Mahabharata - Stri Parva - Volume 11
Mahabharata - Stri Parva - Volume 11
Mahabharata - Stri Parva - Volume 11
Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa
Om! Having bowed down unto Narayana and Nara, the foremost of male
beings, and unto the goddess Sarasvati, must the word Jaya be uttered.
Janamejaya said, "After Duryodhana had fallen and after all the warriors
also had fallen, what, O sage, did king Dhritarashtra do on receipt of
the intelligence? What also did the high-souled Kuru king Yudhishthira,
the son of Dharma, do? What did the three survivors (of the Kuru army)
viz. Kripa and the others do? I have heard everything about the feats of
Ashvatthama. Tell me what happened after that mutual denunciation of
curses. Tell me all that Sanjaya said unto the blind old king."
"Vidura said, Rise, O king! Why art thou stretched on the earth? Bear
thyself up with thy own self. O king, even this is the final end of all
living creatures. Everything massed together ends in destruction;
everything that gets high is sure to fall down. Union is certain to end
in separation; life is sure to end in death. The destroyer, O Bharata,
drags both the hero and the coward. Why then, O bull amongst Kshatriyas,
should not Kshatriyas engage in battle? He that does not fight is seen to
escape with life. When, however, ones time comes, O king, one cannot
escape. As regards living creatures, they are non-existent at first. They
exist in the period that intervenes. In the end they once more become
non-existent. What matter of grief then is there in this? The man that
indulges in grief succeeds not in meeting with the dead. By indulging in
grief, one does not himself die. When the course of the world is such,
why dost thou indulge in sorrow? Death drags all creatures, even the
gods. There is none dear or hateful to death, O best of the Kurus! As the
wind tears off the tops of all blades of grass, even so, O bull of
Bharatas race, death overmasters all creatures. All creatures are like
members of a caravan bound for the same destination. (When death will
encounter all) it matters very little whom he meets with first. It
behoveth thee not, O king, to grieve for those that have been slain in
battle. If the scriptures are any authority, all of them must have
obtained the highest end. All of them were versed in the Vedas; all of
them had observed vows. Facing the foe all of them have met with death.
What matter of sorrow is there in this? Invisible they had been (before
birth). Having come from that unknown region, they have once more become
invisible. They are not thine, nor art thou theirs. What grief then is
there in such disappearance? If slain, one wins heaven. By slaying, fame
is won. Both these, with respect to us, are productive of great merit.
Battle, therefore, is not bootless. No doubt, Indra will contrive for
them regions capable of granting every wish. These, O bull among men,
become the guests of Indra. Men cannot, by sacrifices with profuse gifts,
by ascetic penances and by learning, go so speedily to heaven as heroes
slain in battle. On the bodies of hostile heroes constituting the
sacrificial fire, they poured their arrowy libations. Possessed of great
energy, they had in return to endure the arrowy libations (poured upon
them by their enemies). I tell thee, O king, that for a Kshatriya in this
world there is not a better road to heaven than battle! They were all
high-souled Kshatriyas; possessed of bravery, they were ornaments of
assemblies. They have attained to a high state of blessedness. They are
not persons for whom we should grieve. Comforting thyself by thy own self
cease to grieve, O bull among men! It behoveth thee not to suffer thyself
to be overwhelmed with sorrow and to abandon all actions. There are
thousands of mothers and fathers and sons and wives in this world. Whose
are they, and whose are we? From day to day thousands of causes spring up
for sorrow and thousands of causes for fear. These, however, affect the
ignorant but are nothing to him that is wise. There is none dear or
hateful to Time, O best of the Kurus! Time is indifferent to none. All
are equally dragged by Time. Time causeth all creatures to grow, and it
is Time that destroyeth everything. When all else is asleep, Time is
awake. Time is irresistible. Youth, beauty, life, possessions, health,
and the companionship of friends, all are unstable. He that is wise will
never covet any of these. It behoveth thee not to grieve for what is
universal. A person may, by indulging in grief, himself perish, but grief
itself, by being indulged in, never becomes light. Ifthou feelest thy
grief to be heavy, it should be counteracted by not indulging in it. Even
this is the medicine for grief, viz., that one should not indulge in it.
By dwelling on it, one cannot lessen it. On the other hand, it grows with
indulgence. Upon the advent of evil or upon the bereavement of something
that is dear, only they that are of little intelligence suffer their
minds to be afflicted with grief. This is neither Profit, nor Religion,
nor Happiness, on which thy heart is dwelling. The indulgence of grief is
the certain means of ones losing ones objects. Through it, one falls away
from the three great ends of life (religion, profit, and pleasure). They
that are destitute of contentment, are stupefied on the accession of
vicissitudes dependent upon the possession of wealth. They, however, that
are wise, are on the other hand, unaffected by such vicissitudes. One
should kill mental grief by wisdom, just as physical grief should be
killed by medicine. Wisdom hath this power. They, however, that are
foolish, can never obtain tranquillity of soul. The acts of a former life
closely follow a man, insomuch that they lie by him when he lies down,
stay by him when he stays, and run with him when he runs. In those
conditions of life in which one acts well or ill, one enjoys or suffers
the fruit thereof in similar conditions. In those forms (of physical
organisation) in which one performs particular acts, one enjoys or
suffers the fruits thereof in similar forms. Ones own self is ones own
friend, as, indeed, ones own self is ones own enemy. Ones own self is the
witness of ones acts, good and evil. From good acts springs a state of
happiness, from sinful deeds springs woe. One always obtains the fruit of
ones acts. One never enjoys or suffers weal or woe that is not the fruit
of ones own acts. Intelligent persons like thee, O king, never sink in
sinful enormities that are disapproved by knowledge and that strike at
the very root (of virtue and happiness)."
"Dhritarashtra said, O thou of great wisdom, my grief has been dispelled
by thy excellent words! I desire, however, to again hear thee speak. How,
indeed, do those that are wise free themselves from mental grief born of
the advent of evils and the bereavement of objects that are dear?
"Vidura said, I will describe to thee all the acts of creatures from
their first conception. At the outset it lives in the admixture of blood
and the vital fluid. Then it grows little by little. Then on the expiry
of the fifth month it assumes shape. It next becomes a foetus with all
its limbs completed, and lives in a very impure place, covered with flesh
and blood. Then, through the action of the wind, its lower limbs are
turned upwards and the head comes downwards. Arriving in this posture at
the mouth of the uterus, it suffers manifold woes. In consequence of the
contractions of the uterus, the creature then comes out of it, endued
with the results of all his previous acts. He then encounters in this
world other evils that rush towards him. Calamities proceed towards him
like dogs at the scent of meat. Next diverse diseases approach him while
he is enchained by his previous acts. Bound by the chains of the senses
and women and wealth and other sweet things of life, diverse evil
practices also approach him then, O king! Seized by these, he never
obtains happiness. At that season he succeeds not in obtaining the fruit
of his acts, right or wrong. They, however, that set their hearts on
reflection, succeed in protecting their souls. The person governed by his
senses does not know that death has come at his door. At last, dragged by
the messengers of the Destroyer, he meets with destruction at the
appointed time. Agitated by his senses, for whatever good and evil has
been done at the outset and having enjoyed or suffered the fruits of
these, he once more becomes indifferent to his acts of self-slaughter.
Alas, the world is deceived, and covetousness brings it under its
dominion. Deprived of understanding by covetousness, wrath, and fear, one
knows not ones own self. Filled with joy at ones own respectability of
birth, one is seen to traduce those that are not high-born. Swelled also
with pride of wealth, one is seen to contemn the poor. One regards others
to be ignorant fools, but seldom takes a survey of ones own self. One
attributes faults to others but is never desirous to punish ones own
self. Since the wise and the ignorant, the rich and the poor, the
high-born and the lowborn, the honoured and the dishonoured, all go to
the place of the dead and sleep there freed from every anxiety, with
bodies divested of flesh and full only of bones united by dried-up
tendons, whom amongst them would the survivors look upon as distinguished
above the others and by what signs would they ascertain the attributes of
birth and beauty? When all, stretched after the same fashion, sleep on
the bare ground, why then should men, taking leave of their senses,
desire to deceive one another? He that, looking at this saying (in the
scriptures) with his own eyes or hearing it from others, practiseth
virtue in this unstable world of life and adhereth to it from early age,
attaineth to the highest end. Learning all this, he that adhereth to
Truth, O king, succeedeth in passing over all paths."
"Vidura said, Having bowed down to the Self-create, I will obey thy
behest by telling thee how the great sages speak of the wilderness of
life. A certain brahmana, living in the great world, found himself on one
occasion in a large inaccessible forest teeming with beasts of prey. It
abounded on every side with lions and other animals looking like
elephants, all of which were engaged in roaring aloud. Such was the
aspect of that forest that Yama himself would take fright at it.
Beholding the forest, the heart of the brahmana became exceedingly
agitated. His hair stood on end, and other signs of fear manifested
themselves, O scorcher of foes! Entering it, he began to run hither and
thither, casting his eyes on every point of the compass for finding out
somebody whose shelter he might seek. Wishing to avoid those terrible
creatures, he ran in fright. He could not succeed, however, in distancing
them or freeing himself from their presence. He then saw that that
terrible forest was surrounded with a net, and that a frightful woman
stood there, stretching her arms. That large forest was also encompassed
by many five-headed snakes of dreadful forms, tall as cliffs and touching
the very heavens. Within it was a pit whose mouth was covered with many
hard and unyielding creepers and herbs. The brahmana, in course of his
wanderings, fell into that invisible pit. He became entangled in those
clusters of creepers that were interwoven with one another, like the
large fruit of a jack tree hanging by its stalk. He continued to hang
there, feet upwards and head downwards. While he was in that posture,
diverse other calamities overtook him. He beheld a large and mighty snake
within the pit. He also saw a gigantic elephant near its mouth. That
elephant, dark in complexion, had six faces and twelve feet. And the
animal gradually approached that pit covered with creepers and trees.
About the twigs of the tree (that stood at the mouth of the pit), roved
many bees of frightful forms, employed from before in drinking the honey
gathered in their comb about which they swarmed in large numbers.
Repeatedly they desired, O bull of Bharatas race, to taste that honey
which though sweet to all creatures could, however, attract children
only. The honey (collected in the comb) fell in many jets below. The
person who was hanging in the pit continually drank those jets. Employed,
in such a distressful situation, in drinking that honey, his thirst,
however, could not be appeased. Unsatiated with repeated draughts, the
person desired for more. Even then, O king, he did not become indifferent
to life. Even there, the man continued to hope for existence. A number of
black and white rats were eating away the roots of that tree. There was
fear from the beasts of prey, from that fierce woman on the outskirts of
that forest, from that snake at the bottom of the well, from that
elephant near its top, from the fall of the tree through the action of
the rats, and lastly from those bees flying about for tasting the honey.
In that plight he continued to dwell, deprived of his senses, in that
wilderness, never losing at any time the hope of prolonging his life."
"Dhritarashtra said, Alas, great was the distress of that person and very
painful his mode of life! Tell me, O first of speakers, whence was his
attachment to life and whence his happiness? Where is that region, so
unfavourable to the practice of virtue, in which that person resides? Oh,
tell me how will that man be freed from all those great terrors? Tell me
all this! We shall then exert ourselves properly for him. My compassion
has been greatly moved by the difficulties that lie in the way of his
"Vidura said, They that are conversant, O monarch, with the religion of
moksha cite this as a simile. Understanding this properly, a person may
attain to bliss in the regions hereafter. That which is described as the
wilderness is the great world. The inaccessible forest within it is the
limited sphere of ones own life. Those that have been mentioned as beasts
of prey are the diseases (to which we are subject). That woman of
gigantic proportions residing in the forest is identified by the wise
with Decrepitude which destroys complexion and beauty. That which has
been spoken of as the pit is the body or physical frame of embodied
creatures. The huge snake dwelling in the bottom of that pit is time, the
destroyer of all embodied creatures. It is, indeed, the universal
destroyer. The cluster of creepers growing in that pit and attached to
whose spreading stems the man hangeth down is the desire for life which
is cherished by every creature. The six-faced elephant, O king, which
proceeds towards the tree standing at the mouth of the pit is spoken of
as the year. Its six faces are the seasons and its twelve feet are the
twelve months. The rats and the snakes that are cutting off the tree are
said to be days and nights that are continually lessening the periods of
life of all creatures. Those that have been described as bees are our
desires. The numerous jets that are dropping honey are the pleasures
derived from the gratification of our desires and to which men are seen
to be strongly addicted. The wise know lifes course to be even such.
Through that knowledge they succeed in tearing off its bonds."
"Vidura said, Listen to me, O king, I shall once more discourse in detail
on those means an acquaintance with which enable the wise to free
themselves from the ties of the world. As a person, O king, who has to
travel a long way is sometimes obliged to halt when fatigued with toil,
even so, O Bharata, they that are of little intelligence, travelling
along the extended way of life, have to make frequent halts in the shape
of repeated births in the womb. They, however, that are wise are free
from that obligation. Men conversant with the scriptures, for this,
describe lifes course as a long way. The wise also call lifes round with
all its difficulties a forest. Creatures, O bull of Bharatas race,
whether mobile or immobile, have to repeatedly return to the world. The
wise alone escape. The diseases, mental and physical, to which mortals
are subject, whether visible or invisible, are spoken of as beasts of
prey by the wise. Men are always afflicted and impeded by them, O
Bharata! Then again, those fierce beasts of prey, represented by their
own acts in life, never cause any anxiety to them that are of little
intelligence. If any person, O monarch, somehow escapes from diseases,
Decrepitude, that destroyer of beauty, overwhelmshim afterwards. Plunged
in a slough by the objects of the different senses--sound and form and
taste and touch and scent--man remains there without anything to rescue
him thence. Meanwhile, the years, the seasons, the months, the
fortnights, the days, and the nights, coming one after another, gradually
despoil him of beauty and lessen the period allotted to him. These all
are messengers of death. They, however, that are of little understanding
know them not to be such. The wise say that all creatures are governed by
the Ordainer through their acts. The body of a creature is called the
car. The living principle is the driver of (that car). The senses are
said to be steeds. Our acts and the understanding are the traces. He who
followeth after those running steeds has to come repeatedly to this world
in a round of rebirths. He, however, who, being self-restrained restrains
them by his understanding hath not to come back. They, however, that are
not stupefied while wandering in this wheel of life that is revolving
like a real wheel, do not in reality wander in a round of rebirths. He
that is wise should certainly take care to prevent the obligation of
rebirth. One should not be indifferent to this, for indifference may
subject us to it repeatedly. The man, O king, who has restrained his
senses and subdued wrath and covetousness, who is contented, and truthful
in speech, succeeds in obtaining peace. This body is called the car of
Yama. Then those that are of little intelligence are stupefied by it.
Such a person, O king, would obtain that which thou hast obtained. The
loss of kingdom, of friends, and of children, O Bharata, and such as
these, overtake him who is still under the influence of desire. He that
is wise should apply the medicine of intelligence to all great griefs.
Indeed, obtaining the medicine of wisdom, which is truly very efficacious
and is almost unattainable, the man of restrained soul would kill that
serious disease called sorrow. Neither prowess, nor wealth, nor friend,
nor well-wishers can cure a man of his grief so effectually as the
self-restrained soul. Therefore, observant of the great duty of
abstention from all injuries, or friendship for all creatures, be of
pious behaviour, O Bharata! Self-restraint, renunciation, and heedfulness
are the three steeds of Brahman. He who rides on the car of his soul,
unto which are yoked these steeds with the aid of traces furnished by
good conduct, and drives it, casting off all fear of death, proceedeth, O
king, to the regions of Brahman. That person, O monarch, who gives unto
all creatures an assurance of his harmlessness, goes to the highest of
regions, the blessed realm of Vishnu. The fruit that one obtains by an
assurance unto all creatures of his harmlessness cannot be obtained by a
1,000 sacrifices or by daily fasts. Amongst all things there is certainly
nothing dearer than self. Death is certainly disliked by all creatures, O
Bharata! Therefore, compassion should certainly be shown unto all. Endued
with diverse kinds of errors entangled by the net of their own
intelligence, they that are wicked and are of good vision, wander
repeatedly on the earth. They however, that are wise and endued with
subtle sight, attain to a union with Brahman."
Vaishampayana said, "Even after hearing the words of Vidura, the chief of
the Kurus, afflicted with grief on account of the death of his sons, fell
down senseless on the Earth. Beholding him fall down in that state, his
friends, as also the island-born Vyasa, and Vidura, and Sanjaya, and
other well-wishers, and the attendants who used to wait at the gates and
who enjoyed his confidence, sprinkled cool water over his body, and
fanned him with palm leaves, and gently rubbed him with their hands. For
a long while they comforted the king while in that condition. The
monarch, recovering his senses after a long time, wept for a long while,
overwhelmed with grief on account of the death of his sons. He said, Fie
on the state of humanity! Fie on the human body! The woes that are
suffered in this life frequently arise from the very state of humanity.
Alas, O lord, great is the grief, like poison or fire, that one suffers
at the loss of sons, of wealth, of kinsmen, and relatives. That grief
causes the limbs to burn and our wisdom to be destroyed. Overwhelmed with
that grief, a person regards death to be preferable. This calamity that
has overtaken me through ill-luck is even like that. It will not, I see,
end except with life itself. O best of regenerate ones, I shall,
therefore, put an end to my life this very day. Having said these words
unto his high-souled sire, that foremost of all persons conversant with
Brahman, Dhritarashtra, overwhelmed with grief, became stupefied. The
king, O monarch reflecting on his woes, became speechless. Hearing these
words of his, the puissant Vyasa thus spoke unto his son afflicted with
grief on account of the death of his children.
Janamejaya said, "After the holy Vyasa had departed, what, O regenerate
sage, did king Dhritarashtra, do? It behoveth thee to tell me this. What
also did the Kuru king, the high-souled son of Dharma, do? And how did
those three, Kripa and others, do? I have heard of the feats of
Ashvatthama and the mutual denouncement of curses. Tell me what happened
next and what Sanjaya next said (unto the old king)."
Vaishampayana said, "After Duryodhana had been slain and all the troops
slaughtered, Sanjaya, deprived of his spiritual sight, came back to
"Sanjaya said, The kings of diverse peoples, that came from diverse
realms, have all, O king, gone to the regions of the dead, along with thy
sons. Thy son, O king, who had constantlybeen implored (for peace) but
who always wished to terminate his hostility (with the Pandavas by
slaughtering them) has caused the earth to be exterminated. Do thou, O
king, cause the obsequial rites of thy sons and grandsons and sires to be
performed according to due order!"
Vaishampayana said, "Dhritarashtra had not proceeded for more than two
miles when he met with those three great car-warriors, Sharadvatas son
Kripa, Dronas son (Ashvatthama), and Kritavarma. As soon as the latter
obtained a sight of the blind monarch possessed of great power, the three
heroes sighed in grief and with voices choked in tears weepingly
addressed him, saying, Thy royal son, O king, having achieved the most
difficult feats, has, with all his followers, gone to the region of
Indra. We are the only three car-warriors of Duryodhanas army that have
escaped with life. All the others, O bull of Bharatas race, have
perished. Having said these words unto the king, Sharadvatas son Kripa,
addressing the grief-afflicted Gandhari, said these words unto her, Thy
sons have fallen while engaged in achieving feats worthy of heroes, while
fearlessly fighting in battle and striking down large numbers of foes.
Without doubt, having obtained those bright worlds that are attainable
only by the use of weapons, they are sporting there like celestials,
having assumed resplendent forms. Amongst those heroes there was no one
that turned back from battle. Every one of them has fallen at the end or
edge of weapons. None of them joined his hands, begging for quarter.
Death in battle at the end or edge of weapons has been said by the
ancients to be the highest end that a Kshatriya can obtain. It behoveth
thee not, therefore, to grieve for any of them. Their foes, O queen, the
Pandavas, too, have not been more fortunate. Listen, what we, headed by
Ashvatthama, have done unto them. Learning that thy son had been slain
unrighteously by Bhima, we slaughtered the Pandavas after entering their
camp buried in sleep. All the Pancalas have been slain. Indeed, all the
sons of Drupada, as also all the sons of Draupadi, have been slaughtered.
Having caused this carnage of the sons of our foes, we are flying away
since we three are incapable of standing in battle with them. Our foes,
the Pandavas, are all heroes and mighty bowmen. They will soon come up
with us, filled with rage, for taking vengeance on us. Hearing the
slaughter of their sons, those bulls among men, infuriated with rage,
those heroes, O illustrious lady, will speedily pursue our track. Having
caused a carnage (in their sleeping camp) we dare not stay. Grant us
permission, O queen! It behoveth thee not to set thy heart on sorrow.
Grant us thy permission also, O king! Summon all thy fortitude. Do thou
also observe the duties of a Kshatriya in their highest form. Having said
these words unto the king, and circumambulating him, Kripa and Kritavarma
and Dronas son, O Bharata, without being able to withdraw their eyes from
king Dhritarashtra possessed of great wisdom, urged their steeds towards
the banks of the Ganga. Moving away from that spot, O king, those great
car-warriors, with hearts plunged in anxiety, took one anothers leave and
separated from one another. Sharadvatas son, Kripa, went to Hastinapura;
Hridikas son repaired to his own kingdom; while the son of Drona set for
the asylum of Vyasa. Even thus those heroes, who had offended the
high-souled sons of Pandu, respectively proceeded to the places they
selected, afflicted with fear and casting their eyes on one another.
Having met the king thus, those brave chastisers of foes, before the sun
rose, went away, O monarch, to the places they chose. It was after this,
O king, that the sons of Pandu, those great car-warriors, encountered the
son of Drona, and putting forth their prowess, vanquished him, O monarch,
(in the way already related)."
Vaishampayana said, "After all the warriors had been slaughtered, king
Yudhishthira the just heard that his uncle Dhritarashtra had set out from
the city called after the elephant. Afflicted with grief on account of
the death of his sons, Yudhishthira, O king, accompanied by his brothers,
set out for meeting his uncle, filled with sorrow and overwhelmed with
grief for the slaughter of his (hundred) sons. The son of Kunti was
followed by the high-souled and heroic Krishna of Dasharhas race, and by
Yuyudhana, as also by Yuyutsu. The princess Draupadi also, burning with
grief, and accompanied by those Pancala ladies that were with her,
sorrowfully followed her lord. Yudhishthira beheld near the banks of the
Ganga, O king, the crowd of Bharata ladies afflicted with woe and crying
like a flight of she-ospreys. The king was soon surrounded by those
thousands of ladies who, with arms raised aloft in grief, were indulging
in loud lamentations and giving expression to all kinds of words,
agreeable and disagreeable: Where, indeed, is that righteousness of the
king, where is truth and compassion, since he has slain sires and
brothers and preceptors and sons and friends? How, O mighty-armed one,
hath thy heart become tranquil after causing Drona, and thy grandsire
Bhishma, and Jayadratha, to be slaughtered? What need hast thou of
sovereignty, after having seen thy sires and brothers, O Bharata, and the
irresistible Abhimanyu and the sons of Draupadi, thus slaughtered?
Passing over those ladies crying like a flight of she-ospreys, the
mighty-armed king Yudhishthira the just saluted the feet of his eldest
uncle. Having saluted their sire according to custom, those slayers of
foes, the Pandavas, announced themselves to him, each uttering his own
name. Dhritarashtra, exceedingly afflicted with grief on account of the
slaughter of his sons, then reluctantly embraced the eldest son of Pandu,
who was the cause of that slaughter. Having embraced Yudhishthira the
just and spoken a few words of comfort to him, O Bharata, the
wicked-souled Dhritarashtra sought for Bhima, like a blazing fire ready
to burn everything that would approach it. Indeed, that fire of his
wrath, fanned by the wind of his grief, seemed then to be ready to
consume the Bhima-forest. Ascertaining the evil intentions cherished by
him towards Bhima, Krishna, dragging away the real Bhima, presented an
iron statue of the second son of Pandu to the old king. Possessed of
great intelligence, Krishna had, at the very outset, understood the
intentions of Dhritarashtra, and had, therefore, kept such a contrivance
ready for baffling them. Seizing with his two arms that iron Bhima, king
Dhritarashtra, possessed of great strength, broke into pieces, thinking
it to be Bhima himself in flesh and blood. Endued with might equal to
that of 10,000 elephants, the king reduced that statue into fragments.
His own breast, however, became considerably bruised and he began to
vomit blood. Covered with blood, the king fell down on the ground like a
parijata tree topped with its flowery burden. His learned charioteer
Sanjaya, the son of Gavalgana, raised the monarch and soothing and
comforting him, said, Do not act so. The king then, having cast off his
wrath and returned to his normal disposition, became filled with grief
and began to weep aloud, saying, Alas, oh Bhima, alas, oh Bhima!
Understanding that he was no longer under the influence of wrath, and
that he was truly sorry for having (as he believed) killed Bhima,
Vasudeva, that foremost of men, said these words, Do not grieve, O
Dhritarashtra, for thou hast not slain Bhimasena! That is an iron statue,
O king, which has been broken by thee! Understanding that thou wert
filled with rage, O bull of Bharatas race, I dragged the son of Kunti
away from within the jaws of Death. O tiger among kings, there is none
equal to thee in strength of body. What man is there, O mighty-armed one,
that would endure pressure of thy arms? Indeed, as no one can escape with
life from an encounter with the Destroyer himself, even so no body can
come out safe from within thy embrace. It was for this that yonder iron
statue of Bhima, which had been caused to be made by thy son, had been
kept ready for thee. Through grief for the death of thy sons, thy mind
has fallen off from righteousness. It is for this, O great king, that
thou seekest to slay Bhimasena. The slaughter of Bhima, however, O king,
would do thee no good. Thy sons, O monarch, would not be revived by it.
Therefore, do thou approve of what has been by us with a view to secure
peace and do not set thy heart on grief!"
Section 13
Vaishampayana continued, "After he had thus been told nothing but the
truth by Krishna, O monarch, king Dhritarashtra replied unto Devakis son,
saying, It is even so, O thou of mighty arms! What thou sayest, O
Madhava, is perfectly true. It is parental affection, O thou of righteous
soul, that caused me to fall away from righteousness. By good luck, that
tiger among men, the mighty Bhima of true prowess, protected by thee,
came not within my embrace. Now, however, I am free from wrath and fever.
I desire eagerly, O Madhava, to embrace that hero, the second son of
Pandu. When all the kings have been dead, when my children are no more,
upon the sons of Pandu depend my welfare and happiness. Having said these
words, the old king then embraced those princes of excellent frames,
Bhima and Dhananjaya, and those two foremost of men, the two sons of
Madri, and wept, and comforted and pronounced blessings upon them."
"Draupadi said, O venerable dame, where have all your grandsons, with
Abhimanyu among them, gone? Beholding thee in such distress, why are they
delaying in making their appearance before thee? Deprived as I am of my
children, what need have I of kingdom? Raising the grief-stricken
princess of Pancala who was weeping thus, Pritha began to comfort that
lady of large eyes. Then Kunti, accompanied by the princess of Pancala
and followed by her sons, proceeded towards the grief-afflicted Gandhari
herself in greater affliction still. Beholding that illustrious lady with
her daughter-in-law, Gandhari addressed her, saying, Do not, O daughter,
grieve so. Behold, I too am as much stricken with grief as thou. I think
this universal destruction has been brought about by the irresistible
course of Time. Inevitable as it was, this dreadful slaughter has not
been due to the voluntary agency of human beings. Even that has come to
pass which Vidura of great wisdom foretold after Krishnas supplication
for peace had failed. Do not, therefore, grieve, in a matter that was
inevitable, especially after its occurrence. Having fallen in battle,
they should not be grieved for. I am in the same predicament with thee.
(If thou actest in such a way) who then will comfort us? Through my
fault, this foremost of races has been destroyed."
"Gandhari said, Then the mighty Karna, that great bowman, lieth on the
ground! In battle he was like a blazing fire! That fire, however, hath
now been extinguished by the energy of Partha. Behold, Vikartanas son
Karna, after having slain many atirathas, has been prostrated on the bare
ground, and is drenched with blood. Wrathful and possessed of great
energy, he was a great bowman and a mighty car-warrior. Slain in battle
by the wielder of gandiva, that hero now sleepeth on the ground. My sons,
those mighty car-warriors, from fear of the Pandavas, fought, placing
Karna at their head, like a herd of elephants with its leader to the
fore. Alas, like a tiger slain by a lion, or an elephant by an infuriated
elephant, that warrior hath been slain in battle by Savyasaci. Assembled
together, O tiger among men, the wives of that warrior, with dishevelled
tresses and loud wails of grief, are sitting around that fallen hero!
Filled with anxiety caused by the thoughts of that warrior, king
Yudhishthira the just could not, for thirteen years, obtain a wink of
sleep! Incapable of being checked by foes in battle like Maghavat himself
who is invincible by enemies, Karna was like the all-destroying fire of
fierce flames at the end of the yuga, and immovable like Himavat himself!
That hero became the protector of Dhritarashtras son, O Madhava! Alas,
deprived of life, he now lieth on the bare ground, like a tree prostrated
by the wind! Behold, the wife of Karna and mother of Vrishasena, is
indulging in piteous lamentations and crying and weeping and falling upon
the ground! Even now she exclaims, "Without doubt, thy preceptors curse
hath pursued thee! When the wheel of thy car was swallowed up by the
Earth, the cruel Dhananjaya cut off thy head with an arrow! Alas, fie (on
the heroism and skill)!" That lady, the mother of Sushena, exceedingly
afflicted and uttering cries of woe, is falling down, deprived of her
senses, at the sight of the mighty-armed and brave Karna prostrated on
the earth, with his waist still encircled with a belt of gold.
Carnivorous creatures, feeding on the body of that illustrious hero, have
reduced it to very small dimensions. The sight is not gladdening, like
that of the moon on the fourteenth night of the dark fortnight. Falling
down on the earth, the cheerless dame is rising up again. Burning with
grief on account of the death of her son also, she cometh and smelleth
the face of her lord!"
"Gandhari said, There lies Shalya, the maternal uncle himself of Nakula,
slain in battle, O sire, by the pious and virtuous Yudhishthira! He used
everywhere, O bull among men, to boast of his equality with thee! That
mighty car-warrior, the ruler of the Madras, now lieth, deprived of life.
When he accepted the drivership of Karnas car in battle, he sought to
damp the energy of Karna for giving victory to the sons of Pandu! Alas,
alas, behold the smooth face of Shalya, beautiful as the moon, and
adorned with eyes resembling the petals of the lotus, eaten away by
crows! There, the tongue of that king, of the complexion of heated gold,
rolling out of his mouth, is, O Krishna, being eaten away by carnivorous
birds! The ladies of the royal house of Madra, uttering loud wails of
woe, are sitting around the body of that king, that ornament of
assemblies, deprived of life by Yudhishthira! Those ladies are sitting
around that fallen hero like a herd of she-elephants in their season
around their leader sunk in a slough. Behold the brave Shalya, that giver
of protection, that foremost of car-warriors, stretched on the bed of
heroes, his body mangled with shafts. There, king Bhagadatta of great
prowess, the ruler of a mountainous kingdom, the foremost of all wielders
of the elephant-hook, lieth on the ground, deprived of life. Behold the
garland of gold that he still wears on his head, looketh resplendent.
Though the body is being eaten away by beasts of prey, that garland still
adorns the fair locks on his head. Fierce was the battle that took place
between this king and Partha, making the very hair stand on end, like
that between Shakra and the Asura Vritra. This mighty-armed one, having
fought Dhananjaya, the son of Pritha, and having reduced him to great
straits, was at last slain by his antagonist. He who had no equal on
earth in heroism and energy, that achiever of terrible feats in battle,
Bhishma, lieth there, deprived of life. Behold the son of Shantanu, O
Krishna, that warrior of solar effulgence, stretched on the earth, like
the Sun himself fallen from the firmament at the end of the yuga. Having
scorched his foes with the fire of his weapons in battle, that valiant
warrior, that Sun among men, O Keshava, hath set like the real Sun at
evening. Behold that hero, O Krishna, who in knowledge of duty was equal
to Devapi himself, now lying on a bed of arrows, so worthy of heroes.
Having spread his excellent bed of barbed and unbarbed arrows, that hero
lieth on it like the divine Skanda on a clump of heath. Indeed, the son
of Ganga lieth, resting his head on that excellent pillow, consisting of
three arrows,--becoming complement of his bed--given him by the wielder
of gandiva. For obeying the command of his sire, this illustrious one
drew up his vital seed. Unrivalled in battle, that son of Shantanu lieth
there, O Madhava! Of righteous soul and acquainted with every duty, by
the aid of his knowledge relating to both the worlds, that hero, though
mortal, is still bearing his life like an immortal. When Shantanus son
lieth today, struck down with arrows, it seems that no other person is
alive on earth that possesseth learning and prowess that is competent to
achieve great feats in battle. Truthful in speech, this righteous and
virtuous hero, solicited by the Pandavas, told them the means of his own
death. Alas, he who had revived the line of Kuru that had become extinct,
that illustrious person possessed of great intelligence, hath left the
world with all the Kurus in his company. Of whom, O Madhava, will the
Kurus enquire of religion and duty after that bull among men, Devavrata,
who resembles a god, shall have gone to heaven? Behold Drona, that
foremost of brahmanas, that preceptor of Arjuna, of Satyaki, and of the
Kurus, lying on the ground! Endued with mighty energy, Drona, O Madhava,
was as conversant with the four kinds of arms as the chief of the
celestials or Shukra of Bhrigus race. Through his grace, Vibhatsu the son
of Pandu, hath achieved the most difficult feats. Deprived of life, he
now lies on the ground. Weapons refused to come (at last) at his bidding.
Placing him at their head, the Kauravas had challenged the Pandavas. That
foremost of all wielders of weapons was at last mangled with weapons. As
he careered in battle, scorching his foes in every direction, his course
resembled that of a blazing conflagration. Alas, deprived of life, he now
lieth on the ground, like an extinguished fire. The handle of the bow is
yet in his grasp. The leathern fences, O Madhava, still encase his
fingers. Though slain, he still looketh as if alive. The four Vedas, and
all kinds of weapons, O Keshava, did not abandon that hero even as these
do not abandon the Lord Prajapati himself. His auspicious feet, deserving
of every adoration and adored as a matter of fact by bards and eulogists
and worshipped by disciples, are now being dragged by jackals. Deprived
of her senses by grief, Kripi woefully attendeth, O slayer of Madhu, on
that Drona who hath been slain Drupadas son. Behold that afflicted lady,
fallen upon the Earth, with dishevelled hair and face hanging down. Alas,
she attendeth in sorrow upon her lifeless lord, that foremost of all
wielders of weapons, lying on the ground. Many brahmacaris, with matted
locks on their head, are attending upon the body of Drona that is cased
in armour rent through and through, O Keshava, with the shafts of
Dhrishtadyumna. The illustrious and delicate Kripi, cheerless and
afflicted, is endeavouring to perform the last rites on the body of her
lord slain in battle. There, those reciters of Samas, having placed the
body of Drona on the funeral pyre and having ignited the fire with due
rites, are singing the three (well-known) Samas. Those brahmacaris, with
matted locks on their heads, have piled the funeral pyre of that brahmana
with bows and darts and car-boxes, O Madhava! Having collected diverse
other kinds of shafts, that hero of great energy is being consumed by
them. Indeed, having placed him on the pyre, they are singing and
weeping. Others are reciting the three (well-known) Samas that are used
on such occasions. Consuming Drona on that fire, like fire in fire, those
disciples of his of the regenerate class are proceeding towards the banks
of the Ganga, along the left side of the pyre and having placed Kripi at
their head!"
"Gandhari said, Behold the son of Somadatta, who was slain by Yuyudhana,
pecked at and torn by a large number of birds! Burning with grief at the
death of his son, Somadatta, O Janardana, (as he lies there) seems to
censure the great bowman Yuyudhana. There the mother of Bhurishrava, that
faultless lady, overcome with grief, is addressing her lord Somadatta,
saying, "By good luck, O king, thou seest not this terrible carnage of
the Bharatas, this extermination of the Kurus, this sight that resembles
the scenes occurring at the end of the yuga. By good luck, thou seest not
thy heroic son, who bore the device of the sacrificial stake on his
banner and who performed numerous sacrifices with profuse presents to
all, slain on the field of battle. By good luck, thou hearest not those
frightful wails of woe uttered amidst this carnage by thy
daughters-in-law like the screams of a flight of cranes on the bosom of
the sea. Thy daughters-in-law, bereaved of both husbands and sons, are
running hither and thither, each clad in a single piece of raiment and
each with her black tresses all dishevelled. By good luck, thou seest not
thy son, that tiger among men, deprived of one of his arms, overthrown by
Arjuna, and even now in course of being devoured by beasts of prey. By
good luck, thou seest not today thy son slain in battle, and Bhurishrava
deprived of life, and thy widowed daughters-in-law plunged into grief. By
good luck, thou seest not the golden umbrella of that illustrious warrior
who had the sacrificial stake for the device on his banner, torn and
broken on the terrace of his car. There the black-eyed wives of
Bhurishrava are indulging in piteous lamentations, surrounding their lord
slain by Satyaki. Afflicted with grief on account of the slaughter of
their lords, those ladies, indulging in copious lamentations, are falling
down on the earth with their faces towards the ground, and slowly
approaching thee, O Keshava! Alas, why did Arjuna of pure deeds
perpetrate such a censurable act, since he struck off the arm of a
heedless warrior who was brave and devoted to the performance of
sacrifices. Alas, Satyaki did an act that was still more sinful, for he
took the life of a person of restrained soul while sitting in the
observance of the praya vow. Alas, O righteous one, thou liest on the
ground, slain unfairly by two foes." Even thus, O Madhava, those wives of
Bhurishrava are crying aloud in woe. There, those wives of that warrior,
all possessed of slender waists, are placing upon their laps the lopped
off arm of their lord and weeping bitterly!
"Here is that arm which used to invade the girdles, grind the deep
bosoms, and touch the navel, the thighs, and the hips, of fair women, and
loosen the ties of the drawers worn by them! Here is that arm which slew
foes and dispelled the fears of friends, which gave thousands of kine and
exterminated Kshatriyas in battle! In the presence of Vasudeva himself,
Arjuna of unstained deeds, lopped it off thy heedless self while thou
wert engaged with another in battle. What, indeed, wilt thou, O
Janardana, say of this great feat of Arjuna while speaking of it in the
midst of assemblies. What also will the diadem-decked Arjuna himself say
of it?" Censuring thee in this way, that foremost of ladies hath stopped
at last. The co-wives of that lady are piteously lamenting with her as if
she were their daughter-in-law!
"Gandhari said, The Pandavas and the Dhartarashtras, O Krishna, have both
been burnt. Whilst they were thus being exterminated, O Janardana, why
wert thou indifferent to them? Thou wert competent to prevent the
slaughter, for thou hast a large number of followers and a vast force.
Thou hadst eloquence, and thou hadst the power (for bringing about
peace). Since deliberately, O slayer of Madhu, thou wert indifferent to
this universal carnage, therefore, O mighty-armed one, thou shouldst reap
the fruit of this act. By the little merit I have acquired through
waiting dutifully on my husband, by that merit so difficult to attain, I
shall curse thee, O wielder of the discus and the mace! Since thou wert
indifferent to the Kurus and the Pandavas whilst they slew each other,
therefore, O Govinda, thou shalt be the slayer of thy own kinsmen! In the
thirty-sixth year from this, O slayer of Madhu, thou shalt, after causing
the slaughter of thy kinsmen and friends and sons, perish by disgusting
means in the wilderness. The ladies of thy race, deprived of sons,
kinsmen, and friends, shall weep and cry even as these ladies of the
Bharata race!"
"The holy one said, Arise, arise, O Gandhari, do not set thy heart on
grief! Through thy fault, this vast carnage has taken place! Thy son
Duryodhana was wicked-souled, envious, and exceedingly arrogant.
Applauding his wicked acts, thou regardest them to be good. Exceedingly
cruel, he was the embodiment of hostilities, and disobedient to the
injunctions of the old. Why dost thou wish to ascribe thy own faults to
me? Dead or lost, the person that grieves for what has already occurred,
obtaineth more grief. By indulging in grief, one increases it two-fold. A
woman of the regenerate class bears children for the practice of
austerities; the cow brings forth offspring for bearing burdens; the mare
brings forth her young for acquiring speed of motion; the Shudra woman
bears a child for adding to the number of servitors; the Vaishya woman
for adding to the number of keepers of cattle. A princess, however, like
thee, brings forth sons for being slaughtered!"
"Yudhishthira answered, One billion 660 million and 20,000 men have
fallen in this battle. Of the heroes that have escaped, the number is
"Dhritarashtra said, Tell me, O mighty-armed one, for thou art conversant
with everything, what ends have those foremost of men attained.
Vaishampayana said, "Arrived at the auspicious Ganga full of sacred
water, containing many lakes, adorned with high banks and broad shores,
and having a vast bed, they cast off their ornaments, upper garments, and
belts and girdles. The Kuru ladies, crying and afflicted with great
grief, offered oblations of water unto their sires and grandsons and
brothers and kinsmen and sons and reverend seniors and husbands.
Conversant with duties, they also performed the water-rite in honour of
their friends. While those wives of heroes were performing this rite in
honour of their heroic lords, the access to the stream became easy,
although the paths (made by the tread of many feet) disappeared
afterwards. The shores of the stream, though crowded with those spouses
of heroes, looked as broad as the ocean and presented a spectacle of
sorrow and cheerlessness. Then Kunti, O king, in a sudden paroxysm of
grief, weepingly addressed her sons in these soft words, That hero and
great bowman, that leader of leaders of car-divisions, that warrior
distinguished by every mark of heroism, who hath been slain by Arjuna in
battle, that warrior whom, ye sons of Pandu, ye took forth, Sutas child
born of Radha, that hero who shone in the midst of his forces like the
lord Surya himself, who battled with all of you and your followers, who
looked resplendent as he commanded the vast force of the Duryodhana, who
had no equal on earth for energy, that hero who preferred glory to life,
that unretiring warrior firm in truth and never fatigued with exertion,
was your eldest brother. Offer oblations of water unto that eldest
brother of yours who was born of me by the god of day. That hero was born
with a pair of earrings and clad in armour, and resembled Surya himself
in splendour! Hearing these painful words of their mother, the Pandavas
began to express their grief for Karna. Indeed, they became more
afflicted than ever. Then that tiger among men, the heroic Yudhishthira,
sighing like a snake, asked his mother, That Karna who was like an ocean
having shafts for his billows, his tall standard for his vortex, his own
mighty arms for a couple of huge alligators, his large car for his deep
lake, and the sound of his palms for his tempestuous roar, and whose
impetuosity none could withstand save Dhananjaya, O mother, wert thou the
authoress of that heroic being? How was that son, resembling a very
celestial, born of thee in former days? The energy of his arms scorched
all of us. How, mother, couldst thou conceal him like a person concealing
a fire within the folds of his cloth? His might of arms was always
worshipped by the Dhartarashtras even as we always worship the might of
the wielder of gandiva! How was that foremost of mighty men, that first
of car-warriors, who endured the united force of all lords of earth in
battle, how was he a son of thine? Was that foremost of all wielders of
weapons our eldest brother? How didst thou bring forth that child of
wonderful prowess? Alas, in consequence of the concealment of this affair
by thee, we have been undone! By the death of Karna, ourselves with all
our friends have been exceedingly afflicted. The grief I feel at Karnas
death is a hundred times greater than that which was caused by the death
of Abhimanyu and the sons of Draupadi, and the destruction of the
Pancalas and the Kurus. Thinking of Karna, I am burning with grief, like
a person thrown into a blazing fire. Nothing could have been unattainable
by us, not excepting things belonging to heaven. Alas, this terrible
carnage, so destructive of the Kurus, would not have occurred. Copiously
indulging in lamentations like these, king Yudhishthira the just uttered
loud wails of woe. The puissant monarch then offered oblations of water
unto his deceased elder brother. Then all the ladies that crowded the
shores of the river suddenly sent up a loud wail of grief. The
intelligent king of the Kurus, Yudhishthira, caused the wives and members
of Karnas family to be brought before him. Of righteous soul, he
performed, with them, the water-rite in honour of his eldest brother.
Having finished the ceremony, the king with his senses exceedingly
agitated, rose from the waters of Ganga."