Comparison OF Homoeopathic Medicines: Three in One 45
Comparison OF Homoeopathic Medicines: Three in One 45
Comparison OF Homoeopathic Medicines: Three in One 45
Comparison OF
Homoeopathy is a settle science with remedies looking very similar but with fine
distinctions. Unless these are mastered or are available at fingers end there is bound
to be confusion and consequently failure. The blame unfortunately goes to
Homoeopathy and not to the prescriber, Hahnemann' s rule of ‘Perfect similimum’ has
never failed.
It is hoped that this little chapter will prove useful in the hands of the prescriber
especially those who are beginners.
A.N. Chatterji
83 1. Aconite Belladonna
(a) Dry hot skin, no sweat Greater heat, sweats on covered parts.
(a) Croup comes on in evening after Croup comes in the early morning
first sleep. hours.
(b) Edematous condition in almost any part Swelling not so rapid, No edema.
of the body; lower lids hang down like
bags of water.
(a) Stool and urine passed unconsciously. Stool, urine, sweat very offensive.
(c) In typhoid both have sore bruised feeling, bed feels hard; both have stupor—answers
but falls back into it again; both have deep red face; both have dark streak
running through the tongue etc.
have it covered.
(b) Worse having head uncovered Can't put on hat, wants haircut.
or haircut.
(f) Both have the fullness, pain and throbbing in lite head. Least jar aggravates.
Both have disturbance in the heart.
(b) Both have backache worse when sitting or lying, especially when lying in
bed in morning.
(a) Pain comes with movement only, Pain comes independent of movement.
rarely when at rest.
(b) Pain in serous membrane, lower right Everywhere especially in lower right
chest. chest.
(d) Both have stitching pain in pleuritis, meningitis, peritonitis, pericarditis etc.
Both cry out sharply with the pain like Apis, but Apis has stinging pain like the
sling of bee.
(c) Nausea and vomiting Worse in A.M. and after Worse evening and after
worse motion. eating. eating.
(d) Due to dietetic error in Due to overeating, Due to rich food, fat.
warm weather. inactivity and abuse of pastries, ice cream.
(a) Nausea and vomiting precede the Headache first, nausea and vomiting
headache. after.
(b) Both have headache, vertigo, nausea and inclination to vomit more by eating and
drinking or rising up in bed.
(b) Both have great soreness of chest with the cough. Patient springs right up in
bed or holds the chest with the hands.
(a) Pain and tenesmus affect Affects abdomen only Affects abdomen only
urinary organs as well. with great distention. better by doubling up.
(b) All have autumnal dysentery with while or bloody mucus as if mucous
membranes had been scraped off the intestines with pain and tenesmus.
(a) Chill begins exactly between shoulders. Chill begins in dorsal or lumbar region.
(b) Violent chill with general. Violent shaking with little coldness.
Coldness of the body.
(c) Both have chill in intermittent and vesical irritability in women, and bone pains
before chill.
(b) Both have colic from fit of anger or neuralgic affection from the same cause.
(a) Red and hot cheek on one side Both cheeks red and hot alternating with
and pale on the other. pale face and dark circles around eyes.
(a) Due to loss of vital fluid blood, Itching eruption or tendency thereto
suppuration etc. before or during sickness.
(c) Both have neuralgia of face, heart troubles of rheumatic origin and violent
(a) Upper eye lids bloat and Lower lids bloat. Whole face bloats.
hang down like bags of
(a) Immediately after eating 2 or 3 hours after eating, 2 or 3 hours after eating,
like Nux Mosch. relieved on completion of pain lasts until he eats
digestion. again which relieves.
(b) All have great weight in the stomach, fullness and distress.
(c) Both have trembling of tongue (typhoid) on trying to protrude it which catches
under lower teeth.
(b) Both have swollen and spongy gums, easily bleeding, bad odour from mouth,
(b) Slight wounds bleed easily. Both are great remedies in typhoid with stupor and
low muttering delirium.
(e) Both have uterine displacement as if the pelvic contents would pass out through the
(b) Both have rheumatism worse at night and from heat of bed.
(a) Relief from cold; want to put feet in cold Wants to be covered warmly.
(b) Both have rheumatism of feet, ankles and soles. Both arcs aggravated at night.
Both are cold and lacks vital heat.
(a) Chill not relieved by external heat Chill relieved by external heat.
of stove or bed.
(b) During heat must be covered. Least Heat aggravated by external covering,
uncovering brings chill.
(a) Pain and tenesmus greatly relieved for a Never get done feeling. Pain and
short time after every stool. tenesmus continue after stool.
(b) Nausea so long as food is in the After food is out, n ausea persisting.
(c) Both have gastric troubles from dietetic errors—pastry, ice cream, pork, fatly food
(a) Pain from back to pubes. Pain begins in the back and ends with
cramp in uterus.
(c) Both have mania with loquacity and are strongly religious, consequent upon suppressed
menses or in puerperal state.