Appgcet - 2021: Syllabus TEST NAME: 119 Political Science

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TEST NAME: 119 Political Science


A. Political science


Introduction: Nature, scope and significance of Political Science


State – Nation and Nationality: Theories of origin of the state: Theory of Divine right. The
social contract theory of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. The historical or evolutionary theory


Sovereignty: Meaning and definition, Characteristics and Kinds of Sovereignty. Austin’s

theory of sovereignty. The theory of Pluralists


Law- Liberty- Equality: Definition, meaning, features and kinds of Law. Sources of Law.
Definition, meaning and importance of Liberty. Kinds of Liberty. Safeguards of Liberty.
Relation between Liberty and Equality. Definition, meaning and importance of Equality.
Kinds of Equality


Rights and Duties: Definition, meaning and features of rights. Classification of rights.
Women’s rights. Duties of citizen. Relationship between rights and duties

B. Concepts, Theories and Institutions

Unit – I: Ideology
 (A) Individualism, Anarchism, Fascism, Marxism and Gandhism
 (B) Theory of Separation of Powers: Montesquieu’s theory of separation of powers

Unit – II: Constitutionalism

 Legislation Unicameralism and Bi-Cameralism-
 Powers and Functions of Legislature
 Role of opposition parties in the legislature
 Committee System – Stages of making the Law
 Reasons for the decline of the importance of the Legislature.
C. Indian Political Thought

Unit – I: Traditions of Ancient Indian Political Thought

1. Sources and features of Ancient Indian Political Thought
2. Manu : Social laws
3. Kautilya: Theory of the state
Unit – II: Democratic Egalitarianism
1. Gandhi – Swaraj and Satyagraha
2. Jawaharlal Nehru – Democratic Socialism
3. Dr B R. Ambedkar – Annihilation of Caste System
4. M.N.Roy: Radical Humanism

Unit-1: Classical Western Political Thought

1. Plato: Theory of Forms, Critique of Democracy, Justice
2. Aristotle: Citizenship, State, Justice, Virtue

Unit-2: Early Medieval to the Beginning of Modern Thought

1. St. Augustine: Earthly City and Heavenly City, Evil, Freewill, Moral Action
2. Machiavelli: Statecraft, Virtue, Fortuna

Unit-3: Liberal Thought

1. Thomas Hobbes: Human Nature, Social Contract, Liberty, State
2. John Locke: Natural Rights, Consent, Social Contract, State
3. Rousseau: Social institutions and Moral Man, Equality, Liberty and General Will

Unit-4: Liberal Democratic Thought

1. Jeremy Bentham: Utilitarianism
2. John Stuart Mill: Individual Liberty, Representative Government

Unit-5: Philosophical Idealism and its critique

1. Hegel: Individual Freedom, Civil Society, State
2. Karl Marx: Alienation, Surplus Value,Materialist Conception of History, State



Unit-1: The Making of the Constitution

1. The ideological legacy of the Indian National Movement on the Constituent
2. The Nature and Composition of the Constituent Assembly

Unit-2: Philosophical Premises of the Indian Constitution

1. Preamble: The underlying values of the Indian Constitution
2. Salient features of the Constitution of India

Unit-3: Fundamental rights and Directive principles of State Policy

1. Individual and Collective Rights: Limitations on the fundamental Rights
2. Judicial Interpretation of Fundamental Rights
3. The doctrine of ‘Basic Structure’ of the Constitution: KesavanandaBharathi Case

Unit-4: Indian Federalism

1. Unitary and Federal features in the Indian Constitution
2. Tension Areas between the Union and State Governments Legislative,
Administrative and
Financial Spheres

Unit-5: Working of the Indian Constitution

1. The Values of the Indian Constitution and Ushering of Social Revolution in India
2. The causes for the ascendency of the Executive over Legislature and Judiciary; Major
Controversies regarding the Amendments to the Constitution
3. Nature and Role of Higher Judiciary in India; Recent Debates on the mode of
appointment of Judges


Unit – I: Nature of Public Administration

1. Meaning, Nature, scope and significance of Public Administration

2. Public and Private Administration

Unit – II: Administrative Theories

1. Classical Theory – Henry Fayol

2. Human Relations theory- Elton Mayo
3. Rational decision - making theory –Herbert Simon

Unit – III: Principles of Organization

1. Hierarchy- Span of control-Unity of command

2. Co-ordination-Leadership

Unit – IV: Structure of organization

1. Chief Executive-Types and Functions

2. Line and Staff Agencies

Unit – V: Theories of Motivation

1. Meaning and importance of Motivation

2. Hierarchy of Needs theory; Abraham Maslow
3. Theories of X and Y; Douglas, Mc Gregor

Unit - I Introduction to Indian Political Process

a) Evolution of party system in India
b) National parties -Congress, BJP,CPM., Regional parties-TDP, TRS, AAP.

Unit - II Election Commission

a) Powers and Functions of Election Commission.
b) Role of Election Commission in Indian Political system.
c) Need for Electoral reforms.
d) Women representation in Parliament.


Unit – I: Basic Concepts of International Relations

1. Meaning, Nature and Scope of International Relations
2. Balance of power – Collective Security – National interests

Unit – II: Approaches to the study of international relations

1. Idealism – Woodrow Wilson
2. Classical Realism – Hans Morgenthau, Realism-Kenneth Waltz

Unit – III: Phases of International Relations (1914-1945)

1. Causes and effects of the First World War
2. Causes and effects of the Second World War

Unit – IV: Phases of International Relations (1945 onwards)

1. Origin of First Cold War – Détente – Causes
2. Origin of New Cold War and the end of Cold War

Unit – V: International Organization

1. Structure, functions and role of UNO in the protection of International Peace
2. Problems of third World : Struggle for New International Economic Order

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