Danica Casat: Contact Objective
Danica Casat: Contact Objective
Danica Casat: Contact Objective
Box 22
Claydon, SK
S0N 0M0
Whole Class/Small Group Literacy Practicum, Grade 2 | Dr. Roy Wilson Learning
Instruction Centre | Medicine Hat, AB
Creative Lesson Planning Twenty hour practicum
Classroom Management Observed lessons taught by the teacher
Guided Reading Helped students with their daily work when needed
Technology Integration Worked one on one with students who read to me
Student Assessment Mentor Teacher: Jill Peart
Cooperative Instruction
Literature Centers Introductory Practicum, Kindergarten C | Ross Glen School
Supervision Duty | Medicine Hat, AB
Knowledgeable on how to
adapt lesson plans to Twenty-two hour practicum
accommodate struggling Worked directly with students
and exceptional students Created and taught a fifty minute Easter themed
(differentiation) lesson with four learning centers
Accompanied students on a field trip to Costco
Mentor Teacher: Heather Gust
Observation Practicum, Grade 5/6 split class | Ross Glen
Smart Notebook School | Medicine Hat, AB
iMovie Thirty hour practicum
The World of Google Observed lessons taught by the teacher
Interactive Systems(Padlet, Helped students with their daily work when needed
Spiral, Plickers,Kahoot) Worked one on one with students in the library
QR Codes and Coding Accompanied students on a field trip to the Leisure
Breakout Edu Digital Centre
Mentor Teacher: Kora Kuehn
Upon Request