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The Gandharva went accordingly to king The innocent recluse had not heard about

Marutta and faithfully conveyed Indra's the great battle that had been fought.
message and warning. Krishna was astounded at the question of
The king would not listen. "I cannot be his brahmana friend. For a while, he stood
guilty of the deadly sin of deserting a silent not knowing what to say in reply.
trusting friend," said the king: "I cannot Then he softly disclosed what had
give up Samvarta." happened.
The Gandharva said: "O king, how can "Sir, a terrible battle had been fought by
you survive, when Indra hurls his bolt at the Pandavas and the Kauravas, I tried
you?" hard and applied every means to prevent
Even as he said this, the clouds above the fight and make peace between them.
thundered and everyone knew that the god But they would not listen. Almost all of
of the thunderbolt was coming, and them have perished on the field of battle.
trembled in fear. Who can stop the hand of fate?" Then he
The king was in great fear and entreated related all that had happened.
Samvarta to save him. When Utanga heard the narrative, he was
"Fear not," said Samvarta to the king, and exceedingly wroth. With eyes red with
he proceeded to put the power of his indignation he spoke to Madhava:
penance into action. "Vasudeva, were you there standing by
Indra, who had come to do battle, was and did you let all this happen? You have
compelled to change over to benevolent indeed failed in your duty. You have
peace and to take part in the yajna as the surely practised deceit and led them to
radiant god of sacrifices. He received the destruction. Prepare now to receive my
burnt offering in proper form and retired. curse!" Vasudeva smiled and said: "Peace,
Brihaspati's plan of envy failed miserably. peace! Calm yourself. Do not use up the
Brahmacharya triumphed. Envy is a fruit of your great penances in this anger.
deadly sin. It is a universal disease. If Listen to what I say and then, if you like,
Brihaspati who could defeat the goddess you may pronounce your curse."
of knowledge herself in learning became a Krishna pacified the indignant brahmana
victim to envy, what is there to say about and appeared to him in his all-embracing
ordinary mortals? form, the Viswarupa.
100. UTANGA "I am born in various bodies from time to
WHEN the battle was over, Krishna bade time to save the world and establish the
farewell to the Pandavas and went to good. In whatever body I am born, I must
Dwaraka. While on his way, he met his act in conformity with the nature of that
old brahmana friend Utanga. Krishna body. When I am born as a Deva, I act as
stopped and descending from his chariot a Deva does. If I appear as a Yaksha or as
saluted the brahmana. a Rakshasa, I do everything like a Yaksha
Utanga returned the greeting and or a Rakshasa. If I am born as a human
proceeded to make the usual inquiries being, or as a beast, I do what is natural to
about the health and welfare of relatives. that birth and complete my task. I begged
"Madhava, do your cousins the Pandavas very hard of the ignorant Kauravas. They
and the Kauravas love one another as were arrogant and intoxicated by power
brothers should? Are they well and and paid no heed to my advice. I tried to
flourishing?" he asked. intimidate them. Therein also I failed. I
was in wrath and showed them even my

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