An Efficient Grid-Connected Three-Phase Single-Stage Boost Current Source Inverter
An Efficient Grid-Connected Three-Phase Single-Stage Boost Current Source Inverter
An Efficient Grid-Connected Three-Phase Single-Stage Boost Current Source Inverter
Received 5 November 2018; revised 13 February 2019 and 4 June 2019; accepted 10 June 2019. Date of publication 2 August 2019; date of
current version 18 September 2019.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPETS.2019.2929952
ABSTRACT The proposed three-phase boost Current Source Inverter (CSI) is equipped with
Reverse-Blocking IGBTs (RB-IGBT) and the Phasor Pulse Width Modulation (PPWM) switching pattern to
provide system efficiency greater than 92% and high boost ratios (VLL /Vdc ) up to 3.5 in a single stage. The
boost CSI results in elimination of dc-dc boost converter or a step-up transformer needed in dc-ac converters
operating with a dc input voltage lower than the output line-to-line voltage. In this paper, the relationship
between the fundamental component of the inverter output current and the PPWM modulation index is derived
and then confirmed by simulation and experimentally obtained data in both stand-alone and grid-tied modes
of operation. In this work, a 2 kW , 208 VLLrms , 60 − 120 Vdc RB-IGBT-based boost CSI is prototyped to
explore capabilities of the grid-tied boost CSI in terms of efficiency and THD for various input dc voltage
and output power levels.
INDEX TERMS Current source inverter, efficiency, grid-connected operation, reverse-blocking IGBT,
single-stage boost inverter, steady-state characterization.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
142 VOLUME 6, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2019
Singh and Mirafzal: Efficient Grid-Connected Three-Phase Single-Stage Boost CSI
1 4
Z T1 /2
Iinv =√ iinv (t)sin(ω1 t)dt (6)
2 T1 0
where, ω1 is the angular frequency of the grid voltage and
can be related to Np as ω1 Ts Np = π . Note that ω1 t = θ , and
θ here is same as that in (3). Now, the integral in (6) can be
rewritten in a discrete format as follows:
rms 1 4 X π
Iinv =√ Idc d(n)sin( n) (7)
2 T1 n=0 Np
integer number of sample points per sector, which results in FIGURE 7. Block diagram of the system controller used for active
quarter-wave symmetry in the inverter’s current waveforms. and reactive power control injected into the grid.
In this study, M = 10 and fs = NT f1 = 3.6kHz. It can
TABLE 5. Measured and calculated parameters of the grid-tied
be observed from Fig. 6 that there is no even harmonic
boost inverter (experimental results) for Pg = 600 W .
component present in the current waveform.
The measured and calculated inverter fundamental current
rms (f ), using simulation as well as the expression in (10) are
Iinv 1
given in Tables 3 and 4 for grid-tied and stand-alone modes,
respectively. In the stand-alone case, the inverter output volt-
age is regulated at 208V for several input dc-voltage values.
As can be seen, the calculated results are in good agreement
with the simulated results with less than 3% deviation. In the
case of grid-tied conditions, the inverter injected 600W active
power to the grid again for different input dc-voltages. The pattern described earlier in Section II was implemented.
results are given in Table 4. As one can see, the difference In these tests, the fundamental and switching frequencies
between the measured and calculated values stays below were set to f1 = 60Hz and fs = 3.6kHz, respectively, with
3.5%. M = 10 and NT = 60 in the discretized PPWM. The
switching signals are generated by the FPGA using D and
IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS θ inputs, which are generated by the dSpace interface. In this
In this section, the validity of the developed character- work, a simple direct PQ control scheme was implemented
ization equations is evaluated using a laboratory scale for the purpose of steady-state analysis of grid-tied boost CSI.
2kW , 208V (240V ), 60Hz three-phase single-stage boost CSI The control scheme is shown in Fig. 7. Basically, to build
shown in Fig. 1. Also, the efficiency of the overall system is the closed-loop control scheme, the grid-side line-to-line
calculated at different stages through a set of experiments for voltages and line currents are measured as feedback signals.
different input voltages and power levels. First, the desired reactive and active power injected into the
The boost CSI was designed and built using six indi- grid are compared to the actual active and reactive power
vidual reverse-blocking IGBTs (RB-IGBTs) [17], [22]–[24]. calculated from the measured line-to-line voltages and line
The inverter prototype, shown in Fig. 1, contains two printed currents. Then the charging duty ratio, D and the inverter
circuit boards called (i) control board and (ii) power board. switching pattern reference angle, θ are computed through
The inverter is a self-powered device with control board pow- PI controllers using the dSpace. The computed values of
ered directly by the dc input voltage. The IGBTs used in the D and θ are then provided as input signals to the FPGA
boost CSI are RB-IGBTs from Fuji, i.e. FGW85N60RB. The in order to generate the PPWM switching pattern described
inverter switching is generated by Altera’s DE0 FPGA, which in Section II. The measured and calculated quantities for
receives a control signal from dSpace 1103. The prototype grid-tied and stand-alone modes of operation are summarized
boost CSI was tested for various input dc-voltage, Vdc , values in Tables 5 and 6, respectively. The measured dc-link current
and load impedances. In these tests, the discretized switching was used to estimate Iinvrms (f ) from (10). In order to verify
TABLE 6. Measured and calculated parameters of the During the grid-tied mode, efficiency of the entire system,
stand-alone boost inverter (experimental results) for inverter with filter, and just inverter were also calculated.
VL = 208 VLLrms .
It can be observed from Fig. 9 that the overall system has an
efficiency from 91 − 92%, for the entire operational range of
the input dc voltage. The efficiency of the system, excluding
the dc-link inductor loss, is about 94%. Also, the dc-link
inductor contributes to about 2.75% to 3% of the system
efficiency reduction, while the filter capacitor and inductor
contribute to 1% to 1.5% of the overall system efficiency
reduction. The dc-link inductor therefore contributes to about
34% loss incurred in the system and the loss contribution from
the ac filter is about 17%. The inverter switching and con-
duction losses contribute to about 49% of the system losses,
and the developed RB-IGBT based inverter is about 95%
efficient, as shown in Fig. 9(a). Also, Fig. 9(b) shows effi-
ciency of the overall system, inverter and ac filter, and inverter
only versus the power injected to the grid for a constant
input voltage, herein Vdc = 80V . It can be observed from
Fig. 9 that the system efficiency is higher than 91% for the
entire operating range. The efficiency of just inverter is higher
by about 12%, 3%, and 0.5% than the efficiency reported
for single-stage and two-stage boost inverters in [18], [19]
and [25], respectively. The efficiency of the prototype boost
inverter is comparable to the three-phase two-stage boost
FIGURE 8. Experimentally obtained waveform of inverter phase a inverters [25], [26].
current when the inverter is operating with Vdc = 80V and
In Fig. 10, the relationship between the power flow and the
injecting 800W active power into the grid, and the current FFT.
averaged charging duty ratio, D, is examined using exper-
imentally obtained data. Fig. 10 also shows the variation
the stand-alone case, the inverter was made to convert input of system efficiency and the THD of current injected to
dc-voltage to output 208V rms line-to-line voltage feeding a the grid with respect to power injected to the grid through
load. In the grid-tied test, the inverter injected active power experimental data. The variations of the power injected to
to the grid for different input dc-voltages, where the desired the grid, Pg , versus the charging ratio are demonstrated
reactive power was set to zero. in Fig. 10(a). Herein, two main observations can be indicated;
Fig. 8 shows the experimentally obtained waveform of (i) an increase in the charging ratio will result in an increase
the current injected into the grid and its FFT. The inverter in the power flow from the dc-source to the grid. In other
was operated using Vdc = 80V and was injecting 800W words, the larger charging ratio means the more injected
active power into the grid. The results presented in Fig. 8 power to the grid, and (ii) the D-P relationship is almost linear
show the quality of the inverter current is maintained using as indicated earlier by (13). Also, the tested boost CSI demon-
PPWM technique in grid-connected mode of operation. The strates a superior performance regarding its controllability for
measurements were performed for many operating points the boost ratios below 208VLLrms /60Vdc = 3.47. Fig. 10(b)
and the results are given in Tables 5, and 6, as well as shows the relationship between input power at the dc-source
Figs. 9, 10, and 11. It can be observed from the results given and the power injected to the grid for different values of
in Tables 5 and 6 that the measured quantities closely match input dc-voltage. It can be observed from Fig. 10(b) that
the calculated quantities with errors being less than 4%. Pdc and Pg have a linear relationship regardless of the input
FIGURE 9. Experimentally obtained efficiency of the prototype boost inverter versus (a) input dc-voltage for the grid voltage of
208VLLrms , and Pg = 600W , and (b) power injected to the grid for the input dc-voltage of Vdc = 80V .
FIGURE 10. Experimental results for the variations of the boost inverter (a) charging duty ratio, D, vs. input power, Pdc ,
(b) charging duty ratio vs. output power, Pg , (c) system efficiency, η, vs. output power injected to grid, and (d) THD of injected
current to the grid vs. power for different input dc voltages.
dc-voltage level. Fig. 10(c) shows the variation of the overall This paper provides the knowledge base for the steady-state
system efficiency versus Pg . It should be noted that this is analysis of the boost CSI. The switching technique generates
the combined efficiency of the inverter, the dc-link inductor, desired inverter output waveforms with THDs below 5% from
and the ac filter. As can be seen, the system efficiency for low-voltage dc-sources, with higher efficiencies in compari-
the PPWM/RB-IGBT based single-stage boost CSI is higher son with two-stage dc-ac boost converters. Furthermore, char-
than overall efficiency reported for the single-stage three- acterization equations have been derived and verified using
phase boost CSI in [18], and for the current source inverter simulation and experimental results. In this paper, a relation-
in [19], with similar ratings. It can be further deducted from ship between inverter averaged charging ratio, D and active
Fig. 10(c) that the tested system is optimal for operating power transferred to the grid is established. The simulation
around Pg = 1kW . Since there exists a maximum in the and experimentally obtained data has been presented in order
efficiency curves, it can be optimized by changing parame- to validate the derived equation for both stand-alone and
ters in Table 2 for higher output power. Finally, Fig. 10(d) grid-tied modes of operation. The efficiency of the over-
represents the variation of THD versus the transferred power all circuit, and the inverter with the filter has also been
to the grid for different input dc-voltages. As can be seen, examined using simulation and experimentally obtained data.
THD of less than 5% was successfully achieved for all the It has been verified experimentally that the efficiency of the
prototype inverter and filter is comparable to commercial which can be further simplified as
three-phase boost converters. The family of curves represent-
ing power injected to the grid with varying the charging duty rms Idc π Idc
Iinv (f1 ) = √ m = √ (1 − D) (20)
ratio has been also presented for different input dc-voltages in 2 3 2
this paper. The presented results demonstrate that the PPWM
based three-phase single-stage boost CSI is an efficient alter- REFERENCES
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