Power System Stability Enhancement Using FACTS Devices: Ravinder Goud, Dola Gobinda Padhan, Naspuri Arun Raju

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

Power System Stability Enhancement using

FACTS Devices
Ravinder Goud, Dola Gobinda Padhan, Naspuri Arun Raju

Abstract: To utilize maximum cross section of installed power
system conductors, the diversion of imaginary power should be
must .With this; we can achieve maximum utilization of real
power generated at the station. Generally preset passive inductive
VAR generators may share conductor portion when low demand
times. Active VAR generators are preferred to overcome this issue
.Further control systems helps to determine the required VAR and
type of VAR such that conduction period of switch varies
according to the requirement of load which is very advantageous
nature of active VAR generators. The simulink models of
STATCOM and SVC are present in this paper. The results are
analyzed accordingly in this paper.



The power system studies always revolve around fundamental

imaginary content diversion as well as harmonic suppression.
Fundamental imaginary content can be called as a reactive
Fig1. Overview diagram of system
power in general. With this additional imaginary power
content, line will be overloaded far-before its real power
Static capacitors are not always best option to use. If they are
delivery ability. It can lead to installation of new lines,
designed for full load, then there exists a problem with
transformers, protection and substations and distributed lines
no-load. They dump leading current to system which can
even though components have desired load delivery
increase additional loss which is undesired. Rotational VAR
capability. If it happens, then cost, complexity, corridor
generators are suffering with starting problem. Of course it
increases which are undesired under any circumstances.
additionally requires friction and windage load from system
Reactive power diversion from power system line by
to run on no-load. Rotor requires additional DC power for
installing var generators was considered as primary choice
which we to use additional battery or conversion setup
rather installing new power system because of its simple
attached to armature supply which will increase complexity.
nature. Similarly, harmonic suppression was preferred from
As power electronics was tremendously developed, static
decades over installing new power system. Of course, who
var generators are came into picture which had a lot of
will construct new power system for over loading due to this
advantages when compared with past generators. It doesn’t
garbage harmonics as well as reactive power![3]
require any real power from system as it had its own large
Two options were discussed to damp this useless dump.
capacitor. It will act accordingly with load conditions. Its
1. By passing orders strictly to appliance manufacturers
simple in construction. Act of sharing imaginary load is few
about making unity power factor devices.
milli-seconds. Switching to new load is also few
2. Installing large dump generators
Both weren’t possible because of their individual limitations.
Static VAR generators are classified into
Penalty factor introduced discipline to the manufacturers. Of
course, it can lead to reduced size of VAR generators which is
needy. 2. SVC

Simple equivalent of SVC can be assumed as reactive power

generator. As long as the SVC is in operation, the bus with
which it is connected to act as a PV bus.[1]
Reactive power drawn by SVC connected at node j are given
Revised Manuscript Received on November 15, 2019
* Correspondence Author
Ravinder Goud*, EEE department, GRIET, Hyderabad, India. Pj=0; Qj=-|Vj|2B SVC
Dola Gobinda Padhan, Professor,EEE departmaent, GRIET, At the end of iteration p,
Hyderabad, India. BSVC( p+1) = BSVC( p) + △BSVC( p)
Naspuri Arun Raju, EEE department, GRIET, Hyderabad, Telangana,

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6495118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6495.118419 3497 & Sciences Publication
Power System Stability Enhancement using FACTS Devices

BSVC(p +1) = BSVC( p) + (△BSVC/BSVC)(p +1) *BSVC (p)

BSVC = Bc - BTCR = [1/(XcXl)][Xl-(Xc/π){2(π-∝)+sin(2∝)}]
Where XL = ωL and Xc = 1/(ωC)
Since, QSVC = -Vj2BSVC, we can write
Qj = -[(Vj2)/(XcXl)][Xl-(Xc/π){2(π-∝)+sin(2∝)}]

∝ p+1 = ∝ p + △∝ p


Fig3. Control System of STATCOM

Fig2. STATCOM Fig4. Control System of SVC

Limitation in instant varying of capacitor voltage makes us to One of the crucial points in these devices is synchronizing
choose pulse width modulation instead of varying charge on phase angle of imaginary current of load current with installed
capacitor. Since we have many width modulation methods, device current. Non sync phase angle system will lead to
hence adoption became easier. Therefore easier closed loop mal-performance system. It means that it acts against to the
adoption became possible. Even small change is possible with performance we aimed. To avoid this, we have to take care in
this closed loop system. Though transformer insertion adds phase angle of output of STATCOM. In manner, we have to
additional reactive power and real power to system, chosen take care in SVC. Manual detection and producing pulses
capacitor has capability to deliver required power content. accordingly is impossible task. This makes us to choose
PWM will increase fundamental when compared with dust of control system over manual detection. We employed control
harmonics. However higher harmonic filters adopted to system to employ phase angle detection which makes control
nearly nullify dust content. However small content of
system to develop pulses accordingly.[5]
harmonics are present though we have taken care. Of course,
it delivers load harmonics.[2]
Due to sine content, Discharged voltage in one half
cycle is nullified other half cycle. However it needs to supply
switch losses, eddy and hysteresis losses and small copper
losses. In practical application, capacitor should de-energize
to energize losses.
“To be supplied” load is ideally zero. Hence angle
between inverter voltage and bus voltage is zero. Therefore
game decided by magnitude of inverter voltage.

From above equation it is clear that

If E>V, then it delivers inductive reactive power.
If E<V, it delivers leading reactive power.
The main drawback is its limitation. We can call it as
saturation of reactive power delivery. After saturation or
limitation point, system cannot supply further value.
Therefore, after this power system should have to supply
excess. Fig. 5 SVC Model Transmission Line


Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6495118419/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6495.118419 3498 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

Fig. 9 Voltages of common model

Fig. 6 STATCOM Model Transmission Line

Fig. 10 Reactive Power of ST ATCOM & SVC

Fig. 7 STATCOM Dynamic

Response Fig. 11 Reactive Power of Transmission Line

Comparative performance of system was analyzed before
installation of devices with after installation of devices.
Analysis of dynamic response of SVC and STATCOM shows
us improved performance of power system. We observed here
good transient time of devices. We here concluding that
system stability was far better when system was connected
with facts devices.

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Fig. 8 SVC Dynamic Response

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6495118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6495.118419 3499 & Sciences Publication
Power System Stability Enhancement using FACTS Devices

2. ArthitSode-yome, Nadara jk Mithilananthan and Kwang Y.Lee,2005,

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and SSSC”, IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution conference and
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4. C.A Canlzares, Z.T. Faur, Feb 1999, ”Analysis of SVC and TCSC
Controllers in voltage colapse”, IEEE trans. Power system, vol.14, No.1,
5. A.Kazemi, V.Vahidinasab and A.Mosallanejad, Nov 2829, 2006, ”
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RAVINDER GOUD,Student, M.tech in power

systems(EEE) from Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of
Engineering and Technology Hyderabad, B.tech in
EEE from JBIT Engineering college Hyderabad,
GATE 2017, 2018 qualified.

Dr. Dola Gobinda Padhan obtainedMastersdegree and

Ph. D. from Maulana Azad National Institute of
Technology (MANIT), Bhopal and Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) Guwahati, respectively. He is presently
working as a Professor in the Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering at GRIET, Hyderabad, India. His areas of
researchareTime delay systems, control structures, Integer and fractional
order controller deign and tuning, Relay based identification, Auto-tuning,
Electric Vehicles, Smart Grid, Control theory applications, Internet of
Things, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence .

NASPURI ARUN RAJU, an M.Tech scholar in

power electronics at GRIET, Hyderabad.
Completed graduation in JITS, Karimnagar. His
interested fields are SMPS and MLIs. Qualified
GATE in 2017, 2018 & 2019. His recent GATE
score is 654.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6495118419/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6495.118419 3500 & Sciences Publication

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