REferat Engleza Sport Nutrition

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The State University of Physical Education and Sports

The Faculty of Kinetotherapy

” Sports Hygiene”

Reported:Grosu Vlad
Teacher: Bârsa Elena


1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 3

2. Tasks ................................................................................................... 3

3. Spor Diet .............................................................................................


4. Sport Diet Components .....................................................................


5. Sports supplements ............................................................................


6. The basic principle .............................................................................


7. Assimilation rate ................................................................................


8. The composition of sports nutrition .................................................


9. Side effects ..........................................................................................


10. Conclusion .......................................................................................


11. Bibliography ....................................................................................

1. Introduction

Sports nutrition is a special group of food products, produced mainly for people leading an active
lifestyle, involved in sports and fitness. The intake of sports nutrition is primarily aimed at
improving athletic performance, increasing strength and endurance, improving health, increasing
muscle volume, normalizing metabolism, achieving optimal body weight, and, in general, increasing
the quality and life expectancy. In Russia, sports nutrition is classified as biologically active
additives. Sports nutrition is developed and manufactured on the basis of scientific research in
various fields, for example, in physiology and dietetics and, most often, is a carefully selected
composition of concentrated mixtures of basic food elements specially processed for the best
absorption by the human body. Sports nutrition has nothing to do with doping. Compared to regular
food, which can take hours to digest, sports supplements require minimal time and digestion efforts
to break down and absorb, and many types of sports nutrition have high energy value. It is important
to note that experts attribute sports nutrition to the category of supplements, since its proper use is
an addition to the main diet, consisting of ordinary products, and not their complete replacement.

2. Tasks

The athlete's diet is built depending on the tasks in this period of the training and competition
cycle. For this reason, it does not have to be the same year round. In the offseason, an athlete, as a
rule, actively builds muscle mass, increasing strength indicators. In this case, a slight increase in
body fat is permissible. For security officials it may be necessary to maintain weight within the
given boundaries or move to another category. In this case, a slight increase in fat content is also
acceptable. In the pre-competition period, maintaining the achieved results comes to the fore.
However, if necessary, it is during this period that weight is reduced. Accordingly, the diet is
organized in such a way as to either completely cover the needs for basic nutrients, or to provide a
small calorie deficit, primarily due to saturated fats. During the period of performances, the security
forces need to provide the muscles with the necessary macro and micro components to develop

maximum effort. Accordingly, a balanced diet is required, taking into account the increase in needs
due to a rather busy schedule of starts.

3. Sports diet

First of all, when composing a sports diet, it is necessary to increase the flow of energy into the
body in the form of carbohydrates, while reducing fat intake. Lack of fluid in the body and depletion
of energy resources are two main factors that negatively affect the athlete's physical condition. Even
small physical activities contribute to fluid loss. If the loads are intense and prolonged, fluid loss can
be significant, which can lead to a significant deterioration in well-being. If in time to make up for
such losses, the negative results of dehydration will be eliminated.
Any physical activity requires certain energy costs. The body can receive energy either from food,
or using its own energy resources. If, following a sports diet, enough energy is not supplied to the
body from the outside, the stores of fat and carbohydrates (glycogen) are used, if they are also
running out, the protein is the source of energy. Carbohydrates are stored in small quantities in the
liver and muscle tissue in the form of glycogen, and fat stores are distributed throughout the body.
Despite the fact that the reserves of carbohydrates in the body are limited, they are an optimal
source of energy for muscles. During exercise, glycogen stores are depleted, and if additional energy
does not enter the body on time, the athlete will not be able to maintain his performance at the
maximum level. The use of specialized sports drinks (isotonics) during training allows you to
constantly maintain the necessary level of carbohydrates in the body, which ensures maximum
efficiency of the training process. The choice of a particular drink depends on the type of sport and
the intensity of training, as well as on various external factors, for example, temperature and

4. Sports Diet Components

The human body needs more than 50 food components daily. In order to provide the body with all
the necessary components, observing a sports diet, you should diversify your diet as much as
possible. In general, the nutrition of athletes should be based on diets designed for ordinary healthy
people, however, the intake of carbohydrates, proteins and water, as well as the total amount of
absorbed food energy should be increased.
A sports diet should include the following:
Carbohydrates, Proteins
To achieve the optimal athletic form, it is necessary to supply the body with additional energy by
increasing the content of carbohydrates in the diet. 55-60% of the energy should be ingested with
carbohydrates. The daily intake of carbohydrates in athletes should be 5 g per kilogram of body
weight. For some athletes, energy costs are such that this ratio can reach up to 10 g per kg. The
required amount of energy depends on age, gender, body weight, as well as on the ratio of volume
and intensity of training.
Proteins are necessary to maintain muscle mass, restore damaged tissues and to produce antibodies
in the fight against various infections. The percentage of energy received from proteins should be
about 12-15%. For athletes with relatively low energy needs, the protein intake should be 0.8-1.0 g
per kg. In those sports where increased endurance is required, the recommended ratio is 1.2-1.6 g
per kg, and in power sports it can reach up to 1.8 g per kg. Exceeding these standards will not
especially affect the increase in muscle mass, but it can lead to dehydration, osteoporosis and an
increase in fat reserves.
For athletes, diets with a reduced fat content are recommended (25-30% of the total amount of
kilocalories consumed), since they get most of the energy from carbohydrates. Although fats are a
necessary component of proper nutrition, their increased content in diets is not necessary. Even the
thinnest athletes have a lot of fat reserves. Excess fats slow down the digestion process, which
creates a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, leading to lethargic health.
Fats Liquid.
Fluid is essential for hydration. Loss of fluid during intense training in the heat can be 2-3 liters
per hour. After such training, it is necessary to more than compensate for moisture loss in order to
compensate for the exit of fluid in the urine.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are needed by the human body in small amounts compared to proteins and
carbohydrates. However, the most complete nutritional protein-carbohydrate-lipid composition,
combined with enhanced training, will not help build a strong body with bulky muscles if there are
no vitamins. Sports nutrition makes up for this shortcoming.
Food contains vitamins and minerals, but with improper cooking, vitamins are destroyed, and
minerals can form insoluble compounds and not be absorbed by the body. In addition, for
bodybuilders and other athletes, the need for vitamins and minerals is also dictated by a high degree
of body metabolism.
Unlike vitamins, minerals are not produced by living organisms and plants, but are present in
them. Minerals are inorganic in nature. They are essential for the proper functioning of the body,
responsible for the conductivity of nerve impulses and muscle contractions, electrolyte balance,
bone density and strength, energy production and testosterone.
Trace elements include zinc, copper, silicon, cobalt and other minerals. Although they are needed
in very small quantities, without them the normal functioning of the body is impossible.
A special role in the body is played by sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and
other minerals called macrocells. They require more than 200 mg per day. The fluid inside the cells
of the body and in the intercellular space contains ions of minerals, that is, it is an electrolyte.
Potassium and sodium in the body act in concert, participating in the regulation of water-salt
metabolism. Potassium is responsible for intracellular fluid balance. Sodium acts in the intercellular
fluid. If their ratio is violated, the cell will not be able to receive nutrients or excrete products of its
vital activity.
Athletes need vitamins and minerals in larger quantities than in everyday life.

5. Sports supplements

Amino acids are a component of protein. In total, various foods, such as meat and dairy products,
contain 19 types of amino acids. There are only nine vital for our body.

Liquid amino acids - a suspension with amino acids dissolved in water or fructose (for quick
absorption). The difference from powder amino acids is only at a high price and a lower dosage.
Free amino acids with an index of "L" - these amino acids do not require digestion and are quickly
absorbed into the blood.
BCAAs are branched chain amino acids, they contain 3 of 9 necessary for us to grow muscle and
accelerate metabolism. These amino acids are often part of protein mixtures and are recommended
for use by people who do not take protein mixtures.
Protein Shake - A high protein blend that promotes muscle growth. It is used to provide the body
with protein with a lack of basic nutrition. It can be consumed during the day, as well as before and
after training.
Protein Isolate - Protein powder without added carbohydrates. It is obtained from processed
products with high protein content: milk, cheese, soy and meat. It is quickly acquired and contains
important amino acids.
Geyner - a protein with the addition of carbohydrates for the fastest absorption by the body. To
save money, it is better to buy isolate and mix with juice or another sugar-containing product.
Casein is a protein containing slow-absorbing proteins. It should be consumed before bedtime or
with a long break in food, from 4 hours.
Creatine is a part of the protein that promotes the accumulation of water and nutrients in the
muscle itself. With constant use, it contributes to a visual increase in muscle.
Creatine with a transport system - creatine monohydrate with simple carbohydrates. Promotes the
rapid absorption of creatine and costs more.
Pre-training complexes are complex supplements containing a mixture of simple carbohydrates,
creatine, energy such as caffeine and argenin. Promotes a more effective training process,
strengthens strength indicators and endurance.
Fat burners are complex supplements to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat in the body. Most
often they contain caffeine for stimulation, diuretics (diuretic), as well as various substances that
help to reduce appetite. It should be used with great care. - supplement with a high content of
magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6. According to manufacturers, it helps to increase testosterone
levels in the body, which leads to muscle growth. But to save money, it is better to buy zinc and
magnesium separately at the pharmacy.
Dispensers of nitric oxide (NO) - an additive that helps to increase the production of nitric oxide in
the body. There is an assumption that nitric oxide contributes to an increase in muscle volume and to
their growth. Arginine is an amino acid arginine in free form. Manufacturers claim that this
supplement enhances the production of growth hormone and nitric oxide. We failed to find clear
evidence of these actions. Glutamine is a free amino acid. It is endowed with various magical
properties, but it is very common and found in meat, so you should not take it separately.

6. Essential Minerals

Magnesium - is necessary for the formation of bones and muscles, energy and carbohydrate
metabolism in our body. With a lack of magnesium in the body, spasms of the limbs and increased
irritability can occur.
Calcium is very important for bones, teeth and energy processes in muscles and for their
reduction. With power loads, calcium should be taken additionally.

Potassium - helps regulate the acid-base balance in our blood. Participates in the transmission of
nerve impulses in our muscles, improves heart function. A lack of potassium is manifested by
cramps and cramps that occur in the lower body.
Zinc - is part of many products, it is necessary for the production of testosterone. Lack of zinc in
the body is manifested by slow muscle growth.

7. The basic principle

The main principle of nutrition is to nourish the athlete's body cells. The necessary composition is
selected as necessary and convenient consumption. The energy for each cell is the hydrolysis of
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), which is synthesized by the body’s cells from carbohydrates. Thus,
for the human body, carbohydrates are the main thing in nutrition. Proteins of the body's cells are
used as material for the construction of their tissues. They can be sent to the production of ATP, but
at the cost of a large amount of energy. Proteins are not absorbed by the body’s cells without the
“food” signal produced by the hormone insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas, when
carbohydrates enter the small intestine and in the amount of carbohydrates. The ratio of protein and
carbohydrate nutrition should not exceed one quarter of the protein in relation to carbohydrates, then
the amount of insulin produced is enough for the absorption of protein. The amount of protein
consumed by a person per day should not exceed 0.7 g per kilogram of dry weight of a person. The
amount of protein that an athlete should consume is planned from 1 g to 1.5 g per kilogram of
weight. Calorie intake should be considered by the calorie content of carbohydrate nutrition.

Assimilation rate
Different foods are absorbed at different speeds, but the rate of assimilation does not affect
calories. (see. Glycemic index) Before physical activity, quickly digestible foods are planned, for the
period of sleep - long digestible foods. Products containing protein are digested for a long time. In
its pure form, protein products are not used by athletes. Separately produced proteins, amino acids
are mixed with carbohydrate-containing products. The average protein-carbohydrate gainer is
absorbed by the body in 2-3 hours of digestion. Given that the gainer is diluted with water.
Carbohydrate sports drinks are absorbed in 15 minutes. They are produced with long chains of
molecules to reduce the formation of gases when taken during exercise. Mixed foods are digested at
the rate of assimilation of the longest product. For example, simple, dry cookies are digested in one
hour, and cookies eaten with a fresh apple will be digested within 4 hours. The mixture will fill the
stomach for four hours and nourish the calorie content that is contained in the mixture in total.
Any sports training is best done on an empty stomach, but at the same time having nourished the
body with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Upon completion of the workout, you must
consume quickly digestible foods to relieve the feeling of fatigue.
During physical activity they eat if classes are conducted for more than one hour. Nutrition during
training is selected digestible at maximum speed. The stomach during physical exertion rejects food
emitting gases, it is very difficult to deal with a puffed stomach. Food is based on water,
carbohydrates with the longest chains of molecules.

8.The composition of sports nutrition

In fact, the basis of sports nutrition is ordinary food. Maltodextrin is simply refined starch that is
used in the manufacture of chips or breakfast pads. A carbohydrate sports drink can be prepared by
grinding the breakfast pads with a mixer and stirring in water. Or it’s easier to eat table sugar mixed

in water, for example a good dose of 6-9 teaspoons of sugar per glass of water. Stir better in a bottle,
Amino acids are produced from an inexpensive source of protein, such as whey, after cottage
cheese is obtained. It can not be said about the same amino acid, developed from different sources,
that it turned out with different properties. Different sources of amino acids simply require different
production technologies from the manufacturer.
Essential amino acids for humans are acids designated by the acronym BCAA, it is this set of eight
amino acids that is included in all products with a set of amino acids.
Means for strengthening joints and ligaments - in fact, these are capsules with fish oil.
Drugs that increase testosterone levels - mineral salts, wild liana extract.

9.Side effects

An overdose of vitamins can cause allergies. Some substances in sports nutrition can cause
headaches, such as those associated with poisoning with these substances. Minerals are best
consumed before bedtime.
Harm and side effects of creatine
The frequency of side effects in creatine is quite low (less than 4%) and there is practically no
irreversible harm to health. Certain side effects are associated not only with creatine, but also with
the ingredients with which it is often combined.

Water retention
Side effects that are associated with the osmotic activity of creatine have the most solid
foundation; in other words, creatine intake is associated with an increase in water retention in the
body. This phenomenon begins in almost all who consume creatine, at the same time, water
retention does not show harm to the body, and occurs as a compensatory reaction to balance the
osmotic imbalance. In itself, water retention is practically not noticeable, and it can be determined
only by weight, no edema and "swelling" of the face in healthy people does not occur. Typically, the
increase in the percentage of liquid is not significant, on average, its volume is 0.5 - 1.5.
Dehydration is directly related to the previous effect. The osmotic revitalization of creatine leads
to the transition of the liquid part of the blood to the muscles, thus, the body is dehydrated to a
certain extent, and metabolism, heat regulation, acid-base balance, etc. are impaired. This dictates
the need to consume a sufficient amount of fluid in a volume of up to 3 liters per day . Adequate
rehydration allows you to normalize the electrolyte balance of the internal environment of the body,
as well as to prevent some other side effects of creatine.
This problem is especially relevant in bodybuilding, since many athletes taking creatine activate
the so-called drying with the help of diuretics and stimulants that remove fluid from the body, in this
case, the body can be significantly harmed, even fatal.
The second most common side effect of creatine is gastrointestinal distress, which is manifested
by abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. Especially often, digestive problems occur
during the loading phase, when large doses of creatine are used. Gastrointestinal distress results
from a relatively large volume of slowly soluble creatine crystals in the stomach. Often, digestive
problems are associated with bad purification of creatine, so the choice should be given to quality
supplements. To prevent this side effect, micronized, encapsulated and liquid forms of creatine have
been created, although the latter are not recommended because of their low effectiveness.
The new chemical forms of creatine have the same side effect on the intestines as monohydrate.
Quite often, manufacturers go on a trick and advise using new forms in small doses. Undoubtedly,
this reduces the frequency of side effects, but in a place with this, effectiveness decreases. The study
showed that the doses of new forms to obtain the desired effect should be the same as the
There is evidence that creatine citrate and creatine malate initiate fewer side effects on the
gastrointestinal tract due to good solubility.
In practice, cramps are very rare. Some scientists generally deny the connection of cramps and
spasms with creatine, since tests on athletes do not reveal a clear pattern. Muscle cramps can occur
as a result of electrolyte abnormalities and dehydration while taking creatine, as a prophylaxis, a
sufficient proportion of the liquid should be consumed. In addition, the role of increasing strength
indicators is outlined, in other words, cramps can occur as a result of increased muscle strength, so
they are subjected to more stress during training, and during rest, cramps occur as a recovery
Tryptophan side effects
Side effects are usually mild, including nausea, constipation, gas formation, drowsiness, and
weakening of sexual desire. Nausea usually subsides within a few days.
5-NTR can also cause rare adverse reactions, including lowering cholesterol, sodium retention,
lowering blood pressure, increasing or slowing the heartbeat, euphoria, manic mood, weakening
inhibition reaction, drowsiness, headache, anxiety, accelerated speech, difficulties with falling
asleep, aggressiveness and agitation.

Gainer side effects

They can occur with its overdose, and multiple. Due to the high protein content, the kidneys and
liver can be overloaded. Some gainers include an excess of simple sugars, and this negatively affects
the function of the pancreas. People who are hereditarily unsuccessful for diabetes mellitus and
diseases of the kidneys and liver need to be especially careful about the dosages.
Gainers are sometimes poorly tolerated by the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms are bloating and
diarrhea. This can not be called just a side effect, rather it is a reaction to an unusual product. You
should either reduce the dose and increase gradually, or change the gainer.
Steroid side effects
Steroid contraindications
Do not use anabolic steroids under the age of 21 years, as at a young age they can cause
irreversible harm: changes in hormonal levels and stunted growth, resulting in the closure of bone
growth zones.
The use of steroids by women is not recommended. Masculinization is irreversible.
Heart defects are also a complete contraindication, so taking medications can lead to an
exacerbation of the disease.
 Renal and liver failure
 Uncompensated Arterial Hypertension
 Benign Prostate Tumor
 Severe atherosclerosis
 Special cases
 Suppression of testosterone production
 Testosterone drop

Inhibition of endogenous testosterone secretion is an inevitable consequence of taking anabolic
drugs. When hormones are included in the body, a signal appears to the endocrine system about an
excessive increase in their concentration in plasma, which in turn leads to the suppression of their
 Liver damage
Liver damage is one of the most famous side effects, but its real significance is quite low. Firstly,
only tablet forms of drugs that have a methyl group at position 17 initiate liver damage. This group
prevents the destruction of the drug in the liver, but makes it toxic to it. Secondly, a side effect on
the liver occurs only when using very large doses.
 Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is a benign proliferation of mammary glands in men. This side effect is very
unpleasant, but it is very easy to avoid.
 Blood Cholesterol Rise
Anabolic steroids can reduce high density lipoproteins (beneficial), and increase low density
lipoproteins (harmful cholesterol). Hypothetically, this can lead to atherosclerosis.
 Cardiovascular problems
It is known that the use of anabolics is associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system. This
is probably related to their effect on cholesterol. In addition, the abuse of drugs of this group can
activate hypertrophy of the ventricles of the heart. However, it is worth noting that strength training
leads to this.
 Kidney problems
The kidneys perform blood filtration and removal of metabolic by-products from the body. Taking
anabolic steroids can increase the load on the kidneys, however, the drugs do not have a direct toxic
effect, and the increase in load is associated with an increase in blood pressure, described in the
section above.
 Mental problems
Increased aggression is a very rare side effect of steroids, which occurs in less than 3-5% of cases
when using large doses.
 Virilization
Virilization or masculinization are irreversible transformations in the female body that are
associated with the acquisition of male features: voice decline, atrophy of the mammary glands,
clitoral hypertrophy, male facial features, etc.

10. Conclusion

Sports nutrition diet supplement

Sports nutrition is a special group of food products available for people involved in sports. The
intake of sports nutrition is primarily aimed at improving athletic performance, increasing strength
and endurance, improving health, increasing muscle volume, normalizing metabolism, and
achieving optimal body weight.
A sports diet is mainly aimed at providing the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and
calories during intensive training or competent organization of a small deficit in order to reduce

excess body fat without losing muscle. A sports diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates,
vitamins, trace elements and a sufficient amount of fluid.
Diet should be reviewed in connection with the introduction of sports supplements in the diet. For
example, creatine intake should be accompanied by an increase in fluid intake. Supplements are
digested much faster than regular foods, but they should not replace staple foods. They should be
used with caution, taking into account contraindications and side effects, as well as after
consultation with a dietitian.

11. Bibliography

1. Delipovici I. ”Biochimia”, Chișinău, 2019.

2. Bezdead P. ”Vitaminele și sănătatea”, București, 1994- 62p

3. Graur M. ”Ghid pentru alimentație sănătoasă”, ed.Performantica, Iași, 2006.


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