It Is Preferred That The Form Is Completed Electronically and Returned As An Email Attachment Sent To

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Doctoral Progress Report

This form is the means by which progress of PhD studies is periodically assessed by the
student and supervisory team, and reported the nominee to LPDP. It is a means by which
any problems or issues may be identified and appropriate action determined. LPDP uses
this form to monitor student’s progress is effective.

It is preferred that the form is completed electronically and returned as an email

attachment sent to ([email protected]).

This form has three parts:

PART A: Progress Report—tobe completed by the Student

PART B: Comments—to be completed by the Senior Supervisor on behalf of the Supervisory Team

PART C: Recommendations and Signatures—to be completed by the Student, Supervisors, and Head
of Department/School or nominee

Please now forward the form to your supervisor.


Student’s Name PhD dates of first

LPDP’S id Number Student’s ID Number
Department/School: Name of any
scholarships received:

Enrolment Status Full-time Part-time

Please provide comments on the student’s progress and achievements in the last 6 months:

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Please provide comments on the student’s thesis goals and milestones for t

he next 6 months:

1. The quality of the student’s work:

Exceeds the requited standard for doctoral work

Is as the required standard for doctoral work
Is below required standard for doctoral work

If below the required standard what measures have been taken to address this?

2. Are you satisfied with the frequency and means of contact? Yes No

3. Do you have any concerns about the student’s English language skill (e.g., reading, writing,
speaking, listening) is respect to his/her work?

If Yes, please describe these concerns and indicate whether you have offered support or advice to the
student and/or directed them to support services.

If Yes, please comment

4. Are there any intellectual property issues which have not been resolved? Yes No

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5. Are there any issues that LPDP should be aware of? Yes No

6. Was the student required to complete any courses during this period of enrolment?
Yes No

If so were these completed to the level required? Yes No


C1 Senior Supervisor to complete

I recommend that the student’s enrolment be:

Continued subject to specified conditions as outlined below

Specified conditions of continued enrolment:

I have discussed our comments with the student: Yes No

Please outline any issues that from the discussion with the student:

Any other comments/suggestions:

All members of Supervisory Team to sign below:

Signature of Senior Supervisor Date

Signature of Senior Supervisor Date

Signature of Senior Supervisor Date

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Head of Department/School or nominee to sign below:

Signature of Head of Department/School or nominee Date

For Supervisor’s convenient, this part could be submitted separately
Please submit it in an email attachment title: LPDP_Supervisor_(Student’s Name) to
[email protected]

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