Recreational Water Illnesses
Recreational Water Illnesses
Recreational Water Illnesses
Water Illnesses
Edited by
Erica Leoni
Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Recreational Water Illnesses
Recreational Water Illnesses
Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel, Switzerland
This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601) from 2018 to 2019
(available at: issues/Recreational Water Illnesses)
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Athena Mavridou, Olga Pappa, Olga Papatzitze, Chrysa Dioli, Anastasia Maria Kefala,
Panagiotis Drossos and Apostolos Beloukas
Exotic Tourist Destinations and Transmission of Infections by Swimming Pools and Hot
Springs—A Literature Review
Reprinted from: IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730, doi:10.3390/ijerph15122730 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Franciska M. Schets, Harold H. J. L. van den Berg, Harry Vennema, Manon T. M. Pelgrim,
Cees Collé, Saskia A. Rutjes and Willemijn J. Lodder
Norovirus Outbreak Associated with Swimming in a Recreational Lake Not Influenced by
External Human Fecal Sources in The Netherlands, August 2012
Reprinted from: IJERPH 2018, 15, 2550, doi:10.3390/ijerph15112550 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Xiaohong Wei, Juntao Li, Shuiping Hou, Conghui Xu, Hao Zhang, Edward Robert Atwill,
Xunde Li, Zhicong Yang and Shouyi Chen
Assessment of Microbiological Safety of Water in Public Swimming Pools in Guangzhou, China
Reprinted from: IJERPH 2018, 15, 1416, doi:10.3390/ijerph15071416 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Anthony C. Otigbu, Anna M. Clarke, Justine Fri, Emmanuel O. Akanbi and Henry A. Njom
Antibiotic Sensitivity Profiling and Virulence Potential of Campylobacter jejuni Isolates from
Estuarine Water in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Reprinted from: IJERPH 2018, 15, 925, doi:10.3390/ijerph15050925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Daniela E. Koeck, Stefanie Huber, Nadera Hanifi, Manfred Köster, Martina B. Schierling and
Christiane Höller
Occurrence of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Therapy Pools and Surrounding Surfaces
Reprinted from: IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666, doi:10.3390/ijerph15122666 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Asja Korajkic, Brian R. McMinn and Valerie J. Harwood
Relationships between Microbial Indicators and Pathogens in Recreational Water Settings
Reprinted from: IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842, doi:10.3390/ijerph15122842 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
About the Special Issue Editor
Erica Leoni is Full Professor of Hygiene and Public Health at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University
of Bologna (Italy). She is the academic referent of the Unit of Hygiene, Public Health, and
Medical Statistics of the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of Bologna University.
She obtained her degree in Biological Sciences and her degree in Medicine and Surgery from
the University of Bologna, and her PhD in Microbiology at the University of Parma (Italy).
She participated in continuative didactic activity in the fields of general and applied hygiene in
different Bachelor, Master, and PhD courses at the University of Bologna. She was President and
Coordinator of the Degree Course on Movement Sciences 2007–08 and 2012–13, and a member of the
College of Professors of the Doctorate in “Health, Safety, and Urban Greening”. She has supervised
numerous PhD and post-doctoral students.
Her research work focuses on public health, epidemiology, environmental health, and the
promotion of healthy lifestyles. She is a member of the scientific board of the work group in ”Motor
Sciences for Health” of the National Scientific Society of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. As part
of this role, she is actively involved in the development of Italian multi-centre studies concerning the
safety of recreational environments and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, in particular, concerning
the promotion of physical activity for primary and tertiary prevention. With reference to the last,
she participates in a European multi-centre study funded by the European Community concerning
Adapted Physical Activity (APA) administered for the tertiary prevention of osteoporosis. In the
2016–2018 biennium, she has been part of the National Committee for the assignment of the National
Scientific Qualification of the Full/Associate University Professors for the subjects of Public Health,
Nursing, and Medical Statistics.
Preface to ”Recreational Water Illnesses”
Swimming and other water-based exercises are excellent ways to practice physical activity and to
gain health and social benefits. However, recreational water use may expose people to different health
risks due to exposure to chemicals or pathogens. The safety of recreational aquatic environments
is affected by numerous variables such as water quality, the health conditions of users, and the
correct functioning of the technological systems used for water treatment. This Special Issue aims
to provide new knowledge on health risks related to recreational waters, together with the need
to update prevention strategies. Such an approach will be essential for addressing the challenges
posed by the increasing use of recreational waters by people with different age and health conditions.
The editor wishes to thank all the contributors and the support of the IJERPH editorial staff, whose
professionalism and dedication have made this Issue possible.
Erica Leoni
Special Issue Editor
International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Exotic Tourist Destinations and Transmission of
Infections by Swimming Pools and Hot Springs—A
Literature Review
Athena Mavridou 1, *, Olga Pappa 1,2 , Olga Papatzitze 1,3 , Chrysa Dioli 1 ,
Anastasia Maria Kefala 1 , Panagiotis Drossos 1 and Apostolos Beloukas 1,4
1 Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of West Attica, 12243 Egaleo, Greece;
[email protected] (O.P.); [email protected] (O.P.); [email protected] (C.D.);
[email protected] (A.M.K.); [email protected] (P.D.); [email protected] (A.B.)
2 Central Public Health Laboratory, Hellenic Centre of Disease Control and Prevention,
15123 Maroussi, Greece
3 West Attica General Hospital, “Santa Barbara”, 12351 Santa Barbara, Greece
4 Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: A growing number of people undertake international travel, and yet faster growth of
such travel is expected in the tropics. Information on the hazards presented by pool and hot spring
waters in tropical countries is very limited. This review aims to collate available information on pool
water quality, alongside data on cases and outbreaks associated with swimming in pools in tropical
regions affecting both local populations and travellers. Bacteria species commonly causing cases and
outbreaks in the tropics as well as elsewhere in the world were excluded, and the review focuses
on studies related to pathogens that, with the exception of Cryptosporidium, are unusual in more
temperate climates. Studies concerning subtropical countries were included in the light of climate
change. Diseases transmitted by vectors breeding in poorly maintained, neglected or abandoned
pools were also included. 83 studies dealing with Microsporidia, Leptospira spp., Schistosomas spp.,
Cryptosporidium spp., Acanthamoeba spp., Naegleria spp., Clostridium trachomatis, viruses, and vectors
breeding in swimming pool and hot tub waters, and fulfilling predefined criteria, have been included
in our survey of the literature. In conclusion, prevention strategies for pool safety in the tropics are
imperative. Public health authorities need to provide guidance to westerners travelling to exotic
destinations on how to protect their health in swimming pools.
1. Introduction
An increasing number of people undertake international travel for professional, social, recreational
and humanitarian purposes. Nowadays, more people travel greater distances and at greater speed
than ever before, and this upward trend looks set to continue. Internationally, tourist arrivals have
increased from 25 million globally in 1950 to 1235 million in 2016 [1] with travel for leisure and pleasure
accounting for more than half of international tourism arrivals [2].
According to the research project “Tourism Towards 2030”, the number of international tourist
arrivals worldwide will increase by an average of 3.3% per year through to 2030. Greater growth is
expected to occur in the tropical Asian and the Pacific regions, where arrivals are forecast to reach 535
million in 2030 (+4.9% per year). Countries of the tropical zone, such as those located in the Middle
East and Africa regions are expected to double their arrival numbers during the same period, from 61
and 50 million to 149 and 134 million, respectively [1]. According to World Tourism highlights, 2001
the fastest developing region continues to be East Asia and the Pacific [3].
From a public health perspective, travellers are exposed to a variety of health risks in unfamiliar
environments [2]. International travel can pose severe risks to health, depending both on travellers’
health needs and on the type of travel undertaken. Accidents continue to be the primary cause of
morbidity and mortality for international travellers, but infections also present an important health
risk. Moreover, travellers interact dynamically with microbes and places. Travellers can carry these
microbes and their genetic material, and, as Baker stated,” can play multiple roles with regard to
microbes, as victims, sentinels, couriers, processors, and transmitters of microbial pathogens” [4].
There is abundant information and guidance to travellers regarding precautions that need to
be taken in respect of food, drinking water and air quality in tropical destinations. Nevertheless,
information on the hazards presented by recreational and especially pool, spa and hot spring waters
as a mode of transmission of pathogens is very limited, even though numerous infectious agents may
threaten the health or comfort of pool and hot tub users [5]. As examples, the important World Health
Organization (WHO) document [2] attributes only half, out of 244, pages to precautions related to the
use of recreational waters [2]; the European Network on Imported Infectious Diseases Surveillance
(TravelHealthPro) does not mention recreational waters on their webpage, which provides guidance
to travellers on how to take care of their health [6]; the announced revision of the WHO Guidelines
for recreational waters [3] has been suspended [3]; Page et al. do not refer to pool water in their
outstanding review regarding attitudes of tourists towards water use in the developing world [7].
Climate changes are creating conditions in the subtropical zones similar to the tropics and
these geographical regions were included in the review. For the purposes of our review, we
considered both primary transmission from pool waters and secondary infections spread by the
pool users. Tropical diseases encompass all diseases that occur solely, or principally, in the tropics.
In practice, the term is often taken to refer to infectious diseases that thrive in hot, humid conditions,
such as malaria, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, Chagas disease,
African trypanosomiasis, and dengue [8]. Besides the “big three” diseases—malaria, tuberculosis,
HIV/AIDS—which are well known causes of major global mortality, morbidity and burden, the term
“neglected tropical diseases” has been introduced in the literature. They comprise a new field for
travellers’ health and the list includes 40 helminth, bacterial, protozoan, fungal, viral and ectoparasitic
infections affecting local populations in the tropics, which are strongly associated with poverty and
socio-ecological systems, but also presenting a serious health risk for travellers [9]. It is worth noting,
however, that many of the so-called “tropical” diseases are not transmitted through recreational waters.
This review aims at collating information on pool water quality, and cases and outbreaks related
to swimming in pools and hot springs in tropical and subtropical regions, and at carrying out a
search and review of papers dealing with hazards deriving from the use of pools in the tropical and
subtropical zones.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
followed in Indian Ocean island countries such as Reunion, Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles and
Madagascar in 2005 to 2006 [4,10]. Burkholderia pseudomallei has also caused melioidosis in the
tropics [11]. Nevertheless, so far neither of these two pathogens’ transmission has been confirmed to
involve pool waters.
Diseases transmitted by vectors breeding in poorly maintained, neglected or abandoned pools
were also included. As tourism presents seasonality a high number of pools stay inactive for several
months, often still containing the water of the past season. This situation encourages the proliferation
of pathogens and the extensive use of these waters by vectors in order to breed. Thousands of flooded
swimming pools were abandoned in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and provided a natural
experiment to examine colonization of a novel aquatic habitat by mosquito larvae and their aquatic
predators [12–15].
A large number of cases and outbreaks described in the literature surely derive from unidentified
sources, among which a number is likely to have been from swimming pools: reports of this kind or
with a preconceived bias regarding the mode of transmission were excluded from this review.
Bacteria genera such as Legionella, Salmonella and Pseudomonas, commonly causing cases and
outbreaks in the tropics, but also in the rest of the world [16,17] were excluded. The review endeavours
to focus on infections transmitted by pool waters and caused by pathogens that, with the exception
of Cryptosporidium spp. [18], are unusual in the moderate climates and common in the tropical and
subtropical countries, including southern regions of Japan and North Australia, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Map of the world indicating the tropical and subtropical zones.
Other eligibility criteria were: that the studies were published in English, though we did allow a
few notable exceptions to this rule; and that the publications in question were scientific papers and
reviews in scientific journals, national and international public health platforms, and journals and
platforms related to tourism (for example UNWTO). PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, CDC,
ECDC and WHO platform and publications were systematically searched.
Further to the aforesaid eligibility criteria, we reviewed 83 studies on cases and outbreaks in
tropical countries, 45 studies on modes and trends of pathogen transmission and selected outbreaks
in western countries, and 3 studies on trends in the tourist industry. In addition, information was
harvested from official national and international websites. They are presented in groups according to
the pathogen involved. As mentioned above, viruses transmitted by vectors that breed in waters were
also considered as waterborne pathogens.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
3. Results
Table 1. Assessments of swimming pools (SPs) located in tropical and subtropical countries.
Information on the monitoring and the assessment of swimming pool waters in countries of the
tropical and subtropical zones is limited (Table 1). It is possible that monitoring is carried out in some
countries, but scarcely few data have been published. From the North Africa countries some studies
have been published from Egypt [21–24] starting in the 1960s. In the Middle East, certain subtropical
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
countries such as Israel, Palestine and Jordan provided some limited monitoring data [25–27] including
a study from Palestine on the presence of fungi in pool water and facilities [28]. Setsoafia Saba et
al. published a water quality assessment of swimming pools and the risk of spreading infections
in Ghana, which is one of the very rare publications in Sub-Saharan Africa [29]. From the Asian
countries, China [30], and most often Iran [31,32], have published assessments which include bacterial
indicators, some tropical parasites and fungi related to the sanitary quality in the facilities [31,32]. In
light of the above, the aim of the present review is to update our knowledge of waterborne outbreaks
in the tropical and subtropical zones of the main tropical pathogens transmitted through the use of
swimming pools, spas and hot tubs with a particular emphasis on tourist facilities.
3.2. Microsporidia
Microsporidia are newly emerging pathogens of humans and animals. They are tiny obligate
intracellular parasitic fungi and as such are often still managed by diagnostic parasitology laboratories.
Due to the small size of their spores and uncharacteristic staining properties they are difficult to detect.
Accordingly, epidemiological studies to elucidate the sources of human-pathogenic Microsporidia
and their routes of transmission are difficult to perform [33]. Faecal-oral transmission is the likely
route of infection in humans with intestinal microsporidiosis [34]. The last two decades have seen
several publications related to ocular microsporidiosis, in particular those forms affecting the cornea.
Both immunocompetent, immunocompromised and AIDS patients are vulnerable to the acquisition of
microsporidia and especially to keratoconjunctivitis, which is usually seen in immunocompromised
individuals or in contact lens wearers. The organism is widespread in the environment and is
considered a waterborne pathogen [34,35]. Exposure to soil, muddy water, and minor trauma are
possible risk factors.
An analysis of risk factors for microsporidiosis showed that swimming in pools comprises an
additional significant risk factor [36], even though conventional levels of chlorine (1–3 mg/L) used
in swimming pools where water temperatures normally reach or exceed 22 ◦ C should be adequate
to greatly reduce or eliminate the infectivity of microsporidial species E. intestinalis, E. hellem and
E. cuniculi spores after relatively short exposure times [37]. In Paris (France), in a survey of pools for
microsporidia, Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp., microsporidia were detected in only one out of
48 water samples [38].
The tropics seem to host most of the cases of microsporidial keratitis. A high prevalence has
been documented in Singapore [39] and in India [40] and transmission through contact with water has
been suggested. The present review identified 2 published studies (Table 2) clearly relating infection
to the presence of microsporidia in pools in the tropics. In Paris, Curry et al. referred to a case of
an HIV-negative patient from Bangladesh with bilateral keratitis who was found to be infected with
a microsporidial parasite belonging to the genus Nosema. The patient had bathed in a rural pond 7
days prior to the development of ocular symptoms. Nosema parasites are common insect parasites
and the source of this microsporidial infection was possibly from mosquito larvae developing in the
pond in which the patient bathed [41]. In Taipei, Taiwan, a retrospective study included 10 eyes of
9 immunocompetent patients diagnosed with microsporidial keratitis. All of them were known to
contract this disease after bathing in hot springs. The nine patients travelled and bathed in at least four
different spa resorts located in two different areas [42].
3.3. Parasites
Waterborne parasitic protozoan diseases are distributed worldwide and comprise, in both
developed and developing countries, reasons for epidemic and endemic human suffering. Looking at
the trends of the prevalence of parasitic diseases in the developed world a significant decrease has
been observed, which may be attributed to the substantial improvements in data reporting and the
establishment of surveillance systems [43,44]. The highest prevalence of parasitic protozoan infections
is known to occur in developing countries due to lower hygiene standards. In addition, developing
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
countries that are more likely to be most affected by such waterborne disease outbreaks still lack reliable
surveillance systems, and an international standardization of surveillance and reporting systems has
yet to be established [45]. In 1999, the European Network on Imported Infectious Diseases Surveillance
(TropNetEurop) was set up in order to collate reliable data on imported infectious diseases to Europe
and assess trends over time [46].
A review by Lim et al. provided a comprehensive overview of the available data and studies
on waterborne parasite occurrences among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),
which is comprised of ten member states (i.e., Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic (PDR), Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam)
with the aims of identifying ways in which to progress. Many of these countries are booming tourist
destinations. Swimming pools are included as a source of transmission. He points out the fact that
there are massive gaps of knowledge in the occurrence, morbidity and mortality associated with
parasitic diseases [47]. According to a review providing data related to neglected parasitic protozoa in
the tropics reporting that only an estimated 1% of global outbreaks of waterborne parasitic protozoa
outbreaks have occurred in Asia, it is evident that there is a paucity of information from this region
where organized mechanisms of documentation of parasitic infections or waterborne outbreaks are
lacking [48]. Cryptosporidium, Amoebae and Schistosoma spp. are the parasites with the highest public
health significance when swimming pools are the route of transmission.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
Most of these cases were young, male travellers who acquired their infection in Lake Malawi (53%).
Most of the other cases were from West Africa, with only 13% acquiring their disease in East Africa,
one in North Africa (Libya), and two in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Yemen). Most were on holiday
(68%), while 16% had been working as volunteers. All of them reported contact fresh water in an area
where schistosomiasis is endemic [60].
The present review identified five published studies clearly regarding schistosomiasis transmitted
via swimming pools in the tropics, of which three were related to tourism (Table 2). In 1993, a
35-year-old Belgian woman was admitted to the University Hospital of Antwerp with schistosomiasis
symptoms. She had swum with a group of travellers in a water pool in the Dongon valley in Mali.
Sixty-two per cent (eight people) of the 13 travellers had acquired Schistosoma infection; seven of
them had developed Katayama syndrome. All travellers, except one, who acquired a Schistomoma
infection, had swum for at least 5 min in the pool [61]. In a study from the area of Belo Horizonte,
Brazil, a group of 18 individuals was included. They had the impression that the water was clean
and no snails were observed. S. mansoni was transmitted from non-symptomatic positive residents
through infected intermediate hosts to visitors. The visitors came from an urban area who had never
had contact with the disease before and who developed acute schistosomiasis [62]. Also in Brazil,
transmission occurred in a non-endemic area of Brazil, which became a new point of transmission
due to the immigration of infected workers [63]. In Upper Benue Valley in Cameroon, swimming
in a pool for the local population was significantly associated with schistosomiasis infection [64].
The Department of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital of Leiden, The Netherlands, reported an
outbreak of schistosomiasis among non-immunized travellers. Of 30 travellers in two consecutive
groups, 29 who had swum in freshwater pools in the Dogon area of Mali, West Africa, were monitored
for 12 months. Twenty-eight (97%) of those became infected; 10 (36%) of the 28 had cercarial dermatitis,
and in 15 (54%), Katayama fever developed [65].
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
A study of 35 pools in Beijing, including some hotel pools, showed that 16.7% and 15% were
positive for Cryptosoridium oocysts and Giardia cysts, respectively [66]. Also, in the Philippines, in a
total of 33 water samples taken from various environmental sources, including swimming pools, 45.5%
were positive for Cryptosporidium. Two hundred seventy three children developed cryptosporidiosis
after using a pool. Later on the same children used 10 swimming pools in a different prefecture and
four of them were infected [77]. In Broom, Western Australia, another outbreak of cryptosporidiosis
involving children who swam at the public pool was described [78].
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
According to their review, the countries with the highest number of cases detected in travellers
returning from endemic regions are the US, Netherlands, Japan, France, Germany and Australia;
among reports of systematically collected country level data, Israel reported the highest incidence
of travel associated leptospirosis (41.7%) [102]. In a hospital study in Paris, France, fifteen cases of
travel-related leptospirosis were reported. All travellers except one were returning from holidays
in the tropics (seven from SE Asia, three from Sub-Saharan Africa, two from Reunion Island). The
most frequent at-risk exposure was bathing in fresh water [103]. The clinical course of a leptospirosis
outbreak at the Hash House Harriers Club on Guam, Micronesia, in the western Pacific Ocean, has
been reported. Patients declared multiple exposures to wet river banks, mud, and swamps [104].
One case clearly connected a leptospirosis case to swimming in a pool (Table 2). A 25 year-old
German woman visiting the Dominican Republic and staying for 3 weeks in a village became infected
when swimming in the heavily chlorinated swimming pool during a trip to Samana [105].
3.5. Viruses
Viruses are considered a significant cause of recreationally associated waterborne diseases with a
number of relevant outbreaks in western countries [106–109]. However, they have been difficult to
document because of the wide variety of illnesses associated and limitations in detection methods.
Noroviruses are the largest cause of outbreaks with just under half of the outbreaks occurring in
swimming pools (49%) [110]. Some sporadic publications refer to transmission of Hepatitis A virus
(HAV) [111,112] and Echovirus 30 [113].
The present review identified six published studies reporting the viruses’ detection in swimming
pool waters in tropical countries [114–119] (Table 2). The earliest was a study of a primary school
outbreak of pharyngoconjunctival fever attributed to swimming in the swimming pool of a school
camp [114]. Swimming pool water contaminated with Human Adenovirus serotype 4 (HAdV-4) was the
most likely source of infection, although one instance of likely person-to-person transmission was
noted [119].
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
were infected by the Zika virus—an Australian traveller to Indonesia [129], a Canadian traveller to
Thailand [130]—and the trends of the disease alter as time goes by with the symptoms getting more
severe [131]. Nevertheless, in a review by De Sylva and Marshall dealing with the factors contributing
to urban malaria transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa, the authors concluded that “artificial rather than
natural vector breeding sites provide the most abundant sources of mosquito larvae in African urban
centres. Africa’s demography is rapidly changing with a fast increasing number of people moving
to urban areas”. According to the same review, urban malaria is considered an emerging problem in
Africa because the populations of most large African cities have grown exponentially over the last 30
years. Ninety-five artificial vector breeding sites are referred to in this review, including swimming
pools, in contrast with only 42 natural sites [132].
The present review identified five published studies reporting surveys of swimming pools in the
tropics as environments encouraging vector’s proliferation (Table 2). Impoinvil et al. conducted larval
surveys in habitats located in urban Malindi, Kenya, and, out of the 250 habitats sampled, 66 were
unused swimming pools. Of the 110 habitats found to be positive for mosquitoes, unused swimming
pools represented 42.7% and 148 anopheline pupae were found in eight of the 66 unused swimming
pools while none was found in the other habitats [133]. The same authors in an earlier study reported
that, from a total of 889 Anopheles and 7217 culicine immatures found in diverse water body types,
unused swimming pools comprised 61% of all water bodies found to serve as the main habitats for
Anopheles immatures [134]. Studies have been carried out in Dakar [135] and in Brazil [136].
Table 2. List of surveillance studies of swimming pools (SPs), and respective cases and outbreaks of
infections associated with swimming pools and hot springs in tropical and subtropical countries.
Location/Country Type of Research Positive Results Reference
A man suffered from bilateral keratitis after
Report of an incident of a traveller from bathing in a rural pond. The patient was
Rural areas, Bangladesh [41]
Bangladesh returning to Paris, France found to be infected with a microsporidial
parasite belonging to the genus Nosema.
All patients were known to have contracted
Retrospective study of patients diagnosed
Taipei, Taiwan microsporidial keratitis after bathing in [42]
with microsporidial keratitis
hot springs.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
Table 2. Cont.
Schistosoma spp.
Location/Country Type of Research Positive Results Reference
8/13 travellers infected with Schistosoma. 5/8
Study of an acute schistosomiasis in Belgian
Dogon Valley, Mali travellers had experienced swimmer’s itch [55]
travellers returning from Dogon Valley, Mali
and developed Katayama syndrome.
Belo Horizonte, State of Study of an outbreak of acute schistosomiasis
17 cases infected with S. mansoni. [56]
Minas Gerais, Brazil in a holiday resort at an endemic area
Study of an outbreak where an area became
infected due to influx of infected workers 50 workers infected in the pool with
São João del Rei, Brazil [57]
from endemic areas, who infected water S. mansoni.
sources, including SPs
High prevalence of the disease depending on,
Upper Benue Valley, Study of the risk factors for human
among other factors, the intensity of contact [58]
North Cameroon schistosomiasis in the local population
with the water.
Study of an outbreak in two groups of 30
29 infected with S. intercalatum,
Dogon Valley, Mali Dutch travellers returning from Dogon area [59]
S. haematobium.
of Mali where they swam in fresh water pools
Cryptosporidium spp.
Location/Country Type of Research Positive Results Reference
Survey of 35 randomly selected hotel SPs, 60 16.7% positive for Cryptosporidium, 15%
Beijing, China [66]
water samples positive for Giardia.
Various areas,
Survey of water sources including SPs 33% positive for Cryptosporidium. [77]
Broome, Kimberley 11/18 cases swam in the public pool. In
region, Western Investigation of outbreak of cryptosporidiasis faecal and pool water samples [78]
Australia Cryptosporidium ominis was identified.
Acanthamoebae & Naegleria Species
Location/Country Type of Research Positive Results Reference
All SPs were positive for Acanthamoebae. The
Mexico City, Mexico Survey of six swimming pools most commonly found were Amoebae of the [84]
species Naegleria gruberi Schardinger.
One fatal case of meningoencephalitis caused
Taichung, Taiwan Diagnosis of fatality by N. fowleri and transmitted in hot springs [85]
was reported.
Both SPs were positive for Acanthamoeba spp.
Alexandria, Egypt Survey of two SPs [86]
and Naegleria spp.
Survey of 14 pools. Four water samples and Acanthamoeba species were detected in all
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia six samples using swabs were collected from sampling sites of all SPs, while Naegleria spp. [87]
each was detected in 3 sampling sites of 8 SPs.
All therapy tubs were positive for
Survey of three physiotherapy tubs and 11
Mexico City, Mexico Acanthamoeba spp., while 7/11 SPs were [88]
positive for Naegleria spp.
Amoebae were detected in 20% of the SPs.
4/65 water samples were positive for
Brazil, Porto Alegre Survey of 65 water samples from SPs [89]
Acanthamoeba spp. while 9/65 water samples
were positive for free-living amoebae.
49.2% of pool water samples were positive
Egypt, various locations Survey in various waters including two SPs [90]
for heat-tolerant Acanthamoeba spp.
8/72 water samples were positive for
Porto Alegre, Brazil Survey in pools and spas Acanthamoeba spp. distributed in group [91]
genotypes T3, T5, T4, T15.
Study of the pathogenicity of strains from 4/4 Acanthamoeba spp. isolates from pool
Brasilia District, Brazil [92]
environmental sources waters were pathogenic.
In 71.6% of water samples Acanthamoeba spp.
Survey of 110 water and soil samples
Ahwaz, Iran was detected SP isolates belong to [93]
including four SPs
T4 genotype.
33.3% of SP water samples were positive for
Various areas, Survey of rivers, ponds, dispensers, wells,
Acanthamoeba sp. While 9.1% of SP water [77]
Philippines taps, natural lakes and SPs
samples were positive for Naegleria spp.
Adana, Afyon, Kutahya, 42% of water samples were positive for
Mersin and Nigde Survey of hot springs and SPs Acanthamoeba sp. belonging to T3, T4, [94]
provinces, Turkey T5 genotypes.
Malaysia Peninsular A survey of recreational lakes, streams, SPs Naegleria sp was detected in all samples. [95]
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
Table 2. Cont.
Leptospira spp.
Location/Country Type of Research Positive Results Reference
Various places, A German woman developed leptospirosis
Study of leptospirosis in travellers [105]
Dominican Republic after swimming in a chlorinated SP.
Location/Country Type of Research Positive Results Reference
Study of a primary school outbreak of
40% of the students infected by Adenovirus
Queensland, Australia pharyngo-conjunctival fever attributed to [114]
type 3.
swimming in the SP of a school camp
A study of the risk of infection of HAdVs
Pretoria, South Africa detected in a survey of 3 SPs, 92 water HAdVs were detected in 15 samples. [115]
16 Acanthamoeba strains were detected,
Survey of SPs for the detection of
Porto Alegre, Brazil HAdVs were detected in 62.5% (10/16) of [116]
adenoviruses in Acanthamoeba strains
Acanthamoeba isolates.
Investigation of an outbreak related to 90 children & the SP water were positive for
South Africa [117]
swimming in the school camp pool Echovirus 3.
A study to determine the prevalence of
HAdVs were detected in 28.1% of the samples
HAdVs in hot springs. 57 hot springs and 14
Taiwan, various areas from hot springs and 21.4% of SP [118]
public SPs were investigated, 57 water
water samples.
A study of an outbreak of 50 patients used the same SP. HAdV type 4
Beijing, China pharyngoconjunctival fever related to was identified from the patients and SP [119]
swimming in a University SP water samples.
Location/Country Type of Research Positive Results Reference
Anopheles gambiae proliferating in SPs.
A systematic review of the factors
Artificial rather than natural breeding sites
Malindi, Kenya contributing to urban transmission of malaria [132]
provide most abundant sources for
in Sub-Saharan Africa
mosquito larvae.
A study on larvae surveys in urban Unused SPs accounted for 42.7% of all 110
Malindi, Kenya environments and the productivity of unused positive habitats. Anopheles gambiae s.l. and [133]
SPs in relation to other habitats Culex quinquefasciatus were detected.
A study on the abundance of immature
Unused SPs comprised 21.7% of water bodies
Malindi, Kenya Anopheles and culicines in various water body [134]
serving as habitats for immature Anopheles.
types in the urban environment
355 private properties were visited, including
An entomological survey on the determinants
Dakar, Senegal SPs. Culicidae larvae were found in 80 (23%) [135]
of malaria transmission in the city of Dakar
and Anopheles larvae in 11 (3%).
A study on the evaluation of two sweeping
Sao Jose de Rio Preto, Aedes aegypti was harvested in various types
methods for estimating the number of [136]
Brazil of containers including SPs.
immature Aedes aegypti
4. Discussion
Global experience and research demonstrate that international travel can pose various risks to
health, depending both on the health needs of the traveller and on the type of travel undertaken.
Travellers may encounter sudden and significant changes in altitude, humidity, temperature and
exposure to a variety of infectious diseases, which can result in illness. In addition, serious health risks
may arise in areas where accommodation is of poor quality, hygiene and sanitation are inadequate,
medical services are not well developed and clean water is unavailable [2]. Trends in the West towards
novel, alternative “natural” ponds, deprived of disinfection with chemicals and using instead biological
processes for cleaning the organic compounds in the water are expanding rapidly. Many European
countries have adopted guidelines or regulations specific for natural ponds. These establishments
require careful, scientifically sound management [141]. Some or all of these factors apply in numerous
tropical and subtropical countries of the developing world. Also, the trend towards higher standard
accommodation in tourist establishments and more water-intense activities—including the use of
pools and hot springs—coincides with changes in the global climate system leading to declining water
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
resources and poorer water quality in many regions [142]. Tourists’ lack of awareness of their impact
on the environment becomes an added factor aggravating sustainability in certain destinations [7].
A host of viral, bacterial, fungal, helminth and protozoal diseases that occur mainly in the
tropics and subtropics remain neglected, and hence the phrase “neglected tropical diseases” is used
to characterize them [9]. The growing number of people travelling to the tropics means that it is
imperative that there be more effective management of various public health issues by local authorities
in the countries concerned, as well as by international bodies, tourist agencies and social groups, to
enhance prevention and protection. Travellers should be considered as an integral part of the global
surveillance network for emerging infections. Research and the knowledge gained can be used to
alert the global community to the presence or susceptibility patterns of pathogens in different regions;
to inform strategies that can be used to control infections in developing countries; and to prepare
travellers to those areas and guide the care for those returning [4].
Tropical diseases transmitted via swimming pools and hot spring waters are less well understood
than the hazards deriving from the use of unsafe food or drinking water. Also, secondary transmission
occurs when travellers return to their homeland. Today, transmission at home is frequently related to
climate change. Any climate change may alter the disease burden resulting from exposure to pathogens
transmitted through recreational waters. In a study examining the impact of temperature, humidity,
and precipitation on the incidence of reported West Nile virus infections in the US, increasing weekly
maximum temperature and weekly cumulative temperature were similarly and significantly associated
with a higher incidence of reported WNV infections [143].
Eighty three studies dealing with Microsporidia, Leptospira, Schistosoma, Cryptosporidium, Amoebae,
viruses, and vectors breeding in swimming pools and hot springs in the tropics, and fulfilling pre-set
criteria, have been included in this survey of the literature. The survey indicated that papers dealing
with the quality of pool waters in the tropics are scarce, and information about infected tourists using
pools is even less. The published literature, at least in international languages, presenting assessments
and surveys of swimming establishments in the developing world are also scarce. Reasons for this
neglect seem to be manifold including, as noted above, lesser awareness on this issue, not only in the
developing, but also in the developed world. On the other hand, it is true that cases and outbreaks have
been difficult to document because by its very nature travelling makes it difficult to follow up the cases
in question and to carry out an epidemiological investigation. An international collaboration on this
issue, along the lines of the European Legionnaires’ Disease Surveillance Network (ELDSNet), would
certainly be an important step forward. As emphasized in a review published by RIVM, it is becoming
imperative that recreational waterborne infectious diseases be prioritized and quantified [144].
Castor and Beach have made several recommendations for the prevention and control of disease
transmission in swimming venues. They recommend the redesign of aquatic facilities, increased
governmental oversight of swimming pool maintenance and training of staff, and education of the
public regarding healthy swimming habits. In addition, they recommend that high-risk groups, such
as the elderly and infirm and pregnant women, should be made aware of their increased risk of illness
as a result of swimming, even in apparently adequately disinfected swimming waters [145]. Tourists in
general, and in particular tourists travelling to the tropical and subtropical countries of the developing
world, should be included in the list of vulnerable citizens and provided with specific advice, services
and care.
5. Conclusions
There is abundant information and guidance to travellers regarding precautions that need to
be taken in respect of food, drinking water and air quality in tropical destinations. Nevertheless,
information on the hazards presented by recreational and especially pool, spa and hot spring waters
as a mode of transmission of pathogens is limited. The survey indicated that papers dealing with the
quality of pool waters in the tropics are scarce, and information about infected tourists using pools
is even less. In addition, the ongoing climate change may alter the disease burden resulting from
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2730
exposure to pathogens transmitted through recreational waters. Under the pressure of a growing
number of people undertaking international travel, and yet faster growth of such travel in the tropical
and subtropical zones, assessments of the swimming pool establishments, research and prevention
strategies for pool safety in the tropics are imperative. Public health authorities need to provide
guidance to westerners travelling to exotic destinations on how to protect their health in swimming
pools. An international collaboration on this issue would certainly be an important step forward.
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
A Review and Update on Waterborne Viral Diseases
Associated with Swimming Pools
Lucia Bonadonna * and Giuseppina La Rosa *
Italian National Institute of Health, Viale Regina Elena, 299-00161 Rome, Italy
* Correspondence: [email protected] (L.B.); [email protected] (G.L.R.); Tel.: +39-06-49902317 (L.B.);
+39-06-49902718 (G.L.R.)
Abstract: Infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and molds, may threaten the health
of swimming pool bathers. Viruses are a major cause of recreationally-associated waterborne diseases
linked to pools, lakes, ponds, thermal pools/spas, rivers, and hot springs. They can make their way
into waters through the accidental release of fecal matter, body fluids (saliva, mucus), or skin flakes
by symptomatic or asymptomatic carriers. We present an updated overview of epidemiological data
on viral outbreaks, a project motivated, among other things, by the availability of improved viral
detection methodologies. Special attention is paid to outbreak investigations (source of the outbreak,
pathways of transmission, chlorination/disinfection). Epidemiological studies on incidents of viral
contamination of swimming pools under non-epidemic conditions are also reviewed.
Keywords: adenovirus; enterovirus; hepatitis A virus; norovirus; swimming pool; waterborne disease
1. Introduction
Swimming pools have been implicated in the transmission of infections. The risk of infection has
mainly been linked to fecal contamination of the water, generally due to feces released by bathers or to
contaminated source water. Failure in disinfection has been recorded as the main cause of many of the
outbreaks associated with swimming pools.
The majority of reported swimming pool-related outbreaks have been caused by enteric
viruses [1,2]. Sinclair and collaborators reported that 48% of viral outbreaks occur in swimming
pools, 40% in lakes or ponds, and the remaining 12% in fountains, hot springs, and rivers (4% each) [1].
Viruses cannot replicate outside their host’s tissues and cannot multiply in the environment.
Therefore, the presence of viruses in a swimming pool is the result of direct contamination by bathers,
who may shed viruses through unintentional fecal release, or through the release of body fluids
such as saliva, mucus, or vomitus [3]. Evidence suggests that skin may also be a potential source of
pathogenic viruses.
IJERPH 2019, 16, 166
switched off, to avoid eye irritation with chlorine. Within one week, 25 of the 36 exposed swimmers
became ill. Children swimming in the afternoon, when chlorination was still working, did not get sick.
The infection was shown to spread in families having index cases (20 infected contacts). Analyses of
water were done approximately 14 days after the presumed exposure. For this reason, attempts to
isolate the virus from the water failed.
An outbreak of acute conjunctivitis due to HAdV type 7 occurred in Kansas, USA in 1973: 44 cases
and one hospitalization were documented [14]. Eye symptoms predominated (red or pink eyes,
swollen eyes), but a variety of other signs were also noted (mainly fever, headache, and nausea).
A school swimming pool was identified as the source of infection. Chlorine concentration was low
due to an equipment failure. The epidemic was easily controlled by raising the pool’s chlorine level.
Unfortunately, tests for viruses and bacterial indicators were carried out after super-chlorination and
consequently results were negative.
In 1977, two outbreaks associated with swimming pools occurred in Georgia, USA. The first,
due to HAdV type 3, involved at least 105 cases [15], with patients showing different symptoms,
including sore throat, fever, headache, anorexia and conjunctivitis. In this case, a private swimming
pool was the source of infection. A temporary malfunction in the water filtration system of the pool
associated with inadequate chlorine levels was recorded. Both waterborne and person-to-person
transmission occurred. In the second outbreak, HAdV type 4 was recognized as the etiological agent
of pharyngoconjunctival fever in 72 persons [16]. An insufficient amount of chlorine was found in
the water of the pool. To stop the spread of infection, the pool was closed during the summer and
adequately chlorinated. Adenovirus was recovered from the water sampled from the pool.
In Oklahoma, USA, an outbreak of pharyngitis caused by HAdV type 7a was recorded in
1982 among 77 children attending a swimming pool [17]. Symptoms included conjunctivitis, fever,
sore throat, headache, and abdominal pain. Two cases were hospitalized with dehydration from
persistent vomiting. A malfunction of the automatic pool chlorinator was identified as the cause of the
outbreak. In fact, during the two weeks preceding the epidemic, its failure forced the pool operator to
manually add chlorine to the pool.
Another outbreak was recorded in 1995, in Greece, where 80 athletes under 18 years of age
presented with fever, conjunctivitis, sore throat, weakness, and abdominal pain, after swimming in a
pool [18]. Seven athletes were hospitalized. Virological analyses on clinical samples were not performed
and the illness was attributed to HAdV on the basis of clinical symptoms alone. Water samples from
both the pool and the distribution system were tested for HAdV, enterovirus, and hepatitis A virus by
molecular methods. The water of the pool tested positive for HAdV and negative for the other viruses,
demonstrating its role as the source of infection. Samples from the water system were negative for all
viruses tested. Chlorine levels were found to be low, probably due to a malfunctioning of the pool
chlorination system.
Five HAdV outbreaks associated with swimming were recorded in the 2000s.
In the year 2000, an outbreak of pharyngoconjunctival fever occurred in North Queensland,
Australia, where, after a school camp, 34 children aged 4–12, got sick [19]. In addition to primary cases
acquired at the camp (N◦ = 25), nine other cases were acquired within the households. The school camp
had a large saltwater swimming pool. Adenovirus 3 was isolated from eye and throat swabs. A PCR
analysis of water samples for HAdV did not yield positive results. It was, however, demonstrated that
the pool was not properly maintained, and that the level of residual chlorine was inadequate.
An outbreak of pharyngoconjunctival fever affecting 59 children under 15 was recorded in a
municipality of Northern Spain in July 2008 [20]. Forty-three cases were recognized as primary cases,
all of whom attended a municipal swimming pool. The remaining 15 children were secondary cases,
which had been in close contact with a primary case. Adenovirus type 4 was detected in pharyngeal
swabs. Electrical system failures causing the intermittent breakdown of the pool’s bromine dosing
pumps and the slowing down of water circulation were assumed to have been the cause of the outbreak.
Swimming was only allowed after the disinfection system was restored and appropriate concentrations
IJERPH 2019, 16, 166
of bromine were reached. Due to logistic problems, no water samples were taken from the swimming
pool for virological analysis.
In 2011, children (4–9 years old) who had attended a swimming training center in Eastern China
showed symptoms of pharyngoconjunctival fever. Adenovirus type 3 was recognized as the etiological
agent [21]. A total of 134 cases were confirmed from among 900 amateur swimmers, with an incidence
of 14.9%. Fourteen hospital admissions were documented. Fever, tonsillitis, sore throat, headache,
sneezing, cough, conjunctivitis, fatigue, and diarrhea occurred among the bathers. The low level of
residual chlorine in the water, along with excessive crowding in the pool were suggested as having
caused the epidemic.
In the same year, in a primary school in Taiwan, an outbreak of HAdV infection occurred among
373 students, with four hospitalizations [22]. Most of the students attended a swimming course in two
swimming facilities outside the school and presented with fever and symptoms of upper respiratory
tract infection. Other symptoms included diarrhea, vomiting, skin eruptions and conjunctivitis.
Throat swabs of affected students were tested for influenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial
virus, coronavirus, metapneumovirus, parainfluenza types 1–4, and herpes simplex virus. Samples
were found positive only for HAdV type 7. Water samples were not obtained from any of the facilities
for virological analysis.
In 2013, an outbreak of pharyngoconjunctival fever involved 55 people (49 students and six staff)
at a university in Beijing, China [23]. Fifty patients (91%) attending the same swimming pool two
weeks before the onset of symptoms were considered primary cases. The other five subjects (9%) who
had not swum in the pool were defined as secondary cases (person-to-person transmission). Human
AdV type 4 was identified from both eye and throat swabs of the patients and from concentrated
swimming pool water samples. Gene sequences obtained from the water samples exhibited a 100%
match with the sequences obtained from swab samples. Control measures included the emptying and
closing of the pool, and the disinfection with a high dose of sodium hypochlorite (500 mg/L).
IJERPH 2019, 16, 166
Data on chlorination at the time of the outbreak were not available. Virological analysis of pool water was
performed one month after the outbreak, but yielded no positive results.
In South Africa, an outbreak involving 90 children occurred following a summer camp in 2001 [27].
Camp activities included swimming and other aquatic sports. Symptoms included mainly headaches,
sore eyes, and/or abdominal discomfort, with one case of vomiting. Four children were hospitalized for
meningitis. Echovirus 3 was detected in cerebrospinal fluid and stool samples from symptomatic and
asymptomatic children. The presence of viruses in the pool was not investigated. Water contamination
was confirmed through a total coliform count.
In Germany, 215 cases of aseptic meningitis were recorded from July to October 2001 [28]. Swimming
in a public, nature-like pond was identified as a risk factor for disease. Up to 1500 people visited the pond
each day during the summer holidays. Echovirus 3 and 30 were detected in cerebrospinal fluid samples
taken from some of the patients. An echovirus 30 sequence obtained from one water sample collected
from the pond showed a high level of genetic similarity (99% nucleotide homology) with sequences
obtained from patient isolates.
In August 2003, an outbreak of meningitis occurred among campers staying at a campground in
Connecticut, USA [29]. A total of 12 cases of aseptic meningitis, four hospitalized patients and 24 cases
of enterovirus-like illness with symptoms such as headache, neck stiffness, photophobia, sore throat,
chills, or exanthema were identified. Echovirus serotype 9 was detected in cerebrospinal fluid samples
from three of the patients. The spread of the virus was associated with swimming in a crowded
pool, which had low chlorine levels. As a result, the pool water was intermittently contaminated
with enterovirus.
IJERPH 2019, 16, 166
IJERPH 2019, 16, 166
Table 1. Cont.
N◦ People
Caption Etiological Agent Location Virus Identified in Pool Waters Year Reference
26 Enterovirus-like Colorado Not tested 1987 [24]
46 Echovirus 30 Ireland Not tested 1979 [25]
No. Virological analysis of pool waters was
68 Echovirus 30 Italy 1997 [26]
performed one month after the outbreak
Enterovirus Not tested. Unclean swimming-pool water
90 Echovirus 3 South Africa 2001 [27]
was confirmed by total coliform count
Yes. An echovirus 30 sequence obtained from
pond water showed 100% amino-acid
215 Echovirus 13 and 30 Germany 2001 [28]
homology with sequence obtained from
patient isolates
36 Echovirus 9 Connecticut Not tested 2003 [29]
56 - Hungary Not tested 1987 [30]
Hepatitis A virus 20 - Louisiana, USA Not tested 1989 [31]
7 - Australia Not tested 1997 [32]
No. Pool water were found negative for both
103 - Ohio 1977 [33]
bacterial and viral pathogens.
Yes. Identical sequence was detected in both
242 - Finland 2001 [34]
patient stool and pool water
36 - Minnesota Not known 2001–2002 [29]
53 - Vermont Not tested 2004 [35]
18 - Wisconsin Not known 2006 [36]
IJERPH 2019, 16, 166
risk assessment model, assuming a daily ingestion of 30 mL of water during swimming, indicated a
daily risk of infection ranging from 1.92 × 10−3 to 3.69 × 10−3 . No acceptable microbial risk has thus
far been established for swimming pool water. However, pool water quality is generally considered
comparable to drinking water quality (absence of fecal indicators and pathogens). For this reason,
a maximum of one infection per 10,000 consumers per year has been recommended as an acceptable
level of microbial risk for swimming pools. The risk of HAdV infections calculated for the swimming
pool water in the study exceeded this acceptable risk.
More recently, in 2007 in Cyprus, HAdVs and enteroviruses were detected in public swimming
pools complying with bacteriological standards (such as fecal coliforms and enterococci) [42].
The investigation was performed over a period of 21 months, from April 2007 to December 2008.
A total of 126 samples were obtained from swimming pools located in five major cities. Bacteriological
marker analysis showed that 98% of pools complied with the national regulations. Enteroviruses were
identified in four swimming pools, one containing echovirus 18, two containing echovirus 30 and one
containing poliovirus Sabin 1. In four swimming pools, HAdVs were detected, all characterized as
type 41.
In 2013–2014, a study investigated the presence of human enteric viruses (adenovirus, norovirus,
and enterovirus) in indoor and outdoor swimming pool waters in Rome. Bacteriological parameters
(fecal indicator bacteria, heterotrophic plate count, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus)
were also investigated [43]. Moreover, the study was the first to examine the occurrence of non-enteric
viruses in swimming pool waters: human papillomavirus (HPV) and human polyomavirus (HPyV).
Interestingly, enteric viruses were not detected, while both HPVs and HPyVs were identified in
9/14 swimming pool water samples, by means of molecular methods. Neither of these viruses
had previously been recognized as potential recreational waterborne pathogens, although the WHO
Guidelines for safe recreational water environments do include HPVs among non-fecally-derived
viruses as viruses associated with plantar warts [3]. A variety of HPVs and HPyVs were found in
another study investigating spa/pool waters in Rome [44].
Recently, disinfected water from sixteen pools and spa collected in Rome between 2015 and 2018
were examined for the presence of human enteric viruses (adenovirus, norovirus and enterovirus.
Viruses were detected in 25% of the analyzed samples by molecular methods: two samples were
positive for adenovirus (type 41) and three samples for norovirus GII (type GII.4) (Bonadonna et al.,
unpublished data).
5. Concluding Remarks
Starting with the first HAdV outbreak recorded in 1951, we reviewed all of the reports concerning
swimming-pool related viral illness. The data collected here confirm the involvement of viruses in
cases and outbreaks associated with swimming pool attendance.
A number of considerations emerge:
• The paper reviews 29 viral outbreaks due to adenovirus, enterovirus, hepatitis A virus,
and norovirus, accounting for more than 3000 cases. Nevertheless, there are likely to have
been many other undetected cases and outbreaks. In fact, waterborne diseases are difficult to
record because of their wide variety, the difficulty associating symptoms with water use/contact,
and the limitations of pathogen detection methods. In the studies described, viruses responsible
for reported cases were detected in pool waters only in 21% of the outbreaks, and were found to
match with viruses of clinical origin. Currently, better and more rapid methods for the detection
of viruses in water samples are available than in the past, resulting in better studies and improved
reporting of viral recreational outbreaks worldwide. This allows researchers to identify the causes
of outbreaks and possible contributing factors for them. An excellent model to follow is the
US-Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System (WBDOSS) that has been collecting
and reporting data related to occurrences and causes of waterborne disease outbreaks associated
with drinking and recreational waters since 1971.
IJERPH 2019, 16, 166
• Some of the studies found that waters meeting state or local water quality requirements contained
enteric viruses and were the source of disease outbreaks, confirming that bacterial indicators are
unreliable indicators of the presence of viruses and that enteric viruses are important hazardous
waterborne pathogens. Indeed, despite the relatively low concentration of viruses in water,
they may nevertheless pose health risks due to their low infectious doses (10–100 virions).
• The human illnesses associated with enteric viruses in the reviewed studies were diverse: the most
commonly reported symptoms were gastroenteritis, respiratory symptoms, and conjunctivitis.
More severe symptoms were also documented, however, including hepatitis and central nervous
system infections (aseptic meningitis).
• The majority of the outbreaks described involved mainly children and young people less than
18 years of age. This may be attributable to differences in behaviors, susceptibility and/or immune
defenses between children and adults. Children are known to experience more severe symptoms
than adults.
• Low concentrations of disinfectant/disinfection malfunction in swimming pools were reported in
the vast majority of the outbreaks. Only in one case the concentration of biocide was considered high.
In light of the health hazards posed by swimming pools, it is essential to constantly monitor water
quality in swimming pools and to assess the effectiveness of treatment and disinfection processes
and compliance with standards. Specifically, appropriate chemical and microbial evaluation of water
quality should be carried out, especially when large numbers of bathers are expected to use the pools.
Overcrowding should in any case be prevented. Since the behavior of swimmers may affect water
quality, strict rules of behavior in the pool should be followed and enforced, including shower before
entering the water, wash hands after using the toilet, take children to bathroom before swimming, and,
importantly, avoid swimming while sick.
Author Contributions: L.B. and G.L.R. conceived and wrote the paper, and approved the submitted version.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Legionellosis Associated with Recreational Waters:
A Systematic Review of Cases and Outbreaks in
Swimming Pools, Spa Pools,
and Similar Environments
Erica Leoni 1, * ID
, Federica Catalani 2 ID
, Sofia Marini 3 ID
and Laura Dallolio 1 ID
1 Unit of Hygiene, Public Health and Medical Statistics, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences,
University of Bologna, via S. Giacomo 12, 40126 Bologna, Italy; [email protected]
2 School of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences,
University of Bologna, via S. Giacomo 12, 40126 Bologna, Italy; [email protected]
3 Department of Life Quality Studies, University of Bologna, Campus of Rimini; Corso d’Augusto 237,
47921 Rimini, Italy; sofi[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-051-20948-07
Abstract: Legionella spp. is widespread in many natural and artificial water systems, such as hot
water distribution networks, cooling towers, and spas. A particular risk factor has been identified
in the use of whirlpools and hot tubs in spa facilities and public baths. However, there has been no
systematic synthesis of the published literature reporting legionellosis cases or outbreaks related
to swimming/spa pools or similar environments used for recreational purposes (hot springs, hot
tubs, whirlpools, natural spas). This study presents the results of a systematic review of the literature
on cases and outbreaks associated with these environments. Data were extracted from 47 articles,
including 42 events (17 sporadic cases and 25 outbreaks) and 1079 cases, 57.5% of which were
diagnosed as Pontiac fever, without any deaths, and 42.5% were of Legionnaires’ disease, with a
fatality rate of 6.3%. The results are presented in relation to the distribution of Legionella species
involved in the events, clinical manifestations and diagnosis, predisposing conditions in the patients,
favourable environmental factors, and quality of the epidemiological investigation, as well as in
relation to the different types of recreational water sources involved. Based on the epidemiological
and microbiological criteria, the strength of evidence linking a case/outbreak of legionellosis with a
recreational water system was classified as strong, probable, and possible; in more than half of the
events the resulting association was strong.
Keywords: Legionella spp.; Legionnaires’ disease; Pontiac fever; recreational water; hot tubs;
whirlpools; spa pools; swimming pools
1. Introduction
Legionellosis is a disease transmitted through the inhalation of particles of aerosolized water
contaminated by the opportunistic waterborne pathogen, Legionella spp. [1]. After the first recognition
of legionellosis in 1976, when 221 participants of the annual convention of the American Legion
contracted pneumonia and 34 of them died, surveillance systems were developed and implemented in
several countries [2]. Legionellosis surveillance is a current public objective: In 2015, according to the
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control surveillance, 7034 cases were reported in Europe,
concerning 1.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants [3].
The majority of outbreaks described in the literature are correlated to Legionella pneumophila,
in particular serogroup 1, but other serogroups and species were also associated to human disease,
such as L. micdadei (now classified as Tatlockia micdadei), L. dumoffii, and L. longbeachae [4]. The two
fundamental clinical pictures determined by these infective agents are Legionnaires’ disease (LD) and
Pontiac fever (PF): The former is generally characterized by an acute pneumonia and, rarely, by an
extrapulmonary disease; Pontiac fever is a mild, self-limiting, flu-like illness, which resolves in a
few days.
Legionella spp. are widely distributed in both natural (i.e., lakes, rivers, groundwater, thermal
water) and man-made aquatic environments, such as the water systems of hospitals, hotels, private
houses [5,6], cooling towers [7], dental units [8,9], and recreational [10,11] or therapeutic [12,13]
facilities. Any system or equipment which contains, stores, or re-circulates non-sterile water that can
be aerosolized is a source of legionellosis [14,15]. Considering these elements, the recreational use
of water is an important potential way of exposure to Legionella spp., especially in hot water pools
equipped with hydromassage systems. A recent review on outbreaks of LD and PF highlights that
14% of the reported outbreaks from 2006 to 2017 recognized pools or spas as an attributed or suspected
source [16]. The role of these recreational facilities appears even more significant if one considers the
growing popularity of private hot tubs and the increasing number of people frequenting public spa
pools and similar environments.
Generally, the outbreak analysis and control measures, specific for each exposure setting, are
essential tasks of Public Health Authorities, including outbreak surveillance and analysis specifically
dedicated to the recreational water context. Epidemiological knowledge about these themes must
be constantly updated. To our knowledge, no systematic synthesis or critical appraisal exists of the
published literature reporting sporadic cases or outbreaks of LD and/or PF associated with recreational
water. In the present study, we performed a systematic review and analysis of investigations
on legionellosis cases or outbreaks related to treated and untreated recreational water, including
natural waters, swimming pools, spa pools, and similar environments (hot tubs, whirlpools, hot
spring baths, etc.), in accordance with the definitions given for these environments by World Health
Organization (WHO) guidelines [17].
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
Table 1. Strength of evidence linking a case/outbreak of legionellosis with a recreational water system.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
Data were analysed as the frequency distribution of the different variables included.
3. Results
Of the 326 articles retrieved from Medline, 259 were excluded for the following reasons:
99 investigations did not refer to recreational water, 82 were environmental studies without cases,
4 were not primary studies, 68 articles were focused only on clinical and laboratory aspects,
and 6 publications were in a language other than English and did not have an exhaustive English
abstract, as shown in Figure 1.
At the end of the selection process, 47 articles were considered eligible for inclusion in the present
review, corresponding to 42 events. In four cases, different articles described varying aspects of the
same event, while two articles reported two and three different events, respectively. Among the
42 events of legionellosis, eight were linked to a hot tub/whirlpool/Japanese bath used in private
houses (Category A in Figure 1, in brief “private hot tub”), 22 were related to whirlpool spa/baths
in public centres and hotels (Category B in Figure 2, in brief “public spa pools”), and 12 to hot
spring/thermal spa pools (Category C in Figure 1, in brief “hot spring/thermal spa”).
The selected articles were published: Four in the 1980s, 16 in the 1990s, 19 in the 2000s, and three
from 2010 to 2018. In 11 articles, the authors did not report the date of onset. The events occurred in
different countries across the world, with the highest frequency of hot spring related events in Japan
(83.3%) and an overall highest frequency in Japan (18 events: 42.9%), followed by the USA (11 events:
26.2%), and the United Kingdom (4 events: 9.5%).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
Table 2. Events of Pontiac fever (PF) and Legionnaires’ disease (LD) associated with recreational water.
The private hot tubs were all supplied by municipal network water and were subjected to a
supplementary disinfection system only in two of the eight facilities involved in the legionellosis
events. Single cases occurred in five events (62.5%) corresponding to 17.9% of cases, while the
remaining three events were outbreaks with a low number of persons involved (from four to 13).
LD represented 21.4% of the cases, with a fatality rate of 16.7%.
Public spa pools were generally supplied by municipal network water and only three out of
22 facilities had their own supply system from groundwater (two spa pools) and mountain spring water
(one spa pool). In 54.5% of the facilities, water treatment included recycling, filtering, and chemical
disinfection with bromine (seven spa pools) or chlorine (five spa pools). In the remaining public spa
pools, water disinfection was not mentioned. Public spa pools were responsible for the highest number
of events (22), cases (744), and deaths (16). A sporadic case only occurred in 9.1% of the events, while
the remaining events were outbreaks often involving a high number of cases of up to 170 [19]. The LD
cases formed 19.6% of the total cases, with a fatality rate of 11.0%.
Hot spring/thermal spas were supplied by natural waters, i.e., hot springs and thermal waters.
This group also includes the only LD case associated with bathing in surface water. This was a fatal case
in a 27-year-old woman who had nearly drowned in estuarine water [20]. Water treatment and chlorine
disinfection were reported in only three out of the 11 hot spring/thermal water facilities (27.3%), while,
in one case, the authors specified that national regulations (France) precluded the addition of chemicals
to thermal spas to preserve the characteristics of the mineral water [21]. All cases linked to this
recreational water category were diagnosed as LD, with a fatality rate of 3.9%. Single cases occurred
in 83.3% of the events and only two outbreaks were reported. However, one of these was the largest
outbreak of LD associated with a hot spring bathhouse in Japan, with 295 cases, including confirmed
and probable cases [22].
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
Table 3. Events with sporadic cases of Pontiac fever (PF) and Legionnaires’ disease (LD) associated
with recreational water.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
Table 3. Cont.
Table 4. Outbreaks of Pontiac fever (PF) associated with recreational water.
(antibody titre)
[39] L. dumoffii
Public whirlpool
Michigan, US, L. pneumophila SG 6 32 L. pneumophila
spa 14 (0) 29.8% 0 Strong
1982 (antibody titre) (25–39) SG 6
(women’s pool)
L. pneumophila
Colorado, US, Resort indoor L. pneumophila SG 6
13 (0) 38.0% na na SG 6 Strong
1992 whirlpool (antibody titre)
L. pneumophila SG 1 negative
4 Private
(culture, antibody titre) na samples
Denmark, 1995 summerhouse 13 (0) 86.7% na Possible
L. micdadei (after whirlpool
[42] whirlpool
(antibody titre) cleaning)
whirlpool area: 66.0%
Wisconsin, US, Hotel whirlpool L. micdadei L. micdadei
45 (0) whirlpool users: na na Strong
1998 spa (antibody titre) (90,000/L)
6 whirlpool area: 71.0%
Hotel whirlpool L. micdadei 41
Sweden, 1999 29 (0) whirlpool users: 37.9% negative samples Probable
spa (antibody titre) (21–57)
[44] 88.9%
7 Legionella non
Resort whirlpool L. pneumophila SG 1
England, 2008 6 (0) 86.0% 0 (24–37) pneumophila Probable
spa (antibody titre, urinary antigen)
[45] (100/L)
na: Not available; clinical and environmental isolates were never compared by molecular typing.
Table 5. Outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease (LD) associated with recreational water.
Netherlands Public spa sauna’s L. pneumophila SG 1 6 repeated cases males: 50
na 83.3% L. pneumophila SG 1 Strong
1992–96 footbath (culture) (2) females: 28
3 L. pneumophila SG
L. pneumophila SG 1 2 repeated cases 54.5
France 1994–97 Thermal spa na 50% 1,2,3,6,9,13 Strong
(culture) (1) (40–69)
[21] L. dumoffii
L. pneumophila SG 1 3 L. pneumophila
Japan, 1996 Public Japanese spa na na na Probable
(antibody titre) (0) SG 1
5 L. pneumophila SG 1,6
23 67 L. pneumophila SG 1
Japan, 2000 Public bath house (culture, antibody titre, urinary 0.13% 91.3% Strong
(2) (50–86) (880,000)
[27] antigen)
6 L. pneumophila SG 1 34 (20 65.0% L. pneumophila SG
Japan, 2000 Public bath house (culture, antibody titre, urinary confirmed) 0.20% (only 1,3,5,6 Strong
[49,50] antigen) (3) confirmed) (11400–84200)
L. pneumophila SG 1,8
295 (1,600,000)
7 L. pneumophila SG 1 64.5%
including 65 L. dumoffii
Japan, 2002 Hot spring bath (culture, antibody titre, urinary 1.5% (of 76 Strong
suspected cases (9–95) (5,200,000)
[22,51–55] antigen) examined)
(7) L. londiniensis
L. pneumophila SG 1 9 65 L. pneumophila SG 1
Japan, 2003 Public bath house 0.13% na Probable
(culture) (1) (52–82) (1,300,000)
L. pneumophila SG 1 3 50 L. pneumophila SG 1
France, 2010 Public whirlpool spa na 33.3% Strong
(culture, urinary antigen) (1) (30–70) (150,000)
Total: 44 (6)
tourists: 71.5
10 Cluster1: 21
L. pneumophila SG 1 hotel L. pneumophila SG 1
Spain, 2011–12 Hotel spa pool Cluster2: 2 na na Strong
(culture) workers: L. micdadei
[57] Cluster3: 3
Cluster4: 18
Spa house L. pneumophila SG 1,13 7 L. pneumophila
Japan, 2015 na 100% 66.3 Strong
(men’s pool) (culture) (0) SG 1,13
na: Not available; clinical and environmental isolates showed correlated molecular profiles in events No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11.
Table 6. Outbreaks of Pontiac fever (PF)/Legionnaires’ disease (LD) associated with recreational water.
Number of
Event No.
Legionella spp. Cases Proportion Median Age Environmental Strength of
Country, Year Water System Attack Rate
(Diagnosis Based on) PF + LD of Males (Range) Isolates (cfu/L) Evidence
(Fatal Cases)
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
Oklaoma US, 2004 L. pneumophila SG 1 Strong
tub area (antibody titre, urinary antigen) (0) (LD: 1.9%) LD: 100% LD: 6.5
L. pneumophila SG 1 116 + 2 PF: 41.4%
England, 2006 Leisure club spa pool na (18–85) L. pneumophila SG 1 Probable
(antibody titre, urinary antigen) (0) LD: 100%
7 PF: 54
Private outdoor L. pneumophila SG 1 3+1 PF: 66.7%
Netherlands, 2009 na (52–83) L. pneumophila SG 1 Probable
whirlpool spa (antibody titre, urinary antigen) (1 LD) LD: 0%)
[65] LD: 78
na: Not available; clinical and environmental isolates showed correlated molecular profiles in the event No. 3.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
Drowning 2.6%
COPD 3.9%
Diabetes 11.0%
S mokers 58.7%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 2. Distribution of underlying medical conditions and risk factors in 155 cases of
Legionnaires’ disease.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
0 10 20 30 40 50
4. Discussion
This review aimed to evaluate the cases and outbreaks of legionellosis associated with exposure
to recreational water since the disease was first described in 1976. Both sporadic cases and outbreaks
of LD and PF, described in the scientific literature, were included. Relevant findings from 47 articles
were synthesized, including 42 legionellosis events (17 sporadic cases and 25 outbreaks).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
illness, means that the cases, especially when sporadic, are not identified as legionellosis and are,
therefore, not subjected to laboratory diagnosis. In the selected PF events, laboratory diagnosis was
performed only in outbreaks, and Legionella spp. were never culturally isolated. On the contrary,
in the events involving LD cases, cultural isolation from patients’ specimens allowed the species to be
identified in 75% of the sporadic cases and in 11 of the 18 outbreaks with LD cases (61.1%).
Among the different species and serogroups, L. pneumophila SG 1 (three sporadic cases and
15 outbreaks of LD) and SG 6 (five sporadic cases and two outbreaks of LD) were the agents most
frequently responsible, while, among the other species, L. micdadei was implicated in three outbreaks
of PF and two outbreaks of mixed PF and LD. In five events, various species or serogroups were
involved [27,30,42,58,62], one of which was the first case where the same genotype of L. rubrilucens
was isolated from the LD patient’s sputum and the hot spring water [30].
This review confirms certain known characteristics of the epidemiology of legionellosis. PF cases
showed no evidence of underlying risk factors and PF outbreaks had a high attack rate, with no
difference between males and females. On the contrary, LD cases prevalently involved males and
individuals presenting risk factors, such as smoking and all the underlying medical conditions that
reduce immune defenses. In LD outbreaks, the attack rate is low and the fatality rate is high (on
average, 6.3%, but up to 31.2% in events related to private hot tubs).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
all the articles. Many studies do not report the environmental conditions that could have favoured
such infections. In 19 events, no information is available on the type of water treatment, the level
of residual disinfectant, or the state of maintenance of the facility. Only in three events is the water
temperature specified, a factor that, in these types of recreational facilities, plays a fundamental role
in the development of Legionella spp. and was probably co-responsible for three LD cases associated
with near drowning in hot spring spas and public baths [32,35,37]. Lying in or sitting up to the neck in
hot water (above 40 ◦ C), especially in combination with alcohol consumption, may cause drowsiness,
which may then lead to unconsciousness and, consequently, drowning [70].
Based on the selected criteria, the strength of evidence linking the cases/outbreaks to the
recreational water facilities was strong in 52.4% of events, probable in 21.4%, and possible in 23.9%.
Strong evidence was principally attributable to the results of analytical study in nine events, and to
the match of environmental and clinical isolates in 17 events. The comparison between strains of
environmental and clinical origin using molecular biology techniques was carried out at a very
high level of frequency, especially in cases concerning LD (43.7% of sporadic cases and 81.8% of LD
4.5. Limitations
The present study was limited to articles published in English or with an exhaustive abstract in
English, and only peer-reviewed literature was considered. Furthermore, the legionellosis events that
are published represent only part of the overall number of cases: Larger LD outbreaks are more likely
to be published than sporadic cases and smaller events, especially of Pontiac fever. Also, the review
does not include cruise ship cases [18] and cases associated with display spa pools in retail premises,
fairs, exhibitions, and shows [71,72], which represent another important source of infection. Therefore,
the role of the recreational facilities as a source of infection is underestimated, also considering that in
many LD and PF cases the source of Legionella remains unknown [3,16].
The heterogeneity of epidemiological investigations, in terms of study design, sample size,
and information about the duration of exposure and environmental contributing factors, limited the
comparison of results. In particular, the lack of information about the treatment and management of
recreational facilities makes it difficult to exhaustively evaluate the role of environmental conditions.
5. Conclusions
Data extracted from the articles in this systematic review show that hot tubs, whirlpools, and spa
pools represent an important source of infection of Legionella spp., given the number of cases involved
(1079 from 1981 to 2015), the number of deaths (29), and the high percentage of events with strong
evidence of an association. On the contrary, the risk related to the natural recreational water of rivers
and lakes appears negligible: The only sporadic case reported is a case consequent to a near-drowning
in estuarine water [20].
Among the cases included in this review, PF cases were the most numerous and were caused
by a variety of species and serogroups: L. pneumopghila SG 6 and L. micdadei were the most often
responsible agents, while L. pneumophila SG 1 was responsible for most LD cases. Unlike PF cases,
LD cases prevalently involved individuals presenting risk factors, such as smoking, and underlying
medical conditions that reduce immune defenses.
Certain operating conditions that facilitate the formation of aerosol, such as the high temperature
of the water and the presence of hydromassage systems, are risk factors inherent to this kind
of recreational water. In hot tubs and similar facilities, it is impractical to maintain a water
temperature outside the range considered at risk. Therefore, other management strategies need
to be implemented, which may include appropriate design and adequate disinfection residual and
proper maintenance and cleaning of equipment as well as adequate ventilation. Features, such as
water sprays, should be periodically cleaned and flushed with a level of disinfectant adequate to
eliminate Legionella spp. [3,17,67]. In this review, the environmental conditions were described for
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1612
22 events, and in 21 of these (95.5%) at least one of the preventive measures recommended by the
various guidelines was not respected. Therefore, it seems important to increase collaboration between
the different professionals involved (public health experts, policy makers, facility managers, technical
staff, equipment manufacturers) to improve the knowledge of the operators and their awareness of the
risk and to favour compliance with control measures.
Author Contributions: E.L.: conception, design and supervision of the study; F.C., S.M., L.D.: selection and
analysis of the articles, collection of data of interest in a structured form. E.L. and L.D. drafted the manuscript.
All authors approved the final version of the manuscript.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Maria Cristina Labanti, Document Delivery Service,
Biblioteca Interdipartimentale di Medicina, Biblioteca Biomedica, Bologna University, who provided the full text
of some articles of interest.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
LD Legionnaires’ Disease
PF Pontiac Fever
cfu colony forming unit
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© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Norovirus Outbreak Associated with Swimming in
a Recreational Lake Not Influenced by External
Human Fecal Sources in The Netherlands,
August 2012
Franciska M. Schets 1, *, Harold H. J. L. van den Berg 1 , Harry Vennema 1 , Manon T. M. Pelgrim 2 ,
Cees Collé 3 , Saskia A. Rutjes 1 and Willemijn J. Lodder 1
1 National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands;
[email protected] (H.H.J.L.v.d.B.); [email protected] (H.V.); [email protected] (S.A.R.);
[email protected] (W.J.L.)
2 Public Health Service Veiligheids-en Gezondheidsregio Gelderland-Midden,
Postbus 5364, 6802 EJ Arnhem, The Netherlands; [email protected]
3 Province of Gelderland, Postbus 9090, 6800 GX Arnhem, The Netherlands; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +31-302743929
Abstract: Swimming in fecally contaminated recreational water may lead to gastrointestinal illness.
A recreational water-associated outbreak of norovirus (NoV) infections affecting at least 100 people
in The Netherlands occurred in August 2012. Questionnaire responses from patients indicated
swimming in recreational lake Zeumeren as the most likely cause of illness. Most patients visited the
lake during the weekend of 18–19 August, during which the weather was exceptionally warm
(maximum temperatures 32–33 ◦ C), and visitor numbers elevated. Patients, mostly children,
became ill with gastroenteritis 1–6 days (median 2 days) after exposure. Four stool samples from
patients were NoV GI positive. Subsurface sandy soil from one of the beaches where most patients
swam was NoV GI positive; the water sample was negative. The epidemiological curve and the
timeline of investigation based on reported symptoms demonstrate the difficulty in discovering the
source in recreational water outbreaks. A NoV outbreak in a recreational lake that is not subjected
to external fecal contamination sources shows the need for active communication about human
shedding of viruses during and after diarrheal episodes and the advice to refrain from swimming,
even a few weeks after the symptoms have resolved.
1. Introduction
Noroviruses (NoV) are the leading cause of diarrhea in all age groups worldwide and they
are primarily transmitted through the fecal-oral route [1]. The viruses are extremely contagious,
with an estimated 50% infectious dose (ID50 ) as low as 2.6 (aggregated) viral particles [2]. Primary cases
often result from exposure to contaminated food or water, whereas person-to-person contact results in
further spread of the infection. Infected persons shed large numbers of viral particles into the environment,
and (low level) shedding may continue after symptoms have resolved [1,3]. Symptoms of NoV infections
are mainly projectile vomiting and watery non-bloody diarrhoea, but fever, abdominal cramping and
nausea do also occur. The incubation period is 10 to 51 h and illness is generally self-limiting, normally
lasting 2–3 days [1,4], but the duration of illness can be prolonged to 4–6 days in children younger than
11 years of age [5].
NoV have been genetically classified into five genogroups (G) [6]. GI and GII are primarily associated
with human disease [1]. The GII.4 cluster is responsible for most human norovirus outbreaks [7];
for example, over 80% of the outbreaks in the United States (1994–2006) were caused by strains
from this cluster [4]. GI strains are more often associated with waterborne outbreaks than other
genogroups [8]. NoV have been the cause of outbreaks related to contaminated municipal water supplies,
e.g., in Sweden [9], drinking water wells, e.g., in The Netherlands [10], ground water, e.g., in South
Korea [11], and various recreational water settings [12], including a fountain in Belgium, where Dutch
school children became ill during a school trip [13], a swimming pool [14] and a fresh water lake in the
United States [15], and a recreational lake in Finland [16]. A survey of recreational water associated viral
disease outbreaks, occurring between 1977 and 2006, identified noroviruses as the cause of the illness in
45% (n = 25) of the outbreaks [12]. The majority of these outbreaks resulted from exposure to lakes (56%,
n = 14). In a recently published study of bathing water related outbreaks in Finland that all occurred in
2014, epidemiological and microbiological data showed that NoV was the main causative agent [17].
This paper describes the occurrence and investigation of a recreational water associated outbreak
of NoV infections affecting at least 100 people in The Netherlands in August 2012.
Figure 1. Recreational water lake Zeumeren, The Netherlands, with beaches 1—10 and sampling points.
A—C. Beaches 1—2 and 3 are the official beaches, which are sampled for monitoring according to the
EU BWD [18]. Sampling points for the outbreak investigation: A—water and subsurface sandy soil
sample taken, B and C—subsurface sandy soil samples taken.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2550
Figure 2. Epidemiological curve, indicating the days on which the cases (ntotal = 45) were exposed and
their first day of illness, and the timeline of the outbreak investigation.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2550
has a surface of 1.7 hectare, a maximum water depth of 1.5 m, and a total beach length of 530 m.
On-site facilities include toilets, showers, waste bins, and play equipment; the play equipment is
located on the dry land of beach 4 (Figure 1). Dogs are not allowed at the location during the bathing
season. The bathing water profile indicates that there is no connection to other water bodies, and that
the water quality is not influenced by wastewater treatment plants or run-off from agricultural land.
A substantial seagull population foraging at the lake may however occasionally influence the water
quality. According to the EU BWD, water quality at lake Zeumeren is classified as ‘excellent’.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2550
filtration method with incubation on Karmali Agar at 42 ± 0.5 ◦ C for 48 ± 2 h (in house method of Het
Waterlaboratorium, Haarlem, The Netherlands).
When the four analyzed stool samples appeared to be NoV positive, RIVM was contacted on
30 August and asked to take environmental samples for NoV analysis at lake Zeumeren. Sampling was
done on 3 September 2012. Water and subsurface sandy soil samples were only taken from the beaches
where most of the patients had stayed or swum during the weekend of 18 and 19 August as was
pointed out by the questionnaire results. One water sample was taken at sampling point A, and one
subsurface sandy soil sample was taken at each of the sampling points A–C (Figure 1).
The water sample (600 L) was taken by using an on-site filtration adsorption-elution procedure
for concentration of the sample [20,21]. The eluate was further concentrated by ultrafiltration under
high pressure (three bars) using a cellulose-acetate filter with a nominal molecular weight limit of
10,000 (Sartorius). The ultrafilter was rinsed with 3% beef extract (pH 9.0) resulting in the final
concentrate of approximately 40 mL which was stored at −70◦ C until further analysis. RNA extraction
was performed on 0.2, 1 and 5 mL of the concentrate as described by Rutjes et al. [21].
Subsurface sandy soil samples of approximately 50 g were taken by using a tubular soil sampler.
Subsequently, 10 mL 0.05 M glycine buffer pH 9.0 was added to 5.0 g of each sandy soil sample and
mixed at 500 rpm for 35 min at 4◦ C, after which it was allowed to settle for 10 min (in house method
RIVM). RNA extraction was done according to Rutjes et al. [21], by adding 20 and then 9 mL of
lysis buffer (Biomerieux, Boxtel, The Netherlands) to 5 mL and 1 mL volumes, respectively, of the
supernatant. Purification of the RNA extract was done by using a Qiagen RNeasy kit according to the
manufacturers’ instructions.
A real time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) assay as described by Verhaelen et al. [19]
was performed to detect the presence of norovirus GI and GII RNA. The sequence of the detected
norovirus strain was determined by directly sequencing the purified RT-PCR product, which was
86 nucleotides long.
3. Results
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2550
4. Discussion
Following the reporting of many cases of gastroenteritis that seemed related to exposure to
a recreational lake in The Netherlands during an exceptionally warm weekend in August 2012,
several leads were investigated in order to discover the etiological agent and the source of the outbreak.
Although the epidemiological investigation implicated the recreational lake as the most likely location
of contracting illness, the different directions in which the investigation went, based on reported
symptoms, demonstrate the difficulty in narrowing down the possible cause of recreational water
related outbreaks. The results of the examination of patient material can ease the search for the
etiological agent and the source; however, in this case, the reporting of a patient with a Campylobacter
infection in combination with the presence of a large seagull population resulted in choosing, what later
appeared to be, the wrong direction. Following several leads and having various patient and
environmental samples examined takes time, and in this case, led to the examination of water
and subsurface sandy soil samples only over two weeks after the outbreak presumably started,
thus diminishing the chances of detecting the etiological agent. Due to of the time gap between the
onset of the outbreak and the environmental sampling, subsurface sandy soil sampling was performed
in addition to the normal procedure of water sampling because sedimentation of virus particles during
the delay period could have resulted in the presence of virus particles in the subsurface sandy soil [22].
In this outbreak investigation, this appeared to be true and therefore subsurface sandy soil sampling
could be considered while environmental sampling in outbreak situations is delayed. However,
even if environmental samples are taken sooner, factors such as dispersion, dilution, sedimentation
and inactivation of the microorganisms in the water body may result in the inability to detect the
microorganisms that caused the outbreak [23]. The detection of NoV GI in the stool samples of outbreak
related patients and the detection of NoV GI in the subsurface sandy soil of the beach where most
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2550
patients swam support the probability that exposure to the lake resulted in the outbreak. NoV G
I strains have a stronger association with waterborne transmission than GII strains [8,24], possibly
because they are more stable in water than GII strains [8]. In a survey of recreational waters in Europe,
9.4% of 1440 samples were positive with NoV GI and GII [25], thus demonstrating the presence of NoV
in randomly selected recreational waters.
The epidemiological investigation showed that most of the patients were children. It has been
demonstrated that, while swimming, compared to adults, children spend more time in the water
and ingest a larger volume of water, thus increasing their exposure [26,27] and resulting in a higher
infection risk and attributable disease burden [28]. High exposure of children in combination with the
low infectious dose of NoV [2] and the incompletely developed immune system in young children
explain the high number of affected children. A possible bias is that parents are more likely to report
health complaints and sooner when their children are involved.
The detection of the same NoV genogroup in subsurface sandy soil and in patients two weeks
after the onset of the outbreak shows that NoV may be present in the environment for prolonged
time through accumulation in sediment [22], and may even be re-dispersed when bathers whirl the
soil. Although only RNA from virus particles was detected and no information about their infectivity
was available, these results indicate the value of a prolonged advice against bathing. Lake Zeumeren
is an isolated lake that is not subject to external sources of fecal contamination that may introduce
NoV, such as sewage water treatment plants, and the majority of the cases did not buy or consume
on-site sold food and beverages. Therefore, a food-related cause of the outbreak is unlikely and
the most plausible cause of contamination of the water is an infected human. Evidence of a single
person being responsible for contamination of the water was, however, not discovered, as is often the
case [8,24]. Prevention of outbreaks that have an infected human as the source can be done by active
communication of the long-standing advice of not to swim while having diarrhea, combined with the
information that viral shedding continues even after symptoms have resolved, although this does not
prevent occasional asymptomatic shedding [29].
5. Conclusions
An outbreak of gastrointestinal illness among over 100 visitors of a recreational lake in The
Netherlands during an exceptionally warm weekend was caused by NoV. The results of the
epidemiological investigation, combined with the detection of NoV GI in the stool samples of outbreak
related patients and in the subsurface sandy soil of the beach where most patients swam, suggest that
exposure to the recreational lake resulted in the outbreak. Although the primary contamination source
has not been discovered, the most likely cause of contamination of the water is an infected human,
because the lake is an isolated water body that is not subject to external sources of fecal contamination.
An outbreak like this warrants active communication about human shedding of viruses during and
after diarrheal episodes and the advice to refrain from swimming. The epidemiological curve and the
timeline of investigation based on reported symptoms demonstrate the difficulty in discovering the
source in recreational water outbreaks.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.T.M.P., C.C. and F.M.S.; Methodology, H.H.J.L.v.d.B., W.J.L. and
H.V.; Investigation, F.M.S., H.H.J.L.v.d.B., M.T.M.P., W.J.L. and S.A.R.; Data Analysis, M.T.M.P., F.M.S., W.J.L.
and H.V.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, F.M.S.; Writing—Review & Editing, F.M.S., H.H.J.L.v.d.B., H.V.,
M.T.M.P., C.C., S.A.R. and W.J.L.; Visualization, F.M.S. and M.T.M.P.; Supervision, F.M.S.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the location manager of lake Zeumeren and the colleagues from the
province of Gelderland and Public Health Service VGGM involved in this outbreak investigation for their
contribution, Ana Maria de Roda Husman (RIVM) for critically reading of the manuscript and Leonard Bik for his
help with the figures.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2550
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© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Assessment of Microbiological Safety of Water in
Public Swimming Pools in Guangzhou, China
Xiaohong Wei 1,2,† , Juntao Li 1,† , Shuiping Hou 1 , Conghui Xu 1 , Hao Zhang 1 ,
Edward Robert Atwill 3,4 , Xunde Li 3,4 , Zhicong Yang 1, * and Shouyi Chen 1, * ID
1 Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou 510440, China;
[email protected] (X.W.); [email protected] (J.L.); [email protected] (S.H.); [email protected] (C.X.);
[email protected] (H.Z.)
2 School of Public Health, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510030, China
3 Department of Population Health and Reproduction, University of California Davis, California,
CA 95616, USA; [email protected] (E.R.A.); [email protected] (X.L.)
4 Western Institute for Food Safety and Security, University of California Davis, California, CA 95616, USA
* Correspondence: [email protected] (Z.Y.); [email protected] (S.C.); Tel.: +86-138-2614-0717 (Z.Y.)
† These authors contributed equally to this article.
Abstract: This study assessed microbiological safety of water from public swimming pools in
Guangzhou, China. Water samples from 39 outdoor municipal swimming pools were collected from
late June to early September, 2013 and subjected to detection of protozoa (Giardia and Cryptosporidium)
and bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginos, total coliforms, E. coli, E. coli O157, Shigella, and Salmonella).
Cryptosporidium and Giardia were both detected in 5 (12.8%) swimming pools. Total coliforms were
detected in 4 (10.3%) samples with concentrations ranging from 1.3 to 154.0 MPN/100 mL while E. coli
was detected in 4 (10.3%) samples with concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 5.3 MPN/100 mL.
P. aeruginosa was detected in 27 (69.2%) samples but E. coli O157, Shigella and Salmonella were
not detected. Among these swimming pools, 9 (23%) met the Chinese National Standard of residual
chlorine levels and 24 (62%) were tested free of residual chlorine at least once. The multi-locus
sequence typing (MLST) analysis showed that all P. aeruginosa isolates belonged to new sequence
types (STs) with dominant ST-1764 and ST-D distributed in different locations within the area.
Some P. aeruginosa strains were resistant to medically important antibiotics. Results indicate potential
public health risks due to the presence of microbiological pathogens in public swimming pools in
this area.
1. Introduction
Many microbiological pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites can cause waterborne
disease [1]. Waterborne disease is estimated to cause more than 2.2 million deaths per year and
many cases of illness every day, including diarrhea, gastrointestinal diseases and other systemic
illnesses [2,3]. Waterborne disease can have a significant impact locally and globally [4]. Waterborne
infections are transmitted in numerous ways, including but not limited to ingestion, airborne or contact
with contaminated water by a variety of infectious agents.
In addition to drinking water, which serves as a route for waterborne illness worldwide, especially
in developing countries [5], exposure to recreational water also frequently causes outbreaks of
waterborne diseases in both developed and developing countries [6–9]. For examples of recreational
water related outbreaks in developed countries, there have been reports of waterborne disease
associated with swimming pools in Australia [10], England and Wales [11] and other countries [12].
Most countries have programs for monitoring microbiological safety of swimming pool water.
However, diverse public health and economic conditions among countries result in different
microbiological and physical-chemical standards for swimming pool water even within countries of
the European Union [13]. In China, a National Standard for swimming pool water quality, entitled
“Hygienic Standard for Swimming Places” has been established (GB9667-1996). Major parameters
in the National Standard are water temperature (22–26 ◦ C), pH (6.5–8.5), turbidity (≤5 NTU), urea
(≤3.5 mg/L), free residual chlorine levels (0.3–0.5 mg/L), total bacteria count (≤1000 cfu/mL), total
coliforms (≤18 cfu/L). Although some recent works have studied water quality of swimming pools in
China, most of these studies have primarily focused on the basic parameters that are highlighted in the
National Standards, including pH, turbidity, urea content and total coliforms [14–16]. Literature on the
microbiological safety of swimming pool water in China has been notably sparse. Furthermore, from a
public health perspective it remains unknown if swimming pool water transmits antibiotic resistant
bacteria. By detection and analysis of key waterborne protozoa and bacteria, this study evaluated the
microbiological safety of water in outdoor public swimming pools in Guangzhou, which is a large
metropolitan area in southern China.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1416
kit (Waterborne, New Orleans, LA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Slides were
examined for (oo) cysts using an immunofluorescent microscope (Leica DM6000B).
All bacteria were detected according to China’s National Standard (GB) protocols. Specifically,
P. aeruginosa was detected using methods described in the Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics
(GB7918.4-2007, Ministry of Health, China). The methods used for detection of other bacteria were based
on the National Food Safety Standard (Ministry of Health, China), i.e., GB4789.3-2010 for total coliforms,
GB4789.38-2012 for E. coli, GB4789.36-2008 for E. coli O157, GB4789.5-2012 for Shigella and GB4789.4-2010
for Salmonella, respectively. The procedures for detection of these bacteria are described below.
To detect P. aeruginosa, 10 mL of retentate was resuspended in 90 mL of Soya Casein Digest
Lecithin Polysorbate (SCDLP) broth and incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24 h. Then, 100 μL of the culture was
streaked on cetrimide agar and incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24 h. For total coliforms, triplication of serially
diluted retentate (1, 0.1 and 0.01 mL) were resuspended in tubes of LST (Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose)
broth and incubated at 37 ◦ C for 48 h. The most probable number (MPN) was calculated according
to the number of tubes that generated positive reactions (generating bubbles). Similarly, triplication
of serially diluted culture (1, 0.1, and 0.01 mL) of LST broth generating bubbles were transferred into
E. coli broth and incubated at 44.5 ◦ C for 48 h for calculating MPN of E. coli. To detect E. coli O157,
25 mL of retentate was added to 225 mL of modified E. coli broth and incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24 h.
An aliquot of the culture was streaked onto E. coli O157 chromogenic medium and incubated at 37 ◦ C
for 24 h. Red or purple colonies were chosen to cultivate on TSI (Triple Sugar Iron) agar medium at
37 ◦ C for 24 h. For detection of Shigella, 25 mL of retentate was added to 225 mL of Shigella broth and
incubated at 42 ◦ C for 20 h. Then, an aliquot of the culture was streaked onto Shigella chromogenic
medium and incubated at 37 ◦ C for 48 h. Typical colonies were selected for cultivation on TSI (Triple
Sugar Iron) agar medium at 37 ◦ C for 24 h. For detection of Salmonella, 25 mL of retentate was added
to 225 mL of Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) and incubated at 37 ◦ C for 18 h. An aliquot of the BPW
culture was added to 10 mL of TTB (Tatrathionate Broth) and incubated at 42 ◦ C for 24 h. The culture
in TTB was then streaked onto Salmonella chromogenic medium and incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24 h. Purple
or red colonies were selected for incubation on TSI (Triple Sugar Iron) agar medium at 37 ◦ C for 24 h.
Isolates of P. aeruginosa, Shigella and Salmonella were confirmed biochemically and phenotypically
using the VITEK2 GN method (bioMériux, Marcy d’Etoile, France).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1416
China). Sequences from the study and alleles and STs from the PubMLST ( were
used to construct a phylogenetic tree of P. aeruginosa isolates using MLST Data Analysis-Tree drawing
( A population snapshot was operated using the software eBRUST
V3 available at the website of
Table 1. Primers used for multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) of P. aeruginosa isolates.
3. Results
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1416
cysts in positive pool water were 0.03 cysts/L of Giardia and 0.03–0.14 oocysts/L of Cryptosporidium.
The proportional occurrences of both Giardia and Cryptosporidium were 25% (3/12) and 7.4% (2/27) in
pools in the Baiyun district (suburban) and the Haizhu district (urban), respectively. There was no
significant difference in the occurrence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in swimming pools between
suburban and urban areas (p = 0.159).
Table 2. Occurrence of P. aeruginosa in swimming pool water with different residual levels of
free chlorine.
Residual Levels of Free Chlorine (mg/L) % (Positive/Total) Occurrence of P. aeruginosa p OR (95% CI)
<0.3 66.7 (8/12) - -
0.3 to 0.5 77.8 (7/9) 1.00 1.00 (0.21, 4.71)
>0.5 66.7 (12/18) 0.55 1.75 (0.28, 11.15)
Total 69.2 (27/39) - -
Note: OR = odds ratio, CI = confidence interval. <0.3 mg/L was used as control group.
Table 3. List of the alleles and bioinformatics analysis of STs of P. aeruginosa isolates from public swimming pools in Guangzhou, 2013.
acsA aroE guaA mutL nuoD ppsA trpE Group STs SLV DLV Freq Pool Type District
81 11 112 5 73 20 139 1 ST-A 1 1 1 Residential Haizhu
81 11 112 5 13 20 139 1 ST-B 2 0 2 Residential Baiyun
81 11 57 5 13 20 139 1 ST-1764 1 1 3 Residential Baiyun
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1416
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1416
Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of MLSTs of 17 P. aeruginosa isolates each from different swimming pools.
The red digits in the parentheses denote the numbers of the STs. The number of unmarked STs was 1.
Figure 2. Population structure of the 1833 STs listed in the P. aeruginosa PubMLST database and the
11 STs from this study. Note: The figure shows all BURST groups (connected STs), singleton STs,
ancestral founders (blue STs), and subgroup founders (yellow STs). Dots represent STs and lines
connect single-locus variants. Purple letters and digits represent STs of P. aeruginosa from the current
study and STs with green halos represent STs detected only in the current study. Line length and
singleton ST placement is arbitrary.
Table 4. Phenotypic antibiotic resistance traits of P. aeruginosa from public swimming pools in Guangzhou, 2013.
17 S *** S S S S R R S S S S
32 IR S S S S S IR S S S S
33 S S S S S R S S S S S
37 R S S S S S S S S S S
All other isolates S S S S S S S S S S S
* R = Resistant; ** IR = Intermediate Resistant; *** S = Susceptible.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1416
4. Discussion
According to our observations during the survey and the survey results, overall there is a lack of
good practices in pool management, including water disinfection. The free residual chlorine levels of
18 (46%) swimming pools were greater than 0.5 mg/L, which is higher than that of China’s National
Standard for swimming pools. However, the standards for free residual chlorine for swimming pool
water in some European countries [13] are higher than the Chinese standard, which may increase the
efficiency of water disinfection. On the other hand, the pools open in June through September which is
the warmest season of the whole year in Guangzhou. UV radiation can lead to the formation of chlorate
in the water, which reduces the concentration of free chlorine available in water and subsequently
impacts the effects of chlorine disinfection. Also, because children were not required to wear diapers
when swimming, there was a potential of pool water contamination by children with diarrhea, which
is a reported route for swimming pool contamination with Cryptosporidium [20]. Finally, the manner
of refreshing pool water (adding water when necessary instead of replacing water completely) could
facilitate the accumulation of pathogens in water.
The overall prevalence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium were both 12.8% in swimming pools during
the study period. No significant differences in the occurrence of the two protozoal parasites were found
between pools in urban and suburban areas. This is converse to our previous findings that prevalence
of Cryptosporidium was significantly higher in children hospitalized in suburban hospitals than in
urban hospitals in the same area [17]. This is probably because of the different transmission routes of
Cryptosporidium in children patients living in urban and suburban areas. Due to limited numbers of
(oo) cysts detected from pool water we did not characterize the two parasites by genotyping, hence the
genotypes and zoonotic potential of the two parasites in pool water were unknown. In our previous
study we found that the dominant species of Cryptosporidium in children hospitalized for diarrhea in
the same area was C. parvum, a species that infects humans and a wide range of animals [17]. Also,
because of the limited numbers of oocysts detected in samples, we did not assess the viability of
oocysts, therefore, it was unknown if the oocysts detected in pool water were infective. However, it is
known that oocysts are resistant to chlorine and cause waterborne illness associated with swimming
pools [21,22]. Cryptosporidium and Giardia are infectious to people, especially children, the elderly,
others with weakened immunity (such as AIDS patients) and travelers, and may cause severe diarrhea
and even death [23,24]. The two parasites are major causes of waterborne parasitic infections all over
the world, including developed countries such as New Zealand, Australia and USA [25]. A challenge
to control these waterborne parasites is that chlorination is ineffective against (oo) cysts [25]. Although
UV irradiation [26] and ozone [27] show promising effects against (oo) cysts, these methods have not
been practical for disinfection of swimming pool water. As a result, waterborne Cryptosporidium and
Giardia associated with swimming occur frequently [28,29]. Therefore, it was not a surprise to detect
Cryptosporidium and Giardia in swimming pool water in the area, and the results demonstrated that
control of the two most common waterborne protozoa is a continuous task in Guangzhou area, as it
is elsewhere.
With respect to bacterial pathogens, both total coliform and E. coli were detected in approximately
10% of the enrolled swimming pools. These indicator organisms can potentially cause various diseases,
particularly in children under five years old and the elderly [6]. Presence of these organisms in water
often indicates the ineffectiveness of water disinfection [30], especially the pools with total coliform
concentrations higher than the National Standard in this study. The good news is that pathogenic
bacteria, E. coli O157, Shigella and Salmonella were not detected in all swimming pools, including those
10% of pools that were positive for total coliforms and E. coli. However, another pathogenic bacterium,
P. aeruginosa was found to be highly prevalent (69%) in studied swimming pools.
P. aeruginosa is ubiquitous in water and is resistant to chemical disinfectants such as chlorine [31].
P. aeruginosa cause a variety of disease including folliculitis, external otitis, keratitis, urinary infections
and gastrointestinal infections through exposure to skin, ears, eyes, urinary track, lungs and the
gut [12,30,32]. Seventy-nine percent of ear infections in swimmers were ascribed to P. aeruginosa with
IJERPH 2018, 15, 1416
symptoms ranging from earache to hearing loss [33]. According to a survey of waterborne diseases in
the USA between 1999 and 2008, P. aeruginosa was the second most common waterborne pathogenic
micro-organism after Cryptosporidium [6]. A study reported that P. aeruginosa was detected in 95 (59%)
of 161 samples of swimming pool filter backwash in Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA [34]. In the present
study we detected similarly high occurrence (69%) of P. aeruginosa in public swimming pools in the
Guangzhou area. Also, the same STs or the same group of STs of P. aeruginosa were distributed among
different types of pools in different complexes, and in different locations (Table 3). Our MLST (Figure 1)
and population structure analysis (Figure 2) showed that STs of P. aeruginosa from swimming pools in
the studied area were distinct from strains from other areas and other types of samples, indicating that
unique P. aeruginosa strains were present in the aquatic environment in the area. Although our study
did not determine the routes of transmission of P. aeruginosa in the area, P. aeruginosa can be carried
on the equipment of swimmers [33]. Finally, several isolates of P. aeruginosa from swimming pools
were resistant to some medically important antibiotics such as piperacillin, imipenem, and gentamicin
(Table 4). This result is consistent with reports that P. aeruginosa isolates from water environments have
lower antibiotic resistance than those of clinical specimens [35]. However, the presence of antibiotic
resistant P. aeruginosa in swimming pool water indicates that swimming pool water can serve as a route
for transmitting antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes, hence presenting additional risks to swimmers
who use public swimming pools and workers who perform maintenance of the pools.
Waterborne illness associated with swimming pools is commonly attributed to fecal contamination
of water either by swimmers or animals that have access to outdoor pools [36,37]. Other non-fecal
substances, such as vomit, mucus, saliva and skin can also serve as sources of pathogenic
micro-organisms in swimming pools [38]. Although there are microbiological standards using total
bacteria count and total coliform for swimming water, research on microbiological safety associated
with pathogens in swimming pool water has been sparse in China. Our study showed the presence of
pathogens such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia and antibiotic resistant P. aeruginosa in public swimming
pools that potentially pose risks to public health. Data from our study and future similar studies will
provide a background for public health agencies and communities to improve the management of
public swimming pools in order to prevent waterborne illness associated with swimming pools.
5. Conclusions
This is the initial work of assessing microbiological safety of water in public swimming pools
in Guangzhou, China. The presence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia and antibiotic resistant P. aeruginosa
in swimming water indicate potential risks to public health in this area. Results suggest the need
of updating management of swimming pool facilities and treatment of swimming water in order to
prevent waterborne illness associated with swimming in the area.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.R.A., X.L. and S.C.; Methodology, S.H. and C.X.; Data Curation,
X.W., J.L. and H.Z.; Data Analysis X.W. and X.L.; Draft Preparation, X.W.; Writing-Review & Editing, X.L. E.R.A.
and S.C.; Supervision, E.R.A., Z.Y., and S.C.
Funding: This work was supported by the University Outreach and International Programs (UOIP) Seed Grant
(2012) of University of California Davis and the Project for Key Medicine Discipline Construction of Guangzhou
Municipality (2013-2015-07).
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention for its’ kind
support of this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Legionella spp. Risk Assessment in Recreational and
Garden Areas of Hotels
Antonios Papadakis 1,2,† ID , Dimosthenis Chochlakis 1,3,† , Vassilios Sandalakis 1 ,
Maria Keramarou 1 , Yannis Tselentis 1 and Anna Psaroulaki 1,3, *
1 Department of Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis, School of Medicine, University of Crete,
Voutes—Staurakia, 71110 Heraklion, Crete, Greece; [email protected] (A.P.);
[email protected] (D.C.); [email protected] (V.S.); [email protected] (M.K.);
[email protected] (Y.T.)
2 Public Health Authority of Heraklion, 71201 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
3 Regional Laboratory of Public Health, School of Medicine, 71110 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +30-2810-039-4743
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Several Travel-associated Legionnaires’ disease (TALD) cases occur annually in Europe.
Except from the most obvious sites (cooling towers and hot water systems), infections can also be
associated with recreational, water feature, and garden areas of hotels. This argument is of great
interest to better comprehend the colonization and to calculate the risk to human health of these
sites. From July 2000–November 2017, the public health authorities of the Island of Crete (Greece)
inspected 119 hotels associated with TALD, as reported through the European Legionnaires’ Disease
Surveillance Network. Five hundred and eighteen samples were collected from decorative fountain
ponds, showers near pools and spas, swimming pools, spa pools, garden sprinklers, drip irrigation
systems (reclaimed water) and soil. Of those, 67 (12.93%), originating from 43 (35.83%) hotels, tested
positive for Legionella (Legionella pneumophila serogroups 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 and non-pneumophila
species (L. anisa, L. erythra, L. taurinensis, L. birminghamensis, L. rubrilucens). A Relative Risk (R.R.)
> 1 (p < 0.0001) was calculated for chlorine concentrations of less than 0.2 mg/L (R.R.: 54.78),
star classification (<4) (R.R.: 4.75) and absence of Water Safety Plan implementation (R.R.: 3.96). High
risk (≥104 CFU/L) was estimated for pool showers (16.42%), garden sprinklers (7.46%) and pool
water (5.97%).
Keywords: Legionella; recreational water systems; risk; water safety plan; hotel
1. Introduction
Legionella bacteria live naturally in fresh water, as well as in artificial water systems such as hot
water tanks, hot tubs or spas, cooling towers, plumbing systems, and decorative pools or fountains [1,2].
Hotel gardens are, also, frequently irrigated with sprinklers and these may present an additional risk,
particularly if they utilize recycled grey-water or sewage-based water [3]. Legionella species are able to
reproduce at 25–43 ◦ C and able to survive at temperatures of up to 55–60 ◦ C, making it possible for
them to thrive even in hot water systems [4].
Two forms of legionellosis are caused by the Legionella pathogens: Legionnaires’ disease
(LD), presenting with pneumonia-like symptoms, and Pontiac fever, presenting with influenza-like
symptoms [5]. Legionnaires’ disease, a serious form of pneumonia, may be caused by any type of
Legionella bacteria, although L. pneumophila serogroup 1 is considered the most virulent of all species
and serogroups, causing approximately 75% of all Legionella infections [2,6,7]. Until now, more than
52 different species of Legionella with at least 73 different serogroups have been described, of which
approximately 20 species have been associated with human disease [8–11]. The case-fatality ratio
of LD has been recorded in the order of 10–15%. Usually the incubation period ranges from two to
10 days, but in rare cases it may be longer, for up to 16–20 days after exposure [12,13]. Since LD is
normally acquired through the respiratory system by inhaling air that contains Legionella bacteria in an
aerosol, droplets with a diameter of less than 5 μm (~90% showers aerosols) may come into contact
with the lower human airways [8,14–16].
Travel-associated Legionnaires’ disease (TALD) corresponds to the cases of travelers who get
infected in the country they visit, but usually get diagnosed and/or report their infection back in the
country of their residence. These human cases do not include domestic ones, that is, cases in which
humans travel within their own country. Due to the long incubation period (2–10 days), travelers may
be exposed to Legionella bacteria in one country but develop symptoms and seek medical attention in
another (such as their home) country [17]. According to the 2015 report by the European Centre for
Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), a total of 1141 human cases related to TALD were reported
during that year at the 28 EU Member States and Norway, with the number being 20% higher than that
in 2014; in 2014, a total of 953 human cases were reported (21% higher than the corresponding ones of
2013) [3]. The average risk to TALD ranged from 0.02 cases/million nights in the United Kingdom to
0.88 cases/million nights in Greece, according to a study carried out in 2009. In Greece, the pooled risk
of 1.68 cases/million nights when travelling to the country was the highest among the 10 European
countries [18,19].
Since 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a Water Safety Plan (WSP)
approach according to its Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, which is based on risk assessment
and risk management principles [20]. Together with the standard EN 15975-2 (concerning security
of drinking water supply), these guidelines are an internationally recognized principle on which the
production, distribution, monitoring and analysis of parameters in drinking water is based upon.
In Europe, the Commission Directive Council 98/83/EC (EU) and 2015/1787 align with the principles
and needs of the quality of water intended for human consumption. The WSP approach includes, also,
supporting programs such as verification monitoring, appropriate documentation and record-keeping,
training and communication [21,22].
The aims of the present study were: (1) culture and identify L. pneumophila and Legionella species
in environmental samples obtained from recreational areas and determine the frequency and
severity of colonization of Legionella in these sites; (2) estimate the risk factors associated with
Legionella colonization of recreational systems and (3) evaluate the implementation of WSPs to limit
Legionella colonization.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
samples; (4) Turbidity (NTU) ≤2 median. The above criteria are met following secondary biological
treatment followed by advanced treatment and disinfection.
The sample sites were chosen based on the sites that could produce aerosols and on the sites
(rooms, areas and so on) potentially associated with a TALD case. The samples were collected according
to: (a) the guidelines for drinking-water quality (second edition) and (b) ISO 5667-2:1982—Part 2:
guidance on sampling techniques; since 2006, samples were collected following the ISO 19458:2006
Water quality—Sampling for microbiological analysis methodology. The samples were labeled and
temporarily stored in a cool box at a temperature of up to 5 (±3) ◦ C protected from direct light, before
being delivered to the laboratory immediately after the sampling (no more than 24 h).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
Table 1. Presentation of the semi-quantitative risk matrix approach that was used to implement the
water supply system risk assessment. The risk levels were divided into: high (≥20), medium (10–19),
and low (<10). The risk (R) was evaluated based on the following parameters: Likelihood (L) or the
occurrence of accidents/damage, frequency of the risk exposure, consequence or severity (S). The level
of the risk was calculated as follows: R = L × S.
Severity or Consequence
Minor (Short term
or localised, not Major (Potential Catastrophic
Insignificant aesthetic issues or
health related long-term health (Potential
(Wholesome water) long-term
non-compliance or effects) illness)
Rating: 1 non-compliance,
aesthetic) Rating: 8 Rating: 16
not heath related)
Rating: 2
Rating: 4
Most unlikely (Has not
taken place in the past and
it is highly improbable that 1 2 4 8 16
it will occur in the future)
Rating: 1
Unlikely (Is possible and
cannot be ruled out
2 4 8 16 32
Rating: 2
Likelihood or Foreseeable (Is possible and
Frequency under certain
3 6 12 24 48
circumstances could occur)
Rating: 3
Very likely (Has occurred in
the past and has the
4 8 16 32 64
potential to occur again)
Rating: 4
Almost certain (Has
occurred in the past and
5 10 20 40 80
could occur again)
Rating: 5
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
immediate review of control measures and a risk assessment was carried out to identify any other
remedial actions required. In samples which met the criteria of ≥104 : The system was re-sampled
and an immediate review of the control measures and risk assessment was carried out to identify any
remedial actions, including whether a disinfection of the whole system or affected area was necessary.
3. Results
3.2. Isolation and Identification of L. pneumophila and Legionella Species in Environmental Samples Obtained
from Recreational Systems
Legionella was isolated from swimming pool showers, garden sprinklers, reclaimed water, swimming
pool water, decorative fountain, spa water and spa showers. On the contrary, no Legionella species were
isolated from shower heads, from Jacuzzis and from garden soil. All results are summarized in Table 2.
Legionella pneumophila serogroups 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 and 2–15 were detected. Of the
non-pneumophila species, L. anisa, L. erythra, L. taurinensis, L. birminghamensis, L. rubrilucens and
Legionella species were identified, the majority of which, belonged to the human pathogenic species
L. anisa. The CFU/L ranged from 50–350,000. The lowest CFU/L were detected in spa waters, while
the highest ones were identified in swimming pool showers and in garden sprinklers. All results are
summarized in Table 3.
Table 2. Collection sites and sites where Legionella species were detected. The percentages of the positive samples have been calculated based on the total number of
collected samples. The ranges have been assigned based on the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control recommendations. The numbers at the left side
of the slash (/) correspond to the sample findings and the numbers at the right side of the slash (/) correspond to the hotel findings.
Table 3. Legionella serogroups and species isolated and identified from recreational waters (Ranges as CFU/L).
Swimming Pool Water Spa Swimming Pool Shower Spa Shower Fresh Water from Garden Sprinklers Decoration Fountain Reclaimed Water
Legionella Serogroups/Species
Pos. Range Pos. Range Pos. Range Pos. Range Pos. Range Pos. Range Pos. Range
L.p. sg 1 1 700 5 350–1150 1 26,000
L.p. sg 2 4 100–2050
L.p. sg 3 3 50-650
L.p. sg 6 1 150 2 150–600
L.p. sg 7 5 200–3350
L.p. sg 8 2 50 1 300
L.p. sg 13 1 32,500
L.p. sg 14 1 50 3 150–100,000 1/1 150 3 250–13,000
L.p. sg 15
L.p. sg 2–15 8 50–100,000 4 13,500–200,000 1 1000
L. anisa 2 19,500–26,500 9 250–350,000 3 50–13,000 1 2500
L. erythra 1 650 3 400–13,000 1 200 1 1500
L. taurinensis 2 50 1 6500 1 2000
L. birminghamensis 1 650–8250 1 65,000
L. rubrilucens 1 26,000 3 50–6500
L. species 1 200,000 4 50–1000 1 1000 3 1000
Pos.: positive. L.p.: Legionella pneumophila. sg: serogroup.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
Table 4. Association of water distribution systems and hotel characteristics with Legionella colonization.
The terminology number needed to treat (NNT) has been used as proposed at the free online relative
risk calculator statistical software, MedCalc (Altman 1998). In our case, the term benefit is associated
with the number of additional inputs required for each parameter tested to get a positive association
with this parameter.
Based on the risk assessment according to the guidelines of ECDC (low, medium and high for
CFU/L < 103 , 103 –103 and >104 respectively) a corresponding Figure 1 was built to demonstrate
the risk for each site tested. According to the semi-quantitative risk assessment a number of areas
were designated as low, medium and high according to the likelihood of any species been present,
the severity caused in the presence of any Legionella and the total risk (as a factor taking these
two parameters into consideration). Of the total sites tested, the garden sprinklers and the swimming
pool showers presented a higher risk when all three hazardous events were considered. As regards
the pool water, a high risk was calculated for the event of finding Legionella in the water system, only.
All results are summarized in Table 5.
Table 5. Risk assessment of the sites based on the likelihood for the presence of Legionella (*), the severity
raised if Legionella is present (ˆ) and the final risk score calculated (#). The final risk score was calculated
based on the findings of the previous two parameters.
Likelihood or Severity or
Area Hazard and Hazardous Event Risk Score # Risk Rating #
Frequency * Consequence ˆ
Event of finding Legionella in the water system 3 4 12 Medium
Reclaimed Water Inadequate disinfection method 3 4 12 Medium
Low chlorine residual in distribution systems 3 4 12 Medium
Event of finding Legionella in the water system 3 4 12 Medium
Inadequate disinfection method 3 4 12 Medium
Low chlorine residual in distribution systems 3 4 12 Medium
Shower Heads Event of finding Legionella in the water system 2 4 8 Low
Event of finding Legionella in the water system 5 8 40 High
Inadequate disinfection method 5 8 40 High
Low chlorine residual in distribution systems 5 8 40 High
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
Table 5. Cont.
Likelihood or Severity or
Area Hazard and Hazardous Event Risk Score # Risk Rating #
Frequency * Consequence ˆ
Event of finding Legionella in the water system 2 4 8 Low
Jacuzzis Water Inadequate disinfection method 2 4 8 Low
Low chlorine residual in distribution systems 2 4 8 Low
Event of finding Legionella in the water system 3 8 24 High
Pool Water Inadequate disinfection method 2 8 16 Medium
Low chlorine residual in distribution systems 2 8 16 Medium
Event of finding Legionella in the water system 2 4 8 Low
Spa Water Inadequate disinfection method 2 4 8 Low
Low chlorine residual in distribution systems 2 4 8 Low
Event of finding Legionella in the water system 4 8 32 High
Swimming pool
Inadequate disinfection method 4 8 32 High
Low chlorine residual in distribution systems 4 8 32 High
Event of finding Legionella in the water system 2 4 8 Low
Spa Showers Inadequate disinfection method 1 4 4 Low
Low chlorine residual in distribution systems 1 4 4 Low
Garden Soil Event of finding Legionella in the water system 1 4 4 Low
Figure 1. Risk assessment for Legionella contamination based on the CFU/L detected in each site tested.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
Table 6. Findings from the completion of the checklists at the 51 hotels. Only the items, for which a
deviation from the normal value was recorded and are presented herein.
Scoring Items %
No water storage tanks protection 100
* The showers are NOT clean and free of salts 81.2
* The residual chlorine <0.2 mg/L 72.8
The hot water temperature is <50 ◦ C. after 1 min of flowing 63.6
The cold-water temperature in taps is >25 ◦ C. after 2 min of flushing 54.5
Water store and circulation temp <60 ◦ C 54.5
The water exiting the heating unit <60 ◦ C and returning <50 ◦ C 54.5
The amount of stored water is >1 day 45.5
There is NO control book 45.5
* The outgoing temperature (cold) water from the tank is >25 ◦ C 36.3
There are leaks in the network 27.2
* NO random checks of water at least every 6 months 27.2
There is no thermal stratification of the water inside the heaters and storage water 27.2
The water distribution system cannot provide adequate water supply at peak times 18.2
There is a change (increase or decrease) in the consumption of the water 18.2
* Detected Legionella the last six months (at a concentration of more than 103 CFU/L) 18.2
The filters are NOT in good condition 9
* The network is NOT cleaned and disinfected when remained out of service >1 month 9
* The network and the tanks NOT cleaned with appropriate disinfectants at least annually 9
The water supply is interrupted for a long time 9
* The difference in temperature between 2 successive measurements of hot water is >10 ◦ C/1 min 9
There is a taste and odor problem 9
*: designates a critical item.
4. Discussion
Legionella is a naturally occurring microorganism found in freshwater environments and surface
waters where it exploits free-living amoeba cells for survival and multiplication, and, in that context, it
is not hard to be introduced in building water systems through the main community water supply
network. In fact, it has been stated that in the USA a percentage of 87.5% of Legionellosis outbreaks
has been related to community water systems [26]. Even though the colonization of a water system by
Legionella occurs frequently, this alone is not enough to pose a high risk to humans, unless the bacteria
population reaches high numbers and becomes dispersed through appropriate aerosolization. For such
conditions to take place, a series of variables must co-occur, such as the increased temperature of cold
water or decreased temperature of hot water (optimally 35–46 ◦ C), absence of water disinfectants
or under-treated water, out of range pH values (5.5–9.2), presence of substances like iron salts and
L -cysteine, as well as, co-existing and supporting microbial flora. Furthermore, other factors such
as the complexity of the architecture of the pipe system (high surface to volume ratio), presence of
blunt-end pipes, infrequently used pipe terminals, pipelines exposed to the sun heat, close proximity
of hot and cold-water pipelines, insufficient maintenance and end-points creating aerosols, have all
been evaluated to significantly affect the rate and extent of Legionella colonization in water systems [27].
All these factors may well be associated with the formation of biofilms, which can provide a means for
the survival and dissemination of the pathogen and undermine the efforts to eradicate bacteria from
water systems [28].
The presence of 1559 hotels and accommodation units in Crete with 85,407 rooms and 161,578 beds
(data drawn from the Hellenic National Service of Tourism for 2015), could not exclude the island from
the presence of TALDs [29]. The current research was focused mostly on the significance of sampling
from recreation areas and spas and in particular from pools, spas, jacuzzis, showers next to swimming
pools, shower heads and spa showers. The calculated relative risk of Legionella colonization was
less in swimming pools and in spas, due to the increased surveillance and implementation of proper
chlorination procedures, as opposed to the colonization in showers of swimming pools. The analyzed
data showed that the high chlorination, the mixed type of contamination and the lower temperatures in
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
the pool are potential factors that may contribute to the prevention of any Legionella from reproducing
and reaching levels that would represent a health risk for bathers. The pool samples from which
Legionella were isolated, had significantly lower concentrations of residual free chlorine, in fact less
than the 0.4 mg/L required by the current regulations in Greece (0.4–0.7 mg/L). On the other hand,
no significant correlation between Legionella colonization and pH values was calculated in the current
study, agreeing with the study by Fragou et al., where the colonization of Legionella in 116 samples
collected from hotels and hospitals was evaluated against pH values [30]. In general, such conditions
support the growth of Legionella, while the frequent vigorous agitation that can occur in spas, pools and
whirlpool baths can form aerosols that could create airborne bacteria and transfer them to the lungs
of unsuspected individuals [31,32], even if the actual establishments are not actively used by these
humans [33]. This is, also, supported by the detection of Legionella even in more isolated water facilities
such as in spa and pools located on cruise ships that are actually one of the most common sources of
Legionella infection [32]. It seems that such aerosols-creating settings, along with the close proximity
of susceptible individuals, create a potential Legionella infectious environment. Such conditions are
recorded in showers, especially the ones that have their pipes or at least part of them exposed to
the sun heat. Similar results have been described from researches in Italy [4] a country that, like
Greece, is a major tourist destination and retains a Mediterranean climate. In fact it has been shown
that the risk for travelers is high in southeastern countries (including Greece) compared to countries
with moderate climates [19]. Hotel fountains creating aerosols certainly mimic the conditions met in
showers and in most cases they use recirculating water that is under a minimal degree of disinfection
supervision, if any at all. Therefore, they have already been linked to Legionellosis outbreaks since the
bacterium finds it easy to thrive in such conditions and disperse through the formed aerosols to the
surrounding environment, or at a much larger distance if favoring conditions exist (for example the
presence of wind) [34].
In our study, positive samples were recorded in 43/119 (36.13%) hotels, a result comparable to a
similar study in Turkey, where of the 52 hotels included in the study, negative samples for Legionella
were retrieved in 16 (30.8%) hotels [35]. According to the results of the current study, the seasonal
operation of hotels and their presence in municipalities with low population seems to play a role in the
increased risk of Legionella colonization; this finding has already been supported in a previous study
carried out in hotels in Greece [36].
Another point of interest was the high number of Legionella species isolated, indicating a
widespread dispersion of these microorganisms in the environment. In addition to the isolation
of L. pneumophila (serogroups 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, and 2–15), other potentially pathogenic
environmental species were also isolated, such as L. anisa, L. erythra, L. taurinensis, L. birminghamensis,
and L. rubrilucens, the agent responsible for Pittsburg pneumonia [37] which is similar to Pontiac
fever [38]. The presence of non-pneumophila species should not be underestimated since human cases
of infection by Legionella species other than L. pneumophila or even the second most common, L. anisa,
have been described worldwide, including the Island of Crete [39].
Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 was detected in swimming pools and swimming pool showers
however the low number of samples collected did not allow us to make any correlation among the
positive samples, the detected serogroups and the sampling sites. The highest CFU/L was detected
for the L. pneumophila serogroup 14 (105 CFU/L) and for non-pneumophila species (200,000 CFU/L).
Nevertheless, a larger number of positive samples is required before coming to concrete conclusions on
a possible relationship between site of collection and number of bacteria. The prevalence of Legionella
species at certain environments has, also, been investigated by Litwin and colleagues [26] in which,
they isolated L. pneumophila serogroup 1 and 6, L. anisa, L. feeleii, and L. quateriensis in the water
reservoirs of recreational vehicles. As far as seasonality is concerned, in a similar research it was
claimed that the concentrations of Legionella recovered from swimming pools, like L. micdadei and
L. bozemanii, did not show any seasonal trend [4].
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
As regards the use of reclaimed water, ingestion of enteric pathogens causing gastrointestinal
disease poses the greatest risk from exposure to wastewater however, inhalation of aerosols or dermal
contact can, also, lead to disease. Except from Vibrio cholerae, the rest of the enteric pathogens that
may cause gastrointestinal illnesses do not grow or survive for ever in water. On the other hand,
free-living pathogens, such as Legionella, can grow under favorable conditions in treated wastewater
and associated biofilms and, under certain circumstances, can survive within amoeba in water
distribution systems [40]. That is why, samples from garden drip irrigation systems should be collected
and tested in cases where reclaimed water is used and above all, it must be made clear that this type of
water should not be used for irrigation through spraying [41].
Concerning WSPs, they already exist in various contexts worldwide. For instance, WSP networks
are located in Africa, the Asia-Pacific region and in Latin America. WSPs have been designed in
order to monitor water utility and to ensure that its quality standard is consistently kept within
accepted limits [42]. In another study carried out in Germany, a decreased number of transgressions
was observed following implementation of WSP in all parts of a hospital, supporting its efficacy [43].
In a different study carried out in Iceland, the impacts of WSPs on drinking water quality and health
were evaluated and positive conclusions were drawn since implementation of WSPs resulted in
better compliance in drinking water, reduced Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) numbers in water and
decreased incidence of diarrhea in communities served by utilities implementing WSP [44]. It should
be noticed however, that it turns out that it not just the presence of a WSP that will ensure the
diminishing of the danger for a human infection by water-borne pathogens (including Legionella);
its proper implementation is sometimes a more crucial factor [45]. In fact, it is possible that the
improper implementation or the complete absence of a WSP (leading sometimes to temperature and
pH values out of range) may provide the ideal stress conditions for the Legionella bacteria to develop a
decreased sensitivity to antibiotics [46]. Of course, this is a huge aspect that needs further investigation.
Summing up, there is a need for awareness strategies in concordance with the operators of
accommodation sites for the prevention of human Legionella infections. Stronger evidence on the
source of infection can only be supported through enhanced standardization of Legionella investigation,
reporting and follow-up, together with the use of high discrimination laboratory techniques.
These factors could eventually lead to a more effective measure control [17]. Moreover, maintenance,
regular controls, interventions on the hydraulic system, and good hygiene practices together with the
assessment of risk analysis and establishment of a routine environmental microbiological surveillance
schemes should be implemented to minimize exposure to Legionella infection [47,48].
5. Conclusions
The presence of Legionella is one of the most serious microbiological risks according to the water
safety in distribution hotels. Knowing that Legionella bacteria can successfully thrive in natural
and artificial water environments with warm waters, certainly directs towards the investigation
of establishments with such conditions and with high human use or of those which present more
complicated constructions such as pools and spas.
Preventing recreational water LD is a multifaceted issue that requires both the development of
a WSP and, above all, its correct implementation, together with the participation of a large group of
people like hotel staff and national and local public health authorities.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank all the environmental health inspectors of the Local Public Health
Authorities of the Crete Island who collected the environmental samples during all these years.
Author Contributions: Antonios Papadakis did the collection of the majority of the samples, the analysis of the
results and contributed on the writing of the article. Dimosthenis Chochlakis did the analysis of the samples and
contributed on the writing of the article. Vassilios Sandalakis did the analysis of the samples and contributed
on the writing of the article. Maria Keramarou did the analysis of the samples and the analysis of the results.
Yiannis Tselentis was in charge of the proper building and process of the study. Anna Psaroulaki was in charge of
the proper processing of the study and contributed on the writing of the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
Appendix A
Table A1. Detailed standardized questionnaire (checklist) used to evaluate risk associated with proper
or not implementation of a WSP. * Critical Control Point. The checklist has been adapted from the
European Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Travel Associated Legionnaires’ disease and from
the National School of Public Health 2004 Athens Olympic Games Checklist for building water systems.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 598
Inspection results: (A) satisfactory result (0 to 7 points, <10% of the total negative score, no critical violation);
(B) relatively satisfactory result (–8 to 14 points, 11–20% of the total negative score, or a critical violation);
(C) unsatisfactory result (more than 14 points, >20% of the total negative score).
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Antibiotic Sensitivity Profiling and Virulence
Potential of Campylobacter jejuni Isolates from
Estuarine Water in the Eastern Cape Province,
South Africa
Anthony C. Otigbu * , Anna M. Clarke, Justine Fri, Emmanuel O. Akanbi and Henry A. Njom
Microbial Pathogenicity and Molecular Epidemiology Research Group (MPMERG), Department of Biochemistry
and Microbiology, Department of Biochemistry & microbiology, University of Fort Hare, Private Bag X1314,
Alice 5700, South Africa; [email protected] (A.M.C.); [email protected] (J.F.); [email protected] (O.E.A);
[email protected] (H.A.N.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +2-773-620-7143
Abstract: Campylobacter jejuni (CJ) is a zoonotic microbe and a major causative organism of diarrheal
infection in humans that often has its functional characteristics inactivated in stressed conditions.
The current study assessed the correlation between recovered CJ and water quality parameters
and the drug sensitivity patterns of the pathogen to frontline antibiotics in human and veterinary
medicine. Water samples (n = 244) from rivers/estuarines were collected from April–September
2016, and physicochemical conditions were recorded on-site. CJ was isolated from the samples using
standard microbiological methods and subjected to sensitivity testing to 10 antibiotics. Mean CJ
counts were between 1 and 5 logs (CFU/mL). Ninety-five isolates confirmed as CJ by PCR showed
varying rates of resistance. Sensitivity testing showed resistance to tetracycline (100%), azithromycin
(92%), clindamycin (84.2%), clarithromycin and doxycycline (80%), ciprofloxacin (77.8%), vancomycin
(70.5%), erythromycin (70%), metronidazole (36.8%) and nalidixic acid (30.5%). Virulence encoding
genes were detected in the majority 80/95, 84.2%) of the confirmed isolates from cdtB; 60/95 (63.2%)
from cstII; 49/95 (51.6%) from cadF; 45/95 (47.4%) from clpP; 30/95 (31.6%) from htrB, and 0/95
(0%) from csrA. A multiple resistance cmeABC active efflux pump system was present in 69/95 (72.6)
isolates. The presence of CJ was positively correlated with temperature (r = 0.17), pH (r = 0.02),
dissolved oxygen (r = 0.31), and turbidity (r = 0.23) but negatively correlated with salinity (r = −0.39)
and conductivity (r = −0.28). The detection of multidrug resistant CJ strains from estuarine water
and the differential gene expressions they possess indicates a potential hazard to humans. Moreover,
the negative correlation between the presence of the pathogen and physicochemical parameters such
as salinity indicates possible complementary expression of stress tolerance response mechanisms by
wild-type CJ strains.
1. Introduction
Campylobacter spp. are of the epsilonproteobacteria class of microorganism [1]. They are slow
growing, Gram-negative, spiral shaped, motile organisms, characterized by their microaerobic
nature [2]. They have been reported to be detected in greater quantities in diarrhea infections
in humans than any other enteric pathogen and they require less than 100 cells to infect a
host [3]. Campylobacteriosis is a chronic enteric infection primarily caused by cytotoxin-producing
Campylobacters that invade and colonize the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in humans [4]. It is a zoonotic
disease mainly transmitted via the consumption of poultry products [2], contact with pets and livestock,
ingestion of water contaminated with human faeces originating from sewage, septic tanks, latrines
and even animal faeces or from raw milk [5]. In humans, the disease lasts between 4–7 days and is
characterized by acute enteritis, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain [4], with the danger of possibly
leading to some post-infectious neuropathic diseases, such as bacteraemia, Guillain–Barre syndrome
(GBS), reactive arthritis (ReA), and abortion [4,6]. Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli are the two widely
recognized pathogenic species of Campylobacter that cause diseases in humans [7]. A large number
of recorded campylobacteriosis outbreaks have also been traced to the ingestion of untreated surface
water contaminated through human activities or by avian wildlife faeces [8,9]. Recreational and
potable water are potential reservoirs of Campylobacter infection [5]. Therefore, the role of water in the
transmission of Campylobacter species is of significant importance.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
were shown [32]. Resistance to ciprofloxacin, another antimicrobial agent of consideration next to
erythromycin, has also been recorded in some other parts of the world [33]. Multidrug resistance
in Campylobacter is a widely studied area. Previous studies have suggested mutation as a factor
responsible for the acquisition of this characteristic [34–36]. Campylobacters have an innate resistance
trait in combination with externally acquired resistance traits to express virulence [35]. Mutation is
believed to play a role in the evolution of the cmeABC operon [15,36] in the multidrug efflux system.
Drug resistance has, however, been attributed to target modification-mediated enzymatic inactivation
and enhanced efflux [37].
( &
Figure 1. Location and GPS coordinates of the study sites in the Swartkops River estuary, Port Elizabeth.
Sampling locations within the estuary; Rowing Club (RC) (33◦ 50’14.60 S; 25◦ 34’14.37 E); Factory Dam
(FD) (33◦ 50’12.16 S; 25◦ 35’41.24 E); Redhouse Farm (RF) (33◦ 49’10.56 S; 25◦ 33’37.44 E); Bridge Canal
(BC) (33◦ 51’25.99 S; 25◦ 35’49.99 E); Despatch Mouth (DM) (33◦ 51’32.22 S; 25◦ 37’31.33 E); Tiger Bay
Canal (TB) (33◦ 52’0.26 S; 25◦ 36’22.32 E) (
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
Bacteria cells were concentrated on a microfilter (0.65 μm pore size cellulose ester Millipore) from
raw water (100 mL; 10−1 ; 10−2 ) samples. The concentrated filter was aseptically folded and enriched in
20 mL nutrient broth supplemented with Preston Campylobacter selective supplement (SR0117-Oxoid)
with 5% lysed horse blood and incubated microaerobically at 37 ◦ C for 48 h. One hundred microlitres
of enrichment culture was sub-cultured to Campylobacter blood-free agar (CCDA; CM739; Oxoid)
containing CCDA selective supplement (SR155E; Oxoid) and incubated microaerobically using a
campy gas pack (5% O2, 10% CO2 , 85% N2 , CampyGen Oxoid) at 37 ◦ C for 72 h. All plating was carried
out in duplicate. Distinct presumptive colonies on each plate were counted by the surface count method
to determine the total viable Campylobacter counts (TVCC). Then, 8–10 different colonies per plate
were picked and subcultured on the selective medium for purity. A positive control (Campylobacter
jejuni ATCC 33560 strain) was included with each set of tests. Identification of positive isolates was
based on colony morphology, Gram-stain, no-growth in aerobic condition, hippurate hydrolysis and
oxidase tests.
Name of Gene Sequence (5 -3 ) Product (bp) References
Temperature (◦ C)
Campy 23S 316 55 [43]
hipO 344 58 [44]
cdtB 495 52 [18]
htrB 70 52 [45]
clpP 90 52 [46]
csrA 878 52 [47]
cstII 570 52 [18]
cadF 400 42 [10]
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
Target Genes Primer Sequences 5’-3’ Annealing Temp (◦ C) Amplicon Size (bp)
CmeA 50 435
CmeB 50 444
CmeC 52 431
3. Results
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
of turbidity, the Swartkops water was very turbid during the sampled seasons, ranging, on average,
between 4.2 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) and 66.9 NTU. The Factory Dam (FD) station
recorded the highest average turbidity (66.9 NTU), especially in July and August, while DM presented
more pristine water for all sample periods. The conductivity was between 20.9 ms/cm and 30 ms/cm
on average. A low coefficient of variability was observed for all sampled sites (Table 3).
Figure 2. PCR detection of 23S rRNA gene (316 bp). Lane 1 is themarker, Lanes 2–9 are test isolates,
Lane 10 is the negative control, and Lane 11 is the positive control.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
Figure 3. PCR detection of hipO gene (344 bp) for CJ confirmation. Lane 1 is the marker, Lane 2 is the
positive control, Lane 3 is the negative control, and Lanes 4–11 are the test isolates.
Figure 4. Bacterial density at all sampling sites. * Mean values are expressed in log (cfu per 100 mL).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
were not statistically different for temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, turbidity and conductivity,
while they were statistically different for pH (Table 5).
Table 5. Correlation (Bravais Pearson) matrix between temperature, bacterial contamination, pH,
salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and conductivity.
3.5. Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing and Prevalence of Multidrug Resistance (MDR) Efflux Pump Genes
The antibiotic sensitivity of 95 CJ isolates was profiled and revealed a higher degree of resistance
to tested antimicrobial agents. The highest resistance level, 95/95 (100%), was recorded for tetracycline,
followed by azithromycin (87/95, 92%), clindamycin (80/95, 84.2%), clarithromycin and doxycycline
(76/95, 80%), ciprofloxacin (78/95, 77.8%), vancomycin (67/95, 70.5%), and erythromycin (67/95, 70%),
with the lowest resistance levels recorded for metronidazole (35/95, 36.8%) and nalidixic acid (29/95,
30.5%). Nalidixic acid was the most effective antibiotic with a susceptibility of 57/95 (59%) (Figure 5).
The percentage incidences of multidrug resistance (MDR) efflux pump genes of C. jejuni are shown
in Table 6. A high (69/95, 72.6%) number of CJs expressed MDR efflux pump genes with only 6/95
(6.3%) not expressing them. Twenty isolates showed a disruption in the expression of all tripartite
efflux systems, which could trigger a malfunction of the cmeABC system.
Figure 5. Antimicrobial sensitivity Profile.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
4. Discussion
Figure 6. PCR detection of cstII gene (570 bp) of CJ. Lane 1 is the marker, Lane 2 is the positive control,
Lane 3 is the negative control, and Lanes 4–13 are test isolates.
Figure 7. PCR detection of cadF gene (400 bp) of CJ: Lane 1 is the marker, Lane 2 is the positive control,
and Lanes 3–11 are test isolates.
The prevalence of the cytotoxin production gene (cdtB) in the confirmed isolates (Figure 8) shows
that the organism is capable of retaining its toxin production ability even in a starved state. The presence
of htrB and clpP genes (Figure 9) provides an extra boost in the organism’s aero-tolerance survival in
environmental waters. However, the survival of microorganisms in oxidative stress environments
has been attributed to their ability to develop specialized defensive mechanisms [11]. The existence
of CJ in the Swartkops could be as a result of oceanic effects rather than continental effects. The FD
sample site was the most polluted site in the Swartkops due to effluent discharges from the factory
directly to the river. Between FD and BC is the shallowest area; this may be due to high land surface
run-off into the river. This area has the highest population of migratory birds and fishing activities
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
with the highest CJ density which strongly indicates that avian species are major reservoirs of the
organism. Seasonality, on the other hand, could also play a pivotal role in the survival and existence
of the organism, as larger population densities of the organism were recorded during spring and the
lowest population densities were recorded during winter [2,9]. The Swartkops river estuary has a
strong nutrient zonation, which is typified by the variation in salinity distribution in the estuary as
a result of upstream shift of salt and fresh waters, which may be responsible for the abundance and
distribution of species. Hence, this was the major reason for choosing to investigate the effect of the
physicochemical parameters on the survival of the organism. The salinity reading at DM was the
highest total average reading of all seasons, but barely affected the survival of the organism.
Figure 8. PCR detection of cdtB gene (495 bp) of CJ. Lane 1 is the marker, Lane 2 is the positive control,
Lane 3 is the negative control, and Lanes 4–12 are test isolates.
Figure 9. PCR detection of htrB (70bp) and clpP genes (90bp) of C. jejuni. Lane 1 is the marker, Lane 2
is the positive control, Lanes 3, 7, 9 and 10 are clpP positive isolates, and Lanes 4, 5, 6 and 8 are htrB
positive isolates.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 925
Figure 10. PCR detection of cmeABC in isolates. Lane 1 is the marker, Lane 2 is the positive control,
Lane 8 is the CmeA positive isolate (435 base pair, Lane 4 is the negative control, Lanes 5 and 6 are cmeB
positive isolates (444 bp), and Lane 3 is the cmeC positive isolate (431 bp).
5. Conclusions
This is the first study to report the occurrence of differential gene expressions in wild-type CJ
isolated from the Swartkops in the Eastern Cape Province. The results showed that the estuarine water
could potentially harbour multiple resistant CJ strains of public health concern among estuarine users.
Although the extent of their pathogenicity is not fully ascertained, it could be assumed that pathogens
with similar traits are likely to be found in other similar ecosystems.
Author Contributions: A.C.O. carried out the project experimental design, sample collection, performed the
experiments, analysed data, and drafted the manuscript, H.A.N. and J.F. contributed to data analysis, study design
and proof reading of manuscript, O.E.A. assisted in sample collection and proof reading of manuscript, A.M.C.
contributed to the study design and organisation of sampling.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the South African
Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB) under the NRF/SAIAB innovative scholarship.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Occurrence of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in
Therapy Pools and Surrounding Surfaces
Daniela E. Koeck 1, *, Stefanie Huber 1 , Nadera Hanifi 1 , Manfred Köster 2 ,
Martina B. Schierling 1 and Christiane Höller 1
1 Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Veterinärstraße 2, 85764 Oberschleißheim, Germany;
[email protected] (S.H.); (N.H.);
[email protected] (M.B.S.); [email protected] (C.H.)
2 Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, 91058 Erlangen, Germany; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +49-(0)9131-6808-5215
Abstract: The number of patients colonized with antibiotic-resistant bacteria is increasing in health
care facilities. Because transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is feared, there exist reports that the
affected patients are frequently excluded from hydrotherapy, which is a non-invasive and beneficial
treatment used for patients with different diseases. Data from the literature suggest that deficient
water disinfection measures exist, which are not always sufficient to kill all released bacteria. If
the pool water is not disinfected properly, it may also infect the bathers. Immunocompromised
patients are particularly susceptible to be infected with (antibiotic-resistant) bacteria. In order to
determine the distribution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the pool water treatment system and
the pool environment and to estimate the associated transmission risk we analyzed samples from
eleven health care facilities. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria were found in the water and surface samples
collected. One hundred and two antibiotic-resistant isolates from water samples and 307 isolates
from surrounding surfaces were obtained, respectively. The majority of the isolates belonged to
non-fermenting Gram-negative rods, like Pseudomonas spp. Some isolates were resistant to a wide
range of the tested antibiotics. The results indicate a relation between the number of isolates in
water samples and the number of patients using the pools in combination with deficiencies in water
treatment. In the pool environment the highest number of isolates was obtained from barefoot areas
and floor cleaning equipment.
1. Introduction
Emerging and increasing antibiotic microbial resistance (AMR) represents one major threat to
human health in Europe and worldwide. Resistance to antibiotics is widely distributed among
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria that may cause serious infections in humans, and AMR
is increasing in the EU, especially among Gram-negative bacteria. The major drivers behind
the occurrence and spread of AMR are the use of antimicrobial agents and the transmission of
antibiotic-resistant microorganisms between humans; between animals; and between humans, animals,
and the environment [1].
Bacteria that are resistant to three or more classes of antibiotics are called multidrug-resistant.
Infections with these bacteria are associated with increased morbidity, mortality, length of
hospitalization, and financial costs [2]. For a long time, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) have been the main point of concern in public health, but during the last couple of years
extended-spectrum-ß-lactamase (ESBL)–producing bacteria have become a much more severe problem.
While MRSA are predominantly acquired in connection with medical treatments, the picture concerning
multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria is much less clear and differs from species to species [3].
The production of ESBL is the most frequent resistance mechanism among Gram-negative bacteria.
The corresponding gene sequences of the ESBLs are mostly on mobile DNA elements and can be
transmitted horizontally, which contributes to the spread of these resistance genes [4]. Due to
the resistance of the microorganisms to β-lactam antibiotics and other classes of antibiotics such
as the fluoroquinolones (e.g., ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin), the therapeutic spectrum is strongly
restricted in the case of infection with ESBL-producing bacteria [5]. Options for treatment of patients
who are infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria are limited to only a few remaining last-line
antibiotics, such as carbapenems (e.g., imipenem, ertapenem, meropenem). However, the increasing
carbapenem-resistance limits options for the treatment of infected patients [6,7]. For the KRINKO
(German Commission on Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention) definition of multidrug-resistant
Gram-negative rods (MRGN), only resistance to antibiotics which are used as primary therapeutics for
severe infections (acylaminopenicillins, third and fourth generation cephalosporins, carbapenems, and
fluoroquinolones) has been included: 3MRGN (with resistance to three of the four antibiotic groups)
and 4MRGN (with resistance to four of the four antibiotic groups). Aminoglycosides, like amikacin,
gentamicin, and tobramycin, were not included in the KRINKO classification of multidrug-resistant
Gram-negative rods, as they are generally not used as monotherapeutics [8].
Hydrotherapy is a non-invasive and beneficial treatment for many patients, like patients with
chronic diseases, disabilities, or trauma. Very often those patients have a long history of medical
treatments, including antibiotic treatments. Thus, the probability that they have a disturbed microflora
with an increased rate of carriage of AMR and also a reduced colonization resistance against
AMR is relatively high [9]. Although pool water is usually disinfected, infections are known
to occur either due to deficiencies in water treatment or due to colonization of swimming pool
equipment [10–13]. Therapies performed in a swimming pool cause a large release of bacteria. Bathers
transfer approximately 105 –106 CFU per person in 15 min to the surrounding water body [14]. Bacteria
should be inactivated by disinfectants in the pool water; however, this is not always the case, because
they can be attached to particles or be protected by an EPS (extrapolymeric substance) and thus not
be exposed to the disinfectant. Bacteria can form biofilms on pool surfaces, especially in areas of
the pool where the concentration of disinfectant is low [15–17]. Additionally, they can be attached
to swimming aids, which are made from plastics, often foams, which provide a large surface. They
can also be found on tools for cleaning, where they are exposed occasionally but not permanently to
disinfectants. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a species very often involved in biofilm formation, has been
commonly isolated from the pool environment [18,19].
Immunocompromised patients are particularly susceptible to infections with pathogens (including
antibiotic-resistant bacteria) via the mucous membranes and via penetration of bathing water into
auditory canals and the nasopharynx. Although some literature exists on antibiotic-resistant bacteria
in swimming pools [16,17,20], little is known about the prevalence of AMR. To this day, to our
knowledge, no information exists about the public health impact of therapy pools in the dissemination
of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In order to assess the extent of contamination with antibiotic-resistant
bacteria, their distribution, and the associated transmission risk in clinical therapy pools, we performed
a study on this topic. The main objective of the project was to investigate the occurrence of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria in water of therapy pools, in filters, balance tanks, and on surrounding
surfaces. Factors contributing to their occurrence will be discussed with regard to details in pool
water treatment and disinfection, number of patients entering the pools, and usage of the pools for
other purposes. Finally, we derive recommendations for the management of patients colonized with
antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hydrotherapy pools.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
2.1. Sampling
Eleven pre-selected therapy pools located in different hospitals in Bavaria were sampled in
accordance with the requirements of DIN EN ISO 19458 [21]. Bottles with capacities of 250 and
1000 mL, prepared with sufficient (100 mg/L) sodium thiosulfate (Na2 S2 O3 , sodium thiosulfate
pentahydrate, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) for dechlorination, were used. Pool water and balance
tank water samples were collected from a depth of 30 cm, at a point about 40 cm away from the
basin edge, filtrate was taken from a sampling tap, and filter backwash water was taken directly
before the drain. The samples were transferred to the laboratory within 1–2 h from collection, using
appropriate insulated coolers, and they were processed immediately after arrival at the laboratory.
In addition to the water samples, samples from the surrounding surfaces (especially sanitary areas and
pool equipment) were taken with sterile, wet swabs, moistened with 0.9% NaCl (w/v). All sampling
sites are summarized in Table 1. The swabs were transported to the laboratory immediately after the
collection. In order to isolate microorganisms, the tips of the swabs were cut off and placed in tubes
containing 10 mL of sterile CASO-broth (BD BBL™ Trypticase™ Soy Broth, Becton Dickinson GmbH,
Heidelberg, Germany). The tubes were vortexed (for 2 min) to remove microbial cells from the swab
material and incubated for 24 h +/− 2 h at 37 ◦ C. Four samples of each sampling point (water and
surfaces) were collected over the course of one year (one sampling per quarter).
Table 1. Sampling sites of water samples (left column) and surrounding surfaces (right column).
Water Samples No. Volume Sampling Points in the Pool Surroundings No.
pool water 1 1000 mL swimming aid 1
filtrate 2 100 mL seats 2
balance tank water 3 100 mL spillway 3
filter backwash water 4 100 mL hand rail 4
toilet 5
shower rooms 6
barefoot areas 7
cleaning trolley 8
cleaning equipment 9
Table 2. Parameter limits are according to DIN 19643-1 [21]. Limits are only valid for pool water and filtrate (not for balance tank water and filter backwash water).
Microbial Parameter Method Parameter Limits Chemical Parameter Method Parameter Limits
Total heterotrophic counts at 36 ◦ C TrinkwV, appendix 5 <100 CFU/mL THM (mg/L) DIN EN ISO 10301:1997 <0.02
Escherichia coli DIN EN ISO 9308-2 <1 CFU/100 mL Bromate (mg/L) DIN EN ISO 15061 <2.0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa DIN EN ISO 16266 <1 CFU/100 mL Chlorate and chlorite (mg/L) LC-MS <30
Al (mg/L) DIN EN ISO 11885 <0.05
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
To determine the acid capacity (KS4.3 ), the samples were titrated with 0.1 mol/L hydrochloric acid
until a pH of 4.3 was reached (DIN 38409-1). The necessary amount of acid was documented and the
acid capacity was calculated as follows:
a × 1000 × 0.1 × f
Ks = (1)
where Ks refers to acid capacity, a refers to the titrated volume in mL of 0.1 mol/L HCl, W refers to the
sample volume (100 mL), and f refers to the titer of 0.1 m HCl (=1.000).
The oxidation–reduction potential was recorded on site using the continuously operating
measuring systems the pools applied to control the necessary addition of chemicals. The measurement
was performed with platinum or gold electrodes against a silver/silver chloride reference electrode
and the measured voltage was converted to the standard hydrogen electrode.
2.3. Determination of the Total Number of CFU (Colony Forming Units) from the Pool Surroundings
Contact plates (ICRplus (Isolators and Clean Rooms) TSA (Tryptic Soy Agar) contact plates with
LTHThio neutralizers, Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany) were used to determine the total number of
CFU from the surrounding surfaces. All sampling sites are summarized in Table 1. The agar plates
were incubated for 24 h +/− 2 h at 37 ◦ C. It is important to ensure that sampling is carried out at
representative and similar sites to ensure comparability between the therapy pools. Based on the
DGfdB (German Society for Bathing) guideline 94.04 [22], it can be determined whether or not the
surface cleaning and disinfection was performed adequately.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
2.6. Questionnaire
A standardized questionnaire was developed and given to the facilities operating the therapy
pools to document the technical details of the pool, their water treatment, cleaning procedures, and
frequency and duration of pool usage (Supplementary Materials S1).
3. Results
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
Table 3. Chemistry in pool water samples (according to DIN 19643-1) and number of visitors per year
(date from the questionnaire).
Hospital Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Visitors/per year 2500 7200 4500 4500 10,800 1680 1450 35,000 3000 <50 300
THM (mg/L) 0.0 0.007 0.006 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.001 0.008 0.000 0.002 0.000
Bromate (mg/L) 0.055 <LOD <LOQ 0.009 0.011 0.054 0.003 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.005
Chlorate and chlorite
18.0 2.0 0.8 3.2 2.1 33.5 a 9.0 4.7 5.4 16.1 9.2
Al (mg/L) 0.06 a 0.07 a <LOQ 0.07 a <LOQ 0.07 a <LOQ 0.08 a <LOQ 0.1 a 0.08 a
pH 6.7 7.0 7.0 7.2 7.3 6.7 7.1 7.2 6.7 7.2 7.5
KS4.3 (mmol/L) 0.3 b 0.9 0.6 b 0.9 0.71 0.2 b 0.4 b 1.0 0.2 b 0.5 b 1.3
Nitrate (mg/L) 10.8 7.5 28.8 a 26.8 a 14.3 30.0 a <NG 3.5 13.3 30.7 a 14.3
Ox (mg/L) 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5 1.4 <LOD 0.4 0.9 a 0.3 0.3 1.0 a
Redox (mV) 780.80 821.50 806.00 738.30 b 819.30 767.00 675.00 b 716.30 b 823.00 803.30 919.00
Free chlorine (mg/L) 0.51 0.72 a 0.40 0.27 b 0.50 0.33 0.54 0.77 a 0.46 0.49 0.59
Bound chlorine (mg/L) 0.11 0.15 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.25 a 0.04 0.02 0.02
<LOD = below limit of detection; <LOQ = below limit of quantification; a above requirements acc. DIN 19643-1;
b below requirements acc. DIN 19643-1 [21].
Table 4. Number of positive samples from contact agar plates and percentage of positive samples
(n = 370).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
Figure 1. Number of antibiotic-resistant isolates (growth on selective media) from the surrounding
surface samples (n = 371).
A total of 102 isolates from 32% positive samples (growth on selective media) were obtained from
all water samples (n = 155) (Figure 2). A significant difference between the water samples across the
sampled pools was observed (X2 = 52.778, p-value = 0.002). The two therapy pools with the highest
number of isolates (number five and number eight) also had the highest number of visitors, even if
pool number eight was only sampled twice. Most of the positive water samples were from the balance
water and filtrate; the pool water itself was contaminated less frequently. Isolates could be obtained
directly from the pool water in only pool number two, six, eight, nine, and ten.
Figure 2. Number of antibiotic-resistant isolates (growth on selective media) from the water samples
(n = 155).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
Not all isolates could be classified up to species level (Figure 3). For genetically closely related
species the applied identification methods (BD Phoenix™ and MALDI-TOF-MS) only allowed
assignment to the genus level. The majority of the isolates belonged to the taxonomically heterogeneous
group of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria. Typical genera like Burkholderia spp., Moraxella
spp., Pseudomonas spp., Stenotrophomonas spp., and Sphingomonas spp. were found. Some of them
are typical water borne bacteria, like Pseudomonas spp. E. coli was not isolated and other coliform
bacteria were very rare. Acinetobacter spp. were also not isolated. The abundant Gram-positive
genera are mostly inhabitants of the natural skin flora (like Staphylococcus epidermidis) or environmental
bacteria (like Bacillus subtilis). There was only one S. aureus isolate from a handrail, which was oxacillin
sensitive. Some genera appeared in high abundances only in water samples (like Sphingomonas and
Sphingobacterium) and some were mainly found in environmental samples (like Stenotrophomonas,
Bacillus, Achromobacter, Ochrobactrum). Pseudomonas spp. is one of the most abundant genera in
both kinds of samples. Isolates from the pool water (n = 14) were mostly Pseudomonas spp. (n = 3),
Sphingobacterium spp. (n = 4), and Staphylococcus spp. (n = 4).
18.6 14.2
80% 2.9 Streptococcus
9.8 Stenotrophomonas
70% Staphylococcus
11.8 Sphingomonas
60% Sphingobacterium
50% Ochrobactrum
23.5 21.7 Microbacterium
40% Enterobacter
30% Chryseobacterium
2.6 Burkholderia
11.8 5.5
20% Brevundimonas
10% 4.9 Achromobacter
3.9 6.1
Water samples % Surface samples %
Figure 3. Taxonomic profile up to genus level for all antibiotic-resistant isolates. Left column:
percentage of water isolates (n = 102); right column: percentage of isolates from surfaces (n = 307).
Other genera present in <2%. Identification to the species or genus level was performed using BD
Phoenix™ and MALDI-TOF-MS.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
Table 5. Antibiotic resistance patterns of all Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Sphingomonas paucimobilis isolates from water and
surface samples.
piperacillin-tazobactam s s s s r r r s s s s s r r s
Penicillins/ Beta-lactamase inhibitor amoxicillin-clavulanic acid r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
Cephalosporins (2nd) cefuroxime r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
Cephalosporins (3rd) cefotaxime r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
Cephalosporins (3rd) ceftazidime s s s s r r r s s s s s r s s
Cephalosporins (4th) cefepime s s s s r r r s s s s s r s s
imipenem s r s r r r r r r r r r r s s
ertapenem r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
gentamicin s s s r r r r r r r r r s s s
Aminoglycosides tobramycin s s s s r r r r r r r r s s r
amikacin s s s s r r r r r r r r s s s
ciprofloxacin s r r s s r r s s s s r r s s
levofloxacin s r r s s s r s s s s s r s s
Sulfonamide antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfam. r r r r s s s r r r s r s s s
Fosfomycin fosfomycin ND ND ND ND r r r s s r s r s r r
Glycylcycline tigecycline r r r r r r r ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
Number of Isolates 16 3 2 2 2 13 24 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa (26) Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (39) Sphingomonas paucimobilis (14)
Susceptibility (s) and resistance (r) were automatically determined with the BD Phoenix™ System; ND = Not determined.
Table 6. Antibiotic resistance patterns of all Achromobacter spp. and Sphingobacterium spp. isolates from water and surface samples.
ciprofloxacin s r r r r r r s s s s s s
levofloxacin s r s r r r s s s s s s s
Sulfonamide antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfam. s s s s s s s s s s s s s
Fosfomycin fosfomycin r r r r r r r r r r r r r
Glycylcycline tigecycline ND ND ND r r r ND ND ND r ND r ND
Number of Isolates 1 2 1 10 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 1
Species Achromobacter spp. (19) Sphingobacterium spp. (11)
Susceptibility (s) and resistance (r) was automatically determined with the BD Phoenix™ System; ND = Not determined.
Table 7. MIC50 and MIC90 values of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Sphingomonas paucimobilis isolates from water and surface areas.
ciprofloxacin 0.25 2 2 2 0.5 0.9
levofloxacin 1 4 1 4 0.5 0.5
Sulfonamide antibiotic trimethroprim-sulfam. 4/76 8/76 1/19 1/19 4/76 7.6/76
Fosfomycin fosfomycin ND ND >64 >64 32 64
Glycylcycline tigecycline 4 4 1 2 ND ND
The MIC values used for calculation of the MIC50 and MIC90 were determined with the BD PhoenixTM System; ND = not determined.
Table 8. MIC50 and MIC90 values of Achromobacter spp. and Sphingobacterium spp. isolates from water and surface areas.
amikacin 32 32 32 32
ciprofloxacin 2 2 0.25 0.5
levofloxacin 2 4 0.5 0.5
Sulfonamide antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfam. 1/19 1/19 1/19 1/19
Fosfomycin fosfomycin >64 >64 >64 >64
Glycylcycline tigecycline 2 2 1* 1*
The MIC values used for calculation of the MIC50 and MIC90 were determined with the BD PhoenixTM System; ND = not determined. * calculated from three values.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
4. Discussion
The therapy pool with the highest number of isolates obtained directly from the pool water
and from the sampled surfaces had not only the highest number of visitors but also seemed to
have problems with the water treatment (high bound chlorine levels). The cleaning intervals of the
pool areas were the same between the different health care facilities (once per day, according to the
evaluation of the questionnaire); hence there is no detectable correlation between the number of isolates
and the cleaning interval. These results indicate a correlation of the incidence of antibiotic-resistant
bacterial isolates with the number of patients in combination with deficiencies in water treatment. The
isolation of potential human pathogens, particularly P. aeruginosa, S. maltophilia, and S. paucimobilis
strains, indicates that these inhabitants of the nosocomial environment may have been released by
bathers, with contact to surfaces in the surrounding of the pool and the hospital environment, after
entering the pool. P. aeruginosa can potentially cause disease in healthy humans, but more often it
colonizes immunocompromised patients, like those with cystic fibrosis or cancer [23]. P. aeruginosa is
intrinsically resistant to the majority of antimicrobial agents due to the low permeability of its outer
membrane and the constitutive expression of various efflux pumps. Any additional acquired resistance
severely limits the therapeutic options for treating serious infections. The antimicrobial groups that
remain active against the susceptible P. aeruginosa phenotype include some fluoroquinolones (e.g.,
ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin), aminoglycosides (e.g., gentamicin, tobramycin, and amikacin), some
beta-lactams (piperacillin- tazobactam, ceftazidime, cefepime, imipenem, doripenem, and meropenem),
and polymyxins (polymyxin B and colistin). Resistance of P. aeruginosa to these agents can be
acquired through one or more of several mechanisms, like the acquisition of plasmid-mediated
resistance genes coding for various β-lactamases and aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes [24,25].
Some strains that have been isolated exhibited resistance to essentially antipseudomonal antibiotics,
like fluoroquinolones and carbapenems.
Another problematic nosocomial pathogen is S. maltophilia, which is also naturally resistant
to many broad-spectrum antibiotics (including all carbapenems). S. maltophilia is the third most
common nosocomial pathogen with multi-drug-resistance [26]. S. maltophilia is often associated with
pulmonary infections, urinary tract infections, bloodstream infections, and colonization of individuals
with cystic fibrosis, especially in immunocompromised patients. The treatment of infected patients
is very difficult [27,28]. It can be considered positive that all S. maltophilia isolates were susceptible
against trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is still the treatment of
choice for suspected or culture-proven S. maltophilia infections [29]. If a patient is infected with one
of these strains, polymyxins may also be effective treatment options, though not without frequent
adverse effects.
Sphingomonas paucimobilis has been implicated in various types of clinical infection. Although
infections by S. paucimobilis are rarely serious and could be effectively treated with antibiotics,
S. paucimobilis is capable of causing active infections in humans [30,31]. However, 93% of the isolates
in this study were resistant to aminoglycosides, and one isolate was resistant to ceftazidime. Another
study describes carbapenems, against which all isolates were resistant, as the most effective therapy
for infections with S. paucimobilis [32]. Achromobacter spp. have been identified as opportunistic
human pathogens in people with certain immunosuppressive conditions, such as cystic fibrosis,
cancer, and kidney failure [33]. Notably, 80% of the isolates originated from barefoot areas or the
floor cleaning equipment, which indicates a transmission due to insufficient management of floor
cleaning equipment.
Like Achromobacter spp., Sphingobacterium spiritivorum/multivorum is rarely involved in human
infection. Sphingobacterium species are intrinsically resistant to many commonly used antibiotics
and can grow in antiseptics and disinfectants [34]. S. multivorum can produce an extended-spectrum
β-lactamase and a metallo-β-lactamase, conferring resistance to third-generation cephalosporins
and carbapenems, respectively [35]. Two isolates were both resistant to carbapenems and
third-generation cephalosporins.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2666
5. Conclusions
Despite the reduction of antibiotic-resistant bacteria due to water treatment and disinfection,
some antibiotic-resistant bacteria are still present in the water of therapy pools and on surrounding
surfaces. There they can potentially persist and infect other patients and staff alike. Adequate pool
water treatment and management of cleaning and cleaning equipment can prevent the transmission of
these bacteria. The capacity of the water treatment defines the maximum bathers load. This maximum
number of visitors should not be exceeded to ensure good water quality.
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium and
Escherichia coli Survival in Estuarine Bank Sediments
Mahbubul H. Siddiqee 1,2 , Rebekah Henry 1 , Rebecca Coulthard 1 , Christelle Schang 1 ,
Richard Williamson 1 , Rhys Coleman 3 , Graham Rooney 3 , Ana Deletic 1 and
David McCarthy 1, *
1 Environmental and Public Health Microbiology Laboratory (EPHM LAB), Department of Civil Engineering,
Monash University, Melbourne, VIC-3168, Australia; [email protected] (M.H.S.);
[email protected] (R.H.); [email protected] (R.C.);
[email protected] (C.S.); [email protected] (R.W.);
[email protected] (A.D.)
2 Molecular and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory (MEM LAB), Department of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, BRAC University, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
3 Melbourne Water Corporation, Docklands, VIC-3008, Australia;
[email protected] (R.C.); [email protected] (G.R.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +61-3-9905-5068
Abstract: Estuarine bank sediments have the potential to support the survival and growth of fecal
indicator organisms, including Escherichia coli. However, survival of fecal pathogens in estuarine
sediments is not well researched and therefore remains a significant knowledge gap regarding
public health risks in estuaries. In this study, simultaneous survival of Escherichia coli and a fecal
pathogen, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, was studied for 21 days in estuarine bank
sediment microcosms. Observed growth patterns for both organisms were comparable under four
simulated scenarios; for continuous-desiccation, extended-desiccation, periodic-inundation, and
continuous-inundation systems, logarithmic decay coefficients were 1.54/day, 1.51/day, 0.14/day,
and 0.20/day, respectively, for E. coli, and 1.72/day, 1.64/day, 0.21/day, and 0.24/day for
S. Typhimurium. Re-wetting of continuous-desiccated systems resulted in potential re-growth,
suggesting survival under moisture-limited conditions. Key findings from this study include:
(i) Bank sediments can potentially support human pathogens (S. Typhimurium), (ii) inundation
levels influence the survival of fecal bacteria in estuarine bank sediments, and (iii) comparable
survival rates of S. Typhimurium and E. coli implies the latter could be a reliable fecal indicator in
urban estuaries. The results from this study will help select suitable monitoring and management
strategies for safer recreational activities in urban estuaries.
Keywords: fecal indicator; fecal pathogen; waterborne pathogens; recreational risks; QMRA
1. Introduction
Urban estuaries deliver multiple benefits to communities, including access to aquatic recreation,
amenity, transport, and supporting cultural traditions. As a result, 22 of the largest cities in the world
are located adjacent to estuaries [1]. However, community benefits from estuaries are under increasing
threat from pollution due to progressive urbanization and population growth [2]. Fecal contamination
is one of the leading threats to public health in these systems, via exposure to harmful organisms
during aquatic recreation [3–5].
Monitoring of public health risks in estuaries has historically relied on fecal indicator organisms,
such as Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp.—principally due to the practical limitations and costs
associated with measuring pathogens. In many cases, significant correlations have been observed
between health outcomes (i.e., illness rates) and indicator organism concentrations in marine waters
and some freshwater systems [6,7]. However, there is a paucity of epidemiological studies for estuarine
environments [8], meaning that the link between indicator organisms and human health outcomes in
these systems is more uncertain.
There are an increasing number of studies that show that fecal indicators can survive and
grow in estuarine systems, especially in their sediments where they are protected from competition
and predation and have a rich nutrient supply [9]. For example, Solo-Gabriele et al. (2000) and
Desmarais et al. (2002) found that coastal bank sediments are a suitable habitat for the survival and
growth of E. coli. Further, Solo-Gabriele et al. (2000) found that that growth of E. coli was a function
of soil moisture content and hence, different soil moisture scenarios (as a result of tidal fluctuation)
could potentially exert various degrees of stress, leading to differential survival of fecal organisms.
At the same time, the survival potential of pathogens in these sediments may indeed be different to
that of the indicator organism, E. coli. Moreover, the survival of fecal organisms in the bank sediments
of estuaries in temperate climates is not well understood.
There are only a handful of studies that have explored the survival of pathogens in estuarine
systems, and even fewer which have focused on estuarine sediments. Indeed, there are only two
reported studies which have explored pathogen survival within the sediments of estuaries [9,10].
This lack of pathogen-survival studies in these types of systems is especially important considering
the salient features of estuarine bank sediment as opposed to other soils in terms of its particle size
distribution, organic content, composition of minerals, and organic matters [11]. With others having
demonstrated extended survival and resuspension [12,13] of fecal indicator organisms from the bank
sediments, this paucity in pathogen-survival data leaves a critical knowledge gap regarding the
reliability of these indicators for predicting public health risk in these systems.
This study aims to determine: (a) Whether different sections of tidally-influenced estuarine bank
sediments (fully inundated, periodically inundated, occasionally inundated, and fully desiccated) can
support the extended survival of a human pathogen (Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium), and
(b) whether the survival of a commonly used fecal contamination indicator (E. coli) is comparable
to Salmonella Typhimurium. Salmonella Typhimurium is recommended by the US EPA as a suitable
pathogen for water-based monitoring [14] and it is also responsible for the majority of Salmonella-related
infections (nearly 80% in Australia) [15].
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2597
inoculation with the two test microorganisms was done. This sterilization was essential to ensure
that the survival rates of E. coli and S. Typhimurium were not influenced by predation, competition,
or parasitism by native microorganisms present in natural sediments, which are known to have
differential effects on these two organisms in different scenarios [16–18]. The influence of autoclaving
on the nutritional properties of the sediment was tested prior to experimentation; no significant change
in concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and total dissolved nitrogen (TN) was observed when
measured according to the Australian Laboratory Handbook of Soil and Water Chemical Methods, 1992
(see Figure A1 and Table A1). Changes in particle size distribution were also investigated using the
electro-resistance counting method [19] and no detectable change was observed between autoclaved
and non-autoclaved sediments.
The sterilized sediment was inoculated with both bacterial strains to reach a final concentration
of 107 g−1 (wet sediment) cells. After mixing, the inoculated sediment was distributed into sterilized
plastic containers by sub-sampling 10 × 100 g aliquots into 14 open plastic containers, using a
randomization approach [20], to achieve a 3 cm thick layer consisting of 1 kg of sediment.
Table 1. Experimental configurations tested for survival of E. coli and S. Typhimurium and
their properties.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2597
total suspended solid (TSS) concentrations (0.09 mgL−1 , 0.91 mgL−1 , and 23 mgL−1 , respectively).
The stock semi-synthetic water was made using autoclaved bed sediment (collected from the river
at South Yarra) to produce a final TSS concentration of 23 mgL−1 . As sediment alone was unable
to reproduce the target TN and TP concentrations, inorganic salts (KH2 PO4 for TP and a mixture of
KNO3 , NH4 Cl, and C6 H5 O2 N for TN) were added as outlined by Bratieres et al. (2008) to achieve the
target concentrations [21]. The stock water was stored in room temperature and periodically tested
to ensure sterility throughout experimentation. The water containers (all containing 1 L each) were
kept on a platform, which had a periodic vertical movement mimicking the tidal fluctuations of the
Yarra River (12.4 h cycle) covering the intended sediment configurations. The inundating water was
replaced every week.
Figure 1. Outdoor experimental set up for the bank sediment survival study, which is covered by a
transparent Perspex sheet; ED configurations placed on a higher platform and all the others on the
lower platforms. Bottles containing water for inundating sediments (see upper right corner) were
located on a vertically moving platform.
The survival experiment was conducted over 21 days. The first three days of the experiment
coincided with a heat wave experienced in Melbourne; on each day, the maximum atmospheric
temperature exceeded 40 ◦ C. The average daily maximum temperature during this experiment was
29.4 ◦ C and the average solar radiation was 25.6 MJ/m2 (BOM, Australia, 2014).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2597
fluctuated around the lowest detectable limit were not used to estimate die-off rates. Colony counts of
below 30 cfu/plate were considered for calculation of die-off rates, with possible uncertainties taken
into consideration during data analysis and interpretation. The overall die-off rates were calculated as
the logarithmic difference of initial and final numbers divided by the number of days elapsed.
Moisture content [% by weight]
Extended Desiccation
Continuous Inundation
20% Continuous Desiccation
15% Periodic Inundation
0 5 10 15 20 25
Days since start of experiment
Figure 2. Levels of moisture content in four test sediment configurations during the experiment
(error bars represent standard deviations around the mean values for each of the configurations).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2597
counts increased marginally, and S. Typhimurium counts increased nearly 10 times of the initial
number. This initial growth could reflect the fact that fecal microorganisms are adapted to animal
gut environments (37 ◦ C for mammals and 42 ◦ C for birds). Sediment properties that are widely
known to influence bacterial survival include available nutrients [28], organic matter [29], particle
size [30], and clay content [31]. Among these, estuarine bank sediment is generally known to have
finer particles [32,33], as well as higher organic matter content [34], which can offer several advantages,
such as protection from UV light [35,36] and nutritional support. Therefore, it is perhaps not surprising
to see extended survival of fecal microorganisms, including the potential pathogen, in estuarine banks
even in unfavorable weather conditions. This, in turn, suggests that in the absence of other stressors,
S. Typhimurium can probably grow in estuarine bank sediments in high-temperature conditions
when moisture is available and potentially serve as a source of this pathogen to the water column
if re-suspended.
The initial phase of growth in the first 24 h was followed by a sharp die-off, consistent across
organisms and configurations (Figure 3). The CD system had the highest die-off rates for both types of
bacteria during the experiment; 1.54/day for E. coli and 1.72/day for S. Typhimurium. Since significant
losses in soil moisture took place during the early phase of the experiment (moisture content decreased
from 40% to <1%), these very fast die-off rates were consistent with the literature [11,37]. In addition,
high die-off rates might have been facilitated by very high air temperatures [38] coupled with high
radiation levels [39].
9 9
Extended Desiccation Extended Desiccation
8 Continuously Inundated 8 Continuous Inundation
Log S. Typhimurium (CFU/g)
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Days since start of the experiment Days since start of the experiment
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Survival of the test organisms; (a) E. coli K1 densities (cfu/g dw) and (b) S. Typhimurium
NVSL 6993 densities (cfu/g dw) in the four experimental configurations (error bars represent standard
deviations around the mean values of the replicates tested).
The two test organisms in the ED systems behaved similarly to the CD systems in the first
week of the experiment (Figure 3). The die-off rate for E. coli was calculated to be 1.51/day and for
S. Typhimurium it was 1.64/day. Interestingly, when inundation was restored to these systems after
Day 7 (although the ED system received a shorter duration of inundation compared to PI counterparts),
an increase in moisture content coincided with the detection of E. coli colonies on both Days 14 and
21 (in two of the three replicates on both days). S. Typhimurium was also detected on Day 21 in one
of the replicate boxes while the NI controls remained negative. An increase in moisture level due to
inundation restoration might have influenced this regrowth/recurrence of both test organisms.
The detection of culturable bacteria after a period of drying indicates that both bacteria may
survive either in dormant form or at least survive in very low densities. It is important to note that
although above the limit of detection, the colony counts were below 30 cfu/plate, and therefore may
have higher associated uncertainties. However, colonies were reproducibly isolated within the replicate,
suggesting a level of survival was possible. Dormancy and subsequent regrowth of S. Typhimurium
upon increasing moisture has previously been reported [40]. Also, desiccation has been shown for
both E. coli and S. Typhimurium to significantly enhance resistance towards environmental stressors,
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2597
including high temperature [41,42]. This could perhaps partly explain the recurrence of these two
organisms in the ED systems. Therefore, it is possible that bank sediments, which only receive
moisture very intermittently (i.e., bank sediments above the usual high-tide mark, which are inundated
only during king tides or high flows) could support the growth of viable fecal pathogens that, if
washed, could get resuspended back into the water column [43]. Resuspension could also occur due to
other natural and anthropogenic activities, like storms, floods, recreational activities, and commercial
dredging, which have all been known to cause resuspension of sediment borne bacteria and causing
elevated levels of fecal organisms [44,45]. Therefore, extended survival of potential fecal pathogens,
like S. Typhimurium, in estuarine bank sediment could comprise a potential human health risk.
PI systems had higher levels of survival for both E. coli and S. Typhimurium compared to the
desiccated CD and ED systems (Figure 3). For PI, the decay rate of E. coli was 0.14/day, while a slightly
higher decay rate was observed for S. Typhimurium (0.21/day). The decrease in cell counts after Day 1
may be associated with very high air temperatures and solar radiation, which also resulted in a very low
moisture content (close to 5%; Figure 2). It has previously been reported that Gram-negative bacteria
require a moisture content of 93% or more for optimal growth [46]. However, despite some variation
among the three biological replicates for the PI configurations, it was evident that the scenario still
supported the survival of both test organisms for up to three weeks. Therefore, under more favorable
conditions (lower atmospheric temperature, lower solar radiation, and higher moisture), it is likely
that survival of these fecal organisms (including potential pathogens) would be higher.
Survival rates of E. coli and S. Typhimurium in the PI configuration were found to be comparable.
This contradicts the notion that fecal pathogens cannot survive in estuarine sediments, and suggests
that E. coli could be a reliable indicator of this pathogen in this scenario. Furthermore, the extended
survival of a potential fecal pathogen in the tidally influenced zone of an estuarine bank could
have human health implications. This is especially the case for bank sediments, where natural and
anthropogenic activities (including tide, storm, flood, recreation, dredging, etc.) can readily cause
resuspension into the water column [10,45,47].
The CI systems showed slightly higher die-off rates when compared to PI (0.20/day for E. coli
and 0.24/day for S. Typhimurium). It was interesting to see higher die-off rates compared to those
of PI, especially since the organisms in the CI systems were exposed to higher moisture levels and
reduced solar irradiation. However, the water used for inundating the experimental containers was
stagnant in the CI configurations, which led to some interference due to the formation of algae after
the first week, and this may have resulted in a faster die-off. The algal growth resulted in lower TP
and TN concentrations in the inundating water in the CI systems compared to the other configurations
(Table A2).
In the estuarine context, better survival of E. coli in areas of coastal bank sediment with
intermittent drying effect compared to continuously moist sediment has previously been reported by
Solo-Gabriele et al. (2000). They argued that this better survival was due to having a better competitive
advantage over the predators existing in natural sediment. Although our study attempted to exclude
the biotic factors by sterilizing the soil beforehand, the CI systems with algal interference supports the
idea that algal bloom (which could occur in estuarine systems) could potentially reduce the survival
of fecal organisms in estuarine bank sediments. In this scenario, even under these algae-influenced
conditions, the survival rates of both organisms were again comparable, reinforcing the ability of
E. coli to represent S. Typhimurium in complex systems, including those with algae blooms. It is
also important to note that apart from the CI systems, no other configurations showed any sign of
algal interference.
This study was conducted under open atmospheric conditions, which led to some challenges,
including changing TP and TN concentrations. However, other studies have demonstrated that
increases in TP does not necessarily impact the survival of fecal organisms, like E. coli [48,49]. Likewise,
increased levels of organic or inorganic nitrogen do not necessarily impact the survival of fecal bacteria
in ambient waters [48]. Therefore, it can be assumed that the changes in TP and TN concentrations
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2597
did not significantly influence the die-off rates of the test organisms. In fact, conducting the study in
an ambient environment allowed a unique opportunity to explore the comparative survival of these
organisms under highly unfavorable conditions.
In combination, the survival data suggests, for the first time, that both E. coli and S. Typhimurium
were able to withstand severe environmental conditions in estuarine bank sediments. Overall, the
die-off rates observed in this study ranged from 0.14/day to 1.54/day for E. coli and 0.21/day to
1.72/day for S. Typhimurium. In three of the four configurations (i.e., CD, PI, CI), die-off rates for
the two organisms were similar. A wide range of die-off rates has been reported in soil sediment
systems for these organisms [27,40,50,51], and differences have been attributed to both biotic and
abiotic factors [11,38,49,52–54] that are also encountered in bank sediments.
This study investigated the influence of different bank sediment scenarios on the survival of
two fecal microorganisms in potentially extreme weather conditions with respect to temperature,
radiation, and desiccation. Our underlying hypothesis is that if the test organisms survive in this
study’s extreme climatic conditions, then they can also survive in the less extreme conditions that
exist in many systems year-round. With an absence of previous studies focusing on bank sediments
under similar experimental conditions, the results of this study significantly enhance our knowledge
of the survival of fecal organisms in estuarine bank sediments. Further, this study demonstrates that,
without studying fecal pathogen survival in all environments (estuarine bank sediment in this case),
perhaps it could be premature to conclude that E. coli is not a good indicator organism.
4. Conclusions
This study presented data on the survival of the faecal indicator organism, E. coli, and the human
fecal pathogen, S. Typhimurium, in estuarine bank sediments. Different degrees of tidal inundation
were observed to influence the survival for both test organisms, with periodic inundation, mimicking
natural tidal cycles, being the most conducive to persistence. While the simultaneous survival rates
for these two organisms were found to be comparable, for the first time, this experiment presents
evidence that S. Typhimurium may survive for over three weeks in estuarine bank sediments, which
could be of critical importance. This, in turn, highlights the potential of bank sediments as a source of
viable pathogens to the water column, especially when natural processes and anthropogenic activities
cause resuspension. Considering the comparable survival patterns of E. coli and S. Typhimurium in
the contrasting experimental conditions, E. coli cannot be excluded from being a reliable indicator of
public health risks associated with S. Typhimurium in estuarine bank sediments.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization: M.H.S., R.H., R.C. (Rebecca Coulthard), C.S. and D.M.; Methodology:
M.H.S., R.H., R.C. (Rebecca Coulthard), C.S. and D.M.; Validation: M.H.S., R.C. (Rebecca Coulthard), C.S., R.W.;
Formal analysis: M.H.S., R.C. (Rebecca Coulthard), C.S., D.M.; Writing—original draft preparation: M.H.S., D.M.;
Writing—review and editing: M.H.S., R.H., R.C. (Rhys Coleman), A.D. and D.M.; Supervision: R.H., A.D. and
D.M.; Funding acquisition: D.M., R.C. (Rhys Coleman) and G.R.
Funding: This research was funded by [Melbourne Water] and the [Australian Research Council], grant number
Acknowledgments: We gratefully acknowledge the timely help we received from Peter Kolotelo, Dusan Jovanovic,
Gayani Chandrasena, and Scott Coutts during various stages of the study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Effect of Autoclaving
Autoclaving was done in this experiment to exclude the interference from predation and
competition by native organisms present in natural sediments. However, a combination of very high
temperature and pressure kills the naturally occurring microbes in the sediment and releases nutrients
into the sediment. Also, some other reports suggest that autoclaving can change sediment’s own
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2597
nutritional properties [42–44]. Therefore, it was essential to check if autoclaving was introducing any
bias towards higher or lower survival. Therefore, along with the experimental configurations (Table 1),
another set (triplicate) of sediments was augmented with a mixture of E. coli and S. Typhimurium
culture (each at a concentration of 109 g−1 wet sediment and hereby named as Nutritionally
Augmented) before autoclaving. These sediments were eventually inoculated with both test organisms
and were tested along the test configurations as mentioned above (Figure A1).
8 8
Periodic Inundation
Periodic Inundation
7 7 Nutritionally Augmented
Nutritionally Augmented
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Days since start of the experiment Days since start of the experiment
(a) (b)
Figure A1. Influence of augmented nutrition on survival of (a) E. coli K1 and (b) S. Typhimurium NVSL
6993 (error bars represent standard deviations around the mean values for each of the configurations).
It was observed in this study that there was no obvious impact of nutritional augmentation on
E. coli or S. Typhimurium survival where additional microorganisms were added to the sediment before
autoclaving. This could suggest that the extra nutrition (if at all) available to E. coli and S. Typhimurium
through the autoclaving process did not cause significant bias in the observed die-off rates.
Appendix B
Changes in Sediments
Table A1. Mean (and relative standard deviations in %) of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen
(TN) concentrations of sediment samples.
Time during Experiment E. coli (cfu/g dw) S. Typhimurium (cfu/g dw) TP (mg/g dw) TN (mg/g dw)
Original bank conditions—not inoculated, not autoclaved
Day = 0 540 Nil 0.21 * 0.77 *
Autoclaved, not inoculated
Day = 0 Nil Nil 0.18 * 0.78 *
Day = 21 (PI) Nil Nil 0.4 (12) 1.4 (5)
Autoclaved, spiked with E. coli, S. Typhimurim and mixed culture
Day = 0 ** ** 0.20 * 0.77 *
Day = 21 (PI) ** ** 0.4 (2) 1.3 (1)
Autoclaved, spiked with E. coli, S. Typhimurim
Day = 0 *** *** 0.21 * 0.81 *
Day = 21 (ED) *** *** 0.4 (7) 1.4 (3)
Day = 21 (CI) *** *** 0.4 (12) 1.3 (8)
Day = 21 (CD) *** *** 0.4 (4) 1.4 (0)
Day = 21 (PI) *** *** 0.4 (3) 1.4 (3)
* only one sample analysed, ** data presented in Appendix A, *** data presented in Section 3.2.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2597
Table A2. Changes of nutrients in inundating water; means (and relative standard deviations in %) of
TP and TN concentration of weekly inflow samples.
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Relationships between Microbial Indicators and
Pathogens in Recreational Water Settings
Asja Korajkic 1, *, Brian R. McMinn 1 and Valerie J. Harwood 2
1 National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, 26 West Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45268, USA; [email protected]
2 Department of Integrative Biology, University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Ave, SCA 110, Tampa,
FL 33620, USA; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Fecal pollution of recreational waters can cause scenic blight and pose a threat to public
health, resulting in beach advisories and closures. Fecal indicator bacteria (total and fecal coliforms,
Escherichia coli, and enterococci), and alternative indicators of fecal pollution (Clostridium perfringens
and bacteriophages) are routinely used in the assessment of sanitary quality of recreational waters.
However, fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), and alternative indicators are found in the gastrointestinal
tract of humans, and many other animals and therefore are considered general indicators of fecal
pollution. As such, there is room for improvement in terms of their use for informing risk assessment
and remediation strategies. Microbial source tracking (MST) genetic markers are closely associated
with animal hosts and are used to identify fecal pollution sources. In this review, we examine
73 papers generated over 40 years that reported the relationship between at least one indicator
and one pathogen group or species. Nearly half of the reports did not include statistical analysis,
while the remainder were almost equally split between those that observed statistically significant
relationships and those that did not. Statistical significance was reported less frequently in marine
and brackish waters compared to freshwater, and the number of statistically significant relationships
was considerably higher in freshwater (p < 0.0001). Overall, significant relationships were more
commonly reported between FIB and pathogenic bacteria or protozoa, compared to pathogenic
viruses (p: 0.0022–0.0005), and this was more pronounced in freshwater compared to marine.
Statistically significant relationships were typically noted following wet weather events and at
sites known to be impacted by recent fecal pollution. Among the studies that reported frequency
of detection, FIB were detected most consistently, followed by alternative indicators. MST markers
and the three pathogen groups were detected least frequently. This trend was mirrored by reported
concentrations for each group of organisms (FIB > alternative indicators > MST markers > pathogens).
Thus, while FIB, alternative indicators, and MST markers continue to be suitable indicators of fecal
pollution, their relationship with waterborne pathogens, particularly viruses, is tenuous at best
and influenced by many different factors such as frequency of detection, variable shedding rates,
differential fate and transport characteristics, as well as a broad range of site-specific factors such
as the potential for the presence of a complex mixture of multiple sources of fecal contamination
and pathogens.
1. Introduction
Approximately 39% of the United States (US) population and more than 50% of the global
population live near a coastal area [1,2]. Coastal tourism accounts for 85% of all tourism revenue
in the US [3], with the average beachgoer spending ~$35 per beach visit [4], resulting in a massive
contribution to local economy and national gross domestic product [5,6]. During 2013, approximately
10% of US beach samples (out of total 116,230 samples collected) at 3485 beaches exceeded the US
Environmental Protection Agency beach action value (BAV) for fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), indicating
unacceptable water quality [5]. Similarly, a more recent report for the European Union (EU) indicated
that ~15% of beach samples failed to meet the most stringent “excellent” quality standard at nearly
22,000 coastal beaches and inland sites across EU [7].
Because of a wide array of potential pathogens and typically low concentrations in environmental
waters, direct monitoring of waterborne pathogens can be costly, technically challenging, and in
some cases not feasible. Therefore, recreational waters are typically monitored for FIB levels instead.
Monitoring is intended to ensure that the water body is safe for human recreational contact, and the
resulting data are used to determine whether beach advisories or closures are needed. General FIB such
as total coliforms, fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli and enterococci have been used worldwide for over a
century in sanitary assessment of recreational waters [8–12]. The type of FIB measured and values used
in recreational water guidelines vary by country [13]. Other general fecal microorganisms, such as
Clostridium perfringens and various bacteriophages, are considered alternative indicator organisms,
and are also frequently measured in various water quality monitoring programs worldwide [13–19].
However, FIB and alternative indicator organisms are common inhabitants of gastrointestinal tracts
of mammals and birds [14,20], and their detection in environmental waters provides no information
about the source of pollution. Considering that ambient waters can be influenced by multiple point
and non-point pollution sources, identification of source is crucial for any remedial efforts and risk
assessment determinations since not all fecal sources pose the same risk to human health. For example,
human fecal pollution typically presents the greatest risk because of the possible presence of human
viral pathogens, while cattle manure may be a close second because of the possible presence of zoonotic
pathogens such as Cryptosporidium spp. and enteropathogenic E. coli [21]. Exposure to gull, chicken,
and pig feces carries a known risk, because of possible presence of zoonotic pathogens associated
with these animals including hepatitis E virus [22], Campylobacter spp., Brucella spp., pathogenic E. coli
and Salmonella spp. [23–25]. Microbial source tracking (MST) has emerged in response to a need to
identify the source(s) of fecal pollution to better safeguard human health and aid in remediation
efforts. The majority of MST genetic markers target the 16S rRNA gene of Bacteroides spp., although
some amplify other genes and, in some instances, viral targets [13,14]. Earlier technology centered on
end-point PCR, which provides a binary, presence/absence result, but more recent studies estimate
the concentration of a given MST genetic marker via real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) [14]. Of note,
more rapid technology in lieu of molecular enrichment followed by qPCR is also being developed for
monitoring of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, indicator species used to monitor the
water quality in swimming pools [26].
The majority of waterborne disease outbreaks associated with recreational use of untreated
waters (e.g., lakes and oceans) are caused by pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, parasites,
and viruses, while chemicals (including toxins) accounted for approximately 6% of outbreaks with
confirmed etiology [27]. Among the pathogenic bacteria, virulent Escherichia coli serotypes (e.g.,
O157:H7), Campylobacter spp., Legionella spp., Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., and Pseudomonas spp. were
most commonly identified etiologic agents [28–32]. While other protozoan species are occasionally
identified as the cause (e.g., Naegleria spp.), [27,30], Cryptosporidium spp., followed by Giardia spp.
are etiological agents for the majority of recreational waterborne outbreaks [28,29,31,32]. Regarding
viral pathogens, noroviruses and adenoviruses were most frequently identified as causative agents
in outbreaks where etiology was confirmed [27,30,32,33]. In treated waters (e.g., swimming pools
and spas), Cryptosporidium spp. are most often identified as etiological agents [30–32], although
noroviruses and adenoviruses are becoming more frequently detected [33]. It is important to note
that etiological agents in nearly 30% of outbreaks in the US alone remain unidentified [27], and that
sporadic recreational waterborne illnesses not associated with outbreaks are excluded from this report.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Even though the concepts of FIB, alternative indicators, and MST markers were developed
to indicate fecal contamination and its sources, the same paradigm is often employed to indicate
pathogen presence under the assumption that indicators consistently covary with pathogen presence.
The goals of this review are: (1) to examine reported relationships between various indicators and
pathogen species to determine the feasibility of indicators as pathogen sentinels in recreational
waters; and (2) to identify factors that affect this relationship (or lack thereof). In addition, we
also queried epidemiological studies to determine which indicator(s) most commonly correlated
with illness in recreational waters. Our search criteria mandated that each study measured at least
one indicator (FIB or alternative) or MST marker along with at least one pathogen. We focused
on studies conducted in waters intended for primary human contact (e.g., swimming, wading,
diving, and surfing) such as beaches and swimming pools, but also included ambient waters
used for secondary or non-contact (e.g., boating, fishing) human activities. Our methodology for
collecting the manuscripts involved querying “PubMed” ( and
“Google Scholar” ( databases for following keywords: “recreational
water pathogens”, “recreational water viral pathogens”, “recreational water bacterial pathogens”,
“recreational water protozoan pathogens”, “recreational water fungal pathogens”, “swimming pools
pathogens”, “swimming pools viral pathogens”, “swimming pools bacterial pathogens, “swimming
pools protozoan pathogens” and “swimming pools fungal pathogens” regardless of the year published.
For the purposes of this review, a relationship is identified as a significant correlation (e.g., Pearson
Product Momentum Correlation, Wilcoxon signed-rank tests) and/or significant predictive relationship
(e.g., binary and other logistic regression modelling). Assumptions made in our analyses included
the following: (1) all measurement strategies yielded equivalent results (e.g., various culture-based,
molecular and microscopy were equally sensitive); and (2) data were not affected by characteristics
of the water samples (e.g., we assumed that the water chemistry did not influence performance
of the methods). In total, we collected 73 papers spanning over four decades of research from
25 countries: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of
Congo, France, Greece, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New
Zealand, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Taiwan, United Kingdom, US, and Venezuela. The majority of
studies were conducted in freshwaters (lakes, rivers and streams), followed by marine/brackish
waters and swimming pools (Figure 1). Since some studies were conducted in both fresh and
marine/brackish waters, they were included in each water type in Figure 1. This resulted in a
total of 126 observations (i.e., report on a relationship between indicator and pathogen) since some
studies were conducted in both, marine and freshwater, and/or measured more than one type of
indicator or pathogen. The majority of observations (n = 52) did not report any relationship between
indicator(s) and pathogen(s), while those that did, were split into relationships that were statistically
significant (n = 30) and those that were not (n = 44). Statistically significant relationships (or the lack
thereof) and rationale for the observed trends are further examined in the following sections.
Figure 1. Documented relationships between various indicators and pathogens in freshwaters (n = 45),
marine/brackish waters (n = 29) and swimming pools (n = 3).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Of the remaining 23 studies, thirteen reported positive relationship between at least one indicator
and one pathogen [53–65], while ten did not find significant relationships [66–75]. Please see Table 1
(“relationship” and “comments” columns) for summary of relationships and other comments regarding
studies that found no significant relationship or those that did not report it.
Studies that found significant, positive relationships most commonly reported it for
Cryptosporidium/Giardia (oo)cysts and pathogenic E. coli spp., followed by Salmonella spp. and
Campylobacter spp. (Table 1). Relationships were less frequently noted for Shigella spp. and
adenoviruses, as well as non-fecal pathogens such as Legionella spp. and Acanthamoeba spp. (Table 1).
E. coli was the FIB with the greatest number of significant relationships, followed by enterococci, fecal
and total coliforms (Table 1). Significant relationships were reported between E. coli and pathogenic
E. coli spp. (n = 7), Cryptosporidium/Giardia (oo)cysts (n = 6), Salmonella spp. (n = 6), Campylobacter
spp. (n = 4), and adenoviruses (n = 2) (Table 1). Enterococci also had the greatest number of
statistically significant relationships with pathogenic E. coli spp. (n = 5), Cryptosporidium/Giardia
(oo)cysts (n = 4), Salmonella spp. (n = 3), Campylobacter spp. (n = 2), and adenoviruses (n = 1) (Table 1).
Fecal coliforms correlated with pathogenic E. coli spp. (n = 5), followed by Salmonella spp. (n = 3),
Cryptosporidium/Giardia (oo)cysts (n = 2), and Campylobacter and Shigella spp. (n = 1 each) (Table 1).
Statistically significant relationships between total coliforms and different pathogens (pathogenic
E. coli spp., Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Legionella, and Acanthamoeba spp.) were reported only
once for each pathogen (Table 1). The methodology employed did not appear to influence the outcome,
as significant relationships were not more likely when both indicator and pathogen were measured by
a similar technique (Table 1).
The frequency of significant relationships of FIB with bacterial or protozoan pathogens was
similar; however, significant relationships with viral pathogens were less frequent (Fisher’s exact test,
p: 0.0005–0.0022). While lack of relationship between FIB and pathogenic viruses is not surprising
given the enormous differences between the two groups in terms of persistence in the environment
and low levels of viral pathogens typically found in ambient waters, correlations between FIB and
protozoan pathogens are more difficult to understand. Interestingly, when Cryptosporidium and
Giardia spp. were detected, they were generally present in higher concentrations compared to viral
pathogens. Significant relationships were reported more commonly for rivers and streams compared
to lakes [58–60,62], but this trend was not statistically significant (Fisher’s exact test, two-tailed
p = 0.085). Correlations appeared to be influenced by weather conditions, as most occurred during wet
seasons and/or following rainfall events [53,61,63,67,75]. Not surprisingly, correlations were also more
likely following sewage spills and/or wastewater discharges [54,56,57,61] and in waters impacted
by agricultural operations [57,61], likely due to elevated FIB concentrations, greater likelihood of
pathogen presence and the potential for location to be dominated by single fecal source.
Table 1. Relationships between fecal indicator bacteria and various pathogens in freshwater.
E. coli e and enterococci Pathogenic E. coli b watersheds in Michigan and No significant correlation. Samples with lower FIB levels, typically had a lower [67]
e Indiana, USA proportion of virulence genes.
Samples exceeding recreational water quality guidelines
Pathogenic E. coli b , more likely to contain pathogenic E. coli genes but not
Various streams in
E. coli e , enterococci e Cryptosporidium and Giardia FIB correlated with all pathogens. Cryptosporidium and Giardia (oo)cysts. [56]
Pennsylvania, USA
(oo)cysts c Affected by non-point source and run-off following snow
melt and rain events as well.
E. coli and Aeromonas spp. co-detected in all samples.
S. enterica d , Aeromonas spp. d , Ao, Hong and Tao lakes in
E. coli d No significant correlation. Higher concentrations of E. coli and pathogens in particle [68]
M. avium d , P. aeruginosa d Beijing, China
attached fraction of the sample.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa was co-detected with all FIB in
Total coliforms a ,
P. aeruginosa a Sauce Grande lagoon, Argentina NR all samples. [37]
E. colia , enterococci a
All FIB positively correlated with temperature.
Viruses co-detected in 26% of samples.
Total coliforms a , fecal Human enteroviruses b , Presence of viruses directly related to dissolved oxygen and
Altamaha River, USA No significant correlation. [69]
coliforms a adenoviruses b streamflow, but inversely related to temperature, rainfall in
the last 30 days.
Presence of Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus and
enterococci frequently coincided with fecal coliform and E.
Total coliforms a , fecal
coli levels above 1000 MPN/100 mL.
coliforms a , Salmonella spp. b , S. aureus b Msunduzi River, South Africa NR [38]
Salmonella spp. not detected in drier, colder months when
E. coli a , enterococci e
fecal coliform and E. coli levels were below 1000 MPN/100
Table 1. Cont.
C. jejuni d ,
Various streams around Lake Temporal variation in pathogen concentration was observed
E. coli a L. pneumophila d , L. monocytogenes No significant correlation. [71]
d, Miyajimanuma, Japan with higher levels detected in colder months and when
geese were present (not significant).
V. cholerae d , and
V. parahaemolyticus d
Highest concentration of adenovirus found at two urban
Human adenovirus d , Giardia sites.
E. coli d Rivers in France NR [41]
and Cryptosporidium (oo)cystsc Generally higher concentration of Giardia compared to
Acanthamoeba spp. and Legionella spp.
Acanthamoeba spp. b,d , significantly associated with total Legionella detection was significantly correlated with water
e Puzih River and two hot springs
Total coliforms Naegleria spp. b,d , Legionella spp. coliforms in hot spring samples but not temperature and more likely in the presence of [58]
b,d recreational facilities, Taiwan
river. No significant correlation for Vermamoeba vermiformis.
Naegleria spp.
In ~1/3 of samples at least two viral targets were
Human adenoviruses b,d , Danube, Berettyo, Koros and
E. coli a , enterococci a noroviruses GII b , and Tisza Rivers and two rivulets NR [42]
~42%, 12% and 14% of designated recreational waters
enteroviruses b (Koloska and Keki), Hungary
contained adenoviruses, enteroviruses and noroviruses.
Higher geometric mean of FIB in Salmonella spp. positive
Significant correlation commonly
samples than in Salmonella spp. negative samples.
b Transitional and inland waters, observed in waters classified as “poor”
E. coli a , enterococci e Salmonella spp. Even though significant correlation was reported, Salmonella [59]
Portugal and “sufficient” but also seen in waters
was also detected in water samples with “good” and
classified as “good” or “excellent”
“excellent” water quality.
Table 1. Cont.
Approximately 50% of pathogenic bacteria resistant to at
Pathogenic E. coli b , Shigella spp. The occurrence of pathogenic bacteria least two antibiotics.
Fecal coliforms a La Paz River basin, Bolivia [61]
b and Salmonella spp. b associated with fecal coliform densities. Pathogens were frequently detected during rainy season at
sites impacted by anthropogenic activities.
Only Salmonella spp., detected sporadically in waters with
E. coli a , enterococci a , Cryptosporidium spp. c , Salmonella
Lake Parramatta, Australia NR relatively low FIB concentrations. [45]
fecal coliforms a spp. b , Campylobacter spp. a
FIB concentration higher during wet weather.
Campylobacter spp. Legionella
River, lake ponds and a wadi in Campylobacter spp. detected in all samples, Cryptosporidium
E. coli e spp. d , adenovirus d , NR [46]
Netherlands spp. never detected, other pathogens detected sporadically.
Cryptosporidium spp. d
Arboviruses, hepatitis A and E viruses and E. coli O157:H7
Campylobacter spp. b ,
were not detected in any of the samples. Rotavirus,
Salmonella spp. b , E. coli O157:H7
d , Cryptosporidium and Giardia norovirus, enterovirus Salmonella and Campylobacter spp.
Fecal coliforms e , detected sporadically.
(oo)cysts c , astroviruses b , Canals and lakes, Netherlands NR [47]
E. colie , enterococci e Infectious enteroviruses found in one sample.
hepatitis A b and E b viruses,
Low concentration of Cryptosporidium and Giardia (oo)cysts
rotavirus b , norovirus b ,
detected in samples that complied with the European
enterovirus b
bathing water legislation.
L. pneumophila detected in > 90% of samples.
Puzih River and hot spring Total coliforms and L. pneumophila
Total coliforms e L. pneumophila d L. pneumophila and total coliforms also correlated with [62]
recreational areas, Taiwan significantly correlated.
Table 1. Cont.
Cryptosporidium and
E. coli e , enterococci e , Higher concentrations of indicators and more frequent
Giardia (oo)cysts c , infectious Lake Carroll, Tampa, FL NR [48]
fecal coliforms e pathogen detection following rain events.
enteroviruses a , Salmonella spp a
Human adenovirus human d, Adenoviruses detected more frequently than enteroviruses,
Delaware Lake, Madison Lake
E. coli e enterovirus d , Norovirus GI and No significant correlation. followed by noroviruses. [72]
and East Fork Lake, USA
GII d Human adenovirus and enterovirus correlated.
All sampling sites achieved “sufficient” bathing water
quality for enterococci but not E. coli.
Campylobacter spp. a ,
E. coli total
a, With the exception of Aeromonas spp., detection of all other
Salmonella spp. a , P. aeruginosa a , River Ruhr and barrier lakes,
coliforms a , NR pathogens was sporadic. [49]
Cryptosporidium and Giardia Germany
enterococci e Precipitation preceding sampling event resulted in elevated
(oo)cysts c , Aeromonas spp. e
concentration of total coliforms, E. coli, enterococci,
Aeromonas spp. and Cryptosporidium and Giardia (oo)cysts.
High concentrations of Pseudomonas spp. detected in
E. coli e , enterococci e Pseudomonas spp. e , Norovirus d Geothermal pools, Iceland NR samples that also contained high FIB counts. [50]
Norovirus was not detected.
S. aureus Salmonella spp.
d, d,
E. coli d , enterococci d Prickett Creek, USA NR No correlation between E. coli and enterococci. [51]
noroviruses d
L. monocytogenes Salmonella spp.
The fraction of samples that contained an indicator when
Total coliforms e , fecal b , E. coli O157:H7 b ,
South Nation River basin, Weak relationships, but mostly positive pathogen was detected was highest for the protozoan
coliforms e , Campylobacter spp. b , [63]
Canada (except L. monocytogenes). parasites.
E. coli e , enterococci e Cryptosporidium and
Relationships dependent on season and site.
Giardia (oo)cysts c
Various rivers and lakes in
Concentrations of all indicators
France, Germany, Italy, > 50% of samples positive for adenovirus.E. coli
E. coli a , enterococci a Human adenoviruses b correlated with frequency of [64]
Netherlands, Poland, United concentrations higher than enterococci.
adenovirus detection.
Various rivers and lakes in
Both viruses frequently detected in samples that met “good”
Adenoviruses d,f , norovirus GI b France, Germany, Italy,
E. coli a , enterococci a NR water quality guidelines for both E. coli and enterococci. [52]
and GII b Netherlands, Poland, United
Adenoviruses detected more frequently than noroviruses.
Total coliforms a , fecal Salmonella spp. f , pathogenic E. Significant but weak correlations Cryptosporidium and Giardia (oo)cysts detected in samples
coliforms a , coli f , Cryptosporidium and Giardia Wanzhou watershed, China between indicators and Salmonella spp. with low indicator concentrations. [65]
E. coli a , enterococci e (oo)cysts c and pathogenic E. coli. Concentrations of indicators influenced by rainfall.
Significant correlation between Cryptosporidium and
Cryptosporidium and Giardia
Total coliforms a Lake Tianjin, China No significant correlation Giardia (oocysts). [75]
(oo)cysts c
Giardia detected more frequently.
1 Data reporting: most probable number (MPN) a , Presence/absence b , total (oo)cysts c , gene copies d , colony forming units (CFU) e , Integrated cell culture (ICC)/MPN PCR f .
2 NR (not reported).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Table 2. Relationships between fecal indicator bacteria and various pathogens in brackish and marine waters.
V. vulnificus b , S. aureus e ,
enterovirus d , norovirus d , When enterococci levels by qPCR and CS exceeded MDL,
Fecal coliforms e , E. Coastal Beaches, Miami Dade
hepatitis A virus d , NR Cryptospordium, Giardia, enteroviruses and V. vulnificus were [76]
coli e , enterococci d,e County, Florida, USA
Cryptosporidium and Giardia co-detected.
(oo)cysts c
Cryptosporidium and Giardia Presence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia were significantly
Enterococci e Coastal beaches, Venezuela No significant correlation. [88]
(oo)cysts c correlated.
e b Enterococci but not E. coli correlated Pathogens detected in waters of “good” and “excellent”
E. coli e, enterococci C. albicans b, Salmonella spp. Saronicos Gulf, Athens, Greece [96]
with Salmonella spp., but not C. albicans. quality.
Total coliforms a , fecal b Canals around Galveston Bay, Salmonella spp. detection occurred (nearly 100%) when FC
Salmonella spp. NR [78]
coliforms a TX, USA concentrations >2000/100 mL.
C. parvum c , G. lamblia c , G. Maryland, US Chesapeake Bay, C. parvum, G. duodenalis and E. bieneusi Correlations observed especially apparent with high bather
Enterococci a [97]
duodenalis c E. bieneusi c USA correlated with enterococci counts. numbers in water.
Enterococci a,d ,
E. coli L. pneumophila S. aureus
b, b,
a,d , MRSA b , adenovirus b , No indicator used had a significant correlation with GI
Malibu beach, California USA NR [79]
fecal coliforms a , total enterovirus d , Hepatitis A d , illness in swimmers or any reference pathogen.
coliforms a Norovirus d
Enterococci co-detected with pathogenic Campylobacter spp.,
Enterococci e Campylobacter spp. d , Florida, Quietwater Beach, USA No significant correlation. but levels of enterococci were not indicative of levels of [70]
Campylobacter present.
Salmonella spp. b , Campylobacter
spp. a , Cryptosporidium and Changes in FIB concentrations associated with changes in
E. coli a , enterococci a Estuaries, Melbourne Australia No significant correlation. [89]
Giardia (oo)cysts c , adenoviruses temperature, flow, humidity and rainfall.
a enteroviruses a
Total coliforms e ,
somatic and F-specific phage present.
fecal coliforms e , Enteroviruses e Coastal beaches, Barcelona, Spain NR [82]
55% of samples having infectious virus beach quality was
enterococci e , E. coli e
within EU standards for levels of FIB.
Enterococci e ,
Enterovirus a , Cryptosporidium Viruses detected in samples where FIB levels were within
fecal coliforms a , St. Lucie Estuary, Florida, USA No significant correlation. [94]
and Giardia (oo)cysts c regulatory limits.
E. coli a , total coliforms a
Adenovirus b , Norovirus d ,
Cryptosporidium and Giardia
(oo)cysts c , FIB and pathogens co-detected
Enterococci a,d Coastal beaches, Florida, USA NR [83]
C. jejuni, Salmonella spp. b , S. Seawater samples taken near sewage discharges.
aureus b ,
E. coli 0157-H7 b
V. vulnificus e , Enterococci were co-detected with V. vulnificus and V.
Enterococci e Chesapeake, Bay, MD, USA NR [84]
V. parahaemolyticus e parahaemolyticus.
Table 2. Cont.
Enteroviruses b Florida Keys, Florida, USA NR [87]
enterococci e No sites in violation of water quality standards.
Coastal beaches in Cyprus, Italy,
FIB levels significantly lower in seawater than in freshwater
E. coli a , enterococci a Human Adenovirus b Portugal, Spain and No significant correlation. [64]
United Kingdom
Beaches considered “clean” based on FIB levels were
Coastal beaches in Cyprus, Italy,
Human adenovirus b norovirus b positive for both adenovirus and noroviruses.
E. coli e , enterococci e Portugal, Spain and United NR [52]
GI and GII Freshwater sites had higher frequency of virus detection
than marine sites.
1 Data reporting: most probable number (MPN) a , Presence/absence b , total (oo)cysts c , gene copies d , colony forming units or plaque forming units (CFU/PFU) e , Integrated cell culture
Table 3. Relationship of alternative indicators of fecal pollution and pathogens in freshwater and marine/brackish waters.
than dry weather concentration, but difference is not
statistically significant.
No Cryptosporidium detected which coincided with the low
Cryptosporidium spp. c , Salmonella
C. perfringens e Lake Parramatta, Australia NR C. perfringens concentrations. [45]
spp. b , Campylobacter spp. a
C. perfringens concentration lower than FIB.
Campylobacter spp. a , Salmonella
spp. b , E. coli O157:H7 d ,
Somatic coliphage detected more frequently and at higher
Cryptosporidium and Giardia
Somatic and F+ concentrations compared to F+ coliphage.
(oo)cysts c , astroviruses b , Canals and lakes, Netherlands NR [47]
coliphages e Highest concentrations of bacteriophages occurred
hepatitis A and E viruses b ,
following a heavy rainfall.
rotavirus b , norovirus b ,
enterovirus a
Campylobacter spp. a , Salmonella
Concentrations typically lower and less variable compared
spp. a , P. aeruginosaa , River Ruhr and barrier lakes,
C. perfringens e NR to the FIB. [49]
Cryptosporidium and Giardia Germany
No association with precipitation.
(oo)cysts c , Aeromonas spp. e
Table 3. Cont.
(oo)cysts c
Various rivers and lakes in FIB showed better correlation with adenovirus than somatic
Concentrations of somatic coliphage
France, Germany, Italy, coliphage.
Somatic coliphage e Human adenoviruses b correlated with frequency of [64]
Netherlands, Poland, United Somatic coliphage concentrations comparable to E. coli
adenovirus detection.
Kingdom concentrations.
Marine, and brackish waters
V. vulnificus b , S. aureus e ,
enterovirus d , norovirus d , Higher concentrations in high tide samples as opposed to
C. perfringens e hepatitis A virus d , Virginia Key Beach, Florida, USA NR low tide. [77]
Cryptosporidium and Giardia Not correlated with FIB.
(oo)cysts c
V. vulnificus b , S. aureus e ,
enterovirus d , norovirus d ,
C. perfringens e , Coastal Beaches, Miami Dade High levels of C. perfringens also signaled high levels of all
hepatitis A virus d , NR [76]
F+ coliphage e County, Florida, USA FIB.
Cryptosporidium and Giardia
(oo)cysts c
Cryptosporidium and Giardia Detection of C. perfringens coincided with human-associated
C. perfringens a Coastal beaches, Venezuela No significant correlation. [88]
(oo)cysts c MST markers.
L. pneumophila b , S. aureus b ,
MRSA b , adenovirus b , F+ coliphage had strong association
F+ coliphage e Malibu beach, California USA F+ coliphage had strong association with GI illness. [79]
enterovirus d , Hepatitis A d , with MRSA and S. aureus presence.
Norovirus d
Salmonella spp. b , Campylobacter
Docklands, South Yarra and
C. perfringens e and spp. a , Cryptosporidium and Positive correlation between the presence of C. perfringens
Abbotsford estuaries, Melbourne NR [89]
F+ coliphage e Giardia (oo)cysts c , adenoviruses and F+ coliphage.
a , enteroviruses a Australia
infecting Bacteroides
Densities of somatic coliphage were higher than FIB
thetaiotaomicron GA17 e
densities and did not correlate with them.
Somatic coliphage concentrations higher than F+ coliphage.
Somatic e and Enterovirusa , Cryptosporidium
St. Lucie Estuary, Florida, USA No significant correlation. Somatic coliphage correlated with the total coliform [94]
F+ coliphage e and Giardia (oo)cysts c
Salmonella spp. a , Campylobacter
C. perfringens was marginally associated
C. perfringens e and spp. a , S. aureus e , Concentrations of C. perfringens and F+ coliphage
Hawaii streams, USA with Campylobacter spp. and [100]
F+ coliphage e V. vulnificus e , comparable.
V. parahaemolyticus.
V. parahaemolyticus e
C. perfringens e ,
Enteroviruses b Florida Keys, Florida, USA NR Enteroviruses co-detected with C. perfringens and coliphage. [87]
F+ coliphage e
Coastal beaches in Cyprus, Italy,
Somatic coliphage e Human Adenovirus b Portugal, Spain and No significant correlation. Somatic coliphage concentrations lower than FIB. [64]
United Kingdom
1 Data reporting: most probable number (MPN) a , Presence/absence b , total (oo)cysts c , gene copies d , colony forming units or plaque forming units (CFU/PFU) e , Integrated cell culture
(ICC)/MPN (RT)PCR f . 2 NR (not reported).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Table 4. Relationships between MST markers and various pathogens in in freshwater and marine/brackish waters.
c Various ponds, rivers and creeks Campylobacter and MST markers co-detected at only one site.
HPyV a , nifH a , HF183 a Campylobacter spp. No significant correlation. [70]
in Florida, USA HPyV and nif H were not detected during the study.
Human adenovirus c , human g-Bfra detected more frequently and at higher
Delaware Lake, Madison Lake
gyrB c , g-Bfra c enterovirus c , Norovirus GI and No significant correlation. concentrations than gyrB. [72]
and East Fork Lake, USA
GII c , porcine sapovirus c gyrB and g-Bfra frequently correlated.
Higher concentrations of indicators and more frequent
Cryptosporidium and Giardia
pathogen detection following rain events.
esp a , HPyV a , HF183 a (oo)cysts b , infectious Lake Carroll, Tampa, FL No significant correlation. [48]
d esp, but not HPyV or HF183 correlated with FIB (E. coli,
enteroviruses d , Salmonella spp.
enterococci, fecal coliforms).
Positive relationship between detection
of Bac32F and all pathogens. Bac32F detected most frequently, followed by CF128/193,
Positive relationship between PF163 and HF183/134
Bac32F CF128 CF193
a, a, a, E. coli O157:H7 Salmonella spp.
a, a, Little Bow and Oldman Rivers,
CF128/193 and E. coli O157:H7 and Pathogens were detected infrequently with Campylobacter [106]
HF134 a , HF183 a , PF163 a Campylobacter spp. a Canada
Salmonella spp. spp. most commonly detected. Water impacted by
Positive relationship between agricultural operations.
HF183/134 and Campylobacter spp..
S. aureus c , Salmonella spp. c ,
HPyV c , HF183 c , AllBac c Prickett Creek, USA NR Salmonella spp. were most frequently detected pathogen. [51]
noroviruses c
Precipitation and turbidity positively correlated with
esp a Infectious enteric viruses a Lake Michigan, USA NR [105]
Marine and brackish waters
V. vulnificus c , S. aureus c ,
HPyV, V. vulnificus, Giardia spp. were co-detected with all
enterovirus c , norovirus c ,
a FIB and alternative indicators.
HPyV a, esp hepatitis A c virus, Virginia Key Beach, Florida, USA NR [77]
When FIB levels exceeded regulatory standards, HPyVs and
Cryptosporidium and
pathogens also detected.
Giardia (oo)cysts b
V. vulnificus c , S. aureus c ,
HPyV a , esp a , Bacteroides
enterovirus c , norovirus c , During rain event, DogBac was co-detected with
thetaiotaomicron a , Coastal Beaches, Miami Dade
hepatitis A c virus, NR Cryptospordium, Giardia, enteroviruses and V. vulnificus along [76]
BacHum-UCD a and County, Florida, USA
Cryptosporidium and with enterococci.
DogBac a
Giardia (oo)cysts b
Table 4. Cont.
GenBac3 HF183
c, a,c ,
Hillsborough River, St, Johns exceeded regulatory standards
GenBac3 a , HPyVc , HF183 a , No significant relationship with HPyV,
Adenovirus a River, Ben T. Davis beach, HF183 and nifH detected in 80% of [99]
nifH a other MST markers NR
Florida, USA samples, whereas adenoviruses were detected
in 60% of the samples.
Avalon and Doheny Beaches, At Doheny Beach HPyV and HF183 Adenovirus not detected at Avalon Beach, impacted by
HPyV c , HF183 a , nifH a Adenovirus a [93]
California, USA presence correlated with adenovirus. non-point source(s).
Adenovirus a , Norovirus,
PMMoV co-occurred with FIB, other MST markers and
PMMoV c , HF183 c , Cryptosporidium and Giardia
Coastal beaches, Florida, USA NR pathogens. [83]
BacHum-UCD c , esp a , nifH c (oo)cysts b , C. jejuni a , Salmonella
Seawater samples taken near sewage outfalls.
spp. a , S. aureus a , E. coli 0157-H7 a
BacHum-UCD c , HF183 c ,
Coastal beaches, Miami, Florida, Co-occurrence with S. aureus detection.
DogBac c , S. aureus e NR [86]
USA No correlation found with MST markers and skin illness.
C. marimammalium c
1 Data reporting: Presence/absence a, total (oo)cysts b, gene copies c, most probable number (MPN) d, colony forming units (CFU) e; 2 NR (not reported).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Figure 2. Summary of epidemiological studies reporting on linkage between illness and various
indicator types.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Correlations between observed illness in these studies were most common with enterococci
(10 studies out of 17) [79,86,110,111,113,114,116,117,120,121], followed by F+ coliphage
(5 studies) [79,113,118,119,123] (Figure 2), suggesting that these two indicators may be better
predictors of waterborne illness occurrence. Fecal coliforms, human-associated MST markers (Bsteri,
BuniF2, and HF134), general MST marker (GenBac3), culturable E. coli, total coliforms, and somatic
coliphage were correlated with illness less frequently (Figure 2). Twenty-seven indicator measurements
across all studies were correlated with human illness, and 93% of these studies were conducted in
waters with known point or non-point source contamination, contaminated surface/ground water flow
or following wet weather events. Only six studies [79,86,117–119,124], all of which found relationship
between indicator and illness, measured pathogens, in addition to recording illness information, and
indicator organism concentrations. Only one of the six studies found a relationship between pathogens
and illness or indicator concentrations. This is not surprising since, in these studies, pathogens were
detected infrequently and at low concentrations. This illustrates the potential challenges of detecting
relationships between indicators and pathogens in the field even when health relationships were
observed with fecal indictors.
10. Detection Frequency and Concentrations of Indicators and Pathogens in Marine, Brackish
and Freshwaters
The observed relationships between indicators and pathogens can be influenced by logistical
factors that may confound determination of actual relationships, including study design and
methodological limitations. Study design determines the frequency at which a target (FIB, alternative
indicator, MST marker or pathogen) was measured (per study or cumulative multiple studies),
while methodology employed influences likelihood of detection. We compiled studies that reported
frequency of detection (or data that allowed calculation of frequency detection such as total number
of samples and samples positive) for at least one FIB/alternative indicator/MST marker and at least
one pathogen per sample(s), resulting in inclusion of 49 studies (Table 5). Microbial data collected
were first grouped according to indicator (FIB, alternative or MST) or pathogen type (bacterial, viral
or protozoan), and further organized according to the detection format employed (different types
of culture-based or molecular). Table 5 describes the detection frequency (per study and per total
cumulative samples) for microorganism targets (FIB, alternative indicators, MST, and pathogens) for
both freshwater and brackish/marine waters.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Table 5. Frequency (%) of detection of microorganisms over all eligible studies (those that included
data on individual observations). Detection frequency is expressed per study and for cumulative
samples across all studies. Studies with least one sample positive for the organism were scored positive
in the “per study” column.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Table 5. Cont.
Each FIB was detected at least once in 100% of studies, which was true for most of the microbial
targets. General FIB were also the most frequently detected on a per sample basis, as they were found
in 94.2% of samples across 13,823 measurements in marine and freshwaters (Table 5). In freshwater,
detection frequency of FIB per sample was 95% across 11,920 measurements and it was somewhat
lower in brackish/marine waters (93% across 2203 measurements) (Table 5). Detection frequency
of alternative indicators per sample, irrespective of the water type, was considerably less than FIB,
averaging 60.6% (across 2606 measurements); the difference between water types was also more
pronounced than for FIB (freshwater detection frequency 83.7%/2366 measurements vs. marine
45.1%/240 samples) (Table 5). While the 2705 samples analyzed for MST markers in marine and
freshwaters were similar to alternative indicators, the overall detection frequency average (42.9%) was
considerably lower (Table 5). The frequency of detection and total number of samples collected in each
water type (37.4%/1355 in freshwater vs. 47.3%/1350 in marine water) was similar (Table 5).
Irrespective of the water type, bacterial pathogens were measured more often (9280 total samples),
compared to viral (3462) and protozoan (3400) pathogens, although the frequency of detection across
different pathogen groups was similar (33.8%, bacterial; 29.6%, viral; and 28.9%, protozoan (Table 5)).
There also appeared to be no appreciable difference in detection frequency between the water types for
any of the pathogen groups, although considerably more samples were collected in freshwater (Table 5).
For bacterial pathogens, frequency of detection across 8936 total samples collected in freshwater was
35.2%, compared to 30.3% in 344 marine/brackish water samples (Table 5). Similarly, viral pathogens
were detected in 33.1% freshwater samples (out of 2952) and 23.6% of 510 marine water samples
(Table 5). Lastly, protozoan pathogens were detected in 34.6% of 3,134 freshwater samples and 24.4%
of 266 marine water samples (Table 5).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
A subset of studies examined (n = 33) reported concentration data in the body of the manuscript,
tables or supplemental materials, allowing graphs to be created displaying average densities per
organism and water type (Figures 3 and 4). Concentrations of indicators were on average 1–3 log10
higher than pathogen concentrations for both water types. Both indicators and pathogens in marine
waters were found at slightly lower levels (0.5–1 log10 ) than those observed in freshwater (Figures 3
and 4 and Table 6). Within an indicator group, concentrations of FIB ranged from not detected
(ND (observed only for enterococci)) to 5.39 log10 per 100 mL (Table 6), and total coliform levels
were the highest, followed by fecal coliforms, E. coli, and enterococci (Figures 3 and 4). Alternative
indicator concentrations were lower than FIB (ranging from ND–3.29 log10 per 100 mL (Table 6)),
and C. perfringens levels were higher than somatic and F-specific coliphage (Figures 3 and 4).
MST marker concentrations were reported less frequently and were more variable, ranging from
ND–2.50 log10 copies per 100 mL (Table 6 and Figures 3 and 4). Bacterial pathogen concentrations
(range: ND–5.09 log10 per 100 mL) were higher than viral (range: ND–1.58 log10 per 100 mL) and
protozoan pathogens (range: ND–1.93 log10 per 100 mL), in both marine and freshwater (Table 6,
Figures 3 and 4).
Figure 3. Mean concentration of FIB, alternative indicators, MST markers, bacterial, viral and
protozoan pathogens in freshwater. Error bars represent standard deviation (c, culture-based; Q,
qPCR; m, microscopy).
Figure 4. Mean concentration of FIB, alternative indicators, MST markers, bacterial, viral and protozoan
pathogens in marine and brackish waters. Error bars represent standard deviation (c, culture-based; Q,
qPCR; m, microscopy).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Table 6. Concentrations of various indicators and pathogens from select studies in marine/brackish
and freshwaters.
while average per study is provided when a single study measured a given parameter. Units include: CFU, MPN,
PFU, gene copies or total (oo)cysts. 3 ND, not detected; 4 N/A, not available.
As evidenced by the examples above, readily detected microorganisms are more likely to be
measured and frequency of detection of a given microorganism is influenced by the concentration and
distribution of the target in the sample types tested, as well as the limit of detection of the method used.
Culture methods such as membrane filtration can have a low limit of detection, e.g., 1 CFU/100 mL,
and can reliably detect FIB in water samples with minimal contamination. Conversely, pathogens are
generally present sporadically and in lower levels than fecal indicators. These types of targets require
high-throughput filtration methods that can achieve large concentration factors, with the tradeoff that
limits of detection are generally quite high. In addition, the volumes sampled, and the concentration
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
strategy used can vary between studies and can affect the sensitivity of a given method. These logistical
factors frequently result in unbalanced comparisons in which the indicator organism is frequently
detected, but the pathogen is not. Therefore, the disconnect between indicators and pathogens may
not be due to a true lack of relationship in many cases, but to methodology that is much more suited to
detecting indicators than pathogens.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
13. Conclusions
FIB and alternative indicator organisms (C. perfringens and coliphages) have been used for over a
century, and continue to be used today as indicators of general fecal pollution in many applications,
including the assessment of sanitary quality of recreational waters [8]. MST markers are used to
identify source(s) of fecal pollution and are a more recent addition to the monitoring toolbox available
to water quality managers and other practitioners in the field [14]. The goal of this review is to
two-fold. Our primary objective was to examine reported relationships between various indicators
and pathogens in recreational waters to determine the value of different indicators as surrogates for
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
pathogen presence. Secondly, we aimed to more closely inspect different factors that may have an
impact on this relationship.
The majority of the studies either did not report a relationship, or they reported a statistically
non-significant relationship. Among the studies that observed statistically significant relationships,
it was considerably more common in freshwater compared to marine waters. General FIB tended to
form statistically significant relationships more commonly with bacterial and protozoan pathogens,
(compared to viral pathogens) and this difference was statistically significant. Alternative indicators
and MST markers correlated with pathogens less frequently, although it occurred more in freshwater
than marine/brackish waters. Overall, statistically significant relationships were detected more
frequently in waters known to be impacted by fecal pollution and following wet weather events, both
scenarios under which indicators and pathogens are more likely to be co-detected.
Among factors influencing these relationships frequency of detection and variable concentrations
of indicators and pathogens were identified as major contributing factor. Not surprisingly, general FIB
were measured and detected more frequently than any other indicator or pathogen (generally in >90%
of samples) and were also reported at higher concentrations, irrespective of the water type. Alternative
indicators were also frequently detected in samples (>70%), while MST markers were measured and
detected less frequently, and in lower concentrations than FIB or alternative markers (frequently in
<10% of samples). Pathogen detection frequencies were similarly low. Low frequency of detection
affects the ability to establish relationships between the frequently-detected and infrequently-detected
analytes, as the dataset becomes left-censored (biased toward non-detects values). What looks like
“absence” is frequently an artifact of comparing an analyte with high density (e.g., FIB) with one of
low density (e.g., pathogen). Better concentration and recovery methods for the infrequently-detected
analytes may provide a more realistic picture of the relationships among these various microorganisms
in environmental waters. Finally, concentrations in feces and wastewater, shedding rates and patterns
of various indicator and pathogen groups differ, as do their fate and transport characteristics in
secondary habitats. Indicators are typically present in higher concentrations than any of the pathogen
groups, and are also shed constantly, or more frequently, compared to pathogens. Upon entry into the
secondary habitats, a host of biotic and abiotic factors differentially affects persistence of indicators and
pathogens, further confounding the indicator–pathogen paradigm. Lastly, another important factor
impacting the ability to establish relationships between indicators and pathogens is the realization
that most locations are impacted by multiple sources of fecal contamination. Although it is difficult to
measure the impact of multiple fecal inputs, tools such as sanitary surveys and GIS mapping have
the ability to indicate potential point and non-point sources of fecal pollution and future MST studies
should improve our understanding of the impacts of multiple fecal sources.
To further our understanding of indicator and pathogen relationships, future studies measuring
these microorganisms in recreational waters should evaluate and report the existence (or lack thereof)
of such relationships. Other considerations include careful selection of targeted pathogens and
methodology used to quantify them. Furthermore, providing the data on a per sample basis (rather
than descriptive statistics of a dataset) in at least supplementary materials, will enable metanalyses,
which may yield a more robust estimate of a true state of indicator/pathogen paradigm. Lastly,
while standardized and sensitive methods exist for FIB detection and enumeration in recreational
waters, analogous procedures for alternative indicators, MST markers and pathogens are still missing.
Standardization of detection and quantification methods suitable for each indicator/pathogen group
can enable more accurate evaluation of any statistically significant relationships between these
two groups.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.K., B.R.M. and V.J.H.; Investigation, A.K. and B.R.M.; Data Curation,
A.K. and B.R.M.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation, A.K. and B.R.M.; Writing-Reviewing & Editing, A.K. and
V.J.H.; Visualization, A.K.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2842
Disclaimer: The United States Environmental Protection Agency through its Office of Research and Development
funded and managed the research described here. It has been subjected to Agency’s administrative review and
approved for publication. The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
represent the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Mention of trade names or commercial
products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Validation of Questionnaire Methods to Quantify
Recreational Water Ingestion
Laura M. Suppes 1, * , Kacey C. Ernst 2 , Leif Abrell 3 and Kelly A. Reynolds 2
1 Environmental Public Health Program, The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 105 Garfield Avenue,
Eau Claire, WI 54702, USA
2 Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, The University of Arizona, P.O. Box 245163,
Tucson, AZ 85724, USA; [email protected] (K.C.E.); [email protected] (K.A.R.)
3 Department of Soil, Water & Environmental Science, The University of Arizona, Gould-Simpson Building
Room 611, 1040 East 4th Street, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-715-836-5977
Abstract: Swimming pool water ingestion volumes are necessary for assessing infection risk from
swimming. Pool water ingestion volumes can be estimated by questionnaire or measuring a chemical
tracer in swimmer urine. Questionnaires are often preferred to the chemical tracer method because
surveys are less time consuming, but no research exists validating questionnaires accurately quantify
pool water ingestion volumes. The objective of this study was to explore if questionnaires are
a reliable tool for collecting pool water ingestion volumes. A questionnaire was issued at four
pool sites in Tucson, Arizona to 46 swimmers who also submitted a urine sample for analyzing
cyanuric acid, a chemical tracer. Perceived ingestion volumes reported on the questionnaire were
compared with pool water ingestion volumes, quantified by analyzing cyanuric acid in swimmer
urine. Swimmers were asked if they swallowed (1) no water or only a few drops, (2) one to two
mouthfuls, (3) three to five mouthfuls, or (4) six to eight mouthfuls. One mouthful is the equivalent of
27 mL of water. The majority (81%) of swimmers ingested <27 mL of pool water but reported ingesting
>27 mL (“one mouthful”) on the questionnaire. More than half (52%) of swimmers overestimated
their ingestion volume. These findings suggest swimmers are over-estimating pool water ingestion
because they perceive one mouthful is <27 mL. The questionnaire did not reliably collect pool water
ingestion volumes and should be improved for future exposure assessment studies. Images of the
ingestion volume categories should be included on the questionnaire to help swimmers visualize the
response options.
Keywords: pool water ingestion; recreational water; swimming pool; risk assessment
1. Introduction
The annual number of Recreational Water Illness (RWI) outbreaks associated with treated
recreational water venues (“pools”) in the U.S. has increased since 1978 when reporting was initiated
(pools are defined as swimming pools, spas, interactive fountains, wading pools and dive pools) [1–3].
RWIs range from acute gastrointestinal illness (AGI), skin infection or rash to acute respiratory illness
(ARI). The majority of outbreaks are associated with AGI, which accounted for 81% of outbreaks during
summer months in 2011–2012 [4]. Most AGI outbreaks in treated recreational water are associated
with ingesting Cryptosporidium. Cryptosporidium has been detected in treated recreational water and
associated with outbreaks internationally [5–8]. From 2000–2014, Cryptosporidium caused 58% of
treated recreational water outbreaks in the U.S. [9]. The volume of pool water ingested by swimmers is
necessary to quantify infection risk from enteric pathogens like Cryptosporidium [10]. Risk assessment
can help identify unsafe swimming behaviors, at-risk populations, and priority hazards to direct the
development of pool safety guidelines. Recognizing the need for accurate data collection tools for
swimming pool risk assessment, this study compared perceived ingestion volumes reported on a
questionnaire to pool water ingestion volumes quantified by analyzing cyanuric acid in swimmer
urine. The questionnaire merged information and survey questions collected and developed by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA),
and academic researchers to assess a variety of swimmer exposures. The objective was to determine if
questionnaires are a reliable tool for collecting pool water ingestion volumes.
One primary exposure related to risk of RWI is ingestion of water. Previously, the World Health
Organization (WHO) used questionnaires to estimate swimming ingestion rates and found swimmers
reported swallowing 20–50 mL/h [11]. These self-reported values, however, are underestimated
when compared to ingestion ranges found in other studies applying quantitative measurement
techniques. Thus, the WHO questionnaire may not accurately capture pool water ingestion magnitudes
among swimmers.
Ingestion can be quantified using methods that compare cyanuric acid in urine and pool
water. Cyanuric acid is added as a chlorine stabilizer to outdoor pool water, and when ingested,
passes through the human body unmetabolized [12]. Controlled studies show 98% of cyanuric acid
ingested is excreted in a 24 h period [12]. Using this technique, researchers Dufour et al. and Suppes
et al. showed swimmers ingested between 0–154 mL/h and 0–105.5 mL/h, respectively [13,14].
Information on perceived ingestion by study participants was not collected in the Dufour study,
but was collected by Suppes et al. using the questionnaire discussed in this article (see Supplementary
Materials). The questionnaire asked swimmers how much pool water was ingested during a timed
swim. The current article is one part of the Suppes et al. study and describes how accurately swimmers
perceive pool water ingestion by comparing reported to measured volumes. Our findings demonstrate
swimmers perceive higher ingestion exposures than in reality, which explains why self-reported
ingestion estimates are different than measured estimates.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2435
The question used in this study to estimate pool water ingestion by “mouthfuls/swim” was
developed by Schets et al. and was selected over other surveys based on recommendations from
the expert questionnaire review committees [17]. Other surveys used specific volume classifications,
like “teaspoon”, that may have been difficult for younger participants in this study to interpret.
The Schets study quantified the average volume in one mouthful (27 mL), which allowed measured
volumes in the present study to be categorized into “mouthfuls/swim”. Swimmers were asked on our
questionnaire if they swallowed (1) no water or only a few drops, (2) one to two mouthfuls, (3) three to
five mouthfuls, or (4) six to eight mouthfuls. Using data from the Schets study indicating an average
mouthful is 27 mL, qualitative variables from our questionnaire were converted to quantitative volumes.
Despite the Schets study defining “no water to a few drops” as 0–5 mL, swimmers with measured
ingestion between 0–26 mL were categorized as: “1: no water or only a few drops”. There was
no qualitative ingestion category in the Schets study representing 6–26 mL. The other categories
were: 27–54 mL (one to two mouthfuls), 55–135 mL (three to five mouthfuls), and 136–216 mL (six to
eight mouthfuls).
μg μg
water ingestion (L) = ([cyanuric acid]urine ( L ) ÷ [cyanuric acid]pool water ( L )) × urine volume (L) (1)
All swimmers, regardless of age, gender, or other factors, were approached and asked to
participate. Swim duration for all participants was recorded on the questionnaire. Participants accessed
the questionnaire either on-site using tablets, electronic or smart phones, or on a personal computer
through email. Questionnaires were completed within six hours of swimming.
3. Results
Thirty-eight of 46 participants had usable water ingestion values for analysis. Four did not submit
a questionnaire, one submitted a urine sample less than the accepted volume threshold, and three urine
samples had signal-to-noise ratios <3, which indicates a measurement below the analytical equipment
limit of detection (UHPLC-MS/MS). The percent recoveries of cyanuric acid from urine and pool water
were 6% and 112%, respectively. Table 1 summarizes the study population.
Table 2 illustrates the number of swimmers who correctly and incorrectly reported the volume
range of pool water ingested during swimming. Sixteen of 38 swimmers (42%) correctly reported
their ingestion volume, 20/38 (52%) overestimated the amount of pool water ingested and 2/38
(5%) underestimated their ingestion volume. Thirty-one of 38 swimmers (81%) actually ingested
0–26 mL of water, but only 11/38 swimmers (29%) correctly reported ingesting 0–26 mL. All swimmers
(11/11) who reported ingesting “no water to a few drops” did ingest water within the volume range
categorized as “no water to a few drops” (0–26 mL). Four of 20 swimmers who reported ingesting
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2435
“one to two mouthfuls” actually ingested pool water within the volume range “one to two mouthfuls”
(27–54 mL). Only one swimmer reported ingesting “three to five mouthfuls”, but six actually did
ingest pool water within this volume range (55–135 mL). No swimmers ingested or reported ingesting
136–216 mL.
Table 2. Number of swimmers reporting and actually ingesting pool water amounts within each
volume range listed on the questionnaire (n = 38).
4. Discussion
Developers of the question used on our survey found the average volume of one mouthful to
be 27 mL, which was used in this study to categorize measured ingestion volumes to mouthfuls.
The majority (81%) of swimmers actually ingested <27 mL of pool water but reported ingesting >27 mL
(one mouthful) on the questionnaire. More than half (52%) of swimmers overestimated their ingestion
volume across all volume categories. These findings suggest swimmers are overestimating pool water
ingestion because they perceive one mouthful to be <27 mL. The lack of accurate reporting of ingestion
volumes using a question recommended by experts suggests a need for improving questionnaire
techniques to assess recreational water ingestion. Since there is uncertainty about the volume of
water in one mouthful, the questionnaire can be improved by including images of a one-cup/250 mL
measuring glass with one to eight mouthfuls of liquid (Figure 1). Eight was the maximum number of
mouthfuls on the questionnaire. The questionnaire can also be improved by changing the “no water
to a few drops” category to “less than one mouthful” for consistency in questionnaire response
options. Including Figure 1 would help swimmers visualize the ingestion volume categories to reduce
inaccurate reporting.
Inconsistencies in method performance between this study and similar studies [13,18] and low
recoveries of cyanuric acid in urine indicate a need for improving techniques to quantify pool water
ingestion. Using comparable methods, Dorevitch et al. recovered 32.7% of cyanuric acid from swimmer
urine and 96.5–99% of cyanuric acid from pool water [18]. Dufour et al. did not report recovery
efficiencies for cyanuric acid in urine or pool water using a similar method [13]. Recovery of cyanuric
acid in urine and pool water was 6% and 112%, respectively, in the current study. Like this study,
Dorevitch et al. calculated pool water ingestion using Equation (1) and did not adjust cyanuric acid in
pool water to account for the lower recovery in urine. Self-reported pool water ingestion quantities
from a questionnaire by Dorevitch et al. were also compared to measured pool water ingestion
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2435
quantities. To be consistent with Dorevitch and Dufour, no percent recovery adjustments were made to
cyanuric acid in urine or pool water before analyzing measured and self-reported pool water ingestion
in this study. Measured ingestion estimates could be higher than reported in all three studies, but exact
pool water ingestion quantities cannot be estimated without a method that consistently recovers 100%
of cyanuric acid in urine. Cyanuric acid extraction efficiencies are dependent on the solid phase
extraction technique and analytical instrument. A more detailed comparison and discussion of method
performance and limitations between this study and others is published elsewhere [14].
Figure 1. The figure illustrates one to eight mouthfuls of liquid in a one-cup/250 mL measuring glass,
assuming one mouthful is equal to 27 mL of liquid [17].
5. Conclusions
This study highlights the need for improved questionnaire techniques to assess recreational water
ingestion. Our findings demonstrate swimmers perceive higher ingestion exposures than in reality,
which explains why self-reported ingestion estimates are different than measured estimates from
previous studies. Since there is uncertainty about the volume of water in one mouthful, researchers
who use this question technique in the future should include images of a one-cup/250 mL measuring
glass with one to eight mouthfuls of liquid to help swimmers visualize the ingestion volume categories.
The questionnaire category “no water to a few drops” should be changed to “less than one mouthful”
to be consistent with other response options on the questionnaire. The altered questionnaire should be
validated to ensure ingestion volumes are accurately reported.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2435
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© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Recreational Use of Spa Thermal Waters: Criticisms
and Perspectives for Innovative Treatments
Federica Valeriani, Lory Marika Margarucci and Vincenzo Romano Spica *
Public Health Unit, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Rome 00135, Italy; [email protected] (F.V.);
[email protected] (L.M.M.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Natural spa springs are diffused all over the world and their use in pools is known since
ancient times. This review underlines the cultural and social spa context focusing on hygiene
issues, public health guidelines and emerging concerns regarding water management in wellness or
recreational settings. The question of the "untouchability" of therapeutic natural waters and their
incompatibility with traditional disinfection processes is addressed considering the demand for
effective treatments that would respect the natural properties. Available strategies and innovative
treatments are reviewed, highlighting potentials and limits for a sustainable management. Alternative
approaches comprise nanotechnologies, photocatalysis systems, advanced filtration. State of the
art and promising perspectives are reported considering the chemical-physical component and the
biological natural complexity of the spa water microbiota.
1. Introduction
Natural spa springs are used for recreational purposes or wellness applications and are available
globally [1–3]. Especially in the Mediterranean basin, these waters have been exploited and valorized
for health and recreational purposes since ancient times [4–7]. After inheriting the approach to health
and well-being from the Greek culture, the Romans magnified this opportunity of personal and
social care through the realization of the monumental thermae publicae, with major spa buildings that
included areas for baths, gardens, stadiums, gyms, restrooms and spaces for massages or health-related
activities [7]. Over the centuries and different cultures, spas have maintained a significant role for
promoting health in the community. Nowadays, the increase in wellness awareness and fitness
expectations has led to the exploitation of thermal waters and extended spa businesses, based on the
notion of a joint interaction between natural resources and manmade enterprises [8]. Collectively, the
spa economy is estimated at $94 billion, with a consistent growth perspective in the coming decades [9].
Indeed, the global wellness economy had amplified the demand and the offer of products or services
based on mineral waters, sea and hot spring resources [8,9]. Specifically, the spa and recreational
thermal water tourism mainly flows towards Europe, mostly in German-speaking and Mediterranean
countries, but also in North America and Southeast Asia [8–11]. The application of thermal waters in
swimming pools, spa and wellness centers represents a renewed and promising tool for prevention,
rehabilitation, and health promotion, providing possible physical, mental or social benefits to patients
and several groups of people [1,12]. The general context of spa environments can support a holistic
approach to health promotion, also through the exposure to natural open-spaces, the presence of water
itself, the access to physical activities, physiotherapies, and health education opportunities. Even if
additional evidence-based data are needed, several studies have shown the therapeutic role of mineral
elements and other chemical compounds present in thermal waters [13]. The treatments with mineral
thermal water or mud proved effective in pain relief and function restoration, impacting also on quality
of life: several parameters of clinical interest, and other key issues were reported to play a role in several
rheumatologic diseases e.g., knee and hand osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis,
and osteoporosis) compared to baseline and non-mineral similar treatments [14–16]. The thermal
waters and spas have ancient roots in history and still today represent a promising opportunity for
physical and social well-being but require surveillance to assure appropriate hygiene standards to the
final aim of reducing hazards and maximizing benefits.
The water of natural spas should be of satisfactory microbiological quality and must be adequately
managed to control the exposure of bathers and personnel to infectious agents. Indeed, the literature
describes individual cases or outbreaks associated with the use of swimming/spa pools or similar
environments, such as hot springs, hot tubs, whirlpools, natural spas, for recreational, wellness or
therapeutic purposes [17–21]. Knowledge on pool uses and on composition of the water that supplies
the spa is needed for an effective and appropriate management. Indeed, the peculiar and typical
composition of each thermal water represents an interesting richness and a potentially beneficial
property for health, but it also implies additional difficulties in defying the correct management,
treatment and monitoring of that specific water in a defined application, such as aerosol, beverages
lavender or in pool [22,23]. Based on their geological composition, natural waters may be enriched
with several salts and ions, such as sulfur, halogens from group 17 of the periodic table, e.g., chlorine
(Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), or alkaline earth metals comprising group 2 of the periodic table,
e.g., magnesium (Mg) or calcium (Ca) [23,24]. Therefore, in natural spa pools, the water should be left
untreated for assuring the specific composition, maintaining the original properties and the potential
health benefits [10,11,24–27]. However, it is well known that pools and spas can present a considerable
source of infection and other threats to human health [22,28,29]. In particular, several bacteria
such as Legionella, Pseudomonas, Mycobacteria, as well as protozoa such as amoebae, algae and other
microorganisms can naturally proliferate in the conditions characteristic of thermal waters and, if not
managed properly, can become a hazard for users [17–21]. This problem represents a dilemma between
treating or not treating natural spa waters and induces several pool managers to add disinfectants
into the natural solutions highly rich in salts, resigning the original water properties in favor of safety,
even if there is a lack of knowledge on the chemical risks related to the use of disinfectants in these
waters. Several alternative strategies have been proposed and the recent progress in nanotechnologies
is contributing to the field, leading to the introduction of innovative water treatment strategies for
thermal waters and spa contexts [30]. The objective of this review is to consider issues related to thermal
spa waters within the field of the recreational uses in pools, showing homologies and differences from
a public health point of view and perspectives for innovative treatments.
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2675
underlined how thermal water properties cannot be not altered in any way by treatments [37]. Later,
several authors have investigated the application of thermal water medicine and the nature of spa
waters [38,39]. The use of thermal waters for therapeutic purposes has always aroused a continuous
interest and debate all over the world, being dependent on the detailed physicochemical pattern of the
water joined with the specific indication for a treatment in a defined pathological condition [40,41].
Following the number of publications from different regions, it can be noticed how the interest in this
topic is mainly concentrated in Europe (42.3%), Asia (26.3) and Africa (21.7%). Regardless the complex
and heterogeneous debate on evidence-based therapeutic applications, spa waters represent a current
major approach to wellness worldwide. Their frequent use in pools often is a challenge for public
health authorities, both at cultural and technological level.
Figure 1. Number of publication entries in Medline (PubMed trend from 1853 to 2018, last access
10/2018). Publication entries were searched with the query: “thermal waters” OR “medicinal waters”
OR “spa salus per aquam”.
3. The Question about “Identity” and “Untouchability” of Spa and Medicinal Natural Waters
The growing popularity of swimming and other water activities for sports, fitness, therapy,
wellness or relaxation and amusement has increased the diffusion of swimming pools as well as
specific-use pools, such as spa pools, hot tubs, whirlpool bath, and natural spa pools [22,25,42].
The term “spa” is an acronym for salus per aquam, meaning health through water [5]. The common
terms associated with spa pools include hot tubs, whirlpool bath, and natural spa pools; all these types
of pools imply different water management and are designed for different wellness, therapeutic or
recreational purposes. Most spa pools (>98%) resigned their natural properties, being disinfected by
the addition of traditional chemicals with high oxidation potential, such as chlorine [25]. The treatment
choice as well as the risk assessment process must consider the nature of the water that supplies
the pool plant [25]. In natural spa pools, indeed, the water should remain untreated because the
claimed beneficial effects are supposed to derive from their unique chemical-physical properties
(Table 1) [22,25,43].
Moreover, in order to characterize these spring waters, also the biological component plays
a role. Spa waters, indeed, contain a metabolically versatile microflora that is characterized by
specialized bacteria belonging to that ecological niche, within a defined range of chemical and physical
parameters [43,44]. The biotic and abiotic components of these ecological niches have been deeply
studied, representing a mine for the identification of unknown and/or extremophile species within the
complex microbial community [44–47]. Today, it is possible to characterize this microbial community
by a massive-sequencing approach, describing a spa water microbiota and defining a “microbial
signature” that can be sampled and typed from the original spring source up to the pool facility
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2675
and final user’s applications [48–50]. This approach was already applied in different spa pools and
can provide further perspectives for the characterization of spa waters in recreational or wellness
uses, adding a candidate new biological parameter to the traditional chemical-physical ones: the
microbiota as a novel marker for public health [49–52]. Interestingly, it is now possible to associate
water properties to its microflora component, e.g., presence of H2 S and communities of sulphate
reducing bacteria, temperature and thermophiles, iron (Fe) and iron (III)-reducing bacteria, unravelling
biochemical pathways and considering water as an active biological fluid [24,53,54]. The microbiota
itself and the analysis of microflora biodiversity by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), can support
the proposal of a modern classification of waters and their properties, opening up new perspectives
for the development of appropriate strategies for managing hygiene by respecting chemical, physical
and also microbiological natural components [10,50,53–56]. This approach is very promising but still
limited not just by the need of wet-laboratory equipment, protocols or qualified personnel because
several external services are available and more and more affordable. Most of all the bottleneck is
determined by the requirement of dedicated bioinformatic tools, such as database driven software
to analyze the data obtained from massive sequencing and transfer information in an appropriate
form to address public health questions. In order to collect and map information from different
springs, a dedicated database for spa microbiota was developed and made accessible online to the
collaborative research network at [50]. This tool was designed within a project
focused on studying the biological component in spa water springs and pools (Figure 2). It is open
to collaborations to analyze and host data from additional sampling points all over the world and
the relative metadata, further expanding the atlas-map and database. The availability of this massive
sequencing approach and bioinformatic support can improve knowledge on the natural microflora
inhabiting thermal spring waters, their geographical distribution, providing also information for the
identification of new species and their potential role in the field of wellness, therapeutics in that
spa facility, or for other biotechnology applications [11–15,55]. Based on the available version of the
mfAtlas database and in according with the observations from other studies and the Earth Microbiome
Project, the percentage of unknown species in is still high, covering about 10–70% of the spa water
microbiota component [50,56]. Previously, the access to unravelling these complex environmental
communities was strongly restricted by the available culture-based methods or classical sequencing of
libraries after cloning steps, rather than the massive sequencing approach that today is rapidly and
successfully diffusing in different fields [56–60]. NGS revealed as a promising strategy not only in
characterizing the natural microflora of spa waters, but also the presence of microbiological markers,
pathogens or the effectiveness of disinfection and other water treatments [56–59]. This novel approach
to solve hygiene questions is based on the genetic analysis of water biodiversity, starting from the DNA
of its microflora (mfDNA) [52]. It is opening promising perspectives for understanding the beneficial
potentials of spa waters, their fingerprint and their “untouchability” based on the respect of chemical,
physical, and also biological components.
Table 1. Classification of natural mineral waters based on fixed residue at 180 ◦ C and chemical
composition, according the 2009/54/EC Directive [43].
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2675
Figure 2. The mfAtlas database: presently, the database is accessible to the research network at The database is designed to be further extended to harbour information such as
water management, environmental and epidemiological data, international legislations.
Treatments for Spa and Medicinal Natural Waters: Limits and Perspectives
Several alternative water treatments were considered to assure the original properties and
composition of the water, reducing the adverse effects on bathers and environments, to the final
aim of offering sustainable solutions for spa waters in pools [61–63]. This challenging objective shares
principles and problems also with the management of other kinds of waters, so that a success in this
field can impact in other areas of water hygiene and conversely.
Otherwise, traditional disinfection approaches, e.g., chlorine, not only affect the harmful
microorganisms present in the pool but also destroy the beneficial chemical-physical composition
and the natural microflora, adulterating the therapeutic proprieties of these waters. The organic
and inorganic compounds present in these waters can react with chemical substances used for
disinfection, such as chloride/bromide-based chemicals, generating potentially toxic secondary
products [24,63–66]. Nonetheless, the equilibrium between maintaining the natural proprieties of the
thermal waters in pools and minimizing the microbial risk for people is not easy and can be achieved
by considering several candidate approaches [22,54,66]. Firstly, a possible solution can be based on
a personalization of the hygiene approach. The waters for natural spas, indeed, should be carefully
tested for satisfactory microbiological quality before designing and constructing the water-plant,
adopting a kind of individualized strategy based on the specific composition and destination use of
that water in that plant, following a dedicated water safety plan [10,22,25,66–69]. In vitro models and
protocols can prove useful in comparing materials or treatment methods [70]. The main task of water
management is to achieve a satisfactory control on exposure of the bathers to infectious agents or
other health risks, realizing an effective prevention of disease and accidents [22]. The high salinity
or high temperature of spa waters represents an additional challenge for the pipeline plant and its
maintenance, e.g., due to corrosion and concretion. Managing natural spa pools should follow the
guidelines for traditional pools, but additional concerns have to be highlighted, so that alternative
strategies may also be considered if proven to be effective and acceptable [25,47,68–70].
Even if spa waters should not be treated in order to try to maintain their original properties,
however, sometimes they are used as a common source of water for just filling a pool for recreational
purposes. Regarding the use of traditional pool disinfection of spa waters e.g., by chlorination, several
inconveniences can occur in addition to the generation of known but also of unexpected Disinfection
by-products (DBP) [65,66,69]. DBP are derived after the interaction with organic materials following
an already well-known process, but the scenario is complicated by the presence of other chemicals
naturally presents in the spa water or introduced by the bathers [22,65,71]. Oxidation in presence
of an already high salinity can favor precipitates and concretions or induce unexpected toxic DBP
with undesired -and often unpredictable-effects on bathers [71]. Moreover, the high temperature
and the intense aeration due to frequent bubbling in this kind of pools, considerably can increase
the evaporation of the active chemicals. Therefore, the disinfectant active doses are often poorly
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2675
quantified, and “classic” chemicals generally may show a very irregular efficiency in spa pools.
The type, form and use of each disinfectant need to be chosen with respect to the specific requirements
of the pool [68,71–74]. Pool size itself may represent a critical parameter [22,25]. The choice of the
disinfection strategy must be made after consideration of the efficacy of the specific product under
the specific circumstances of use and the feasibility of a monitoring of the disinfectant levels in that
pool [22,25,75–77]. Table 2 lists the several types of disinfecting agents and their advantages and
limits of use in swimming pools as well as their applications in spa pools. Chlorine is inexpensive
and relatively convenient to produce, store, transport, and apply. It provides rapid and long-lasting
bactericidal effects but is limited mainly because of the formation of potentially toxic DBPs, such
as trihalomethanes, halomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids, halonitromethanes, haloacetonitriles,
chloramines, and chlorophenols [22,25,65,72–80]. For example, the levels of potentially toxic DBPs
tend to be higher in hot tubs, due to recirculation and smaller volumes but also because acceptable
thresholds tend to be more elevated than in swimming pools [73–75]. However, when treating natural
spring waters with chemical disinfection, whatever the final use, their natural characteristics are
modified [22,25]. In order to avoid adulteration of the natural properties of spa pools, a commonly
adopted alternative is based on dilution of pollutants by the frequent replacement of pool water. This
may be feasible for small pools and when a large reservoir is available, but it can become unsustainable
on the long term, due to the risk of depleting the aquifer.
Ozonation or ultraviolet (UV) irradiation represent additional solutions that are known and
already well engineered and tested. Even if effective they can be demanding to maintain during time
and both methods have no residual disinfection activity in the pool water [80–89]. Recently, advanced
oxidation processes (AOPs) have shown a demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of organic pollutants
in aquatic environments, but AOP technologies involve the generation of nonspecific hydroxyl radicals
and the production of activated compounds involved in THM formation in the post-chlorination
step, thus increasing the potential for DBPs formation [61,76,77,81]. UV irradiation is effective for
controlling resistant microorganisms, such as Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia [83–85].
This physical treatment seems cost-competitive in terms of improving the quality of swimming pool
water; however, it has several limitations, including the life spam of the lamp and the potential
formation of nitrogenous-based DBPs [61,82–91]. Bromine-based disinfectants may provide rapid
and long-lasting disinfection effects, but they are more difficult to manage [61,92]. Several studies
raised the problem of DBPs and reported eye or skin irritation due to bromine-based disinfectants [92].
The use of bromine-based disinfectants is generally not very feasible for outdoor pools and spas also
because the bromine residue can get rapidly depleted in sunlight [25,92]. Copper/silver ionization was
also proposed based on experimental observations on the effectiveness of silver nanoparticles (NPs)
on harmful microorganisms, but several limits were reported including toxicity [61,92]. Hydrogen
peroxide is a broad-spectrum disinfectant usually supplied as a solution to be dosed or added to spa
pools; it is generally prepared by stabilizing ion-based chemistry [93]. The limitation in using hydrogen
peroxide is the requirement of high concentrations depending on the condition of the facility; therefore,
hydrogen peroxide disinfection was suggested only for small pools [25].
The World Water Development Report 2018 has outlined innovative natural treatments [94].
In this document nature-based solutions (NBS) are defined as a potential contribution to solving or
overcoming the major water management problems or technical challenges [22,25,95–98]. A revolution
in water treatment technologies is occurring and novel treatments based on physical methods are now
considered and studied [96,97]. Membrane filtration has largely replaced granular filtration, and UV
irradiation is enabling reduction in the use of or even elimination of classic disinfection chemicals,
such as chlorine and its derivatives [97,99,100]. Ultrafiltration membranes are widely used in water
treatment because of their favourable characteristics, such as easy modularization and improvement
in water quality. A main limitation is membrane fouling that induces a reduction of membrane flux,
an increase in energy consumption and in the consequent costs for water treatment [98].
Table 2. Several types of antimicrobial agents and their candidate applications in SPA pools: main advantages and limits for swimming pool uses.
as Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia. compound and disinfection agents can lead the
Residual disinfectant activity in pool.
increase the potentially toxic DBPs.
Toxic and explosive; heavier than air.
AOPs have recently shown successes in the
Highly effective, no smell. Risks and adverse health effects for the operator.
treatment of organic pollutants in aquatic
Can reduced the formation of Lack of residual disinfection proprieties; (usually
Ozone environments, involving the generation of [61,81]
potentially toxic disinfection joined with chlorine).
non-specific OH radicals.
by-products (DBPs). Production of activated compounds suitable for
A de-ozonization step is needed.
THMs formation in the post-chlorination step.
Physical treatment without adding
UV radiation can be proposed to reduce the risk
chemicals to the water.
of infection by dermatophytes eventually present
Ultraviolet (UV) Effective for the control of resistant The formation of nitrogenous-based DBPs (HANs)
in swimming pools that use thermal water. [61,81–90]
irradiation microorganisms including protozoa Lack of residual disinfection proprieties.
Cost-competitive with chlorine to improve the
such as Cryptosporidium parvum and
quality of swimming pool water.
Giardia lamblia.
It is difficult to dissolve and must be inserted into
Inexpensive and relatively convenient The use of bromine-based disinfectants is
the pool through an automatic feeder.
Bromine-based to apply. generally not practical for outdoor pools and
DBP [25,61,92]
disinfectant Provides rapid and long-lasting spas because the bromine residual is depleted
There are reports that is associated with eye and skin
disinfection effects. rapidly in sunlight.
Copper/silver ionization was Silver is a broad-spectrum disinfectant usually
proposed for treatment of swimming Low effectiveness supplied as a solution to be dosed or added to
Stabilised silver/copper pool water: protocols and devices are Limited information on toxicity of ion forms and the spa-pool system. [25,61,92]
available. interaction with other chemicals. Higher concentrations may be required
No pH adjustment is required. depending on the condition of the facility.
Hydrogen peroxide can be used with silver and
With hydrogen peroxide the by-products are not
Effective copper ions (low levels of the silver and copper):
Hydrogen peroxide problematic but it can generate toxic radical [25,93]
Low pollution on water. proper consideration to replacement of water for
preventing excessive build-up of the ions.
Note: Disinfection byproducts (DBPs); Hypochlorous acid (HOCl); Trihalomethanes (THMs); Haloacetonitriles (HANs); Hydroxyl radical (OH); Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs).
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2675
Table 3. Current and potential applications of antimicrobial nanomaterials.
H2 S killed microorganisms
through inducing oxidative Restore the normal bacteriostatic nature of the
H2 S 7783-06-4 5 stress by inhibiting antioxidant
thermal water
The applicability is in evaluation. The presence
Production of Reactive Oxygen Air purifiers, water treatment
of some inorganic ions can be problem, because
Nano TiO2 13463-67-7 5 5 Species (ROS), cell membrane systems for organic contaminant
reduce the performance of TiO2 in water
and cell wall damage degradation.
Ultrafiltration allowed the
Ultrafiltration can be selected as an alternative
removal of suspended matter, as
Ultrafiltration - 5 well as a part of the organic
Water treatment, swimming pool treatment process because of its ability to [97–100]
remove bacteria and viruses.
Intracellular accumulation of
Antibacterial creams, lotions and
nanoparticles, cell membrane
ZnO 1314-13-2 5 5 damage, H2 O2 production,
ointment, deodorant, Surface coating [108,109]
self-cleaning glass and ceramics
release of Zn2+ ions
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2675
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2675
have been designed to improve the understanding about microbiological risks associated with the use
of thermal baths and to provide advice on risk management [25,145]. Similarly, in Ireland, a country
with a large number of geothermal pools, every swimming pool is a public spa that is managed in
compliance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act of 2005 as well as a specific set of guidelines
published to provide administrators with criteria and detailed information for management [146,147].
In Germany, the technical provisions for the management of swimming pools are summarized
in the DIN 19643, which guarantees hygiene safety in swimming pools, saunas, whirlpools, and
spas [148,149]. Periodically, the Federal Environment Agency publishes recommendations for health
managers and authorities [150]. Recently, new developments in swimming pool hygiene required a
revision of the standard series DIN 19643, with the introduction of new treatment processes based on
ultrafiltration [151]. Czech Republic has a legislation concerning the spa sector, but it is not extended
to the recreational applications of these waters or to the sanitary-hygiene related issues [152]. More
specific standards concerning the management of water for therapeutic uses and thermal spas, are also
available [153,154]. Iindependent standards are available in Portugal for specific regulations in spa
facilities, focusing on licenses, organization, management, and control and attention is dedicated to the
quality of public pools. However, Portugal uses a directive issued by the Council National Quality that
does not apply to thermal pools for therapeutic use, indicating to other specific regulations [155,156].
In Slovakia, a country with a great spa tradition, water quality used for swimming is managed by the
Public Health Authority and 36 regional health authorities, which overlook the pools supplied with
thermal water [157]. In Spain, pool regulations are available since 1987 and the health authorities refer
to the WHO guidelines [158–160]. The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain has
developed the Real Decreto project to establish the water quality criteria for public pools, spas, private
pools, and water parks but excludes natural pools and thermal waters used for medical therapeutic
purposes [161]. An innovative appearance of this law is the consideration of water safety plans.
Finland has included recommendations for public baths, spas, and swimming pools in the application
law for the European directive n.2006/7/CE [162,163]. Other countries, namely Cyprus, Bulgaria, and
Norway, have considered a different approach, not including this 2006 Directive along the specific
rules for pools [164–166]. In Italy, the recreational use of spas has extensively increased in the last few
years, but no specific guidelines have been established, yet. In fact, more recently, the Italian legislation
started referring to the law of “the reorganization of the thermal system” established in 2000 for
thermal waters [167]. This law reports the definition of thermal waters and the provisions concerning
bottling and permitted uses but does not deal with the hygiene aspects related to the recreational use.
The current legislation concerning swimming pools is the January 16th Agreement 2003 between the
Minister of Health, the Regions, and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano [168]. This
document is under revision and a public consultation was performed in 2016 [169]. The Agreement
specifies that the swimming facilities can be supplied with different types of water, including thermal
waters, but postponing the discipline of the latter to specific regional measures; moreover, additional
guidelines for the spa hygiene are available for preventing Legionnaire’s. This document has a chapter
fully dedicated to swimming pool measures that underlines the need for adequate design of pool spa
facilities because no specific treatment of these waters is allowed [170]. In summary, the complexity of
the argument in the different countries does not seem to have fostered the development of unequivocal
rules and shared strategies. Future joined projects and consensus documents would be welcome and
useful on a local and international scale.
Table 4. International guidelines, regulation and recommendation regarding recreational water environments.
Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality
Alberta Health Pool Standards
Ciprium Ciprium Government Law N. 55(I)/92 [164]
Decree of Ministry of Health No.423/2001—On Spas and Sources
Czech Republic [152–154]
Decree of Ministry of Health No.252/2004—Requirements on Cold and Hot Water in Health Care and Accommodation Facilities
Decree of Ministry of Health No.135/2004—Requirements on Swimming Pools, Saunas and Outdoor Playgrouds.
Finlands Författningssamling 2008/70.
Finland [162,163]
Finlands Författningssamling 2014/47
Code de la santé publique, 2010. Section V: Surveillance des établissements thermaux.
France Code de la santé publique, 2010. Section I: Normes d'hygiène et de sécurité applicables aux piscines et baignades aménagées [141–144]
Afsset Evaluation des risques sanitaires liés aux piscines Partie I: piscines réglementées. Saisine Afsset «2006/11». Rapport final. 2010
Anses. Évaluation des risques sanitaires liés aux piscines Partie II: bains à remous. 10.13140/RG.2.1.2182.7043.
Management of Spa Pools: Controlling the Risk of Infection. Health Protection Agency. March 2006.
England [25,145]
Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The control of Legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems.
Table 4. Cont.
DIN 19643. Aufbereitung von Schwimm- und Badebeckenwasser—Teil 4: Verfahrenskombinationen mit Ultrafiltration
Law of 24 October 2000, n. 323. Reorganization of the thermal sector. Official Gazette November 8, 2000, n. 261.
Italy [167–170]
Agreement between the Minister of Health, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano G.U. March 3, 2003: 45, n. 51.
Guidelines with indications on legionellosis for managers of tourist accommodation and thermal facilities G.U. n 28 Febrary 5, 2005
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act”, 2005. Health and Safety Authority
Ireland [146,147]
Swimming Pool Safety Guidelines. Irish Water Safety, ILAM and Swim Ireland. 2010.
Norway Norsk Lovtidend, 1 sezione. 1996;11:767–73. [166]
Ministério da saúde Decreto-lei n. 142. 11 giugno 2004
Portugal [155,156]
Directiva Conselho Nacional da Qualidade "A qualidade nas piscinas de uso público". n.º 23, 1993.
Slovakia Zbierka zàkonov Slovenskej Republiky 1994;77:1350-1370. [157]
Boletìn Oficial del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo 1987;19:1147-52.
Spain Boletìn Oficial del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo 1998, 80. por el que se regulan las condiciones higiénico–sanitarias de piscinas de uso colectivo. [158–161]
Boletin Oficial orden 1319/2006
Real Decreto 742/2013
CDC's Model Aquatic Health Code
USA [120,122]
Virginia Graeme baker Pool and Spa Safety Act
Dedicated law and guidelines for U.S. STATES
IJERPH 2018, 15, 2675
5. Conclusions
Hot spring waters represent a unique natural fluid that humans have used since ancient times
for health and recreational purposes. Spa facilities are present all over the world denoting a relevant
resource for business that involves a large and growing number of users. The safeguard of the natural
composition of spa waters clashes with the need of appropriate treatments in pools. Innovative
strategies have been proposed, but further studies and validations are required. In addition to
traditional chemical-physical parameters, the possibility to characterize the biological component is
opening new perspectives for the classification and fingerprinting of spa waters through mfDNA
(microflora DNA) analysis and the definition of spa microbiota patterns. Recent advancements in
massive sequencing and bioinformatics are supporting this process, providing new tools for hygiene
and knowledge on properties of spa water. The heterogeneity of spa waters and their uses may suggest
an individualized approach to design and carry on a sustainable management through dedicated
technical solutions and water safety plans. Public health regulations for the use of spa waters in pools
are mainly lacking and a consensus at international level would be needed and welcome for providing
agreements and shared guidelines.
Author Contributions: V.R.S.: conception, design and supervision of the study; F.V., L.M.M.: selection and
analysis of the articles, collection of data of interest in a structured form; F.V., V.R.S.: Writing-Original Draft
Preparation. All authors approved the final version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by Fondazione per la Ricerca Scientifica Termale (FORST) grants, grant
number 1121.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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