EIA Paper
EIA Paper
EIA Paper
Irrigation helps in increasing the agricultural yield and the irrigation projects are carried out for
the welfare of people. The importance of environment for sustainable development of irrigation
projects has been realized. Environmental Impact Assessment is being increasingly used as a tool for
appropriate environmental planning. In Pakistan, PEPA (Pakistan Environmental Protection Act),
1997 establishes the framework to carry out Environmental Assessment of development projects.
Various national and international agencies have developed Environmental Assessment Guidelines
and Checklists for systematic evaluation of environmental impacts and their mitigation. The Social
and Environmental Management Unit of Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Authority developed
checklist for assessment of irrigation projects in 2007. The present study was conducted on three
water sector projects namely: Concrete Lining of Dhudi Minor, Improving Nikki Deg Drain System
and Rehabilitation of Khanki Barrage. The field verification of social and environmental issues of the
projects was carried out according to the checklist of Social and Environmental Management Unit.
The most noticeable impacts which were identified include: extended canal closure, emissions and
effluents, waste generation and disposal, effect on flora, public health and safety, land acquisition,
and social issues. The mitigatory measures proposed: proper project scheduling to minimize the canal
closure periods, waste disposal through proper planning, preparation of detailed resettlement action
plans and compensation, location of labor camps away from the settlements, avoiding unnecessary
cutting of trees, and deployed machinery should be in good working condition. The recommendations
of the study are to review and improve the checklists through a gradual and phased process into a
more comprehensive social and environmental assessment process; capacity building of all the
stakeholders; collaboration between different institutions, agencies and industries for environmental
friendly and sustainable development of projects.
Key Words: Irrigation; Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); social and environmental
checklist; emissions and effluents; social issues; sustainable development
Field Verification of Social and Environmental Issues of Selected Water Sector Projects in Punjab – Pakistan
are provided through this grand network consisting of Protection Ordinance established the Pakistan
over 37014.912 Kilometers of irrigation canals [5]. Environmental Protection Council (PEPC) and
This irrigation network is subjected to major Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-
infrastructure and operational challenges and safety EPA) at the federal level and four Pakistan
concerns due to ageing and system design Environmental Protection Agencies at provincial
constraints. The major challenges are water level [12 & 13]. The Environmental assessment is
shortages, progressive deterioration of irrigation prerequisite for all public and private development
infrastructure, lack of transparency and inequities in projects after the approval of Pakistan Environmental
water distribution, progressive deterioration of water Protection Act [14]. The implementation of EIA
quality of canals, drains and rivers due to disposal of process in Pakistan is less developed due to lack of
untreated industrial and municipal effluents, and over awareness at the government level [15]. The EIA
exploitation of groundwater. The rehabilitation and projects carried out in Pakistan by donor agencies
up-gradation of irrigation systems, modernization of such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank etc.
barrages, lining of irrigation channels, improving followed the respective agency’s guidelines [12].
canal operations and checking water theft, and
The International Commission on Irrigation and
institutional reforms needs to be implemented [3].
Drainage (ICID) has developed the checklist to assess
The irrigation projects are carried out for the the environmental impacts of irrigation projects [16].
well-being and prosperity of people. In the past the The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has
main concern was to get increased agricultural yield developed the checklist for developing countries in
without giving attention to associated environmental order to address environmental issues of irrigation
changes. But now, it has been realized that the and drainage programs [17].
environment is also relevant for the welfare of people
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and
and for sustainable development. Environmental
World Bank (WB) classify the projects into different
Impact Assessment (EIA) is used to assess the social
categories in order to carry out environmental review
and environmental impacts of the project prior to
according to the procedures for that category. The
decision-making. It comprises of data collection,
categories include category A, B and C. Category A
predicting environmental impacts, finding measures
includes the projects which require Environmental
to reduce adverse impacts, formulating
Impact Assessment (EIA) and have significant
environmental management and training plans and
adverse environmental impacts. For example: Dams
monitoring arrangements. EIA is useful in achieving
and reservoirs, large scale projects of forestry and
environmental and socio-economic benefits [6 & 7].
production, industrial plants, Irrigation, drainage, and
The United States of America was the pioneer to flood control etc. Category B includes the projects
establish EIA legislation, which is known as National that require Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1969 which and have environmental impacts less adverse than
was enacted in 1970 [8 & 9]. The EIA requirements those of Category A. For example: Agro-industries,
were introduced in Australia, Canada and New Electrical Transmission, Water supply and sanitation,
Zealand by the mid 1970s. Initially the World Bank Irrigation and drainage (small scale) and Renewable
adopted the procedures for EIA. Now EIA is required energy etc. Category C includes the projects that have
by different international development banks and minimal or no adverse environmental impacts and
donor agencies for the projects funded by these banks environmental analysis is not required, e.g. Forestry
and agencies [10]. The number of developed and research, education, Marine research etc. [18 & 19].
developing countries has their own EIA process [11].
In Pakistan, PEPA (Pakistan Environmental
In Pakistan, the first commitment towards Protection Act), 1997 establishes the framework to
environmental improvement was Pakistan carry out Environmental Assessment of different
Environmental Protection Ordinance (PEPO), 1983 projects. However, the guidelines for social and
which was later replaced by Pakistan Environmental environmental issues of irrigation and drainage
Protection Act, 1997. The Pakistan Environmental projects have not developed. In Punjab, Social and
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.11, July, 2012
Ecology plans are being prepared almost entirely relate to
Socio- 9 10 9 10 9 7
foreign aided projects. This is predominantly because
economic the international financing agencies have strong
Health 9 9 9 3 9 1 social and environmental safeguards, which have to
be met before qualifying for donor financing. It was
Imbalances 9 5 9 3
in this backdrop that environmental checklists were
Water 9 4 9 2
quality developed by SEMU of Punjab Irrigation and
Drainage Authority as an initial step for taking care
Air quality 9 1 9 1
of social and environmental issues in the water sector
Source: ICID (1993), FAO (1995), SEMU (2007) projects.
Field Verification of Social and Environmental Issues of Selected Water Sector Projects in Punjab – Pakistan
Management Unit of Punjab Irrigation and Drainage aesthetic quality and Cultural heritage and
Authority. The checklist is a customized version in Archeological sites [20].
order to assess the environmental impacts of
irrigation projects as a first step. It is relevant to 3. Projects Visited
mention here that generally the social and The study was carried out on three irrigation
environmental assessment of small to medium scale projects namely: concrete Lining of Dhudi Minor,
irrigation projects is not practiced. So the checklists improving Nikki Deg Drain System and
have been developed to familiarize irrigation rehabilitation of Khanki Barrage. The first two
engineers and managers to the environmental and projects were under execution while the third project
social assessment process of development projects. is yet to be implemented. The study sites are shown
The checklists include: (a) Sample Reporting Form, in figure 1.
(b) Primary Baseline Data, (c) Secondary Baseline
Data and (d) Checklist of typical Social and
3.1 Concrete Lining of Dhudi Minor
Environmental Impacts during Execution of Proposed Dhudi Minor which falls in the saline zone of
Project. District Faisalabad is off-taking from Lakhuana
Distributory. It has length of 12.49 kilometers with
The sample reporting form provides the
the designed head discharge of 0.89 m3/sec and tail
following information about the project:
discharge of 0.03 m3/sec. The breadth and depth of
i) Name of project, the channel is 2.56 m and 0.49 m, respectively. It
ii) Location of project, irrigates an area of 425 m2 through 22 outlets. The
iii) Nature / Type of project, area under irrigation of this minor is fertile but due to
iv) Stage of project shortage of canal supply and population pressure the
v) Executing Authorities / Agencies of project. benefits of fertile land are not being achieved as
The primary baseline data which is collected at desired. Most of the channel is earthen and due to
the project site comprised of five major types of data: consistent trespassing and weather action, the
i) Land acquisition, ii) Displacement of households, maintenance condition became deplorable. Precious
assets, livelihoods, iii) Rapid social assessment and quantity of water is being wasted due to leakages and
consultation with communities in project area with breaches, and water theft is also common practice
particular attention to vulnerable groups, iv) Changes resulting in shortage of water supply to the tail. It was
in water availability or water allocation and v) Water therefore imperative to remodel the Minor using
concrete lining [22].
supply for drinking and livestock. The secondary data
which comprised of environmental and socio- The Dhudi Minor at RD: 9000-20000 was
economic baseline data include i) Environmental visited on 5 July, 2007. The work was completed in
assets, resources and conditions and ii) Assessment the reach from RD: zero to 12000 while the lining
and screening – potential impacts of project work was in progress from RD: 12000-16000. The
activities. The checklist assesses impacts of a project work was in various stages of execution. The work
on physical, biological and social environment. The was being executed in the following steps:
physical environment include: Land and soil, Surface
water hydrology, Groundwater hydrology, Surface i. Construction of diversion
water quality, Groundwater quality, Air quality, ii. Filling the channel prism with soil and its
Noise and vibration. The biological environment compaction in layers
includes Flora, Fauna, Forests/game reserves, iii. Cutting of compacted soil for carving out
Wetlands and Sensitive environmental areas/ hot channel prism
spots. The social environment include Socio
iv. Laying of 1 ½ inch base coarse
economic loss, Displacement/resettlement, Ethnic
and cultural norms, Infrastructures/utilities, v. Construction of 3 inch thick concrete lining
Vulnerable groups, Health hazards, Scenic and vi. Curing of concrete
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.11, July, 2012
vii. Completing the earthen banks and main Deg Nullah is chocked with silt. The
viii. Fixing / Construction of outlets proposed project would serve to improve the situation
by preventing the area from stagnation of water
3.2 Improving Nikki Deg Drain System during low flow periods and by flushing out poor
quality water during peak flows in drain [23].
Nikki Deg drain system is one of the main
offshoots of the Deg Nullah. The upper catchments The Nikki Deg Drain 8 km away from Muridke
area of Deg Nullah in India has high rainfall that on Muridke-Sheikhupura road was visited on 15 July,
generates large floods in the Nullah, which ultimately 2009. At the upstream section, the work had not been
flows into Pakistan. The designed discharge of Nikki carried out because of stay order by the Court. In this
Deg Drain is 181.34 m3/sec. The bed width is 30.48 range the drain was existing in its original condition.
m. The bank width parallel to the bank is 3.66 m The bridge at Waseem-Sajjad road at RD: 147 was
while non parallel bank is 1.52 m. The present inspected. The piling work was being done at the
problem is that large areas contiguous to the Deg bridge site. The upstream and downstream earthen
to the Deg Nullah can not be cropped during the banks had been constructed to keep the working area
Kharif Season due to flooding. The Nikki Deg drain dry. The head of Nikki Deg Drain at bifurcation point
Field Verification of Social and Environmental Issues of Selected Water Sector Projects in Punjab – Pakistan
from main Deg Nullah had also been plugged to keep the L.C.C. system running at the required level
allow construction of the bridge. Mainly, the work to sustain and improve the agricultural production in
was being executed in the following steps: its command area [24].
i. Drain excavation The Khanki Barrage and its left marginal bank
ii. Bridge construction were visited on 18th March, 2011. The wetting
3.3 Rehabilitation of Khanki Barrage channel had been provided along the bund for
additional safety. The following activities will be
Khanki weir, and off-taking Lower Chenab
carried out:
Canal (LCC), system is one of the oldest and
largest irrigation networks of the sub-continent. i. Temporary restoration of the existing
Khanki weir was originally constructed in 1892. It structure (till new barrage is constructed)
has a designed discharge capacity of 800,000 ii. Construction of new barrage.
cusecs and irrigates 3 million acres of cultivable
4. Results and Discussion
area in the Central Punjab. The main purpose of
the weir is to divert irrigation supplies to Lower The activities, impacts and mitigation measures
Chenab Canal (LCC). It had history of damages of the projects are provided in the SEMU checklist.
while repairs and modifications were also During the field visit, appropriate activities, related
implemented to improve the safety of the weir. The impacts and mitigation measures were identified
objective of the New Kahnki Barrage project is to which are presented in table 2, table 3 and table 4:
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.11, July, 2012
Concrete Lining of Dhudi Minor ii) enhance irrigation efficiency and agricultural
Name of Project: Concrete Lining of Dhudi production.
iii) At the time of visit, lining work was under
Location of Project Civil District Faisalabad progress. It was noted that the work was being
carried out without constructing diversion
Nature / Type of Project: Canal Lining Project channel and by closing Dhudi Minor. It was
apprehended that the unscheduled canal closure
Executing authorities / Hafizabad Irrigation Division
agencies: of Faisalabad, Irrigation Zone may cause problems for farmers and may
Punjab Irrigation Department damage the crops. The work therefore needs to
(PID) be stepped up in order to minimize the adverse
impacts of long unscheduled closure.
During the field visit, following points were
noted: iv) Health and safety condition of the workers was
not up to the mark. Proper practices should be
i) The lining of Dhudi Minor is the project to followed for ensuring health and safety of the
improve the irrigation infrastructure and to workers.
Field Verification of Social and Environmental Issues of Selected Water Sector Projects in Punjab – Pakistan
v) In the built-up area, where lining work had yet of cost. This aspect needs to be verified at the
to be started, domestic effluent was being site.
discharged into the channel. The relevant
irrigation and drainage authorities should stop iii) The industries located close to Nikki Deg Drain
the effluent disposal into the Distributory. were disposing untreated effluents into the
Drain which was causing serious environmental
vi) As a result of lining, the seepage losses would hazard. This aspect needs to be attended by the
be reduced and resultantly the recharge to the responsible agencies (Environmental Protection
aquifer may be reduced which may impact on Agency and Punjab Irrigation Department) on
the availability of drinking water. Since the urgent basis.
groundwater of the area is brackish so the
arrangements need to be made for providing iv) The site slopes of the drain (0.5 horizontal to 1
drinking water to the settlements. vertical) were too steep and it was apprehended
that this slope would not be sustainable and the
vii) To minimize dust pollution the water was being excavated material could slip into excavated
sprinkled. The contractor’s camp site was drain section thereby reducing the carrying
located away from the nearby settlements. capacity of the drain. The construction planning
appeared to be the sub-optimal because the
Improving Nikki Deg Drain System construction of bridge was being done right in
middle of the rainy season and the drain had
Name of Project: Improving Nikki Deg Drain
System been closed to allow the bridge construction. As
a result the work already carried out could not
Location of Project District Gujranwala, be made use of and in addition the works in
Sheikhupura and Sialkot progress could be damaged in case of flooding
in Deg Nullah.
Nature / Type of Project: Improvement of drainage
v) Health and safety concerns for the workers were
Executing authorities / Rachna Drainage Division not up to the mark. Proper arrangements need to
agencies: of Lahore, Irrigation Zone be made for ensuring health and safety of the
Punjab Irrigation workers. The contractor’s camp site was located
Department (PID) away from the nearby settlements.
During the field visit, following points were Rehabilitation of Khanki Barrage
noted: The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of
i) The project of Improving Nikki Deg Drain the Khanki Barrage is earmarked for financing by
System is planned to provide relief to the local Asian Development Bank (ADB). Therefore, proper
population and to reduce flooding and improve EIA has been carried out by the consultants [25] by
the overall environmental conditions of the area. following the process prescribed in the legal
framework as depicted in figure 2. Initially, EIA of
ii) The discussion with the field officers of the Khanki Barrage was prepared in 2005 and
Irrigation Department indicated that 700 acres updated in 2009 which was approved by
of land was needed to be acquired for the project Environmental Protection Department (EPD). The
execution. However, it was observed that land EIA has again been revised and got approved from
acquisition was still under process while the EPD in 2011. The project implementation will
construction work had been started without commence in 2012.
completing the land acquisition process and
without paying the land cost to the owners. In The major impacts and their mitigation
addition, the land acquisition was not being measures identified in Environmental and Social
done in some reaches reportedly on the grounds Impact Assessment (ESIA) are summarized in Table
that the affected farmers had given the land free 4 [26].
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.11, July, 2012
Preparation of feasibility
EIA required
Monitoring (implementation of
Field Verification of Social and Environmental Issues of Selected Water Sector Projects in Punjab – Pakistan
The potential issues identified during the field ¾ Health and safety of the workers should be
visits include the following: ensured by proper arrangements and Health,
Safety and Environment (HSE) plan needs to
¾ Health and education facilities may be
be developed and followed during project
¾ The negative impacts on physical, biological
¾ Tree plantation especially of indigenous species
and social environment needs to be addressed
should be carried out.
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.11, July, 2012
¾ Ensure that the activities should not deteriorate ii. Due to deferred maintenance over time, the
the downstream water quality. health of irrigation system has progressively
deteriorated. This has adversely affected the
¾ The Pulkhoo Nullah joins Chenab River just efficiency of the network and the agricultural
upstream of Barrage. The water of Pulkhoo productivity is being impacted. It has also given
Nullah is polluted because of addition of rise to a host of environmental and social issues.
untreated effluent en-route. Therefore, its water These include inadequate, unreliable and
quality needs to be closely monitored. inequitable supplies of water for command
areas, over exploitation of groundwater, build
¾ The camping sites should be located away from up of salinity and increasing pollution of water
the nearby settlements. bodies.
¾ Old Barrage is an antique structure and some of iii. The Social and Environmental Management
its parts should be preserved as a historic Unit of Punjab Irrigation and Drainage
monument. Authority has developed checklist for irrigation
projects with the objective that these projects are
¾ The islands should be developed within the
more responsive towards social and
pond area for livestock and tourism.
environmental challenges. The field formation
¾ The public park should be developed at the of Irrigation Department has been made
Barrage. responsible to incorporate the environmental
considerations in all water sector development
¾ The donor’s guidelines provide for projects.
compensation of even the non-title holders
while the local guidelines do not provide for B) Field Visits Related Conclusions
such compensation. This is the main difference i. During the field visits of the projects it was
between the social and environmental observed that mitigation measures were not
framework of the two systems. In order to being properly implemented. In particular, the
qualify for financing, the donor guidelines have following main impacts of the projects were
to be implemented. noted:
Field Verification of Social and Environmental Issues of Selected Water Sector Projects in Punjab – Pakistan
ii) For addressing the adverse impacts of the ¾ Interventions for addressing social and
project the following mitigation measures environmental impacts of development
were identified: projects involve small investments but add
value and contribute significantly towards
¾ Proper project scheduling in order to sustainable development. Therefore, project
minimize the canal closure periods. proponents need to accord particular
attention and provide the requisite resources
¾ Preparation of properly detailed for implementation of the needed
resettlement action plans and provision of environmental and social interventions.
funds for payment of adequate
compensation to the affected population. ¾ The checklists need to be improved and
made more specific as a result of lessons
¾ Provision of proper crossing arrangements learnt through field verification exercise.
during the construction phase. Also Need is indicated to incorporate certain
construction materials should not be descriptive categories and include the
heaped on canal roads. following information:
• Identify stakeholders
¾ The labor camps should be located at a fair • Assess public perceptions
distance from the settlements. Also training • Conflict management
of labor about the local social values. • Public participation and communication.
¾ The deployed machinery should be in good ¾ A GIS based social and environmental
working condition. Also noise and air information system for the secondary base
pollution should be monitored. line data need to be established and
displayed on the website for facilitating the
¾ Avoiding unnecessary cutting of trees and process of completing the checklists.
land clearance beyond project corridor.
¾ More seminars and awareness raising
¾ Avoiding conflicts with local communities. programs need to be arranged for training
and capacity building of all the stakeholders
5.2 Recommendations including engineers, Farmer Organizations,
The following recommendations are made for staff of Punjab Irrigation and Drainage
improving the process of incorporating the social and Authority and other related organizations.
environmental aspects. Like the conclusions,
¾ The contracting industry in Pakistan does not
recommendations are presented in two categories.
have adequate awareness, know how or
The first category of recommendations related to professionals for this purpose. This aspect
outcome of the field visits while the second category needs attention of the policy makers and the
of recommendations is more generic in nature. project authorities. Focused programs for
capacity building of the construction
A) Field Visits Related Recommendations industry needs to be undertaken along with
¾ Environmental Assessment through regulatory regimes by making EMP a part of
simplified procedures of checklists the bidding documents and by putting in
developed by Social and Environmental place effective monitoring system.
Management Unit for water sector projects is
B) Generic Recommendations
a good starting point. The process needs to
be refined through a gradual and phased ¾ A more close interaction needs to be
process. This should culminate into a more developed between the field staff of
comprehensive social and environmental Irrigation Department and Social and
assessment process. Environmental Management Unit of Punjab
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.11, July, 2012
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