing
mathematical models for inhibitors include:

FIVE TEMPERATURES PREFERRED: Data should be run at a minimum of

three temperatures to account for variation in dosage due to the effect of temperature
on reaction rate. When possible, an experimental design should include five
temperatures. The temperature range studied should include the lowest and highest
temperatures expected in the field, or where the models generated by hyd-RO-dose

THREE TO FIVE pH POINTS PREFERRED: Data should be run at a minimum

of three different pH to account for variation in dosage due to the effect of pH on the
form in which the inhibitor exists (see Hann and Bardsley). When possible, an
experimental design should include five pH points. The pH range studied should
include the lowest and highest expected in the field.


a minimum of three different times to allow for the correlation of induction time
versus inhibitor dosage. In some test methods, the times for each replicate will vary
naturally. In other methods, dosages are evaluated at constant time extensions, and
the last dosage to provide 100% inhibition is selected as the minimum effective
dosage. Assure that the time spans covered by the data cover the full range over
which you expect to use the model.


PARAMETERS: Tests should ideally be run over the range of parameters under
which the model will be used for inhibitor dosage recommendations. For example,
the experimental design should include the minimum and maximum driving force
where the model will be used. If a calcium carbonate inhibitor is being evaluated, the
range of calcium and hardness levels anticipated should be bracketed as well as the
range of calcite saturation levels.


known to lose activity in the presence of iron. Tests run in the presence and absence
of iron can help to expand the accuracy of models by allowing an Iron Factor to be
input using the Edit Coefficients module.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 61

Several papers are referenced in the Appendix of this manual which outline test methods
which have been used effectively to characterize the performance of inhibitors. Successful
correlations can also be developed based upon the field experience of water treatment
personnel have worked with an inhibitor over a broad range of conditions.

Example hyd-RO-dose Models

The following provide a guideline for developing basic models

1. Dosage = f(DF-1, time) The first model develops a correlation of dosage as a function of
driving force, temperature, and time, The driving force selected for this, or other models,
should be appropriate for the scale forming species under study. For example, calcite
saturation level is a common driving force used to model calcium carbonate scale
inhibitors. Tricalcium phosphate saturation level is a recommended driving force for use
in modeling the effectiveness of calcium phosphate control agents. Gypsum saturation
level is recommended for modeling calcium sulfate control at low (< 130 oF)
temperature, while anhydrite saturation level might be more appropriate at higher
temperatures. This model subtracts 1.0 from the saturation levels. This accounts for the
driving force for scale formation not being present until the test water becomes
supersaturated - at a saturation level above 1.0.
2. Dosage = f(DF, time) The second model differs from the first in that the correlation is
developed to the raw driving force rather than to the driving force - 1.
3. Dosage = f(DF-1, time, pH) The third model is identical to model 0 with one exception.
pH is included as a variable to account for the impact of pH upon the form in which an
inhibitor exists. This is typically the model of choice for developing a correlation for a
scale inhibitor.


There will be times when it is desired to perform a statistical modeling of the data with the
results of one or more analysis excluded from the evaluation. This can be valuable in
eliminating outliers to see their impact. Pressing the ACTIVATE or DE-ACTIVATE buttons
when an analysis is on the screen ACTIVATES or DE-ACTIVATIES an analysis. De-
activating does not eliminate the data from the .COR file, it merely excludes it from
statistical evaluation.


The best way to learn these modules is by using them. A .COR file is included for practice on
modeling inhibitor performance and requirements.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 62

1 Stumm, Werner and James J. Morgan, "Aquatic Chemistry," John Wiley & Sons, 1981.

2 Langelier, W.F., "The Analytical Control of Anti-Corrosion Water Treatment," J.A.W.W.A., 28, 1500-

3 Stumm, Werner, "Investigations on the Corrosive Behavior of Waters," A.S.C.E., 86, 2657.

4 Loewenthal, R.E., and G.v.R. Marais, "Carbonate Chemistry of Aquatic Systems," Ann Arbor Science, 1982.

5 Puckorius, Paul, "Getting A Better Reading on Scaling Tendency of Cooling Water," Power, September,

6 Larson, T.E., and Skold, R.V., Corrosion, 14, (1958).

7 Truesdell, A.H., and B.F. Jones, "WATEQ, A Computer Program for Calculating Chemical Equilibria in
Natural Waters," N.T.I.S. Publication PB220460 (1973).

8 Schell, Charles J., "The Use of Computer Modeling in Calguard to Mathematically Simulate Cooling Water
Systems, and Retrieve Data," Proceedings of the 41rst International Water Conference, 1980.

9 Chow, Winston, Aronson, John T., Michletti, Wayne C., "Calculations of Cooling Water Systems: Computer
Modeling of Recirculating Cooling Water Chemistry," Proceedings of the 41rst International Water
Conference, 1980.

10 Johnson, Donald A., Fulks, Kenneth E., "Computerized Water Modeling in the Design and Operation of
Industrial Systems," Proceedings of the 41rst International Water Conference, 1980.

11 Musil, R.R., and H.J. Nielsen, "Computer Modeling of Cooling Water Chemistry," Proceedings of the 45th
International Water Conference, 1984.

12 Ferguson, R.J.,"A Kinetic Model for Calcium Carbonate Deposition", Materials Performance, November,

13 Caplan, Gary, "Cooling Water Computer Calculations: Do They Compare", Corrosion '90, Paper 100.

14 Ferguson, R.J., "Computerized Ion Association Model Profiles Complete Range of System Parameters",
Proceedings of the 52nd International Water Conference, 1991.

15 Gill, J.S., Anderson, C.D., and Varsanik, R.G, "Mechanism of Scale Inhibition by Phosphonates",
Proceedings of the 44th International Water Conference, 1983.

16Boffardi, B.P., Schweitzer, G.W., "Advances in the Chemistry of Alkaline Cooling Water Treatment",
Corrosion '85, Paper 132.

17 Ashcroft, R.H., " Scale Inhibition Under Harsh Conditions By 2-Phosphonobutane-1,2,4-Tricarboxylic

Acid", Corrosion '85, Paper 123.

18 Hann, W.M., Natoli, J., "Acrylic Acid Polymers and Copolymers as Deposit Control Agents in Alkaline
Cooling Water Systems", Corrosion '84, Paper 315.

19 Amjad, Z., Masler, W.F.,III, "The Inhibition of Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate Crystal Growth by Polyacrylates
and the Influence of Molecular Weight", Corrosion '85, Paper 357.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 63

20 Oddo, J.E., Tomson, M.B., "Scale Control, Prediction And Treatment Or How Companies Evaluate A
Scaling Problem And What They Do Wrong". Corrosion '92, Paper 34.

21 Ferguson, R.J., Weintritt, D.J., "Developing Scale Inhibitor Dosage Models For Oil Field Operations,"
Corrosion '94, Paper 46.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 64

Kimberton & Hares Hill Road, Box 684
Kimberton, PA 19442

French Creek has developed the automated capability to predict certain chemical properties of water
samples. French Creek refers to this computer software as hyd-RO-dose, sometimes referred to as
hyd-RO-dose or System in this Agreement.

hyd-RO-dose is a predictive tool which will enable Customer to obtain a more complete
understanding of the chemistry of the water being analyzed. hyd-RO-dose should be used as a
supplement to Customer’s historical experience and other testing procedures which Customer may
utilize. hyd-RO-dose is not intended as a substitute for the exercise of judgment by Customer’s
employees or consultants.

These terms and conditions state the legally binding understandings between French Creek and
Customer relating to the licensing of the System and the performance of services indicated in the
French Creek Software Order Form ( Order Form ). The terms of this Agreement are incorporated by
reference into the Order Form.

1. hyd-RO-dose
Customer desires to license hyd-RO-dose as indicated by Customer on the Order Form and more fully
described in its accompanying documentation. The System documentation indicates the equipment
configurations which may be used to operate hyd-RO-dose , and is hereby incorporated by reference.
Customer should specify on the Order Form the number of copies of the System to be licensed under
this Agreement.


French Creek will ship the number of copies of hyd-RO-dose as indicated on the Order Form as well
as System documentation upon French Creek’s receipt and acceptance of an executed Order Form
and accompanying fees. Delivery will be made at a mutually agreeable time, but no later than thirty
(30) days after French Creek has accepted the Order Form. Payment of applicable fees is due upon
execution of the Order Form.

hyd-RO-dose is capable of being installed by Customer by following the installation instructions in

the documentation. As part of the license fee, French Creek provides 30 days of technical support.
Technical support refers to assisting Customer to learn how to operate hyd-RO-dose , but does not
include technical assistance in the interpretation of the various indices calculated by hyd-RO-dose . If
additional assistance is required, French Creek will use its best efforts to assist Customer and will
charge Customer for such services at its then current consulting charges.

The fees and payment terms for the System and services are set forth in the Order Form.

Customer shall be responsible for the payment of any and all taxes or amounts paid in lieu thereof,
however designated, levied or based on the System license granted hereunder or upon the services to
be rendered or otherwise on account of this Agreement, exclusive only of taxes based on French
Creek’s net income.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 65

French Creek reserves the right to terminate the System license for failure to pay related license fees
or taxes, and/or to terminate any service for failure to pay related service fees or taxes, as stated in the
Order Form.


French Creek hereby grants Customer a license to operate the System, subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. The hyd-RO-dose license is a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to
use the System. Failure to abide by any of the conditions stated in this Agreement may result in
termination of the license granted in this Agreement.

The hyd-RO-dose license is subject to the following conditions:

(a) Customer acknowledges that the software and other technical data licensed hereunder are subject
to export controls imposed on Customer and French Creek by the provisions of the United States
Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, and that the software is exported under a General
Export License, designation GTDR, and that the documentation is exported under a General License,
designation GTDA. Customer certifies to French Creek that neither the technical data, (in the form of
software or manuals), nor the direct product thereof is intended to be shipped, either directly, or
indirectly, to Country Groups Q,S,W,Y, or Z, nor Afghanistan or the Peoples’ Republic of China,
without further compliance with the Validated License requirements of the Office of Export
Administration, United States Department of Commerce. Customer agrees to use this technical data
only at authorized destinations, and Customer will not knowingly permit exportation or transshipment
in violation of the above law and regulations thereunder.

Customer agrees to indemnify and hold French Creek harmless from any and all costs, damages,
fines, or other expenses incurred by French Creek by reason of Customer’s violation of these
representations of Customer.

(b) Each copy of the System may only be used by Customer on one equipment work station as
defined in the System documentation at any one time. Customer may not use or allow use of the
System in any time-sharing or service bureau arrangement, or with any interactive cable system or
local area network. Customer may only use the System for its own internal business or in servicing
the business requirements of its clients for whom Customer performs services.

(c) Customer shall not release, or allow the release of, the System or its related documentation, in any
form to any third party, except to Customer’s employees who are directly concerned with the licensed
use of the System, except as otherwise specifically stated herein.

(d) Customer shall not copy the System, except for purposes of normal backup and testing, without
the prior written consent of French Creek. In the event that Customer copies the System or its
accompanying documentation as stated herein, Customer agrees to also copy French Creek’s
copyright notices and/or other proprietary notices in the same manner, location and method of
presentation as existed in the materials supplied by French Creek to Customer.

(e)Other than as stated in this Agreement, Customer understands and agrees that it has no right, title
or interest in the System, and agrees that it shall not attempt at any time to transfer its rights to use the
System without the prior written consent of French Creek. Customer agrees that it will not use
System, except as stated herein. Customer further agrees that it will not modify, decompile or

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 66

disassemble the System, nor shall Customer incorporate the System into any updated or derivative
work without the prior written consent of French Creek. For purposes of this Agreement, the term,
updated or derivative work , is intended to refer to the use of the System, either in whole or in part, in
the development of some other system of work, whether or not such other system or work is operated
by computer or otherwise. The term, updated or derivative work , is not intended to refer to any
interfaces or other methods of access to the System.

For a period of thirty days following Customer’s receipt of the System, French Creek warrants that
Customer shall have the right to return the System and to receive a full refund of related license and
initial maintenance fees (exclusive of travel, living and out-of-pocket expenses), if the System fails to
operate substantially in accordance with the System documentation.



The terms and conditions of this section shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

French Creek warrants that it has all necessary rights to license the System to Customer. French
Creek agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Customer harmless for breach of such warranty, provided
that, Customer gives French Creek prompt notice of a claim alleging such breach and, provided
further, that French Creek shall have full authority to defend, settle or compromise such claim. If the
use of the System provided hereunder is prohibited based on a claim of infringement of another
party’s rights, then French Creek shall either:

(a) procure the right for Customer to use such licensed System;

(b) modify such portion of the System to become non-infringing, provided that such modification
does not adversely affect Customer’s intended use of the System as contemplated hereunder;

(c) replace the infringing portions of the System with equally suitable, compatible and functionally
equivalent non-infringing programs and/or other materials at no additional charge to Customer;

(d) if none of the above are commercially practicable, then Customer shall terminate its use of the
licensed System and accept from French Creek as compensation therefor all license fees paid
hereunder less an amount equal to such license fees, divided by 60, multiplied by the number of
months of Customer’s use of the System, commencing with the date of System delivery.

This warranty and indemnity shall not apply if Customer is in material breach of this Agreement and
such breach gave rise to French Creek’s liability hereunder. Similarly, this warranty and indemnity
shall not apply if the basis for the infringement claim is due to the System being used in conjunction
with software not supplied by French Creek hereunder, or which differs in any way from the software
or equipment configuration specified in the documentation for use with the System.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 67

This section states French Creek’s entire liability concerning allegations that French Creek lacked the
right to license the System hereunder. The terms and conditions of this section shall survive any
termination of this Agreement.

Customer acknowledges that the System and accompanying documentation constitute valuable and
proprietary property of French Creek. Customer understands and agrees that French Creek may suffer
irreparable harm in the event of any unauthorized disclosure of any portion of the System and/or its
accompanying documentation which may substantially diminish the value of such System and
documentation to French Creek. Therefore, Customer agrees not to disclose any portion of the System
or accompanying documentation without the prior written consent of French Creek, except that
Customer may disclose such materials (a) to employees of Customer who have a need to be familiar
with the operation of the System or its accompanying documentation; (b) to any governmental agency
with supervisory authority over Customer, or pursuant to compulsory legal process; or (c) to others in
a strict confidential relationship with Customer. In this regard, Customer shall take all steps as are
necessary or appropriate to fulfill this obligation.

In the event that Customer materially breaches its obligations under this section, Customer
understands and agrees that French Creek has the right to terminate this Agreement upon written
notification to Customer. Customer further agrees upon such termination to return to French Creek
the original and all copies of the licensed System and related documentation. Furthermore, Customer
acknowledges that French Creek shall be entitled to an injunction prohibiting the use and further
disclosure of such licensed System and materials, and further entitled to money damages resulting
from such unauthorized disclosure. The rights and remedies set forth herein are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law, and the exercise of one right shall not
preclude the exercise of any other right stated herein.

The terms and conditions of this section shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

Customer may elect to have French Creek perform maintenance services for the System by so
indicating on the Order Form. Maintenance services will commence upon Customer’s execution of
the Order Form and French Creek’s receipt of the appropriate maintenance fee. Maintenance services
will be provided for an initial term of one year, and will renew for additional one year terms unless
either party gives 60 days prior written notice of its intention to terminate such services. Fees for
renewal terms of maintenance services will be calculated as a percentage of the then current license
fee for the System at time of renewal.

Under maintenance, French Creek will provide Customer with periodic releases of the System that
will include minor enhancements as well as modifications to keep the System operating in accordance
with its accompanying documentation. Prior releases of the System will be supported for three (3)
months after a new release becomes available to Customer.

Support services under maintenance include telephone consultation and other reasonable services
necessary to keep the System (as supplied by French Creek) performing in accordance with its
documentation. These services will be performed during French Creek’s normal East Coast (US)
business hours. Ordinarily, French Creek will be able to correct the problem over the telephone.
However, if requested by French Creek, Customer will document the circumstances giving rise to
such problem and provide such explanation to French Creek in writing. If French Creek is unable to

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 68

correct the problem within 48 business hours of receipt of such written explanation and such problem
prevents normal operation of the System consistent with its documentation, French Creek will
provide Customer with another copy of the System to help resolve the problem. If it is determined
that the problem was caused by Customer or that Customer failed to properly follow French Creek’s
directions, French Creek shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses, plus
consulting time at French Creek’s then current billing rates.

If Customer declines maintenance at time of licensing or fails to continue maintenance services, and
then elects to begin or resume maintenance coverage, Customer shall pay to French Creek all
maintenance fees that would have been payable to French Creek if Customer had been or remained on
maintenance plus an additional 10% reinstatement fee.

Customer may also request that French Creek provide other future modifications and enhancements
under a separate agreement for such services.

The terms and conditions of this section state French Creek’s entire responsibility to provide
maintenance services hereunder.

Customer agrees that it will use the System as supplied by French Creek only for the purposes and in
the manner set forth in this Agreement and accompanying documentation. In the event that Customer
breaches its responsibility under this section or if Customer is not using the System in accordance
with its documentation, then French Creek will have no further obligation to provide technical
support or maintenance services hereunder and Customer shall not be entitled to a refund of any
amount paid to French Creek. In certain circumstances, French Creek may also have the right to
terminate this Agreement.


French Creek’s liability during the 30 day period following delivery of the System shall be limited to
attempting to repair any System error condition, or to accept return of the System and refund to
Customer all related license and initial maintenance fees, exclusive of travel, living and out-of-pocket
expenses, paid to French Creek on account of this Agreement. Thereafter, French Creek’s liability to
Customer shall not exceed the amount of license fees paid to French Creek on account of the System.
French Creek shall have no liability to Customer for damages resulting from causes beyond French
Creek’s reasonable control.




The license granted in this Agreement is for a term of twenty (20) years, or until sooner terminated as
stated herein. Upon termination, Customer shall return to French Creek the original and all copies of
the licensed System and related documentation, or certify in writing to French Creek the

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 69

destruction of such materials. French Creek reserves the right to terminate any service provided
hereunder as stated herein or in the Order Form.

(a) AMENDMENT: No amendment or supplement to this Agreement shall be binding unless
consented to in writing and signed by both parties, provided that such consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld. The party requesting any consent under this Agreement shall reimburse the
other party for any expenses, including attorneys’ fees, which result from the request for consent.

(b) ASSIGNMENT: Neither party may assign, sub-license, sub-lease, lend, rent or otherwise transfer
this Agreement or the rights granted hereunder to any person, whether by operation of law or
otherwise, without the other party’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably
denied, PROVIDED HOWEVER, that no consent shall be required for any assignment or transfer
Pursuant to any merger, consolidation or reorganization to which either Customer or French Creek is
a party. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of any such successor or assign. The
license granted hereunder shall not be assigned or assignable in any proceeding involving the
liquidation of Customer.

(c) RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES: It is clearly understood between the parties that at all times
during this Agreement that the relationship between French Creek and Customer is solely as
independent contractors and in no other capacity. The parties agree that there are no intended or
incidental third party beneficiaries of this Agreement.

(d) COST OF ENFORCEMENT: If either party is required to engage in legal proceedings to enforce
the obligations of the other, in law or in equity, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable
attorneys’ fees and all related necessary and reasonable costs and expenses.

(e) SEVERABILITY: In the event that any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement shall for
any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement
shall be unimpaired, and the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions shall be replaced by a
mutually acceptable provisions, which being valid and legally enforceable, comes closest to the
intention of the parties underlying the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision. If this Agreement or
any provisions hereof are held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable under the laws of a particular
jurisdiction, it is the intention of the parties that all of the provisions of this Agreement shall remain
in full force and effect in all other states and jurisdictions.

(f) ATTACHMENTS: The terms and conditions of the attachments and Exhibits to this Agreement
are incorporated herein by this reference and shall constitute a part of this Agreement as if fully set
forth herein.

(g) HEADINGS: The section headings in this Agreement are for the purposes of reference only and
shall not limit or otherwise affect any of the terms hereof.

(h) AUTHORITY: Both parties warrant that all approvals necessary for the execution of this
Agreement have been obtained, and that the individuals signing the Order Form on behalf of their
respective parties have full authority to do so.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 70

(i) NOTICES:Unless otherwise provided herein, all notices or other communications under this
Agreement must be in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the party giving such
notice, or such other persons as either party shall specify in a written notice to the other. All such
notices shall be deemed given and received when delivered by hand, or placed in the mails addressed
to the other party, first class registered mail, postage prepaid, at the addresses indicated following the
signatures of the parties on the Order Form or such other addresses as may be specified in writing.

(j) ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The terms and conditions stated herein constitute the entire and
exclusive agreement between the parties for the System, and no other statements, unless agreed to in
writing, shall be binding upon the parties. No statement of any marketing representative shall be
binding on French Creek, unless set forth in writing and agreed to by French Creek. This Agreement
shall be effective only after its acceptance by French Creek at its offices in Pennsylvania.

(k) GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the
laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 71

hyd-RO-dosetm User Manual 72
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

Navigate through hyd-RO-dose using the familar Windows menu interface.

The program was designed to flow in the same order that you might evaluate
a system. The FILES pulldown menus handle housekkeping chores such as F1 Module level Help
storing and retrieving files, clearing the workspace with the New command,
and exiting with the Quit command. ALT H Field level Help
ALT P Print the graph or report
The INPUT pulldown handles the input of Raw Water Chemistry, and displayed
R.O. System Specifications including Membrane selection.
ALT F Save graph displayed
to PCX, BMP. or TIF file
Once you have completed inputting the basic survey information, move on to
"What-if" modelling in the "WHAT-IF SCENARIOS" pulldown menu. Use ALT E Export displayed 3D
the Select Parameters input form to specify the Recovery Rate range you graph data as an ASCII file.
wish to model, to select pH control agents and the Control point (Feed Water pH ALT G Select Graphs
or Concentrate). Inhibitors can be modelled by selecting in the ANTISCALANT
Select Product module. ALT U Select Input Units
ALT T Toggles graph between Treated
Advanced users with Formulator or Laboratory Editions can create their own scale & Untreated Color Coding.
inhibitor products using the Input Product form in the ANTISCALANT
pulldown menu. ALT L Toggles 3D Graph Label
Display On and Off
Researchers with the Laboratory Edition can use the LABORATORY pulldown PgUp Page through 3D graphs when
selections to convert their laboratory and field inhibitor performance data PgDn one of the Convenient Groups
into mathematical models. is selected.

Page Q-1
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The New selection, in the FILES pulldown menu, allows you to enter
a new analysis without the possibility of “carryover” values from the previous water evaluated.
It allows you to start afresh without exiting the program and starting over.

WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select New when you have completed the evaluation of a water,
saved the results if desired, and are ready to enter a new water analysis for evaluation. The
New selection assures that the new analysis is entered on a “clean slate.”

WHAT DOES IT DO? The New module reinitializes all values to the startup, default values. When
the New module is executed, it resets all flags in the program. For example, when a raw water is
entered into the program, a flag is set that tells other modules that a valid raw water analysis has
been entered. This allows the other modules that require a raw water analysis that this prerequisite
has been completed. All data for an unsaved analysis is lost when the New option is executed.

Page Q-2
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Open File selection, in the FILES pulldown menu, allows you to restore a previously evaluated water analysis and all calculations
completed prior to the work being saved in a file. All program flags are reset to the state when the work was saved.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Open File when you wish to review the results of a previously completed water evaluation. Restore previously saved work when
you wish to prepare further graphs, or evaluate further parameters using the WHAT-IF SCENARIOS (e.g. further recovery rate for a water,
or a broader pH range).
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Open File module loads all input and calculated values from a previously saved disk file. Parameters in effect when the work was saved are
also loaded, including graph choices.
WHAT DO YOU NEED? You need the name of the file where previous work was stored, as well as the disk drive and directory and/or subdirectory information.
Unless you specify otherwise, the program automatically saves files on the disk drive and directory from which the program was executed.

Page Q-3
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Save File selection, in the FILES pulldown menu, allows you to save a water analysis and all calculations completed in a hard or floppy
disk file. All program flags are saved in their current state so that modules with prerequisites will be aware of what work has been completed. (e.g. a a raw water
analysis must be entered prior to running the Concentrate module or there would be nothing but garbage numbers to concentrate!)
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Save File when you wish to save work completed in the current .HYD file for later use or review. Save an analysis in this
manner also allows you to make minor modifications to input analysis without having to totally re-enter all parameters. It can also save time and date re-entery if
you wish to prepare further graphs, or evaluate further parameters using the WHAT-IF SCENARIOS (e.g. further recovery rates, or a broader pH).
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Save File module saves all input and calculated values to a the current .HYD disk file. Parameters in effect when the work was saved are
also saved, including graph choices. Each file saved should have the .HYD extension (e.g. EXAMPLE.HYD) and will require between 56K and 60K bytes of available
disk space.
WHAT DO YOU NEED? You need to previously have saved the workspace to a file The program automatically saves files on the disk drive and directory from which
the program was executed.
PREREQUISITES: This selection will not be active unless you have previously saved the workspace using the Save File As module).

Page Q-4
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Save File As selection, in the FILES pulldown menu, allows you to save a water analysis and all calculations completed in a hard or
floppy disk file. All program flags are saved in their current state so that modules with prerequisites will be aware of what work has been completed. (e.g. a a raw
water analysis must be entered prior to running the Concentrate module or there would be nothing but garbage numbers to concentrate!)
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Save File As when you wish to save work completed for later use or review. Save an analysis in this manner also allows you to
make minor modifications to input analysis without having to totally re-enter all parameters. It can also save time and date re-entery if you wish to prepare further
graphs, or evaluate further parameters using the WHAT-IF SCENARIOS (e.g. further recovery rates, or a broader pH).
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Save File As module saves all input and calculated values to a disk file. Parameters in effect when the work was saved are also saved,
including graph choices. Each file saved should have the .HYD extension (e.g. EXAMPLE.HYD) and will require between 56K and 60K bytes of available disk space.
WHAT DO YOU NEED? You need a unique name for the file as well as the disk drive and directory and/or subdirectory information. Unless you specify otherwise, the
program automatically saves files on the disk drive and directory from which the program was executed.
PREREQUISITES: This selection will not be active unless sufficient information has been entered (e.g. a minimum of the Raw Water Analysis must be run for the
Save File As selection to be active).

Page Q-5
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Printer Setup selection, in the FILES pulldown menu,
accesses the Windows setup dialog box for your currently selected printer.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Printer Setup when you wish to select a different
printer from the list of those currently installed in Windows, when you wish to change
printer resolution, or other properties accessible by Windows.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Printer Setup module calls the Windows printer setup dialog.
WHAT DO YOU NEED? You need to have a printer installed in Windows.
The dialog on the left is an example, and will vary with each printer and version of the
Windows Operating System.

Page Q-6
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What's Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Membrane
Quit Select Parameters Output Size On Screen


SELECTION PURPOSE: The What's Stored selection, in the FILES pulldown menu, allows you to quickly scan the work files previously saved by the program. The
ID#, analysis description fields, comments, and file type are displayed for each filename selected.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select What's Stored when you can’t quite remember the name of a file in which you saved some critical work, or when you are
about to perform housekeeping by deleting old, never to be used again files, and aren’t sure What's Stored.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The What's Stored module displays the names of all files (*.HYD) which were previously saved using the Save File or Save File As module.
Filenames are displayed in a scrolling, vertical menu for selection. The What's Stored module opens each file selected and quickly displays descriptive
information about the file.

Page Q-7
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The About hyd-RO-dose selection, in the

FILES pulldown menu, displays the registration and copyright
information for the program.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select About hyd-RO-dose when you
wish to verify program registration details. This information may be
needed when you call technical support for assistance.

Page Q-8
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Quit selection, in the FILES pulldown menu, does just that. It exits the program and
returns control to the Windows Operating System.
WARNING: Make sure all files are saved before you Quit. Once you exit the program all unsaved data is lost.

Page Q-9
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen
Press the button by either date input
field to display a calander to pick the date.
SELECTION PURPOSE: The Raw Water Analysis module, in the
INPUT pulldown menu, generates a form on the screen for input of raw
water analyses. Other relevant modules can be called from this input
form, such as the Input Units module, for changing analytical reporting
units, and the Set Constant Values module, for setting a constant
phosphate or silica in the water.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Raw Water Analysis to enter a
raw water analysis and calculate the indicators of scale and corrosivity
potential. This module is also a prerequisite for running the WHAT-IF
SCENARIOS, including Concentrate, Profile vs Recovery, Profile vs
pH, and 3D Graph.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Raw Water Analysis module accepts water
chemistry input via a user friendly form, and runs simple validation
tests on the values entered to assure that they are in a reasonable
range (e.g. a pH of -1 is unacceptable to the validation routines).
Calculated values are displayed after entry is complete.
PREREQUISITES: There are no prerequisites for the Raw Water
Analysis module. You might wish to run the Input Units module from
the PREFERENCES pulldown menu, or by clicking on the Change Units
button at the bottom of the form, if analytical units other than mg/l or
alkalinities in a form other than “M” and “P” are to be entered. You
should make sure that a printer is selected prior to printing the
calculated values.
HINTS: Don't know the date? Press the button to the right of either
date input field to display a calendar. Need to change the analytical
units (e.g. from Ca as Ca to Ca as CaCO3)? Press the Change Units
button. Page Q-10 Press the Change Units button to access the analytical units form.
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Vary Recovery
Raw Water Analysis Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Input pH Curve module, in the INPUT CHEMISTRY pulldown menu, accepts a user defined pH-Alkalinity relationship for use in predicting the pH
of concentrated water from alkalinity in other modules. Values entered are converted to a mathematical model which can be selected as the pH-Alkalinity prediction method..
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Input pH Curve to replace the default pH-Alkalinity curve with an empirical relationship you feel is more applicable to the system under
study. NOTE: Once input, you must select the User Defined Curve method for pH prediction in the Select Parameters module.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Input pH Curve module accepts pH-"M" Alkalinity pairs and converts them to a formula for use by other modules which predict chemistry and pH.
Simple curve fit statistics are displayed as well as a simple Actual - Predicted comparison. You can aslo display a pH-Alkalinity graph by pressing the Graph button.
WHAT DO YOU NEED? A minimum of five (5) pH-"M" Alkalinity pairs should be on hand for entry. The input form will accept a maximum of ten (10) pairs. Select pairs that
cover the alkalinity range expected. Extrapolate if you must! Unusual results may be encountered if your model was developed from data in an alkalinity range of 20 to 100
mg/l as CaCO3 and you attempt to evaluate a pH at an alkalinity of 400! If your data does not cover a broad enough range to encompass your WHAT-IF's, please use the
default pH-Alkalinity curves.
TRICK - the program will accept a single point. If you enter a single pH - Alkalinity pair, the model will use the slope of the Default (Kunz) curve and translate the
intercept based upon the value entered.
PREREQUISITES: There are no prerequisites for the Input pH Curve module.
Page Q-11
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen



SELECTION PURPOSE: The Specifications selection provides the Flow and

Recovery data used by the Concentrate module. You can also select
membrane specific ion rejection profiles from those on file.
HINTS: 1) If the membrane profile you need is not on file, enter the spec's
yourself using the Membrane module in the INPUT pulldown menu. 2)
Change flow units in the Input Units module.
Page Q-12
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Membrane Specifications selection

allows you to enter custom membrane specific ion rejection profiles
and save them to file.
HINTS: 1) Enter the values on a 0.0 to 1.0 basis.
2) The membrane file name must have the extention .MBR
NOTE: This module is only available in the Formulator and
Laboratory Editions.

Page Q-13
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Vary pH Edit Coefficients
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Concentrate module, in the WHAT-IF SCENARIOS pulldown menu, models the impact of concentrating a feed water upon indicators of
scale and corrosivity potential. The Concentrate module will concentrate a raw water with, or without, pH control. Results are displayed on the screen in two
overlapping tables. One table outlines the water chemistry as it concentrates from the feed water to the target recovery rate. The second table outlines the calculated
indices, saturation levels, and other indicators of scale potential and corrosivity.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Concentrate to evaluate indicators of scale and corrosivity potential at the expected operating recovery rate. and to predict the
dosage requirements for inhibitor(s) at the operating recovery rate. The Concentrate module can also be used to evaluate the impact of pH control points on acid
consumption and indicators of scale potential.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Concentrate module evaluates the reject chemistry at the target recovery rate entered in, or calculated, in the System Specification
module. Other operating conditions such as pH control point, can be selected using the Select Parameters module in the same pulldown menu.
PREREQUISITES: The Raw Water Analysis module must be run prior to Concentrate. The Input pH Curve module should be run to input a user defined pH-
Alkalinity relationship if you do not wish to use one of the default methods. The Select Parameters module should be run to customize the evaluation with respect
to pH control options (acid and alkali type), to select the pH estimation method, and to specify whether the pH control point for the target pH is in the Feed Water
(feed water pH) or the concentrate (brine pH). An inhibitor product can be selected in the Select Product module of the FORMULARY pull down menu prior to
concentrating, if dosage recommendations are desired.

Page Q-14
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Vary Recovery module, in the WHAT-IF SCENARIOS pulldown menu, models the impact of concentrating a makeup water upon
indicators of scale and corrosivity potential. The Vary Recovery module will concentrate a feed water with, or without, pH control. Results are displayed on the
screen in two overlapping tables. One table outlines the water chemistry as it concentrates to the target maximum recovery rate. The second table outlines the
calculated indices, saturation levels, and other indicators of scale potential and corrosivity versus % Recovery.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Vary Recovery to evaluate indicators of scale and corrosivity potential over the expected operating recovery range for the
system, and to profile the dosage requirements for inhibitor(s) over this operating range. The Vary Recovery module can also be used to evaluate the impact of pH
control points on acid consumption and indicators of scale potential.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Vary Recovery module evaluates the water chemistry at up to seven (7) recovery rates from the minimum selected, to the maximum.
Default values are a minimum recovery of 75.0%, maximum of 90.0%, and a 2.5% increment. Other ranges and operating conditions such as pH control point, can
be selected using the Select Parameters module in the same pulldown menu. The Typical Temperature entered in the Select Parameters menu is used for
PREREQUISITES: The Raw Water Analysis module must be run prior to Vary Recovery. The Input pH Curve module should be run to input a user defined pH-
Alkalinity relationship if you do not wish to use the default method. The Select Parameters module should be run to customize the evaluation with respect to pH
control options, to select the pH estimation method, and to specify a minimum and maximum Recovery Rate and the desired increment between evaluations. A
printer should be active for the ALT and P hot key combo.A product should be selected in the Select Product module of the ANTISCALANTS pull down menu prior to
concentrating the water, if dosage recommendations are desired.

Page Q-15
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Graph vs Recovery module, in the WHAT-IF SCENARIOS pulldown menu, models and plots the impact of concentrating a makeup water
upon indicators of scale and corrosivity potential. The Graph vs Recovery module will use the results of the Vary Recovery module, or it will concentrate a feed
water with, or without, pH control. Results are displayed on the screen as a two dimensional graph. Each graph plots one line fromn the tables created by the Vary
Recovery module. One table outlines the water chemistry as it concentrates to the target maximum recovery rate. The second table outlines the calculated indices,
saturation levels, and other indicators of scale potential and corrosivity versus % Recovery.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Graph vs Recovery to evaluate and plot indicators of scale and corrosivity potential over the expected operating recovery range
for the system, and to profile the dosage requirements for inhibitor(s) over this operating range. The Graph vs Recovery module can also be used to evaluate the
impact of pH control points on acid consumption and indicators of scale potential.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Graph vs Recovery and Vary Recovery modules evaluate the water chemistry at up to seven (7) recovery rates from the minimum
selected, to the maximum. Default values are a minimum recovery of 75.0%, maximum of 90.0%, and a 2.5% increment. Other ranges and operating conditions
such as pH control point, can be selected using the Select Parameters module in the same pulldown menu. The Typical Temperature entered in the Select
Parameters menu is used for calculations.
PREREQUISITES: The Raw Water Analysis module must be run prior to Vary Recovery. The Input pH Curve module should be run to input a user defined pH-
Alkalinity relationship if you do not wish to use the default method. The Select Parameters module should be run to customize the evaluation with respect to pH
control options, to select the pH estimation method, and to specify a minimum and maximum Recovery Rate and the desired increment between evaluations. A
printer should be active for the ALT and P hot key combo.A product should be selected in the Select Product module of the ANTISCALANTS pull down menu prior to
concentrating the water, if dosage recommendations are desired.
HINT: The ALT P hot key combo prints a displayed graph. The ALT F hot key combo exports the graph to your choice of PCX, BMP, or TIF graphical files. Use the
menus at the top of the graph for other options such as Gray Scle or Color display, Gray Scale or Color Prints.

Page Q-16
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Vary pH module, in the WHAT-IF SCENARIOS pulldown menu, models and plots the impact of varying pH upon indicators of scale and
corrosivity potential. The Vary pH moduledisplays the results of the Vary pH module. Results are displayed on the screen in two overlapping tables. One table
outlines the water chemistry as pH varies. The second table outlines the calculated indices, saturation levels, and other indicators of scale potential and corrosivity
versus pH.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Vary pH to evaluate the impact of pH control on indicators of scale and corrosivity potential at the typical recovery rate for the
system, and to profile the dosage requirements for inhibitor(s) over this pH range.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Vary pH modules evaluate the water chemistry at up to seven (7) pH points from the minimum selected, to the maximum. Default values
are a minimum pH of 6.0, maximum of 7.2 and a 0.2 pH unit increment. Other recovery rates and pH control ranges, can be selected using the Select Parameters
module in the same pulldown menu. The Typical Temperature entered in the Select Parameters menu is used for calculations, as is the Typical Recovery Rate in the
System Specification form.
PREREQUISITES: The Raw Water Analysis module must be run prior to Vary pH. A pH control method MUST be selected in the Select Parameters module
including an Acid and/or Alkali for pH control. The Input pH Curve module should be run to input a user defined pH- Alkalinity relationship if you do not wish to use
the default method. The Select Parameters module should be run to customize the evaluation with respect to pH control options, to select the pH estimation
method, and to specify a minimum and maximum pH control point and the desired increment between evaluations. A printer should be active for the ALT and P hot
key combo.A product should be selected in the Select Product module of the ANTISCALANTS pull down menu prior to concentrating the water, if dosage
recommendations are desired.
HINT: The ALT P hot key combo prints a displayed graph. The ALT F hot key combo exports the graph to your choice of PCX, BMP, or TIF graphical files. Use the
menus at the top of the graph for other options such as Gray Scle or Color display, Gray Scale or Color Prints.

Page Q-17
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Graph vs pH module, in the WHAT-IF SCENARIOS pulldown menu, models and plots the impact of varying pH upon indicators of scale
and corrosivity potential. The Graph vs pH module will use the results of the Vary pH module. Results are displayed on the screen as a two dimensional graph. Each
graph plots one line from the tables created by the Vary pH module. One table outlines the water chemistry as pH varies. The second table outlines the calculated
indices, saturation levels, and other indicators of scale potential and corrosivity versus pH.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Graph vs pH to evaluate and plot the impact of pH control on indicators of scale and corrosivity potential at the typical recovery
rate for the system, and to profile the dosage requirements for inhibitor(s) over this pH range.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Graph vs pH and Vary pH modules evaluate the water chemistry at up to seven (7) pH points from the minimum selected, to the
maximum. Default values are a minimum pH of 6.0, maximum of 7.2 and a 0.2 pH unit increment. Other recovery rates and pH control ranges, can be selected
using the Select Parameters module in the same pulldown menu. The Typical Temperature entered in the Select Parameters menu is used for calculations, as is the
Typical Recovery Rate in the System Specification form.
PREREQUISITES: The Raw Water Analysis module must be run prior to Vary pH. A pH control method MUST be selected in the Select Parameters module
including an Acid and/or Alkali for pH control. The Input pH Curve module should be run to input a user defined pH- Alkalinity relationship if you do not wish to use
the default method. The Select Parameters module should be run to customize the evaluation with respect to pH control options, to select the pH estimation
method, and to specify a minimum and maximum pH control point and the desired increment between evaluations. A printer should be active for the ALT and P hot
key combo.A product should be selected in the Select Product module of the ANTISCALANTS pull down menu prior to concentrating the water, if dosage
recommendations are desired.
HINT: The ALT P hot key combo prints a displayed graph. The ALT F hot key combo exports the graph to your choice of PCX, BMP, or TIF graphical files. Use the
menus at the top of the graph for other options such as Gray Scle or Color display, Gray Scale or Color Prints.

Page Q-18
hyd-RO-dosetm Menu Quick Reference


New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The 3D Profile module, in the WHAT-IF SCENARIOS pull down menu, models the impact of pH and % Recovery upon indicators of scale and
corrosivity potential and dosage requirement. Indicator or dosage trends are presented versus both pH and Recovery to provide an in-depth profile of the system.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select 3D Profile to evaluate indicators of scale and corrosivity potential, or dosage requirements, over the expected operating pH and
recovery range for the system. Include the minimum and maximum expected pH values and % recovery to assure that foulants are evaluated under the harshest
expected conditions. The module is also useful for comparing product dosages over the operating range expected for a system to assure that a treatment can handle
the system conditions over its entire pH-recovery range.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The 3D Profile module evaluates the water chemistry in a seven (7) by seven (7) matrix of pH values and % recovery at the Typical
Temperature entered in the Operating Range Specifications section of the Select Parameters module. % Recovery and pH are evenly spaced from the minimum to
the maximum. Default values are a 6.0 minimum and 7.2 maximum for pH and 75% to 90% for recovery. The 3D graphs generated are color coded from blue (least
cause for concern) to red (highest problem potential ). Gray scale screens are used for monochrome systems and printers. Display and output options can be
selected from the menus at the top of the graph screen. “Hot key” combinations can also be used to select display and output options. The ALT and P hot key
combo will print the displayed graph to the currently selected printer. The ALT and F key combo allows you to save a graph being displayed to a PCX, BMP, or TIF
file for use in other programs. The ALT and E key combo, or Export Date menu selection, exports the calculated values used to prepare the graph in ASCII format.
When Bar Graphs are displayed, the ALT C key combo switches the display to contour plots. When contour plots are displayed, ALT and B switches to the bar graph
PREREQUISITES: A Raw Water Analysis must be entered prior to running the 3D Profile module. Operating Range Specifications should have been entered in the
Select Parameters module. The module will ask you to select graphs from a scrolling vertical menu if none are selected. You can change the graph selection using
the Select Graphs option from the PREFERENCES pull down menu, or by depressing the ALT and G hot key combo. The ALT G combo is active when the main menu
is waiting for input. A printer should be active. A product should be selected in the Select Product module of the ANTISCALANT pull down menu prior to graphing.
Graphs can be run successively with different products by alternating between the Select Product and 3D Profile modules. A pH control method and acid and/or
alkali must have been selected in the Select Parameters module.

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Select Parameters module, in the WHAT-IF

SCENARIOS pulldown menu, is used to specify the parameters for pre-
treating and concentrating water in the Vary Recovery, Vary pH, and 3D
Profile modules.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Select Parameters module to
specify the minimum and maximum recovery rates and the increment
between evaluation points in the Vary Recovery module. Use Select
Parameters to specify whether or not pH control should be used. If pH
control is selected as an option, the pH control point is entered in this
module. The water where the control pH is measured is also specified.
Chemists might prefer to specify pH control to the target pH in the
concentrate, while an operator might specify pH control as measured in
the feed water. The method for estimating pH (default or user defined
pH-Alkalinity relationship) is also specified in the Select Parameters
module. The Typical Temperature entered in this module is used for the
calculations in the Vary Recovery and Vary pH modules.
The Operating Range Specifications entered in this module are used by
the 3D PROFILE module which calculates indices at the Typical Recovery
Rate entered, and over the Low to High pH ranges entered in this
PREREQUISITES: The Input pH Curve module should be run to input a
user defined pH-Alkalinity relationship if you wish to use a custom curve
for pH prediction.

Page Q-20
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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Print Raw Water module, in the REPORTS pull down menu, outputs the tables generated in the Raw Water Analysis module, the
system diagram from SYSTEM PARAMETERS Specifications module spec sheet to the currently selected printer.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Print Raw Water module whenever a hard copy of the water source and calculated indicators of scale potential and corrosivity
is desired.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module adds the date, sample ID, and analysis description information to the tables generated in the Raw Water Analysis module and
prints them.
PREREQUISITES: The Raw Water Analysis module must be run prior to the Print Raw Water module. A printer should be active (see Printer Setup under the FILES
pull down menu).

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Print System Specs module, in the REPORTS pull down menu, outputs the system diagram from SYSTEM PARAMETERS
Specifications module spec sheet to the currently selected printer.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Print System Specs module whenever a hard copy of the specifications used for calculations is desired.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module adds the date, sample ID, and analysis description information to the system diagram and table generated in the Specifications
module and prints them.
PREREQUISITES: The Specifications module must be run prior to the Print System Specs module. Default values will be used if no other values have been entered.
A printer should be active (see Printer Setup under the FILES pull down menu).

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Print Summary module, in the REPORTS pull down menu, outputs the tables generated in the Concentrate.,
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Print Summary module whenever a hard copy of the projected water chemistry and indicators of scale and corrosivity is
desired at the target recovery rate.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module adds the date, sample ID, and analysis description information to the tables generated in the Concentrate module and prints them.
PREREQUISITES: The Concentrate module must be run prior to the Print Summary module. A printer should be active (see Printer Setup under the FILES pull
down menu).

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Print Recovery Profile module, in the REPORTS pull down menu, outputs the tables generated in the module Vary Recovery .,
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Print Recovery module whenever a hard copy of the projected water chemistry and indicators of scale and corrosivity versus
recovery is desired.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module adds the date, sample ID, and analysis description information to the tables generated in the Vary Recovery module and prints
PREREQUISITES: The Vary Recovery module must be run prior to the Print Recovery Profile module. A printer should be active (see Printer Setup under the
FILES pull down menu).

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Print pH Profile module, in the REPORTS pull down menu, outputs the tables generated in the module Vary pH.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Print pH Profile module whenever a hard copy of the projected water chemistry and indicators of scale and corrosivity versus
pH is desired at the target recovery rate entered in the Specifications module..
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module adds the date, sample ID, and analysis description information to the tables generated in the Vary pH module and prints them.
PREREQUISITES: The Vary pH module must be run prior to the Print pH Profile module. A printer should be active (see Printer Setup under the FILES pull down

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Print All module, in the REPORTS pull down menu, outputs all of the tables available.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Print All module whenever a hard copy of the all work completed is desired.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module adds the date, sample ID, and analysis description information to the tables generated in module and prints them.
PREREQUISITES: The Print All module only runs available reports. For example, the Vary pH module must have been run for the pH Profile tables to be printed by
Print All. A printer should be active (see Printer Setup under the FILES pull down menu).

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Select Product module, in the

ANTISCALANT pull down menu, lists the products on file and a
description of their purpose, and allows you to select or change the
product for which dosages will be calculated by the WHAT-IF
SCENARIO modules.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Select Product module to
select a product for calculations or switch between products for
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module loads a product file including the
mathematical correlations for the product which are used to calculate
dosages from indices and operating parameters.
PREREQUISITES: A product file (*.PRD) must be in the
\HYDRO\INHIB\ sub directory before it can be selected.
Product files are created in the Input Product module of the
ANTISCALANTS pull down menu in the Formulator or Laboratory

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Input Product module, in the ANTISCALANTS

pull down menu is used to create a product (.PRD) file.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Input Product module to create a
new product file or modify an existing product file’s Product Name,
Description, or Formulation. NOTE: Inhibitors should be re-loaded into a
formulation sheet when an inhibitor file is updated. Product files load a
copy of the inhibitor file when they are created. They DO NOT
automatically re-load a new file when the inhibitor data is updated.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module accepts input data for a product file,
loads the mathematical correlations for the individual inhibitors in the
formulation, and outputs the new or updated product file.
PREREQUISITES: An inhibitor file (*.INH) must be in the \HYDRO\INHIB\
sub directory for each inhibitor which is an active ingredient.
Inhibitor files are created in the Input Lab Data module of the
LABORATORY pull down menu in the Laboratory Editions. They can be
created from in-house laboratory and/or field data, or obtained from raw
material suppliers who use the French Creek Software Rx series
programs as a technical support tool.
NOTES: 1) The product file name MUST end with the PRD extension,
2) Enter % on an active, solids basis. e.g. If you are adding 10%
of a 50% active PAA, enter 5%.
3) Push the button next to each ingredient for a list of Raw
Materials ( .INH) on file.

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Input Lab Data module,

in the LABORATORY pull down menu is used to create
inhibitor (.INH) files.
Laboratory Data module to create a new inhibitor file
from laboratory and/or field dosage and chemistry
data, to modify an existing inhibitor file’s Inhibitor
Name, Description, to to add or delete water
chemistry data to modify the correlation..
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module accepts input data
for a inhibitor file, calculates indices for each analysis-
dosage entered, and uses multiple regression
techniques to develop mathematical correlations for
the inhibitor, and outputs the new or updated inhibitor
(.INH) file.
PREREQUISITES: Five data points should be entered
at a bare-bones minimum.
HINTS: 1) Enter dosages on an active, solids basis.
2) Simple tends to be better.

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile Browse Correlations CO3 Calc’s
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Edit Coefficients module, in the

LABORATORY pull down menu is used to add safety factors,
iron factors, and other customizing values to inhibitor (.INH)
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Use the Edit Coefficients
module when you wish to add a 10,20,30% or other safety
factor to dosages prodicted by the inhibitor model. Use the
module to define a rule for dealing with iron, e.g. add 1 ppm
of inhibitor for every ppm of iron above 1.8 .
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module accepts values that are used
in the inhibitor models to increase dosages. The .INH file is
updated to include the rules entered.
PREREQUISITES: An inhibitor file must exist.

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Browse Correlations

module, in the LABORATORY pull down menu to see what
inhibitor names and descriptions are available.
Correlation module to see what inhibitors are available
with raw laboratory data.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The module lists the inhibitors for
which you have raw data.
PREREQUISITES: Correlation files must exist.

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: Use the Choose Graphs module, in the

PREFERENCES pull down menu, to select the indicators of
scale and corrosivity potential for graphing in the WHAT-IF
SCENARIOS modules.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? Select Choose Graphs prior to
running any of the graph presentation modules. You can also
access Choose Graphs from the menu at the top of displayed
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Choose Graphs module allows you
to select individual graphs or re-defined groups of four (4)
graphs for presentation by the appropriate modules in the
WHAT-IF SCENARIO group. The graphs are selected by the
vertical scrolling menu shown at the right.
PREREQUISITES: None. The Choose Graphs menu can be run
at any time from the main menu or when appropriate using the
ALT and G hot key combo.

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Input Units module, in the

PREFERENCES pull down menu, allows you to select the units of
measure for the water analyses input. Water chemistry units are
mg/l by default. The units ppm (parts per million) as the ion, or
ppm as CaCO3 or epm (equivalents per million) as the ion can be
selected in this module for input units. Alkalinity units can be
specified as “M” and “P” alkalinity (as CaCO3), corrected or
uncorrected HCO3 and CO3 in mg/l as the ions, or as milliliters of
N/30 sulfuric acid. “M” and “P” alkalinity input are the default.
For example, you can select from Ca as Ca, or Ca as CaCO3 on
this form. Other notable types are Fe as Fe, Fe as CaCO3, or Fe as
Fe2O3. When this form is displayed, Buttons can be used to
select preset analytical units as reported by major water
treatment companies.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The Input Units module accepts the desired
units for analyses entry via a user friendly entry form. French
creek Software programs perform conversions of input data to
its internal format based upon the input units selected in this
module. Input unit preferences are stored in workspace save files
NOTE: The Input Units module can also be accessed by pressing
the CHANGE UNITS button on the Raw Water Chenistry input

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Print Mode module, in the PREFERENCES pull

down menu allows you to overcome the deficiency of some printer drivers.
The default state is direct print. Use direct print unless problems with graph
printouts are noted.

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The 3D Graph Type module, in the PREFERENCES pull down
menu sets the initial graph type for 3D graphs as either the Bar or Contour type.

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc's
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The CO3 Calc's module, in the PREFERENCES pull down menu allows the user to determine how the program will
handle calculations involving carbon dioxide equilibrium with the atmosphere. The user can elect to conserve molar carbon in calculations
or conserve alkalinity.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? The CO3 Calc's module should rarely be used. The default method is to conserve molar carbon (Ct). This
would be the case in a closed system which does not exchange CO2 with the atmosphere. The other option is to conserve alkalinity in
calculations. This would be expected for a an open system which freely exchanges CO2 with the atmosphere. In many cases, only minor
differences in calculated values will be observed between methods.

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Constant Values module, in the PREFERENCES pull down menu allows the user to set a constant water phosphate and/or silica level.
This module allows the user to over-ride the calculated value which would normally be used.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE USED? The Constant Values module should be used to model a water where the phosphate and/or silica levels are maintained at a constant
level through periodic testing and chemical feed pump adjustment.
WHAT IT DOES: This module forces the water chemistry calculations to be made using the a constant water phosphate concentration, and/or constant water silica

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New CHEMISTRY Concentrate Print Raw Water Select Product ANALYSIS INPUT Choose Graphs Technical Manual
Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Output Size On Screen module, in

the PREFERENCES pull down menu, allows you to change the
size of the output windows which display water chemistry and
calculated values.
HINTS: 55 lines allows all windows to be displayed.
CAUTION: This option only works if the appropriate fonts are
installed on your computer. You may see the size of windows
change from small to very large with few increments.

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Open File Raw Water Analysis
Vary Recovery Print System Specs Input Product Input Lab Data Input Units
Save File Input pH Curve Graph vs Recovery Print Summary Print Mode
Save File As Vary pH Print Recovery Profile 3D Graph Types
Printer Setup Graph vs pH Print pH Profile CO3 Calc’s
Specifications Browse Correlations
What’s Stored 3D Profile Print All Constant Values
About hyd-RO-dose Select Parameters Output Size On Screen

SELECTION PURPOSE: The Technical Manual

module, in the HELP pull down menu, displays an
on-line version of this User Manual.

Page Q-39

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