This document provides instructions and a checklist for students to fill out a course registration form. It includes sections for students to provide their personal details and select the reason for their registration inquiry. The form also has a section for office use to track the request and inform students.
This document provides instructions and a checklist for students to fill out a course registration form. It includes sections for students to provide their personal details and select the reason for their registration inquiry. The form also has a section for office use to track the request and inform students.
This document provides instructions and a checklist for students to fill out a course registration form. It includes sections for students to provide their personal details and select the reason for their registration inquiry. The form also has a section for office use to track the request and inform students.
This document provides instructions and a checklist for students to fill out a course registration form. It includes sections for students to provide their personal details and select the reason for their registration inquiry. The form also has a section for office use to track the request and inform students.
lnstruction and Checklist (please tick/): f;i SECIOT A is to be fitted up by student upon opp:ticotion el SECI/ON B: Please choose your registrotion inquiry SECTION A - STUDENT'S PARTICUTARS
Name ....... Student lD
Please tick you,r registration inquiry:
il Course nat appear in the list of courses in lJCompus portal n Revert major/minor n No en,rolment poge ll Add minor rnore than one coarse ll tnvoice. il N,ame not in lecturer's ottendonee n Other, pleose exploin: