Global Warming & Development: Shishir Kant Jain
Global Warming & Development: Shishir Kant Jain
Global Warming & Development: Shishir Kant Jain
Shishir Kant Jain
The people all over the world are worried about the harmful
effects of global warming which may assume a catastrophe in
the near future. The melting of arctic sea ice and shrinkage of
glaciers on the Himalayas are alarming signals. The arctic sea
ice and the glaciers are considered to be the natural thermostat
that controls the temperature of the earth from rising. Many
scientists believe that if the earth surface temperature were
allowed to increase by 3 degree C there would be one-meter
rise in the sea level. If this happens it is not difficult to visualize
that it would result in disappearance of hundreds of sea island
nations and flooding of world large seaports, affecting millions
of people. Moreover, the global warming would affect the
climate adversely. The weather would become erratic and
events like cyclones, storms, droughts etc would be more
frequent in the coming years. The agriculture would suffer and
yields would be poor resulting in great misery and suffering of
the people and animals.
Sea Weeds
The people all over the world are worried about the global
warming, which may assume a catastrophe in the near future.
The global warming is attributed to the growing concentration of
mainly carbon dioxide and methane gases in the atmosphere. A
global effort and particularly from the advanced countries is
required to reduce the carbon intensity. The developing
countries like India require a huge amount of energy in the
future for development and consequently the emission of
carbon dioxide would also increase. In order to overcome this
problem the green electricity should be generated from the
waste biomass that is available daily in millions of tons as
municipal solid waste, sewage, shed leaves from trees and
particularly from forests, weeds from sea and rivers etc. The
waste if not converted into energy and allowed to degrade
would emit carbon dioxide and methane any way contributing to
the carbon intensity in a big way. On the other hand if that is
used as a source of energy there is no additional carbon
intensity. The technology for generation of electricity and biogas
is available. The selection of technology is very important. This
will generate new employment opportunities and save a
substantial amount of foreign exchange.