Actuator Maintenance Procedures: M06-014 August 25, 2006 Jason Jones, Product Manager Commercial Fire Suppression
Actuator Maintenance Procedures: M06-014 August 25, 2006 Jason Jones, Product Manager Commercial Fire Suppression
Actuator Maintenance Procedures: M06-014 August 25, 2006 Jason Jones, Product Manager Commercial Fire Suppression
Fike encourages all of its distributors to read and familiarize themselves with the maintenance procedures in
Fike’s product manuals. We also periodically send out marketing and technical bulletins to remind distributors
of routine maintenance procedures. Toward that end, we would like to take this opportunity to review the
maintenance procedures for our solenoid valve actuator assemblies.
Fike master and slave actuators (part numbers 70-172 and 70-173 respectively) should be inspected at
six-month intervals and immediately after a discharge per the following procedures:
Figure 1