Draupadi Dragged To

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Draupadi dragged to court

Stung by the bug of arrogance, Duryodhana scoffed at Vidura and protesting against
his words, called a messenger. He asked him to bring Draupadi to the court and said,
“You need not be afraid of the sons of Pandu. The only one who fears is Vidura. He,
however, is not interested in our progress.”

Duryodhana meant that Vidura’s criticism was squarely attributable to the latter’s lack
of interest in the welfare of Kauravas.

The command of the king had to be carried out and the messenger had no options.
Responding to Duryodhana’s command, he left his court hurriedly and entered the
Pandavas palace just as a dog mortally afraid would creep into the cave of a lion.
Addressing Draupadi he said:

“Draupadi! Yudhishtira is sitting under the spell of intoxication of the game.

Duryodhana has won over you also. You are now a slave of Duryodhana. You have
therefore to go over to Dhrutharashtra’s court. I shall take you there and according to
Duryodhana’s direction, I will put you on a job befitting slaves.”

Bolt from the blue!

Draupadi had not heard such words even in a dream. Taken aback by the insulting
words which came to her like a bolt from the blue, she asked him why he was
indulging in such a taunt. “Soota!’ she said, “Which prince on his own volition stakes
his own wife and gets on with a game of gambling? My king must have been
immersed in the game; otherwise, in order to offer the stake, could he not have
anything else?”
“Draupadi!”, said Soota the messenger. “The king bereft of enemies from birth had
nothing left to stake and so he staked you and lost. It is only after losing his entire
wealth that staked his brothers. After losing the bet he staked himself and lost. After
losing himself as a bet, he staked you and lost.”

“Sootaja!” said Draupadi to Duryodhana’s subordinate, ”If that is the position, you get
back to the court and ask the gamblers themselves whether Yudhishtira, after staking
himself and after becoming Duryodhana’s slave, staked me and lost or whether he
staked me before he became his slave. Put this across to my lord and elicit his
answer. Thereafter, you may take me to the place.”

Messenger returns
The messenger returned to Dhrutharashtra’s court as enjoined by Draupadi and said in
the presence of all: “Yudhishtira!” Draupadi desires me to ask you whose lord you
were – whether you first staked her and then yourself and lost or whether you staked
yourself first to lose and then staked her only thereafter to lose her.”

Yudhishtira did not answer the messenger on the questions raised by Draupadi. He
was sitting immobile, bereft of strength and vitality. He could not even say if what he
did was right or wrong.

Duryodhana intervened and said, “Soota! Let Draupadi herself come and elicit the
answers from Yudhishtira in the presence of all. Let all those who have assembled
hear their conversation. Hence go at once and bring Draupadi.”

Although the messenger desired he should obey his master’s command, he did not
feel it was proper to bring her to the assembly. Notwithstanding this reaction as
directed by Duryodhana, he wended his way to Draupadi and told her, “Panchaali!’
Members of the assembly invite you to come to the place and they want you to
address your questions to Yudhishtira in their presence. Now I feel that the Kauravas
end is drawing dangerously near, for, whatever the reason, whoever wants you to be
taken to the court is the most despicable person. Duryodhana will no doubt not be
able to retain the enormous affluence he has acquired.”

“Soota!” said Draupadi disappointed with the design of the Kauravas, “If this is
exactly what has been ordained by Brahma as the fateful lot, nobody can prevent it.
Sorrow and happiness both ensure to the benefit of the virtuous or the vicious, young
or old (scholar or the ignorant). It is not as if that only the virtuous should reap the
harvest of happiness or that only the wicked suffer from trials and tribulations. Under
some circumstances, the very reverse may happen. But dharma (righteousness) is
supreme. If there is adherence to dharma, verily it protects us. Let not such dharma
elude the grasp of the Kaurava clan. I urge you to go back to the sabha and against
the background of dharma, place my posers to the elite in the palatial hall. I am ready
to abide by the award of the righteous, virtuous and the elderly ones.”

In accordance with Draupadi’s instructions, the messenger returned to the assembly

hall and repeated Draupadi’s submissions.

All those who had adorned the assembly hall sat silent, with their heads down –
probably because they thought by expressing their free will and truth, they would
incur the displeasure of Duryodhana.

Having known Duryodhana’s mind, the righteous Yudhishtira called his confidant and
sent a message to Draupadi to the effect that she would do well to go over to the sabha
and appear in tears before Dhrutharashtra (her father-in-law) even if she was passing
through a menstrual cycle and even if clad improperly, so that the whole assembly of
visitors might register in their mind their righteous indignation and protest against
wicked Duryodhana, son of king Dhrutharashtra.

The intelligent messenger left immediately and delivered the confidential message to

The Pandavas, however, were at their wit’s end as to the future course of action. They
were prisoners of the bonds of dharma. They had to control their sorrow and swallow
their difficulty.

The turning point

Duryodhana’s joy knew no bounds at seeing the sorrowing state of the pitiable
Pandavas. “Soota!’ he commanded the messenger, “Nobody will give you the
answer. It is for Draupadi to go over here and question the Kauravas. Hence, go at
once and drag her to this place.”

The messenger was on the horns of a dilemma. True! He had to obey the command
of his master. There was no other alternative. But was he capable of facing the wrath
of Draupadi for any such intransigence? He weighed the two factors and soon became
a picture of dismay. Not mindful of the punishment in store for him at the hands of
Duryodhana, and not caring to respond but pretending he had not heard him, he stood
before the august assembly with folded hands and asked Duryodhana, “What should I
tell Draupadi?”

The messenger’s difficulty brought only hysterical laugh on Duryodhana. With an air
of arrogance, he called Dusshasana and said:
“Dushaasana! This dull-headed messenger is in jitters because of Bheema.
Therefore, you yourself go to Draupadi and forcibly drag her to this place. Do you
think that Pandavas can do anything to you when they have been captured by us?”

The tragic turn

In obedience to the elder brother’s command, Dusshasana, with blood-shot eyes, got
up and went to Pandavas’ residence where the princess sat immersed in worry.

“Come, come Draupadi! You have been won over by us. Keep your shyness aside
and meet the King of Kings, Duryodhana. One with lotus-petalled eyes! Get ready to
serve us as we are the beacon-light of the Kaurava clan. We have got you strictly in
accordance with the rules of the game of gambling. Quite righteously you have
become our possession.

Taken aback by the indecent expressions of Dusshaasana, Draupadi covered her

sorrow-stricken face with both her hands and ran crying towards old Dhrutharashtra’s
royal chambers to save her prestige, to escape from the clutches of the wicked

The enraged Dusshaasana ran behind her making wild gesticulations, caught hold of
her long, black, dishevelled curly hairs and stopped her.

At this stage, Vyasa, the author of Mahabharata, found the going very unhappy and
he exclaims:-
Yae Raajasuya-avabhruthe jalena
Mahaakrathow mantraputena siktaaha;
Tae Panavaanaam paribhuya veeryam
Balaat –pramrishtaa Dhrutarashtrajena
(Sabha Parva, Ch. 67-Sl: 30)
“Alas! The wicked Dusshaasana is standing there firmly grasping Draupadi’s
beautiful hair which were rendered pure and sacred with the most holy waters brought
from different corners to the melody of Vedic hymns as part of Rajasuya Yaga and
unmindful of the bravery of the victorious Pandavas.”

Clasping the long hair of Draupadi firmly, Dusshaasana dragged her literally like a
beast from the vicinity of Dhrustharashtra’s royal chambers to the court-hall where all
had gathered. Although she had very able body-guards and protectors who were
invincible, Dusshaasana pulled her to the place just as he would have dragged a
helpless damsel in distress. Like a plant in a banana plantation smashed by a fierce
and stormy gale, Draupadi’s delicate frame was shaken and shattered.

However, she managed to address Dusshaasana in a weak and low tone, “You
blockhead! It is not at all proper for you to drag me like this. Don’t drag me to the
assembly now especially at a time when I am passing through my menstrual period
and when I am clad only in a sari.”

How could one divorced from decency hear Draupadi’s helpless cry? Dusshaasana
continued to drag her by the lock of hairs.

Draupadi holding the upper end of the sari firmly with one hand and the trunk portion
with the other hand cried, “Madhava! Krishna! O Narayana! O Jishnu!” for help.

This only drew derisive comments from Dusshaasana “Whatever you condition”, he
said, “whether in menses or wrapped in single cloth or even bereft of attire, when
once you have been won over by us, you have become our possession – a dasi. It is
therefore your duty to stay among our group of dasis. Whether the dasis wear
anything or bereft of all, is of no consequence as a rule.”

So saying, Dusshaasana brought her dragging to the centre of the beautiful court hall.

Draupadi was a picture of desolation with her dishevelled hairs, with her single piece
of sari tending to slip from her body as Dusshaasana continued to pull her violently.
Unable to conceal her shame, she grew wild with anger like the rage of angels but
managed to appeal to him and said “This fine court hall is adorned by experts
knowledgeable in all shastras! There are those who know all the facets of the moral
code and those who are kind and endowed with fellow-feeling. Kings who are equal
to Indra’s greatness are present. Also those are fit enough to occupy my Guru’s place
have assembled here: my Gurus are also present. In front of such a galaxy of eminent
people, I just cannot stand this raw deal and in this bad shape.”

Despite Draupadi’s entreaties and appeals, Dusshaasana continued his merciless

mission of pulling her by the lock of hair. She was a grim picture of misery.
Notwithstanding her intense sorrow, she said to Dusshaasana with a vehement voice:

“Wicked one! Don’t drag me. Do not denude me. My husbands will certainly not
excuse you for this inhuman conduct of yours. Even if Indra goes over here with all
the devatas for rescue, you will not be able to save yourself.”

Commitment to unparalleled ideals

“The great Dharmaputra (Yudhishtira)”, she said, “is keeping quiet at this moment
bound by his commitments to dharma. The doctrine of righteousness is a very subtle
one. Only the jnanis (the enlightened ones) are capable of discerning the subtle
ramifications of dharma. I cannot forget the preponderance of all virtues and
qualities in my husband who is a repository of righteousness and I do not think even
for a moment that he has a modicum of blameworthiness nor spell out any mistake on
his part.”
Amazing indeed was Draupadi’s individual commitment to ideals of dharma when she
brought total composure to herself amidst the tyranny of shameful treatment at the
hands of Kauravas, to have said (as explained above):

“Dharme sthitho dharma-suto mahatmaa

Dharmashcha sookshmo nipunopalakshyaha;
Vaachaapi bhartuhu paramaanumaatram-
ichhami dosham na gunaan-visrujya”
(Sabha Parva, Ch.67. Sl.38)
Vyasa’s depression found a new level at what became to the lot of the queen of
Pandavas but Draupadi rose to a new Himalayan height in stature and personality in
the light of her irreproachable attitude towards Yudhishtira who was virtually
responsible for throwing discretion to the winds and for bartering away unbounded
energy and prestige and for Draupadi to be shamed publicly and ostensibly as a slave
in a wretched captivity. Any right thinking dame in her place and distressing situation
would probably have unleashed justifiable ire and acrimonious animadversion and
pounced on him for bringing about this agonizing state. On the other hand, she
displayed rare tolerance and maturity. Her golden words have no parallel in any
history, legend or mythology.

After her observations about Yudhishtira, the noble dame in distress said to
Dusshaasana again:
“Wicked as you are, you have brought me away from my monthly cycle dragging to
this sabha. There is no doubt whatsoever that this is absolutely a misdeed. But what
is very amazing is that no one sitting here is raising the critical voice of protest. The
conclusion that becomes inescapable is that this is acceptable to all sitting in this great

“Fie on their wretched thought if that is so! The heritage of righteousness of the
Bharata clan has been destroyed today. The right thinking kshatriyas’s moral fibre
has collapsed in like manner. Otherwise, sitting as they are here in this sabha
watching the intransigence of dharma by Kauravas, they would not have remained
silent witnesses to transgressions of the code of prestige. Every great warrior like
Bhishma and Drona also appears to be widowed of the power of vitality. Even the
wise Mahatma Vidura and Maharaja Dhrutharashtra both look bereft of their sense of
discretion. Or else, having been eye-witnesses to this misdeed, they could not have
sat silent here.” Draupadi cried but her cry was one in wilderness. Who in the
gathering had the courage to face Duryodhana and express anything against him? The
five Pandavas were caught in a treacherous quick-sand by commitment to word of
mouth over a game that left a confused state of blundering perplexity. Physically
they were pioneers of slavery – having lost even themselves after a poor performance
in an unworthy endeavor. Draupadi saw the Pandavas breathing heavily like hissing
serpents bound by the efficacy of mantras. When they saw her eyes literally asking
for help, their anger virtually doubled. With the loss of kingdom, coffers and various
items of wealth, they were not overcome by sorrow or ire so much but when their eyes
met Draupadi’s, it fanned the fire of their anger and indignation like ghee poured into
agni-kunda increasing the flame of the manifold. And with it their sorrow too
Draupadi dragged to court
Stung by the bug of arrogance, Duryodhana scoffed at Vidura and protesting against
his words, called a messenger. He asked him to bring Draupadi to the court and said,
“You need not be afraid of the sons of Pandu. The only one who fears is Vidura. He,
however, is not interested in our progress.”

Duryodhana meant that Vidura’s criticism was squarely attributable to the latter’s lack
of interest in the welfare of Kauravas.

The command of the king had to be carried out and the messenger had no options.
Responding to Duryodhana’s command, he left his court hurriedly and entered the
Pandavas palace just as a dog mortally afraid would creep into the cave of a lion.
Addressing Draupadi he said:

“Draupadi! Yudhishtira is sitting under the spell of intoxication of the game.

Duryodhana has won over you also. You are now a slave of Duryodhana. You have
therefore to go over to Dhrutharashtra’s court. I shall take you there and according to
Duryodhana’s direction, I will put you on a job befitting slaves.”

Bolt from the blue!

Draupadi had not heard such words even in a dream. Taken aback by the insulting
words which came to her like a bolt from the blue, she asked him why he was
indulging in such a taunt. “Soota!’ she said, “Which prince on his own volition stakes
his own wife and gets on with a game of gambling? My king must have been
immersed in the game; otherwise, in order to offer the stake, could he not have
anything else?”
“Draupadi!”, said Soota the messenger. “The king bereft of enemies from birth had
nothing left to stake and so he staked you and lost. It is only after losing his entire
wealth that staked his brothers. After losing the bet he staked himself and lost. After
losing himself as a bet, he staked you and lost.”

“Sootaja!” said Draupadi to Duryodhana’s subordinate, ”If that is the position, you get
back to the court and ask the gamblers themselves whether Yudhishtira, after staking
himself and after becoming Duryodhana’s slave, staked me and lost or whether he
staked me before he became his slave. Put this across to my lord and elicit his
answer. Thereafter, you may take me to the place.”

Messenger returns
The messenger returned to Dhrutharashtra’s court as enjoined by Draupadi and said in
the presence of all: “Yudhishtira!” Draupadi desires me to ask you whose lord you
were – whether you first staked her and then yourself and lost or whether you staked
yourself first to lose and then staked her only thereafter to lose her.”

Yudhishtira did not answer the messenger on the questions raised by Draupadi. He
was sitting immobile, bereft of strength and vitality. He could not even say if what he
did was right or wrong.

Duryodhana intervened and said, “Soota! Let Draupadi herself come and elicit the
answers from Yudhishtira in the presence of all. Let all those who have assembled
hear their conversation. Hence go at once and bring Draupadi.”

Although the messenger desired he should obey his master’s command, he did not
feel it was proper to bring her to the assembly. Notwithstanding this reaction as
directed by Duryodhana, he wended his way to Draupadi and told her, “Panchaali!’
Members of the assembly invite you to come to the place and they want you to
address your questions to Yudhishtira in their presence. Now I feel that the Kauravas
end is drawing dangerously near, for, whatever the reason, whoever wants you to be
taken to the court is the most despicable person. Duryodhana will no doubt not be
able to retain the enormous affluence he has acquired.”

“Soota!” said Draupadi disappointed with the design of the Kauravas, “If this is
exactly what has been ordained by Brahma as the fateful lot, nobody can prevent it.
Sorrow and happiness both ensure to the benefit of the virtuous or the vicious, young
or old (scholar or the ignorant). It is not as if that only the virtuous should reap the
harvest of happiness or that only the wicked suffer from trials and tribulations. Under
some circumstances, the very reverse may happen. But dharma (righteousness) is
supreme. If there is adherence to dharma, verily it protects us. Let not such dharma
elude the grasp of the Kaurava clan. I urge you to go back to the sabha and against
the background of dharma, place my posers to the elite in the palatial hall. I am ready
to abide by the award of the righteous, virtuous and the elderly ones.”

In accordance with Draupadi’s instructions, the messenger returned to the assembly

hall and repeated Draupadi’s submissions.

All those who had adorned the assembly hall sat silent, with their heads down –
probably because they thought by expressing their free will and truth, they would
incur the displeasure of Duryodhana.

Having known Duryodhana’s mind, the righteous Yudhishtira called his confidant and
sent a message to Draupadi to the effect that she would do well to go over to the sabha
and appear in tears before Dhrutharashtra (her father-in-law) even if she was passing
through a menstrual cycle and even if clad improperly, so that the whole assembly of
visitors might register in their mind their righteous indignation and protest against
wicked Duryodhana, son of king Dhrutharashtra.

The intelligent messenger left immediately and delivered the confidential message to

The Pandavas, however, were at their wit’s end as to the future course of action. They
were prisoners of the bonds of dharma. They had to control their sorrow and swallow
their difficulty.

The turning point

Duryodhana’s joy knew no bounds at seeing the sorrowing state of the pitiable
Pandavas. “Soota!’ he commanded the messenger, “Nobody will give you the
answer. It is for Draupadi to go over here and question the Kauravas. Hence, go at
once and drag her to this place.”

The messenger was on the horns of a dilemma. True! He had to obey the command
of his master. There was no other alternative. But was he capable of facing the wrath
of Draupadi for any such intransigence? He weighed the two factors and soon became
a picture of dismay. Not mindful of the punishment in store for him at the hands of
Duryodhana, and not caring to respond but pretending he had not heard him, he stood
before the august assembly with folded hands and asked Duryodhana, “What should I
tell Draupadi?”

The messenger’s difficulty brought only hysterical laugh on Duryodhana. With an air
of arrogance, he called Dusshasana and said:
“Dushaasana! This dull-headed messenger is in jitters because of Bheema.
Therefore, you yourself go to Draupadi and forcibly drag her to this place. Do you
think that Pandavas can do anything to you when they have been captured by us?”

The tragic turn

In obedience to the elder brother’s command, Dusshasana, with blood-shot eyes, got
up and went to Pandavas’ residence where the princess sat immersed in worry.

“Come, come Draupadi! You have been won over by us. Keep your shyness aside
and meet the King of Kings, Duryodhana. One with lotus-petalled eyes! Get ready to
serve us as we are the beacon-light of the Kaurava clan. We have got you strictly in
accordance with the rules of the game of gambling. Quite righteously you have
become our possession.

Taken aback by the indecent expressions of Dusshaasana, Draupadi covered her

sorrow-stricken face with both her hands and ran crying towards old Dhrutharashtra’s
royal chambers to save her prestige, to escape from the clutches of the wicked

The enraged Dusshaasana ran behind her making wild gesticulations, caught hold of
her long, black, dishevelled curly hairs and stopped her.

At this stage, Vyasa, the author of Mahabharata, found the going very unhappy and
he exclaims:-
Yae Raajasuya-avabhruthe jalena
Mahaakrathow mantraputena siktaaha;
Tae Panavaanaam paribhuya veeryam
Balaat –pramrishtaa Dhrutarashtrajena
(Sabha Parva, Ch. 67-Sl: 30)
“Alas! The wicked Dusshaasana is standing there firmly grasping Draupadi’s
beautiful hair which were rendered pure and sacred with the most holy waters brought
from different corners to the melody of Vedic hymns as part of Rajasuya Yaga and
unmindful of the bravery of the victorious Pandavas.”

Clasping the long hair of Draupadi firmly, Dusshaasana dragged her literally like a
beast from the vicinity of Dhrustharashtra’s royal chambers to the court-hall where all
had gathered. Although she had very able body-guards and protectors who were
invincible, Dusshaasana pulled her to the place just as he would have dragged a
helpless damsel in distress. Like a plant in a banana plantation smashed by a fierce
and stormy gale, Draupadi’s delicate frame was shaken and shattered.

However, she managed to address Dusshaasana in a weak and low tone, “You
blockhead! It is not at all proper for you to drag me like this. Don’t drag me to the
assembly now especially at a time when I am passing through my menstrual period
and when I am clad only in a sari.”

How could one divorced from decency hear Draupadi’s helpless cry? Dusshaasana
continued to drag her by the lock of hairs.

Draupadi holding the upper end of the sari firmly with one hand and the trunk portion
with the other hand cried, “Madhava! Krishna! O Narayana! O Jishnu!” for help.

This only drew derisive comments from Dusshaasana “Whatever you condition”, he
said, “whether in menses or wrapped in single cloth or even bereft of attire, when
once you have been won over by us, you have become our possession – a dasi. It is
therefore your duty to stay among our group of dasis. Whether the dasis wear
anything or bereft of all, is of no consequence as a rule.”

So saying, Dusshaasana brought her dragging to the centre of the beautiful court hall.

Draupadi was a picture of desolation with her dishevelled hairs, with her single piece
of sari tending to slip from her body as Dusshaasana continued to pull her violently.
Unable to conceal her shame, she grew wild with anger like the rage of angels but
managed to appeal to him and said “This fine court hall is adorned by experts
knowledgeable in all shastras! There are those who know all the facets of the moral
code and those who are kind and endowed with fellow-feeling. Kings who are equal
to Indra’s greatness are present. Also those are fit enough to occupy my Guru’s place
have assembled here: my Gurus are also present. In front of such a galaxy of eminent
people, I just cannot stand this raw deal and in this bad shape.”

Despite Draupadi’s entreaties and appeals, Dusshaasana continued his merciless

mission of pulling her by the lock of hair. She was a grim picture of misery.
Notwithstanding her intense sorrow, she said to Dusshaasana with a vehement voice:

“Wicked one! Don’t drag me. Do not denude me. My husbands will certainly not
excuse you for this inhuman conduct of yours. Even if Indra goes over here with all
the devatas for rescue, you will not be able to save yourself.”

Commitment to unparalleled ideals

“The great Dharmaputra (Yudhishtira)”, she said, “is keeping quiet at this moment
bound by his commitments to dharma. The doctrine of righteousness is a very subtle
one. Only the jnanis (the enlightened ones) are capable of discerning the subtle
ramifications of dharma. I cannot forget the preponderance of all virtues and
qualities in my husband who is a repository of righteousness and I do not think even
for a moment that he has a modicum of blameworthiness nor spell out any mistake on
his part.”
Amazing indeed was Draupadi’s individual commitment to ideals of dharma when she
brought total composure to herself amidst the tyranny of shameful treatment at the
hands of Kauravas, to have said (as explained above):

“Dharme sthitho dharma-suto mahatmaa

Dharmashcha sookshmo nipunopalakshyaha;
Vaachaapi bhartuhu paramaanumaatram-
ichhami dosham na gunaan-visrujya”
(Sabha Parva, Ch.67. Sl.38)
Vyasa’s depression found a new level at what became to the lot of the queen of
Pandavas but Draupadi rose to a new Himalayan height in stature and personality in
the light of her irreproachable attitude towards Yudhishtira who was virtually
responsible for throwing discretion to the winds and for bartering away unbounded
energy and prestige and for Draupadi to be shamed publicly and ostensibly as a slave
in a wretched captivity. Any right thinking dame in her place and distressing situation
would probably have unleashed justifiable ire and acrimonious animadversion and
pounced on him for bringing about this agonizing state. On the other hand, she
displayed rare tolerance and maturity. Her golden words have no parallel in any
history, legend or mythology.

After her observations about Yudhishtira, the noble dame in distress said to
Dusshaasana again:
“Wicked as you are, you have brought me away from my monthly cycle dragging to
this sabha. There is no doubt whatsoever that this is absolutely a misdeed. But what
is very amazing is that no one sitting here is raising the critical voice of protest. The
conclusion that becomes inescapable is that this is acceptable to all sitting in this great

“Fie on their wretched thought if that is so! The heritage of righteousness of the
Bharata clan has been destroyed today. The right thinking kshatriyas’s moral fibre
has collapsed in like manner. Otherwise, sitting as they are here in this sabha
watching the intransigence of dharma by Kauravas, they would not have remained
silent witnesses to transgressions of the code of prestige. Every great warrior like
Bhishma and Drona also appears to be widowed of the power of vitality. Even the
wise Mahatma Vidura and Maharaja Dhrutharashtra both look bereft of their sense of
discretion. Or else, having been eye-witnesses to this misdeed, they could not have
sat silent here.” Draupadi cried but her cry was one in wilderness. Who in the
gathering had the courage to face Duryodhana and express anything against him? The
five Pandavas were caught in a treacherous quick-sand by commitment to word of
mouth over a game that left a confused state of blundering perplexity. Physically
they were pioneers of slavery – having lost even themselves after a poor performance
in an unworthy endeavor. Draupadi saw the Pandavas breathing heavily like hissing
serpents bound by the efficacy of mantras. When they saw her eyes literally asking
for help, their anger virtually doubled. With the loss of kingdom, coffers and various
items of wealth, they were not overcome by sorrow or ire so much but when their eyes
met Draupadi’s, it fanned the fire of their anger and indignation like ghee poured into
agni-kunda increasing the flame of the manifold. And with it their sorrow too

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