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with address at:



herein represented by __________________________________ duly authorized hereto

(hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYER”)



with address at:



(hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYEE”)



The EMPLOYEE, who hereby accepts the appointment and is appointed as a

________________________________________________ for the EMPLOYER.


2.1 This agreement will become affective as from ___________ (insert date) and it will

continue for an indefinite period until it has been cancelled in terms hereof.

2.2 The EMPLOYEE’s appointment (in the instance of new appointments) is subject to a 2

(two) month’s probationary period during which period the EMPLOYER may terminate
the services of the EMPLOYEE for any fair reason. One week’s written notice of

termination of service to the EMPLOYEE, prior to the end of the probationary period will

be given.


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2.3 Substantive and procedural fairness will entail that the EMPLOYEE will be given the

opportunity to state his / her case in response to the allegations being raised and to a

final decision from the EMPLOYER.


3.1 The core of the EMPLOYEE’s duties towards the EMPLOYER is a duty to obey all lawful

and reasonable order and to perform such work as she / he is directed to perform which

falls within his / her vocational ability.

3.2 Without limiting the aforesaid duties, the EMPLOYEE is obliged to strictly comply with the

provision of this agreement, may not misappropriate the EMPLOYER’s property, keep all

information entrusted to him / her confidential and have to adhere to the general Code of

Conduct that governs all relations with co-employees, clients and patients.

3.3 The EMPLOYER undertakes to draft a duty sheet in accordance with the post description
and it will be filed on the EMPLOYEE’s personnel file.


The EMPLOYEE will execute his / her duties at the following offices:

__________________________________________________________ provided

the EMPLOYER may require the EMPLOYEE to execute his / her duties at such a place

as may be indicated by the EMPLOYER. Such an instruction will be given in writing to


5.1 Service hours will be from 08h00 until 17h00 on weekdays. It will be expected from the

EMPLOYEE to work on Saturdays as from ______________ up to ______. The

EMPLOYER will however not expect of the employee to work more than 45 hours normal

hours of work.

5.2 The EMPLOYEE will be entitled to a meal interval of thirty continuous minutes.

Interruptions will normally not be permitted however operational circumstances may

justify an interruption whereupon equivalent time off will be given.


The EMPLOYEE will be entitled to the following remuneration:


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6.1 A monthly salary of R _____________________________

6.2 ( OPTIONAL) An annual bonus equal to one month’s salary, payable on the

EMPLOYEE’s birthday month (*or: at the end every year during December). This bonus

will only be paid after the completion of a twelve (12) months continuous service with the

6.3 The EMPLOYEE hereby gives permission to the EMPLOYER to deduct all obligatory

deduction as authorised by statute from the above remuneration.

6.4 Overtime will be performed when so reasonably requested by the EMPLOYER and the

EMPLOYER will remunerate the EMPLOYEE according to the Basic Conditions of

Employment Act of 1997, as amended.



7.2.1 The EMPLOYEE is entitled to 21 (twenty one) consecutive days leave on full pay for
each and every annual leave cycle.

7.2.2 The said leave shall be granted by the EMPLOYER as from a date determined by him at

any time during the 12 months cycle but not later than six months after the completion of

a 12 month’s period.

7.2.3 Upon termination of the EMPLOYEE’s employment the EMPLOYER shall pay to the

EMPLOYEE his / her full remuneration in respect of any leave which accrued, but not

granted to him / her before the date of termination of the employment.


The EMPLOYER shall grant to the EMPLOYEE who is absent from work through

incapacity during a sick leave cycle of 36 months employment with the EMPLOYER sick

leave equal to the number of days the EMPLOYEE would normally work during six


During the first six months of continuous employment, the EMPLOYEE will be entitled to

one days paid sick leave for every twenty six days work.

The EMPLOYEE will provide the EMPLOYER with a medical certificate when applying

for sick leave. The medical certificate must be issued and signed by a medical

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practitioner or person who is certified to diagnose and treat patients and who is

registered with a professional council.


7.4.1 The EMPLOYEE is entitled to unpaid maternity leave for a maximum period of 4

consecutive months commencing at any time from 4 weeks before the expected date of

birth unless otherwise agreed upon or on a date as certified by a medical practitioner.

7.4.2 The EMPLOYEE will inform the EMPLOYER at least 4 weeks before she intends taking

maternity leave, of such dates.

7.4.3 The EMPLOYEE may not work for 6 weeks after the birth of her child unless a medical

practitioner certifies that she is fit to do so.

7.4.4 The EMPLOYEE is entitled to commence employment after expiry of the maternity leave.

7.4.5 The EMPLOYEE will be entitled to maternity benefits in accordance with the provisions

of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 63 of 2001 and the EMPLOYER will assist the

EMPLOYEE in processing her claim against the Unemployment Fund.


The EMPLOYER will grant the EMPLOYEE during each annual leave cycle at the

request of the EMPLOYEE, three days paid leave which the EMPLOYEE is entitled to


7.5.1 When the EMPLOYEE’s child is born; or

7.5.2 When the EMPLOYEE’s child is sick; or

7.5.3 In the event of death of the EMPLOYEE’s spouse, parent, grant parent, child, adopted

child or grand child, brother or sister.

7.5.4 The EMPLOYEE may take family responsibility leave in respect of the whole or a part of

a day and the EMPLOYER may require a reasonable proof of the reasons for which the

leave is required.


7.6.1 Leave may not be accrued by the EMPLOYEE and in the event of it not being taken, the

EMPLOYEE will forfeit it.


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The EMPLOYEE is entitled to such public holidays on full pay as are determined by law.


9.1 This agreement may be terminated by either party by giving a one month’s written notice

of termination of service the one to the other, provided that such notice must be given on

the 1st day of the particular month.

9.2 The period of notice shall not be given during the EMPLOYEE’s absence on leave as

determined herein.


On termination of employment an EMPLOYEE is entitled to a Certificate of Service, the

particulars whereof is detailed in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.

THUS DONE AND SIGNED at___________________________________________________

on this ________________ day of _________________________________ 20______




As Witnesses:

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________


1)Absence: located in clause 7.3 which contains”the employer shall grant to the employee who is
absent from work through incapacity during a sick leave cycle of 36 months employment with the

2)Applicable law:located in clauses 6.3,6.4,8 and subclause 7.4.5 which contain

6.3:the employee hereby gives permission to the employer to deduct all obligatory deduction as
authorised by statute from the above remuneration

6.4:overtime will be performed when so reasonably quested by the employer and the employer will
remunerate the employee according to the basic conditions of employment act of 1997,as amended.

7.4.5:the employee will be entitled to maternity benefits in accordance with the provisions of the
unemployment insurance act,63 of 2001 and the employer will assist the employee in processing her
claim against the unemployment fund.

8:theemployee is entitled to such public holidays on full pay as are determined by the law.

3)Confidentially:located in clause 3.2 which contains”keep all information entrusted to him /her
confidential and have to adhere to the general code of conduct that governs all relations with co-
employees,clients and patients

4)Duration of contract:located in clauses 2.1 and 2.2,which contain

2.1:this agreement will become affective as from...(insert date) and it will continue for an indefinite
period until it has been cancelled in terms here of.

2.2:the employee’s appointment (in the instance of new appointments)is subject to a 2(two) month’s
probationary period during which period the employer may terminate the service of the employee
for any fair reason.one week’s written notice of termination of service to the employee,prior to the
end of of the probationary period will be given.

5)Duties:located in clause 3.1,which contains” The core of the EMPLOYEE’s duties towards the
EMPLOYER is a duty to obey all lawful and reasonable order and to perform such work as she / he is
directed to perform which falls within his / her vocational ability”.

6)Leave entitlement:located in clauses 7.2 and 7.3 and subclauses 7.2.2 ,7.4.1 ,7.4.3 ,7.4.4 ,7.5.4

Which contain

7.2:annual leave”the employee is entitled to 21 consecutive days leave on full pay for each and every
annual leave cycle.

7.2.2:the said leave shall be granted by the employer as from a date determined by him at any time
during the 12 months cycle but not later than six months after the completion of a 12 month’s period

7.3:sick leave equal to the number of days the employee would normally work during six
weeks.during the first six month of continuous employment,the employee will be entitled to one days
paid sick leave for every twenty six days work.

7.4.1:the employee is entitled to unpaid maternity leave for a maximum period of 4 consecutive
months commencing at any time from 4 weeks before the expected date of birth unless otherwise
agreed upon or on a date as certified by a medical practitioner.

7.4.3:the employee may not work for 6 weeks after the birth of her children unless a medical
practitioner certifies that she is fit to do so.

7.4.4:the employee is entitled to commence employment after expiry of the maternity leave.

7.5.4:the employee may take family responsibility leave in respect of the whole or a part of a day and
the employer may require a reasonable proof of the reason for which the leave is required.

7)Severances:located in subclause 7.2.3 and clause 10 which contain

7.2.3:upon termination of the employee’s employment the employer shall pay to the employee
his/her full remuneration in respect of any leave which accured,but not granted to him/her before the
date of termination of the employment.

10:on termination of employment an employee is entitled to a certificate of service ,the particulars

where of is detailed in the basic conditions of employment act.

8)Working hours:located in clause 5.1 which contains”it will be expected from the employee to work
on Saturdays as from ........up to........the employer will however not expect of the employee to work
more than 45 hours normal hours of work.

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