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01203477 Pavement Structure

4.1 Introductions to concept
of stress and strain in
4. Stresses in Flexible pavement continuum mechanics
4.2 Boussinesq’s Theory
4.3 Burmister’s Theory
4.4 Three – Layer System

1 Weerakaset 2

Chapter 4. Introduction to stresses 4.1 Introductions to concept of stress

in flexible pavement and strain in continuum mechanics
 Vehicular wheel loads => induce stresses in pavement  Continuum mechanics is the theory for the
structure. analysis of stresses and strain in a deformable
 The stresses => create strains => accumulate resulting body ( solid and liquid ) .
excessive plastic strain ( Cracking, rutting and
roughness ) =>It is applied only to continuous media (continuum)
 pavement damages which reduce pavement riding in the macroscopic meaning. (Materials are
quality and are the major causes of pavement discontinuous in molecular scale).
functional failure.
 The knowledge of stresses and strains analysis is thus => The principal assumption of Continuum mechanics
important for the design of pavement structures. requires that for a given corps under course of
3 deformation, two points initially neighboring would 4
remain neighboring after deformations.

4.2 Boussinesq’s Theory-con’t

4.2 Boussinesq’s Theory 3 Unit weight of soil is zero (γ = 0) , consider only
 Ideal Masses => analysis soil reaction under load action over the soil surface
load by using Mathematical Theory of
Elasticity 4 No stress born before load acting.
 Assumption
1 Soil is in elasticity material , Homogeneouse , 5 Poisson’sRetio( μ ) is constant due to load
Isotropic , Semi-infinite Medium transfer ; normally using μ =0.5

2 Soil prosperities following by Hook’s law 6 Linear Stress function distribution

7 Vertical stress is Symmetry

5 6
Vertical stress at point z due to
Vertical stress at point z due to contact area

Point Load Equal radii a

3P 3p  1 
z  d z    dA
2 z 2 1  (r / z ) 2 
2 z [1  ( r / z ) 2 ]
2 5/2

 z3 
K P z  p 1  2 
 z   (a  z 2 ) 3/2

z 2
  1 

K 
3  z  p 1   
2 

   
1 (a / z )
2 [1  ( r / z ) 2 ] 5/2

7 8

Horizontal stress
p  2 (1   ) z z 3 
  1  2    
(a 2  z 2 ) 1 / 2  z 2)3/2 
r 2
2  (a

Relation between σZ and z

 z3 
 z  p 1  
 (a  z 2 ) 3 / 2 

9 10


Deflection due to wheel load by

applying flexible plate, the maximum
deflection at the center of loads

deflection  
3 pa 2
2 E (a 2  z 2 ) 3 / 2

11 12
Deflection behavior due to Elastic Deformation under
circular area load
rigid plate load Considering the small volume of soil under
Minimum deflection at edge of rigid plate circular area load at any depth z from the
surface then Elastic Strain
Maximum deflection at center of rigid
Elastic Strain  
 z  2  r 
Stress in horizontal Pr 
( 2a 2  r 2 ) 1 / 2  (1   ) z 2 
distance r 
( 2  2  )( a  z ) 
2 2 2 1/2

( a 2  z 2 )1 / 2
 (   2  2  1) z 
E  

 (1   2) pa
deflection 
given μ = 0.5 
3 pa 2
2E 2E ( a 2  z 2 ) 1 / 2
13 14

Deflection under circular area load

 (1-2)pa/2E
 = 1.18pa/E, ( = 0.5)

When r = distance form centre of circular area load

a = radius in radii unit
p = average stress

15 16

4.3 Burmister’s Theory (Two-layer systems)
Two layer systems were presented by Burmister, the • Flexible Plate Δ = 1.5paF2/E2 (flexible pavement)
solutions of stresses and deflections under the
center of circular load of the two-layer system by • Rigid Plate Δ = 1.18paF2/E2 (concrete pavement)
using assumption
1.Soil is homogenous, Isotropic and Elastic p = stress pressure on circular area
a = radius of circular load
2.Definite in depth and Infinite in the lateral direction
E2 = modulus of elasticity of last layer of soil
3.This theory can be used Boussinesq’s Theory apply in F2 = factor depended on E2/ E1 and z/a see figure 2.14
each layers.
4. NO shear stress between each contact layers

17 18
Deflection Deflection
(Two-layer systems) (Two-layer systems)
 F2 is the deflection factor, a function of Method to calculation F2
layer modulus ratio,
 (E2/ E1 ) and the layer depth in multiple of - F2 depended on E2, E1 that can be
contact radius is shown in figure 2.14 , determine from Plate Baring 2 times (first
 in this figure, the values of E2/ E1 are shown on test on subgrade), the result can be
the curve determine Δ1
 and E1 represents the modulus of the upper
layer - And can be calculate E2 from above ,
 where E2 as the modulus of half space. second Plate Baring test on pavement
structure , the result can be determine F2
and E1

19 20

21 22

23 24
 In two-layer system could be apply
Boussinesq’s theory to determine the
stress and deflection ,
 but the soil is more different form
assumption of ideal mass material,
non-Isotropic and inelasticity then
elasticity is not constant over depth,
 however Boussinesq’s theory could be
use estimate the stresses for
designing method.
25 26

4.4 Three – Layer System Three – Layer System

• The solution for vertical stress was given by • Important assumptions made in the analysis are as
Peattie. The horizontal stress solution was follow:
obtained from John.
• The materials are weightless
• The problem treated is the axi-symetric type
so the stress tensors reduce to only 4- • The surface of top layer is free of shear stress
components; the vertical normal stress, the • The layers are welded contact
horizontal radial normal stress, the • The Poisson ratio is 0.5
circumferential normal and the shearing stress.

27 28

Where zzi,(zzi-RRi) are read from charts and table,(Figure 2.18 and Table
2.3). The corresponding strains can be computed from constitutive law
It is important to be noted here that at the interfaces the quantities which
are continuous across are the normal stress, the shearing stress and the
displacements, (u,v,w) but not the radial stress., (The horizontal
displacements are equal, the radial stresses are determined by the
relevant elastic modulus of each layer)

29 30
Example of Three – Layer Systems

31 32

33 34

35 36
Table 4.3 three-layer stress factors (After Jones)

37 38

Reference: Question?
จิรพัฒน์ โชติกไกร, การออกแบบทาง, ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะ
วิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์,2550

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