MA Political Science

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The document covers various topics related to political science including political thought, international relations, comparative political systems, Indian foreign policy, and governance in India.

The main topics covered include modern western political thought, international relations, comparative political systems of countries like the UK, US, Canada and Switzerland.

Some of the major political thinkers discussed include Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Rousseau, Jeremy Bentham, J.S. Mill, Hegel, Karl Marx, Jurgen Hebermas, Hebert Macuse, Louis Althusser and Foucault.


Department of Political Science, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh-506 009

Unit – I : Political Thought of the Contractualists:

a) Thomas Hobbes – Scientific Materialism – Human Nature – State of

Nature – Absolute state – Individualism – a Critical Evaluation
b) John Locke Social Contract – Theory of Natural Rights – Critical
c) Rousseau – Human Nature – State of Natural General Will – Paradox
of Freedom and authority

Unit – II : Political Thought of English Utilitarian:

a) Jeremy Bentham – Concept of Utilitarianism

b) J.S. Mill – Critique of Utilitarianism – Theory of Liberty –
Representative Government.

Unit – III :
a) German Idealism – Hegel–Theory of Dialectics – Philosophy of
History – Theory of State – Critical evaluation
b) Karl Marx – Dialectical Materialism – Historical Materialism – Critique
of Capitalism – Theory of class war – Theory of State – Critical
appraisal of Marxism
Unit – IV A Brief study of the political ideas of –
a) Jurgen Hebermas : Theory of Knowledge
b) Hebert Macuse : One Dimensional Man
c) Louis Althusser : Ideological state Apparatuses
d) Foucault : Concept of Power
Suggested Readings:-
1. W.Ebnstein : Great Political Thinkers
2. G.H. Sabine : History of Political Theory
3. Sukhbir Singh : History of Political Thought (Vol.II)
4. Subrata Mykhujee &
Susheela Rama Swamy : A History of Political Thought
5. Andrew Hacker : Political Theory
6. N.Jayapalan : Comprehensive History of Political Thought

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – II
2.02: International Relations
Unit – I :
a) Source of conflict in International Relations –Power-Ideology– Religion
– Culture – Ethnicity
c) Theoretical perspectives – Hans J. Morgenthau Karl W. Deaush, Noam
Chomsky, Samuel P.Huntington
Unit – II :
a) Cold War : Meaning - Origin – Evolution of Cold War and its impact
b) New cold war – causes – Reasons for New Cold War Evolution of New
Cold War
Unit – III :
a) Non-Alignment : Meaning – Causes – Growth of NAM – Evaluation -
Relevance of Non-alignment
b) Diplomacy: Meaning – Origin of Diplomacy – New Diplomacy and
various forms – Decline of Diplomacy
Unit – IV :
a) New pattern of International Relations : New World Order – World
Order models – Unipolar world and Multi – Polar World
b) Disintegration of Soviet Union and its impact on Third World
c) New role for the U.N – a critical evaluation

Suggested Readings:

1. Joseph Frankel : International Relations in a Changing World (Oxford University,

Press, 1979)
2. Columbia T.A. and James Wolfe H, Introduction to International Relation Power
and Justice (Prentice – Hall, New Delhi, 1989)
3. Hans J. Morgenthau J, Politics Among Nations (Scientific Book Agency, Calcutta,
1976 )
4. Quincy Wright, The Study of International Relations (TMS Press, New Delhi,
5. Stanley Hoffman (ed) Contemporary Theory in International Relations
(Englewood cliffs, 1960)
6. James N Rosenau, (ed) International Politics and Foreign Policy (New Delhi,
7. Mahendra Kumar, Theoretical Aspects of International Politics (New Delhi, 1967)

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,


Unit – I : UNITED KINGDOM – A brief study of the evolution and basic features
of the Constitution – The Crown – Parliament – Prime Minister. Judicial
System – Political Parties

Unit – II : U.SA: Basic features of the Constitution – President - Congress –

Judiciary – federalism - Checks and Balances – Judicial Review – Political
Unit – III : CANADA: Basic features of the Constitution –Parliament, Prime
Minister – federal System – Judiciary – Political Parties

Unit – IV : SWITZERLAND – Main features of the Swiss Constitution – Federal

Legislature - Swiss Executive – Federal Judiciary – Political Parties –
working of Direct Democracy

Suggested Readings:

1. Modern Political Constitutions – C.F. Strong

2. Modern Constitutions – A.C. Kapoor
3. The Constitutions of Switzerland, Canada, Japan and Australia- Vishnoo Bhawan
and Vidya Bhushan
4. Government and Politics in China – Shiva Nath Benarjee
5. Government and Politics in China- D.J. Waller
6. Civic Culture – Almond, Gabriel and Bigham Powel Jr.
7. Comparative Judicial Politics – Bocker Thedore L.
8. The Comparative Study of Political Parties – Lawson Key.
9. Modern Comparative Politics – Merkyl, Peter.H.
10. Comparative Politics- Price, J.H.
11. The Comparative Judicial Behavior – Schubert Glandon

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,


Unit – I: Nature of Indian State: Socio-economic Dimension of Indian Politics -

Caste, Class, Religion, Region, Language and Politics in India – Problem of
National integration

Unit – II: Political Economy of India: Industrial Development – Mixed Economy –

Planning in India – Agrarian Reforms:- India’s Economic Development :
the role foreign investments and the World Bank- Impact of Globalization
on India’s Political Economy – India’s New Economic Policy

Unit – III: Party system in India: Major National and Regional Political Parties;
Pressure Groups; Politics of coalition; Disadvantaged groups in Indian
Politics – Issues of Secularism, Communalism and Regionalism

Unit – IV: Policies and performance of Indian Polity: Industrial Development-

Agricultural Development – Policies of Social Welfare: SC, ST, Women
and Minorities.

Suggested Readings:-

1. Rajani Kothari: caste in Indian Politics

2. Francine, Frankel: Political Economy of India
3. Rudolph and Rudolph : In Search of Laxmi
4. Rajani Kothari : Politics in India
5. A.S. Narang: Indian Government & Politics
6. Sugathasen Gupta : India (Society culture and Economy)

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,


Unit – I: Renaissance
a) Raja Rammohan Roy – Social Reforms – Political ides
b) Mahatma Phule – Contribution for the uplift of the downtrodden
c) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan – Champion of the Welfare of the Muslims

Unit – II: National Thought

a) Dadabhai Naouroji – The drain theory
b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale – Political Goals – Political Techniques
c) Bala Gangadhar Tilak – Swarajya –Militant Nationalism
d) Sri Aurobindu Ghosh – The Goal of Society – Evolution and types of
Society – A perfect society
e) M.N.Roy – Concept of Freedom – Concept of Radical Humanism

Unit – III M.K. Gandhi

a) End – Means relationship
b) Concept of Swaraj
c) Techniques of Satygraha
d) Concept of the State
e) Relevance of Gandhism today

Unit – IV Discourse on Modern India

a) Swami Vivekananda – Nationalism
b) Jawaharlal Nehru – Secularism and democratic Socialism
c) Rammanohar Lohia – Caste and Indian Society
d) Babasaheb Ambedkar – Uplift of untouchables – Concept of Ideal
Society- Political Ideas.

Suggested Readings:

1. VARMA. V.P: Modern Indian Political Thought

2. Thomas Pantham Kenneth L. Deutsch, etd: Political Thought in Modern India
3. Dhananjay Keer : Mahatma Jothi Rao Phule Father of Indian Social Revolution
4. Metha. V.R : Foundations of Indian Political Thought
5. Mohanty. D.K: Indian political Tradition from Manu to Ambedkar

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Department of Political Science, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh-506 009

Semester – I
1.01: Ancient and Medieval Western Political Thought

Unit – I:
a) Nature of classical political thought – Importance of study of classics
b) Ancient Greek Political Thought – Nature and concerns
Unit – II:
a) Plato – Platonic Epistemology – Concept of Man – Theory of Justice;
Theory of Ideal state – critical appraisal of Plato’s Political Thought
b) Aristotle – His Method – Theory of State – Classification of
Governments – Theory of Revolutions – His views on slavery – Critical
estimate of Aristotle’s Political thought
Unit – III:
a) Scholastic Political Thought – Its nature and concerns
b) Early Christian Political Thought – St.Augustin Conception of Two
cities – Views on church, state, slavery, property and justice. St.
Thomas Aquinas – Synthesis of Reason, Faith and Politics – Theory of
Unit – IV:
a) Renaissance Political Thought – Its nature and concerns
b) Nicolo Machiavelli- His views on Human Nature – The Prince –
Politics & Ethics – An estimate of Machiavelli’s Political Thought

Suggested Readings:

1. G.H. Sabine : History of Political Theory

2. Andrew Hacker : Political Theory
3. Subrat Mukherjee & Susheela Rama Swamy : A History of Political Thought
4. C.L. Wayper : Political Thought
5. Sukhbir Singh : History of Political Thought (Vol.1)
6. W.Ebnestein : Great Political Thought

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – I
1.02: Theory of International Relations
Unit – I:
a) International Relations as a field of study: Nature and scope of
International Relations
b) Approaches to the study of International Relations : Idealism and
Realist school of thought – Decision – Making Systems Approaches
Game theory
Unit – II:
a) Balance of Power : Meaning – Balance of Power in International
Relations & Variants of balance of Power
b) The theory of Colonialism and Imperialism: Various theories – Motives
of Imperialism – criticism of these theories
Unit – III:
a) Concept of Power : Elements of Power – Methods of exercising power
– The Evaluations of National power
b) Concept of Nuclear Deterrence – various strategies of Nuclear
Deterrence – Nature of Mutual Assured Destruction- Criticism of these
Unit – IV:
a) Foreign Policy – Definition – Determinants of Foreign Policy’s
Objectives of a nation’s foreign policy – Instruments of foreign policy
and its determinants

Suggested Readings:

1. Joseph Frankel : International Relations in Changing World (Oxford University

2. Columbia T.A.and James Wolfe H. Introduction to International Relation Power
and Justice (Prentice – Hall, New Delhi,1989)
3. Hans J. Morgenthau J. Politics Among Nations (Scientific Book Agency,
4. Quincy Wright, The Study of International Relations (TMS Press, New Delhi,
5. Stanley Hoffman(ed) Contemporary Theory in International Relations
(Englewood elites, 1960 )
6. James N Rosenau.(ed) International Politics and Foreign Policy (New Delhi,
7. Mahendra Kumar. Theory Aspects of International Politics (New Delhi,1967)

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – I
1.03: Comparative Political System
Unit – I:
a) Meaning Nature, Scope and Importance of the study of Comparative
b) Approaches to the Study of Comparative Politics
c) Traditional – Philosophical – Historical and Institutional
d) Modern Approaches – Behaviouralism (Structural- Functional and
Systems Approach; Decision Making) and Marxian Approach
Unit – II:
a) Concept of Political Culture and Political Socialization
b) Political Development Meaning – Lucian Pye’s Concept of
Development Syndrome
c) Party Systems- Nature and essential implementations- Typology of
Party System (Sartori – Gabriel Almond)
Unit – III:
a) Pressure Groups – Meaning – Nature- Functions – Western and Non-
Western Societies
Unit – IV:
a) Typology of Political Systems : Unitary and Federal
b) Federal – Western – Non-Western Societies

Suggested Readings:

1. Modern Political Constitutions – C.F. Strong

2. Modern Constitutions – A.C. Kapoor
3. The Constitutions of Switzerland, Canada, Japan and Australia- Vishnoo Bhawan
and Vidya Bhushan
4. Government and Politics in China – Shiva Nath Benarjee
5. Government and Politics in China- D.J. Waller
6. Civic Culture – Almond, Gabriel and Bigham Powel Jr.
7. Modern Comparative Politics – Peter. H Merkyl

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – I
1.04: Indian Constitution

Unit-I: Constitutional Development in India – The Philosophical Foundations

a) Making of Indian Constitution – Constituent Assembly
b) The Basic Structure – Federalism
c) The Fundamental Rights and directive Principles of State Policy

Unit-II: The Executive

a) The President – Election, Powers and Functions
b) The Prime Minister- Powers and Functions
c) The Functioning of Cabinet Government

Unit-III: The Legislature – Processes and Functions

a) Unitary through popular Government
b) The Problem of second Chamber – The Rajya Sabha
c) Center- State Relations-Financial, Administrative, Legislative and

Unit-IV: The Judiciary and other Institutions

a) Supreme Court – Power and Functions. The Independent Judiciary –
Judiciary Review
b) Constitutional Agencies- Election Commission, Finance Commission
and Controller and Auditor General

Suggested Readings:

1. D.D. Basu: An Introduction of Indian Constitution

2. Greanvile Austin : The Indian Constitution
3. Rajani Kothari : Indian Politics
4. Francine Forankel : Political Economy of India
5. R.P. Dutt: India Today
6. Resheeduddin Khan : Federalism

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – I
1.05: Ancient and Medieval Indian Political Thought
Unit –I:
a) Ancient Indian Political Thought Source
b) Manu- Varna Dharma Ashrama Dharma – Views on Women – Legal
Philosophy- Political Ideas (Dhandaniti – Raja Dharma)
c) Political Ideas in Mahabharata – Origin of State – Dhandaniti- Raja
d) Arthashastra- Saptanga theory- Mandala theory Functions of the State
(State Craft)

Unit – II: Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic Institutions.

a) Sabha
b) Samithi
c) Republics
d) Kingship

Unit – III: Buddhist Political Thought

a) Reorganization of Society
b) Political Ideas (Maha Sammatha, Nature of Politics)
c) Buddhist Ethics

Unit- IV: Islamic Political Thought

a) Ziauddin Barauni – Fatawa-Jahandari
b) Political Ideas of Abul Fazal

Suggested Readings:

1. Kosambi DD : Culture and Civilization in Ancient India

2. Ghoshall. U.N : A History of India Political Ideas.
3. Sharma R.S : Material Culture and Society Formation in Ancient
4. Altekar. A.S : State and Government in Ancient India
5. Bhandarkar D.P : Aspects of Ancient Hindu Polity
6. Saltore. B.S. : Ancient Indian Political Thought and Institutions
7. Varma V.P : Ancient and Medieval Indian Political Thought
8. Mehta V.R : Foundations of Indian Political Thought

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Department of Political Science, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh-506 009

Semester – III
PAPER - 3.01: Modern Political Analysis
Unit-I :
a) Classical Political Theory – A Critique of its nature and concerns
b) Political Theory, Political Philosophy, Political Thought and Political
Science – Nature and Distinction.
c) Development of Modern Political Science: Contribution of Charles
Merian, Harold Lasswell and the Chicago School.
a) End of Ideology Theory and the Development of Modern Political
b) Behaviouralism – Post-Behaviouralism – A Critical Evaluation.
a) System Theory – Development of Systems Analysis-Political System
and its operational dynamics.
b) Structural-Functional Analysis – Basic tenets-its efficacy for Political
a) Decision-Making Theory – Basic Assumptions-critical appraisal.
b) Communication Theory- Basic Assumptions-processes-critical
c) Game Theory- Meaning – Types of Game Theory-its uses and abuses
in political analysis.

1. Bernard Kriek : American Science of Politics: Its Origin and condition.

2. James Charlesworth : Contemporary Political Theory
3. S.P. Varma : Modern Political Theory
4. N.Jayapalan : Contemporary Modern Analysis
5. J.C. Hohari : Contemporary Modern Analysis
6. Robert Dahl : Modern Political Analysis
7. Shakhanazaroy : Contemporary Political Science in USA and Western

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – III
PAPER - 3.02: Government and Politics in Andhra Pradesh
a) Approaches to the Study of State Government and Politics
b) Political history of the State- Formation of Andhra Pradesh
c) Functioning of Political Institutions
d) Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers and
Legislature, a critical evaluation of working of successive
Unit-II: Political Parties- Nature and changing dynamics.
a) Congress
b) Telugu Desam Party
c) Bharatiya Janatha Party
d) Left Parties
e) Major trends in Electoral Politics
a) Peasant Movements: Telangana Armed Struggle and
Naxalite Movement.
b) Emerging Caste Movements
c) Sub-Regional Movements : Separate Telangana Movement
and Jai Andhra Movement
a) Recent trends in Panchayati Raj: 73rd Constitutional
Amendment and its implementations.
b) Panchayati Raj and Rural Development- an Overview.

1. Myron Weiner (ed) : State Politics in India
2. Iqbal Narain : State Politics in India
3. Maheshwar,S.R. : State Government in India
4. Reddy&Sharma (ed) : State Government and Politics in A.P
5. V.Hanumanth Rao : Party Politics in A.P.
6. K.V. Narayan Rao : Emergence of Andhra Pradesh
7. Jawarlal Pandey : State Politics in India.
8. Babulal Farida : State Politics in India

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – III
PAPER - 3.03: Research Methodology

Unit-I : Nature of Social Science Research

a) Meaning of Social Science Research
b) Methods of Social Science Research – Traditional and
c) Use and Limitations of Scientific
d) Objectivity in Social Science Research

Unit-II : Research Design

a) Meaning, Purpose and Principles of Research Design
b) Exploratory
c) Descriptive
d) Diagnostic and Experimental Design

Unit-III : Data Collection

a) Observation
b) Case Study
c) Survey Research
d) Questionnaire and Interview

Unit-IV : Data Analysis

a) Coding and Tabulation

b) Content Analysis
c) Interpretation
d) Evaluation and Style and Presentation
1. Good W.J, and Hatt P.K : Methods in Social Research
2. Wilkinson and Bhandarkar : Methodology and Techniques of
Scientific Research
3. Sharma. B.A.V : Methods in Social Science
Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – III
PAPER - 3.04 (a): Gandhian Studies
Unit-I : M.K. Gandhi- Life- Influences-Leader of freedom
Struggle in India
Unit-II :
a) Gandhi’s social Philosophy- view on religion and God-
eradication of Untouchability-Emanceipation of
Women. Concept on Education
b) Gandhi’s Economic ideas-Concept of basic needs-
bread-trusteeship. Sarvodaya-self sufficient village.
Unit-III :
Gandhi’s Political Ideas-Means and Ends-Spiritualization
of Politics-Ethnics in Politics-Concept of Swaraj,
Swadeshi-Concept of non-Violence-Satyagraha and its
techniques-Concepts of freedom and responsibility
concept of state-philosophical Anarchism-views on

Unit-IV :
Relevance of Gandhism today the negative and united
results of development. Gandhism as a remedy. Problems
and prospects of practicing Gandhism; Gandhism after

1. M.M. Gandhi : An Autobiography, Navajivan

2. Raghavan Iyer : The Moral and Political Thought of
Gandhi, Oxford University
3. Thomas Pantham and
Kenneth Deutsch : Political Thought in Modern India: Sage
4. J.D. Sethi : Gandhi Today, Vikas Publishing House.
5. G.N. Dhavan : The Political Philosophy of Mahatma
Gandhi, Navajivan
Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – III
PAPER - 3.04 (b): Panchayati Raj System in India

a) The evolution of Rural Self-Government in India, Pre-
Independence and Post-Independence Period.
b) Constitution Provisions. Relating to Panchayati Raj
a) Community development Programmes on India-Balwantrai
Mehta Committee Report – Establishment of Panchayati Raj
b) Aims and Objectives of the Panchayati Raj.
a) Performance of Panchayati Raj Institutions – An Evaluation.
b) Reforms in Panchayati Raj Institutions- Ashok Mehta
Committee Recommendations.
a) Devolution of Powers to Panchayati Raj Institutions.
b) 73rd Constitutional Amendment and its importance.
c) Panchayati Raj in India – Promise and Performance-Problem
s and Prospects.

1. H.D. Malaviya : Village Panchayati India

2. D. Thomer : The Village Panchayati as a Vehicle of
3. G. Ram Reddy : Patterns of Panchayati Raj System in

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – III
PAPER - 3.05 (a): Political Sociology
a) Political Sociology – Definition, Political Science and Political
b) Political Sociology – Origins, Nature, Scope and Importance.
a) Power, Authority and Influence- Definitions and Distinctions.
b) Theories of Elites- Mitchell’s, Parato, Mosca-C. Wright Mill’s
Ruling Elites- Typology of Elites.
a) Political Culture – Definition, Foundations and Classification-
Importance of Political Culture.
b) Political Socialization-Agents of Political Socialization; Importance
of Political Socialization in Political System.
c) Political Participation-Nature of Participation-Types of
a) The Concepts of Political Development and Political
Modernization- Indicators of Political Development. Lucian Pye’s
development syndrome.
b) Political Parties and Pressure Groups-Definition; Nature;
Function; Types of Political Parties.
1. Almond, Gabriel and Coleman : The Politics of the Developing
James S. Areas
2. Karl Deutsh : The Nerves of Government
3. Lasswell, Harold : Who Gets What, When and How
4. Dennis Kavanagh : Political Culture.
5. Almond and Verba : The Civic Culture
6. Lester Milbrath : Political Participation
7. Pye Lucian and : Political Parties and
Weiner Miron (Ed) Political Development
8. Sydney Verba : Aspects of Political Development
Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – III
PAPER - 3.05 (b): Peace and Conflict Studies
Unit-I :
a) Approaches to study Peace and Conflict in Realm of
International Relations:
b) Theoretical Perspective of John Galtung, Anatoly Rapaport
and Martin Wight and William Thompson
Unit-II :
a) Nature of Conflict in International Relations: territorial,
ethnic and Power Politics.
b) Measure for resolving the conflict: Diplomacy, Confidence-
building measures and Third Party Mediations with
examples in International Politics
Unit-III :
a) Disarmament and Society in International Politics: Various
arms Control and Disarmaments; U.N. efforts to achieve
comprehensive Disarmaments.
b) Use of Force in International Politics to maintain order in
International Politics.
Unit-IV :
a) Paradox of Nuclear Weapons and Strategy; Various
strategies to De-escalation of Nuclear war (Resolving crisis
through Disarmament and resolution of conflict).
b) Resolving conflict through negotiation, Disarmaments and
Confidence-Building Measures.
1. Raymond Aron : Peace and War A Theory of
International Relations.
2. Carl Von Clausewitz : On War
3. J.J Rousseau : A Project of Perpetual Peace
4. Immanuel Kant : Perpetual Peace
5. John Strachey : On the Prevention of War
6. R.B. Mow at : Diplomacy and Peace

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Department of Political Science, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh-506 009

Semester – IV
PAPER - 4.01: Administrative Thought
Unit-I :
a) F.W. Taylor-Theory of Scientific Management – A critical evaluation of
Taylor’s contribution to administrative thought.
b) Max Weber- Typology of Authority-Theory of Bureaucracy – a critical
appraisal of Weber.

a) Elton Mayo – Importance of Human Relations in Administration.
b) Chester Barnard – Organization as cooperative system-Format and internal
organizations- Functions of Executive.

a) Herbert Simon- Critique of Classical Theories- Theory of Decision – Making –
an assessment of Simon’s contribution.
b) Douglas McGregor – X and Y theories- his views on professional manager.

a) Fried W. Riggs – Ecology of Administration; Analysis of administrative
system, various models- concept of development-a critical assessment of his
b) Yehezkel Dror – Policy Sciences and their implications.


1. Ravindra Prasad, V.S. Prasad

and Satyanarayana : Administrative Thinkers
2. S.N. Ali : Eminent Administrative
3. Pugh, D.A. : Organization Theory : Select Reading
4. Ravindra Prasad, V.S. Prasad
and Satyanarayana : Palana tatvavethalu (Telugu)
5. B. Venkateshwarlu : “Theories of Organization and
Development” in Public Administration:
An Alternative Perspective, Susheela
Kausik (Ed.) 1984.

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – IV
PAPER - 4.02: South Asian Government and Politics

Unit-I :
a) Introduction to South Asian History- Pre-Colonial and Post-
b) Evolution of Government Formation in South Asia in Post Colonial

Unit-II :
a) Salient Features of Constitutions of India and Pakistan.
b) Structure of Governments-Political Parties.

Unit-III :
a) Constitutions of Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka: Salient Features.
Structure of Governments-Political Parties.

Unit-IV :
a) The Nature and Functioning of Governments in South Asia.
b) Working of Democratic political Process in India, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal


1. Brecher.M : The New States of South Asia: A Political Analysis

2. Betty Burch. B and
Allan Cole. B., (ed) : Asian Political Systems
3. Michael Curtis : Comparative Government and Politics
4. Park, R.L.(ed) : South Asian Political Systems
5. Farmer. B.H : An introduction to South Asia
6. Rajani Kothari : Politics in India

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – IV
PAPER - 4.03: Social Movements in India

Unit-I :
a) Meaning, Causes for Movements in general – India in particular- Aims
and Objectives-Relation between Movement and Politics.
Unit-II :
a) Religion and Caste Movements-Veera Shiva Movement-Backward
Class Movements-Self respect Movements and Politics.
Unit-III :
a) Tribal Movements – A brief Study of tribal movements in pre and post
Independent Movements-Santhal-Jharkhand-ULFA Movement-BIRSA,
Unit-IV :
a) Left and Proletariat Movement-Trade Union Movement, Telangana
armed struggle-Naxalite Movement.
b) Women and Environmental Movements.
c) Peasant Movement.


1. A.R. Desai : Peasants Structures in India

2. M.S.A. Rao : Social Movements in India.
3. Ghanashyam Shah : Social Movements and State Sage
Publications, New Delhi.
4. B.B. Misira : Back ward Classes Movements in India

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – IV
PAPER - 4.04(a): Women and Politics in India

Unit-I :
a) Feminism-Meaning and Nature
b) Trends in Feminist Ideology – Liberal Socialist and Radical
c) Feminism in India- Its social bases and concerns.
d) Concept of Patriarchy – Its nature and forms.
a) Social, Political and Economic status of women in India
b) Participation of Women in Political Parties, and governments- Major
c) Education, Mass Media and Women in India
a) Emergence of autonomous women’s groups
b) Women movement in Urban and Rural India- Major issues and trends.
c) Politics of Gender- the dominant and dominations relationship- Family and

a) Women and Social evils - Female Amenocentisism - Child Marriage - Dowry-
Employment - Response of the State.
b) Women’s Development- Problems and Prospects.

1. Neera Desai : Women in Modern India.
2. Rehna Ghadially : Women in Indian Society
3. Pratima, Shanta : Women Movement in India
4. Jadith Evans : Feminism in Political Theory
5. Devaki Jain : Women’s quest for Power
6. Devaki Jain : Indian Women
7. S.K. Ghosh : Women in Politics
8. Vina Mazundar : Symbols of Power: Studies in the Political Status of
Women in India
Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – IV
PAPER - 4.04(b): Socialist Thought in India

Unit-I :
1. Socialist Thought in India – A Historical Overview-Origin of
Communist Movement-Congress Socialist Party.

Unit-II :
1. Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose.

Unit-III :
a. Jayaprakash Narain
b. Ram Manohar Lohia
c. Narendra Dev.

Unit-IV :
1. M.N. Roy - Socialist ideas – Radical Humanism.


1. Thomas Pantham and

Kenneth L Deustch (ED) : Political thought in Modern
2. V.P. Varma : Modern Indian Political Thought
3. Jawaharlal Nehru : An Autobiography
4. M.N.Roy : Reason, Romanticism and
5. Toye Hugh : Subhas Chandra Bose.
6. Jayaprakash Narayana : Why Socialism?

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – IV
PAPER - 4.05(a): Indian’s Foreign Policy
Unit-I :
a) Nature and Functioning of India’s Foreign Policy; Determinants:
Size, Indian Ocean and Indo-Pakistan Frontier.
b) Historical Background of Indian’s Foreign Policy
1) Colonial legacy , 2) Freedom Movement.

Unit-II :
a) Approaches of Indian’s Foreign Policy: Idealist view,
Internationalism, Anti-Imperialism and Non – Alignment.
b) Factors Conditioning the Foreign policy International Milieu, Big
Power Politics, Nuclear Weapons and indo-Pak conflict.

Unit-III :
a) Foreign Policy Making: Political Parties, ruling Elite, Public
Opinion, Government and Parliament.
b) Nehru Factors in Formulating India’s Foreign Policy, Emergence of
non-Aligned Policy and East-West conflict;

Unit-IV :
a) Indian’s Foreign Policy: national Interest- Globalization and
Emerging New U.N. System.
b) Policy Formulation in the era of Globalization: Resolving conflicts
with her neighbours: India – China.


1. J. Bandyopadhyaya : The Making of India’s Foreign Policy

2. Frankel, J : The Making of Foreign Policy
3. Making Sisir Gupta : An Analysis of Decision- A Study
in Indo-Pakistan
4. Appa Dorai. A. and : India in World affairs, 1957-58
V.K. Arora
5. Das Gupta, J.B : Indo-Pakistan Relations

Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

Semester – IV
PAPER - 4.05(b): State and Governance in India

Unit-I :
a) Concept of State, Civil Society and Governance.
b) Conceptualizing Good Governance.
c) Changing role of the State

Unit-II: State and Welfare Politics.

Welfare Politics for Socially disadvantaged groups.
a) Scheduled Castes.
b) Scheduled tribes.
c) Backward Classes

Unit-III: State and Urban Governance

a) Urbanization – Causes
b) Problems of Urbanization.
c) Local bodies & Urban Governance.

Unit-IV: Good Governance – Need for Reforms.

a) Political.
b) Administrative
c) Police.


1. Chopra, G.K. (ed) : Towards Good Governance.

2. Duely, Ajay, (ed) : Democratic Governance:
Management Practices in India
3. Faundez, Julio,(ed) : Good Governance and Law:
Legal and Institutional Reform
4. Frischatak, Leila : Governance capacity and economic
reform in developing countries.
5. Gupta, N.C. and : Restructuring Government.
R.K. Tiwari, (eds)
6. Page, W., (ed) : The Future of Politics: Governance,
Movements and World order.
Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

7. Rhodes, raw : Understanding governance Policy

8. Sen Gupta, Bhabani : India-Problems of Governance.
9. Sivaraman.B.Bitter Sweet : Governance of India in Transition

10. Abdul Aziz and David

D. Arnold(ed) : Decentralized governance: ethics and
Economics of the world order
11. Desai, Meghanand and Paul
Redfern, (eds) : Global governance: ethics and
economics of the world order

12. Murray, Charles : In Pursuit of happiness and good


Faculty Members:
Prof.T.Krishna Kanth, Prof. P. Sammulal, Dr. B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dr. G. Veeranna (Head), Dr.A. Hari Prasad (Chairman Board of
Studies) Department of Political Science, University College, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506 009, Andhra Pradesh,

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