RPG Spellchrome
RPG Spellchrome
RPG Spellchrome
Cover Art: Eric Belisle The skills, magic spells, feats and other game
mechanics presented within this book are considered
Interior Art: Alaaddin, AlienForce, Andresr, Arfo, Open Game Content, where they are not in disagree-
Poprugin Aleksey, Mark Aplet, Miroslava Arnaudova, ment with the official Open Gaming Licence System
Ayakovlev, Yuri Arcurs, Sílvia Antunes, Denis Babenko, Reference Document. Artwork is not considered open
Eric Belisle, Mircea Bezergheanu, Boleslav, Anna content. All original and derivative artwork is copyright
Braga, Cynoclub, Kim Feigenbaum, Ginasanders, the author.
Brian Goodman, Margo Harrison, Frank Herzog, Tom
Hirtreiter, Irochka, Jonny Klein, Kenny, Koshmar, The setting, game world, and other material
Vasiliy Koval, Kaleena Kruse, Abramova, Kseniya, (including, but not limited to Ancient Sign names,
Kwest, Collin Lenzen, Le Loft, Oksana Jancevic, JGW sample characters, monsters, and equipment) are not
Images, JKlingebiel, Patricia Malina, Joyce Mar, Jump- considered Open Game Content. Anyone interested in
ingsack, Mikhail, Tatiana Morozova, MaxFX, Losevsky creating official adventures or other supplements for
Pavel, Mark Penny, Sasa Petkovic, Alin Popescu, the Spellchrome game world are encouraged to seek
Leigh Prather, Bradley K. McDevitt, R McKown, Jason written permission.
McLellan, Adam Radosavljevic, Jason Rainville, John
Rapone, Paulo Resende, Nicholas Rjabow, Rockworth,
Nikita Rogul, Olly, Victoria Short, Mark Stout, Tatjana
Strelkova, Konstantin Tavrov, Leah-Anne Thompson,
Alberto Tirado, Topal, Suzanne Tucker, Ustin, Kiselev
Valerevich, Mayer Vladimirovich, Drazen Vukelic,
Johannes Wiebel, Vladimir Wrangel
▪ Boleslav: boleslavart.com
Table of Contents Chapter 4: Skills
Skills Introduction ..................................................59
Chapter 1:Introduction Difficulty Class (DC) ..............................................59
This is a Roleplaying Game ....................................5 Opposed Skill Checks ...........................................60
Your Character Might be: ........................................6 Choosing Skill Categories .....................................60
The Spellchrome Setting .........................................6 Strength Based Skills ............................................61
Why the Name Spellchrome?..................................6 Dexterity Based Skills............................................63
What you Need to Play ............................................7 Constitution Based Skills .......................................67
Dice .........................................................................8 Intelligence Based Skills .......................................68
General RPG Terms................................................8 Wisdom Based Skills .............................................71
Spellchrome Specific Terms....................................9 Charisma Based Skills ..........................................74
The Core Mechanic ...............................................10 Alphabetical Skill List ............................................76
Quick Sample Combat ..........................................10 Synergy and Aid Another ......................................77
Regular Play ..........................................................11 Trained Skill Bonuses and Points.......................... 77
Example of Play ....................................................11 Untrained Skill Bonuses and Points ...................... 77
A Fictitious World ..................................................12 Using Skills Untrained ...........................................78
Other Resources ...................................................12 Improving Skills .....................................................78
Skill and Magic Spell Bonuses .............................. 56 Improving Magic Spells .......................................110
Levelling HP, Attacks and Saves .......................... 57 Character Creation Option ..................................110
Rewarding XP .......................................................58
Starting an Advanced Character ........................... 58
Issues of Training ..................................................58
Chapter 6: Feats Chapter 10: Threats
Feats Introduction................................................111 Threats Introduction ............................................215
Acquiring Feats ...................................................111 Reading Stats ......................................................216
Reading Feat Descriptions ..................................112 Street Thug..........................................................217
Choosing Feats ...................................................112 Mercenary ...........................................................218
List of Feats .........................................................112 Talzaran Warrior..................................................220
Important Feats ...................................................114 Stone Ogre ..........................................................222
Feat Descriptions ...............................................115 Varrathnoth..........................................................223
Spirit Born Witch..................................................225
Chapter 7: Equipment
Dangerous Beasts ...............................................227
The Lumbering Dead...........................................229
Empowering Items...............................................124
Pale Twin.............................................................230
Starting Equipment ..............................................125
Ranged Weapons................................................126 Chapter 11: Setting
Melee Weapons ..................................................131 The Allterions ......................................................233
Armour.................................................................136 Kingdom of Lundor Time Line ............................. 234
Items and Devices ...............................................142 Map of Eldlandria ................................................236
Power Alterations ................................................146 Common Languages ...........................................237
Vehicles ...............................................................148 Technology and Culture ..............................240
Common Goods and Services ............................ 154 The Barrier Zone .................................................241
Tower Cities ........................................................242
Chapter 8: Combat
Nova Dirge Territory ............................................242
Combat Overview ................................................159
Major Factions .....................................................234
Sample Combat...................................................161
Initiative ...............................................................165 Extras
Hit Points .............................................................168 Character Sheet ..................................................246
Types of Actions ..................................................173 Index....................................................................248
Combat Modifiers ................................................178 Open Gaming Licence.........................................251
Combat Options ..................................................180
Combat Index ......................................................185
Chapter 9: Running the Game Introduction .....................................................5
GM Roles ............................................................187 Character Creation ........................................13
Tips and Guidelines.............................................195
Sample Characters .......................................34
Bad GMing ..........................................................195
Level Advancement ......................................55
Player Character Death .......................................196
Successful Gaming Session................................199
Magic Spells..................................................79
Awarding XP and Treasure .................................201
Feats ...........................................................111
Adventure Basics ................................................203
Equipment ...................................................123
Adventure Elements ............................................205
Building Adventures ............................................206 Combat .......................................................159
About the Opposition ...........................................209 Running the Game ......................................187
Adventure Ideas ..................................................210 Threats ........................................................215
Setting .........................................................233
Chapter 1: Introduction This style of game play still has some advantages over
other RPG mediums. Since this is not a videogame,
Players are freer to use their imagination to solve
This is a Roleplaying Game challenges. They can attempt to cleverly use equipment
This is a “Pen and Paper” RPG (Roleplaying Game). to solve their problems, or use their skills and spells
The roleplaying part means that you create a character to find alternate routes. Granted, many of these same
using a set of rules, deciding what he or she is good concepts can be found in videogames; however the
or poor at. The “Pen and Paper” part means that this programmers and videogame designers must account
is a bit like a board game, with many Players and dice for all of the possible scenarios a head of time, modeling
involved. Unlike a board game, a Pen and Paper RPG and scripting each one meticulously. A human GM can
has an overall story that continues from game to game, more easily react to the unexpected, which means that
and all of the Players contribute to achieve mutual when a Player’s unconventional solution is attempted,
goals within that story. it may possibly succeed.
One group member is the Game Master (GM), who Another critical aspect in Pen and Paper RPGs is
controls the world and everything in it, and everyone social. Ultimately these games are fun because you are
else controls a single character, known as a Player gathering with your friends and interacting. While we
Character. Once everyone selects or builds a character, want you to play this game, you could probably have
the GM runs the game. The GM either invents her just as much fun playing cards (at least for a while).
own adventure or uses a pre-made one. During the
adventure, or game session, the GM describes scenes So get some friends together, build characters and play
and explains scenarios. The Players imagine these the game. If some or all of you have played videogame
scenes and choose what their characters will do. RPGs, you will probably understand some broader
concepts such as “Leveling Up”. If some of you have
played other Pen and Paper RPGs, even better - this
game will be comfortably familiar, yet exciting and
The Spellchrome Setting
Eldlandria was once a medieval world where men and
women fought with sword and magic. Then came the
powerful Allterions, claiming to be both protectors and
ancient brethren. The Allterions warned of a powerful foe
that threatened both peoples. Ultimately the Allterions
landed their Starships and introduced new technology,
Your character might be: changing the Eldlandrian landscape and its people
forever. Your character lives in this new and chaotic
▪ A large and powerful H-Class Warrior, setting, full of possibility, danger and adventure.
sworn to protect Eldlandria.
Learn more about the setting in Chapter 11, starting on
▪ A freelance Bounty Hunter on the Page 233.
lookout for wanted men.
What you need to play
▪ The rules that you are reading right now. They
cover how to make a character and the rules
of play. A printed book is easiest to use.
Dice General RPG Terms
Hit Points (HP): The way to determine how much
Dice abbreviations are used throughout the rules and
damage a character can take before falling unconscious
in game stats. The first number lists how many dice to
or dying. More Hit Points equates to being tougher and
roll, followed by “d”, representing what type of dice to
to the ability to withstand more damage.
roll. An addition or subtraction sign may follow, which
adds or subtracts a listed amount. Armour Class (AC): A measure of a character’s ability
to dodge or deflect an attack. A higher AC is better than
These are the six types of dice used: 4 sided (d4), 6 a low one.
sided (d6), 8 sided (d8), 10 sided (d10), 12 sided (d12)
and 20 sided (d20). Damage Reduction (DR): A form of protection,
reducing the amount of damage taken by a character.
Most empowered armour has DR.
1d20-1: Roll a single 20-sided die and then subtract 1. Gaining a new level: Each time a character gains a
(A result of 0-19) new level, they gain more Hit Points and often get a
little better at using skills and casting magic. Certain
1d6+1d8: Roll a single 6-sided die and a single 8-sided levels give specific bonuses.
die. (A result of 2-14)
Attributes: A measure of physical and mental abilities.
d% (Percentile): Take 2d10, indicating which die will Explained under Step 5 of character creation.
represent the 10’s place, and roll each. A result of 4
and 8 would mean 48%, double zero means 100%. If Saving throws: A roll made to partially avoid or resist
your character had a 35% chance of failure, a result of a harmful effect.
36% or higher indicates success.
There are 3 types of saving throws: Reflex (a dodge
Tip: It is considered good etiquette to roll dice where test), Fortitude (a toughness test), and Willpower (a
everyone (or at least the GM) can see the results. It’s mental endurance test).
also best to leave your dice with your last result, until
you need to roll something else. Base Attack Bonus: Separated into two different Stats
- Ranged Base Attack Bonus and Melee Base Attack
The exception to this rule is the Game Master’s rolls. Bonus - each gets better as a character gains levels. A
Some GM’s make lots of rolls behind a GM screen, and Base Attack Bonus may be ranked as Poor, Good or
that’s okay. They run the game, which means they have Best. See Step 6 under character creation.
legitimate reasons to make guarded rolls. See also:
Rolling Dice, from the chapter on running the game.
Campaign: The sum of all of the adventures your Armoes, Burgon, Calmen, Danar, Etherami and
character participates in; often defined by the long story Feylore: The six Ancient Signs your character may be
arc created by the GM. An ongoing game throughout born under. See Step 2 under character creation.
multiple sessions is a Campaign.
Social Class: Adds a small bonus to your Hit Points,
Difficultly Class (DC): A way of determining how difficult Skill Points or Magic Points. Also adds 1 Starting
a task is. It helps set the target number a character Combat Feat, Skill Category or Magic Spell Category.
must meet or exceed. See step 3 under character creation.
Check: When trying to meet or exceed a number Worker, Merchant and Nobility: Your character may
determined by the rules or the GM, rolling a d20 and be from any of these three broad social classes. See
adding modifiers based on your character’s stats. Step 3 under character creation.
Natural 20: A roll resulting in a 20 on a d20 before any Empowerment Points (EP): Allows a character to
modifiers are added. Often an automatic success. activate an item. These are allocated at any time. A
first level character has 10 Empowerment Points. See
Natural 1: A roll resulting in a 1 on a d20 before any Chapter 7: Equipment for details.
modifiers are added. Often an automatic failure.
Magic Points (MP): These allow a character to cast a
Bonus: A positive number applied to a roll. spell. Casting 1 spell costs 1 Magic Spell point each
time it is cast. Magic Points refresh after a rest and are
Penalty: A negative number applied to a roll. determined during character creation. More information
on Magic Spells may be found in Chapter 5: Magic
Move action: An action that lets a character move a
distance in combat or perform an action that requires a
couple seconds, such as drawing a weapon or opening Skill Points (SP): These aid a character by adding a
a door. bonus die when they need to make a difficult Skill Check.
Skill Points refresh after a rest and are determined
Attack action: An action that lets a character perform
during character creation. More information on Skills
an attack with a weapon.
may be found in Chapter 4: Skills.
Weapon range: How far away a target can be without a
Extraordinary Hit Points (EX-HP): These are Hit
ranged attack taking a penalization for distance.
Points that are lost before normal Hit Points. Some
Round: A six second period of time used for combat. Spellchrome armours have Extraordinary Hit Points
built in as a form of extra protection. See details.
Types of Actions: Characters are able to take one
move action and one standard action per round on Visual Trait: A side effect of living in a magically
their turn. See: Types of Actions (Chapter 8) polluted world. If selected during character creation,
visual traits, such as pointy ears or tusks are randomly
rolled. See Magical Pollution and Traits.
Spellchrome Specific Terms
Ancient Sign: This determines the priority that your Hit Trait Bonus: A randomly rolled bonus, usually an
Points, Skill Points and Magic Points are set. This also attribute gain, for each visual trait.
determines Starting Combat Feats, Skill Categories,
Eldlandria: The world in which the game takes place.
Spell Categories and base saving throws. See step 2
under character creation. Eldlandrians: Humans native to Eldlandria.
The Core Mechanic About the word “hit”
Hit is often used in place of “that was a successful
Whenever you attempt an action that has some chance
attack”, even when it is a bit of a misnomer.
of failure, roll a twenty-sided die (d20). To determine if
your character succeeds at a task you do this:
About the word “miss”
▪ Roll 1d20.
Miss is often used in place of “that was an unsuccessful
▪ Add any relevant modifiers. attack”, even when the proper terminology might be
“deflected”. Think of “miss” as “not successful” rather
▪ Compare the result to a target number. than as the literal meaning (although sometimes it does
▪ If the result equals or exceeds the target number, mean that an opponent fully dodged out of the way).
your character succeeds. If the result is lower
than the target number, your character fails.
Talon gets a 13, the tall Thug gets a 16 and the big
Thug gets a 4.
Next the big Thug gets his actions. After that it is the tall
Thug’s actions, then Talon’s and then the big Thug’s
again, unless they are incapacitated. Combat continues
this way until it is resolved.
Regular Play (Lisa) GM: You have all been called to a recent crime
scene, on the front steps of a hotel. Allterion police
Players rarely act in turns and rounds outside of combat. keep back the curious and the hysterical gawkers. On
The GM explains a situation or describes a scene and the ground is a dead body, its skin looks frozen and
then Players say what they want to do. Occasionally shattered in places. Limbs bent where they shouldn’t
the GM has to regulate how much a character can do be.
in a given amount of time, but this still is not as strict as
(Lisa) GM: Over comes an Allterion detective, wearing
combat rounds.
an armoured uniform. “Do you think a creature did
this?” he asks.
When a Player states that they want to do something
and the GM thinks it requires a skill check, she will (John, playing a bounty hunter) Ronin: We’ve seen this
have the Player roll 1d20 to determine success. If the before, I think. What say you, Sayworth?
Player’s character is knowledgeable or practiced in
that skill, they will have a better chance of success. (Kim) Sayworth: Too soon to tell... let me examine some
Sometimes feats or other aspects unique to a character of the evidence and cast some spells, Detective...?
will help them in their actions.
(Lisa) GM: Wodar, Detective Wodar. Uhm, yes, well
The GM is like a writer; she comes up with a plot and excuse me, I should let you work. We’re all just very
knows who the killer or killers are. She provides the frustrated with the situation. Let me know if I can be of
setting and the background characters. The Players, any help and of course, keep me in the loop.
through their characters, are like actors. While their
characters have skills, abilities and equipment to help (Kim) Sayworth: Sure. (To the GM) Sayworth starts to
them, these actors do not get a script - the Players examine the body, making sure to collect some of that
have to come up with the right questions on their own. skin you mentioned.
If the Players are totally on the wrong track, the GM will
probably drop small clues to help them, but ultimately it (Lisa) GM: Okay, that’ll take you a couple minutes. Then
is the Players’ story. It is up to them to figure out what I’ll have you make a Gather and Analyze Evidence
happened and resolve the matter, in whatever manner roll.
they choose. Of course not everyone will be happy
(Bill) Driden: Hey Wodan, were there any witnesses?
with the decision the Players make - whether it be an
employer, a victim’s family or the antagonists. (Lisa) GM: It’s Detective Wodar.
Example of Play (Bill) Driden: Oh. Sorry. Were there any witnesses?
Here is an example of 4 people playing Spellchrome. (Lisa) GM: Yes, two of them, over here, he says. Wodar
The interaction between the GM and the Players is leads you away. John, what is Ronin doing?
what is important here, not the plot. The characters
already know each other from a quick adventure where (John) Ronin: I’ll think I’ll cast Examine Supernatural.
the GM demonstrated some of the basic rules.
(Kim) Sayworth: Don’t waste your Magic. I’m going
(Lisa) GM: You’ve all recently arrived in New Prospect, to cast that on the body as soon I’m done gathering
one of the Allterion tower cities. It feels very alien evidence.
in comparison to the traditional stone castles and
wooden buildings you’re used to. The Allterions have (John) Ronin: I cast Examine Supernatural and walk
been having troubles with Supernatural crimes and toward the crowd.
requested help from your kingdom. That’s where you
(Lisa) GM: Alright, Ronin casts and scans the crowd.
come in.
Pretty boring stuff. Then a dull looking person suddenly
(Bill, playing a large solider) Driden: Why am I here? stands out as you see past his non-descript features
to the outline of something much greater, fiendish and
(Kim, playing a Paranormal Auditor) Sayworth: We horrific. His eyes meet yours for a second before he
need someone we can trust to watch our backs. Don’t turns to run.
worry, I’m sure there’ll be something big and nasty to
fight. (John) Ronin: Driden! Sayworth! Get over here quick!
(To the GM): Ronin gives chase.
(Bill) Driden: All right, cool.
And that is how an adventure might start. Please note
that your adventures might not be anything like this.
The above example kept with a crime drama theme,
but not all Spellchrome adventure need to. You might
explore hazardous lands, ruins, crash sites and other
places that are too dangerous
for average citizen to venture.
You may protect important ...adventures
people or take on missions to
thwart the plans of The Nova that allow the
Dirge. Adventures may be
centered around working with characters
or against organized crime.
And of course you might also to use all of
solve crimes, if that is what
works for your group. In the their skills
end, hopefully you will see
a variety of adventures that and abilities.
allow the characters to use
all of their skills and abilities.
Find more on this in Chapter 9: Running the Game.
A Fictitious World
When explaining the game world it is often written
as if it were real, following the basic rules of fiction
and suspension of disbelief. To be certain, this is an
imaginary world - no more real than Dorothy or the land
of OZ.
Other Resources
If you still don’t have a sense of what a Pen and Paper
RPG is or how to play, other Players who have played
RPGs are you best source of information. If you can
game with people who play this game or even another
Pen and Paper RPG, you will learn more from them
than we have room to explain here. Even dropping in
and watching a game can help.
You may find it useful to look over the sample characters.
Chapter 2: Character Creation Sample characters can be handy if you are either in a
hurry-choose one and you can start right away-or if you
Creating a Character need help getting an idea about the type of character
Building a character for a Roleplaying game can be you want to play. If you are brand new to this type of
one of the most enjoyable aspects of playing an RPG. roleplaying game, we suggest looking at some game
It offers the player the opportunity to try different combi- concepts, if you have not already.
nations to create a character that will be fun to play and
useful in many situations. Also, you are encouraged to Step 2: Ancient Sign
give your character a unique personality so that he or
she is more than just numbers on a page. Determine under which Ancient Sign your character
was born. Spellchrome uses a priority system, not
Listed below are the character creation steps. The character classes. These priorities determine your char-
exact order doesn’t matter, as long as everything gets acter’s Hit Points (HP), Skill Points (SP), Magic Points
selected and recorded. As you make selections, it helps (MP) and other related abilities. There are six Ancient
to jot it down with the associated bonuses. Signs from which you may choose from, Armoes,
Burgon, Calmen, Danar, Etherami and Feylore. Each
are explained below.
Character Creation Steps:
1. Talk with your GM
2. Ancient Sign
3. Social Class
5. Attributes
9. Saving Throws
10. Feats
11. Equipment
Armoes Burgon Statistics:
▪ Hit Points per level: +6
▪ Great: Hit Points, Combat Feats
and Fortitude Saving Throw ▪ Skill Points: +2
▪ Good: Skill Points, Skill choices ▪ Magic Points: +4
and Reflex Saving Throw
▪ Starting combat feats: Choose 7
▪ Weak: Magic Points, Spell Choices,
and Willpower Saving Throw ▪ Skill Categories: Select 2
otable individuals born under the Ancient Sign of
Armoes include large, powerful warriors, bounty
▪ Saving Throws:
hunters, and tough-as-nails detectives. Players
should choose the Ancient Sign of Armoes if they want ▪ Fortitude: 12/20
a tough, combat ready character that has access to a
good amount of Skills. ▪ Reflex: 6/20
▪ Willpower: 9/20
Armoes Statistics:
▪ Hit Points per level: +6
▪ Fortitude: 12/20
otable individuals born under the Ancient Sign
of Calmen include adept scouts and trackers,
▪ Reflex: 9/20 exceptional Warden Investigators and some
infamous pirates and highwaymen. Players should
▪ Willpower: 6/20
choose the Ancient Sign of Calmen if they want a
versatile character that is proficient with more advanced
Skills, as well as reasonably tough and battle ready.
Calmen Statistics:
▪ Great: Hit Points, Combat Feats
▪ Hit Points per level: +4
and Fortitude Saving Throw
▪ Skill Points: +6
▪ Good: Magic Points, Spell Choices,
and Willpower Saving Throw ▪ Magic Points: +2
▪ Weak: Skill Points, Skill choices ▪ Starting combat feats: Choose 4
and Reflex Saving Throw
▪ Skill Categories: Select 7
otable individuals born under the Ancient Sign
of Burgon include Guardian Protectors, Arcane ▪ Spell Categories: Select 2
Soldiers, and Elemental Brawlers. Players should
▪ Saving Throws:
choose the Ancient Sign of Burgon if they want a robust
and sturdy character in combat that has access to a ▪ Fortitude: 9/20
good range of Magic Spells.
▪ Reflex: 12/20
▪ Willpower: 6/20
Danar Etherami Statistics:
▪ Hit Points per level: +4
▪ Great: Skill Points, Skill choices
and Reflex Saving Throw ▪ Skill Points: +2
▪ Good: Magic Points, Spell Choices, ▪ Magic Points: +6
and Willpower Saving Throw
▪ Starting combat feats: Choose 4
▪ Weak: Hit Points, Combat Feats
and Fortitude Saving Throw ▪ Skill Categories: Select 2
otable individuals born under the Ancient Sign of
Danar include Paranormal Auditors and Phantom
▪ Saving Throws:
Rogues. Additionally, it is believed that many
covert agents, spies and assassins are born under ▪ Fortitude: 9/20
the Ancient Sign of Danar. Players should choose the
Ancient Sign of Danar if they want a crafty character ▪ Reflex: 6/20
who can accomplish tasks through skill and magic.
▪ Willpower: 12/20
Danar Statistics:
▪ Hit Points per level: +2
▪ Skill Points: +6
▪ Great: Magic Points, Spell Choices,
▪ Magic Points: +4 and Willpower Saving Throw
▪ Starting combat feats: Choose 2 ▪ Good: Skill Points, Skill choices
and Reflex Saving Throw
▪ Skill Categories: Select 7
▪ Weak: Hit Points, Combat Feats
▪ Spell Categories: Select 4
and Fortitude Saving Throw
▪ Saving Throws:
otable individuals born under the Ancient Sign
▪ Fortitude: 6/20 of Feylore include Urban Wizards, powerful
Healers and Thunder Mages. Players should
▪ Reflex: 12/20 choose the Ancient Sign of Feylore if they want a
resourceful character whose strong magic and good
▪ Willpower: 9/20
Skill selection make them useful in even the most
abnormal situation.
otable individuals born under the Ancient Sign
of Etherami include great Battle Casters, Dark
▪ Saving Throws:
Blades and Gun-Wraiths. Players should choose
the Ancient Sign of Etherami if they want a magically ▪ Fortitude: 6/20
powerful character that is also reasonably tough and
combat proficient. ▪ Reflex: 9/20
▪ Willpower: 12/20
Recap: Ancient Signs at a Glance Worker
Ancient Signs: Priority Traditionally, those of the Worker Social Class have
been required to train as soldiers or work the land.
Ancient Sign Great Good Weak Guards, Men at arms, and Wardens are considered
part of the Worker Social Class.
Armoes Combat Skills Magic
▪ The Worker Social Class adds 3 Hit Points
Burgon Combat Magic Skills per level and 1 starting combat feat choice.
Calmen Skills Combat Magic
Armoes 6 4 2 Nobility
Burgon 6 2 4 Traditionally, those in the Nobility Social Class have
been landowners, leaders, and expert magic users.
Calmen 4 6 2 Certified Magi, Councillors and Auditors are part of the
Nobility Social Class.
Danar 2 6 4
▪ The Nobility Social Class adds 3 Magic
Etherami 4 2 6
Points and 1 spell category choice.
Feylore 2 4 6
Merchant +0 +1 +0
Nobility +0 +0 +1
Step 4: Magical Pollution and Traits Visual Trait Specifics
Magic has been used (and some say abused) for
centuries, and has over time caused side effects Ears: Roll 1d4
among the people of Eldlandria. These side effects,
1. Ears come to a subtle upwards point, adding
also known as traits, can affect a person’s appearance
less than an inch to the height of the ear.
in their size, height and weight.
2. Ears point up significantly, adding over an
Game rules: inch and a half to the height of the ear.
Players can choose zero to three random traits for their 3. Ears point noticeable up and outwards.
character. For each trait, the player rolls three times:
4. Ears point noticeable up and backwards.
once for the type of visual trait (such as “height” or
“ears”), once for a detailed description of that trait (such
as “ears point noticeably up and outwards”) and then Tusks: Roll 1d4
again for the trait bonus (such as +1 to their dexterity 1. A single small tusk protruding from
attribute). the lower row of teeth on the left.
Visual trait types are determined by rolling 1d6 (a 2. A single small tusk protruding from the
single six sided dice) for each trait. A character may lower row of teeth on the right.
not have more than one instance of a single visual trait,
3. Two small tusks protruding from
so a Player must roll until each trait is different. Do
the lower row of teeth.
this for all the visual traits. Each visual trait then corre-
sponds to an additional die roll that further determines 4. Two large tusks protruding from
the specific look of that visual trait. For example, if “5” the lower row of teeth.
is rolled, which corresponds with the visual trait
of height, an additional roll must be made to Horns: Roll 1d8
determine if it that trait will make a character
taller or shorter than normal. 1. Small twin horns point up and out from the temples.
2. Tusks
3. Horns
4. Skin
5. Height
6. Weight
Skin: Roll 1d10 Trait Bonuses: Roll 1d8
1. Light blue skin
1. Toughness Feat
2. Dark blue skin
2. +1 bonus to Strength
3. Light green skin
3. +1 bonus to Dexterity
4. Dark green skin
4. +1 bonus to Constitution
5. Metallic silver skin
5. +1 bonus to Intelligence
6. Metallic silver eyes
6. +1 bonus to Wisdom
7. Dark blue hair
7. +1 bonus to Charisma
8. Dark green hair
8. Bonus feat
9. Metallic silver hair
Example: John is making a
10. Roll twice more character and decides he wants
on this table. as many bonuses as he can get
and does not care how strange his
Height: Roll 1d4 character will look, so he opts to
1. Two heads give his character the maximum
shorter than the three traits. First he rolls 3d6, (three
average person. dice, all six-sided) and comes up
with 2, 5 and 5. He re-rolls one
2. One head shorter of the 5’s and gets a 3. For each
than the average visual trait, in his case tusks, horns
person. and height, he rolls and additional
die to figure out exactly what the
3. One head taller than visual traits will look like.
the average person.
Next John needs to determine trait
4. Two heads taller than
bonuses. To do this, he rolls 3d8
the average person.
since he has 3 visual traits. He rolls
1, 6 and 6. He adds the toughness
Weight: Roll 1d4 feat (a one-time bonus of +3 Hit
1. Thin and lean - Points) and +2 to his character’s
Significantly lighter Wisdom score. Finally, John is left
than the average to wonder how horns or tusks add
person. Hair tends to his character’s wisdom score.
to be finer. (Note that this is an intentional
design choice - sometimes the
2. Thin and lean - visual traits and trait bonuses will
Noticeably lighter match nicely, and sometimes they will not make much
than the average person. Hair tends to be finer. sense. That’s okay, it’s just a game.)
3. Stocky and burly build - Noticeably heavier than
the average person. Hair tends to be thicker. Additional Background:
4. Stocky and burly build - Significantly heavier than ▪ Not everyone is affected by Magical
the average person. Hair tends to be thicker. Pollution, and some people have no
traits and look completely human.
Step 5: Attributes The Six Attributes:
Attributes determine how strong, agile, tough, smart,
observant and persuasive your character is. Each Strength (STR)
of the six attributes has a name (e.g. “Strength”), a
Strength measures your character’s muscle and
score (e.g. “14”) and a modifier (e.g. +2). The score is
physical power. Strength is important for characters
typically between 3 and 18 (although it can go higher),
who regularly engage in melee combat, since it offers
and represents the range between the weakest and the
a bonus to the chance of hitting and to the amount of
strongest in that attribute among normal humans. A 12
damage dealt with melee weapons. A high Strength is
is just above average and an 18 is significantly above
required for some heavy items.
Apply your character’s Strength modifier to:
Modifiers are what actually help your character during
the game, often adding a bonus to a roll. Modifiers are
▪ Melee attack rolls.
based on the Attribute’s score. A score of 12 or 13
adds a +1 bonus to a task relevant to the attribute it is ▪ Damage rolls when using a melee
associated with. weapon or a thrown weapon.
1 -5 Dexterity (DEX)
2-3 -4 Dexterity measures hand-eye coordination, agility,
reflexes, and balance. Dexterity is important for
4-5 -3 characters that specialize in sneaking or in the use of
ranged weapons, such as Spellchrome pistols. A high
6-7 -2
Dexterity can also help a character avoid an attack,
8-9 -1 making it desirable for any combat focused character.
Constitution (CON) Wisdom (WIS)
Constitution represents your character’s health and Wisdom describes a character’s willpower, common
stamina. A Constitution bonus increases a character’s sense, perception and intuition. While Intelligence
Hit Points (HP), so while it is important for all types of represents one’s ability to analyze information, Wisdom
characters, it is especially integral for those who expect represents being in tune with and aware of one’s
to be in the thick of combat. surroundings. Since Wisdom is tied to perception, any
character who wishes to have acute senses should put
▪ You apply your character’s Constitution modifier to: points towards Wisdom. Wisdom is also tied to some
important Skills, such as Healing, and Sense Motive.
▪ Total Hit Points, each time a new level is gained.
▪ Fortitude saving throws, for resisting You apply your character’s Wisdom modifier to:
poison, some spells and similar attacks.
▪ Willpower saving throws (for negating the effect
▪ The Concentration and Endurance Skills. of mind affecting attacks, such as some spells).
▪ Note: if a character’s Constitution modifier ▪ Skills that have Wisdom as their key ability.
changes, the character’s hit points also (Cooking, Domestic proficiency, Gamble, Listen
increase or decrease accordingly. and Spot, Professional proficiency, Heal, Navigate,
Sense Motive, Survival and Hunting, Tracking)
Intelligence (INT)
Intelligence determines how well your character learns Charisma (CHA)
and reasons. Intelligence is important for characters Charisma measures a character’s force of personality,
that expect to be making lots of critical and challenging persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead
Skill tests. and physical attractiveness. This ability represents
actual strength of personality, not merely how one is
You apply your character’s Intelligence modifier to: perceived by others in a social setting. Charisma is
important for characters that want to cast more spells
▪ The number of Skill Points your because it influences their Magic Points. A character’s
character has each day to spend. magical prowess is limited by the number of Magic
Points they have, but the Charisma modifier adds to
▪ Skills that have Intelligence as this.
their key ability. (Appraise,
Craft, Knowledge: common You apply your character’s Charisma modifier to:
or popular, Repair, Speak
Languages, Decipher Script ▪ The number of Magic Points your
and Write Languages, character has each day to spend.
Forgery and Detect Forgery,
Gather Evidence, Investigate, ▪ Checks that represent attempts
Knowledge: academic, specific to influence others.
or obscure, Research)
▪ Skills that have Charisma as their key
▪ Note: if a character’s Intelligence ability. (Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle animal,
modifier changes, the character’s Perform, Disguise, Gather Information,
daily Skill points also increase Interrogate, Intimidate)
or decrease accordingly.
Determine Attribute Score Step 6: Hit Points & Combat Ability
In Spellchrome all of the 6 Attributes start at 10. You Hit Points (HP)
then have 20 points to spend increasing your charac-
ter’s Attributes, providing the following rules: The game system uses Hit Points (HP) to determine
whether characters are alive and able to keep fighting,
▪ Each point spent adds 1 to an attribute. or out of Hit Points and incapacitated, dying or dead.
Characters gain a certain number of Hit Points each
▪ Spending 1 point makes the Attribute
level. For example, a Character who gains 6 Hit Points
“11”; spending 8 of your 20 points
per level would have 12 HP at Level two and 18 HP
makes the Attribute “18”.
at Level three. Occasionally, one-time bonuses are
▪ You may not spend more than 8 added as well, but these do not multiply.
points on a single Attribute.
▪ You may not spend more than 15 points on Determine Hit Points:
the 3 Physical Attributes (STR, DEX, CON). A character’s Hit Points are determined by the Ancient
Sign they were born under, the Social Class they were
▪ You may not spend more than 15 points on
raised in and their Constitution Modifier.
the 3 Mental Attributes (INT, WIS, CHA).
Starting Combat Feats Your Base Melee Attack Bonus is determined using the
same method. (See the Combat Feats melee basic and
Starting Combat Feats are way of managing different melee advanced). See the Attack Ability Table below
character’s combat ability. You will “spend” them a bit for a summary.
later to determine what your character is good at in
Attack Ability Table
Determine how many starting Combat Feats your
character has: Ranged Base Attack Type
Base Attack Bonus Table
Level Poor Good Best
1 +0 +0 +1
2 +1 +1 +2
3 +1 +2 +3
4 +2 +3 +4
5 +2 +3 +5
6 +3 +4 +6 / +1
7 +3 +5 +7 / +2
8 +4 +6 / +1 +8 / +3
9 +4 +6 / +1 +9 / +4
10 +5 +7 / +2 +10 / +5
11 +5 +8 / +3 +11 / +6 / +1
12 +6 / +1 +9 / +4 +12 / +7 / +2
13 +6 / +1 +9 / +4 +13 / +8 / +3
14 +7 / +2 +10 / +5 +14 / +9 / +4
Skill Categories Basic Intelligence Based Skills:
▪ (Appraise, Craft, Knowledge: common or
The 12 Skill Categories at a Glance popular, Repair, Speak Languages)
Basic Strength » Advanced Strength
Based Skills Based Skills Advanced Intelligence Based Skills:
▪ (Decipher Script and Write Languages,
Basic Dexterity » Advanced Dexterity
Forgery and Detect Forgery, Gather and
Based Skills Based Skills
Analyze Evidence, Investigate, Knowledge:
Basic Constitution » Advanced academic, specific or obscure, Research)
Based Skills Constitution
Based Skills Basic Wisdom Based Skills:
Basic Intelligence » Advanced Intelligence ▪ (Cooking, Domestic proficiency, Gamble,
Based Skills Based Skills Listen and Spot, Professional proficiency)
The 12 Skill Categories, with the associated Skills, are Basic Charisma Based Skills:
as follows. ▪ (Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle animal, Perform)
More on Skills
Advanced Strength Based Skills: Chapter 4 discusses at what level you gain an additional
▪ (Lift, Melee Smash, Open, Strength Training 2) Skill Category and how to increase Skill points, as well
as an option that makes your trained
Basic Dexterity Based Skills: Skills slightly more realistic.
Step 8: Spell Categories
Determine how many Spell Categories your character
Magic Points & Spell Categories may choose:
Magic Points (MP)
Ancient Sign Spell Category Choices
Magic Points (MP) are used to cast a spell that a
character knows. 1 MP allows a character to cast one Armoes 2
spell, one time. A player has a finite amount of Magic
Points to spend. Magic Points refresh each day, after a Burgon 4
character has rested.
Calmen 2
Determine Magic Points: Danar 4
A character’s Magic Points are determined by the
Etherami 7
Ancient Sign they were born under, the Social Class
they were raised in and their Charisma Modifier. Feylore 7
Unlike the skill categories, Spells are not divided Light:
into basic and advanced categories. A certain Spell
category is not required before selecting another. ▪ (Blinding Light, Dagger of Light, Globe of
Light, Object of Light, Obliterate Shadow)
Spell Categories
The 12 Spell Categories at a Glance ▪ (Barrier Against Remote Senses, Breathe, Extend
Shielding, Magical Shield, Physical Shield)
Combat Focus Death
Shadow Telekinesis
▪ (Choke, Leap, Levitate Self, Lift Object, Unlock)
Telepathy Weather
▪ (Examine Supernatural, Last Moment, Remote
Senses, Sense Aim, Sense Hidden, Sense Truth)
Step 9: Saving Throws Armoes Saving Throws
Rolling a Saving Throw is a game mechanic that Level FORT(12/20) REF(9/20) WILL(6/20)
determines whether a character avoids or receives 1 +2 +0 +0
the full effect of certain spells, attacks, or other
2 +3 +1 +0
occurrences. Typically a character will want to
3 +3 +1 +1
avoid the effect, which requires rolling a Fortitude,
4 +4 +2 +1
Reflex or Willpower Saving Throw. To attempt a
Saving Throw, a character rolls 1d20 and adds 5 +4 +2 +1
their base saving throw, plus a bonus from their 6 +5 +3 +2
applicable Attribute Modifier. The player then 7 +5 +3 +2
compares the result to a predetermined Difficulty 8 +6 +4 +2
Number; if the roll meets or exceeds the Difficulty 9 +6 +4 +3
number, the player avoids the effect. (Note: Some 10 +7 +5 +3
spells or attacks may specify that certain results 11 +7 +5 +3
cause half damage, etc.) 12 +8 +5 +4
13 +8 +6 +4
Fortitude Saving Throws (FORT) are used when a
physical effect might be resisted. For example, poison 14 +9 +6 +4
might be resisted by someone who rolls a high Fortitude 15 +9 +7 +5
save. Add your Constitution Modifier to your Saving 16 +10 +7 +5
Throw. 17 +10 +8 +5
18 +11 +8 +6
Reflex Saving Throws (REF) are used to avoid an
attack that can be dodged. Auto-Hit Spells often 19 +11 +9 +6
involve a Reflex Saving Throw to avoid some or all of 20 +12 +9 +6
the damage. Add your Dexterity Modifier to your Saving
Burgon Saving Throws
Willpower Saving Throws (WILL) are used to resist
Level FORT(12/20) REF(6/20) WILL(9/20)
mind attacks and invasions. Some Telepathy spells,
such as Mind Read, can be resisted by someone who 1 +2 +0 +0
rolls a high Willpower save. Add your Wisdom Modifier 2 +3 +0 +1
to your Saving Throw. 3 +3 +1 +1
4 +4 +1 +2
Determine Saving Throws: 5 +4 +1 +2
Saving Throws are based on the Ancient Sign your 6 +5 +2 +3
character was born under, as well the Applicable 7 +5 +2 +3
Attribute modifier (see above). 8 +6 +2 +4
9 +6 +3 +4
Following are each of the Ancient Sign’s base 10 +7 +3 +5
saving throws, for each level. Use the charts to 11 +7 +3 +5
determine your bonus for level 1 (or whichever 12 +8 +4 +5
level your character is starting at). Check back 13 +8 +4 +6
once you raise a level. 14 +9 +4 +6
15 +9 +5 +7
16 +10 +5 +7
17 +10 +5 +8
18 +11 +6 +8
19 +11 +6 +9
20 +12 +6 +9
Calman Saving Throws Etherami Saving Throws
Level FORT(9/20) REF(12/20) WILL(6/20) Level FORT(9/20) REF(6/20) WILL(12/20)
1 +0 +2 +0 1 +0 +0 +2
2 +1 +3 +0 2 +1 +0 +3
3 +1 +3 +1 3 +1 +1 +3
4 +2 +4 +1 4 +2 +1 +4
5 +2 +4 +1 5 +2 +1 +4
6 +3 +5 +2 6 +3 +2 +5
7 +3 +5 +2 7 +3 +2 +5
8 +4 +6 +2 8 +4 +2 +6
9 +4 +6 +2 9 +4 +2 +6
10 +5 +7 +3 10 +5 +3 +7
11 +5 +7 +3 11 +5 +3 +7
12 +5 +8 +4 12 +5 +4 +8
13 +6 +8 +4 13 +6 +4 +8
14 +6 +9 +4 14 +6 +4 +9
15 +7 +9 +5 15 +7 +5 +9
16 +7 +10 +5 16 +7 +5 +10
17 +8 +10 +5 17 +8 +5 +10
18 +8 +11 +6 18 +8 +6 +11
19 +9 +11 +6 19 +9 +6 +11
20 +9 +12 +6 20 +9 +6 +12
Step 10: Feats
What are Feats?
Feats represent special training and talent that
help make you character unique, and are a way
of improving your character. Feats can remove
penalties from particular actions or give your
character new abilities. They can also add extra
Hit Points, Skill Points, Magic Points or Empower-
ment Points.
Important feats
Powerful Soul: Adds 1 Empowerment Point for your
character to allocate to “turning on” Spellchrome
equipment. You start out with 10 Empowerment points.
This Feat may only be selected once per level
Step 11: Equipment Equipment Package 2
Equipment plays a large role in the Spellchrome Game.
Special empowerable weapons, such as the iconic
(Select Your Equipment)
Spellchrome Pistol, allow a more much more powerful This package gives you greater control over what items
attack than the traditional crossbow used in the previous your character will own. It requires you to spend time
century. Communication devices allow team members looking through the equipment selection and make
to coordinate together. Transportation has improved manual choices.
for those that can afford the new technology.
▪ Choose any 1 Ranged Weapon, costing
Your character will probably start out with some basic less than 200 Silver Credits
equipment. Throughout their career they will continue
▪ Choose any 1 Melee Weapon, costing
to gain a better selection of equipment.
less than 200 Silver Credits
Carrying Equipment Damage Reduction
Player characters are allowed to carry a reasonable Some armour has damage reduction (typically an
amount of equipment. What is reasonable in an RPG invisible energy shield). If an armour’s Damage
is more equipment than you or I could carry in the Reduction is a dice value, such as “1d6”, roll that once
real world, but not so much as to be ridiculous. Note you have been hit and subtract that number from the
that a higher Strength Attribute is beneficial as some damage you are dealt. Keep the result of the dice roll,
armour and weapons have minimum strength require- applying the same Damage Reduction for the rest of
ments. Furthermore, a high Strength attribute will help the round.
if there is a question from the GM about how much your
character is carrying. For example, Talon faces off against two opponents.
Both score hits (rolling 16 or higher) and do damage.
For the GM: Many players will carry more equipment The first one does 9 points of damage, so Talon’s
than you think is right. Do not worry about it unless it player rolls 1d6 and gets a 4. He subtracts 4 points of
gets excessive. If they want to carry a pistol, a rifle, a damage from the attack, taking 5. The other attacker’s
cannon and a sword, let them. The empowerment costs damage is 12; Talon subtracts 4, and takes 8 damage.
restrict their use enough. However, if a player wants If he is hit next round, he will roll 1d6 again and use that
to carry 3 or 4 cannons, check their Strength attribute; number to determine his Damage Reduction for any
unless it is very high, inform the player that carrying damage dealt to him.
everything would encumber them to the point that they
couldn’t walk. Also, remind the players when it is prob-
lematic for them to be openly carrying big menacing
Extraordinary Hit Points
weapons, as the place and situation dictates. Some armours have Extraordinary Hit Points (EX-HP)
as a form of extra protection. These are Hit Points that
For the players: Be reasonable about the equipment are lost before your character’s normal Hit Points. In
your character carries and so will the GM. It is alright the above example, Talon had 5 and then 8 points
to have a few weapons for different situations, but of damage done to him after accounting for damage
remember that there is a limit. For example, you reduction. His armour, fully repaired, has 10 Extraor-
normally would not carry more than one set of armour. dinary Hit Points. The first 5 damage is taken off from
If you acquire a lot of equipment, remember than you the Armour’s Extraordinary Hit Points. The second
do not always have to carry it with you. You can leave attack’s 8 points of damage remove the remaining 5
it at home (if your character has a permanent address), points. Talon takes 3 points of damage in total and has
on a mount or in a vehicle. Finally, if you do need to no more Extraordinary Hit Points for the next combat
carry a lot of equipment, make sure that you wear round.
the appropriate gear, such as a utility backpack and
combat webbing. Extraordinary Hit Points replenish automatically at
a base rate per hour, and can also be restored more
quickly with the use of a Repair Calibrator (found in the
Determining Armour Class equipment section).
Your character’s AC is a base of 10 + their Dexterity
bonus. Your armour’s AC bonus also adds to this
Special Situations
Dexterity and armour cannot help in all situations.
For example, Talon’s Dexterity is 14, which means he These situations are known as either “Flat Footed”,
has a +2 Dexterity Modifier. Without Armour, Talon’s which means you cannot react and do not benefit
AC is 12. If someone were to throw a punch at him, they from a dexterity bonus, or as “Touch AC”, meaning the
would need to make a melee attack roll and get a 12 or armour you are wearing does not help. See the combat
higher to hit him. When Talon puts on and empowers chapter for more details.
his armour (which adds +4 AC) his AC becomes 16.
Step 12: Finishing Touches General Looks
This section presents a series of questions to help you How does your character keep their hair, short or
round out your character and make him or her your long? Do they have any tattoos or jewellery? How
own. It is not critical to nail down every aspect before might you visually describe your character in a few
beginning to play, however you will definitely need a short sentences? What details stick out? Remember to
name - you do not want the GM choosing one for you. include any visual traits that you rolled. Make a couple
of notes about what your character looks like. It need
not be more than a few words.
Choose a Name
If you have not come up with a name for your character,
now is the time to do so. Names in Spellchrome can Motivation
be many things. You can have a traditional medieval Why does your character adventure? What goals does
fantasy name that reflects the heritage of your your character have? Do they seek fortune, fame, power
character and setting. You can go by a street name if or a bit of everything? What causes do they believe in?
your character has a rougher background. Your name What other factors are important to them?
can be a call sign, as many citizens serve time in one
of the Eldlandrian militaries in the war effort against the
Nova Dirge.
Eye Sight Note
Most people have good eyesight, as weak vision is
Bottom line: Your name can be anything that pleases corrected early in life through magical or Allterion
you, providing it is serious enough to be acceptable by means.
the GM. Once you decide on a name, write it down!
Missing Stats
Choose a Gender If you happen to be missing any Stats, use the
Your character may be either Male or Female. Gender following:
biases vary from region to region. There are no statis-
tical differences. Write down your character’s gender. ▪ HP (Hit Points): Determined by Ancient Sign +
Social Class Bonus (if any) + Constitution Modifier.
Determine Age ▪ SP (Skill Points): Determined by Ancient Sign +
If you need help figuring out your character’s age, Social Class Bonus (if any) + Intelligence Modifier.
roll 1d6 and add 17. Eighteen is considered adult by ▪ MP (Magic Points): Determined by Ancient Sign +
medieval Eldlandrian standards. Write your character’s Social Class Bonus (if any) + Charisma Modifier.
age down.
▪ EP (Empowerment Points): Starts at a Base of
10 for all character. Raised gradually over time
Determine Height and Weight and with the use of the Powerful Soul Feat.
Most human men are around six feet tall. To help
determine your character’s height, roll 1d10. A low roll ▪ Initiative Bonus: Is equal to your Dexterity
means your character is a bit shorter, a high roll means Modifier. Add the modifier to your d20
your character is a bit taller. Women are typically result when rolling for Initiative.
several inches shorter than six feet. Choose a weight
that is appropriate for the Player Character. If your Transfer notes to a character sheet
character has any, remember to factor in applicable Many players like to use scrap-paper to make notes on
visual traits from step 3. Note down your character’s and figure out their character. If you have not already,
height and weight. transfer these notes to the standard character sheet
(time and materials permitting). If everyone uses the
General Impression same character sheet, it can make the game run more
smoothly when information needs to be determined
What kind of first impression does your character about a particular stat.
make? What is his or her personality like? What do they
like to do for fun? What do they find boring? How would
someone else sum up the character? Make a couple of
notes about what your character is like. It need not be
more than a few words.
Step 13: Play the Game! Sample Characters
Good, you have got a group together, with fellow players
Use the sample character section to either choose a ready-
and a GM. You might be making a character in a hurry made character, or use the samples as a guide to create your
so you can play in “half an hour”. While an effort has own character. The sample characters are as follows:
been made to streamline aspects of character creation,
it always takes longer than expected. If everyone else is ▪ H-Class Warrior........................... 35
ready to play, make sure you have the basics covered,
and worry about the rest later. Just start playing. You ▪ Bounty Hunter ............................. 36
can fill in what you need as you go along. ▪ Tough-as-Nails Detective ............ 37
If you do have the time to finish and check everything ▪ Guardian Protector ...................... 38
over, great - your game session will likely be that much
smoother. ▪ Arcane Soldier............................. 39
▪ Gun-Wraith .................................. 49
Attribute Table
Score Modifier
1 -5
2-3 -4
4-5 -3
6-7 -2
8-9 -1
10-11 +0
12-13 +1
14-15 +2
16-17 +3
18-19 +4
20-21 +5
22-23 +6
24-25 +7
Etc... Etc...
Heavy Class Warrior
Heavy Class Warriors are trained under various names
throughout the Kingdoms of Eldlandria. Regardless of what
they call themselves, there is a constant need for men and
women who are tough and able to stand up to the threat at
hand. For these warriors, Strength and durability are priori-
tized over speed. H-Class Warriors often wield the biggest
weapons available to them.
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 11
Basic Strength Based Skills A set of plain clothes (shirt, pants, boots, coat, belt)
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunters have to be skilled enough to track down their
prey and tough enough to bring them in. The same skills and
abilities that allow Bounty Hunters to hunt fugitives and find
missing people make them valuable team members. Bounty
Hunters have a reputation for being good in a fight and
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Precise Shot
Toughness (Factored)
Per Level Feat (1) Atlurg M Spellchrome Pistol
Quick Draw (+2 Initiative Bonus Factored) EL-1 Stun Club
Armour Class: 13 + 4 = 17 AC
“Tough as Nails” Detective
The “Tough as Nails” Detective is the classic Hard Boiled
Detective. Rarely do they solve crimes through sheer intellect
alone – they also usually get their hands dirty. They tend
to figure things out the hard way, always at the center of
violence. They often work freelance for private clients or law
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12
Precise Shot
Toughness (Factored)
Ceburx 44 Heavy Spellchrome Pistol
XF Heavy Fist
Weapon Accuracy: Heavy Pistols
Outer-Plated Medium Coat Armour
Armour Class: 12 + 3 = 15 AC
Guardian Protector
The Guardian Protector is a fighter and spell-caster, with
an emphasis on defensive combat and the ability to protect
others. Some work as bodyguards, other provide location
security. As a secondary role, Guardian Protectors are
capable healers.
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Precise Shot
Advanced Wisdom A set of plain clothes (shirt, pants, boots, coat, belt)
Armour Class: 13 + 3 = 13 AC
Arcane Soldier
Arcane Soldiers are trained throughout the lands of Eldlandria,
typically in exclusive schools dedicated to the best of magic
and warfare. They are especially known for their ranged
magical attacks. They have been forced to adapt in the last
century to a greater use of weaponry and armour as new,
empowerable items have become available.
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
Precise Shot
Toughness (Factored)
Sturg RF Spellchrome Rifle
XF Heavy Fist
Caster’s Energy (Factored)
Delfurh .9 Light Spellchrome Pistol
Telekinesis Base AC: 10 + 3(Dex) = 13 AC
Weather With H-G Light Plate (3 EP)
Elemental Brawler
Elemental Brawlers are well known and sought after for
their close-combat fighting abilities. They often practice and
hone their talents at small schools among other Elemental
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 14
Toughness (Factored)
2 days Rations
11 Silver Credits
Combat Focus
“Scout” is the nice term given to those trained in the art of
reconnaissance. The scout excels at quickly obtaining infor-
mation from a distance. They also have the skills to open
locks and avoid detection at a close distance, if needed. Most
Scouts are excellent outdoors men.
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
The Warden’s full title is “Warden Investigator”. Wardens are
trained throughout the Kingdoms to investigate major crimes.
They are skill heavy, learning the science of examining
evidence and interviewing potential suspects. They also
need to be capable fighters in order to enforce the law. Some
wardens always work from one location, while others travel -
investigating crimes no one else has.
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
Precise Shot
A Highwayman is someone who secretly possess the skills of
a professional thief. Many Highwaymen are trained by covert
agencies and secret societies. Common thievery is below
most Highwaymen; instead they are confidentially employed
by the Kingdoms to work as their operatives - typically working
under the cover of a mundane title. For obvious reasons, no
one ever announces that they are a highwayman.
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base AC: 10 + 3(Dex) = 13 AC
With Lundor-Blue Armour (5 EP)
Armour Class: 13 + 5 = 18AC
Paranormal Auditor
Paranormal Auditors deal with the unusual, the supernatural,
and the fiendish creatures that others are not equipped to
deal with. Before the disaster of 1049 breached The Barrier,
the Paranormal Auditor’s job was relatively small. In the
modern day, post ’49 world, their job is much more difficult
and deadly. Their expertise is often enough to find the Terror
stalking the streets, but need to be backed up with a few big
guns to take the thing out.
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Advanced Intelligence A set of plain clothes (shirt, pants, boots, coat, belt)
Phantom Rogue
Phantom Rogues are good climbers and explorers, using skill
and magic to access high and otherwise awkward places.
They are also good at traveling unseen. Phantom Rogues
sometimes form small guilds, gathering to practice their craft
in the city heights.
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Hatchetman is a term used to describe Spies and Assassins.
Hatchetmen are good at infiltrating organizations and gaining
trust. They are also good at learning secrets and performing
other covert actions. Most Hatchetmen work in the service of
their Kingdom. Their talents can easily be put to use outside
of their primary purpose when working with other groups.
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Telepathy Base AC: 10 + 3(Dex) = 13 AC
Battle Caster
Battle Casters are capable soldiers, but job number one for
them is supporting others in the battlefield. They are taught a
range of spells that are useful when problems occur. Whether
you need favourable weather, communications, added
protection, illumination or quick healing, the Battle Caster is
there to provide it.
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
Telekinesis Base AC: 10 + 3(Dex) = 13 AC
Telepathy With Kinnat MV Armour (5 EP)
Weather Armour Class: 13 + 4 = 17AC
Dark Blade
The original Dark Blades were Barbarians, naturally adept in
Black Magic. Modern Dark Blades, while more refined, keep
the tradition of mastering heavy blades and Necromancy.
Dark Blades often maintain an uneasy relationship with the
outside world, but are championed during times of need and
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Power Hit
Telekinesis Base AC: 10 + 3(Dex) = 13 AC
Telepathy With Outer-Plated Medium Coat (4 EP)
Weather Armour Class: 13 + 3 = 16AC
The Gun-Wraith is a field agent that uses magic and guns to
rapidly resolve an immediate threat. Gun-Wraiths are trained
by several different Kingdoms as fast responders, where they
learn to move quickly and unseen. Early Gun-Wraiths were
taught to dual wield pistols, the talent which they are now
most commonly associated with.
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 14
Precise Shot
Shadow Base AC: 10 + 4(Dex) = 14 AC
Telekinesis With L6 Hard Shell Armour (5 EP)
Telepathy Armour Class: 14 + 4 = 18AC
Urban Wizard
The Urban Wizard is a utility mage, a person to turn to for basic
magical services. They are often paid to warm a customer’s
home with the Heat Object spell, or Chill the Ice box with the
Freeze Object spell. Within a group, the Urban Wizard is a
valuable asset, bringing a multitude of magic versatility.
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
Greystone Sorcerer
Greystone Sorcerers are among the best healers in the
world. To graduate from Greystone Academy, the individual
must be a highly skilled healer, as well as magically powerful.
Other spells and ranged combat are also taught, as part of
their training.
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
Thunder Mage
Thunder Mages are good combat spellcasters and melee
fighters. They often train with a single master, strictly following
methods developed centuries ago. They learn spells that
cause damage or otherwise aid in combat. Their other training
involves physical labour and melee combat. Recently, some
have also started to train with modern ranged weapons.
Str 17, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Telekinesis Base AC: 10 + 3(Dex) = 13 AC
Weather With Silver-Coat Armour (5 EP)
Multiple Variations
The choices made in creating the sample characters
were only one of many paths that could have been
taken. Many things could be changed, altering how the
character turns out. Maybe a different Ancient Sign
could make the concept work even better, or maybe
different Magic Category selections. Players are
encouraged to look at the sample characters and
make changes - to create version they think are
optimal. (At the end, remember to double check
everything by going through the character
creation steps.)
Chapter 3: Level Advancement Level Advancement Table
Level System Level XP Attribute New Feat
Characters in Roleplaying games get better at what Needed Bonus
they do as they gain experience. Spellchrome uses a
level system to determine how advanced a character 1 1000 1st
is (this helps the GM determine what kind of challenge
a group can handle). Characters gain experience from
adventuring or completing missions. Gaining enough 2 2000 2nd
experience lets a character achieve a new level. New
levels are what give characters new abilities. A character 3 3000 3rd
starts out with 1,000 experience, which gives them just
enough XP to reach level 1. They have training, but not 4 4000 1st 4th
a lot of hands-on experience.
5 5000 5th
Raising a level, or “levelling up”, is something that most
Players look forward to. It is rewarding to see their
character gain power and abilities. It is not the only
6 6000 6th
reason to play, but it can be strong motivation in a fun
campaign. 7 7000 7th
The Level Advancement Table below shows how much 8 8000 2nd 8th
XP a character needs in order to reach a particular
level. It also shows Attribute bonuses and new feats. 9 9000 9th
XP Needed: Once awarded new XP, it is cumulatively
10 10,000 10th
added to a character’s XP total. A character gains a
new level once they meet or exceed the XP needed for
that level. 11 11,000 11th
Note to GMs: Typically you would only award XP at the 12 12,000 3rd 12th
end of a session, or whenever you do not mind Players
taking the time to possibly level up. (See awarding XP 13 13,000 13th
in Chapter 9: Running the Game)
19 19,000 19th
Bonus Skill Category: At levels 5, 10, and 15 characters
Skill and Magic Advancement Table gain one new Skill Category. It may be any Basic Skill
Level New Skill Spell Power New Spell Category, or any Advanced Skill Category which the
Category Stage Category Player has the Basic Skill Category for.
Bonus Empowerment Points & Levelling Up Recap Table Levelling Hit Points,
Level Bonus Levelling Up Recap Attacks and Saves
EP Hit Points (HP): Add your character’s base Hit Points
to your previous total. Base Hit Points are determined
1 Stage 1 Spell Power
by your character’s Ancient Sign, Social Class and
2 1st 1 Bonus EP Constitution modifier. Feats do not add to your base
Hit Points.
3 Stage 2 Spell Power
Example: Coleridge has just reached level 3. He has
4 Attribute Bonus a base HP of +6. (+4 from the Sign of Calmen, +0 from
the Nobility Social Class, and +2 from a Constitution
5 New Skill Category, 1 Bonus SP
of 15.) He has taken the Toughness feat once, which
adds a onetime bonus of +3 HP. At level 2 he had 15
6 New Spell Category, 1 Bonus MP
Hit Points (6 lvl 1 HPs+6 lvl 2 HPs+3 Toughness HPs).
7 2nd 1 Bonus EP Now at level 3 he has 21 Hit Points (6+6+6+3).
8 Attribute Bonus Base Attack Bonuses: Raising a level means that your
Ranged, Melee, or both Base Attack Bonuses may
9 Stage 3 Spell Power have improved. See the Base Attack Bonus Table.
10 New Skill Category, 1 Bonus SP Saving Throws: Raising a level means that one or more
of your saving throws may have improved. See Saving
11 New Spell Category, 1 Bonus MP
Throws (pg 28). Note that Saving Throws differ based
on Ancient Sign.
12 Attribute Bonus
13 3rd 1 Bonus EP
Base Attack Bonus Table
14 Stage 4 Spell Power
Level Poor Good Best
2 +1 +1 +2
16 Attribute Bonus
3 +1 +2 +3
17 New Spell Category, 1 Bonus MP
4 +2 +3 +4
18 4th 1 Bonus EP 5 +2 +3 +5
6 +3 +4 +6 / +1
19 5th 1 Bonus EP
7 +3 +5 +7 / +2
20 Attribute Bonus
8 +4 +6 / +1 +8 / +3
See also Hit Points, Base Attack Bonuses and Saving Throws 10 +5 +7 / +2 +10 / +5
11 +5 +8 / +3 +11 / +6 / +1
Soul. Characters gain 1 new feat per level. 16 +8 / +3 +12 / +7 / +2 +16 / +11 / +6 / +1
▪ Do give the character additional XP,
Awarding XP so they don’t start at level 1.
Players gain Experience Points from a variety of ▪ A new character probably shouldn’t receive
related activities, including completing goals, defeating more XP than an old character, unless that
difficult foes, good planning, quick thinking, playing old character has been frequently absent.
in character, making the game fun for others and
concluding adventures. Since the GM can give XP ▪ Use your best judgement. Note that the game
for anything, she can always come up with a reason usually runs better when everyone is close in level.
to reward a group that is playing well. Generally, all
Players present should receive the same amount of Example: Mitch’s schedule at work has changed and
XP. If someone does some exceptional roleplaying, he can now start playing. First, he makes a level 1
everyone should enjoy the reward. character like normal, then asks the GM if he receives
any additional XP so his character is not lagging behind.
The GM decides how much XP is awarded. A good The GM looks at the rest of the character’s XP: Two
guideline is 50-100 XP per hour of game session. Players have 5200 XP, another, since she missed one
Ultimately the two controlling factors are 1) rewarding game session, has 4750 XP and the last Player has
good game play, and 2) moderating the rate of missed a couple of games, so he has 4250 XP. In this
advancement. You do not want characters gaining case, about 4000 XP would be appropriate.
levels every session, especially if your group is able to
game regularly. At the same time, Players do not want Equipment issues for new characters
to go too long between levelling, especially if they are It is often best to have the player choose equipment as
putting a lot of effort into the game. normal for a 1st level character. The GM can upgrade
and add a few selections, depending on the situation.
Notable Exception The rest can be resolved in-game.
There is a general exception to moderating the rate of
advancement. Since first level characters have very Issues of Training
few Hit Points, it is often desirable for them to get up Let us say that a character reaches a level where they
to level 2 or 3 fairly quickly. It is acceptable and even gain a new Skill Category or Magic Spell Category. This
encouraged for characters to reach level 2 by the game assumes that they do not need special onetime
end of their first or second session. The GM should, training to learn these new Skills or Spells. Any learning
however, make a point of explaining that this beginning done is from adventuring or in between adventures.
XP is overly generous (for survivability purposes), and
will be scaled back in future adventurers. It would however be perfectly acceptable to start an
adventure with a character learning from a trainer,
Similar XP information is represented in Chapter 9: providing it had something
Running the Game. to do with a plot point
or hook.
Starting an Advanced Character
It will happen that one Player will need to make a new
character after everyone else has. Perhaps the Player
is new to the group. If so, great, welcome aboard new
Player, you can sit over here. Have you met everyone
before? These are the characters that they are playing.
It may also be that a character has died and a new
character has to be made (see Chapter 9: Combat
and Chapter 10: Running the Game for dealing with
character death). Or a Player might simply want to
make a new character, which is fine as long as this is
not overly frequent.
Chapter 4: Skills Difficulty Class (DC)
Many checks are made against a Difficulty Class (DC).
Skills Introduction In order to succeed in a check, you must roll the DC
or higher using that check’s skill. Each applicable skill
Most characters have different skill categories, which
has a section that talks about determining difficulty.
means that they can do different things. Ronin, a
Ultimately it is up the GM to decide if the task for the
Ninja-like character, has the Advanced Dexterity Based
specific skill is Easy, Average, Tough, and so on.
Skills, so he could likely take something from a guard
that he was talking to by using the Sleight of Hand Skill.
Driden, a large solider who concentrates on Strength Difficulty Class Ratings Table
and Constitution Skill Categories, would likely get
Difficulty DC Example (Skill Used)
caught if he tried pick pocketing the same guard. But
that’s okay, because Driden’s chosen Skill Categories Very Easy 0 Notice a large object in plain
make him better at what he does. sight (Spot and Listen)
Spellchrome uses Skill Categories, which are groups of Easy 5 Climb a knotted rope (Climb)
Opposed Skill Checks Basic Constitution Based Skills:
Sometimes when a character performs a skill, it is ▪ (Concentration, Endurance, Physical
opposed by another skill. For example, Hide and Move Training 1, Running)
Silently checks are opposed by Listen and Spot. First,
the sneaking character rolls Hide and Move Silently.
A bonus or penalty may be added by the GM, based
Advanced Constitution Based Skills:
on circumstances (darkness and cover helps someone ▪ (Awake, Physical Training 2, Poison
sneak, a bright open area imposes a penalty). Next, Resistance, Resist Elements)
anyone in the immediate vicinity gets to make a Listen
and Spot check, trying to meet or exceed the Hide and
Move Silent check result.
Basic Intelligence Based Skills:
▪ (Appraise, Craft, Knowledge: common or
Details for Opposed Checks are listed under applicable popular, Repair, Speak Languages)
skill descriptions.
Advanced Intelligence Based Skills:
Skill Points ▪ (Decipher Script and Write Languages,
Skill Points (SP) are determined under Step 7 of Forgery and Detect Forgery, Gather and
Character Creation. Skill Points represent mental and Analyze Evidence, Investigate, Knowledge:
physical focus - the idea that, while your character is academic, specific or obscure, Research)
capable of incredible results, it is difficult to make huge
successes repeatedly. Unlike Hit Points, Skill Points Basic Wisdom Based Skills:
are not necessarily added each level; however, a char-
acter’s general skill bonus does increase each level. ▪ (Cooking, Domestic proficiency, Gamble,
Listen and Spot, Professional proficiency)
A Skill Point is not required in order to attempt a skill
– it only helps a character succeed. (Using a SP on a Advanced Wisdom Based Skills:
trained skill adds +1d8 to the roll. Using a SP on an
untrained skill adds +1d4 to the roll.) See Using Skills ▪ (Heal, Navigate, Sense Motive,
for details. Survival and Hunting, Tracking)
Choose the Skill Categories that you think your Retry? Yes, as long as a character hasn’t hurt them selves
character will benefit from. When in doubt, the Basic too much.
Dexterity Based Skills are good to take, since they let
Special: Adventurers may use pitons to stop them selves from
your character drive or ride - which is always useful.
falling too far. This slows movement, but usually reduces the
maximum distance fallen to 10 feet. Damage still applies.
The 12 Skill Categories at a Glance
Related: Caymor Climbing Claws (Equipment, pg 143)
Basic Strength » Advanced Strength
The Feat Athletic adds some natural talent to this Skill.
Based Skills Based Skills
Skill Descriptions
Basic Strength Based Skills
▪ Climb, Jump, Strength Training 1, Swim
Ronin uses his climb Skill to get up to a 3rd story window.
Jump Strength Training 1
Ell uses his jump Skill to leap and grab hold of an overhanging Jordrak uses Strength Training to give him a bit of an edge in
walkway before pulling herself up. hand to hand combat.
This Skill allows you leap up to grab a hold of something You have diligently focused on exercise and weight lifting.
above you, or jump over an obstacle or across an opening.
Rules: This Skill adds a onetime bonus of +1 to your Strength
Determining the difficulty: Grabbing on to something - is it Attribute.
just out of reach or significantly out of reach? Jumping over an
obstacle - is it up to the character’s knees, chest, or higher?
Can they use their arms and hand to help themselves? Any Swim
other equipment? Jumping across an opening - how far is the
distance? A short gap or a really long one? In general, is the Omdrio uses the Swim Skill to escape a sinking ship.
character running as they make the attempt? Do they have
room to run? Heavy armour increases difficulty. This Skill allows you to swim effectively.
Success: You can use your available movement to cross the Determining the difficulty: The DC should be fairly low, unless
gap or reach the height, etc. the weather is bad. Rough or stormy water can significantly
increase the difficulty. Tides, under currents, frigid water,
Failure while leaping up - you fail to reach to height and may clothing or armour can also make swimming very difficult.
try again next round as the situation permits. Failure while
jumping over an obstacle - you trip and possibly hurt yourself. Success: You can move about 10 feet, or 1/3rd your normal
Make a reflex Saving throw with a DC equal to 5 plus the movement; slightly faster for a good success.
number you failed your jump test by. Success mean you
recover and remain their on your feet. Failure means you are Failure: You start to go under and start to drown. Each round
prone and take 1d6 damage (DR applies 1 half). you fail, take 1d4 damage. Next round you may make another
swim test, and possibly recover.
Failing to cross a gap - you don’t quite make it. Maybe you
can catch yourself - Make a reflex Saving throw with a DC Special: If your character can breathe water, they avoid the
equal to 5 plus the number you failed your jump test by. damage of downing. Rough water at the surface can still
Success mean you hold on by your hands and can pull cause some damage, as can the cold.
yourself up next round. Failure means you fall, taking
falling damage. The Feat Athletic adds some natural talent to this Skill.
Vallroh uses the lift Skill to topple over a huge statue.
Failure: You did not move the object. Take 1 point of damage
(Damage Reduction does not apply). You may try again as
time permits, increasing the DC by 1 for each try.
Melee Smash Basic Dexterity Based Skills
Salssavac uses the Melee Smash Skill to add an extra thump
▪ Balance, Drive, Hide and Move
to his Gravaton Hammer Attack. Silently, Pilot, Ride, Use Rope
Rules: This Skill allows you to use a Skill Point to add 1d8
damage to a melee damage result, when using a blunt
weapon. Ell uses the Balance Skill as she moves along a narrow
Iceblade uses the open Skill to kick in a door.
Strength Training 2 Failing by 5 or less means you do not move. Failing 6 or more
means you become unbalanced and must make a reflex test.
Torgon uses Strength Training to push his strength to a level Reflex Test: 20 or higher means you recover. 10-19 means
that few will achieve (without the aid of power alterations.) you fall but catch yourself on what you were standing on. (You
will have to pull your self up next round.) A 0-9 means you fall
You have spent many long hours concentrating on intense over without catching yourself, likely taking falling damage.
exercise and weight lifting.
Retry? A character may re-try each round.
Rules: This Skill adds another onetime bonus of +1 to your
Strength Attribute (for a total of +2 when combined with The Feat Agile adds some natural talent to this Skill.
Strength Training 1)
Drive The Spell Shadow Stealth can make this Skill more
Red Shark uses the Drive Skill to make a difficult corner
without wiping on his Fusion Bike. The Feat Stealthy adds some natural talent to this Skill.
You might make an opposed drive test, with a bonus or penalty Determining the difficulty: How routine is the action being
given, based on the differences between the two vehicles. preformed? At what speed is the action happening at?
How manoeuvrable is the vehicle? Is the vehicle in top
Success: You are able to fully or partially pull off what ever performance, or has it suffered damage? What are the
driving manoeuvre you were attempting. Good successes conditions like? (Wind and other weather affects most air
can increase distance traveled, aiding an escape or pursuit. based vehicles more than land based vehicles.)
Failure: The GM must look how close the result came. A Success: You are able to fully or partially pull off what ever
close fail may mean not gaining on an escaping vehicle. A driving manoeuvre you were attempting. Good successes
horrible failure could mean a crash, causing damage to the can increase distance traveled, aiding an escape or pursuit.
vehicle and passengers.
Failure: The GM must look how close the result came. A
close fail may mean not gaining on an escaping vehicle. A
Hide and Move Silently horrible failure could mean a crash, causing damage to the
vehicle and passengers.
Finlay uses the Hide and Move Silently Skill to approach an
enemy camp unnoticed.
This Skill lets you move stealthily.
Shryleen uses the Ride Skill to control her Grado-lion while
scouting an area.
Opposed Skill Check against a Listen and Spot check.
This Skill lets you ride appropriate land based animals such
Determining a bonus or penalty: Is there a lot of cover? How as horses or Grado-lions. Routine tasks do not require a Skill
dark or light out is it? What does the ground consist of? Is check.
the character wearing appropriate armour, or heavy armour
and a lot of equipment? Are the opponents not
Determining the difficulty: How routine is the action being
paying attention, neutral, on watch or actively
preformed? At what speed is the action happening
at? How talented or cooperative is the animal? Is the
animal at top health, or is it hurt? What is the ground
Success: You were able to move and remain
unnoticed, for now. Each time you move, everyone
makes a new roll. Each minute (10 rounds) that
Success: You are able to fully or partially pull off what
goes by, the opponents get a new roll if they
ever riding manoeuvre you were attempting.
are still present.
Failure: You do not succeed at the action being
The GM may give up to a +4 bonus to hit
preformed. Results vary on how much a test was
on the first attack from a character that
missed by and how ambitions the action was.
has gotten into range of their target
One outcome may be that you are thrown from
unnoticed. Additionally, the GM may
your mount.
give +1d8 damage to the first attack in
some situations, such as an exceptional
The Feat Animal Affinity adds some
hide check.
natural talent to this Skill.
Failure: If you fail just by a little, the opponents
will think they saw or heard something, shifting into
a more suspicious posture. If you fail by a lot, you
have been heard and likely spotted. Drama ensues.
Determining the difficulty: When falling, roll an Acrobatics
Use Rope and Tumbling test. A result of 15 reduces the damage by 10
Ronin uses the Use Rope Skill to make sure his captured feet. A result of 20 reduces the damage by 20 feet.
fugitive doesn’t escape from where he’s tied up.
To get past an opponent without them getting an attack on
you, the DC is 18. Under 18 means you don’t get past, and
This Skill allows you to make different types of knots in ropes,
they get to attack you on their turn. (The GM may raise or
secure something or throw a grappling hook.
lower the DC based on the circumstances, such as the size
and Skill of the blocking opponent.)
Determining the difficulty: Most knots have an average
difficulty. Throwing and properly securing a grappling hook Tumbling allows a character to move through the square on
can be tough or challenging. Tying someone up is easy; an opponent - important in tight restricted areas.
making sure they can’t escape might not be. If you don’t have
quite enough rope, that can make your task more difficult. If Raising your AC: By spending your standard action (your
you have the escape artist Skill, that can make tying someone attack move) on Acrobatics and Tumbling, you can raise your
up a bit easier. Armour Class starting on your action and remaining until the
beginning of your next action in the next round. First use your
Success: You tie a competent knot. You are able to secure a standard action to tumble, and then make a Skill test:
grappling hook. You think you’ve tied someone up good.
Failure: Your knot comes way, now or later. Your grappling Tumbling Result Armour Class Bonus
hook bounces and comes back down. Someone manages to
free themselves.
0-5 +0
31-40 +7
41+ +8
This Skill allows you to land better from a fall or get past an
opponent unharmed. It also allows for impressive flipping
and other assorted actions. It also can raise your AC under
certain conditions.
Escape Artist Traps must be noticed before they can be disabled. Having
the locks and traps Skill gives a +4 bonus to Listen and Spot
Hidorn uses the Escape Artist Skill to free checks with regards to traps.
himself from the lock-down restraints
Success: You open the door or disable to the trap.
before the transport’s last stop.
Failure: The lock remains locked, the trap still triggered. A
This Skill allows you to more effectively free bigger failure may set off alarms or a trap, depending on
yourself from rope or restraints. It also can the circumstances. You may try again with a cumulative +2
help you get through tight spaces or escape penalty.
the grapple of an opponent.
Related: Multi 3 Lockpick, Shadow Tool Spell, Unlock Spell.
Determining the difficulty: How well made
are the restraints? (Even the most basic The Feat Nimble Fingers adds some natural talent to this
are designed to be tough or challenging Skill.
to beat.) Does the character have any
edge that can help them? (A smuggled or
conjured tool can help a lot). How much Melee Slash
time does the character have? Are they
being watched or are they being ignored for the time Kyzonna uses the Melee Slash Skill to add an extra twist of
being? damage to her sword Attack.
Escaping from being tied up is an opposed Rules: This Skill allows you to use a Skill point to add
test (DC = Opponents use rope test +10). 1d8 damage to a melee damage result, when using an
edged weapon.
Escaping a grapple is opposed by the
attacker’s to-hit roll or grapple result.
Basic Constitution Based Skills Endurance
▪ Concentration, Endurance, Physical Hawk uses the endurance Skill to keep walking, despite his
Training 1, Running thirst and the intense Talzzeroon sun.
Concentration This Skill allows you to keep going, even though a normal
person would be physically exhausted.
Lady White uses the concentration Skill to perform the heal
Skill while in a fire fight. Rules: You gain a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves. You may
also spend 1 Skill point to add 1d8 to any fortitude test that
This Skill allows you to perform actions that take intense involves endurance.
focus, even while chaos and danger rages all around you.
Physical Training 1
Determining the difficulty: A DC of 15 is suitable for
attempting complex actions or spells while in combat. Raise Sombrawl uses Physical Training to make himself a tougher
the difficulty if the character is hurt, or the environment is opponent.
especially harsh.
You have trained hard to become more physically fit.
Success: You may then move on to the Skill, spell or other
action that requires the focus. Performing a concentration
Rules: This Skill adds a onetime bonus of +1 to your
check is a free action.
Constitution Attribute.
Failure: You try to perform an action, but do not succeed.
Any running tests may be made with this Skill. A running test
can add to you movement for the round. It requires all your
actions put towards movement and a straight path.
Jaldin uses the awake Skill to keep watch all night.
This Skill allows you to get by with far less sleep than most
people need.
Physical Training 2 Basic Intelligence Based Skills
Ravvnor uses Physical Training to make himself a better
▪ Appraise, Craft, Knowledge: Common or
warrior. Popular, Repair, Speak Languages
Brockman uses Poison Resistance repeatedly while fighting Determining the difficulty: How common, rare or obscure
the Eldlandrian Monkey Snakes. is the object? How much time does the character have to
study each object? What tools are available? What reference
Failure: You can’t say how much the item is worth; any
guesses are likely to be way off. You can retry the next day.
Rorrdnign uses the craft Skill to make a new set of boots and
gloves, after a Silk-Terror ate his.
Failure: You are not done yet. You may have to re-do some
This Skill makes you more resistant to poison. of your previous work, or even start over.
This Skill has made you more resilient against extreme A character with this Skill has a better chance of recalling all
temperatures. the little details about their world and culture. The character is
better plugged into the world, seeing and remembering all of
the many things going on and changing around them.
Rules: Add 4 points of Damage Reduction against any heat
or cold based damage, whether magical or mundane. This
Skill provides no resistance to smoke or other secondary
elemental effects.
Determining the difficulty: How common of knowledge Advanced Intelligence Based Skills
is it? How popular is it? Knowing everything about at well
established theatre group is easier than one that has only ▪ Decipher Script and Write Languages,
been around a short while. Forgery and Detect Forgery, Gather and
Analyze Evidence, Investigate, Knowledge:
Success: You have a good idea of what you’re talking Academic, Specific or Obscure, Research
This Skill allows you to fix things. It allows you to repair any This Skill allows you read multiple languages, documents of
type of vehicle that you are familiar with, as well as most of high complexity, translate ancient languages and unknown
your equipment. Sometimes it will be rather simple, and other symbols, and break encryption keys.. Most people without this
times you will need material in order to fix the damage. Skill can only read at a basic level in their given language.
Determining the difficulty: How damaged it the object and Determining the difficulty: Does the character have the
how much resources do you have? Time and proper tools whole document? Is there anything deliberately difficult to the
make the task easier. text? How old or obscure is the language? How often does
the transmission broadcast?
Repairing armour: Damage done to the Extraordinary Hit
Points of an armour replenish at a base rate per hour. Using Success: You discover what you are looking for, if it was
this Skill to tune the tiny shielding mechanics, the base rate there. You communicate as intended.
can be increased. Character levels 1 through 5 doubles the
base rate, and levels 6 through 10 triples it. Levels 11 and Failure:
above quadruple the armour’s base repair rate. You may You can’t
successfully calibrate and monitor a number of armours quite get it.
(including your own) equal to your intelligence modifier. If given more
time, you
If an armour’s repair rate gets maxed out (repairing a armour’s can try again
full EX-HP amount in a single cycle), the GM can reduce the at a slightly
time from 60 to 40 to 20 minutes between repair cycles for higher DC.
the affected armour.
The Feat Diligent
Related: Repair Calibrator (Equipment), Repairing vehicles. adds some
natural talent
Failure: The object is still broken, and may be a bit worse off to this Skill.
than it was before. The GM will determine how long another
test will take.
Speak Languages
Lydrandis uses the Speak Languages Skill to argue her case
in front of an Avenngrail court.
Forgery and Detect Forgery The second test is made later, after any lab work is done.
This can reveal more elusive clues and answer some specific
Mellbri uses the Forgery and Detect Forgery Skill to create questions.
credentials to get into tonight’s event. Now they just have to
be tested... Determining the difficulty: Has the scene been contaminated
by other people, animals or weather? How fresh is the scene?
This Skill allows you to create false documents, Has anyone cleaned up? What might have they missed?
as well as spot another’s false documents. Was the crime well planned or random and chaotic?
Do the characters have the proper equipment,
such as a lab to do tests with?
Determining the difficulty: The difficulty is
average if the forger has the right materials
Success: You gain some insight into
(same paper, same ink, seals) and has a
what happened. Some questions are
copy of what she is trying to forge, including
answered. More is revealed based on good
signatures. A good working space is also
Failure: You do not gain significant insight
Many documents are partially created using
into what happened. Evidence may be
the modern printing press, which can
used up on bad failures. Re-rolls, if
be duplicated - again given the right
possible, are at a greater difficulty,
requiring more time than the original
The real success or failure has
to do with the person inspecting
the document. How familiar Investigate
are they with the real version?
How much time do they spend Imago uses the Investigate
looking it over? Skill to generate a lead after
the case has gone cold.
Make an opposed Skill check
when needed. (Forgery vs. This Skill allows you
Detect Forgery). Add bonuses or make some sense of
penalties on each side, based on all of the information
the previously mentioned circum- you have gathered. It
stances. helps you generate a
list of suspects. It helps
Success: If passing off a forgery, you profile people and
then you have fooled them, for now. groups.
If detecting a forgery, then you have
spotted where things are not quite This Skill is not a replace-
right. ment for legwork, but can help
with connecting the dots. Sometimes
The Feat Diligent adds some natural players, lacking a script, don’t know
talent to this Skill. where to go next in an adventure. This
Skill can help in those situations.
Knowledge: Basic Wisdom Based Skills
▪ Cooking, Domestic Proficiency, Gamble,
Academic, Specific or Obscure Listen and Spot, Professional Proficiency
Listen and Spot Advanced Wisdom Based Skills
Vicmare uses the Listen and Spot Skill to notice someone
▪ Heal, Navigate, Sense Motive,
following him in a crowd. Survival and Hunting, Tracking
Sontag uses the Navigate Skill to find his way out of a bad
part of town.
Success: You know roughly where you are and how to get
where you want to go. (In some circumstances you will not
have the ability to know this.) You know what direction you’re
facing. You know if you’re going in circles.
Failure: You’re not quite sure which way is which. You can
retry at a slight penalty after looking around for a short while.
Failure: You don’t perceive any warning signs at this time. Tracking
Note: It is often up to a player to implicitly (though roleplaying) Hawk uses the Tracking Skill to find the enemy camp.
or explicitly to say that they want to use the Sense Motive
Skill. Other times the GM might declare that some or all of the This Skill allows you to follow the tracks of a person, vehicle
PCs should make a Sense Motive check. or beast. It can help avoid being tracked.
Basic Charisma Based Skills Handle Animal
▪ Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Perform Jento uses the Handle Animal Skill to
approach the unfamiliar horse before
Bluff trying to ride it.
Eldon uses the Bluff Skill to con his way past the This Skill allows you to approach and
guard and go back-stage. train a variety of animals, from horses to
dogs to Grado-lions. You can train them
This Skill allows you to deceive others convincingly. to perform tricks or perform tasks.
Determining the difficulty: This Skill is opposed by Determining the difficulty: How complex
an opponent’s Sense Motive Skill. The character is the trick or task? How natural is the
making the Bluff test receives either a bonus or task for the animal? (There are more
penalty bases on the plausibility of what they say. guard dogs than guard cats.) How
Knowing background information, such as accurate domesticated or wild is the animal?
names, helps. Appearance can sell or sink a story. How old is it? Is it hurt? How long has
the character known the animal? Some
Success: You fool them this time, at least for now. training takes longer than others to
teach and reinforce.
Failure: Either you didn’t tell it right, it was too much
of a stretch or they had too much to lose, but they Success: The animal is alright with
didn’t go for it. Typically you can’t successfully retry you, in the given situation. It starts to
with the same target. The check result and situation learn the trick and performs it well this
determine the consequences. time. Soon a check won’t be needed for
typical situations.
The Feat Deceitful adds some natural talent to this
Skill. Failure: The animal doesn’t respond
well to you. The situation determines
the consequences. You can try again
Diplomacy later in the day.
Drake uses the Diplomacy Skill as he tries to forge a The Feat Animal Affinity adds some
temporary truce between him and the enemy agent. natural talent to this Skill.
The Feat Negotiator adds some natural talent to this Skill. Failure: You could have done better. The crowd did not enjoy
your performance. Circumstances determine consequences.
Advanced Charisma Based Skills Failure: The time you spent does not generate any useful
information. Re-tries are possible if you can find new people
▪ Disguise, Gather Information, to talk to.
Interrogate, Intimidate
The Feat Curious adds some natural talent to this Skill.
Snake uses the Disguise Skill to pose as a guard before
attempting to retrieve the crew manifest. Sonra uses the Interrogate Skill to find out where the
kidnap victim is being held.
This Skill allows you to masquerade as someone else.
You can use it to impersonate someone specific or a more This Skill allows you to persuade information from a person.
general pretence, such as an occupation. This Skill requires You are able to leverage any information that you already
materials, such as a costume, and in some cases, makeup. have in order to gain new information. If threats are used, you
are able to make them sound convincing.
Determining the difficulty: This Skill is opposed by an
observer’s Listen and Spot check. Make one Disguise test. Determining the difficulty: How much information does the
Each observer makes a Listen and Spot test against the character have to work with? Can the suspect leave, or are
result. they trapped? What does the suspect have to gain or loose
by talking? Does the suspect have any other alternatives?
Many factors can add small bonuses or large penalties to What other leverage has the character come up with?
the disguise check: How authentic is the costume? Has the
character observed who they are impersonating? Making Success: You gain some new information, providing the
yourself a different age or gender adds a significant penalty. suspect has some in the first place.
If trying to impersonate someone specific, it matters who the
character interacts with. Those who know the “real” person Failure: Your time, energy and leverage are wasted. You gain
will receive a significant bonus to their observation check. nothing useful. The circumstances need to change before you
could try again. Another character may have some success.
Depending on the circumstances, Bluff Skill checks may be
required in addition to a Disguise check. The Feat Persuasive adds some natural talent to this Skill.
Gather Information Determining the difficulty: Is there a reason the other person
may be intimidated by the character? Is the other person
Gorm uses the Gather Information Skill while knocking on weaker someway? What has the character done to show
all of the apartment doors, checking to see if there were any their power? In many situations, the target may be allowed a
witnesses to the event. Willpower Saving Throw to avoid being intimidated (DC equal
to the Intimidate result).
Using this Skill lets you know what people in the surrounding
area know. Gathering Information often takes a couple hours. Success: The other person is afraid of you, and is reluctant to
Depending on the circumstances, it can lead to dangerous attack you. They will do simple things for you, if they feel that
situations (but even those can turn into good leads). Rumours, it will make you leave.
news, witness, and other information (useful and not) can be
found out with this Skill and enough people willing to talk. Failure: They do not seem frightened in anyway. They may
become hostile.
Determining the difficulty: How well does the character speak
the local language? How hostile is the local area? What do The Feat Persuasive adds some natural talent to this Skill.
people have to gain or lose by talking? How many people
know what the characters are looking for? How general or
specific is the information?
Alphabetical Skill List Knowledge: Common or Popular..... 68
Lift .................................................... 62
Acrobatics and Tumbling ................. 65
Listen and Spot................................ 72
Appraise .......................................... 68
Locks and Traps .............................. 66
Awake .............................................. 67
Melee Slash ..................................... 66
Balance............................................ 62
Melee Smash................................... 63
Bluff ................................................. 74
Navigate .......................................... 73
Climb ............................................... 61
Concentration .................................. 67
Open ................................................ 63
Cooking ........................................... 71
Craft ................................................. 68
Perform ............................................ 74
Physical Training 1 .......................... 67
Decipher Script and
Physical Training 2 .......................... 68
Write Languages ............................. 69
Pilot ................................................. 64
Diplomacy ........................................ 74
Poison Resistance ........................... 68
Disguise ........................................... 75
Professional Proficiency .................. 72
Domestic Proficiency ....................... 71
Drive ................................................ 64
Repair .............................................. 69
Research ......................................... 71
Endurance ....................................... 67
Resist Elements............................... 68
Escape Artist ................................... 66
Ride ................................................. 64
Running ........................................... 67
Forgery and Detect Forgery ............ 70
Sense Motive ................................... 73
Gamble ............................................ 71
Sleight of Hand ................................ 66
Gather and Analyze Evidence ......... 70
Speak Languages............................ 69
Gather Information........................... 75
Strength Training 1 .......................... 62
Strength Training 2 .......................... 63
Handle Animal ................................. 74
Survival and Hunting ....................... 73
Heal ................................................. 72
Swim ................................................ 62
Hide and Move Silently .................... 64
Tracking ........................................... 73
Interrogate ....................................... 75
Intimidate ......................................... 75
Use Rope......................................... 65
Investigate ....................................... 70
Jump ................................................ 62
Knowledge: Academic,
Specific or Obscure ......................... 71
Rules Trained Skill Bonuses by Level Table
Level Trained Skill Untrained
Synergy Bonus Skill Bonus
If you are making a skill check and you have another
1 +5 +0
skill that is related or beneficial in some way, mention
it to the GM when she is determining the difficulty of 2 +6 +1
or any bonuses to the check. Synergy can offer a +2
bonus in some situations. 3 +7 +1
4 +8 +2
Aid another 5 +9 +2
If another character is trained in the same skill as
you, they may be able to help. If the GM agrees that a 6 +10 +3
second set of hands or eyes could be of help, she can 7 +11 +3
lower the check’s difficulty by 2.
8 +12 +4
Using Skills 9 +13 +4
Untrained Skill Points Character Creation Option (Skills)
If a character uses a skill Point on an untrained skill, This optional character creation step makes skills ever-
they add 1d4 to the roll. The Skill Point can be added so-slightly more realistic. It also adds a Skill Point.
after the initial roll result before the GM declares an
outcome. Under the standard rules, if a character selects a Skill
Category, they gain all of the skills within that category.
If there are skills within that category that do not fit
Unusable Untrained Skills with a character concept, the Player can choose either
Skills that give passive bonuses can’t be used untrained: not to use those skills, or trade them away using this
Strength Training 1, Melee Smash, Strength Training option.
2, Physical Training 1, Running, Awake, Physical
Training 2, Poison Resistance, Resist Elements and Rules: Remove 2 skills permanently (make a note
Melee Slash. that they are now considered untrained). The skills do
not have to come from the same Skill Category. Add
1 Skill Point. They only way to recover a skill is by
Using Skills Untrained using the Recover Lost Feat. This Character Creation
Most active skills can be used untrained (although Option (Skills) may be preformed once or twice, adding
it could be foolish to do so at times). For example, if either 1 or 2 Skill Points by making 2 or 4 known skills
a character is trying to kick in a door, they can use untrained.
the Open Skill regardless of whether or not they are
trained in that skill. If the character is low level, their
bonus will be quite small. If they are higher level, their
life experience helps, even if they have never formally
learnt the skill. In either case, a trained individual will
have an easier time and expose themselves to less
Improving Skills
Bonus Skill Category: At levels 5, 10, and 15 characters
gain one new Skill Category. It may be any Basic Skill
Category, or any Advanced Skill Category which the
player has the Basic Skill Category for.
The reason for this is that most GM’s will ask for Spot
and Listen checks both when there is something to see
and when nothing’s around, just to keep the Players on
their toes. It would be unfair for Players to spend all of
their Skill Points on these quick and frequent checks.
Chapter 5: Magic Spells Difficulty Classes and
Magic Spells Introduction Saving Throws
The DC is a number that you must roll on your Saving
Nearly everyone in Eldlandria has some magical ability.
Throw (REF, FORT, WILL) in order to avoid or partially
Most people can cast a few spells, though only those
avoid harmful spell effects.
who do it well are celebrated.
Most spells in Spellchrome operate in the following
Depending on their Ancient Sign and Social Class, all
way: The lasting effects of a spell continue to affect a
Player Characters and the people that challenge them
target until the target succeeds in making their Saving
have access to two or more Spell Categories. Some
Throw. A new Saving Throw is allowed each round, on
people cast spells as an extension of their own abilities,
the target’s normal turn. If they succeed, they are free
such as when a fighter reflexively uses a combat spell.
from any of the spell’s effects and may carry on their
Some people cast spells to augment their already
actions as normal. If they fail, they suffer the effect for at
developed skills. Still others are highly talented at
least one more round. Depending on the harmful effect,
spell casting, learning multiple Spell Categories and
they may or may not be able to carry on other actions.
mastering multiple types of magic.
Making a Saving Throw is always a free action.
Spellchrome uses 12 Spell Categories grouped around
While a character is allowed a new Saving Throw
specific themes. When a character selects a Spell
on their turn, they may only make one Saving Throw
Category, all of the spells within it are considered
versus the harmful effect per round. This means that
known and castable by that character. (See Step 8
if an opponent goes first in round and casts a spell,
under Character Creation for details.)
and the target fails the Save, the target must wait until
the next round before they are allowed another save to
Magic Points (MP) stop the harmful effects.
Magic Points (MP) are used to cast spells that a
The specific Saving Throw type required and the DC
character knows. 1 MP allows a character to cast one
number is listed in each applicable spell.
spell, one time. A player has a finite amount of Magic
Points to spend. Magic Points refresh each day, after a
character has rested. (See Determine Magic Points.)
Spell Stages
Spells increase in power at set intervals called spell
stages (see Page 56). Each spell description lists how
the individual spell increases in power.
Reading Spell Descriptions Associated Magic Spells
Cost: Most spells require 1 Magic Point (MP) to cast.
This cost does not increase when the spell stage Combat Focus:
increases. ▪ (Quick Draw, Quick Attack, Hyper
Dodge, Accuracy Focus)
Casting Time, Standard Action: Many spells require
1 standard action, which is the same action that allows Death:
a character to swing a sword or fire a pistol once. A
character may move before or after casting a spell that ▪ (Conjure Poison, Death Ray, Disintegrate
requires 1 standard action. Characters have 1 standard Body, Slay Constitution, Steal Life)
action per round.
Casting Time, Null Action: Some spells have a casting ▪ (Fire Blast, Fire Protection, Heat Object,
time of 1 null action, which means that they are cast in Fists of Fire, Flaming Surface)
less than a second and the caster can then continue to
take normal actions.
Free actions vs. Null actions: A free action is quick ▪ (Antidote, Nourish, Precise Healing,
move action, like dropping an item. Most GMs only Restoration, Swift Healing)
allow a character to use a single free action in a round.
Null actions are reflexively cast spells that do not use Ice:
any action, meaning one or more combat spells could
▪ (Cold Protection, Fists of Ice, Freeze
be cast before continuing with a standard action.
Object, Ice Blast, Icy Surface)
Casting Time, Minutes: Some spells have a casting
time listed in minutes. The caster must not have their Insight:
concentration broken for the duration of the casting ▪ (Examine Supernatural, Last Moment, Remote
time, or they will lose the spell. Senses, Sense Aim, Sense Hidden, Sense Truth)
Range: Personal – No Range needed, spell is cast on
the caster.
▪ (Blinding Light, Dagger of Light, Globe of
Range: 5 feet (1 square) – The spell can affect something Light, Object of Light, Obliterate Shadow)
up to 5 feet away.
Target: Self only – affects the caster only. Used in
conjunction with “Range: Personal”. ▪ (Barrier Against Remote Senses, Breathe, Extend
Shielding, Magical Shield, Physical Shield)
Target: Object – affects a non-living item within range.
Target: Creature – affects a person or animal. (Undead
▪ (Mask, See in Dark, Shadow Slip,
are considered creatures.)
Shadow Stealth, Shadow Tool)
Duration: Immediate – effect happens now.
Duration: 1 round – effect lasts until the beginning of ▪ (Choke, Leap, Levitate Self, Lift Object, Unlock)
your next turn.
Choosing Spells Categories Stage 2: You can draw up to 2 weapons without taking up
an action.
If you need to, see Step 8 under Character Creation to
determine how many Spell Categories your character may Stage 3: The duration increases to 1 minute (10 rounds).
choose. Then browse over the Spells in each of the Categories
and see which ones might fit your character. Stage 4: The duration increases to 10 minutes.
As mentioned in the character creation chapter, a character Quick Draw Notes: May be used for Ranged and Melee
does not need any one Spell Category in order to select weapons. May be used to sheath or holster weapons as well.
another. Can only be used on your own, easily reachable, weapons.
May only be used on your action.
Choose the Spell Categories that you think your character
will benefit from. When in doubt, the Healing Based Spell This spell mimics the effects of the Quick Draw Feat. Any
Category is always useful, especially if your character is place that states the quick draw feat may be used, an active
a fighter. A character without the Heal Skill will not be as quick draw spell will also work.
powerful as a Greystone or other dedicated healers, but even
just healing magic alone can make a critical difference in the
chaos of combat. Quick Attack
The 12 Spell Categories at a Glance Speeds up the caster, allowing her to make additional attacks
in a single round.
Combat Focus Death
Cost: 1 MP
Fire Healing Casting time: 1 null action
Range: Personal
Ice Insight
Target: Self only
Light Protection Duration: Immediate
Casting: Concentrating for second.
Shadow Telekinesis
Stage 1: By expending 1 Magic Point on your turn, you gain
one additional attack at your full base attack. You may take
Telepathy Weather
normal actions after casting this spell.
Hyper Dodge
Magic used to make the caster a harder target to hit.
Death Spells
▪ Conjure Poison, Death Ray, Disintegrate
Cost: 1 MP Body, Slay Constitution, Steal Life
Casting time: 1 null action
Range: Personal
Target: Self only
Duration: 1 minute (10 rounds)
Casting: Concentrating for second.
Stage 1: By expending 1 Magic Point on your turn, you
become harder to hit. Add +2 to your Armour Class immedi-
ately, lasting for 1 minute (10 rounds). You may take normal
actions after casting this spell.
Cost: 1 MP Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Casting time: 1 null action
Range: Personal
Range: Personal Target: Held object
Duration: One use. Poison fades after a 24 hour period.
Target: Self only
Saving Throw: Fortitude to resist applied poison.
Duration: Immediate Casting: Hand gestures that mimicks applying a substance to an
Casting: Careful scrutiny of the target for a second while expanding
3 Types of Poisons:
a Magic Point.
Stage 1: Add a +4 bonus to hit for all attacks in the current Deadly, causing injury: Failure does 1d4 damage per round
round. After casting Accuracy Focus, you may attack as until a successful saving throw is made. One free saving
normal. throw is allowed each round before damage is dealt.
Stage 2: Add a +6 bonus to hit for all attacks in the current Minor paralysis: Failure means that the target’s body stiffens,
round. reducing movement to 5 feet per round and causing all
actions to be at -4 including to hit rolls and Armour Class, until
Stage 3: Add a +8 bonus to hit for all attacks in the current a successful saving throw is made. One free saving throw is
round. allowed each round before the poison does its harm.
Stage 4: Add a +10 bonus to hit for all attacks in the current Sickness and vomiting: Failure means that the target suffers
round. -6 to all actions, including to hit rolls, until a successful saving
throw is made. One free saving throw is allowed each round
Accuracy Focus Notes: The bonuses at stage 2, 3, or 4 before the poison does its harm.
replaces any bonuses granted from earlier stages.
For all poisons the difficulty is based on what stage of spells
the caster is capable of.
Stage 1: Fortitude DC is 10 or higher. Effects of poison are
immediate. May make all 3 types of poison.
Death Ray
A dark beam that has the power to kill.
Stage 2: Fortitude DC is 12 or higher. May delay the effects
of a poison up to 1 minute. Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Stage 3: Fortitude DC is 15 or higher. May delay the effects
of a poison up to 1 hour. Range: 60 feet (12 squares)
Target: 1 living creature
Stage 4: Fortitude DC is 20 or higher. May delay the effects Duration: Immediate
of a poison up to 12 hours. Saving Throw: Reflex to avoid.
Casting: Caster holds out his hand towards a target.
Conjure Poison Notes: All poisons listed are Ingestions or
Injections (to successfully hit, you must do 1 or more damage This spell is effective because it bypasses physical armour
with an appropriately coated melee weapon; damage must and is highly accurate. It is debated whether this spell is
be to HP, not EX-HP). Onset is immediate, unless otherwise inherently evil or simply an effective attack. Being hit by a
altered by the caster. The sickness lasts until a successful death ray causes painful internal injury. Some argue that with
Fortitude Save is made. The Antidote Spell and Heal Skill are the onset of ranged Spellchrome weaponry, damage spells
useful in overcoming the effects of poison. have become redundant.
When casting the spell, the poison may be applied directly Stage 1: Death Ray does 2d8 damage. Physical armour
to a weapon. One dose is created, which is used up upon does not provide any damage reduction (DR), although the
a successful attack. If unused, the poison lasts two to three protection spell Magical Shield does. A reflex save of 18 or
hours before evaporating. Only one dose from one type of higher dodges this attack, avoiding all damage.
poison can effectively be applied to any weapon at a time.
Stage 2: Raises to 3d8 damage. Reflex DC raises to 20.
The poison may also be placed in a container when cast, which
creates one dose. The poison lasts about 24 hours before the Stage 3: Raises to 4d8 damage. Reflex DC raises to 22.
magic fails and it vanishes from a sealed container.
Stage 4: Raises to 5d8 damage. Reflex DC raises to 24.
Poison can be detected by smell or taste but this is difficult.
If looking for poison, the DC is an 18 Spot check; otherwise Secondary Effects (All stages): If the Reflex Saving Throw
the DC to notice it is 25. The Insight spell Sense Hidden may result is 9 or lower, the target falls to the ground, vomiting. 1
alert an individual if, for example, the poison is in their food move action is required to get up on their turn.
or drink. Multiple doses are easier to detect. Each additional
dose lowers the DC by 4. Death Ray Notes: While Physical Damage Reduction (DR)
does not work against this spell, Extraordinary Hit Points
A character may suffer from multiple poison attacks. Resolve (EX-HP) still do, and are removed first as normal.
each poisoning as a separate event – this means that you will
have to keep track of multiple saving throws. The effects of Special: If the Death Ray target makes their Reflex save and
Minor paralysis, and Sickness and vomiting stack with each dodges this spell, it does not cost the caster a Magic Point.
other (you can suffer from both at the same time), but not with (Obviously, the caster’s action is still used.)
themselves (for example, you only apply the effects
of Minor paralysis once.) (Note that if a character is
suffering from two Minor paralysis poison attacks, and
only of their Saving Throws succeeds on their next
turn, they still have the effects of Minor paralysis.)
Deadly stacks with all types, including itself (there is
no cap on the amount of damage it can cause).
Disintegrate Body Stage 3: Target’s constitution lowered to 6. Fortitude DC
rises to 20.
A spell that disposes of a dead body.
Stage 4: Target’s constitution lowered to 4. Fortitude DC
Cost: 1 MP rises to 22.
Casting time: Varies, see text.
Slay Constitution Notes: This spell has no effect if the target’s
Range: 5 feet constitution is already lower than what the spell would lower
Target: 1 dead creature or object. it to.
Duration: Immediate
Saving Throw: None Restoring health: Constitution returns at 1 point per day. Full
health may be restored immediately by the Healing Spell
Casting: Caster slowly waves his hand over a target.
For this spell to work, the target must be dead, making its
primary use a way of disposing of evidence. Special: If the Slay Constitution target makes their Fortitude
save and negates this spell, it does not cost the caster a
Stage 1: Casting time is 10 minutes. Basic clothing is disin- Magic Point. (Obviously, the caster’s action is still used.)
tegrated along with a body. Also, the caster may dispose of
objects 1 pound or less when casting a separate spell for that
object. Steal Life
Stage 2: Casting time is 3 minutes. Also, the caster may Robs a victim of their life energy and transfers it to the
dispose of objects 5 pounds or less. caster.
Cost: 1 MP
Stage 3: Casting time is 1 minute. Also, the caster may
dispose of objects 20 pounds or less. Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 feet (2 squares)
Stage 4: Casting time is 1 round. Also, the caster may dispose Target: 1 living creature
of objects 100 pounds or less.
Duration: Immediate
Disintegrate Body Notes: A dead body means the target Saving Throw: Willpower negates
is at -30 hit points or lower. If the target had a feat, power Casting: A grabbing motion in the air.
alteration or equipment that extended their life beyond -30, Stories of this spell often involve evil predators who steal away
then that new number must be reached before the target it the life force of other to make themselves stronger.
considered “dead”.
Stage 1: Removes 1d8 Hit Points from a living person or animal
As a utilitarian tool: This spell can only be cast on an object and transfers them to the caster. Transferred hit points (above
below the caster’s hand. Thus a small hole could be created the caster’s maximum normal maximum Hit Points) disappear
in a floor, but not in a wall. The chain on leg shackles could after 1 hour, or when damage occurs. A willpower save of 15 or
be destroyed, but not wrist shackles. higher resists this spell.
Attacks the physical constitution of a living target. Stage 3: Transfers 3d8 Hit Points. Transferred hit points
disappear after 12 hours. Willpower DC raises to 20.
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action Stage 4: Transfers 4d8 Hit Points. Transferred hit points
disappear after 24 hours. Willpower DC raises to 22.
Range: 20 feet (4 squares)
Target: 1 living creature
Steal Life Notes: Physical armour does not provide any Damage
Duration: Immediate Reduction (DR), although the protection spell Magical Shield
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates does. Extraordinary Hit Points (EX-HP) do not provide any
protection from this spell. A victim may heal normally as if a
Casting: A short incantation and a hand gesture of a closing fist.
mundane injury had occurred.
Stage 1: Reduces the target’s constitution to 10. A fortitude
save of 15 or higher resists this spell. Hit Points, stolen by the caster, are removed before their normal
Hit Points.
Stage 2: Target’s constitution lowered to 8. Fortitude DC
rises to 18. Special: If the target of Steal Life makes their Willpower save
and negates this spell, it does not cost the caster a Magic Point.
(Obviously, the caster’s action is still used.)
Targeting objects: Most objects can’t dodge to make a Reflex
save. Still, some objects are more resistant to fire than others.
Fire Spells The GM should add what she feels is an appropriate bonus
▪ Fire Blast, Fire Protection, Heat Object, (between +0 to +10) and roll a d20 to determine the object’s
Reflex save. Depending on the results, objects may continue
Fists of Fire, Flaming Surface
to burn.
Fire Blast Free: This spell may be cast without expending a Magic
Point. The damage is, however, severely reduced. The target
A jet of fire which scorches its targets. still gets to make a reflex saving throw to halve or fully avoid
the damage. There are no Secondary Effects due to the low
Cost: 1 MP power of this method of casting.
Casting time: 1 standard action
(Free) Stage 1 damage: 1d6. Stage 2: 1d8. Stage 3: 1d0.
Range: 80 feet
Stage 4: 1d12.
Target: 1 creature or object
Duration: Immediate The free version always only allows one target. Obviously a
Saving Throw: Reflex, see text character must be able to cast a spell normally in order to be
able to cast a free version of any spell.
Casting: Arm held out with spread fingers.
This spell is often used because it is fairly accurate and offers Fire Blast Notes: Physical armour provides protection,
lots of elemental damage. Before the advent of Spellchrome reducing damage from Fire Blast. The Fire Based spell
weaponry, this spell was significantly more powerful than Fire Protection also adds protection, as does some specific
mundane weapons. equipment and power alterations. The Protection based spell
Magical Shield does not offer any protection from the Fire
Stage 1: This spell does 2d10 fire damage a single target Blast spell.
within range. A reflex save of 15 or higher partially dodges
this attack, reducing the damage to 1 half. A reflex save of 25 Some creatures take double damage from fire, while others
or higher dodges this attack, avoiding all damage. At Stage are highly resistant.
3, the caster can choose two separate targets.
Fire Protection Stage 2: Heat lasts on an object up to 24 hours.
Protects against fire and heat. Stage 3: Heat lasts on an object up to 4 days.
Stage 3: provides 3d10 Damage Reduction from fire Casting time: 1 null action
damage. Range: Personal
Target: Self only
Stage 4: provides 4d10 Damage Reduction from fire
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: None
Fire Protection Notes: the first damage from fire in a round, Casting: Flexing a hand into a fist.
roll for Damage Reduction. For any additional fire damage Various types of warriors have found this spell to be effective
that round, refer to the initial roll result. Next round, a new roll and economical over the years. The spell lasts a long time,
should be made as needed. can be cast quickly and does reasonable damage. On the
down side, it does not auto hit like some one-shot spells,
If the target of this spell is a person, their immediate such as fire blast, nor does it have any secondary effects.
belongings, such as clothing or armour, are protected. Effectively, this spell becomes the caster’s sword.
This spell does not provide protection from smoke. It costs one Magic Point to have a single Fist of Fire, or two
Magic Points to dual attack with two Fists of Fire. The same
combat rules apply for dual wielding in Spellchrome. After
Heat Object casting this spell, the caster can take a standard action as
Warms and heats normal objects.
Stage 1: A successful melee attack does 2d6 fire damage,
Cost: 1 MP
plus the character’s strength bonus. Physical armour provides
Casting time: 1 standard action damage reduction against this spell.
Range: 5 feet
Target: 1 object Stage 2: 3d6 fire damage, plus strength bonus.
Duration: see text
Stage 3: 4d6 fire damage, plus strength bonus.
Saving Throw: None
Casting: A slow rising of the hand. Stage 4: 5d6 fire damage, plus strength bonus.
A spell that is still popular for heating homes, despite the
advent of new technologies (which are more expensive). First of Fire Notes: After 1 hour the Spell expires. During that
Used by adventurers to heat foot on the road and to stave off hour the caster may “simmer” down the spell, allowing her
cold weather. to touch objects with minimal side effects. The spell may be
cancelled by the caster at anytime.
Stage 1: Can heat an object, such as a brick, that will continue
to give off heat. Can cook a meal or boil water in half the time The caster takes no damage from the fire surrounding her
it would take on a fire. Can cast the spell on worn clothing, fist, however, this spell does not provide protection from
warming a person even in a harsh cold. Heat lasts on an other heat or fire.
object up to 8 hours, or until cancelled.
Some creatures take double damage from fire, while others
are highly resistant. For the purposes of determining damage,
treat additional strength damage as fire damage.
Flaming Surface
Ignites an area of ground on fire.
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 feet
Target: a surface, 4 five foot squares
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: Reflex halves
Casting: The pointing of a finger, an incantation.
Casters find this spell useful in creating barriers, creating
showy distractions and as a limited attack.
The caster may target 4 five foot squares on a grid map. One
of the squares must be within 10 feet at the time of casting.
The squares may be arranged in many different patterns, as
long as one connects to another along one side.
Nourish Notes: The spell quenches thirst, but not hunger
entirely. It will keep a creature alive but not entirely satisfied.
Healing Spells A person may mix regular food and water while affected by
▪ Antidote, Nourish, Precise Healing, this spell.
Restoration, Swift Healing
Precise Healing
Antidote A lengthy spell that provides a large amount of healing.
Cures many poisons.
Cost: 1 MP
Cost: 1 MP Casting time: 5 minutes
Casting time: 1 standard action Range: Touch
Range: Touch Target: 1 living creature
Target: 1 living creature Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 hour Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None Casting: The binding of wounds.
Casting: Hand held out and a soft incantation. Stage 1: Heals 1d10 points of damage. Also, the caster
makes a heal skill test; if the result is 15 or higher, add 1d10
Stage 1: Adds +4 to all fortitude saves versus poison.
to the amount healed.
Stage 2: Adds +6 to all fortitude saves versus poison.
Stage 2: Heals 2d10 points of damage. Also, the caster
makes a heal skill test; if the result is 15-19, add 1d10 to the
Stage 3: Adds +8 to all fortitude saves versus poison. amount healed. If the result is 20 or higher, add 2d10.
Stage 4: Adds +10 to all fortitude saves versus poison. Stage 3: Heals 3d10 points of damage. Also, the caster
makes a heal skill test; if the result is 15-19, add 1d10 to the
Antidote Notes: This spell may be cast before coming into amount healed. If the result is 20-24, add 2d10. If the result is
contact with poison. The Heal skill can add a onetime bonus 25 or higher, add 3d10.
of +5 after an attack, in certain circumstances.
Stage 4: Heals 4d10 points of damage. Also, the caster
The Conjure Poison spell is the most common source of makes a heal skill test; if the result is 15-19, add 1d10 to the
poison in the Spellchrome setting. Many dangerous animals amount healed. If the result is 20-24, add 2d10. If the result
are capable of innately casting Conjure Poison, affecting is 25-29, add 3d10. If the skill test result is 30 or higher, add
their own fangs or claws. 4d10 to the amount healed.
Nourish Precise Healing Notes: This spell may be cast upon the same
individual repeatedly, providing the caster has the time and
Staves off death from starvation and dehydration. MP to spend.
Removes harmful magical effects. Ice Spells
Cost: 1 MP ▪ Cold Protection, Fists of Ice, Freeze
Casting time: 1 standard action
Object, Ice Blast, Icy Surface
Range: 5 feet
Target: 1 or more living creatures
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Casting: Hand held out and a soft incantation.
Harmful spells include Slay Constitution, Ice Blast, Blinding
Light and Mind Grip.
Swift Healing
Cold Protection
A quick spell that provides some healing.
Protects against cold and ice.
Cost: 1 MP
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Range: 20 feet
Target: 1 living creature
Target: 1 creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
Casting: Hand held out and a quick incantation.
Casting: A slow waving of the hand.
This spell is also known as combat healing, because it can be
used in the middle of a battle. This spell is only visible when it comes in contact with ice or
extreme cold, glowing blue in a wavering pattern.
Stage 1: Immediately heals 1d6 damage, plus the caster’s
wisdom bonus. Stage 1: provides 1d10 Damage Reduction from cold
Stage 2: Immediately heals 2d6 damage, plus the caster’s
wisdom bonus. Stage 2: provides 2d10 Damage Reduction from cold
Stage 3: Immediately heals 3d6 damage, plus double the
caster’s wisdom bonus. Stage 3: provides 3d10 Damage Reduction from cold
Stage 4: Immediately heals 4d6 damage, plus double the
caster’s wisdom bonus. Stage 4: provides 4d10 Damage Reduction from cold
Fists of Ice Freeze Object
Freezing ice surrounds the caster’s hands, to be used as a Cools and freezes normal objects.
melee attack.
Cost: 1 MP
Cost: 1 MP or 2 MP Casting time: 1 standard action
Casting time: 1 null action Range: 5 feet
Range: Personal Target: 1 object
Target: Self only Duration: see text
Duration: 1 hour Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None Casting: A slow rising of the hand.
Casting: Flexing a hand into a fist.
A spell that is still popular for keeping food cold, despite the
Various types of warriors have found this spell to be effective advent of new technologies (which are more expensive). Also
and economical over the years. The spell lasts a long time, useful for climate control in the hot seasons.
can be cast quickly and does reasonable damage. On the
down side, it does not auto hit like some one-shot spells, Stage 1: Can freeze or chill an object, and remain cold for a
such as ice blast, nor does it have any secondary effects. duration. Can be used to preserve food, either by casting it
Effectively, this spell becomes the caster’s sword. on an ice box or directly to the meat. Can also create a large
block of ice by casting upon a container of water. The cold
It costs one Magic Point to have a single Fist of Ice, or two lasts up to 8 hours, or until cancelled.
Magic Points to dual attack with two Fists of Ice. The same
combat rules apply for dual wielding in Spellchrome. After Stage 2: Cold lasts on an object up to 24 hours.
casting this spell, the caster can take a standard action as
normal. Stage 3: Cold lasts on an object up to 4 days.
Stage 1: A successful melee attack does 2d6 cold damage, Stage 4: Cold lasts on an object up to 8 days.
plus the character’s strength bonus. Physical armour provides
damage reduction against this spell. Notes: This spell is utilitarian in nature, and makes a poor
Stage 2: 3d6 cold damage, plus strength bonus.
Fists of Ice Notes: After 1 hour the Spell expires. During that Cost: 1 MP
hour the caster may tone down the spell, allowing her to touch Casting time: 1 standard action
objects with minimal side effects. The spell may be cancelled Range: 80 feet
by the caster at anytime.
Target: 1 creature or object
The caster takes no damage from the cold surrounding her Duration: Immediate
fist, however, this spell does not provide protection from other Saving Throw: Reflex, see text
cold or ice. Casting: Arm held out with spread fingers.
Ice Blast’s popularity stems from it’s accuracy and elemental
Some creatures take double damage from cold, while others damage. Before the advent of Spellchrome weaponry,
are highly resistant. For the purposes of determining damage, Ice Blast was significantly more powerful than mundane
treat additional strength damage as cold damage. weapons.
A character can attack effectively with this spell and a Power Stage 1: This spell does 2d10 cold damage a single target
Alteration weapon, such as a Liquid Crystal Dagger. In such within range. A reflex save of 15 or higher partially dodges
cases, the Power Alteration damage is capped at 1d8 (a this attack, reducing the damage to 1 half. A reflex save of 25
larger blade that normally does 1d12 would only roll 1d8). or higher dodges this attack, avoiding all damage. At Stage
Strength Damage is only applied once. A character can not 3, the caster can choose two separate targets.
effectively attack with this spell and a held melee weapon.
Stage 2: does 3d10 cold damage to a single target. Partial
dodge reflex DC is 15; Full dodge reflex DC is 25.
Stage 4: does 4d10 cold damage to two separate targets. Stage 2: The DC rises to 22 or higher.
Partial dodge reflex DC is 20; Full dodge reflex DC is 30.
Stage 3: The DC rises to 24 or higher.
Ice Blast secondary effects: Freezing Stiffness. (The target
avoids this secondary effect if they roll 10 or higher on Stage 4: The DC rises to 26 or higher.
their reflex save.) If the target’s reflex save is 9 or less, the
target’s movement is reduced to 1 half, and they suffer -4 to Icy Surface Notes: The GM may add to the DC if the spell
attacks, AC and Melee damage. After one round, the affected is cast on a steep slope. Some tools may lower the DC. If
character may make a fortitude save DC 15. The secondary vehicles are involved, a drive test would be applicable.
effect last a maximum of 10 rounds or until the character Failures can cause crashes, increasing the damage based
makes their fortitude save. on the situation.
Icy Surface
Makes an area of ground very slippery.
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 MP
Range: 25 feet
Target: a surface, 6 five foot squares
Duration: 5 minutes
Saving Throw: Reflex avoids
Casting: The pointing of a finger, an incantation.
Casters find this spell useful for creating impassable areas
and traps.
The caster may target 6 five foot squares on a grid map. One
of the squares must be within 25 feet at the time of casting.
The squares may be arranged in many different patterns, as
long as one connects to another along one side.
Last Moment
Insight Spells The caster sees what the victim saw before dying.
▪ Examine Supernatural, Last Moment, Remote
Senses, Sense Aim, Sense Hidden, Sense Truth Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Seeing an active spell: The caster can sometimes see if a Opposition: Knowing either vaguely or exactly how this spell
spell is active on a person, by making a Spot check. DC 20 works, some killers have been known to take grisly actions
to see a spell, DC 25 to identify the exact spell. Some other to avoid detection. Some have been known to blindfold their
spells, such as ones active in an area, are easier to spot and victims to remove information from their last moment. Others
usually have a DC of 15. try and hide bodies long enough that the spell cannot be cast
Examine Supernatural Notes: This spell can be cancelled at
anytime by the caster. This spell also works in another way, although it is a less
common method. If cast within 10 feet of where the victim
was killed, with the killer present, the caster sees the crime
from the victim’s perspective. This may be necessary if a
killer has used the Disintegrate Body Death Spell.
Remote Senses Sense Aim
The caster sees and hears a location where they are not. The caster becomes aware if someone aims a weapon at
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action Cost: 1 MP
Stage 1: The caster can perceive an area 25 feet away. Stage 2: The duration increases to 2 hours.
Everyone observed gets to make a Willpower Saving Throw
DC 18. Making it means the person gets a subtle feeling they Stage 3: The duration increases to 4 hours.
are being watched.
Stage 4: The duration increases to 8 hours.
Stage 2: The caster can perceive an area 50 feet away.
Willpower DC rises to 20. Sense Aim Notes: The shooter need not take an aiming
action to trigger this spell. The simple act of firing a ranged
Stage 3: The caster can perceive an area 100 feet away. weapon requires some basic aiming.
Willpower DC rises to 22. The duration rises to 5 minutes.
Stage 4: The caster can perceive an area 200 feet away. Sense Hidden
Willpower DC rises to 24. The caster may shift their remote
perception once per round to anywhere within range. The caster becomes aware when they get near an object that
has been hidden.
Stopping Remote Senses: This spell cannot breach an area
protected by the spell Barrier Against Remote Senses. Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 feet (stage 1)
Target: Self only
Duration: 5 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Casting: The caster scrutinizes a spot for a moment.
Stage 1: The caster gets a +10 bonus to spot anything that
has been deliberately hidden. They also know if they are
getting closer or further from something hidden, within range
(useful if there is no way to spot a clue, such as something
hidden in a wall).
Sense Truth
The caster senses if someone lies to them.
Light Spells
▪ Blinding Light, Dagger of Light, Globe of
Cost: 1 MP Light, Object of Light, Obliterate Shadow
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Blinding Light
Target: Self only
Duration: 5 minutes Selected target may be blinded temporarily.
Saving Throw: WILL Resists
Cost: 1 MP
Casting: The caster glares at the target for a second.
Casting time: 1 standard action
Stage 1: The caster gets a +10 bonus to their sense motive
Range: 50 feet (10 squares)
check when talking to someone. Also, anytime they hear a lie,
a cold shiver runs down their back. The speaker may resist Target: 1 or more living creatures
the spell by making a Willpower Saving throw vs. DC 18. If Duration: Until negated
the speaker fails, the result is as if they did not resist. If they Saving Throw: Willpower negates
succeed, the caster gets a sharp headache for a second.
Casting: A throwing motion
Stage 2: The sense motive bonus rises to +15. The WILL DC The target must make a Willpower Saving Throw or suffer
rises to 20 from blinding light. A person affected by blinding light
suddenly has a searing pain near their temple, cannot see,
Stage 3: The sense motive bonus rises to +20. The WILL DC and receives a -8 penalty to attack with ranged weapons.
rises to 22 Melee attacks, most skill and AC are worsened by 4.
Stage 4: The sense motive bonus rises to +25. The WILL DC The target may make another saving throw next round, and
rises to 24 so on until they make their saving throw. (Rolling a natural 20
is always an automatic success.) Making the saving throw
ends the effect and restores vision enough to see.
Sense Truth Notes: This spell will have different results
depending whether the target of interest is in custody or in a
social setting. To resist this spell, the target of interest need Stage 1: Can target 1 person in range. Willpower Saving
not know a spell has been cast. Some people are naturally Throw DC is 18
Stage 2: Can target 2 persons in range. Willpower Saving
Throw DC is 20
Dagger of Light Globe of Light
Flings sharp knives made of light at a target. Illuminates an area.
Cost: 1 MP Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 100 feet (20 squares) Range: 40 feet
Target: 1 person or object Target: An object or empty space
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: A few hours (stage 1)
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None
Casting: A fast flinging motion Casting: Hands held up
This Spell creates one or more sharp semi- ethereal daggers This Spell creates good illumination for an area. If the spell
that the caster throws as part of the casting. The caster makes is cast on to an object, the illumination then moves with the
one or more ranged attacks based on the spell stage. object. If the spell is cast into an area of space, it remains
Each successful hit does 1d6+2 damage. This attack ignores
an armour’s Damage Reduction (DR), although the protection Stage 1: Illuminates in a 30 foot radius (can be made smaller
spell Magical Shield is rather effective against it. Extraordi- at the time of casting.) Lasts a few hours or until cancelled.
nary Hit Points (EX-HP) apply as normal.
Stage 2: Illuminates in a 60 foot radius (can be made smaller
The caster uses their normal ranged attack bonus, against at the time of casting.) Lasts a few days or until cancelled.
their target’s normal Armour Class (AC). Because the daggers
can partially bypass some armour and are highly accurate, Stage 3: Illuminates in a 100 foot radius (can be made smaller
the caster gains a +4 bonus to hit. at the time of casting.) Lasts a few weeks or until cancelled.
Stage 1: The caster makes 2 ranged attacks with Daggers Stage 4: Illuminates in a 200 foot radius (can be made smaller
of light. at the time of casting.) Lasts a few months or until cancelled.
There is a small chance that the illumination will become
Stage 2: The caster makes 3 ranged attacks with Daggers permanent, fading a bit every decade.
of light.
Globe of Light Notes: It is a
Stage 3: The caster makes 4 ranged attacks with Daggers move action for the original
of light. caster to cancel this spell.
It takes several minutes for
Stage 4: The caster makes 5 ranged attacks with Daggers another caster who knows this
of light. spell to cancel it.
Object of Light Obliterate Shadow
Creates a medium sized object. Prevents Shadow spells from operating in an area.
Cost: 1 MP Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 5 feet Range: 40 feet
Target: An area of empty space Target: An area of space
Duration: 1 hour (stage 1) Duration: 5 minutes (stage 1)
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None
Casting: Hand held out near where the object is to appear. Casting: An open handed punch
This spell creates tools and objects that the caster may need When cast, this spell brightens an area briefly before returning
when they’re in a hurry. The caster may create many objects, to normal. For the remaining duration, shadow spells will not
using the following guidelines: Larger than the caster’s hand; function if they are within the affected area.
3 to 10 pounds in weight; not overly complicated. Common
examples: A shovel, a large bowl, a crowbar, a short ladder, Stage 1: Spell lasts 1 hour. Affects a small room or an alley
an axe, a small raft. way.
Most objects created with this spell look like they have Stage 2: Spell lasts 4 hours. Affects a large room or a
been created with a Light spell, with a soft glow and courtyard.
golden etchings.
Stage 3: Spell lasts 12 hours. Affects a small house or
Stage 1: The object lasts 1 hour or until a banquet hall.
destroyed. The object has 1d4 DR and 20HP.
Stage 4: Spell lasts 24 hours. Affects a large house or a
Stage 2: The object lasts 4 hours or until market square.
destroyed. The object has 1d8 DR and 30HP.
Obliterate Shadow Notes: Shadow spells stop functioning
Stage 3: The object lasts 8 hours or until immediately while in the area of this spell. Once the caster
destroyed. The object has 1d12 DR and 40HP. leaves the area, their cast shadow spells will slowly start
working again.
Stage 4: The object lasts 24 hours or until
destroyed. The object has 2d8 DR and 50HP. Detecting Obliterate Shadow: Generally there is a pleasing
soft glow in the air, not noticed by most people.
Object of Light Notes: The object can be
dismissed by the original caster. It requires a Removing Obliterate Shadow: When cast, this spell creates a
standard action and the caster must be within tiny invisible crystal that powers the spell. It is only detectable
5 feet of the object. It cannot be dismissed by by the Examine Supernatural and a DC 25 spot check (the
another caster. crystal often floats near the ceiling).
If a Barrier looses more than half its Hit Points, the original
caster is alerted, providing they are inside or near the barrier’s
Protection Spells location.
▪ Barrier Against Remote Senses, Breathe, Extend
Shielding, Magical Shield, Physical Shield Breathe
Allows the spell recipient to breathe, even when they normally
Barrier Against Remote Senses couldn’t.
Blocks the Insight Spell Remote Senses
Cost: 1 MP
Cost: 1 MP Casting time: 1 standard action
Casting time: 1 standard action Range: 10 feet
Range: 10 feet Target: 1 living creature (stage 1)
Target: An area of space Duration: 30 minutes (stage 1)
Duration: 1 hour (stage 1) Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None Casting: Hand held near the target’s mouth.
Casting: Arms spreading out while closing eyes. Once cast, the spell’s recipient is able to breathe under water,
in heavy smoke, or other environments where breathable air
When cast, this spell creates an invisible barrier in a specified
is not available. This spell does not protect from underwater
area which blocks the Insight Spell Remote Senses from
pressure, extreme heat, or other environmental hazards.
entering. No one from within the barrier can use Remote
Senses to perceive anything outside the barrier either
(although the original caster could temporarily drop the Stage 1: Duration is 1 hour. Affects 1 person.
barrier). This spell does not block normal vision, hearing or
movement. Stage 2: Duration increases to 2 hours. Affects up to 2
Stage 1: Spell lasts 1 hour. Affects a small room or an alley
way. Stage 3: Duration increases to 3 hours. Affects up to 3
Stage 2: Spell lasts 4 hours. Affects a large room or a
courtyard. Stage 4: Duration increases to 4 hours. Affects up to 4
Stage 3: Spell lasts 12 hours. Affects a small house or a
banquet hall.
Extend Shielding
Stage 4: Spell lasts 24 hours. Affects a large house or a Extends Magical and Physical Shield spells to others.
market square.
Cost: 1 MP
B.A.R.S. Notes: A person can see if a building is protected by
Casting time: 1 standard action
Barrier against Remote Senses by using the spell Examine
Supernatural. The caster obviously must be close enough for Range: 10 feet
their Examine Supernatural vision to be in range, and then Target: 1 person (stage 1)
make a DC 15 Spot check. Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: None
The other way to spot a building protected by Barrier against
Remote Senses is using Remote Senses. When using Casting: Arm held out towards recipient.
Remote Senses, the caster can see any barriers if they are Stage 1: If Magical Shield or Physical Shield is active on the
within 10 feet of it. caster, those spells become active on the recipient of Extend
About 1 in 10 buildings will have a near constant Barrier
against Remote Senses up, more in richer areas. Stage 2: Can extend spells to two people.
Breaking down a Barrier against Remote Senses: this spell Stage 3: Can extend spells to three people.
can be attacked with either a Death Ray Spell or Daggers of
Light. The barrier has an AC of 15, +0 Reflex save, 0 Damage Stage 4: Can extend spells to four people.
Reduction (DR) and 20 Hit Points (HP) per level of the caster.
The barrier remains active until it reaches zero Hit Points.
Generally these barriers are difficult and time consuming to
take down.
Extend Shielding Notes: An individual may only benefit from
one Magical Shield Spell and one Physical Shield Spell at
Physical Shield
a time. Generally the one cast at the highest spell stage Provides protection from most physical attacks.
remains, but is up to the recipient to choose if need be.
Cost: 1 MP
The recipient receives whatever spells are active on the
Casting time: 1 standard action
caster at the time of casting. After that, it is as if the Shield
Spell(s) were cast on the recipient, lasting 1 hour, fully inde- Range: 10 feet
pendent of the Extend Shielding Caster’s situation. Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 hour
The recipient of this spell may use their new shielding to later
Saving Throw: none
cast Extend Shielding (providing they could normally cast it).
Casting: Hand held up and an incantation.
Physical Shield provides Damage Reduction versus
Magical Shield Ranged and Melee attacks, unless otherwise
specified. It also provides
Provides protection from Damage Reduction versus
some magic spells. the following spells:
Fire Blast, Fists of Fire,
Cost: 1 MP Flaming Surface, Fists
Casting time: 1 standard of Ice, Ice Blast and
action Lightning Bolt.
Range: 10 feet
Target: 1 living creature This spell adds to
any DR granted from
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: none
Casting: Hand held up Stage 1: Provides 1d6
and an incantation. Damage Reduction
Magical Shield (DR) from most
provides Damage physical attacks.
Reduction versus the
following spells: Death Stage 2: Provides 1d8
Ray, Steal Life, Dagger Damage Reduction
of Light and Choke. (DR) from most physical
Stage 1: Provides 1d6
Damage Reduction Stage 3: Provides 1d10
(DR) from some magical Damage Reduction (DR)
attacks. from most physical attacks.
Magical Shield Notes: Like all Damage An individual may only benefit from one
Reduction, when a player rolls a die to determine Physical Shield Spell at a time. Generally the one
DR, they keep the result for all subsequent applicable cast at the highest spell stage remains, but is up to
attacks for the remainder of the round. Next round, the recipient to choose if need be.
make a new roll as needed.
See in Dark
Shadow Spells Allows the caster to see normally in the absence of light.
▪ Mask, See in Dark, Shadow Slip,
Shadow Stealth, Shadow Tool Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
When this spell is cast, observers are unable to clearly make Stage 2: Normal vision range is up to 80 feet in darkness.
out the feature of the caster. At greater spell stages the caster Duration is 2 hours.
has some limited ability to appear as someone else.
Stage 3: Normal vision range is up to 100 feet in darkness.
Stage 1: The caster’s face and hair is obscured by darkness. Duration is 4 hours.
Height weight and clothing can still be discerned. (This is the
equivalent of wearing a ski mask, complete with the negative
Stage 4: Normal vision range is up to 120 feet in darkness.
reaction from any observes.) Duration is 10 minutes.
Duration is 8 hours.
Stage 2: The caster can either also obscure their clothing or
See in Dark Notes: This spell is temporarily disabled while in
alter one of their normal facial features. For example, their
the area effect of the Light Spell, Obliterate Shadow (although
hair could appear to be a bit shorter and a different colour;
that spell provides a small amount of ambient light). This spell
their nose could appear to be a different shape. Other facial
can also be temporarily disabled by the caster at any time.
features include jaw size, eye brow colour and shape, eye
colour and shape, skin colour and texture, presence of facial
In recent years, stage one of this spell has been duplicated
hair, or any Magical Traits. (Additional mundane alterations
through the use of a power alteration.
could be made using the Disguise Skill.) Duration increases
to 30 minutes.
Stage 2: Can bypass any barrier blocked by bars. The caster
could appear on the other side of a prison cell, providing there
Shadow Tool
were bars on the door. Adds a +10 bonus to an escape artist Creates a small sized object, such as a tool suitable for
check to escape from shackles. opening locks.
Stage 3: Adds a +15 bonus to the caster’s Hide Stage 4: The object
and Move Silently checks for the duration of the lasts 24 hours or until
spell. Duration increases to 1 hour. destroyed. The object has
1d10 DR and 40HP. Tools
Stage 4: Adds a +20 bonus to the caster’s Hide are of a quality that add +6 to
and Move Silently checks for the duration of the skill checks.
spell. Duration increases to 2 hours.
Shadow Tool Notes: The object
Shadow Stealth Notes: This spell is temporarily can be dismissed by the original
disabled while in the area effect of the Light Spell, caster. It requires a standard action and
Obliterate Shadow. It can also be temporarily disabled by the the caster must be within 5 feet of the object. It
caster at any time. cannot be dismissed by another caster.
Choke Notes: There is no saving throw versus the choke
damage. The Choke damage is applied once; only the
Telekinesis Spells secondary effects possibly continue. The secondary effects,
▪ Choke, Leap, Levitate Self, Lift Object, Unlock once they take effect, are autonomous of the caster.
Choke Leap
Telekinesis used to strangle a target. A brief jolt of Telekinesis used to jump higher than normally
Cost: 1 MP
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 50 feet
Range: Personal
Target: 1 living creature
Target: Self only
Duration: Immediate, plus secondary effects
Duration: 10 minutes (stage 1)
Saving Throw: None vs. Damage. Willpower negates secondary
effects. Saving Throw: None
Casting: Arm held out towards target. Casting: The caster briefly stretches each leg.
Raw telekinetic energy can be difficult to work with. Over This spell allows a caster to make incredible vertical jumps.
the centuries, certain formulas and techniques have been It also allows for potentially successful horizontal jumps that
developed to focus Telekinesis into certain effects. Choke is would otherwise be out of range.
one of those effects.
Stage 1: Allows a character
Choke has been designed to bypass mundane armour and to jump 10 feet vertically.
squeeze the neck and lungs. Physical armour provides no Adds +5 to any jump tests,
DR. including horizontal jumps.
Duration lasts 10 minutes.
The protection spell Magical Shield does provide Damage
Reduction. Stage 2: Allows a character to
jump 20 feet vertically. Adds
Additionally, Extraordinary Hit Points still function as normal +10 to any jump tests, including
against this spell and are taken off before regular Hit Points. horizontal jumps. Duration lasts
30 minutes.
Stage 1: Causes 2d4 damage. A Willpower Saving Throw DC
16 is required to avoid Secondary Effects. Stage 3: Allows a character to
jump 30 feet vertically. Adds
+15 to any jump tests, including
Stage 2: Causes 2d6 damage. A Willpower Saving Throw DC
horizontal jumps. Duration lasts
18 is required to avoid Secondary Effects.
1 hour.
Stage 3: Causes 2d8 damage. A Willpower Saving Throw DC
Stage 4: Allows a character
20 is required to avoid Secondary Effects.
to jump 40 feet vertically.
Adds +20 to any jump tests,
Stage 4: Causes 2d10 damage. A Willpower Saving Throw
including horizontal jumps.
DC 22 is required to avoid Secondary Effects.
Duration lasts 2 hours.
Levitate Self This spell can be successfully cast on any 1 object within range
and the spell’s weight limit. Once cast, the caster, as their move
action, may move the object at a rate of about 10 feet per round,
Slow and steady movement into the air.
in any 1 direction. The object may not be moved past the range
of the spell, although the caster can move, effectively extending
Cost: 1 MP
the range. If the caster leaves the range, the object remains
Casting time: 1 standard action levitating in its location. The object cannot be affected by the
Range: Personal caster if the caster is out of range, other than to withdraw the
telekinetic energy.
Target: Self only
Duration: 10 minutes (stage 1) Withdrawing energy is a standard action. (There is no range
Saving Throw: None limit on withdrawing telekinetic energy). The Caster may then
Casting: Slow rising of the arms. select another object to levitate, within the remaining spell
This spell has two main purposes. One is to enable a caster
to slowly reach places that the Leap spell would be imprac-
An object begins to fall slightly then quickly as a spell
tical for. The other is to stop a fall before the caster hits the
Stage 1: The object may be up to 10 lbs in weight. Duration
Stage 1: Allows a character to rise vertically into the air at a
lasts 10 minutes.
rate of 2 feet per round, or move horizontally in the air at a rate
of 1 foot per round. (Vertical and horizontal movement may
not be mixed in the same round.) Duration lasts 10 minutes. Stage 2: The object may be up to 25 lbs in weight. Duration
lasts 30 minutes.
Stage 2: Allows a character to rise vertically into the air at a
rate of 5 feet per round, or move horizontally in the air at a Stage 3: The object may be up to 50 lbs in weight. Duration
rate of 2 feet per round. Duration lasts 30 minutes. lasts 1 hour.
Stage 3: Allows a character to rise vertically into the air at a Stage 4: The object may be up to 100 lbs in weight. Duration
rate of 10 feet per round, or move horizontally in the air at a lasts 2 hours.
rate of 5 feet per round. Duration lasts 1 hour.
Using the object as a weapon: The caster may fling an object,
causing harm. The GM should use the following guide: under
Stage 4: Allows a character to rise vertically into the air at a
10 lbs = 1d6 damage. Over 20 lbs = 1d10. Over 30 lbs = 2d8.
rate of 20 feet per round, or move horizontally in the air at a
Over 75lbs = 3d8 damage. The flung object requires a ranged
rate of 10 foot per round. Duration lasts 2 hours.
attack roll. A caster only ever gets 1 attack with this spell per
Levitate Self Notes: Using this spell, casters can stop
themselves from a fall. Waiting until the last moment may Attempting to levitate people or snatch their belongings away
require a reflex save. Stopping well in time, if possible, does can normally be easily defeated. The target gets a Willpower
not require a check - only an additional round or two to reach Saving Throw. Stage 1 DC: 10. Stage 2 DC: 12. Stage 3 DC:
the ground. Controlled levitating descent is always at double 14. Stage 4 DC: 18. Unattended objects get no Saving Throw. A
speed. resisting levitated person continues to receive a Saving Throw
each round.
Lift Object Grabbed objects can move faster than the normal 10 feet pre
round by flinging them. Flung objects can only travel about 20
Objects lifted and moved without touching them. to 30 feet. A reflex save of 15 or higher is required to success-
fully catch a flung object.
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action Lift Object Notes: A caster can have multiple levitating objects
Range: 40 feet (8 squares) using multiple spells. Only one object may be moved at a time
Target: 1 object
Duration: 10 minutes (stage 1)
Multiple casters can be used to move objects that exceed any
Saving Throw: Willpower (see text) one caster’s weight limit, although object movement coordina-
Casting: Hand help up, rising. tion can be tricky.
Telekinesis used to quickly turn some locks, utilizing the
Telepathy Spells
character’s skill. ▪ Animal Communication, Broadcast, Mind Grip,
Mind Link, Mind Read, Telepathic Communication
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 40 feet
Animal Communication
Target: 1 Mundane Lock or Fusion Latch Allows the caster basic mental communication with animals.
Duration: Immediate
Cost: 1 MP
Saving Throw: None
Casting time: 1 standard action
Casting: A small hand movement.
Range: Personal, visual range
This spell utilizes telekinetic energy to exploit the weakness
in many lock designs. Target: Self, 1 animal
Duration: 5 Minutes (stage 1)
The spell was first developed to simply turn a deadbolt on Saving Throw: None
the other side of a door; soon after it included affecting the Casting: Eyes closed for a moment.
inner workings of a lock, mimicking a key. Attempting either
technique requires some skill in how to normally pick a lock. This spell is cast on the caster. Then, as a move action, the
caster may speak telepathically to an animal within visual
With too many break-ins being blamed on the infamous range. The animal will have an idea of what the caster is
“unlock” spell, a new type of lock was developed that couldn’t saying, although complex sentences and cultural concepts
be defeated through Telekinesis. The Chrono-timing lock can get in the way. The caster will understand whatever the
proved to be effective against the unlock spell (but not animal chooses to say, with the same obstacles as noted
specially designed lock picks, which can be made through the above.
Shadow Tool spell). Because Chrono-timing locks are more
expensive, plenty of mundane locks still exist, but are used to The caster may speak to other animals for the duration of
protect the valuables of richer citizens and their homes. the spell. Note that just because the caster can communicate
with an animal, it does not mean that the animal will care
Fusion-latches are an Allterion introduction. They normally about the caster’s concerns.
require special pass cards in order to unlock a door, and
cannot be defeated using lock picks. They can however Stage 1: Duration is 5 minutes.
be defeated through the Unlock spell, developed several
centuries ago. The Allterions have yet to recognize this flaw. Stage 2: The caster gains a +2 bonus on any charisma skills
to influence the animal they are speaking to. Duration is 10
Stage 1: The caster can open a lock as a single standard minutes.
action without needing to be next to the door, and without the
use of any tools. The character is not penalized for lacking Stage 3: The caster gains a +4 bonus on any charisma skills
tools. The character gets a +5 bonus on their Locks and to influence the animal they are speaking to. Duration is 30
Traps check. minutes.
Stage 2: The character gets a +10 bonus on their Locks and Stage 4: The caster gains a +6 bonus on any charisma skills
Traps check. to influence the animal they are speaking to. Duration is 1
Stage 3: The character gets a +15 bonus on their Locks and
Traps check.
Unlock Notes: There are more people who are formally taught
Telekinesis Spells than Shadow Spells, which is one of the
reasons to supposedly justify the hysteria and precautious
traditionally surrounding the unlock spell.
Broadcast Mind Grip
Allows the caster to show others what they are seeing and Can freeze a target into inaction.
Cost: 1 MP
Cost: 1 MP Casting time: 1 standard action
Casting time: 1 standard action Range: 60 feet
Range: 40 feet Target: 1 living creature
Target: Other humans Duration: until saved
Duration: 10 minutes (stage 1) Saving Throw: Willpower Negates
Saving Throw: none Casting: A gripping hand motion.
Casting: Hand held up, concentration
Depending on the target’s Willpower Saving Throw, they may
This spell is cast on other willing participants within range. suffer or avoid the Mind Grip Effects, after being blasted with
After that, the recipients are able to see and hear what the this mental attack.
caster sees and hears. If combined with the Mind Link Spell,
the caster can show others what is seen and heard from Mind Grip Effects:
another person (the target of the Mind Link Spell). It also
works similarly with the Mind Read Spell. ▪ The target may only make 1 action per round.
Stage 1: Up to 2 other people see and hear through the
▪ Armour Class is penalized by 4.
caster’s senses or the Mind Link target’s senses.
Stage 3: Up to 6 other people see and hear through the ▪ The character can’t make complex plans.
caster’s senses or the Mind Link target’s senses. Duration All action declarations must be one word,
increases to 1 hour. such as “run”, “shoot”, or “restoration”.
Stage 4: Up to 8 other people see and hear through the ▪ Casting a spell requires a concentration
caster’s senses or the Mind Link target’s senses. Duration skill check DC 15 (25 when the -10 to all
increases to 2 hours.
skill checks is factored). Failing the con-
centration check uses up their action.
Broadcast Notes: This spell may be temporally dropped by
the caster, allowing them to take other actions, then picked
Characters get one new saving throw each round before their
backup as the caster needs. What
is relayed is always
what is happening in
the present. Stage 1: Willpower Saving Throw
Difficulty Class equals 18
Barrier Against
Remote Senses Stage 2: Willpower raises to DC
has been known 20
to disrupt the
Broadcast spell. Stage 3: Willpower raises to DC
Special damage: If any of the Willpower Saving Throws come
a natural 1 when saving against Mind Grip, the spell causes
Mind Read
1d6 damage. Magical Shielding protects against this damage. Can gain access to the spell target’s surface thoughts.
The caster can’t prevent this damage; it is considered a flaw
in the spell. Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
The Healing Spell, Restoration can remove this effect from
a person. Range: 10 feet
Target: 1 living creature at a time.
Mind Grip Notes: The caster need not spend any action or Duration: 5 minutes (stage 1)
be in range to maintain the effect of mind grip on a victim
Saving Throw: Willpower resists.
that has yet to save. The caster may end the spell on a victim
at any time (requires a standard action and must be within Casting: Scrutinizing a target for a moment.
range.) This spell allows a caster to try and read the surface thoughts
of a target, and any memories that the target is currently
Special: If the Mind Grip target makes their initial Willpower remembering.
save and negates this spell, it does not cost the caster a
Magic Point. (Obviously, the caster’s action is still used.) After initially casting this spell, the caster may attempt to
read the thoughts of any target within range. The caster may
choose different targets, for as long as the spell lasts. It is a
Mind Link move action per attempt.
Allows the caster to see what the spell target is seeing and Reading Surface thoughts: A caster may read the surface
hearing. thought of someone without alerting the target. A slightly
suspicious target may make a spot check, DC 18. Success
Cost: 1 MP
means they have an idea of what is going in.
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 100 feet (stage 1) Each time the caster attempts to read surface thoughts,
Target: 1 living creature the target gets a Willpower Saving Throw. If the target is
successful, the caster does not get any information. If the
Duration: 10 minutes
target’s save is not successful, the caster learns what the
Saving Throw: None target is thinking. Memories are seen if the target is currently
Casting: Eyes shut, concentration remembering them. The Saving Throw may be waved.
Stage 1: The caster can see and hear through the target’s
senses up, providing the target is within 100 feet. If a target has their surface thoughts read more than a few
times in a day, they will start to experience headaches. If one
or more targets make a few successful saving throws, the
Stage 2: Range increases to 500 feet. Duration increases to
caster starts to get a headache.
30 minutes.
Telepathic Communication
Can speak non-verbally with others, sometimes over great
Weather Spells
distances. ▪ Lightning Bolt, Fog, Blasting Wind,
Calm Weather, Stormy Weather
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Visual (stage 1)
Lightning Bolt
Target: Self, 1 other living creature. A powerful electrical strike from the caster.
Duration: 10 minutes (stage 1)
Cost: 1 MP
Saving Throw: None
Casting time: 1 standard action
Casting: Hand brought to temple to activate.
Range: 20 feet (4 squares)
This spell allows the caster to speak to a willing target telepathi-
cally, using words and images produced and received solely in Target: 1 living creature (initially)
the mind. Duration: Immediate
Saving Throw: Fortitude halves
Stage 1: The caster can initiate a telepathic connection with
Casting: A throwing motion.
any willing target within visual range. Once connected, the link
remains (regardless of range) for the duration of the spell, or This spell creates a giant lightning bolt that begins at the
until either the caster or target breaks the connection. Duration caster’s hands and flies toward its target. The attack automati-
lasts 10 minutes cally hits, and cannot be dodged. A Fortitude save is allowed to
halve the damage.
Maintaining a telepathic connection does not require a signifi-
cant amount of concentration. The caster may strike multiple targets with this spell, using the
following rules: Each new target must be within 20 feet of the
Stage 2: The caster can initiate a telepathic connection with any previous. A lightning bolt may not strike the same target more
willing target within 1 mile. The caster must guess the general than once per spell. The target must be a living creature. The
area where they expect the target to be. If the target is not there, caster decides which who is struck by this spell. Large physical
the connection is delayed by 1d4 rounds while the spell seeks object can be hit and damaged, but this ends the spell.
the target. Duration lasts 30 minutes.
Stage 1: Electrical damage is 2d8. Fortitude DC = 16. May
The caster must have spoken to the target in person within the strike up to 4 targets.
last year for this spell to find a target the caster cannot see.
Stage 2: Electrical damage is 3d8. Fortitude DC = 18. May
Stage 3: The caster can initiate a telepathic connection with any strike up to 6 targets.
willing target within 10 miles. The caster must guess the general
area where they expect the target to be. If the target is not there, Stage 3: Electrical damage is 4d8. Fortitude DC = 20. May
the connection is delayed by 1d10 rounds while the spell seeks strike up to 8 targets.
the target. Duration lasts 1 hour.
Stage 4: Electrical damage is 5d8. Fortitude DC = 22. May
Stage 4: The caster can initiate a telepathic connection with
strike up to 10 targets.
any willing target within 100 miles. The caster must guess the
general area where they expect the target to be. If the target is
not there, the connection is delayed by 2d10 rounds while the Secondary Effects: If a target’s Fortitude save result is 9 or
spell seeks the target. Duration lasts 2 hours. less, they are knocked down and consider prone. They need
to spend a move action on their turn if they want to get up.
Free: When using this spell to communicate with another
telepath, there is no Magic Point cost. A Telepath in Spell- Bonus Damage: Casting this spell outside, under a stormy
chrome is defined as anyone who knows and can cast the Spell sky, adds a total bonus of +4 damage.
Telepathic Communication.
Lightning Bolt Notes: Physical Armour and the Spell Physical
Telepathic Communication Notes: Either the caster or the target Shield provide Damage Reduction from this spell.
could use the broadcast spell which would allow others to hear
what both were telepathically saying.
Fog Blasting Wind
Creates thick fog, obscuring sight. A powerful surge of air that can knockdown targets and clear
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action Cost: 1 MP
Stage 3: The area may increase to 80 feet wide and long. The This spell immediately dispels Fog in any area it affects.
duration increases to 30 minutes.
Stage 1: Fortitude DC = 18. Blasts for 20 feet.
Stage 4: The area may increase to 100 feet wide and long.
The duration increases to 1 hour. Stage 2: Fortitude DC = 20. Blasts for 25 feet.
Fog Notes: This spell may be ended at any time by the caster, Stage 3: Fortitude DC = 22. Blasts for 30 feet.
providing they are within range. The fog resists most light to
medium mundane winds. Stage 4: Fortitude DC = 24. Blasts for 40 feet.
Calm Weather Stormy Weather
Can make the surrounding area have pleasant weather. Can darken skies and create a storm in the surrounding
Cost: 1 MP
Casting time: 1 standard action Cost: 1 MP
Alphabetical Spell List Levitate Self ................................... 102
Lift Object ...................................... 102
Lightning Bolt ................................. 106
Accuracy Focus ............................... 82
Animal Communication ................. 103
Magical Shield ................................. 98
Antidote ........................................... 88
Mask ................................................ 99
Mind Grip ....................................... 104
Barrier Against Remote Senses ...... 97
Mind Link ....................................... 105
Blasting Wind................................. 107
Mind Read ..................................... 105
Blinding Light ................................... 94
Breathe ............................................ 97
Nourish ............................................ 88
Broadcast ...................................... 104
Object of Light ................................. 96
Calm Weather................................ 108
Obliterate Shadow ........................... 96
Choke ............................................ 101
Cold Protection ................................ 89
Physical Shield ................................ 98
Conjure Poison ................................ 82
Precise Healing ............................... 88
Dagger of Light ................................ 95
Quick Attack .................................... 81
Death Ray........................................ 83
Quick Draw ...................................... 81
Disintegrate Body ............................ 84
Remote Senses ............................... 93
Examine Supernatural ..................... 92
Restoration ...................................... 89
Extend Shielding.............................. 97
See in Dark ...................................... 99
Fire Blast ......................................... 85
Sense Aim ....................................... 93
Fire Protection ................................. 86
Sense Hidden .................................. 93
Fists of Fire ...................................... 86
Sense Truth ..................................... 94
Fists of Ice ....................................... 90
Shadow Slip..................................... 99
Flaming Surface .............................. 87
Shadow Stealth ............................. 100
Fog ................................................ 107
Shadow Tool.................................. 100
Freeze Object .................................. 90
Slay Constitution.............................. 84
Steal Life.......................................... 84
Globe of Light .................................. 95
Stormy Weather............................. 108
Swift Healing.................................... 89
Heat Object...................................... 86
Hyper Dodge ................................... 82
Telepathic Communication ............ 106
Ice Blast ........................................... 90
Unlock............................................ 103
Icy Surface....................................... 91
Last Moment .................................... 92
Leap............................................... 101
Known and Unknown Spells Special:
The Telepathic Communication spell is free to cast
Each character has a select number of Spell Categories.
under certain circumstances: when the caster is
All of the Spells contained in the character’s Spell
attempting to contact another telepath.
categories are considered known. The Spells in non-
selected Spell categories are considered unknown.
▪ A dodged Death Ray does not cost the caster a MP.
A character cannot cast spells that are unknown to
them. ▪ A resisted Slay Constitution spell
does not cost the caster a MP.
Knowing a spell is not a trivial matter. It often takes
years of practice for a spell category to be considered ▪ An initially resisted Blinding Light spell
known to a caster. However, characters that grow in does not cost the caster a MP.
experience are often able to master a few new Spell
▪ An initially resisted Mind Grip spell
Categories over time.
does not cost the caster a MP.
Chapter 6: Feats Acquiring Feats
Characters gain 1 new feat each level, including level
Feats Introduction 1. This level 1 feat is in addition to the Starting Combat
Feats give a character most of their abilities and profi-
ciencies. Ability bonuses provide a character their edge
Trait Bonus: A Player who decides Magical Pollution
and further define them as your own unique character.
has affected their character must roll for different
Proficiencies determine whether a character has the
Visual Traits and Trait Bonuses. For each Trait, there
training and aptitude necessary to effectively use
is a one in eight chance that a character may acquire
certain types of armour and weaponry.
an additional feat. Traits may be selected a maximum
of three times by any one character.
Types of Feats
There are two main types of feats in Spellchrome, Using Feats: If a character has a particular feat, they
General and Combat Feats. General Feats could be use it automatically when the situation allows. There
thought of as “This can be any Feat”, and Starting are no points to spend to activate a feat.
Combat Feats could be thought of as “This can only be
spent towards a Combat Specific Feat”. Prerequisites
Some feats in Spellchrome have prerequisites. Often
Combat Feats are special feats that help make a
the feat requiring the prerequisite will be one of a
character a competent fighter and defender. As outlined
pair, such as Ranged Training: Advanced – in order to
in Step 6 of Character Creation, a character’s Starting
choose this feat you must first have Ranged Training:
Combat Feats are determined by the Ancient Sign they
were born under and possibly by their Social Class. A
character with many Starting Combat Feats can excel
In other cases, the prerequisite may indicate an
in numerous combat situations.
Ability score, other feat, skill, Base Attack Bonus, or
other quality in order to select or use the new feat. A
A General Feat can be any feat. It can be a Combat
character can gain a feat at the same time that they
Feat if a character needs more combat proficiency,
gain the prerequisite for that feat. A character cannot
or it can be a feat that gives them another Skill Point.
use a feat if they have lost a prerequisite.
Most feats add a bonus, remove a penalty or generally
allow a character to do something that they could not
easily do without the feat. The indication that a feat
is a Combat Feat is really only for character creation
purposes, because at creation a character gains a
number of feats that can only be put towards improving
their fighting aptitude. The difference between Combat
Feats and General Feats is insignificant beyond level
Reading Feat Descriptions List of Feats
Feat Name
All Feats
Benefit: What the feat enables the character (“you” in A
the feat description) to do. If a character has the same Acrobatic.............................................................. 115
feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless Agile..................................................................... 115
indicated in the description. In general, having a feat Agile Weapon Style ............................................. 115
twice is the same as having it once. Alertness.............................................................. 116
Animal Affinity ...................................................... 116
Normal: What a character who does not have this feat
Armour (Light and Medium) ................................. 119
is limited to or restricted from doing. This entry is absent
if there is no particular drawback from not having the Armour (Heavy and Ultra) .................................... 119
Combat Specific Feats
Persuasive ........................................................... 120
Agile Weapon Style ............................................. 115
Power Hit ............................................................. 121
Armour (Light and Medium) ................................. 119
Powerful Soul ...................................................... 121
Armour (Heavy and Ultra) .................................... 119
Precise Shot ........................................................ 121
Blind-Fight ........................................................... 116
Bursting Fire ........................................................ 116
Quick Draw .......................................................... 121
Cleave ................................................................. 117
Combat Awareness ............................................. 117
Ranged Training: Basic ....................................... 121
Combat Training (Melee) ..................................... 120
Ranged Training: Advanced ................................ 121
Combat Training (Ranged) .................................. 121
Restore Lost ........................................................ 122
Dual Melee Weapons .......................................... 118
Riding Attack ....................................................... 122
Dual Ranged Weapons ....................................... 118
Far Shot ............................................................... 118
Self-Sufficient ...................................................... 122
Guarded Ranged Attack ...................................... 119
Shield Systems .................................................... 122
Guarded Unarmed Attack .................................... 119
Single Grip ........................................................... 122
Gunnery Systems ................................................ 119
Stealthy................................................................ 122
Heavy And Ultra Armour Proficiency ................... 119
Light And Medium Armour Proficiency ................ 119
Toughness ........................................................... 122
Melee Training: Basic .......................................... 120
Melee Training: Advanced ................................... 120
Weapon Accuracy ............................................... 122
Power Hit ............................................................. 121
Important Feats Always a Good Choice
Increasing a character’s EP, SP or MP is never a bad
All feats are useful, but some provide certain basic
idea. More Empowerment Points allows a character
abilities (such as wearing armour effectively) that they
to use more equipment at the same time; more Skill
are practically required for those who expect to ever be
Points gives a character more opportunities to succeed
near combat - such as Player Characters. Other feats,
in a variety of actions; more Magic Points means more
when selected a few times over the course a number
spells can be cast. While you cannot spend your
of levels can really add to up to an extra functional and
Starting Combat Feats on these, they are good feats
versatile character. Players need to be aware of these
to consider for your per-level feat. Each may be taken
feats in order to make informed decisions.
multiple times (maximum once per level).
Agile Weapon Style: Allows select melee weapons to
use a character’s Dexterity score to help them instead
Feat Descriptions
of their Strength score. pg 115
Cleave: Allows a character with a Melee weapon to
make an additional attack against a nearby foe if they You’re good at jumping and flipping.
incapacitate their current target. pg 117
Benefit: All Jump skill checks and Acrobatics and Tumbling
Quick Draw: Allows a character to draw a weapon checks gain a free +1d4 bonus to the roll.
without using a move action. pg 121
Special: This Feat works with trained and untrained skills.
Attempting Acrobatics and Tumbling untrained can be
Single Grip: Allows a character to use a two handed
weapon in one hand. Applies to Melee and Ranged
weapons. pg 122
Gunnery Systems: Allows a character to use a vehicle
mounted weapon without penalty. pg 119 You’ve got a good sense of balance and control over your
Weapon Accuracy: Adds +1 to hit with pistols and
rifles. pg 122 Benefit: All Balance skill checks and Escape Artist checks
gain a free +1d4 bonus to the roll.
Riding Attack: Allows a character to make a ranged
Special: This Feat works with trained and untrained skills.
attack from a mount or vehicle without penalty. pg 122
Combat Awareness: Adds +1 Armour Class, improving Benefit: With a light or slashing melee weapon, you may use
a character’s overall defence. pg 117 your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on
attack rolls. The GM has final say, but should allow daggers,
Guarded Ranged Attack: Allows a character to attack knives, short and long swords, whips and chains. Natural
with a ranged weapon, even in a melee situation. pg weapons, such as fists, are allowed. Heavy blunt weapons
should not be allowed.
Special: Agile Weapon Style may be used as a Starting
Guarded Unarmed Attack: Allows an unarmed Combat Feat.
character to attack an armed opponent without penalty.
pg 119 Prerequisite: Melee Training: Basic
Alertness Bursting Fire
You tend to notice things. You know how to control a weapon that is bursting fire.
Benefit: All Listen and Spot skill checks gain a free +1d4 Benefit: You do not suffer the normal penalties when using a
bonus to the roll. (This is in addition to the free skill point bursting fire weapon.
allowed when the GM requests a Spot Check.)
Normal: Without this feat, an attacker suffers a -4 penalty to
Special: This Feat works whether Listen and Spot is a trained hit when using a bursting fire weapon.
or untrained skill.
Special: Bursting Fire may be used as a Starting Combat
Animal Affinity
See: Light And Medium Armour Proficiency ........ 119
You’re good at climbing and swimming.
Benefit: All Climb skill checks and Swim checks gain a free
+1d4 bonus to the roll.
You are able to compensate with temporary vision loss better
Caster’s Energy
than most.
You’ve got a little extra spell casting endurance.
Benefit: Any penalty due to darkness, blindness or other
vision loss is halved. This feat works with melee attacks, Benefit: This Feat adds 1 Magic Point (MP), which
ranged attacks and skills. allows you to cast more spells per day.
Normal: Without this feat you take full penalties for not being Normal: See Determine Magic Points for beginning
able to see properly when in the dark. Normally, partial MP.
darkness imposes a -2 penalty to attack and skill rolls;
complete darkness imposes a -6 to attack and skill rolls, as Special: This Feat may be selected once per level; it’s
well as a -2 Armour Class penalty.
effects stack.
Special: Blind-Fight may be used as a Starting Combat
Cleave Curious
You’re good enough with a melee weapon to get in another You’re good at finding out things.
quick attack if you drop your first target.
Benefit: All Gather Information skill checks and Investigate
Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage to make it checks gain a free +1d4 bonus to the roll.
drop (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing
it), you get an immediate, extra melee attack against another Special: This Feat works with trained and untrained skills.
creature within reach. You cannot take a 5-foot step before
making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same
weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the Deceitful
previous creature. You can use this ability once per round.
You’re good at selling a lie.
Special: Cleave may be used as a Starting Combat Feat.
Benefit: All Bluff skill checks and Disguise checks gain a free
Prerequisites: Strength: 13+, Melee Training: Basic +1d4 bonus to the roll.
Special: Combat Awareness may be used as a Starting Special: This Feat works with trained and untrained skills.
Combat Feat.
Combat Training You notice the fine and obscure details.
See: Melee Training: Basic & Advanced ............. 120
Ranged Training: Basic & Advanced ................... 121 Benefit: All Appraise, Decipher Script and Write Languages,
and Forgery and Detect Forgery skill checks gain a free +1d4
bonus to the roll.
Dual Melee Weapons Far Shot
You’re able to use two melee weapons at once without You’ve got a good eye and steady hand for the Far Shot.
Benefit: You add +10 feet (2 squares) to the effective range
Benefit: If you have a melee weapon in each hand, you can to Spellchrome Pistols, Rifles and Cannons.
attack with each one without any penalty. If using 1 standard
action, you may attack once with each weapon (at your full Related: Weapon range and Range penalty.
attack base). If you have multiple attacks, and use a full round
action (both actions used for attack), then you get multiple This feat does not affect the range of spells.
attacks for each weapon.
Special: Far Shot may be used as a Starting Combat Feat.
Normal: Without this feat, an attacker suffers a -4 penalty to
hit with both attacks if using two melee weapons. Prerequisite: Ranged Training: Basic
Guarded Ranged Attack Gunnery Systems
You’re able to shoot while engaged in melee. You know how to properly fire a mounted weapon.
Benefit: You are able to fire a ranged weapon as normal Benefit: You are proficient with Gunnery Systems, which
even while engaged in melee combat. You do not suffer allows you to fire vehicle mounted weapons without penalty.
any penalties. No one gets an attack of opportunity at you
for firing from melee. You may target anyone within range, Normal: Without this feat, a character suffers a -4 penalty
including your melee attacker. to fire a turret mounted, vehicle mounted or Ultra Armour
mounted weapon.
Normal: Without this feat, a ranged attacker suffers a -4
penalty to hit if engaged in melee combat. Also, the GM may Special: Gunnery Systems may be used as a Starting
rule that the melee attacker gets a free attack of opportunity Combat Feat.
in this situation.
Special: Guarded Ranged Attack may be used as a Starting Heavy and Ultra Armour
Combat Feat. A bayonet alone can normally prevent the
attack of opportunity, but not the -4 to hit. You know how to properly wear Heavy and Ultra Armour.
Prerequisite: Ranged Training: Basic Benefit: You are proficient with both Heavy and Ultra Armour.
You receive full benefits and no penalties when wearing
Heavy or Ultra Armour.
Guarded Unarmed Attack
Normal: Without this feat, a character suffers a -4 penalty
You’re able to throw a punch at someone even if they have to attack when wearing Heavy or Ultra Armour. Also without
a sword. this feat, the wearer is slowed to one half movement when
wearing Heavy and Ultra Armour.
Benefit: You are able to attack an armed opponent, even
when you are completely unarmed, and not suffer an attack Special: Heavy and Ultra Armour Proficiency may be used
of opportunity. as a Starting Combat Feat.
Normal: Without this feat, an unarmed attacker suffers a Prerequisite: Light And Medium Armour Proficiency
free attack of opportunity on themselves
if they try to attack someone who is
equipped with a melee weapon. Iron Will
Special: Guarded Melee Attack You’ve got a strong Willpower.
may be used as a Starting
Combat Feat. If a character Benefit: All Willpower Saving throws gain a free +1d4 bonus
has the spell Fists of Fire or to the roll, helpful in avoiding some magical effects.
Fists of Ice active, or an active
Power Alteration, such as a Normal: See Step 9 under character creation for Saving
Liquid Crystal Dagger, they are throws.
considered armed.
Lightning Reflexes Melee Training: Advanced
You’ve got good reflexes. You’re real good at using Melee Weapons.
Benefit: All Reflex Saving throws gain a free +1d4 bonus to Benefit: Your Melee Base Attack Bonus uses the “best”
the roll, helpful in avoiding some magical effects and other column. You can use Simple and Martial Melee weapons.
Normal: Without this feat, your Melee Base Attack Bonus
Normal: See Step 9 under character creation for Saving uses either the “poor” or “good” column (see Basic).
Special: Melee Training: Advanced may be used as a Starting
Combat Feat.
Medical Academy
Prerequisite: Melee Training: Basic
You’ve attended an Academy, and been taught how to
properly heal others.
Mental Energy
Benefit: All Heal skill checks and Professional Proficiency
checks gain a free +1d4 bonus to the roll. You’re practiced at the skills you know.
Special: This Feat works with trained and untrained skills. Benefit: This Feat adds 1 Skill Point (SP), which allows you
to perform challenging skills more times in a day.
Melee Training: Basic Normal: See Determine Magic Points for beginning SP.
You’re decent at using Melee Weapons. Special: This Feat may be selected once per level; it’s effects
Benefit: Your Melee Base
Attack Bonus uses the
“good” column. You can Negotiator
use Simple and Martial
You’re good at speaking to people and reading them.
Melee weapons.
See Determine Base Benefit: All Diplomacy skill checks and Sense
Attack Ability, for more Motive checks gain a free +1d4 bonus to the roll.
information, pg 22.
Special: This Feat works with trained and untrained
A successful punch
attack does damage
equal to a character’s
strength bonus (minimum 1
Nimble Fingers
point). You’re good at making tiny precise adjustments and
working with materials.
Normal: Without this feat, your Melee Base
Attack Bonus uses the “poor” column. You Benefit: All Locks and Traps skill checks, Craft checks and
can only use Simple weapons. Repair checks gain a free +1d4 bonus to the roll.
Using a Martial weapon without any training Special: This Feat works with trained and untrained skills.
means that before attacking, the player rolls
percentile. A result of 01-60% means that
the character was not able to properly use Persuasive
the weapon, resulting in no attack.
You’re good at getting others to open up to you.
Special: Melee Training: Basic may be
used as a Starting Combat Feat. Benefit: All Interrogate skill checks and Intimidate checks
gain a free +1d4 bonus to the roll.
Power Hit Quick Draw
You’re able to hit extra hard with Melee Weapons. You’re able to draw a weapon a lot faster than an average
Benefit: Adds +2 damage to each successful melee attack.
Benefit: When you draw a weapon, you do not use a move
Special: Power Hit may be used as a Starting Combat Feat. action. If you have the Dual Ranged Weapons Feat, you may
draw 2 pistols. If you have the Dual Melee Weapons Feat,
Prerequisite: Melee Training: Basic you may draw 2 blades.
Benefit: This Feat adds 1 Empowerment Point (EP), which Special: Quick Draw may be used as a Starting Combat
allows you to use more powerful equipment. See Empowering Feat.
rules, pg 124.
Prerequisite: Ranged Training: Basic
Normal: Characters begin with 10 Empowerment Points.
Characters slowly increase in empowerment ability over time
automatically. Characters may select this feat even on levels Ranged Training: Basic
that they gain an automatic boost in EP.
You’re decent at using Ranged Weapons.
Special: This Feat may be selected once per level; it’s effects
stack. Benefit: Your Ranged Base Attack Bonus uses the “good”
column. You can use Simple and Martial Ranged weapons.
Precise Shot See Determine Base Attack Ability for more information, pg
You’re able to fire into melee without penalty.
Normal: Without this feat, your Ranged Base Attack Bonus
Benefit: You don’t have any penalties for firing into melee. uses the “poor” column. You can only use Simple weapons.
In other words, you do not suffer any penalties for firing a
ranged weapon at a hostile target who is engaged in melee Using a Martial weapon without any training means that
with one or more friendly targets. before attacking, the player rolls percentile. A result of
01-60% means that the character was not able to properly
Normal: Without this feat, an attacker suffers a -4 penalty to use the weapon, resulting in no attack.
hit if firing at a hostile target who is engaged in melee with a
friendly target. Special: Ranged Training: Basic may be used as a Starting
Combat Feat.
Note: Cover and partial cover rules still apply.
Restore Lost Single Grip
You’re able to correct a Character Creation Option. You’re able to wield most 2 handed weapons in one hand.
Benefit: During character creation, there is an option to Benefit: You are able to wield 2 handed swords, axes and
remove a couple skills or a spells in exchange for a minor hammers in one hand. You are able to carry and fire a
point boost. Using this feat, you restore 1 skill or 1 spell. Any Spellchrome Cannon using one hand.
benefits previously gained remain. This feat may only be
selected twice total. Normal: Without this feat, all 2 handed weapons require two
free hands to be used effectively.
Normal: Without this feat, an attacker suffers a -4 penalty to Benefit: All Hide and Move Silently skill checks gain a free
hit if firing from a moving vehicle or mount. +1d4 bonus to the roll.
Note: If a target is moving faster relative to you, they may still Special: This Feat works with trained and untrained skills.
be very difficult to hit. (The GM may apply a penalty of -1 to -4
to hit a faster moving target.) Toughness
Special: Riding Attack may be used as a Starting Combat You’re a bit tougher than average.
Benefit: This Feat adds a onetime bonus of +3 Hit Points
Self-Sufficient (HP), which allows you to survive a bit more damage.
You’ve got the instincts of a survivor. Normal: See Determine Hit Points for beginning HP, pg 21.
Benefit: All Navigate skill checks, and Survival and Hunting Special: This Feat may be selected once per level; it’s effects
checks gain a free +1d4 bonus to the roll. stack. This is in addition to any possible bonus Toughness
Feats rolled under Trait Bonuses.
Special: This Feat works with trained and untrained skills.
Weapon Accuracy
Shield Systems You tend to be accurate with most ranged attacks.
You’re able to get better results from a vehicle’s shield
system. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to hit with pistols and rifles.
Benefit: Any vehicle that has Shields comes with two main Special: Weapon Accuracy may be used as a Starting
statistics: default Damage Reduction, and Damage Reduction Combat Feat.
if the shields are monitored and tuned by a proficient user.
This Feat allows you to use the better statistic.
Chapter 7: Equipment Money
The Silver Credit is the currency used across
Equipment Introduction much of Eldlandria. Before the official arrival of
Equipment in most Roleplaying games is important. the Allterions, most kingdoms minted their own
Even the most basic equipment is often required coins, though the actual value of the coins was tied
to enable characters to use many of their abilities, mostly to the silver contained within them. When
skills and proficiencies. In fact equipment is so the Allterions started to market their devices, they
vital that if characters somehow find themselves wanted everyone to use the credit system that they
without it, most go looking for it the first chance had long utilized. (They would often accept land
they get. and other valuables in exchange for their credits.)
The Kingdoms fought hard against this practice
Equipment in Spellchrome is made up of a wide and enough grief was created on both sides that a
range if items. Much of this has to do with the compromise was reached. The Eldlandrians and
setting: a medieval age with a space age intruding Allterions jointly mint coins and bills that contain
upon it. This means players often have some some amount of silver (though far less than the
choice about the items they buy. For transpor- traditional coins).
tation, a player can choose to buy a horse or a
fusion bike. The fusion bike is faster, but costs There are a variety of names commonly used for
more - in both a monetary sense and in Empower- the Silver Credit. Most Eldlandrians refer to it as
ment Points. The Horse on the other hand would “Silv”, and most Allterions refer to it as “Cred”. Few
be fine in most Eldlandrian Old World settlements, people actually call them Silver Credits.
but could not be used effectively in the newer
Allterion cities. A single coin may contain a
value of 0.1, 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20
Sometimes the gap between old and new Silver Credits.
technology is greater. The Spellchrome Pistol is
far more powerful than its old world counterpart A single paper bill may contain
the crossbow, popular a century ago. a value of 10, 20, 50, 100 or
200 Silver Credits.
Economy Similarly, if a talented solider wanted to attack with dual Spell-
chrome weapons, they would have to make a comprise about
Most Eldlandrians earn about 10 Silver Credits a day, what other devices wouldn’t get empowered. Often a solution
with a small percentage earning significantly more. 1 may be to wear lighter, less demanding armour.
Silv will buy a meal or a couple of drinks. 3 Silv will buy
a week’s worth of block ice. 5 Silv will buy a room for Even though people basically provide the power for devices,
a night. 8 Silv will buy a nice pair of boots. 10 Silv will this does not mean that there is free energy. In order for an
empowered device to be properly manufactured, a small
buy a decent watch. 12 Silv will buy an old-style Illusion
amount of R-14 (Crimson) Ore is needed. Crimson Ore is
Screen. 200 Silv will buy a high-end Image Screen.
hazardous to mine and adds to the cost of most Spellchrome
devices. Most devices get several years use before burning
See Common Goods and Services, pg 154. out, although excessive use often means that a device needs
to be repaired or replaced much sooner. Devices will often
still work when empowered after decades of unuse, providing
Empowering Items the device still had some life in it when it was put away. Other
Empowerable items and devices were first introduced times the R-14 fusion core must be ejected, cleaned and
several decades ago, shortly after the official arrival of the reinstalled (using the Repair Skill) before the device will work
Allterions. These weapons, armour, and utility items need properly again.
an energy source in order to function, and Allterion standard
energy packs refused to work on this planet (some claim it is Empowering items have the following rules within the game:
the Eldlandrian’s own magical nature that interferes with the
technology). Eventually a workaround was discovered: most ▪ At level 1, characters begin with 10
people, whether Eldlandrian or Allterion, are able to generate
Empowerment Points (EP).
enough personal energy to “empower” a device. Some
believe that the energy is magical in nature, although most ▪ At levels 2, 7, 13, 18 and 19, characters
concede that this seems to have little to do with a person’s gain one additional EP.
spell-casting ability, furthering the debate as to where the
energy comes from. ▪ The Powerful Soul Feat adds 1 EP.
The term Spellchrome is often used interchangeably with ▪ Every empowerable device has an Empowerment
empowerable items – especially weapons. This is because Cost listed in the equipment description.
the first empowerable device was the Spellchrome pistol.
The chrome comes from the appearance of that pistol model, ▪ Spending 1 Move Action, a character
the spell from the (then thought) belief that magical power may empower two devices, unempower
directly empowers the weapon. The term fusion is often used two devices, or do one of each.
to describe empowerable vehicles.
▪ A character may reconfigure their empowered
Some people are able to fine-tune the ability to empower devices as many times as they want – first
items, resulting in the capability to empower more demanding unempowering one device to free up
things, such as larger vehicles or bigger weapons. Alter- EP and then empowering another.
natively, these same people can empower several less
demanding devices at the same time. ▪ A few items may require a warming period
before use. Typically these items may be
Empowering or unempowering a single device only used a certain number of times before they
takes a couple seconds. Throughout the day an require another warming period.
individual might change what devices they have
active dozens of times. ▪ Normally, a user must empower a device
themselves if they want it to function properly.
Empowering or unempowering a single device only
takes a couple seconds. Dozens of times throughout These rules are intentionally flexible for the player’s
the day an individual might change what devices benefit. If the GM feels the players are misusing the
they have active. For example, a Warden Inves- system (such as constantly shifting around what is
tigator is likely to empower a weapon, their empowered, especially in combat), the GM should
armour, and a Comlink before leaving their increase the time it takes to empower an item.
station house. Stepping into a fusion car,
the Warden probably doesn’t have enough
energy to also empower the vehicle without
first unempowering another device.
Starting Equipment Equipment Package 2
Beginning characters start with mostly basic equipment,
depending on the Equipment Packages they choose.
(Select Your Equipment)
Once characters start adventuring, they will have This package gives you greater control over what items
many opportunities to gain new and better equipment – your character will own. It requires you to spend time
whether it be from a fallen adversary or purchased with looking through the equipment selection and make
Silv gained from a job well done. manual choices.
The Starting resources below are the same as the ▪ Choose any 1 Ranged Weapon, costing
Equipment Step under character creation. The three less than 200 Silver Credits
different packages are presented for time consideration
mostly. Package 1 offers a quick Standard Load Out ▪ Choose any 1 Melee Weapon, costing
that should get most characters through an adventure. less than 200 Silver Credits
Package 2 lets a player have a bit more control, but
doesn’t need to worry about the final cost, as long as ▪ Choose any 1 Armour, costing
each choice is within the stated limit. Package 3 lets a less than 300 Silver Credits
player just purchase their equipment, which may be the ▪ Choose any 1 Vehicle, Horse, or Power
best choice for specialist characters. Package 3 takes Alteration costing less than 500 Silver Credits
the most time to complete.
▪ Choose any 1 additional item, costing
less than 200 silver credits
Starting Resources
Choose one (1) of the following equipment packages ▪ A set of plain clothes (shirt, pants, boots, coat, belt)
from below:
▪ Rations suitable for a few day’s travel
Ranged Weapons Atlurg M
Spellchrome Pistol
Delfurh .9 ▪ Damage: 2d8
Light Spellchrome Pistol ▪ Empowerment Cost: 4 EP
▪ Damage: 2d6 ▪ Range: 40’ (8 Squares)
▪ Empowerment Cost: 2 EP ▪ Silver Credits: 90sc
▪ Range: 40’ (8 Squares) The Atlurg M is standard issue for most Patrolmen, Guards
▪ Silver Credits: 70sc and Wardens. It is a reliable weapon that is powerful enough
in low to mid threat level situations. The mass production of
the Atlurg M has brought the costs down per weapon, making
The Delfurh .9 is a commonly carried weapon. It is among
it a fairly common weapon to see in the streets.
the most affordable Spellchrome pistols and does not have
a demanding empowerment cost, but still is more powerful
than an unmodified heavy crossbow. The Atlurg M is not overly bulky, adding a +1 bonus to sleight
of hand checks to conceal it. It can accept 2 ranged weapon
accessories. Check with your local Warden to see if this
The Delfurh .9 is fairly small, adding a +4 bonus to sleight of
weapon requires a special licence to carry.
hand checks to conceal it. It can accept 2 ranged weapon
accessories. Most Eldlandrian Kingdoms, including the
Lundor Provinces do not require a special licence to carry [I don’t recommend ever checking with any local Warden. If
light pistols. you work for them, you’re probably fine. If not, best to keep
your distance.]
This is considered a simple weapon.
[I know lots of people who’ve owned a Atlurg M. A real
[It’s fine for what it is.]
Landar S2 Drake 42
Light Spellchrome Pistol Heavy Spellchrome Pistol
▪ Damage: 1d6 + 1d8 ▪ Damage: 1d8 + 1d10
▪ Empowerment Cost: 3 EP ▪ Empowerment Cost: 5 EP
▪ Range: 40’ (8 Squares) ▪ Range: 50’ (10 Squares)
▪ Silver Credits: 100sc ▪ Silver Credits: 125sc
The Landar S2 is considered to be a higher end weapon. The Drake 42 is a step up from the standard Spellchrome
They are not created at the same mass production levels as pistol, entering into the heavy class. Heavy Class pistols have
many other pistols, but assembles by a master craftsman. In a better range. The pistol is good seller among adventurers,
addition the added elegance (and cost) the Landar S2 was mercenaries and those are likely to see a lot of danger. It can
designed to deliver a greater punch than the typical light be difficult to purchase outside of larger centers.
The Drake 42 is not easy to hide; there is a -2 penalty on
The Landar S2 is fairly small, adding a +3 bonus to sleight sleight of hand checks to conceal it. It can accept 2 ranged
of hand checks to conceal it. It can accept 2 ranged weapon weapon accessories. Most Kingdoms and Allterion cities
accessories. Most Eldlandrian Kingdoms, including the require a licence to carry Heavy pistols. There are several
Lundor Provinces do not require a special licence to carry legitimate ways to get a weapon licence.
light pistols.
[The Empowerment cost can start to get high, but Drake
This is considered a simple weapon makes good guns.]
Ceburx 44 Sturg RF
Heavy Spellchrome Pistol Spellchrome Rifle
The Ceburx 44 is a classic gun model that has yet to be The Sturg RF has good power and range for an unrestricted
significantly improved upon. Its original purpose was a back weapon. It is a durable and versatile rifle, suitable for hunting
up weapon for soldiers for the then looming war with The or war. Reception to a “hunting “ rifle will vary based on the
Nova Dirge. The mass production of the Ceburx 44 means situation, but generally can be openly transported while
that it is not difficult to obtain if the buyer has any favourable outside.
connection to law enforcement or the military.
This weapon does not break down and cannot effectively be
The Ceburx 44’s large size makes it difficult to hide; there is a concealed. It can accept 2 ranged weapon accessories. It
-4 penalty on sleight of hand checks to conceal it. It is a weapon requires 2 hands to fire.
that may look out of place in some places and circumstances.
A licence the carry a heavy weapon is typically required for [Always liked the Sturg. My dad had one.]
this pistol. It can accept 2 ranged weapon accessories.
▪ Damage: 3d8
Balder Burst Fire ▪ Empowerment Cost: 7 EP
Spellchrome Machine Pistol
▪ Range: 120’ (24 Squares)
▪ Damage: 4d6 (Bursting Fire) ▪ Silver Credits: 420sc
▪ -4 to hit without Bursting Fire Feat
Adair LR is a military class rifle with extended range and
▪ Empowerment Cost: 6 EP stopping power. It is designed to be powerful enough to
penetrate most Empowered body armour. Military class
▪ Range: 40’ (8 Squares) weapons are typically left put away until a dangerous situation
or area is encountered.
▪ Silver Credits: 170sc
This weapon breaks down, allowing for easier transport.
The Balder Burst Fire is a powerful machine pistol, firing A custom case is normally included with the original sale.
multiple blasts per pull of the trigger. The recoil can be very The Adair LR can accept 2 ranged weapon accessories. It
difficult to control until a person gets the knack of managing requires 2 hands to fire.
[Good, if you don’t have much else to Empower.]
The Balder Burst Fire is reasonably compact, adding a +2
bonus to sleight of hand checks to conceal it. A licence to [Or you can afford it.]
carry a heavy weapon is typically required for this pistol. It
can accept 2 ranged weapon accessories.
[A lot of firepower.]
[Good for things that crawl out from the other side of The
Ultra-9 Light Crossbow
Fusion Cannon Medieval Era Weapon
The Ultra 9 Fusion Cannon is a powerful military class weapon. ▪ Silver Credits: 30sc
Some armies use it as a special cases weapon, although
some warriors are powerful enough to use it as their primary The Light Crossbow has a long history of use across the
weapon, and still empower the rest of their equipment. The lands of Eldlandria. With the advent of the Spellchrome Pistol
Ultra 9 is known for its loud roar when fired. and other empowered weapons, the crossbow become a less
common sight but is still in use most regions. The crossbow
This weapon breaks down, allowing for easier transport. A is an available, affordable and understood weapon that does
custom case is normally included with the original sale. The not need to be empowered. In many situations carrying a
Ultra-9 can accept 2 ranged weapon accessories. It requires crossbow is socially acceptable, as long as it is not pointed
2 hands to fire (unless the character has the Single Grip Feat, at anyone.
which then only requires 1 hand to fire). A Strength of 16 or
higher is required to carry this weapon; a weaker strength This weapon requires ammunition in the form of bolts. A
means that the character is slowed by 5 feet per round. move action is required to load and ready a new bolt before
another shot can be fired. 10 bolts cost 2 Silver Credits. Bolts
[Good for taking out hard targets.] have a 40% chance of being intact and reusable if an attempt
is made to recover them. The Light Crossbow can accept
2 weapon accessories, including the Modern Kit and the
Auto Loader. It does not accept the Over Charger or Sound
Andras M-4 Negator accessories. This weapon can be used 1 handed.
This weapon requires ammunition in the form of bolts. A This accessory is installed or uninstalled in a couple of
move action is required to load and ready a new bolt before minutes; a good repair skill test can reduce the time to 1
another shot can be fired. 10 bolts cost 2 Silver Credits. Bolts round. It uses a powered adaptable image screen to display
have a 40% chance of being intact and reusable if an attempt a telescopic view that assists with distant targets. Doubles as
is made to recover them. The Light Crossbow can accept a basic 5X distance imager.
2 weapon accessories, including the Modern Kit and the
Auto Loader. It does not accept the Over Charger or Sound Related: Weapon range, pg 166.
Negator accessories. It requires 2 hands to fire (unless the
character has the Single Grip Feat, which then only requires [I want one for my Heavy Pistol.]
1 hand to fire).
▪ Silver Credits: 120sc The N2 Sound Negator can be attached to most pistols and
rifles. When activated, it significantly suppresses the sound
The Enhanced Aiming Marker can be attached to most ranged emanated from a weapon being fired. The N2 can be attached
weapons, aligned with the barrel. When activated, it helps to in one round.
show the shooter where they are aiming. Aiming Markers are
most often used by Wardens and various Men At Arms. [Nothing like a Sound Negator to raise some eyebrows.]
▪ Empowerment Cost: 1 EP
L1 Image Scope ▪ Takes up one accessory slot
Weapon Accessory
▪ Silver Credits: 140sc
▪ Effect: adds +10 feet to the effective
range of applicable weapons. The Over Charger can be attached to most pistols and rifles.
When activated, it increases the energy output of the gun,
▪ Empowerment Cost: 1 EP adding to the total damage. This accessory is installed or
uninstalled in a couple of minutes; a good repair skill test can
▪ Takes up one accessory slot reduce the time to 1 round.
▪ Silver Credits: 90sc [Adds some extra punch if you need it.]
Modern Kit About Ranged Weapons
Weapon Accessory
▪ Effect: Uses updated technology that Spellchrome ranged weapons are modified versions of
adds damage to Crossbows.
energy weapons. When empowered by their user, these
▪ Light Crossbows do 1d8 (instead of 1d6) weapons do not require additional ammunition in order to fire.
The weapon also needs a working R-14 fusion core, which
▪ Heavy Crossbows do 1d10 (instead of 1d8) will last for several thousand shots (weapon prices include
the cost of a new fusion core).
▪ Adds +10 feet the effective range of Crossbows
Obviously Medieval Era weapons, such as Crossbows still
▪ Empowerment Cost: 0 EP require ammunition. Crossbows use bolts. 10 bolts cost 2
Silver Credits. Bolts have a 40% of being intact and reusable
▪ Takes up one accessory slot if an attempt is made to recover them. Most bolts in this RPG
▪ Silver Credits: 20sc setting are designed to pass through their target. It normally
becomes awkward to try and carry more than 50 bolts.
The Modern Kit increases the damage and range of the
classically modeled crossbow. Using Allterion techniques Improved bolts are also for sale. 10 Improved bolts cost 30
it modernizes the crossbow to allow increased tension and Silver Credits. Improved bolts add +2 damage to a successful
power. Installing or uninstalling a modern kit requires around crossbow attack. Improved Bolts have an 80% of being intact
2 hours; a good repair skill test can reduce the time signifi- and reusable if an attempt is made to recover them.
[A good update for the price.]
Do parts of these weapons glow?
▪ Empowerment Cost: 1 EP
▪ Takes up one accessory slot
Using Allterion techniques, the burn patterns of a particular
▪ Silver Credits: 40sc weapon can be matched with a 92% accuracy rate if
preformed by someone skilled in gathering evidence. There
The Auto Loader feeds bolts into a crossbow automatically. is debate whether this type of match is accurate enough to
A move action is no longer required to load a new bolt after be conclusive.
Reading Stats Melee Weapons
Delfurh .9: Common Name SE-Single Edged
Light Spellchrome Pistol: Type
▪ Damage: 2d6: (This weapon) roll two six ▪ Damage: 1d6 +STR
sided dice, add the result for damage.
▪ Empowerment Cost: 1 EP
▪ Empowerment Cost: 2 EP: In order for this weapon
work, it requires 2 Empowerment Points. ▪ Silver Credits: 20sc
▪ Range: 40’ (8 Squares): (This weapon has The SE-Dagger is a good back-up weapon and utility knife. It
an) effective range of 40 feet. Cannot easily has a small compartment in the handle.
hit a target beyond 40 feet. The Far Shot Feat
and Image Scope Accessory can add to the The SE-Dagger is small, adding a +4 bonus to sleight of
effective range of most ranged weapons. hand checks to conceal it. If thrown, it has a range of 10 feet.
Unempowered, this weapon does 1 point of damage + STR.
▪ Beyond Effective range: A weapon fired beyond
its effective range has a -6 penalty to hit. This is considered a simple weapon
Beyond double its original unmodified range, the
damage is halved. Its maximum range is line of [Never know when you’ll need a sharp blade.]
sight, or whatever the GM feels is appropriate
for the weapon and the surroundings.
[I’ve met a lot of street thugs who think it’s a good main
All weapons are considered Martial weapons, unless
otherwise specified. Most light pistols are labelled
Simple weapons.
EL-1 Stun Club Sedger Short Blade
Melee Weapon Melee Weapon
▪ Silver Credits: 140sc The Sedger Short Blade is a relatively new introduction, filling
in a gap between the dagger and long-blade length weapons.
The EL-1 Stun Club is a good weapon for quickly taking down So far, it has proved popular with the merchant class in
an opponent. When the EL-1 strikes an opponent, it delivers spite of (or perhaps because of) the price. It is generally a
an electrical shock which both injures and possibly stuns the socially acceptable weapon to carry, at least amongst certain
target. crowds.
On a successful attack, the opponent must make a Fortitude This weapon normally comes with a sheath, appropriate for
Save, DC 10. Anyone who fails the Fortitude Save is knocked hanging on a belt. Unempowered, this weapon does 1d4
completely down, and requires a full-round action to get up points of damage + STR.
on their turn (if they choose to get up). Unempowered, this
weapon does 1 point of damage + STR. [The Short Sword reborn.]
[Decent if the target is not too tough, but if they are - they’ll
resist the stun fairly easily.]
M1 Battle Hammer
[It’s good in some situations. Careful though, it can still be
deadly.] Melee Weapon
▪ Damage: 1d6 + 1d8 +STR The M1 Battle Hammer dates way back to the introduction
of Spellchrome weaponry, as one of the first successful
▪ Empowerment Cost: 3 EP empowerable bludgeoning melee weapons. Other than sight
refinements, it has remained the same reliable weapon over
▪ Silver Credits: 100sc the decades.
The XF Heavy Fist was originally created to protect an The M1 Hammer is not small and is not easy to conceal,
attacker’s hand when punching. Eventually it evolved into a unless stowed. Generally, due to its resemblance of a
full metal glove and then later into an empowered weapon. medieval weapon, it is acceptable to transport openly. Unem-
When worn, a Heavy Fist is fairly visible. powered, this weapon does 1d6 points of damage + STR.
The XF Heavy Fist is available in left and right handed metal [I know of military squads that swear by the M1. Easy to carry
gloves. The empowerment cost is for 1 glove. Unempowered, and use, never breaks.]
this weapon does 1d4 points of damage + STR. Held melee
weapons, including XF Heavy Fists, do not work effectively
with the spell Fists of Fire.
Sevrokk Silver Krovvco G-H
▪ Combat Sword Gravaton Hammer
This weapon normally comes with a sheath, appropriate for On a successful attack, the opponent must make a Fortitude Save,
hanging on a belt, or over the shoulder. It is considered a light DC 12. (The solid hit creates a small distortion field that can disorient
weapon, compatible with the Agile Weapon Style feat. Unem- a foe.) Failing the saving throw means the victim is knocked down
powered, this weapon does 1d6 points of damage + STR. and must use one of their actions on their next turn to get up (if they
choose to get up). A knocked down target suffers a penalty of -2 to
Armour Class and Attack.
When empowered, Spellchrome blades are very sharp
and hard to dull, making them effective against a variety of The Krovvco Gravaton Hammer requires 2 hands to wield (unless
armour. the character has the Single Grip Feat, which then only requires 1
hand to wield). A Strength of 18 or higher is required to carry this
[Top of the line for a single handed sword.] weapon; a weaker strength means that the character is slowed by
5 feet per round. Unempowered, this weapon does 1d8 points of
damage + STR.
S-AK Impact Staff [If you’re looking for a big sledge hammer, look no further.]
Blaxton Heavy
Damage: 2d8 +STR Broadsword
[If you don’t want anyone to bother you, carry one of these.]
Dagger Battle Axe
Medieval Era Weapon Medieval Era Weapon
Eldlandrian Daggers are commonly carried as a basic tool, or Eldlandrian battle axes are militarized versions of the
as a stabbing or slashing weapon. If an opponent is wearing standard utility axe. These two handed weapons feature a
empowerable armour, a common dagger is likely to be inef- single axe head or dual axe heads, sharpened to puncture an
fective. opponent’s armour and cause them serious injury.
This is considered a simple weapon [You can always chop wood with it.]
[Fine, if I’ve lost my pocket knife.] [No. Not with mine anyway.]
▪ Empowerment Cost: 0 EP
▪ Empowerment Cost: 0 EP
Accuracy Sensors About Melee Weapons
Weapon Accessory
A successful punch attack does damage equal to a charac-
▪ Effect: +1 bonus to hit ter’s strength modifier (minimum 1 point).
▪ Empowerment Cost: 1 EP
▪ Takes up one accessory slot Like spellchrome pistols many of these blades, hammers,
etc, are modified versions of energy weapons. This means
▪ Silver Credits: 170sc
that the weapon also needs a working R-14 fusion core,
which lasts for thousands of strikes (weapon prices include
Small sensors are strategically placed on the melee weapon.
the cost a new fusion core).
While the user maintains contact with the empowerment
bridge of the weapon, they get a subtle feeling about their
precision and position of the weapon before they hit, allowing Durability
them to make tiny but sometimes useful corrections before
contact. The weapons are highly durable, but not invulnerable. Most
will not dull or break under basic to heavy wear and tear, but
may suffer damage if excessive and extreme demands are
Accuracy Sensors work with nearly all melee weapons. It
placed upon them. Some weapons, such as the M1 Battle
takes about a hour to install or uninstall, quicker with a good
Hammer, are even more durable than normal.
repair test. Melee weapons can accept one accessory.
[Can be good for the big weapons, where you hate to miss.]
Power Edge
Weapon Accessory
▪ Empowerment Cost: 1 EP
Appearance Armour
Do parts of these weapons glow?
Only when they are first empowered. Also, parts of the Shield Jacket
weapons glow briefly each time the weapon is swung.
Light Class Empowered Armour
Are they solid black?
▪ Armour Class: +3 AC
They come in a small variety of materials and colours. Some ▪ Damage Reduction: 1d4 DR
are solid black, most have a metallic finish.
▪ Extraordinary Hit Points: 0 EX-HP
Reading Stats ▪ Empowerment Cost: 2 EP
Outer-Plated Medium Coat Silver-Coat
Light Class Empowered Armour Medium Class Empowered Armour
This armour combines a rugged and traditional coat with The Silver-Coat is a popular medium class armour that has
empowerable Outer-Plating. The Outer-Plated Medium Coat been manufactured to provide good damage absorption.
is not an uncommon sight in city cores and among travelers. Available as either a jacket or long coat.
The Extraordinary Hit Points of this armour replenish at a base The Extraordinary Hit Points of this armour replenish at a base
rate of 5 per hour (standard). Unempowered, this armour has rate of 5 per hour (standard). Unempowered, this armour has
the following stats: Armour Class: +1 AC. the following stats: Armour Class: +1 AC.
[They’re good coats too. Really cut the wind.] [Everyone I know buys the long coat version. Got more
[True. Maybe the long coat is a bit heavy for some people.]
L4 Light Shell
Light Class Empowered Armour
▪ Armour Class: +4 AC
Knight-Wulf M2
Medium Class Empowered Armour
▪ Damage Reduction: 1d4 DR
▪ Armour Class: +4 AC
▪ Extraordinary Hit Points: 16 EX-HP
▪ Damage Reduction: 1d4 DR
▪ Empowerment Cost: 4 EP
▪ Extraordinary Hit Points: 22 EX-HP
▪ Silver Credits: 380sc
▪ Empowerment Cost: 5 EP
The L4 Light Shell was originally designed as a light weight
alternative to medieval full plate. Over the years it has evolved, ▪ Silver Credits: 260sc
becoming slightly more streamlined with each iteration.
The Knight-Wulf M2 is designed to survive a short but
The Extraordinary Hit Points of this armour replenish at a dangerous fight. To accomplish this, the M2 has prioritized
base rate of 8 per hour (3 better than standard). Unempow- the protection offered from Extraordinary Hit Points.
ered, this armour has the following stats: Armour Class: +2
AC. The Extraordinary Hit Points of this armour replenish at a
base rate of 11 per hour (6 better than standard). Unempow-
[The L4 has always been good armour if you want something ered, this armour has the following stats: Armour Class: +2
in the light class.] AC.
Lundor-Blue L6 Hard Shell
Medium Class Empowered Armour Medium Class Empowered Armour
“Lundor Blue” is the name given to the armour that was mass The L6 Hard Shell takes a no compromises approach to
produced following the first Nova Dirge conflict. It became the damage protection, while keeping the empowerment cost
battle uniform for most regular and volunteer soldiers within consistent with other armour in it’s class. It is the medium
the Kingdom of Lundor. The mass production of this armour class version of the L4 Light Shell.
makes it very common to find.
The Extraordinary Hit Points of this armour replenish at a base
The Extraordinary Hit Points of this armour replenish at a base rate of 5 per hour (standard). Unempowered, this armour has
rate of 5 per hour (standard). Unempowered, this armour has the following stats: Armour Class: +2 AC.
the following stats: Armour Class: +2 AC.
[It’s actually pretty resilient.]
[But worth it.]
[You can get this new, if you look around. They still manufac-
ture a limited amount each year.]
U1 Ultra Quick
Kinnat MV Medium Class Empowered Armour
Cathal Scale Garwood Heavy Plate
Medium Class Empowered Armour Heavy Class Empowered Armour
Cathal Scale is the armour most commonly issued to Garwood Heavy Plate is an armour that powerful knights
Wardens. The Cathal-Bram company has had the contract and other experienced soldiers wear. It is heavy, expensive
to supply Warden Investigators with armour for over half a to craft and has a demanding empowerment cost; for those
century. The armour is not exclusive to the Wardens and is that can handle the burden, this makes for very protective
available for normal purchase. armour.
The Extraordinary Hit Points of this armour replenish at a base The Extraordinary Hit Points of this armour replenish at a
rate of 5 per hour (standard). Unempowered, this armour has base rate of 10 per hour. Unempowered, this armour has the
the following stats: Armour Class: +3 AC. following stats: Armour Class: +4 AC.
Born out of an attempt to improve upon the Kinnat MV, the The Eldlandrian Heavy Shield adds to your basic defence. It
HC5 took the design in a new direction. By allowing the is common for some guards and town watch to still carry a
cumbersome weight of a heavy class armour, the manufac- Heavy Shield.
turer was able to boost the defection and absorption shielding
while maintaining the same empowerment cost. Since less Using a Heavy Shield takes up the use of one hand. It adds
people have the training and physique to wear heavy armour, +1 to your current Armour Class.
the HC5 is the less commonly sold model.
[Good old Heavy Shield.]
The Extraordinary Hit Points of this armour replenish at a base
rate of 5 per hour (standard). Unempowered, this armour has
the following stats: Armour Class: +3 AC.
Leather and Plates Half Plate
Medieval Armour Medieval Armour
Eldlandrian Leather and Plates offers minor protection from Eldlandrian Half Plate offered high protection from attacks
attacks. Today it is worn as a outfit more often than the before the advent of more powerful armaments and armour.
purpose of actual armour. It remains in service in some settlements.
Leather and Plates cannot be effectively combined with other Half Plate cannot be effectively combined with other worn
worn armour. It is considered Light Armour. armour. It is considered Medium Armour.
[Wore this for months, back when I was first sword training.] [Half Plate’s actually still in use in a lot of towns.]
Chain Mail
Medieval Armour Full Plate
▪ Armour Class: +2 AC Medieval Armour
▪ Damage Reduction: 0 DR ▪ Armour Class: +4 AC
▪ Extraordinary Hit Points: 0 EX-HP ▪ Damage Reduction: 0 DR
▪ Empowerment Cost: 0 EP ▪ Extraordinary Hit Points: 0 EX-HP
▪ Silver Credits: 50 sc ▪ Empowerment Cost: 0 EP
Eldlandrian Chain Mail offered good protection from attacks ▪ Silver Credits: 180sc
before the advent of more powerful armaments and armour.
Today it is often worn for tradition and the preservation of Eldlandrian Full Plate offered the highest protection from
culture. It remains in service in smaller settlements. attacks before the advent of more powerful armaments and
armour. The knights who would have once worn full plate,
Chain Mail cannot be effectively combined with other worn have mostly moved on to the more modern counterparts.
armour. It is considered Medium Armour. There are individuals that still make use of full plate, for
various reasons.
[This is mostly all second-hand now.]
Full Plate cannot be effectively combined with other worn
[I know some people who still make it. Still, not the same armour. It is considered Heavy Armour.
industry it once was.]
[Lot of craftsmanship goes into this.]
About Armour Reading Stats
Armour Restrictions H-G Light Plate: Common Name
Most armour is not restricted. Because this is a part of the
culture, it is common to see travelers and city goers wearing Empowered Armour: Type
some form of armour. Heavy armour will draw attention,
which may be a very bad thing in some situations. Operating ▪ Armour Class: +3 AC: Adds plus three
in a foreign kingdom, for example, may require less overt the character’s base Armour Class.
▪ Damage Reduction: 1d4 DR: If the Character
While armour itself is not restricted, improper use of weapons is hit, roll 1 four sided die (1d4). Subtract the
or armour is restricted (improper use includes criminal result from the damage of the hit. Apply the
activity, destruction of property and general acts of stupidity). same Damage Reduction result for the rest of
Most Wardens and city guards have a decidedly medieval the round for any other hits. See example.
viewpoint when it comes to crime and punishment.
▪ Extraordinary Hit Points: 9 EX-HP: Additional
shielding to protect the character. This
Repair cycle armour has nine Extraordinary Hit Points
Most Empowered Armour has Extraordinary Hit Points that are removed (as damage occurs)
(EX-HP). Damage done to the Extraordinary Hit Points of before the character’s Hit Points are.
armour replenishes at a base-rate per hour (the standard rate
is 5 EX-HP per hour). Since EX-HP is repaired automatically ▪ Empowerment Cost: 3 EP: In order
each hour (in a quick surge that takes time to build up), most for this armour to properly function, it
GMs will declare when a new repair cycle occurs. requires three Empowerment Points.
Related: Repair Skill, Repair Calibrator pg 69, 145. ▪ Silver Credits: 150sc: How many Silver
Credits the item typically costs.
Appearance Additional information about the Armour.
Most armour comes in a small variety of materials and
colours. Some are solid black, most have a metallic finish. Armour must be empowered in order for it to be slowly
repairing itself through a repair cycle.
While most medieval era armour comes with a helm, most
empowerable armour does not. The shielding incorporated
into the overall empowerable armour provides protection
(when empowered) to areas not physically covered. Separate
empowerable helmets exist, but are uncommon.
Items and Devices Sprevtec R7
Long Range Comlink
City Mobile C1 ▪ Range: up to 200 miles
Short Range Comlink ▪ Empowerment Cost: 2 EP
▪ Range: Within a city to connect. ▪ Silver Credits: 140sc
▪ Empowerment Cost: 1 EP The Sprevtec R7 is built for long range and clear communications. It
can connect to the Allterion network if it is within 200 miles of a city,
▪ Silver Credits: 30sc allowing it to connect to another Comlink anywhere on the network.
The City Mobile C1 is a Communications Link popular among civilians. This Comlink has an optional remote ear piece that allows hands free
It allows the user to connect to the Allterion networks present in all communication. The main unit must remain empowered and within a
of their cities and most Eldlandrian kingdoms. Once connected, they couple feet of the ear piece.
can connect to another Comlink on the network. Two connected
Comlinks are able to communicate verbally in real time.
The Sprevtec R7 is capable of operating as a transmission scanner;
once set to a frequency, it sends and receives verbal communications
The City Mobile C1 is not capable of operating as a transmission to and from all other transmission scanners on the same frequency
scanner. A Comlink will not indicate that someone is trying to connect and range within 200 miles. There are approximately 190 transmis-
to them if it is not currently empowered. sion frequencies the R7 is capable of tuning.
A wrist mounted version of this Comlink is sold for 40 Silver The Sprevtec R7 can encrypt its outgoing signal; anyone not set
Credits. to the right key will only hear static. The Decipher Script skill (DC
20) can break the key, given enough time. All Comlinks can set a
[No one seems to bother to learn telepathy anymore.] receiving key. Obviously, a key is typically set in advance for it to be
of the most use.
High-powered Flashlight Caymor Climbing Claws
Device Gear
Micro Lighter [They work good enough to get yourself into some interesting
▪ Empowerment Cost: 1 EP
Iron Locking
Wrist Restraints
▪ Silver Credits: 10sc
▪ Empowerment Cost: 0 EP
The Micro Lighter is a useful utilitarian tool which can produce
a steady flame. In the home it has multiple uses, such as ▪ Silver Credits: 4sc
lighting candles or starting fire in a wood stove.
Iron Locking Wrist Restraints have been around for several
[I thought these were incredible when I first saw them as a centuries. Since this is a well known technology, most black-
kid.] smiths can produce several of these in a day, helping to bring
down the costs.
[My dad made me learn Fire Blast. Not sure how smart that
was.] Iron locks can be defeated with the Locks and Traps skill, any
basic lock pick and a successful check. (The Shadow Tool
spell can create a suitable lock pick for an iron lock.) Iron
locks can also be defeated with the telekinetic spell Unlock
20x Distance Imager and a Locks and Traps skill check.
Iron locks are the least difficult to pick or escape from, but do
resist basic tampering. The DC ranges between 15 and 25.
▪ Magnifies distant images up to 20 times
▪ Adds +4 to selected Spot tests Comes with a pair of iron keys. Double this price for a door
▪ Empowerment Cost: 2 EP
[Surprising how many iron locks you’ll still see.]
▪ Silver Credits: 60sc
[Guess it all comes down to Silv.]
The 20x Distance Imager is useful for seeing objects far
away in high detail. This imager can cycle between two and
twenty times magnification. Most Spot checks that involve
something that is happening at a distance gain a +4 bonus
when using this device to observe the details..
CR-2 Chrono-Timing There are rumours of rare Advanced Fusion Latches that
cannot be picked or magically opened, but require the real
Wrist Restraints passkey (or a perfect copy) to gain admittance.
▪ Silver Credits: 20sc [And the Nova Dirge... who I guess are Allterion.]
Fusion Latch locks are an Allterion introduction. They are [Guess you can’t just kick every door in.]
favoured because they cannot be picked with a normal lock
pick and are hard to crack even with a specialized lock pick [I can try.]
(Passkey Interface.) Fusion latches are susceptible to the
unlock spell.
Type Opened By Does Not Work
Fusion Latch locks can be defeated with the Locks and Iron Lock Lock Pick, Shadow Specialized lock picks.
Traps skill, a Passkey interface and a successful check. (The Tool, Unlock Spell (Chrono pick, passkey)
Shadow Tool spell cannot create a suitable lock pick for an
Chrono-Timing lock.) Chrono-Timing locks can be defeated Chrono Chrono pick, Unlock Spell,
with the telekinetic spell Unlock. Timing Shadow Tool Basic Lock Pick
Empowerment Inhibitor Repair Calibrator
Power Restraint Item and Gear
Most Empowerment Inhibitors look like one half of a wrist The Repair Calibrator is a tool used to restore the Extraordi-
restraint. Once tightened and manually locked around an nary Hit Points (EX-HP) of an armour.
individual’s wrist, the Inhibitor uses up 8 Empowerment
Points. (It will randomly short-out whatever other items or The Repair Calibrator has a warming period of 1 hour, which
power alterations it needs in order to gain its 8 EP.) A small means that it must be continuously empowered for an hour
light glows to indicate that it is functioning. (or longer) before it can be used. Once the hour is past, it can
be used for a quick repair. After being discharged, the repair
An inhibitor cannot be unenpowered until the restraint is Calibrator must be warmed again for 1 hour before use.
manually unlocked. An Empowerment Inhibitor can be any
type of lock (Iron, Chrono-timing or Fusion Latch). A character may warm a Repair Calibrator and still continue
with other objectives.
Due to the high cost of Inhibitors, they are rarely seen or used.
Inhibitors have also been criticized for not being effective The Repair Calibrator comes with a set of basic tools that add
enough. a +2 bonus to all repair tests when used. A repair kit by itself
costs 60sc.
[These are right up there with being strip searched. Don’t
expect it unless you’re meeting someone real important.] The Repair Calibrator can be set to repair vehicles as well.
[Inhibitors don’t prevent spell attacks, like Death Ray.] When the Repair Calibrator is used, the amount repaired is
based on a Repair skill check:
[I guess that’s what Magical Shield is for.]
Repair Check Result Amount Repaired
1-5 d4
Medical Field Kit
6-10 d8
[Which is often.]
Mark-3 Mage Gauntlet Power Alterations
Once integrated, a sword can flow out of the user’s hand at will
and harden into a sword-like weapon. Creating or dismissing
a sword takes a move action (or faster, if the Quick Draw feat
is used).
The cost is for one crystal sword. One may be purchased
for each hand. The Liquid Crystal Sword can be used with
Steel Skin
the Fists of Fire Spell, adding 1d8 damage (the damage is Power Alteration
capped at 1d8 when used with the spell).
▪ Bonus: +2 AC, +1d6 DR
A character can only have one liquid crystal weapon per hand
active at a time. ▪ Empowerment Cost:
2 EP (permanent)
[A much bigger dagger.]
▪ Silver Credits: 1,000sc
[But plenty of seasoned mercenaries have this done.] ▪ Silver Credits: 450sc
[Have they created any stand alone gear that lets you see in
the dark?]
Enhanced Vision Vehicles and Transportation
Power Alteration
Enhanced Vision Power Alteration increases the user’s overall visual ▪ Empowerment Cost: 3 EP
acuity, increasing their ability to see and notice fine details.
▪ Silver Credits: 370sc
To integrate Enhanced Vision, the user is exposed to a series of
empowered crystals that permanently alters their eyes. Common The Dronddii 1053 Fusion Bike has been in wide use for over
side effects include the eyes becoming silvery and mirror like in two decades. It was one of the first mainstream Fusion Bikes
appearance. to be mass produced. It is known for its speed and reliability.
Once integrated, the character gains a +1d4 bonus to all Spot, Seats 1 or 2 and has a small amount of storage. Comes with
Tracking, Detect Forgery and Analyze Evidence checks. a Chrono-timing ignition key.
Westyyg ’58 Byron ’62
Fusion Car (used) Armoured Vehicle (used)
A brand new 1076 Westyyg is also available for 3,600sc. It Each Byron has a shield system that can be empowered
features an Empowerment Cost of 4 EP. by the driver, a passenger, or the gunner. It has an EP of 5
and offers Damage Reduction of 2d6 (or 3d8 with the Shield
[Fast.] Systems Feat).
[Yup. These have always had good acceleration.] The Byron is equipped with one gunnery turret located at the
top of the vehicle. It can swivel 360 degrees. Be default the
turret is empty; it is up to a new owner to mount a weapon if
they choose to do so. Common choices include the Rainer
Thunder Rock ’49 Anti-Vehicle Gun, the Vulls Anti-Vehicle Fusion Cannon or
the Ultra-9 Fusion Cannon.
Fusion Truck (used)
▪ Speed: up to 30 miles per hour The Byron can hold a driver and 9 passengers. The Byron
has excellent storage space. Comes with a Chrono-timing
▪ Empowerment Cost: 5 EP ignition key.
▪ Silver Credits: 475sc A brand new 1076 Byron is also available for 9,000sc. It
features an Empowerment Cost of 4 EP.
The Thunder Rock is a solid all purpose Fusion Truck with lots
of cargo space. There are still lots of older Thunder Rocks on [These take a while to get going.]
the road, pointing towards their overall durability and
sound mechanics.
Hurgdawn ‘65 Riding Horse
Flight Craft Transport (used) Mount
▪ Speed: up to 90 miles per hour ▪ Speed: Can travel 30-40 miles in a day
The Hurgdawn is a large and deafening transport. It has The Eldlandrian riding horse remains the most common form
been adapted for several purposes over the years, including of travel when journeying a distance of 2 to 10 miles. The use
shipping, troop transport and civilian travel. of riding horses dates back over a thousand years, before the
beginning of the Current Era. Their continued use is also due
A Hurgdawn’s normal flight empowerment includes an active to their better ability to travel the rougher undeveloped land
long range comlink, equivalent to a Sprevtec R7. The comlink that still composes much of Eldlandria.
is a permanent fixture in the dash controls and comes with a
large headset. Most Riding horses are sold with a basic saddle and saddle
Each Hurgdawn has a shield system that can be empowered
by the pilot, co-pilot or one of the gunners. It has an EP of 7 [You can easily travel more than 40 miles in a day if you need
and offers Damage Reduction of 2d8 (or 3d10 with the Shield to.]
Systems Feat).
Empowerment Cost: 0 EP
The Hurgdawn can hold a pilot, co-pilot and 12 passengers
in the hold. A truck can be substituted for 6 people. A car
takes up 4 spots. Animal mounts count as 2. Bikes count as Silver Credits: 240sc
1. Attempting more often results in the transport becoming
too heavy to take off. A full load will slow the transport by up The Eldlandrian war horse has a long history of warfare.
to a third. Paintings and drawings believed to date back over 4,000
years depict warriors on horses breed for war engaged in
A Hurgdawn typically stores a few Descent-Packs, which battle. Today the war horse is still used as an affordable
when empowered prevent its user from reaching terminal alternative to empowered vehicles. Others use them out
velocity. Hitting the ground still causes 2d6 damage. Damage of a sense of tradition, a means of protecting a threatened
Reduction does not apply. A successful Fortitude Save, DC culture.
18, halves the damage. A new Descent-Pack costs around
200 Silver Credits. Alternatives to Descent-Packs have A war horse normally come with a saddle, traditional barding,
included the Leap spell, which halves all falling damage, and and saddle bags.
the Levitate Self spell, which (given enough time) can prevent
all falling damage. The war horse can deliver 1 free attack per round to a foe
within 5 feet of the mount, provided the rider has the ride skill.
The Hurgdawn has some limited ability to land and take off The war horse’s Melee attack is at +5; a successful hit does
vertically. It requires a large clear space to land safely. 1d8 +2 damage.
The Hurgdawn comes with a Chrono-timing ignition key. The A basic 10 pound shield system has been developed to protect
outer doors have a separate Fusion Latch lock. a mount and its rider. The shield has an EP of 5 and offers
Damage Reduction of 1d8 (or 2d8 with the Shield Systems
A brand new 1076 Hurgdawn is also available for 30,000sc. Feat). It currently sells for 300 Silver Credits. It has an initial
It features an Empowerment Cost of 10 EP. set up of 2 hours to integrate it into a mount’s traditional
barding. This item has not yet enjoyed wide popularity.
[We should see about getting one of these.]
[The traditional barding won’t do much against a Spellchrome
[Been saving your Silv?]
Grado-lion Rainer Anti-Vehicle Gun
Mount Turret Weapon
The Grado-lion’s vicious teeth and claws can deliver 1 free [See these mounted on most castles.]
attack per round to a foe within 5 feet of the mount, provided
the rider has the ride skill. The Grado-lion’s Melee attack is at
+8; a successful hit does 2d6 +4 damage. Vulls Anti-Vehicle Fusion Cannon
[Grado-lions are actually pretty good at guarding a camp.] Turret Weapon
[Maybe at night. They like to sleep a lot during the day.] ▪ Hardened Target Damage: 3d20
▪ Empowerment Cost: 10 EP
About Vehicles Repairing Damage
Repairing vehicle damage can be expensive. Having
Armour Class (Vehicles) someone else repair a vehicle costs about 10 Silver Credits
per Hit Point fixed. Doing it yourself costs about half and
The base Armour Class of most vehicles is 12. A moving requires the repair skill, tools, and place to work. It takes
vehicle can be harder to hit, adding up to +4 to a vehicle’s about an hour per 5 Hit Points repaired. Good repair rolls can
AC (as determined by the GM at the time). A character can significantly reduce the time and slightly decrease the cost.
spend about 500 Silver Credits to add armour to their vehicle, (Horrible rolls can waste time and Silver.)
giving +4 to their vehicle’s base AC (as well as improving their
Damage Reduction, see below). Added armour will probably An alternative is to use a Repair Calibrator. Originally designed
end up slowing the vehicle by roughly 5 miles per hour. to repair the invisible shields that protects empowered armour,
it can be modified to help with the repair of a vehicle. Once
Armoured Vehicles, such as the Byron, already have armour the Repair Calibrator is fully charged and used, roll normally
added to them. for the Repair Check Result. Then roll the amount repaired
and restore that many Hit Points to the Vehicle. Each use
A Horse’s Base AC is 13, due to dexterity. A Grado-lion’s costs 10 Silver Credits in material when repairing vehicles
Base AC is 15, due to dexterity. Traditional Barding can (restoring the EX-HP of armour costs nothing).
add +3 to the AC of a mount. Traditional Barding costs 50
Silver Credits and is included in the price of a War Horse or
Grado-lion. Mounting Weapons
Most vehicles can mount a weapon. Doing so requires the
Damage Reduction repair skill, a place to work and some time. Mounting weapons
is officially restricted to military use in most settlements.
Normal Vehicles have a Damage Reduction of 1d4. Armoured
vehicles have a Damage Reduction of 1d8. Animal Barding Most vehicles mount a weapon, using the following
does not have DR. guidelines:
Adding Armour: See Armour class, above. ▪ Anti-vehicle weapons are usually mounted,
although handheld cannons and other
Some vehicles have a Shield System integrated into the body
ranged weapons can be used as well.
of the vehicle. In such cases, the base DR stacks with any
from an empowered shield system. ▪ Fusion Cycles and Cars can mount 1
forward fixed mount. Doing so slows the
A basic 24 pound shield system is available for fusion bikes,
vehicle by 10 miles per hour. More often
cars and trucks that do not already have one integrated. The
shield has an EP of 6 and offers Damage Reduction of 1d10
the drivers will use hand held weapons.
(or 1d10+1d12 with the Shield Systems Feat). It currently
▪ Fusion Trucks can mount a turret in the back.
sells for 500 Silver Credits. It has an initial set up of 6 hours
Doing so slows the vehicle by 5 miles per hour.
to integrate it into the vehicle’s body. It can be empowered by
the driver or a passenger. A vehicle cannot integrate more ▪ Armoured Vehicles can mount one or more turrets.
than one shield system at a time.
Doing so does not impact the speed of the vehicle.
Roads Related Skills and Feats
Roads are slowly being built as more Eldlandrians transition ▪ The Gunnery Feat reduces the penalty when
from horse to vehicle. There are good hardened roads firing a turret or vehicle mounted weapon.
connecting most of the Allterion cities that have frequent
vehicle travel. Other roads are mostly dirt or gravel, but still ▪ The Shield System Feat can improve the
travel better than open fields or other terrain. Damage Reduction of some vehicles.
Falling damage is 1d10 per full ten feet fallen. Having a Manufacturer and year made
transport land on a character (crash landing) might increase
this damage. Fusion Bike (used): Type (this vehicle was purchases second
Common Goods and Services Meals
Eldlandrian meals remain, for the most part, fixed in tradition.
A common meal consists of roasted meat, bread, cheese
Clothing and potatoes. Porridge or eggs continue as
popular breakfasts. Food concepts
Clothing across Eldlandria comes in a variety of styles and
from major Allterion settle-
quality. Within the Kingdom of Lundor, clothing styles remain
ments, such as flash-frozen,
mostly medieval - wool, linen, or hemp pants; loose shirt and
canned, preserved and
tunic or jacket. However,
express food, are slowly
this is changing. Allterion
trickling into many tradi-
clothing, first found to
tional Eldlandrian homes
be too alien and too
and Inns.
expensive, is now slowly
finding a foothold in and
blending with traditional Ale and wine persist to
Eldlandrian fashion. be the most frequent
Synthetic materials and beverage consumed.
textiles, for example, Except from some natural
are increasingly incor- springs, water has been
porated into all clothing. historically unsafe to drink in large
quantities. Some early attempts
to purify and bottle water have been
The clothing prices
successful, although the after-effects from
listed above are rough
the disaster of 1049 have again made water more difficult to
guidelines for players
purify. (Most Allterion cities have large and expensive purifi-
and GMs. A single
cation plants.)
piece of clothing (a pair
of socks, a belt, a shirt)
costs about a quarter of Meals and Rations Silver Credits
a set of clothes. Some
types of clothes, such Travel rations, per day 2sc
as an evening dress, Includes a water skin.
can be found in each
category: plain, quality A basic meal 1sc
and nobility. It is up to players to decide how many sets of Includes cooked
clothes is appropriate for their character. A washing service meat and bread.
costs 2 Silv per bundle of clothes.
A tall ale 1sc
Clothing Silver Credits Usually a local brewed beer
served in a large mug.
A set of plain clothes 8sc
Includes a shirt, pants, A good meal 3sc
boots, coat and belt. Includes a drink.
Lodging Storage
Most buildings within the Kingdom of Lundor are old stone, Most storage devices today are a
built hundreds of years ago. In addition to magnificent castles, blend of traditional and newer
fortresses and churches, you will find more humble homes materials. Some containers,
and apartments, big and small. Only since the influence such as shoulder or saddle
of Allterion engineering has there been a move away from bags, have long existed.
out-houses to indoor plumbing. Others, like tactical vests and
belts, are an Allterion intro-
duction. Storage containers
Lodging Silver
come in a variety of forms:
Credits A secure strongbox can be
permanently fixed to the box of
A room at a cheap Inn 3sc a fusion truck, or they may be safes
One night, very basic accommodations. or chests.
A room at a common Inn 5sc
This game does not keep strict track of equipment weight
One night, includes a bath. or carrying capacity. The game does expect players to try
and explain how they are carrying everything by dressing the
A room at a Luxurious Inn 50sc part. This means using some of the above storage solutions,
One night, several huge when needed.
rooms, patrolling guards.
Bandoleer 14sc
A pocketed belt worn over a shoulder
or chest; can hold small weapons
or other items for quick access.
Outdoors Outdoors Silver
Outdoor equipment has seen minor improvements in
quality and design over the last few decades. The bedroll Hardened canteen 7sc
has become more water proof, warm and resistant to the Large round water container,
elements. The hardened canteen uses modern materials to hardened to resist damage.
be resilient to impact and puncture damage. Ultracord is a
significant improvement over hemp rope because it is thinner Compass 6sc
and lighter, yet stronger. A small hand sized disk that
help a user to navigate..
Rope 2sc
Thick and rough twined rope.
Cost is per 10 feet.
Ultracord 15sc
40 feet of tough thin rope. Easier to work with.
Shovel 4sc
A tool used for digging or moving soil, etc.
Torch 1sc
A long stick, treated to be lit multiple times;
gives off heat, light and flame when lit.
Consumer Products Consumer Products Silver
The average Eldlandrian consumer has been in a period of
change for several decades. The introduction of mass trans- Watch 40sc
mission and image screens has created a wide and captive Wrist or pocket watch, finely
audience. Increased transportation, the increased production made, tells accurate time.
of food, and the introduction of massive factories has driven
people into densely populated cities. Illusion screen 12sc
Displays basic 3d images.
Allterion technology has played a role in improving old goods
or introducing new goods. The watch, once only available in Illusion capture camera 120sc
a large and expensive pocket version, now can fit on a wrist. Takes and stores 3d images up to 20 feet by
The illusion screen, an old invention that leverages magical 10 feet by 8 feet. About the size of a light pistol.
knowledge and mechanics, has entered a second generation
of production resulting in an increased image clarity. First Image screen 200sc
generation illusion screens were small globes, with a 3D Displays moving 2d images and
image appearing inside. New illusion screens display the 3D sound. Prices start at 200.
image above the device.
Motion capture camera 400sc
Takes and stores moving 2d
The image screen is an Allterion introduction that has
images and sound. About the size
(frustratingly) changed standards frequently, as the size
of a medium to heavy pistol.
and resolution of the units has increased. Image screens
can playback from a small light crystal or receive program Audio capture 100sc
transmissions. Most programs are news, local talk shows Takes, stores and plays back sound.
exploring different aspects of arts and culture, heroic war About the size of a small dagger.
stories (sponsored by The Eldlandrian Western Guard), or
adapted theatre plays. The transmission “channels” have Live theatre tickets 4sc
recently increased by 50%, up from two to three. Mostly stories that subtly poke fun
at minsters and other politicians of
Live theatre plays, initially more frequent after the crowding the day. Half price for standing.
of the cities, are currently down from their peak. The Allterion
image screen is cited as drawing interest away from theatre, Newspaper 0.2sc
although some have suggested that many of the plays and Local and Kingdom-wide news via the
their source material may simply be getting a bit stale. improved modern printing press.
Pipe 4sc
A small device used for smoking tobacco.
Kits and Tools
Tools, medical instruments and techniques have all improved
in the last half century. For example, it was the Allterions that
introduced the comparing of two Genetic Code Sequences to
see if they match, enabled by their equipment. Looking into
the future, it is speculated that eventually a GCS (or finger
print) could be compared to a large number of samples from
within a database.
Chapter 8: Combat Combat Overview
Characters take actions in order of their initiative. An
Combat Introduction attacking character can move and then attack a target
within range. To attack, you roll a d20 and add your
Combat makes up a good portion of many Role-
Attack Bonus, then compare the result with the target’s
playing Games, this one included. Yes, there is more
Armour Class; a successful attack meets or exceeds
to the game than combat: Player characters might
their AC. Then you do damage, which lowers the
meet NPCs, accept missions, negotiate, plan, buy
target’s Hit Points. When a character has 0 or less HP,
equipment, prepare, drive, sneak, track down people
they are dead or dying.
and leads, notice, chase, interrogate, prepare some
more, ride, lie and persuade, perceive remotely, control
This Roleplaying game uses rounds to resolve character
weather, swim, conjure tools, unlock, climb, jump,
actions and combat. This means that everyone rolls
distract, steal, decipher, communicate telepathically,
initiative (a d20 roll, plus Dexterity Modifier and any
balance, escape, and more – all with the chance that a
miscellaneous modifiers) to determine who goes first.
fight could break out at any time. When that happens, it
The Game Master notes down each Player’s initiative
is time to roll for initiative.
result and rolls to find the initiative of her Non-Player
Character antagonists.
One of the reasons combat in an RPG can be exciting
is because it is another way for Players to test their
Each character gets to act on their initiative number,
character. Combat in roleplaying games is a bit like a
starting from the highest result and descending. A turn
(high stakes) puzzle: How do you defeat an opponent
is six seconds, so a character can do anything they are
without being defeated? To do this, a character must
capable of performing in that amount of time. Often this
rely on their Attributes, combat feats, spells and the
will include some movement and attacking (or casting
equipment that they have managed to assemble.
a spell or quickly using an applicable skill). Once a
character’s turn is up, the character next in the initiative
order gets to act. This continues until everyone has
acted, which marks the end of the round. The next
round may reuse the same initiative results from before
(much faster and simpler), or the GM can declare that Characters have 2 separate attack bonuses, one for
everyone needs to re-roll for initiative (more dynamic melee and one for ranged.
and unpredictable).
In general, each character may perform two actions on ▪ A sword attack uses: Melee Base
their turn – one move action and one standard action. Attack Bonus + Strength Modifier.
Standard actions are used to attack. See Types of
Actions, pg 173. ▪ The Melee Base Attack Bonus is determined
by a character’s level and how many feats she
Either a melee or ranged attack is used when attacking has put towards melee combat training.
an opponent. A melee attack requires the attacker to be ▪ The options are none, basic melee
within a couple feet of their target. If using a grid map training, or advanced melee training.
where each square represents 5 feet, the attacker and
defender should be in adjacent squares. A character’s ▪ The Strength Modifier corresponds with a
base movement is 30 feet; if the attacker is within 30 character’s Strength Attribute score.
feet of the target and there are no major obstacles or
terrain difficulties, she can move to engage her target ▪ Eg: a 16 or 17 Strength score gives a +3
and make a melee attack. bonus to hit with melee weapons.
has at least 1 Hit Point left, they can continue to takes (Kim) Celan: “Surrender! And we’ll make this easy.”
(Lisa) GM: “Blight-you, law-man,” one of them yells.
At 0 current Hit Points, a character is unconscious. At They’re raising their weapons. Combat has begun,
-1 through -29 current Hit Points, a character is dying everyone roll for initiative. Now, you were slightly more
and suffers 1d4 damage at the end of each round as expecting them than the other way around, so I’m going
they bleed out (the bleeding stops if attended to with to give you a +2 bonus to your initiative. Just add it in
some form of healing). At -30 HP a character is dead. before you tell me the final number.
There are further situations, terms, and advanced (Bill) Driden: [rolling a d20, getting an 18 and adding +2
concepts discussed later in the chapter, but the above from his Initiative Bonus, and +2 circumstance bonus]
text provides a good overview of the basic mechanics I got a 22.
of combat in Spellchrome. Combat Specifics can be
(John) Byron: [rolling a d20, getting a 2 and adding +3
found beginning on pg 165
from his Initiative Bonus, and +2 circumstance bonus]
Byron gets a whopping 7.
Sample Combat (Lisa) GM: Ok, got it. And what does Celan get, Kim?
The Player Characters have accepted an urgent
mission to hunt down an escaped group of dangerous (Kim) Celan: [rolling a d20, getting a 12 and adding +2
and vile criminals who have killed 3 Lundor citizens. The from her Initiative Bonus, and +2 circumstance bonus]
Players’ search and legwork has brought them several She gets a 16.
leads, and they are now in the middle of following up on
(Lisa) GM: Great. [rolls 4d20 for the escaped prisoners,
the various sightings.
getting 14, 6, 18 and 4. She adds a +2 Initiative Bonus
to each and records them all. She notes to herself the
(Lisa) GM: This lead has you looking around the grounds
of an old ruined castle, a few miles out of town. You’re
all doing your best to stay alert, without being on edge. Driden: 22
It’s already getting to be a long day, and everything so
far hasn’t panned out. Criminal #3: 20
(Lisa) GM: Alright. You’ve all got weapons at the ready Criminal #4: 6
(Lisa) GM: Kim, what’s Celan’s dexterity? We’ve got a
(Kim, playing a Warden Investigator) Celan: Yea, my tie.
Atlurg pistol is at the ready.
(Kim) Celan: Dex is 14.
(Lisa) GM: Ok, you look like a friendly bunch. You
keep looking around, haven’t seen or heard much of (Lisa) GM: Okay, same here. Roll me a d10.
anything. Then you’re about 10 feet into what used to
(Kim) Celan: [rolling a d10, getting a 3] I got a 3.
be a court yard and a group of 4 men are coming out of
a large building. All 4 are wearing chainmail and have (Lisa) GM: [rolling a d10, getting a 6, updates the list:]
spellchrome pistols.
Driden: 22
(Kim) Celan: Do we recognize them from the wanted
poster? Criminal #3: 20
(Lisa) GM: Yep, pretty sure it’s them. You put one of Criminal #1: 16.6
them in jail yourself a while back.
Celan: 16.3
Criminal #2: 8 (Bill) Driden: Combat’s what I do, so I’d better have a
high AC. Besides, it’s heavy armour.
Byron: 7
(Lisa) GM: True enough. Ok, I get... [rolling an open
Criminal #4: 6 d20, getting a 19 for everyone to see and adding +3 for
a 22.] a hit.
(Lisa) GM: Alright! Driden, you’re up.
(Bill) Driden: Yea, I see. Alright, what’s the damage?
(Bill) Driden: Cool. How far are they away? Can I make
it over to them?
(Lisa) GM: They’ve got Atlurg M’s, real common (Lisa) GM: Alright, Byron moves a short distance to the
weapon... [rolling 2d8, getting a 6 and a 7] the damage left and grabs some cover, rifle over the side and fires.
is 13. What your attack roll?
(Bill) Driden: Alright, I’ve got some Damage Reduction (John) Byron: [rolling a d20, getting a 13, and adds +4
first... [rolling 1d6, getting a 2] ouch, a two. So that’s from his combined attack bonus, for a total of 17] I got
11 damage now. Alright, so my Spellchrome armour a 17 to hit.
has an energy shield... Extraordinary Hit Points equal
to 25... I’ve got 14 left before this starts to really hurt. (Lisa) GM: Good. That’s a hit. Roll for damage.
(Lisa) GM: (recapping) Okay, so nasty looking guy (John) Byron: [rolls 3d6, getting a 6, a 3 and a 5 for a
draws and fires on you Driden, hitting you square in the total of 14 damage.] My damage is 14.
chest, but it’s not enough to even take your armour out,
so he’s looking a bit scared right about now. (Lisa) GM: Okay. You fire and a fast energy blast strikes
the guy in the lower torso, his armour not helping him
(Bill) Driden: Like I said, I’m the combat monster. much. He goes down.
(John) Byron: Or the meat shield. (John) Byron: Good, got him.
(Bill) Driden: That too. (Lisa) GM: The next person to go is criminal number
4, and his action is to bleed on the ground... so that’s
(Lisa) GM: Alright, so who’s up next... bad guy number the end of the round. I think we can keep this initiative
one, but he’s down, so Celan. Doesn’t really matter that order, which means that Bill, Driden is up next.
you lost the tie I guess. Kim, what is Celan doing?
(Bill) Driden: Alright, so what, there’s still two guys near
(Kim) Celan: She fires on the one that shot Driden. me. I’ll move up and attack the one closest to me.
[Rolls a d20, gets an 8 and adds her attack bonus of +3
for a total of 11.] I got an 11. (Lisa) GM: Not a problem, you close a short distance
toward criminal number three and bring back your
(Lisa) GM: You blast at him and come close, just hammer. Roll to hit.
(Bill) Driden: [rolling a d20, getting a 3 and adds +5
(Kim) Celan: Alright. from his combined attack bonus, for a total of 8] Got an
8. Swing and a miss. Damn 3.
(Lisa) GM: Next is bad guy number two. He will fire at...
[rolling a d3] Celan. Guess he doesn’t like you firing in (Lisa) GM: And a look of relief washes across the
his general direction. What’s your AC? convict’s face as your massive hammer swings near
him, slamming down on the ground beside him.
(Kim) Celan: It’s 17. Most wardens wear good armour,
expensive to empower. (Bill) Driden: Ground shaker.
(Lisa) GM: That’s why they last longer than my bad (Lisa) GM: Now it’s criminal number 3’s turn. He is
guys, who get a gun and think their good. Alright, AC engaged in melee with Driden and he’s going have
17... [rolling an open d20, getting a 2 for everyone to trouble firing his gun like that, so he’ll spend his move
see. Adding an attack bonus of +3 for a total of +5.] I action to withdraw. It’s a pretty open area, so he doesn’t
score a miss. He fires well over your head. have any trouble withdrawing. He cautiously scrambles
back 10 feet and takes a shot at Driden [rolling an open
(Kim) Celan: Nice. d20, getting an 8 for everyone to see. Adding an attack
bonus of +3 for a total of +11.] No go. His blast goes
(Lisa) GM: So now it’s Byron’s turn. wide. Next up is Celan.
(John) Byron: Finally. Okay, so for my move action, is (Kim) Celan: So two targets left.
there any type of cover in this court yard nearby?
(Lisa) GM: Right. Bad-guy Number two, and bad-guy
(Lisa) GM: Yea, there’s some statues. number three, who just scrambled away from Driden.
(John) Byron: Great, I’ll step behind one of those and (Kim) Celan: Okay, I’ll take a shot at number two... after
fire from cover at guy number four. I grab some cover.
(Lisa) GM: Alright, you spend your move action going to A giant monster can definitely up the difficulty of any
the right and get behind a memorial stone, and spend battle!
your standard action firing at criminal number 2. Roll
to hit. The way the GM set this scenario was probably fine.
The Players were prepared and neither side really got
(Kim) Celan: [rolling a d20, getting a 13, and adds her the drop on the other. It was designed for straightfor-
attack bonus of +3 for a total of 16.] I got a total of 16. ward combat. The GM did give a small initiative bonus
to the Players because they were actively searching
(Lisa) GM: That hits, spin me some damage. for a target and the criminals were not. The GM did not
have to offer a bonus, since there was a small amount
(Kim) Celan: [rolls 2d8, getting a 6 and a 4 for a total of
of talking on both sides before the combat started. Yes,
10 damage.] 10 damage.
the Players are ready to start fighting, to declare their
(Lisa) GM: Ka-blam. You shoot him and he drops down, combat actions, but so are the antagonists. That is why
possibly just hurt. Byron, your turn. initiative rolls exist.
(John) Byron: One guy left, with the monster Driden Offering a small initiative bonus can sometimes turn
about to be breathing down his back again? I’ll aim at the early tide of a battle. It should not be expected or
him and yell him “hands up.” If that doesn’t work, I fire. given without reason, but it should be considered if
the Players are well prepared and ready for the battle.
(Lisa) GM: He takes your offer. Driden disarms all of Treating Players fairly benefits everyone.
them while you cover him.
Another way to approach a situation where two opposing
(Kim) Celan: I’ll check to see which ones are still groups are about to encounter each other is to have
breathing. both sides make Listen and Spot checks. Everyone in a
group should make them, with good results benefiting
(Lisa) GM: Alright. everyone nearby within the group (as someone says
“hold up” or makes a caution gesture). The group that
Discussion exceeds the other’s ability to notice ends up with a
small initiative bonus.
This ends a quick and simple combat session. By all
accounts, the Non-Player Character antagonists were In the combat example, this GM made a basic effort
underpowered in comparison to the Player Characters. to keep meta-knowledge to herself: she did not reveal
That is fine if it is early on in the game session; it means what the initiative results for the antagonists were and
that a tougher battle could be right around the corner. she did not say what their Armour Class was (although
Players need to be challenged (or, before long, they that would not be hard to figure out).
will get bored), but it is ok if they easily win the odd
early quick fight. This GM did however make hit and damage rolls in
front of the Players. Each GM, sometimes based on
the situation, will choose to make open dice rolls or
Increasing the challenge shielded dice rolls, as they each have pros and cons.
How could this fight have been more difficult? Each The benefit of making hit rolls in front of Players is that
escaped criminal could have had unique stats; one they can see when the GM is rolling well. If they have
of them could have been a melee specialist, another a high AC, but also see the GM simply rolling well, it
a magic specialist, and another a sharp shooter or a seems fair. Curse the dice, not the GM.
mean mercenary.
Using the criminals as is, the GM might have had one Combat Specifics
of them try to cast magic: nearly everyone knows some
The previous pages showed an overview of basic
spells. Their stolen or acquired equipment could have
combat, and illustrated how the components all fit
been better, especially any armour which would have
together. The following looks at each component in
kept them in the fight longer. Another thing that is
greater detail.
relatively easy to do is make a couple of them a higher
level, which (among other things) boosts their Hit
Points. Yet one more would be to throw in a huge curve
ball: If the antagonist’s background or story line had
anything to do with the supernatural, a terror creature
from beyond the barrier could have easily shown up.
Initiative characters to start taking a bunch of actions before
combat starts.
At the start of a battle, each combatant makes an
initiative check. An initiative check is a Dexterity check, Readying an action
which means rolling a d20 and adding a character’s
Dexterity Modifier plus any miscellaneous modifiers. A The following is a good example of a proper initiative
miscellaneous modifier might come from a feat, a spell bonus: A group of characters is searching a room and
or equipment. Characters act in order, counting down one of them declares
from the highest to the lowest result. that they are guarding
the door, ready to
The standard method of resolving the next round of fire at anyone who
combat is for everyone to keep their initiative result walks through it. In this
from the previous round. This has the advantage of case, only the guarding
being faster and simpler to keep track of. An alterna- character should gain
tive method is to roll initiative each round. This has an initiative bonus.
the advantage of being more unpredictable, creating a Note that with this
dynamic situation that keeps everyone on their toes. bonus it is possible that
the guarding character
will roll a 1 on his initiative
Keeping track of initiative roll while the character
Normally the Game Master declares that everyone opening the door might roll
rolls for initiative and then call out their result or offer it a 20 and still act first. This
when called upon. The GM then rolls initiative for any is fine, as there is a micro
antagonists, and records that. Finally, the GM makes a delay while the guarding
quick note of who goes first, second, and so on. character waits for the
door to clear, adjusts his
Alternatively, some GMs may call out numbers in a aim slightly, and looks
descending order, having Players call out when it is to make sure
their turn. (GM note: this has the small advantage of that the target
keeping Players plugged in.) is in fact an
enemy and
not an ally.
Resolving ties The initial
In the case of initiative ties, the character with the situation can
higher Dexterity score goes first. If that is a tie, then stack the odds in
have each of those Players roll a d10. Whoever gets a one side’s favour, but the
higher result goes first. dice results end up determining exactly what happens.
Flat footed Base Attack Bonuses By Level Repost
A flat footed character receives no Dexterity bonus to Level Poor Good Best
their Armour Class. 1 +0 +0 +1
Rounds 11 +5 +8 / +3 +11 / +6 / +1
12 +6 / +1 +9 / +4 +12 / +7 / +2
When combat begins, this game uses rounds to
keep track of everyone’s actions and make sure that 13 +6 / +1 +9 / +4 +13 / +8 / +3
everyone gets an opportunity to do something. Each 14 +7 / +2 +10 / +5 +14 / +9 / +4
round represents 6 seconds in the game world. There
are 10 rounds in a minute. 15 +7 / +2 +11 / +6 / +1 +15 / +10 / +5
Base attack bonuses: See Determining Base Attack Spells cannot travel further than their listed range.
Ability, pg 22. See Attributes, pg 19.
Damage hit and damage is determined. Keep the result of the
dice roll, applying the same Damage Reduction to any
When your attack succeeds, you deal damage. further attacks for the rest of the round. Next round, a
The type of weapon used determines the amount of new roll is made if you are stuck; it then apply to any
damage you deal. For example, the Ceburx 44 Heavy further damage for that round.
Spellchrome Pistol does 2d10 damage, which means
that two ten-sided dice are rolled with the results added For example if your character was struck for damage,
together for the total damage. you would then roll Damage Reduction. Say the
damage was 10 and the DR result was 5. You take
Damage dealt lowers the target’s current Hit Points 5 damage. If two more attacks struck you that round,
an equal amount. A character without Hit Points is each for 10 more damage, you would take another 5
either unconscious, dying or dead (see Hit Points damage and then another 5 damage, for a total of 15
under Combat Specifics). A character without Hit points of damage that round.
Points cannot take any further actions unless they are
healed. Extraordinary Hit Points
Strength Bonus: When you hit with a melee or thrown Some Spellchrome Armour provides Extraordinary
weapon, add your Strength modifier to the damage. Hit Points (EX-HP). This is additional shielding that
protects your character. Remove these Extraordinary
Strength Penalty (Minimum Damage): A melee attack Hit Points before they come off your normal current Hit
from a weak opponent still potentially causes damage. Points. Extraordinary Hit Points replenish automati-
A melee attack’s initial damage is always 1 or higher. cally at a base rate per hour. (Extraordinary Hit Points
Damage reduction can soak this damage as normal. are discussed further under Hit Points.)
▪ 10 + Armour Bonus + Dexterity modifier Advanced characters eventually gain more than one
attack with a single weapon.
Armour lists an Armour Bonus as part of its descrip-
tion. The Eldlandrian Heavy Shield can effectively be
Types of actions are discussed later in this chapter (pg
combined with other armour, adding +1 to a character’s
AC. Spellchrome armour needs to be empowered for it
to be effective.
Casting a Spell
Other miscellaneous bonuses may apply. For example,
see the Combat Awareness feat, pg 117. Casting a spell is usually a standard action (the same
as attacking with a sword). This means that you can
move your base rate (30 feet, unless modified) and
Touch attacks then cast. Or you could cast a spell and then move up
Some attacks disregard physical armour. For example, to 30 feet.
if you wanted to grab a hold of a target. In these cases,
the attacker makes a touch attack. When you are the Even if you have multiple attacks, you can still only
target of a touch attack, your AC doesn’t include any cast one spell per round (casting a spell takes up a
armour bonus, shield bonus, or natural armour bonus. full standard action). Exceptions exist, such as certain
All other modifiers, such as your, Dexterity modifier, or combat spells that take no action to cast (a null action).
Combat Awareness feat (if taken) apply normally. Most other spells take up a character’s standard action
to cast.
Damage Reduction Types of actions are discussed later in this chapter.
Some armour has Damage Reduction (DR). If it lists a
dice value, such as “d6”, roll that once you have been
Hit Points (A character can also die from suffering an ability drain
that reduces their Constitution to 0.)
Hit Points (HP) are what the game system uses to
determine how much damage a character can take Related Topic: Player Character Death, pg 196-197.
before they are dead or dying. A base amount gained
per level is determined during character creation. Becoming stable
(Other factors, such as the Toughness Feat can add a
onetime bonus to Hit Points.) On the turn after a character is reduced to between -1
and -29 hit points and on all subsequent turns, make
a Fortitude check (DC 22) to see whether the dying
Current and Maximum character becomes stable. A result of 22 or higher
Hit Points can be broken down into two further subcat- means that the character stops losing Hit Points from
egories: Current Hit Points and Maximum Hit Points. bleeding (but remains unconscious until they receive
healing that brings their current Hit Points to 1 or
Maximum Hit Points normally only change when a more.)
character gains a level. For example, a character going
from 2nd to 3rd level might increase their Maximum Hit First Aid: You can keep a dying character from losing
Points from 14 to 21. any more hit points and make them stable with a DC 15
Heal check. If the necessary material is at the ready,
Current Hit Points are the maximum amount of Hit binding the wound is normally a standard action.
Points a character has minus all the damage they have
taken. This number can be negative. A character with Magic: If any sort of magical healing cures a dying
21 Maximum Hit Points who takes 10 damage has 11 character of any amount of Hit Points (even 1 point of
current Hit Points. Most Players will mark this down as damage), he becomes stable. The most common form
11/21. of quick healing is the Swift Healing Spell.
Healing Knocked Unconscious
After taking damage, you can recover Hit Points (HP) Under the Hit Points section above, it was explained
by being aided by a spell, a skilled healer, natural that a character with 0 or less HP goes unconscious. It
healing, or a combination of the three. In any case, you is also possible for a character with 1 or more Hit Points
can never heal Hit Points past your normal Maximum to become unconscious.
Hit Points.
A character being knocked unconscious has less to do
with a good roll or combat than it does with the situation
Healing Spells and the advancement of the story. For example: if a
Precise Healing is the most common spell used to heal Player character gets the drop on a henchman and
damage. This spell takes several minutes to cast and is clubs him on the back of the head, the GM can rule that
more effective if the caster is a skilled healer. he goes unconscious.
Swift Healing is the most common healing spell used The GM should use the following guidelines when
while in combat or when healing must otherwise be ruling on these situations:
applied immediately. This spell takes only seconds to
cast. ▪ This happens outside of combat. If initiative has
been rolled, determining whether a character
goes unconscious should be resolved using the
Medical attention normal combat rules and Hit Points. This means
A skilled healer can heal a patient’s damage, although that a lone sentry could be taken out if a character
this occurs more slowly than through the use of magic. approaches and gets into position undetected.
From the Heal Skill: Likewise, an already restrained target may be
knocked out to prevent an early escape.
Treating an injury: If a person is hurt, the healer can
help with their wounds. Salves, painkillers and other ▪ A suitable blunt object is typically required.
supplies are typically needed. The DC for a Healing The strike to the head is not without
check is average to challenging, depending on the consequence – the minimum damage from
condition of the patient (treating yourself adds signifi- any blunt object is 1d4 lethal damage.
cantly to the DC). Success heals 1d10 Hit Points. A
▪ A character cannot usually knockout another
Healing check takes from several minutes to around
character who is a higher level than themselves.
an hour, depending on the situation. The hurt character
typically needs 24 hours before they can be healed ▪ The GM can give the target a Fortitude
again using the Heal Skill. Save, DC 20, to resist becoming
unconscious from the blow to the head.
Natural healing ▪ Player Characters are not immune to being
Given enough time, a body will heal most injuries. On knocked unconscious. In this situation, the
the road or in an unfavourable environment, a person GM might inform the Players that they wake
can heal up to 1d3 (roll 1d6 and divide by two, rounded up and find themselves washed up on a
up) Hit Points per day; although the same harsh envi- beach. The last thing they remember is the
ronment may do more damage from exposure and other storm violently rocking the ship. Think of it
hazards in a given day. If in a warm, comfort- as a cut scene to move the story along.
able and clean environment, a character
▪ A character that drinks far too much
can heal up to 1d4 plus their Constitution
can end up unconscious.
Modifier in Hit Points per day. In addition
to natural healing, a character may ▪ It is rumoured that some secret cults can
benefit from medical conjure potent sleeping poisons or drugs.
attention (see
above). The Game Master must decide how long a character
remains unconscious based on the situation. Typically
it is a few hours, or until medical attention is provided.
Non-lethal Damage Saving throw types
The GM may rule that a punch attack (or other appro- The three different kinds of saving throws are Fortitude,
priate non-killing blow) that reduces an opponent to Reflex, and Willpower:
-1 to -29 Hit Points only results in unconsciousness.
(The hurt character automatically makes their DC 22 ▪ Fortitude: These saves measure your ability to
Fortitude save, shifting them from unconscious and stand up to physical punishment or attacks against
dying to just unconscious.) your vitality and health. Apply your Constitution
modifier to your Fortitude saving throws.
All attacks that can cause damage have the potential
to be lethal in Spellchrome. Damage from unarmed ▪ Reflex: These saves test your ability to
attacks is healed like any other damage; hopefully dodge area attacks. Apply your Dexterity
the damage will be less than if a melee weapon was modifier to your Reflex saving throws.
used. ▪ Will: These saves reflect your resistance to mental
influence as well as many magical effects. Apply
Saving Throws your Wisdom modifier to your Will saving throws.
Generally, when you are subject to an unusual or Saving throw difficulty class
magical attack, you get a saving throw to avoid or The DC for a save is determined by the attack itself.
reduce the effect. Like an attack roll, a saving throw The DC is typically listed in the spell description (by
is a d20 roll plus a bonus based on your Ancient Sign, spell stage) or in the equipment description.
level, and an ability score. Your saving throw modifier
Automatic failures and successes
▪ Base Save Bonus + Ability Modifier ▪ A natural 1 (the d20 comes up 1) on a
Your Base Save Bonus saving throw is always a failure.
is determined in step ▪ A natural 20 (the d20 comes up
9 of character creation 20) is always a success.
(pg 28-29).
Speed (Movement)
Your speed tells you how far you can move in a round
and still do something, such as attack or cast a spell.
Humans (the majority of Eldlandrians) have a speed of
30 feet (6 squares). Some skills, spells, and equipment
can increase your base movement. Lugging around
some heavy equipment without adequate strength can
slow movement.
Moving farther
If you use your attack option as a move action,
then you can move again - effectively doubling your
movement for the round.
A character that uses both actions towards movement
and has a fairly straight path ahead of them (no sharp
turns) can make a running test (using the run skill or
untrained). Add the result of the test to the character’s
total movement in feet for the round. Each 5 feet adds
one square. Difficult terrain and obstacles may subtract Similarly, a character that spends their move action
from the run result. without moving, such as picking up an object, can make
a 5 foot step before, during or after the action.
For example, one character is chasing another. Both
have a base movement of 30 and move twice. The path A five foot step does not trigger an attack of opportunity.
is fairly straight, so both will make run tests well. Each
character on their turn will move 30 + 30 + the result of
their run test.
Moving on a grid
If the GM is using a grid map for a combat situation,
movement is counted in squares. Each square is 5
Withdrawing feet, which means that a character with a speed of 30
Withdrawing in the Spellchrome RPG is a move action feet per move action can move 6 squares (or a total of
that allows a character to safely leave melee combat. 12 if both move actions are used.)
Withdrawing from combat reduces a character’s current
move action to one third speed (minimum 5 feet).
5 Feet 5 Feet
10 Feet 5 Feet
15 Feet 5 Feet
20 Feet 5 Feet
25 Feet 5 Feet
30 Feet 10 Feet
Moving diagonally in the Spellchrome RPG counts as
35 Feet 10 Feet 1 square, the same as moving one square up or down
or left or right.
40 Feet 10 Feet
Accidental illegal space ▪ Fleeing from a melee combatant who is within
melee range. A character who turns their
Sometimes a character ends its movement while back or otherwise tries to escape combat at
moving through a space where it’s not allowed to stop. full speed can be attacked with an attack of
When that happens, put your miniature in the closest opportunity. To counter this, a character should
legal position available, ideally back towards the last declare that they are withdrawing from combat.
legal position you occupied. Withdrawing reduces a character’s current move
action to one-third speed. Until it is safe not
Encumbrance to, the character faces their melee attacker.
A character that carries a totally unreasonable amount ▪ Running past a melee weapon wielding combatant.
of equipment, treasure, or fallen comrades will move It is safe to enter melee at a character’s base
slower than normal, as determined by the situation and speed, but not safe to leave at base speed. Trying
the GM. to move past a melee opponent can be difficult,
especially in tight quarters. Once a character has
The Spellchrome RPG does not officially track entered a foe’s melee range, they may use their
encumbrance. Players are expected to carry what is standard action to move again instead of attack.
reasonable (try not to give the GM a headache if they This move still uses the withdraw rules, but the
look at your character sheet). Carrying equipment is character continues past their opponent instead
discussed in the character creation chapter. of backing away. (Some situations may call for
Reflex checks on both sides, especially if the
attacker’s declared action is to block an area.)
Attacks Of Opportunity
▪ Attacking a melee armed opponent with an
There are some actions that are dangerous to take unarmed attack. Doing so is dangerous and
while near an enemy. Sometimes these actions can can get a character stabbed before they land
result in an enemy combatant getting a free attack their punch or kick. To avoid this, a character
called an attack of opportunity. Player Characters also needs to find some suitable melee weapon, or
benefit from these situations, if a foe takes a dangerous possess the Guarded Unarmed Attack Feat.
▪ Attempting to use a ranged attack against a melee
A character may only take one attack of opportunity per armed opponent at melee range. Doing so is
round. The subject of an attack of opportunity may be difficult and can get a character struck before that
attacked by more than one attacker who is within range can line up their shot. To avoid this, a character
to do so. needs to spend a move action to first withdraw
from combat (if there is room to do so), or take a
Most GMs will tell Players that their action will result 5 foot step backwards (again, if there is room),
in an attack of opportunity and will inform them of or posses the Guarded Ranged Attack Feat.
other options, such as withdraw at a safe speed. The
▪ Attempting to cast a spell while in melee combat.
following will trigger an attack of opportunity:
Casting most spells is quick, but it can then be
difficult to not be struck by a melee attack. To
avoid this, a character needs to spend a move
action to first withdraw from combat (if there is
room to do so), or take a 5 foot step backwards
(again, if there is room), or stay in combat
and make a Concentration check DC 15. (A
character can use Concentration untrained.) If
they make the check, they cast the spell and do
not provoke an attack of opportunity. If they fail
the Concentration check, they cast their spell
but then provoke an attack of opportunity.
Types of Actions Move
The simplest move action is moving your speed. If you
During a 6 second combat round each character,
take this kind of move action during your turn, you can’t
on their initiative turn, gets an opportunity to act.
also take a 5-foot step.
Characters are able to take one move action and one
standard action.
Spending both actions towards movement results
in doubling your movement or running. See Speed
Actions overview (Movement)
Move Action: A move action lets a character move their
base movement speed (30 feet or 6 squares by default), Climb, swim, crawl
or draw a weapon, or close a window, etc. A character
Many nonstandard modes of movement are covered
that spends their move action without moving, such as
under this category, including climbing (up to one-third
picking up an object, can make a 5 foot step before,
of your speed) and swimming (up to one-third of your
during or after the action.
See also Move Actions detailed below
Accelerated Climbing: A good climb check (at least 5
Standard Action: A standard action (also call a combat better than the target DC) can boost climbing speed to
action) allows a character to fire a weapon or cast a one-half your base movement.
Crawling: You can crawl 5 feet as a move action.
The standard action can be substituted for a second Crawling incurs attacks of opportunity from any
move action if needed. This would allow a character to attackers who threaten you at any point of your crawl.
move twice their base movement speed, or move and
sheath a weapon for example. Draw, Sheathe or Holster a Weapon
The move action and standard action can be taken in Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or
either order. That is, a character can cast a spell and putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires
then move if they choose to do so. a move action. This action also applies to weapon-like
objects carried in easy reach, such as Comlinks. If your
See also Standard Actions detailed below. weapon or weapon-like object is stored in a pack or
otherwise out of easy reach, the GM may require a
Full-Round Action: Some actions require more time full-round action to find and get the object.
and use up both a character’s move action and standard
action. These are called full-round actions. Although The quickdraw feat or spell makes drawing or sheathing
your movement action is used up in a full-round action, weapons a free action.
you may still make one 5 foot step before, during or
after the action. Drawing ammunition for use with a ranged weapon
(such as a bolt for a crossbow) is a free action. Loading
Experienced characters may make a full-attack, which a bolt is a move action.
allows them to make more than one attack with a single
weapon. The full-attack is a common use of a full-round Strapping a Eldlandrian Heavy Shield to your arm to
action. gain its shield bonus to your AC, or unstrapping and
dropping the shield so you can use your shield hand for
See also Full-Round Actions detailed below. another purpose requires a move action.
Empowering a device Standard Actions
Empowering a device is fairly quick. A character can
grab an accessible item and empower it (providing (Combat Action)
a character has enough Empowerment Points) as a
move action. Alternatively, a character can empower The standard action lets a character perform an action
2 devices, provided the devices are already in hand. that accomplishes more than move a short distance or
A common example is a character quick drawing a pick up an object. The standard action lets a character
pair of weapons as a free action (providing they have attack with a sword or fire a pistol or cast a spell or
the ability to quick draw) and then empowering the perform a skill. The standard action is sometimes called
weapons as a move action. a combat action or attack option.
▪ Load a light or heavy crossbow Some creatures have natural physical weapons, and
thus are not considered unarmed, just as a character
▪ Open or close a door with an active Liquid Crystal Dagger Power Alteration
isn’t considered unarmed.
▪ Mount a horse or dismount
Armed attacks When using two weapons, you can strike with either
weapon first. Each attack can be any target within
An attack with a melee weapon, such as a sword or range, and does not have to be declared ahead of
an improvised weapon, like a broken bottle. See Melee time.
Attacks above.
Each successful attack’s damage is rolled separately.
Ranged attacks The Strength bonus for an offhanded melee weapon is
the same as the primary handed melee weapon.
With a ranged weapon, you can shoot or throw at any
target that is within the weapon’s effective range and in
line of sight. Fighting Defensively
You can choose to fight defensively when attacking.
See also: Weapon range, pg 166. If you do so, you take a -4 penalty on all attacks for
the combat round, and gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC
Attack with dual weapons starting on your action, remaining until the beginning of
your next action in the next round.
In the Spellchrome RPG, if you use a standard action to
attack and you have another weapon in your offhand,
you may attack with the second weapon using the Total Defence
same standard action. You can defend yourself as a standard action. You get
a +4 dodge bonus to your AC starting on your action
If using two melee weapons a character suffers a -4 and remaining until the beginning of your next action in
penalty to hit with both attacks. This penalty is negated the next round. You can’t make attacks of opportunity
if you have the Dual Melee Weapons Feat. while using total defence. Because you are defending
yourself as your standard action, you cannot attack,
If using two ranged weapons a character suffers a -4 etc, but you can move or withdraw.
penalty to hit with both attacks. This penalty is negated
if you have the Dual Ranged Weapons Feat. You can’t combine Total Defence and Fighting Defen-
sively at the same time.
Cast a Spell Failing a concentration check when casting a spell in
the Spellchrome RPG wastes an action but not the
Most spells require 1 standard action to cast (see Magic Point.
individual spell descriptions). You can cast such a spell
either before or after you take a move action.
You retain your Dexterity bonus to AC Casting Time
while casting. Most spells have a casting time of 1 standard action. A
spell cast in this manner immediately takes effect.
Attacks of Opportunity,
Casting Defensively
If you cast a spell while in melee range of a hostile
opponent, you provoke an attack of opportunity. This
can be avoided if the spell is cast defensively. To cast
a spell defensively, make a Concentration check DC
15 when you would provoke an attack of opportu-
nity (Concentration can be used untrained). Success
means you cast the spell and do not provoke an attack
of opportunity from any anybody who could have
performed one against you. You do not need to make
multiple Concentration checks for multiple foes. Failure
means you cast your spell, but doing so also lets your
guard down, which results in provoking an attack of
opportunity from foes in range.
Dismiss a Spell
Dismissing an active spell is a standard action that
Spell components doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.
Some spells under their Casting description indicate a
short incantation, or other verbal component. To cast
a spell with a verbal component, your character must
Examples of Standard Actions
speak in a firm voice. If you’re gagged or otherwise ▪ 1 Attack (melee)
can’t speak, you can’t cast such a spell.
▪ 1 Attack (unarmed)
Other spells indicate a specific movement, for example: ▪ 1 Attack (ranged)
a hand gesture of a closing fist. You can’t cast a spell
with such a requirement while bound, grappling, or with ▪ 1 Attack with dual melee weapons
both your hands full or occupied.
▪ 1 Attack with dual ranged weapons
Full-Round Actions or between your attacks. A character may only move
distance once per round.
A full-round action requires an entire round to
complete. Thus, it can’t be coupled with a standard or Deciding between an Attack
a move action, though if it does not involve moving any
distance, you can take a 5-foot step. or a Full Attack
After your first attack, you can decide to take a move
Full Attack action instead of making your remaining attacks,
depending on how the first attack turns out. If you’ve
If you get more than one attack per round with a single already taken a 5-foot step, you can’t use your move
weapon because your base attack bonus is high action to move any distance, but you could still use a
enough, (shown as +6/+1, for example) you must use a different kind of move action.
full-round action to get your additional attacks. You do
not need to specify the targets of your attacks ahead
of time. You can see how the earlier attacks turn out Cleave
before assigning the later ones. The extra attack granted by the Cleave feat can be
taken whenever they apply. This is an exception to
Understanding multiple attacks the normal limit to the number of attacks you can take
when not using a full attack action.
Experienced characters eventually gain the option of
using multiple attacks. Each additional attack with a
single weapon cumulatively reduces your Attack Bonus Full Attack with dual weapons
by 5. [If they were all equal, higher level characters In the Spellchrome RPG, if
would never miss with any of their attacks, which you use a full-round action
would defeat the purpose of rolling dice to determine to use your multiple attacks
the outcome of combat.] and you have another
weapon in your offhand, you
Base Attack Bonuses By Level may attack with the second
weapon using the same
Level Poor Good Best full-round action. You gain
the same amount of attacks
16 +8 / +3 +12 / +7 / +2 +16 / +11 / +6 / +1
with the offhand as you had
with the main hand.
Above is a table showing the base attack bonus for a
16th level character. If your character, at level 16, had ▪ If using two
the Ranged Training: Advanced feat you would use melee weapons a character suffers a -4
the Best column. If you then used a full-round action to penalty to hit on all attacks that round.
attack, you would roll to hit four times. The first attack
would be a d20 +16 (and dexterity modifier), the second ▪ This penalty is negated if you have
attack would be a d20 +11 (and dexterity modifier), the the Dual Melee Weapons Feat.
third attack would be a d20 +6 (and dexterity modifier),
▪ If using two ranged weapons a character suffers
and the fourth attack would be a d20 +1 (and dexterity
a -4 penalty to hit on all attacks that round.
▪ This penalty is negated if you have the
(If the PC’s Dex modifier was +3, a line on the character Dual Ranged Weapons Feat.
sheet for the weapon would read: +19/+14/+9/+4)
When using two weapons, you can strike with either
Multiple attacks with the same weapon, such as in the weapon first. Resolve all the attacks for that weapon
example above, should be taken in order from highest before moving on to the other weapon. Each attack
bonus to lowest. Each attack can be any target with can be any target with range, and does not have to be
range, and does not have to be declared ahead of declared ahead of time.
Each successful attack’s damage is rolled separately.
The only movement you can take during a full attack The Strength bonus for an offhanded melee weapon is
is a 5-foot step. You may take the step before, after, the same as the primary handed melee weapon.
Examples of Full-Round Actions Combat Modifiers
▪ Full attack with one weapon
Combat modifiers are bonuses and penalties that can
▪ Full attacks with dual weapons affect an attacker’s accuracy and a defender’s armour
class. Combat modifiers are applied when the situation
▪ Escape from a net within the game world calls for them. Combat Modifiers
include cover, darkness, firing into melee, flanking, and
▪ Extinguish flames
▪ Light a torch
Combat modifiers are discussed in detail below.
▪ Use a skill that takes 1 round
Free Actions
Free actions don’t take any time at all, though there
may be limits to the number of free actions you can
perform in a turn. Free actions rarely incur attacks of
opportunity. Some common free actions are described
Drop an Item
Dropping an item in your space or into an adjacent
square is a free action.
Drop Prone
Dropping to a prone position in your space is a free
Types of cover Melee cover
Stone walls, grave stones, large trees, ruins, vehicles, The cover rules make the most sense with regards to
doorways, leaning around a corner can all offer cover ranged combat. Still, there may be situations where two
in the right circumstances. Other things that are drawn characters are sword fighting on either side of a table
on a grid map can probably be used as cover as well. or pillar for example. The GM can add AC bonuses as
Players just need to ask the GM about the large table, needed in such a situation.
etc, that she just marked on the grid map.
Helpless Defenders Flanking
A helpless opponent is someone who is bound, When making a melee attack, you get a +1 flanking
sleeping, paralyzed, unconscious, or otherwise at your bonus if your opponent is threatened by a character
mercy. A helpless defender can’t use any Dexterity or creature friendly to you. If two characters friendly
bonus to AC and suffers a -5 to AC (as if their current to you are in melee threat distance to your opponent
Dexterity score was 1). The GM can add bonus damage (typically surrounding a target), you gain a +2 flanking
to a character’s attack against a helpless defender. The bonus. The maximum flanking bonus is +2.
bonus damage is typically +1d10.
Combat Options
Darkness and Blindness
Combat options are player selected stances and
Lowlight, partial darkness or partial blindness causes a manoeuvres. Combat options include using dual
-2 penalty to attacks and skills. weapons, fighting defensively, grappling, charging an
opponent, and more.
Complete darkness or complete blindness causes a -6
penalty to all attacks and a -2 Armour Class penalty. Combat options are discussed in detail below.
Some spells and power alterations can combat
complete darkness. The feat Blind Fighting reduces all
vision penalties to one half. Defend Another
As a standard action you can add +4 AC to a nearby
Concealment ally. It requires that you have a melee weapon or
A character that can’t be seen properly may gain a +2 the Guarded Unarmed Attack feat if the threatening
bonus to their AC. For example, if a character were character has a melee weapon. If attacked with a
behind a bush. A bush isn’t as good as a wall, since it ranged weapon, the defending character’s efforts are
doesn’t stop an energy blast at all, but it is better than spent keeping the protected character out of the line of
nothing. fire as needed. The defending character’s AC remains
the same as normal.
A character cannot benefit from concealment and cover
(there are often the same thing, one just has a chance The protected character must be in an adjacent square
of deflecting a shot, or soaking some damage). for the benefit to apply. The protected character may
perform actions as normal, although they lose the AC
Note that an enemy character, depending on the bonus while not in an adjacent square.
situation, may have to spot a concealed character
before they can attack them. (Also note that the act Charge
of shooting at a target does not help hide checks.) A
character normally gets an initial spot check for free Charging is a special full-round action that allows you
when they first are within range of a hidden foe. Failing to move up to twice your speed and attack during the
that, the GM may require a character spend a standard action. However, it carries tight restrictions on how you
action if they need further spot checks. can move.
ending space passes through a square that blocks If you fail to beat the defender’s Strength check result,
movement, slows movement, or contains a creature you move 5 feet straight back to where you were before
(even an ally), you can’t charge. (Helpless creatures you moved into his space. Then make a Reflex save
don’t stop a charge.) DC 12. Failure means you fall prone in that space. A
successful reflex save means that you stay on your
If you don’t have line of sight to the opponent at the start feet.
of your turn, you can’t charge that opponent. You can’t
take a 5-foot step in the same round as a charge.
Attacking on a charge As a standard action, you may attempt to disarm your
opponent. If you do exceedingly well you end up with
After moving, you may make a single melee attack.
the disarmed weapon.
You get a +2 bonus on the attack roll and damage.
Even if you have extra attacks, such as from having a
When attempting to disarm a melee weapon or item,
high enough base attack bonus or from using multiple
follow the steps outlined here. If the item you are
weapons, you only get to make one attack during a
attempting to disarm isn’t a melee weapon the defender
may still oppose you with an attack roll.
A charging character gets a +2 bonus on the Strength
check made to bull rush an opponent (see Bull Rush, Step 1: Attack of Opportunity
If you attempt to disarm an opponent of their melee
weapon without a melee weapon yourself or the
Bull Rush Guarded Unarmed Attack Feat, you are subject to an
attack of opportunity.
You can make a bull rush as a standard action (an
attack) or as part of a charge (see Charge, above). As long as you have a melee weapon, you do not
When you make a bull rush, you attempt to push an provoke an attack of opportunity in the Spellchrome
opponent straight back instead of damaging him. You RPG. If the target does not have a melee weapon, you
can only bull rush an opponent in ultra armour if you do not provoke and attack of opportunity in any case.
are also in ultra armour.
Step 2: Opposed Rolls
Initiating a Bull Rush You and the defender make opposed attack rolls with
First, you move into the defender’s space. Doing your respective weapons. (If the target was holding a
this does not provoke an attack of opportunity in the pistol, they should roll using their melee attack bonus.)
Spellchrome RPG when part of a bull rush (although The wielder of a two-handed weapon on a disarm
attacking a melee armed opponent without a melee attempt gets a +4 bonus on this roll. Exceptionally large
weapon or the Guarded Unarmed Attack Feat will). creatures or characters may gain a bonus as well.
Grapple Grappling consequences
While you’re grappling, you cannot attack other
As a standard action you may make a single grapple
opponents. You can’t take any attack of opportunity.
attempt. First you will need to succeed in a melee touch
Your movement is limited (see above).
attack and then make an opposed grapple check.
Starting a grapple
To start a grapple, you need to grab and hold your
target. Starting a grapple requires a successful melee
attack roll against your opponent’s touch Armour
Class. Touch AC uses a character’s dexterity bonus
and Combat Awareness Feat (if taken), but not their
equipment bonus, such as from worn armour.
Whoever exceeds the other’s grapple check can choose Melee Weapons
to maintain the grapple hold or break away. (Both sides
should re-roll ties.) Whoever succeeds and maintains a If an appropriate weapon is at hand (such as a dagger),
hold can cause 1d4 damage to their opponent (Damage whoever succeeds and maintains a hold can cause
reduction applies one half). Alternatively, the grappler their weapon’s damage to their opponent instead of the
can move both characters 10 feet (two squares) in any standard 1d4. In this case, DR applies fully.
valid direction.
Pinning a character
Escape artist If one side exceeds the other in a grapple check by
On future grapple checks, either side may use the 10 or more, they can choose to pin their opponent. A
escape artist skill to break the grapple. If they choose pinned character cannot be moved as a grapple option.
to use this skill and succeed, breaking the grapple is A character suffers a -10 penalty to future grapple
their only option (forfeiting damage or moving both checks while they are pinned.
characters). The escape artist check is opposed by a
new grapple check from the opponent. Helping with a grapple
If an additional character, using their standard action,
Failing a grapple check you initiated uses up your turn’s
participates in a grapple, they add their strength modifier
actions. Escaping a grapple check you initiated check
to their friend’s grapple checks. The GM should restrict
only uses up a move action.
the amount of participants based on the situation.
Trip Mounted Combat
You may make a single trip attempt as a standard Mounts and vehicles can be used in combat. For
action. Some characters or creatures may be too large the most part it is similar to normal combat, except
to be tripped. your move action is used to direct a mount or drive a
Beginning a trip attack
Make a melee touch attack against your target. Movement
Your mount acts on your initiative count as you direct it.
(Touch AC uses a character’s dexterity bonus and It is a move action to direct a mount or drive a vehicle.
Combat Awareness Feat (if taken), but not their
equipment bonus, such as from worn armour.) If you have the appropriate drive or ride skill (both
under the Basic Dexterity skill set), you don’t have to
Making a trip attempt on its own does not provoke an make checks (DC 15) to direct your mount or drive a
attack of opportunity in the Spellchrome RPG, although vehicle in combat.
approaching a melee armed opponent without a melee
weapon yourself (or the Guarded Unarmed Attack The maximum all out cruising speed and the combat
Feat) will. speed of a vehicle or mount are different. Use the table
below as a guide to determine your base speed in
combat on a mount or driving a vehicle.
Opposed checks
If your melee touch attack succeeds, make a Strength Maximum Speed Combat Speed
check opposed by the defender’s Dexterity or
Strength check (whichever ability score has the higher Can travel 30-40 40 feet per round
modifier). miles in a day
Larger characters or equipment may give a bonus in Can travel 50-60 50 feet per round
some situations. miles in a day
Overrun Melee and ranged?
If a character tries to overrun (trample) another There is nothing stopping a character from carrying a
character using a mount or vehicle, the targeted melee weapon and a ranged weapon at the same time,
character can make a Reflex save (DC 15) to avoid although the most common uses would be defensive or
the attack. Damage from a successful overrun attack opportunistic in nature. In order to make a melee and
is determined by the GM (using a guideline of around ranged attack in the same round without penalties, you
2d6, more or less depending on the situation). need multiple feats.
Separate attacks
Each successful attack’s damage is rolled
separately. The Strength bonus for an offhanded
melee weapon is the same a primary handed
melee weapon.
Defensive Actions Combat Index
Fighting Defensively Order of Appearance
You can choose to fight defensively when attacking as
Initiative ......................................... 165
a Standard Action. If you do so, you take a -4 penalty
on all attacks in a round to gain a +2 dodge bonus Rounds .......................................... 166
to AC starting on your action and remaining until the Attack Roll ..................................... 166
beginning of your next action in the next round.
Automatic Hit or Miss..................... 166
Base Attack Bonus Table .............. 166
Total Defence Damage ......................................... 167
You can defend yourself as a standard action. You get
Armour Class (AC) ........................ 167
a +4 dodge bonus to your AC starting on your action
and remaining until the beginning of your next action in Damage Reduction ........................ 167
the next round. You can’t make attacks of opportunity Casting a Spell .............................. 167
while using total defence. Because you are defending Hit Points ....................................... 168
yourself as your standard action, you cannot attack,
etc, but you can move or withdraw. Dead and Dying ............................. 168
Healing .......................................... 169
You can’t combine Total Defence and Fighting Defen- Knocked Unconscious ................... 169
sively at the same time.
Non-Lethal Damage ...................... 170
Saving Throws ............................... 170
Acrobatics and Tumbling
Speed (Movement) ........................ 170
By spending your standard action on Acrobatics and
Tumbling, you can raise your Armour Class starting on Attacks of Opportunity ................... 172
your action and remaining until the beginning of your Types of Actions ............................ 173
next action in the next round. First use your standard Move Actions ................................. 173
action to tumble, and then make a skill test:
Standard (Combat) Action ............. 174
Fighting Defensively ...................... 185 H
Total Defence ................................ 185 Healing .......................................... 169
Acrobatics and Tumbling ............... 185 Helpless Defenders ....................... 180
Hit Points ....................................... 168
Alphabetical Order I
A Initiative ......................................... 165
Acrobatics and Tumbling ............... 185 K
Actions ........................................... 173 Knocked Unconscious ................... 169
Armour Class ................................. 167 M
Attack Roll ..................................... 166 Mounted Combat ........................... 183
Attacks of Opportunity ................... 172 Move Actions ................................. 173
Automatic Hit or Miss..................... 166 Movement ...................................... 170
Base Attack Bonus Table .............. 166 Non-Lethal Damage ...................... 170
Blindness and Darkness ................ 180 P
Bull Rush ....................................... 181 Penalties: Darkness & Blindness... 180
C Prone ............................................. 180
Casting a Spell .............................. 167 Punch (Unarmed Attack) ............... 174
Charge ........................................... 180 R
Combat Modifiers .......................... 178 Range ............................................ 166
Combat Options............................. 180 Rounds .......................................... 166
Cover ............................................. 178 S
D Saving Throws ............................... 170
Damage ......................................... 167 Speed (Movement) ........................ 170
Damage Reduction ........................ 167 Standard (Combat ) Action ............ 174
Darkness and Blindness ................ 180 Stun: Knocked Unconscious.......... 169
Defend Another ............................. 180 Stun: Non-Lethal Damage ............. 170
Defensive Actions .......................... 185 T
Disarm ........................................... 181 Total Defence ................................ 185
Dual Weapons ............................... 184 Touch AC....................................... 167
Dying ............................................. 167 Trip ................................................ 183
E Types of Actions ............................ 173
Extraordinary Hit Points ................. 168 U
F Unarmed Attack (Punch) ............... 174
Fighting Defensively ...................... 185 W
Firing into Melee ............................ 179 Weapon Range.............................. 166
Flanking ......................................... 180
Flat Footed .................................... 166
Free Actions .................................. 178
Full-Round Actions ........................ 177
Grapple .......................................... 182
Chapter 9: Running the Game Main Purpose
The main purpose of the game is to have fun.
Game Mastering Introduction
Every pen and paper game session needs a Game Remember, always, that Spellchrome is a game. It’s a
Master. You might be a group’s current GM, or you reason to get together with friends on a regular basis,
might be a player interested in the different aspects roll some dice and maybe level up a character. A good
of running the game. Maybe you plan to be a GM in measure of a GM’s ability to run a game is whether
the future. Your regular GM might want to try being a the players are having fun and continue to show up to
Player Character, which means someone needs to fill future games.
the Game Master roll for a while. Maybe you haven’t
played the game yet, but some of your friends are If the players are having fun, so will the GM. Obviously
interested in playing and think you’d make a good GM. this means that a Game Master that seeks to best the
In any of these cases, this is a good chapter to read. players – to utterly outsmart, defeat and destroy their
characters – will ultimately fail in the main purpose of the
game. Yes, the players need a challenge – otherwise
Role of the GM they will get bored. But the players need a challenge
The Game Master wears many hats. The GM is a writer that they have a chance of beating. Player Characters
who comes up with story outlines and situations, creating are not the enemy. They are both an audience and
adventures for the players’ participation. The GM is a participants in the game.
director, deciding how much time in a game session to
spend on a story section. The GM is an actor playing Why GM?
allies, antagonist (from common thugs to extraordinary
villains) and all of the other Non-Player Characters The reason you might run the game is not “because
in between. The GM is a narrator, telling the players someone has to”. While technically it is true that
what they see, hear, smell and feel (while holding back someone has to run the game, being the GM is quite
the details and areas that Player characters can’t yet rewarding and a lot of fun. It can be great to come
perceive). The GM is a referee, the one who must make up with an adventure, think through a few possible
a quick ruling when the rules are in question. The GM outcomes depending on what the players do, take a
is a judge, the person who determines how difficult a little time to flesh out the story and then actually run the
task is and decides if a particular roll succeeds or fails, adventure a few days later.
and by how much. In short, the game world does not
run without the Game Master.
It is great fun to see what the players do. They‘ll often
surprise you with their creative thinking, and force you
Teaching New Players
to stay on your toes at times. Occasionally the players It‘s not unusual for the GM to help teach a new player
will make easy things very difficult for themselves, how to play the game (this can be a shared respon-
which is also interesting to witness. sibility with some of the other players). The most
important thing a new player needs to know is how to
You’re in control. Some people like to drive rather than make a character (or at least what kind of character
be a passenger. Hopefully, as a Game Master, you’re they would enjoy playing) and then what their character
a good driver. A good GM is an aware GM, paying can do. They can pick the rest up through game play
attention to which players are engaged and which are during their first couple of game sessions.
drifting away. Maybe the pacing needs to be quickened.
Maybe the players need another hint or clue to nudge When teaching the game, remember to explain
them in the right direction. Being in control means you acronyms and base concepts. Thinking back to when
can deliver a good experience for everyone at the you first learnt the game could also help. A complex
table. and detailed answer can sometimes be more confusing
than helpful when learning the game. The new player
You get to reward your players. When they do well, might just want to know what dice they roll to fire their
when they come up with good solutions to difficult pistol and who they can hit with their shot.
problems and manage to triumph, you decide how
many Experience Points they get. You decide what It goes without saying that it’s a lot easier to teach
new equipment (treasure) might be recoverable after the game if you know it yourself. Try to read all of the
a battle. chapters at some point before volunteering to GM.
Understanding how things work ahead of time will
You get to be a game designer. As mentioned earlier, make life easier. New players don’t need to know all of
you‘ll to come up with ideas, test them out and iterate. the rules, as long as the Game Master does.
You get to try out lots of different adventures ideas,
antagonists and themes. Each adventure tunes you in
a little more to what your players like and don’t like in Getting a Group Together
their game.
The GM is often the one to introduce the game to
Game Mastering is good practice for many other friends. The GM may have to decide when and where
things, too. It can help with social skills like speaking in to play a weekly game. Ideally these decisions are easy
front of crowds. It helps you learn how to prioritize and (your friends already get together on a regular basis)
manage a lot of different rules, player-needs and story and can be made with the input of other players.
objectives simultaneously.
Sometimes not enough of your friends and relatives are
interested in Roleplaying games. That’s fine, everyone
Practice and Mistakes has different interests (and having uninterested people
at your gaming table won’t help). This means you might
If you have trouble Game Mastering the first couple of game with people who you meet through gaming first,
times, stick with it – GMing gets easier with experience. rather than knowing them from school, work or your
Remember, if you don’t kill all the Player Characters, neighbourhood. Local gaming and hobby stores can
they’ll probably give you a break. Listen to your players be a good way to meet new gamers.
and don’t get insulted if they mention how the game
could have been better. Mistakes happen. If you’re still Obviously the same safety rules that we all follow still
learning the rules, and you realize you’ve been doing apply: Meet new people in public places (you can often
something wrong, talk to your players before or after run a game from a table within a gaming store) and
the game. See if it makes more sense to do things the be conservative about posting personal information
“right way”. online. If you’re under the age of 18, run your plans
past your parents – most are pretty smart about what is
a good idea and what is not. (Remember that gaming
with friends and family you already know is often the
safest and easiest way to start.)
GM Roles count on, such as your NPC’s and their habits, locations
and plans, your job is made easier, regardless of how
the players decide to approach a situation.
GM as Co-Writer
Game Masters provide adventures for the players to Prep Work
enjoy. This means either writing an adventure yourself Being the GM requires some prep work. Most of this
or using a pre-made one and rewriting it to suit your time is taken up writing and preparing an adventure.
needs. The topic of writing and designing adventures It doesn’t need to be a lot of time,
is exciting and lengthy, and is discussed in its own nor does it always need your
section later in this chapter. full attention. You can dream
up the basic premise and some
Writing a Roleplaying adventure is not quite like writing of the basic details anywhere.
a short story or film. Because the players will be actively Eventually, though, the GM should
participating in the adventure (as opposed to passively write down things like the names
reading or watching the story) it will become their and stats of the major NPC’s in
story as well. This means that they have the power to the adventure, a basic layout
influence outcomes. They may find a solution slower of major locations, and how the
or quicker than you had anticipated. When writing and story events connect. Many GMs
then running the adventure, a certain amount of flex- enjoy the time spent creating and
ibility must be built in and allowed for. detailing adventures.
The players may do things that threaten to totally derail How prepared you are will have to do with your personal
the story (hint: they probably don’t like being on rails). style. An experienced GM only needs a few pages of
When this happens, you can subtly guide them or drop notes. Remember that it’s a game, which means you
hints, but fighting against their plan (whether clever or shouldn’t spend an excessive amount of time (over)
rash) will only frustrate the players. Pen and Paper Role- preparing. You’re going to have to wing it a little bit
playing games offer the promise of freedom. Hopefully regardless of the time put into the adventure. At the
you come up with an objective that the players want same time, don’t show up planning on winging the
to accomplish, which will at least keep them on track. entire thing, which means you haven’t written anything
You can’t expect to dictate how they actually go about down and you’re not even sure what the adventure will
accomplishing the objective. be. If you have to stop to think up each NPC’s name
and are contradicting yourself in front of your players,
When players come up with it gets awkward.
the unexpected plan of action,
it’s best to just go with it. Let When
them try it, and see where GM as Director
it takes them. If their plan players come The GM, like a good director, can see the big picture.
works perfectly, the worst
The GM knows how long an adventure is. When
that can happen is that you all up with the necessary, you should use your ability to move things
finish early. Try and come to
along in the game. When the players want to visit a
each session with a backup unexpected store or check out something related to the next part
adventure. If their plan doesn’t
work out well, give them a of their mission, by all means let them do it. But don’t
plan of let these diversions consume the entire game session.
chance to try and salvage
it. Let them experience Some things are fun to Roleplay and some things only
action, it’s need to be roleplayed now and then. It’s ok to fast track
whatever happens next. As
for what does happen, it’s some events, to tell the players in the abstract what
best to just has happened in the last hour of shopping: “You visit
time for you as the GM to
look at your story notes and both of the town’s general stores and find six shovels,
decide how the Non-Player
go with it. all good for digging, no problem. Costs you 20 Silver
Characters you have crafted Credits for the half dozen. It takes an hour in total, what
will now react. do you do now?”
As the adventure writer, your job is to draw out and Even fast tracking some events, the players still might
detail the places and characters associated with the try to spend the entire session planning and preparing.
adventure. By focusing your writing on what you can No one will be happy if the game session ends and
no real action or progress has happened. This comes Eliminate distractions: having a television on in the
back to you knowing how long the adventure should be background means you’re going to be fighting for
and keeping an eye on the clock. (Most game sessions attention. Have someone turn it off, if at all possible.
are 3-5 hours long and time typically goes by quickly.) You don’t want to compete with some of the players’
Do what you can to keep the players moving. Build a favourite epic films (or videogames, or websites);
time limit into the adventure’s mission from the start. schedule movie night for another time. If cell phones,
(Make the time limit reasonable: allow the players a text messages, and the like become an issue, talk to
chance to do a little prep work, but try to allow them to the group and agree upon a solution. (Be conscious of
keep moving all on their own.) If they are still not taking the players’ families: try to decide ahead of time about
action, the GM nagging them might not be the answer how long you will play.)
– instead, have the reminder come from the game
world. Another body shows up. Their contact asks for a Playing music sets a desired tone and is a
progress report. Combat finds them. means of controlling the play environment.
Certain film and videogame soundtracks
can make good choices – anything that
Setting the Tone complements the game world. Classical
The director sets the tone of the music or music that emulates a
story. Yes, the story is a shared medieval theme (or futuristic, depending
experience with the players, but they Is this a of the story’s location) can work well. There are other
will follow your lead. At some point things that you could do to control your environment,
you will have to stop and consider comedy, but you don’t need to go to extremes. If your play area
what kind of game you want to have. is comfortable and free of major distractions, you have
Is this a comedy, a thriller or an a thriller the basics covered.
action genre? Each genre and sub
genre has its own conventions. If or an
you want to the players to take your GM as an Actor
game seriously, avoid the conven- action
Each time the Player Characters (PCs) have a
tions of a comedy. For example,
genre? meaningful interaction with Non-Player Characters
don’t purposely give the persons,
(NPCs), the Game Master portrays the NPC. Some
places and things in your game world
characters are created ahead of time; others are
absurd or humorous names.
created on the spot by the GM. The GM will create the
NPC who is the catalyst for the start of an adventure in
This doesn’t mean that you should get upset with the
advance. A random barkeep who the players decide
players each time they say something funny at the game
they need to question will probably be made up on the
table. Everyone sharing a laugh is a good experience.
spot by the GM.
Try, though, to lead by example and avoid cracking
too many jokes. And always check what the players
Some NPCs will like the Player Characters. Some will
name their characters. If needed, politely remind them
dislike the PCs. Most will be indifferent, influenced only
that a more serious name might be better suited to the
by the given situation and what they have to gain or
lose. The Game Master’s job as an actor is to think
briefly about the NPC’s perspective and then decide
Play environment how cooperative or hostile they are. Different things
Setting the tone also means controlling your play envi- may motivate each NPC: money, power, fear, threats,
ronment, within reason. Try to select a space where security, kindness, friendship, loyalty, justice, truth,
everyone is physically and socially comfortable. It personality, charm, jealousy, hate, revenge and so on.
makes life easier for everyone if you have a good Each of these can be part of a short-term or a long-term
table to play at that has space for books, a GM screen outlook.
and notes, character sheets, dice roles and snacks.
Being able to talk or laugh without whispering is also Making NPCs Distinct
important. Basically, look for a setting suitable for a
The players will get to know NPCs in two basic ways.
small party – a place for a group of friends to drink soda
First, the GM will often describe the NPC: what the
and make a little bit of noise.
person looks like, their style of clothing or armour, their
age – that sort of thing. Secondly, the GM will speak
Beware of the cat: cats like to chase rolling dice and
as the NPC: Offering greetings, answering questions,
walk over carefully placed battle figures. Also, check to
making demands, trading barbs and so on.
see if anyone is allergic to pets.
When describing an NPC, you do not need to offer a make eye contact. If you let it come natural, it isn’t a
full description. Offer a key feature or two and leave chore at all, and you end up communicating a lot of
it at that. Full descriptions for each character can get subtle, non-verbal cues to your players.
a bit boring for everyone. Omitting information leaves
room for a player’s imagination to fill in the blanks. If a Choice of diction can also make a character feel
player has a question about something left out, they unique. Some NPCs might like to use big words, others
can always ask about it. Try to vary the details given tend to use simple words. Some characters might give
about an NPC. There are lots of different features that one-word answers, which can also signal that the NPC
make a person feel a little more unique: Hair style, doesn’t much care for something or someone. You
beard, hat, ears, complexion, teeth, jaw, face shape, might consider an NPC’s intelligence score, profession
body shape, height, weight, jewellery, piercings, and age when deciding how they speak.
tattoos, hands, cost and style of clothing, footwear,
age or eyes (wise, perceptive, Using accents has pros and cons. Obviously, an accent
dimwitted, trusting, cruel). A can make an NPC more distinct. The biggest issue with
person’s job can help narrow an accent is that it is not subtle, which means the players
down a few details. A fisherman will notice if you don’t keep it up every time they go back
is likely to have different hands and speak with that character. Some accents might be
than a nobleman. You can fun at first, but can really start to hurt your throat after a
probably even get away with while. Also, accents can occasionally be hard to listen
more general and abstract to. With that in mind, we give you permission to talk like
descriptions: He reminds you of a pirate as much as you would like to!
a walrus; the thin clerk smells
like ink and garlic; she is plain You can also make an NPC’s voice somewhat different
looking save for her big smile. by varying the character’s rate of speech and inflection.
It is important, at the gaming table, that the Game Master
There are exceptions to leaving out details. It is is heard and understood, so don’t make a character
probably best to always mention the type of weapons speak so softly that half of the players can’t hear you
and armour visible on an NPC. Something like this is speak. You can however speak calmly or anxiously or
fine: “The guard has light empowered armour, a heavy with commanding authority when appropriate.
pistol secured in his belt holster, as well as what may
be a stun club”. Regardless of how you end up portraying the cast
of NPCs, try to make them memorable and exciting.
When speaking as if you are an NPC, it is okay to use Throw some energy into it. The players’ interactions
your own voice. You don’t actually need to be an actor with the NPCs will reflect your enthusiasm.
in order to be the GM. That said, they are things that
you can do to make key NPCs feel more unique when
you speak as them.
Friends and Foes
Someone who has gamed a few times will think nothing
of it, but it can seem a little strange at first: the GM
How might they tilt their head? portraying both the players’ allies and their enemies.
But it’s not really that
How much confidence do they have? strange, the GM just
gets to portray all
What emotions might they betray? of the characters
that the players
don’t. Remember
Try to imagine the character you are representing: to consider an
What kind of posture do they assume? How might they NPC’s motivations
tilt their head? How much confidence do they have? and perspective
What emotions might they betray? Each character will (including what they
probably be different: a crime boss versus a subordi- know or don’t know
nate; the Queen versus a commoner. Keeping in mind about the players).
how that character carries themselves, allow your Keep that in mind,
own body posture to mimic it. Sit up straight or slouch and what they say
down in your chair when it feels appropriate. Guarded and do comes easy.
characters cross their arms. Nervous characters won’t
GM as Narrator see it before it can be drawn or described for them. A
container needs to be opened before its contents are
As the narrator, the GM does a lot of describing. The clearly identified. Sometimes, things are only noticed by
GM lets players know, for example, what the landing a particularly perceptive individual. In such cases, you
bay within the fallen star-ship looks like, what the should have the player make a Listen and Spot check
distant drumming sounds like, what the water around when they first walk into a room. Actively searching a
their ankles feels like, and what the environment smells space also grants a Listen and Spot check.
It can be very helpful for everyone if the GM or a player
As the narrator, you provide feedback. After giving a uses a grid map or a pencil and paper to draw out
short description of what the players can perceive, you locations as players explore them.
will typically ask the players what actions they want
to take. You must then listen to the individual players, When players ask for more information about a location,
consider what they say, and then respond. You have try to provide it – such as the objects that decorate a
to decide if what they want to do would benefit from room. Remember that this is not just a text adventure;
or requires a skill check. Some actions are simple: if you can improvise . Take advantage of the flexible
a player says they turn around and walk back through medium of having a live GM.
the door, then all you need to do is let them know you
heard them. Probably the best way to let a player know Making the game exciting
that you heard them and that you’re on the same page
is to paraphrase back what they just said: “All right, When describing anything, use strong language.
Byron walks back through the door. I presume he is Searing, sweltering, scorching or blazing is more
guarding the entrance, basically watching everyone’s evocative then hot. Don’t just tell them what is
back?” Listen again and then respond. If the action happening, let them feel it. If you say that it’s
requires a skill check, pick which skill you think best fits raining out, describe the effects of the rain: Wet
the situation and have them roll that; after considering clothes, loud down-pour, darkened skies, water
the result, let the player know what their character splashing beneath feet. We all have experience
accomplishes. to draw upon, but it may take a little bit of imagery
to spark imaginations.
If you think a particular skill is called for, but the player
suggests another, do consider what they are saying. Give some details that let the players feel like they
The player probably had a skill in mind when they are really there. Consider the light, the acoustics, the
declared what they were doing; the GM, on the other temperature, the age and material of floor underfoot,
hand, has a lot going on at any given time and thus air quality, smell, and size or scale of a place; then
has less time to think about the appropriate skill. If mention a detail that is either interesting or essential to
however, after considering the two skills, you still think the experience.
your original skill check is a better fit, have the player
roll that one. As the GM, you’re in charge of the game How much should be prewritten and then read to
rulings. Take up any disagreements after the game the players? It probably depends on your delivery.
session. Prewritten description, often called Boxed Text,
can sound a bit dull at times. On the other hand, not
The overall pattern of narrating Spellchrome is not having anything written down can result in a pretty
difficult: Offer a brief explanation of what players can basic description and a missed opportunity. So make
see along with any outstanding details, and then give yourself some notes, but how closely you read them is
them a chance to do something. Listen to what each up to you.
player wants to do and, by providing feedback, move
the narration along as far as the actions takes them. These adjectives may help when looking for a word
to describe a space or object: ancient, broken, clean,
cluttered, creepy, crowded, dark, drab, dry, dusty,
A flashlight in the dark echoic , empty, filthy, gigantic, glamorous, gleaming,
As the GM, you know everything about a scene and glistening, gloomy, grotesque, gruesome, loud,
setting. When narrating, you always have to withhold massive, meek, Modern-Allterion, Modern-Eldlandrian,
information that the players cannot yet perceive. At musty, natural, odd, old-fashioned, ordinary, quaint,
the start of an adventure, everything is obscured – shiny, silent, simplistic, slippery, smoggy, smooth, soft,
only to be revealed through action or skill checks. A solid, sophisticated, spotless, stale, strange, uneven,
Player Character must be near enough to a room to unkempt, unnatural, vast, wet and windy are a few.
When a player make a great roll, really put some effort
into describing how well they strike or use a skill. If
GM as Referee
it helps, borrow film conventions, such as camera When you’re the GM, you run the game. When a decision
tracking, to describe a shot from a ranged attack. needs to be made about a rule or action, you make the
final call. You decide whether a spell will accomplish
About Perspective what a player hopes it will or how to determine the
results of a high-speed chase. Sometimes you decide
Most books on the subject of writing teach that 2nd to let the dice decide, but even then your influence
person perspective is rarely used. And they’re right. decides what skill, Attribute or saving throw is used.
First person (I went) or third person (Luke went) is You of course are not just making arbitrary decisions;
more common than second person (You went). But, most of what you decide will have written guidelines,
it can be used in Roleplaying games when recapping found in skill descriptions, spell descriptions and rules
and clarifying what players have done: “You climb throughout this chapter and book.
through the window without making any noise. Inside
you see...” It does not, however, give the GM the right If there’s a mistake made during combat, know that you
to take control of the Player Characters. can’t go back in time – or at least not too far. If a player
realizes two rounds later that their Enhanced Aiming
There are exceptions to the above mentioned control. Marker should have made their first attack hit, it’s
For example, the GM has the right to let players know probably too late to do anything about it. Mention that
at the start of an adventure that they are at the tavern, their Aiming Marker must have glitched out on them,
or other location: “You’re all eating a meal together in but don’t dwell on it. If you’re feeling generous, you
the common room when...” This is acceptable as long could have them roll damage – but the damage occurs
as it is serving the story and is not out of character for immediately, not two rounds ago. One of your duties as
a PC. Once an adventure starts, the GM can’t decide GM is to keep the game moving, especially in combat.
for the players whether they accept a mission or not (Retroactive chain-reactions rarely help move combat
(although it might be a short adventure if they don’t). forward.)
The GM can’t decide if a character breaks up a fight
or watches to see who wins (although NPCs can urge As the GM, you want to make fair rulings - players want
them to do something). To avoid arguments, don’t tell a GM that “plays by the rules”. So be familiar with them,
a character that they’re coming out of a specific place especially the skills and spells. If you’re not sure about
when something happens. Give the player a reason something, hopefully you know where to look it up.
to go there and then see if events trigger. Remember A small pause in the game is fine, and next time you
also, as the GM, you control the passage of time. It is won’t have to double check. You should listen to and
acceptable to tell the players that it’s morning, and then consider what the other players have to say, but in the
ask them what they are doing to get ready. Then throw end you have to decide what you think is right. Discuss
a surprise their way, making it mesh with whatever any disagreements outside of the game session.
declarations they make.
If something isn’t in the rules, make your best guess.
Both players and the GM can use either 1st person Do what makes sense to you and is in keeping with the
or 3rd person when declaring actions or describing spirit of the rules and the game world.
something. Using 1st person and saying, “I take off
after him!” is fine. Alternatively, using third person and Probably the most important thing to keep in mind
saying, “Byron takes off after him,” is also fine. In some when making rulings and interpreting the rules is to
situations, one may feel more natural than the other. be consistent. What works one day should work the
next. What is impossible one day should not suddenly
Recapping become possible the next.
Don’t be afraid to repeat yourself, especially at the
start of a new game session. We all need reminders House Rules
from time to time of what has happened. Even after few Sometimes special rulings and situations become
hours into an adventure you can have a player recap house rules. A house rule may exist to fill a void or to
what has gone on so far, just to see if you’re on the explicitly overturn what is clearly stated in the rules.
same page. It can also help other players who might There are two sides to house rules: on one hand, you
not have caught something earlier. and your friends are the ones sitting around a table.
You have every right to do what makes sense for you.
On the other hand, house rules can cause chaos and
grief if not everyone at the table is aware of them or Running your own PC
agrees with them. So tread lightly. It shouldn’t take an
entire evening to explain to a new player what all the Some Game Masters will run their own Player
house rules are. Character. Their PC will start at the same level, receive
experience points and rise in levels just like everyone
else’s. Running your own PC as the GM has advantages
GM as Judge and disadvantages.
As the GM you determine Difficulty Class (DC) each Above, it was mentioned that
time one is needed. Use the Difficulty Class Ratings putting in some time as a PC
Table (pg 59) from the Skills Chapter as a guide to help You’ll get
can give the GM insight into
you in making these decisions. Furthermore, each skill making the game fun and a sense for
description talks about Success and Failure. There are balanced for the players.
a lot of skills, which means looking one up will often be
whether the
Running a PC in your own
a more likely option than memorizing each. Once you game is not the same thing, XP and other
get an understanding of skill DCs and results, you can
probably just go with what feels right, provided you and
but it can help. You will start rewards feel
to put a little more thought
your players are good with that. in the items you want to buy about right.
for your character. You’ll You also get
GM as a Player get a sense for whether the
to be part of
XP and other rewards feel
Hopefully every GM gets a chance to play Spellchrome about right. You also get to the team,
as a Player Character – with someone else Game be part of the team, working
Mastering. Besides being a lot of fun, it can provide with the other PCs (rather working with
useful insight into how to make a good game. As than only ever attacking the other PCs.
the GM, try to keep in mind the players’ perspective them with antagonists).
when creating and running adventures. Players want
a chance to do exciting things. Most want to face down The biggest disadvantage is that you have one more
difficult odds, come up with clever solutions on their ball to juggle. Game Mastering can take a lot of orga-
own and come out the victor. nization; having one less thing to keep track of might
make things that much easier. For example, you also
have to keep straight what you know as the GM and
what your PC has discovered and understood. It’s not
that difficult, but does take a little more mental energy.
Tips and Guidelines Bad GMing
Presented below are a few things to avoid. Even though
Rolling Dice there’s a very low chance that you would be guilty of
any of these, they still have to be mentioned.
It is good dice etiquette for players to
use dice that the GM can actually read
(some have poor contrasting colours Deadly
on the numbering). The players should
Only awful GMs set out to kill Player Characters. As the
wait for their turn to roll dice, and then
GM, it would be easy to do: just make monsters and
roll them once. Players should roll where
thugs exceptionally deadly and then have the players
others can see them. Players should let their
face the overwhelming odds of these impossible
dice stand with their last result until they need to roll
challenges. It is not cool if all of the Player Characters
again. Much of the game is made exciting because of a
die. It is not cool to single out one PC and kill them.
player’s chance of succeeding or failing based on a die
roll; it can be less fun for other players if not everyone
If you set up what you think is a fair challenge and
lets the dice decide what the results are.
one PC dies, that’s part of the game. Without the risk
of death, players would end up playing the game far
Decide ahead of time as a group what counts as a valid
more recklessly. Take note though that the game is
roll. If a die lands somewhere odd or stops in a tilted
actually set up to try and prevent Player Characters
position, then it is probably best just to reroll the dice
from dying. Death does not occur until a character
without hesitation. Players should know that the actual
reaches -30 Hit Points. This is because the weapons
game is not to come up with clever ways to selectively
in Spellchrome can deal a lot of damage. (Note that
choose good dice rolls.
even at a -30 threshold, bleeding causes 1d4 damage
per round, which means a character could die in under
Hopefully as the GM you don’t have to even mention
a minute.) Characters can
anything about dice etiquette. Most players have no
also purchase impressive
desire to cheat. If a player is doing something out of the
armour that reduces and Never design
ordinary, politely let them know what you would rather
absorbs damage. This
them do. They probably weren’t even consciously
again is to keep the PCs
aware that they were doing something wrong.
alive even while they take that is so
on great odds.
Related topic: See types of dice from the introduction dangerous
By all means, set up difficult that it’s likely
challenges, but never
GMs get to roll in secrecy design something that is so to kill every
dangerous that it’s likely to
As the GM, you will make some rolls in secret. For
kill every character. No one character.
example, NPCs will take actions, such as Hide and
will enjoy it.
Move Silently, that require rolls. players oppose these
rolls with Listen and Spot checks. It creates more
tension and drama if the players don’t know what Bias
exactly they rolling a perception check for, or what their
Bad GMs hold grudges, take personal matters into the
target number is.
game and pick favourites. Whether an issue with one
of the players occurs inside or outside of the game, do
A GM screen (typically made of thin folded cardboard)
your best to set it aside while you’re gaming. Deal with
hides dice rolls, the plot notes, NPC stats and maps
the issue if you can. players say stupid things. GMs
you don’t want to share with the players.
say stupid things. Do your best to let it go. Hopefully
everyone is at the table to have fun.
Whether you decide to make attack rolls for all to see
or behind a GM screen is up to you. As mentioned at
The opposite of holding a grudge might be picking a
the end of the sample combat discussion, each has
favourite. Try not to favour any of the players, regardless
pros and cons. Sometimes if the bad guys are doing
of out-of-game relationships. If you need to, roll dice to
well, it can help if the players can see your lucky streak.
determine who the hulking monster takes a swing at.
On the other hand, this reduces your ability to subtly
manipulate the challenge level – although there are
always other options.
Inconsistent another without some game story element first sparking
it. If you get an unsolicited communication from one of
Bad GMs are inconsistent. If the bad guy uses a skill your players regarding a fellow player’s character – nip
or spell to fully succeed at something and then a player it in the bud. Let them know that it is the wrong path to
tries the exact same thing and utterly fails, you’re be following in your game. Introduce an NPC for the
going to have a problem. If, though, you did everything player to focus their energy and attention on instead
right, and it is only the player’s perception that this has (or do whatever will work in your situation). The players
happened, do your best to explain what’s really going should have lot of villains to deal with, but these antag-
on. Remember, the players only want to know what the onists need to be NPCs.
rules are so they can play by them. And they want you
to be fair.
Push over Bad GMs show up late and unprepared. If you want
your game to run well, plan to succeed. When you are
Bad GMs give into every player request. players will prepared, you’re able to both relax and be in charge of
want things; some of them will be reasonable, some the game. When it’s easy, the game is a lot of fun.
won’t be. You’ll have to come up with criteria of your
own regarding whether you grant the request or not.
Ask yourself how granting the request will affect their Player Character Death
character and your game. If it is an item, you might have
to decide how available the item is (maybe you let the There is no guarantee that when a character sets off on
player roll percentile, with a 14% chance of success). a dangerous mission or adventure they will survive. Just
Pick your battles: allow the common requests without like GM controlled Non-Player Characters, the player
conflict. But when you know you should say no, say no. controlled characters can die. Death can happen to a
Don’t be a push over. Be tough. The really odd thing is newly created character or an experienced high-level
that the players don’t want a push over for a GM – but character that ends up taking too much damage and
some will want to test you. dying.
What you can do to help ▪ Don’t allow Critical Hits. The standard rules in
Spellchrome do not feature critical hits. Other
▪ You can pull your punch. If you know a PC is games have them, so maybe you’ll think about
near 0 Hit Points, lower the damage a little. This adding them (something like double damage on
way, the chance is better that another character the roll of natural 20). The reason Spellchrome
can get to them before they bleed out. does not feature criticals is because many of the
▪ You can have an NPC bind wounds or cast weapons do a lot of damage – enough that double
a spell to heal the PC. Obviously NPCs can’t damage would easily bypass Damage Reduction
materialize from nowhere, but an NPC that heals and kill PCs. If you add critical hits, monitor how
a PC doesn’t even have to be a non-enemy. they affect your game before you decide to keep
Even bad guys take prisoners. (Read how them. It’s the same story for massive damage
Villains make odd mistakes, pg 199.) rules: this game does not officially use them – know
that adding them will make for a deadlier game.
▪ Give the player another chance. Sure they just
blew their jump check and should be falling to If a PC dies
their doom, but let them grab onto something.
It can still be a rough landing, but at least it isn’t When a character dies and was
certain death. Instead of landing on spikes, not able to be saved, it means
have it be a monster pit. Whatever the solution, that the character can no longer
it should add to the drama; if it’s just eating up be played by anyone. The
time and becoming tedious, you probably want to player can keep the character
move on or fast track to a scene that is exciting. sheet.
▪ Allow a single person to use the Heal Skill on a Understand that having a
dead but still warm body. Medical miracles can character die is not a trivial event
happen if a character has not been dead for for many players. Whether they
too long, but be careful not to set inappropriate just created the character or
precedents in your players’ minds. A really good have been playing them for a long time, the player has
roll (DC 25+) can stabilize a character and bring put effort into the PC. Obviously, try not to say anything
them to -29 Hit Points. Even though you can’t that rubs salt in the wounds. Stay positive and let the
technically magically heal a dead person, the Swift character’s death become a part of your game’s story.
Healing spell – in conjunction with a last chance
medical effort – can help. Add the result of a single Always let the player create a new character right away.
Swift Healing casting to the Heal Skill check. Let the new character be close in experience to the old
▪ Don’t make your opposition quite so deadly character, around 90% of what the old character had
to begin with. Have some of the antagonists (but never below 1st level). The new character can
in an adjacent room, separate from the battle. be like the old one or completely different in function,
In a round or two you can decide if 2, 3 or Ancient Sign, Social Class – anything. (Visual traits and
4 more enter the battle. Small advantages bonuses cannot be carried over; if desired they must
can help the PCs if their team needs it. be rolled fresh for each new character.) Work with the
player when you have a moment to figure out what kind
▪ Let the players retreat. Magic doors shouldn’t of equipment the new character should have.
appear, but build your adventures so there is
cover and more than one escape to begin with. If you’re still playing the same session in which the
character died, have the player let you know when the
▪ Allow a bit of help from NPCs. No, not a super new character is nearly complete. Try to find a good
solider NPC that kills all the bad guys in a single spot to insert them into the adventure, and do it as
round, but a couple of local law enforcement soon as possible. If there aren’t any good spots, come
could show up to help if the players transmitted up with some plot device for the character to join the
a request for backup ahead of time. A few more group, even if it’s a bit absurd. Don’t make the player sit
targets that fight back can turn the tide of a battle. on the sidelines for too long once their new character
is ready. Sometimes a character is killed towards the
end of a play session. In that case, the player and GM
have more time to figure everything out and come up
with a more logical story device to introduce the new
character next session.
GM Authority Villains are tough
Villains are usually not weak opponents. Most criminals
As the GM you:
are going to be armed and know how to use a weapon;
and, given a chance, they will use them. Don’t labour
▪ Decide when to start the game. Good
over every thug to make them all unbeatable killing
GMs ask other players what they think.
machines, but do make them pose an actual threat.
Sometimes a player might not show up on
time and you have to make a decision.
When you think up a challenge for players, think real-
▪ Make the final decision on game rules and istically for a moment about what kind of opposition it
game rulings. It’s acceptable for others to try would present. Fighting a powerful crime boss can be
to change your mind while the ruling is open exciting, but not easy. The context of that adventure
for discussion or after the game session. will call for heavily armed opposition during confron-
tations. Reducing the amount of goons or their ability
▪ Decide what bonuses are granted based to fight changes the context. It means that this really
a on a situation. Good GMs use the wasn’t a powerful crime boss after all. If the Player
guidelines given and are consistent. Characters are still low level, either have the players
fight an upcoming crime boss with less resources, or
▪ Encourage a fun and workable game play
put off this story idea until the PCs are more powerful
environment. Good GMs manage the game
and capable of taking on such a mission.
table as well as the game world. Discourage
behaviour and distractions that you think
will seriously disrupt the game session. Villains can cast spells too
▪ Decide when to wrap up the game for the day Nearly every human in the Spellchrome world is
or evening. Good GMs don’t end things in the capable of casting spells. For the most part, villains
middle of a battle, but instead they find a spot and thugs use the same character creation rules as
where the game can easily be picked up again. players. When running villains, try to keep in mind the
Good GMs end a bit before most people have spell categories that each knows; perhaps a spell could
to go. This leaves time to level up (if required), be used instead of a mundane attack.
for questions and feedback and to make sure
people don’t miss rides or get home late. Villains are not omniscient
Villains are not all knowing; the GM on the other hand
Villain Guidelines knows quite a lot about the Player Characters and what
During the players’ adventures, they will face opposition is going on in the game world. As the GM, it can really
– antagonists whose goals run contrary to the heroes’ be quite easy to have a villain do or say something
goals. Below are some things to keep in mind when based on knowledge that they don’t have. Don’t think
creating, developing and running characters who serve your players won’t raise an eyebrow; and the natural
to conflict with the Player Characters. inclination to justify the extraordinary awareness can
be regrettable. So try to avoid it. Stop for a moment
and consider what the villain knows or doesn’t know
before saying anything. It can be frustrating for players
if every villain constantly seems to have eyes and ears
everywhere. If the villain has spies then great, that can
make things interesting – but consider it ahead of time.
Decide how and when the spies are gathering informa-
tion and occasionally give players a chance to react,
intervene or otherwise take action.
Remember also that enemy agents will not always be ▪ Be a good host. If a new a player has been invited to
observing or interacting with the Player Characters the game, pretend you’re at a party: get up and greet
directly. Some information can be gleaned by inter- them. Show them where they can sit. Introduce them to
rogating or deceiving others close to the PCs. others. Try to use other people’s names during the game
so the new player gets a chance to remember them.
(Deciding to approach your game world in such a way
can organically lead to some interesting encounters ▪ Allow some time to talk. Don’t be concerned
and adventures, once the players find out what has about starting right away. Ideally these are all
happened to their allies.) people who know and like each other. Give them
a chance to chat and talk about the last week
or two; better before the game than during.
Villains make odd mistakes
▪ Use the time before the game to address any
Sure, it might make more sense to just kill the heroes questions, such as Player Character equipment
given the chance, but villains always seem to have a purchases. And of course use the time to socialize.
reason not to do so. Instead, the villain captures and
imprisons the heroes in order to interrogate or ransom ▪ Have an adventure ready; something that will hopefully
them. Or maybe there’s still a bigger fish that the villain motivate the players to action. Have some notes and
reports to, so the characters are held until a boss can an outline of how the game’s story will progress.
arrive. ▪ Let everyone know you’re about to start the game,
and then actually start it. Tell the players where
This guideline, which has kept countless other fictional their characters are and what’s going on.
heroes alive, allows the GM to reset the scene and throw
players, down on their luck, a bone. Ultimately you are ▪ Start it off with a bang, with
either combat or something else
rooting for the PCs to win, even though you can’t make
dramatic happening; get some
it too easy for them. Whenever you can, give them a dice rolling before the opening
chance to regroup and reassess the situation. If they credits would normally begin.
find themselves shoved into a prison cell without their
equipment, give them a chance to escape on their own. ▪ Keep an eye on the clock. Do what you can to not let the
If they come up with a plan, let them try it. If they fail to game session stall. If the players seem to be dithering
come up with a good idea, then change the situation about, try to figure out what they’re missing. You may
have initially failed to communicate something.
after a while. Present opportunities, but don’t gift wrap
those opportunities. Fictional villains may make odd ▪ Watch and listen. It’s alright if the GM isn’t talking every
choices, but they’re still going to lock the door. minute. Take a moment to consider which players are
engaged and to decide where to steer the game next.
▪ Related: About the Opposition, pg 209.
▪ Give them some time to plan. If they know what
they must do and seem to be having fun deciding
Successful Gaming Session how they’re going to do it, don’t be in too big of
a rush to charge in with your backup plan.
Below are some tips and suggestions on having
successful gaming sessions. Most of these tips have ▪ Be open, flexible. When the players do things you
been mentioned already, and some might not really did not anticipate, do your best to accommodate.
Improvise the best you can and don’t let on that it’s
make that big of a difference. Still, it can’t hurt to give
outside of what you made notes for or planned.
them a read, especially if you’re not certain about how
to run a game session. ▪ Make notes as you go along. If you make up a name,
write it down. If the players are coming up to a section of
▪ Show up early. If it’s your own house, adventure, jot down a couple of reminders for yourself.
make sure you’re at home on time.
▪ Don’t actively split up the Player Characters’ group.
▪ Tell players to arrive a bit earlier It can become boring for other players if you have to
than you want them there. resolve what one or two other players are doing for
a length of time. Sometimes the PCs will split up, but
▪ Control your environment. Clean up a little. Turn try not to make it a critical part of an adventure.
off distractions. Add something to the tone of the
game – putting on a CD is usually fairly easy. ▪ End the game in a logical place. It’s great if you
can conclude an adventure during a session. Make
sure though that there will be enough time left over
to give out XP, possibly level up characters, clean
up a little and do other game related things.
Successful Gaming Campaign Game Issues
A campaign is made up of a series of related game Some issue may come up during your game. Below are
sessions. When looking at your game in the long term, a few thoughts on these topics.
there are some things to consider.
▪ Get to know the characters. Ask the players about Whether or not the character should receive XP is up
the character they have created. Listen for hooks to you as the GM. Understand that everyone has things
that you can use to make the adventure more come up from time to time, so consider giving everyone
personal. If the player doesn’t have much to say, ask a couple free passes. Also know that the GM’s job is
about the character’s family and acquaintances. easier if everyone is close in level. On the other hand,
most people think you have to earn XP – and you can’t
▪ Get to know the players. Most players will have at
earn it if you’re not there.
least a vague notion about the kind of adventures
they want to participate in. Ask them what they think
from time to time. Do they want more action or more Unbalanced characters
talking? What movies would they like you to borrow
When a number of people create characters, they will all
from? What do they think would spice-up the game?
have their own strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes
▪ Present different situations and contexts each it might seem like one character is a way tougher
game session. Some players will want to wear and more capable fighter than the other characters.
their full combat gear and kick in every villain’s This imbalance can make it difficult to design appro-
front door. Other players will prefer gameplay that priate opponents and combat. The super fighter mows
demands a certain amount of subtleness, like through the opposition unless you make combat extra
situations that require characters to use talking, challenging, which make things deadlier for everyone
subterfuge and their skills and spells to their else.
full advantage. A variety of circumstances and
locations will encourage different play styles. When the above situation happens, first
▪ Have a consistent thread run through all of the
understand that the player probably The player
created their character for the exact
game sessions that draws them together; an
purpose of winning each combat. Other probably
overarching plot or story, if you will. It doesn’t
than throwing a few more bad guys created their
have to be much: it could be the same insignia
their way, they’re probably fine. You
showing up in a couple places, uncovering a secret character
communication between two sets of villains or can always ask them. A bigger concern
something more interesting. Not everything needs is how the other players are doing. Do for the exact
to add to the overall plot, but little by little you can they see the super fighter as filling a roll
build towards something. In the meantime, you can – the person they turn to when combat purpose of
occurs – or are they a little annoyed that
keep the players guessing what’s really going on.
someone else dominates combat? If a
▪ Try to game at regular intervals. A game that is player is feeling over-shadowed by the each combat.
run every week at the same time will feel more super fighter, maybe you want to boost
like a campaign than one that gets together the other character a little. You can
once or twice a month at different times. That make a suggestion about choosing a new feat when
said, life sometimes gets in the way – and their character levels up to help them become more
gaming once a month is better than never! competitive, or make some new equipment available.
Another way to look at this situation is to mirror the Obviously, neither of these fixes should be taken lightly.
PC group when creating opposition. The enemy team Something needs to be quite disruptive or game unbal-
should not (always) be composed of the same clone ancing before you should take steps to remove it. It is
of a single thug. Make one of them a super fighter. best to consider how a player will use something (how
Make the other Player Characters happy that they, too, it will impact the game) before you offer it to them in the
have a super fighter on their team, someone who they first place.
can use to step up and fight. (This works best if the
players know ahead of time that one of the antagonists
is a majorly tough combatant. They can learn this infor-
Players don’t accept a mission
mation by rumour, reputation, description, pre-fight Occasionally, you have an
dialogue, etc.) adventure all planned out The first thing
but the players fail to take
the bait. The first thing you want to
you want to figure out is
whether it’s the characters figure out is
or the players that don’t
want to accept the job. whether it’s the
If the characters don’t want
characters or
to take on the adventure, the players that
figure out why. Do they
not like who they would be don’t want to
working for? Do they think
the pay or reward would accept the job.
be too low? What detail
bothered the characters?
Maybe they were just Roleplaying, looking for clues to a
double cross and unwittingly said “no” without realizing
it. Once you know what’s going on, take another shot
at it. Sweeten the pot (there is more than silver credits
in the world) or have a better-known NPC request the
Broken characters’ services – same adventure, but rivalling the
As the GM it can be fun to create new equipment, feats, original NPC’s goals. Make it personal when you can
and so on. Give it to the players and sometimes you – desperate pleas can be harder to ignore, if framed
wish you had not. The problem really isn’t the players‘; properly.
it’s that you made the item or feat a little too powerful,
without any sufficient drawbacks to balance it out. If the players themselves don’t want to go on your
adventure, you might have a bigger problem. Ask them
You can deal with the problem either in game or out of what kind of adventure they would rather go on. What
game. In game means that the item begins to malfunc- adventures have they enjoyed, what elements worked?
tion and become unusable, or the player loses it during Is it time for new characters? Talk to your players and
the course of an adventure. This solution can work – decide as a group on a course of action.
characters gain and lose things all the time. But don’t
be surprised if you get some resistance. When toys
break in game, most players will go to lengths to fix Awarding XP
them in game.
Experience (XP) is typically given out at the end of the
game session. It makes for easier record keeping to
The other option is to deal with the problem out of game.
give one lump sum at the end, and avoids the game
Own your mistake and explain how you should have put
disruption that would occur if characters were achieving
more thought into the item before letting a player have
new levels in the middle of the game.
it. Let them know that you appreciate them play testing
it for you. If the new thing is a feat or other intangible
In the Spellchrome system, characters level up after
bonus or ill-considered house rule, out of game may be
every 1000 Experience Points they gain. This means
the only way to fix the mistake. You probably want to
that whether a character is level 3 or level 13, they’ll
offer something in trade when taking anything away.
probably receive about the same amount of XP per
Characters should gain somewhere between 50 and Silver Credits
100 XP per hour of game session. Go out of your way
to reward the players for: Silver Credit is the monetary system used in the game.
Remember that Silv can be either coins or paper bills,
▪ Completing goals and comes in a multitude of values.
▪ Finishing missions
▪ Clever planning Players are most likely to receive Silver Credits in one
▪ Quick thinking of two ways. The first is from an employer. It is typical
in an RPG setting for someone with resources to need
▪ Problem solving or desire something and hire the Player Characters to
do it for them.
▪ Roleplaying
Silver Credits they have on them. This is the way things
work in a lot of RPGs, including this one. It reflects the
Adventure Basics
setting, which at times can be chaotic and survivalist At the most basic level, an adventure has an objective
in nature. that characters seek to complete. Often, to complete
the objective, multiple tasks must be undertaken.
Another way that PCs will gain Silv from fallen foes is Sometimes achieving the adventure’s objective reveals
by selling the foes equipment. Most used equipment a new, larger objective.
will sell for about 30 to 40% of the original value to the
right buyer.
Equipment Adventures and stories require conflict. Without some
Characters can gain equipment in a number of ways. form of conflict, a story lacks drama. Nobody wants to
Supplies can be offered to accomplish a goal if the read a boring conversation between two people who
circumstances warrant it. Instead of Silver Credits, rare agree on everything. A side-scrolling video game that
or expensive equipment can be offered as payment. features neither obstacles nor enemies will be dull and
Equipment, such as a vehicle, might be borrowed from a pointless.
trusted contact. Obviously, the Player Character, using
the Silv they gain, can purchase most equipment. Adding conflict into an adventure requires opposition,
competition, obstacles, complications and even the
Equipment can also be gained from taking it from occasional set-back. This does not mean that every
defeated foes. Keep this in mind when you decide what simple task should become difficult, nor should it seem
equipment the antagonist will have. Some opponents as though the world is out to get the Player Characters.
can and should have some good or interesting But the major milestones on the way to achieving the
equipment, but certainly not all of them. main objective must present some challenge.
Adventure Elements (or a series of smaller objectives, concluding with a
final objective) that can be completed in a single game
There are a number of elements that make up an session or two. A campaign may have a follow up
adventure. Below, the different components are broken adventure that takes place in nearby locations or has
down and discussed. a related objective, but the players may lose focus if a
single adventure’s objective takes more than a couple
To get to the end of an objective, players may find clues,
Adventures are composed of multiple scenes. Each follow up leads, travel, fight with humans, fight with
scene has a location, one or more characters and a non-humans, overcome difficult environments, and do
goal. any other number of steps to delay early completion.
These challenges should be varied and require more
Locations are often set pieces: maps and layouts drawn than just fighting. Try to give players opportunities to
ahead of time by the GM that feature unique and inter- use their skills, spells, equipment and other abilities.
esting surroundings, furnishings, ambience and other
details. The objective should fit with the game world, be inter-
esting and be important. Objectives might include
Characters include the Player Characters, as well as locating lost people or objects, safely moving people or
Friendly, Neutral and Hostile NPCs. Every character objects, stealing objects, sabotage, solving a murder,
wants something from somebody else. An NPC might uncovering a truth, and so on. Note that the above
want a PC to leave, to stay and spend money, to perform examples have been abstracted. Never use such
a task or service, accept terms, to fight, to surrender, general terms to pitch an adventure to
to lose, and so on. Some scenes might only feature the players. When creating adventures, it’s
PCs and their environment. necessary to understand the nuts and Never
If the characters are at a location, it should have some
bolts; however, you don’t want the actual use such
mission to sound mechanical. Layer the
purpose. Perhaps it’s an inn on the way to where objective with details and let the NPCs
the characters are traveling. The inn location should communicate the mission’s importance. terms to
serve the plot, introduce a sub plot (or side quest), or For example, stealing an object could
have a quick encounter (basically a sub plot (story) pitch an
make for a lot of different adventures. It
that resolves itself quickly). If there isn’t a goal for the might mean getting across a contested adventure
players to accomplish, a part of the plot, or some sort
of action going on at the inn, don’t spend a lot of time
border, going behind enemy lines, locating to players.
and retrieving secret Nova Dirge plans
Roleplaying it. If all the PCs need is food and sleep, and sneaking back without being killed.
ask them if they are doing an overnight watch (in case
there is an encounter) and then let them know it’s now Context counts: consider how the objective will affect the
morning and move on. gameplay. The game will focus a lot on traveling if the
players are escorting an NPC. Choosing the right place
Often the goal of a scene allows players to gain enough to sleep for the night becomes important. Rescuing an
information to progress to the next scene. NPC places the focus on locating the NPC, uncovering
clues, NPC interrogation and breaching a location.
The objective can change. Don’t be afraid to throw in the
Plot is what ties and links the scenes together. In the odd twist and shake up the players’ comfort zone. Not
Roleplaying sense, plot can be seen as an overall everyone will betray trust or double-cross the players,
objective and motivation. The players need something but some will. Some NPCs will have secret agendas
to do, and they need a reason to do it. that the players might not agree with (should the PCs
find out about them). Keep the players guessing, and
keep things interesting.
Ask your players, now and then, what they think would
The Objective needs to be something that will take a
make for a cool adventure. Their ideas, general or
certain amount of time to accomplish. You don’t want
specific, might get you thinking in a direction you hadn’t
the players to be able to accomplish the main objective
considered. Players can be a good resource; don’t be
in the first 10 minutes (unless it was actually just bait
afraid to let them share ownership of the plot.
for the real objective). Ideally you want an objective
Motivation a goal to these locations, as well as other scenes to
make a complete adventure.
There are many reasons for the players to accept a
mission. First, the players know that the GM has created So you think to yourself, why a warehouse? Maybe
an adventure, and it is what’s being offered. Of course, that’s where the antagonists (who ever they are) are
you shouldn’t stop there. The adventure should sound holding something nefarious – something the players
exciting and interesting. It should include a reward. It will want to find and destroy. Where does it fit in? It could
should appeal the characters’ background, morals and provide a decent place for a fight, being a collection of
ideology. open spaces and constricted spaces. Perhaps it should
be one of the end locations.
Experience as a reward: players want to go on
adventures so their characters can grow by earning Now how about the graveyard? Is it just another place
XP. They also go on the adventure because hanging for a fight? Or maybe the antagonists are in league with
around their home base will not offer much to do. supernatural terrors. Maybe a villain is creating some
Awarding XP is discussed earlier in the chapter. Frankenstein-style monsters among the gravestones ,
or inside the rot of a forgotten crypt. The villain won’t
Payment is a common reward for completing an always be here, but you can set it up so there’s a good
objective. The currency in the game is Silver Credit, or chance that they will encounter each other when the
Silv. Awarding Silver Credit is discussed earlier in the PCs arrive.
Going back to the warehouse, how does it connect to
Depending on what the characters’ viewpoints and the graveyard? Maybe the undead monsters are being
world beliefs are, they may not want to take on a stored at the warehouse. The antagonists are building
mission. Players are more likely to want to help their them up, either to ship them off as slaves to some evil
own nation rather than another one. Some players client, or to strike the local community in force. Who
will think dealing with crime syndicates is fine. Some would do such a thing? It could be an evil cult, or covert
players will help the rich and powerful, others the agents from an enemy nation. Either way, the leader
desperate and vulnerable. is probably possessed by a terror – someone with the
ability to bargain with other supernatural creatures from
Get to know your players and their characters. Involving beyond the barrier to create these undead monsters.
the people that the PCs know and care about raises
the stakes of any adventure and provides interesting How are the players going to get involved? They
context. probably shouldn’t know too much from the start.
Maybe a local Warden Investigator has heard rumours
▪ Related topic: Players don’t accept a mission, pg 201. of heavy smuggling occurring at the edge of her jurisdic-
tion. Local matters are tying her and her subordinates
up, so she forms a temporary task force to look into
Building Adventures and deal with the smuggling. It would probably work
As shown on the previous page, there are a number of out best to give the players a list of a few suspected
elements that make up an adventure. It often doesn’t places and individuals that would eventually lead to the
matter which element you start to develop first; you real menace.
should take whatever idea you have and see where it
fits. Once one element begins to take shape, you can And that’s kind of the thought process behind the
start to figure out the other parts. components first method. It’s a lot like working
backwards. You keep throwing questions at yourself and
choosing what hopefully fits and will work out. At some
Component First point you’ll probably get tired of working backwards
and start at the beginning, filling in the middle and then
One method of building an adventure is to decide on a connecting it to the end, making adjustments in your
component of the adventure and use that to determine early assumptions.
the story. For example, maybe you have a few different
locations in mind. You really want to have a graveyard The most important thing is to just keep building. It
and a warehouse in your adventure (who knows why doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, but there should
– maybe you’re inspired by a TV show, an old video be around half a dozen scenes in the adventure –
game, or a fun adventure that a different GM once ran). something that you think the players will take at least a
Now you know that you will need to add characters and few hours to work through and solve.
▪ Finally locating the person of interest, the players
Story First discover she is violently ill and in need of a medical
facility. This will cause different complications depending
If you already have a story in mind when you decide to
on what has led up to this point and will challenge the
build an adventure, first decide what is going on in the players’ knowledge of the surrounding area. Using
background and then decide how and when the players the Heal Skill can buy the PCs some extra time.
will get involved.
▪ Roaming monsters, bandits, etc., patrol the area
With this method, you keep thinking about the plot and that the PCs need to pass through. Combat, or
what scenes are necessary to move the story along in at least an epic chase, is a likely outcome.
the framework of the game. ▪ A group of local loud mouths take a disliking to the PCs.
The use of deadly violence will cause more trouble.
You may find it easier to link the scenes together
and provide interesting challenges for the players. ▪ The players need to access an area fortified
Regardless of what the story is, challenges way outside by high walls. Skills, spells, equipment,
and a good plan will all help.
the Player Characters’ league is not acceptable.
▪ The NPC would be happy to help with the
Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from moving critical step, but needs something first.
back and forth between the methods (Components and
Story) in order to create the base of your adventure. ▪ The NPC with the information the players
need has been thrown into jail.
Adding Challenges
Each scene needs a goal, even if it’s just to gain enough
information to progress to the next scene. If nothing
ever crops up to provide a little challenge, the players
are going to finish in a hurry, not to mention become a
little bored. Below are some ideas that you can use to
add a little challenge. Use them, adapt them, or even
better - come up with your own obstacles for the player
to overcome.
▪ Another group of adventurers is hired to recover the ▪ Dogs and other guard animals.
same rare item, person, etc. While the rival group won’t
outright attack, they try to get ahead, destroy clues, ▪ The bad guys hurry their time-line.
mislead and do anything they can to gain an advantage.
▪ Turns out that the map is out of date.
The players must use their own skills to get ahead
and decide whether to sabotage the rival’s efforts. ▪ The employer forgot to mention something critical.
▪ While travelling, the PCs come to a spot where a bridge ▪ The players have an encounter with a mix of enemy
has been washed out. Depending how the party is gunmen, melee fighters or spell casters who could be
traveling (foot, mount, vehicle), they will have to use members of organized crime, hostile law enforcement,
different skills, spells and resources to cross. This members of a restrictive or secret group, mercenaries,
area may make for a good delayed ambush as well. foreign soldiers or agents, etc. Roll for initiative.
Linking Scenes Together Neutral NPCs can be cooperative, but lack the ability
to help the PCs with their original objective until a
At any given time during the adventure, the players new objective is completed (“I would love to help
should have one or two ideas about where they can go you, but unfortunately… maybe if you helped, then I
next. Towards the end of a scene, provide the players could…). Neutral NPCs can also be greedy, and want
with a clue or new information. They should feel like some specific payoff before they are willing to help (“I
they are progressing toward a goal. When you draw could help you, but first I need...). In either case, the
and map it out, you might have multiple routes out of adventure is lengthened by a side quest, which can be
or into a scene. a change in tone from the main quest, depending on
the NPC’s needs.
When you have most of your locations and your story,
start drawing boxes. Indicate to yourself how the Remember that as the GM, you only inform the players
players are going to get from one scene to the next and what the goals are. Let the players figure out how they
what will trigger the opening of the route. This may not are actually going to accomplish those goals.
be exactly how things will work in the actual adventure,
but you still need to map out and understand how the
events connect. In between scenes
Not every single space in a scene will have an objective.
A castle might have hundreds of rooms. When mapping
it out, you only need to indicate which ones you think
will be significant.
Mastermind There are exceptions: for example, the opposition’s
resources and equipment selection should depend on
At the top of the pyramid is the mastermind. He or she their background and current situation. Also, some of
is likely to be persuasive, controlling and intimidating. them will have odd feats, skills and spells, that won’t
The mastermind calls the shots, coming up with plans help them fight the PCs.
of actions for others to perform. Ultimately, the Player
Characters want to take this person out of commission. The sample characters are also available to be adapted
But it won’t be easy: the mastermind should be a level and built upon when the situation calls for that type of
or two above the lieutenant and likely is a capable opposition.
spell caster and fighter. Furthermore, masterminds are
shrewd, and will do whatever they can to fight on their Monsters can be extrapolated from human characters
terms. by adding abilities. Or you can just decide what you
think the final stats should be. It can, however, be
A mastermind’s flaw may be that they are overconfident quite easy to make an unbalanced and overly powerful
and underestimate the Player Characters’ capabilities. monster in that way, so use caution.
And the mastermind will depend on the organization
that they have built. If the PCs are able to significantly
disrupt that organization, suddenly the mastermind Adventure Ideas
won’t able to surround themselves with guards at all
times or give orders from their secure location. Out of Business
Clichéd A gang is shaking down a group of merchants. The
local warden seems unwilling or unable to help and
It is probably best not to use the terminology from this the merchants turn to the Player Characters. The
section during the actual adventure. It might seem a merchants have had enough, and don’t just want a
bit strange if you announce that the players are now few foot soldiers to go to jail, or an investigation to be
fighting the lieutenant of the organization. The villains initiated – they want the organization shut down perma-
deserve a bit more class than that – they need details nently.
that make them more than stereotypes, even if that
is what you started with. Break the rules listed above The “Fire Beast” gang has been causing all sorts of
now and then; the players don’t want the same formula grief in the area and has been responsible for multiple
over and over. Take what works and use it to give the deaths as a form of intimidation in the last year. Their
adventure structure. leader is Raghtry, an Ex-Arcane Soldier who has
decided to bleed the area dry. Second in command is
Other questions Kern, an Elemental Brawler, well known in the area for
some brutal underground fight wins. A dozen thugs,
Here are some things to consider about a Villainous each handy with either a melee weapon, a pistol, or
Organization. Where is it located? What kind of security spells, round out the Fire Beasts.
might it have? Does it have influence over the local law
enforcement? Does it somehow use monsters, etc., as
part of its fighting force? What are its ultimate goals?
What is it doing now to eventually meet its goals? Is
the mastermind’s expressed goal the real goal? How
difficult would it be to infiltrate the organization? How
does it recruit new members, or does it at all? How
suspicious of outsiders is it? What special or unique
tricks does it have up its sleeve? In what way could it
be slowly weakened?
Opposition’s Stats
When you need statistics for the bad guys, one option
is to find something suitable from Chapter 10: Threats
and adapt it to your needs. Another option, if you’re
creating human opposition, is to quickly go through
Chapter 2 and follow the Character Creation steps.
The Fire Beasts have three run-down safe houses and ▪ If they have enough time, the Fire
one well protected manor house. They make most of Beasts will bring in outside talent to help
their money by threatening harm to local businesses them if the situation calls for it.
unless the merchants offer a weekly tribute. They also
sell illegal and stolen goods. ▪ Consider where the PCs are if they choose
to rest up between encounters. The Fire
The group of merchants can offer the Player Characters Beasts will seek out whoever is giving
a modest payment, and promise significantly more them trouble (they have a lot of people
if they are able to recover what has been taken from intimidated into being their eyes and ears).
them, or make it so the merchants are able to operate ▪ If you’re the GM, know that at least one of your
their businesses for a time without interference. players has read this. So change something on
them – provide a few surprises. Adapt this outline
Adventure notes to your needs so it makes sense for your group.
▪ This adventure is suitable for lower level
characters. Even then, some groups Agent Imprisoned
may storm through it quickly.
An undercover agent, in the service of the Kingdom of
▪ One of the PCs might have met some Lundor or the Eldlandrian Western Guard, has been
of the merchants years ago. arrested and taken to a medium security prison. His
handlers need him back, but can’t blow his cover. They
▪ If the Fire Beasts hear of the PCs investigat- need a third party to break him out.
ing, they will (over confidently) send a few
members to quickly take of the problem. The players are contacted by a friend who says he is
someone who works for the good guys and is in need
▪ As the GM, draw out and name some
of capable people who can keep secrets. Alternatively,
of the locations where you want to
based on the PCs background, they may know a more
have a scene or encounter.
direct contact.
▪ Give a few of the merchant NPCs
names and individual personalities. A woman will meet the players and explain as much as
she can. The reward for the agent’s retrieval is around
▪ Many of the Fire Beast members have 6,000 Silver Credits.
horns growing out of their head and are
obsessed with fire-based spells.
Adventure notes
▪ The local Warden is possibly corrupt, and might
▪ The primary objective is to free the agent.
be an old friend of Kern, the Elemental Brawler.
Failing that, the employer needs detailed
Either way, the local Warden could spend all day
information that the agent has recently learnt
explaining that, while he has begun investiga-
(make a quick note ahead of time what the
tions, these types of crimes are hard to prove.
information might be; it will likely be coded).
▪ The objective of the adventure is to prevent the
▪ The prison has several layers of security: An outer
Fire Beasts from ever operating in this area again.
wall (with guard towers), a fence, some internal
▪ The milestones along the way include finding grounds with patrolling guards, and several
out information about the Fire Beasts, such as connected buildings which house the cells. Make
where some of their safe houses are and how a few thumbnail sketches of the overall layout.
well secured they are. The PCs should probably
▪ Challenges include locating the agent (players
find a way to thin-out the opposition and cripple
will have an image of him and know his alias),
their resources before going in for the kill.
overcoming barriers, avoiding detection,
▪ Each merchant the players talk to may and subduing any opposition. The employer
know something that can be helpful and would prefer the PCs not kill any guards.
provides a chance encounter with some Fire
▪ If the players have any ideas or schemes about
Beast thugs (who can reveal some useful
gaining entry to the prison through subterfuge,
information under the right conditions).
the agent’s handler might be able to aid
somewhat, provided that the ploy is reasonable.
River Ship
A group of scholars is taking a working expedition
down through the wild lands of Talzzeroon. Even
though much of trip will be aboard a large river ship,
the university sponsoring the scholars’ journey insist
on hiring a capable group to provide security and other
assistance in case of any trouble.
Fallen Starship Mines provide lots of pathways to explore, so makeup
some interesting maps ahead of time. Come up with
A signal transmitter has come online from a fallen some thrilling scenario concerning the haunting of the
starship somewhere within the Barrier Zone. The mines, and keep the players on their toes.
Allterions need someone to survey the crash and take
readings with portable equipment. If the engine core Werewolf Bikers
can be salvaged, it would be worth a lot of Silv.
Outlaw Werewolf Bikers have taken over a town and
The PCs would be working for an Allterion corporation. are keeping the citizens hostage. The bikers are
The mission would require the PCs to go to the area, demanding an item they claim is hidden somewhere in
enter the ship and explore it. The engine core is located the town. The PCs are chosen to negotiate and either
near the center of the huge ship. accomplish the bikers’ demands, or fight to take back
the town and safely free the hostages.
Adventure notes
▪ Getting to the ship will take time. Flight craft can Blood in the Field
only get so near the barrier zone without possibly
crashing. Land vehicles do better, but some foot Something is killing the livestock across a rural area
travel may be required depending on conditions. (a spirit terror, a cult, a creature, a vengeful resident).
The PCs are hired to investigate and stop whatever is
▪ The signal locator will tell the players roughly behind the killings. What they uncover reveals a bigger
the right direction and distance of the ship. problem that needs to be dealt with quickly.
▪ All sorts of bandits, creatures and monsters inhabit
the Barrier Zone. Many will attack on sight. Safe Houses
▪ The dead crew of the ship will have provided The PCs must keep a target safe for 2 days. There is
suitable hosts for certain spirit terrors. Exploring a spell that can track her if she stays in one spot for
the ship will require fighting space zombies more than 10 minutes, or 2 hours if shielded. The PC’s
and anything else appropriate to the setting. contacts can suggest safe places to hold up for short
periods of time.
▪ Make some layouts of the starship for yourself.
Overall it is vast in size, but contains some tight
Expect lots of near encounters with dangerous foes.
corridors and medium sized rooms. Because it
has crashed, areas that normally would have
been passable might be blocked off. Do make it
multiple levels. Don’t make it so frustrating and
complicated that the players get bored trying to
reach the goal. A few really good encounters
might work better than multiple repetitious ones.
Keep the tension up while they’re in the ship.
Haunted Mines
A mining company needs some capable people to
get their mine running again. (The PCs will either see
an advertisement or get a message from one of their
contacts about the opportunity.) The workers claim the
mine is haunted and won’t go near the place.
Tunnel City
After workers discover an elaborate series of tunnels
under the city, people start disappearing. The PCs are
hired to investigate and resolve the situation.
Organ Thieves
A gang of organ thieves must be tracked down and
Adventure Review
Adventures require some form of conflict.
Chapter 10: Threats Remember that you can make use of the readymade
sample characters as a base for more human threats.
Common Tables Reading Stats
When building characters for players to run up against, Base Stats (Level 2)
you may find some the following tables and lists
helpful. [“Level 2”: This is the threat’s level, which is one
indicator to help determine the appropriate challenge
Base Attack Bonus Table ................ 23 versus the PCs.]
Ancient Sign, Social Class............... 16
AC: 17, DR: 1d6, EX-HP: 19, HP: 27
Attribute Table ................................. 19
FORT: +6, REF: +3, WILL: +1
Determine Saving Throws .......... 28-29
List of Feats ............................ 112-113 [Above, the basic defence statistics]
Associated Magic Spells.................. 80
Associated Skills ............................. 60
Common Attacks
Trained Skill Bonuses by Level ....... 77 ▪ Drake 42 Heavy Pistol (5 EP)
Equipment Categories ................... 125 ▪ [The GM will have to decide which
equipment is Empowered.]
List of some common Threats ▪ Sevrokk Silver Combat Sword (5 EP)
Street Thug .................................... 217
▪ Attack Bonus: +5
Mercenary...................................... 218
Talzaran Warrior ............................ 220 ▪ Damage: 1d8 + 1d10 +3(Str)
▪ DE1 Combat Dagger (2 EP)
Street Thug
▪ Attack Bonus: +4
Thugs can be found filling out the bottom rungs of an
organization or on their own. A thug often uses their ▪ Damage: 2d6 +4(Str)
strength and the threat of violence to intimidate weaker
opponents. Most of their combat training comes from ▪ Initiative Bonus: +1
the street. ▪ Empowerment Points: 10
▪ Fire
▪ 3 MP
▪ 6 SP
▪ Light and Medium Armour Proficiency
▪ Toughness
▪ Concept: A basic combat challenge. ▪ Riding Attack
▪ Equipment upgrades (Pistol, or Armour)
Attribute Score Modifier
▪ Melee: +6
▪ 11 EP
▪ Melee Training: Advanced Feat
▪ Melee: +7
▪ Concept: Solider / fighter opponent. ▪ Cleave
▪ Combat Awareness
Base Stats (Level 2)
AC: 17, DR: 1d6, EX-HP: 19, HP: 27 ▪ Increased Empowerment Points x 2
▪ 2 MP
Mercenary @ Level 1 Some Talzaran work with human mercenaries in and
around the Talzzeroon area. Other Talzaran refer to
AC: 17, DR: 1d6, EX-HP: 19, HP: 15
them as Riv-men, which means “defector” or “traitor to
FORT: +5, REF: +2, WILL: +1 one’s kind”.
▪ Ranged: +3
▪ Melee: +4
▪ 11 EP
Mercenary @ Level 3
AC: 17, DR: 1d6, EX-HP: 19, HP: 39
FORT: +6, REF: +3, WILL: +2
▪ Ranged: +5
▪ Melee: +6
Player Knowledge
A good Knowledge: Common or Popular check
reveals the conditions that allow mercenaries to
operate. Certain licensees can grant special rights to
carry certain weapons and equipment, although many
groups prefer not to be “on the books”.
Talzaran Warrior
Talzaran Warriors are native to the wild lands of
Talzzeroon. There has historically been fairly low
contact between the cat-like Talzaran and humans.
While Talzaran leaders have shown some interest in ▪ Concept: An advanced combat challenge.
Eldlandrian and Allterions goods, they generally prefer
to keep to themselves. Some Talzaran tribes are Base Stats (Level 3)
nomadic, while others have impressive cities hidden AC: 20, DR: 0, EX-HP: 0, HP: 45
deep in the lush jungles of Talzzeroon.
FORT: +6, REF: +6, WILL: +2
Since the arrival of the Allterions and the Nova Dirge,
there has been a significant increase in contact between
humans and the Talzaran – most of it hostile. After the Common Attacks
Talzzeroon incident of 798 CE, where Nine hundred ▪ Claw Attack (0 EP)
Lundoran Soldiers died and over four thousand
Talzaran are killed in a counter attack, many Talzaran ▪ Attack Bonus: +8
have declared war on any humans that dare enter what
▪ Damage: 1d6+4(Str)
they believe to be their lands.
▪ Possesses the Dual Melee Weapons Feat
▪ Greatsword, Medieval Era Weapon (0 EP) Additional Equipment
▪ Attack Bonus: +8 ▪ Algeiuss, equivalent to Full Plate,
but lighter and cooler. (1 EP)
▪ Damage: 1d10 + 4(Str)
▪ Any Medium Empowerable Armour (25%)
▪ Notes: Two handed Weapon
▪ Shadow
Attitude and Tactics
▪ Telepathy
The Talzaran are capable hunters and will often stalk
▪ 4 MP their prey, especially when they have a good knowledge
of the hunting grounds. Many enjoy collecting new
▪ Basic Strength (+11)
weapons and attack trespassing humans for the sole
▪ Basic Dexterity (+12) purpose of gaining new equipment. In combat they are
quick and rather deadly, although they are occasionally
▪ Basic Wisdom, Advanced Wisdom (+8) out-matched by modern gear and firepower.
▪ 4 SP
Talzaran Warriors hunt on their own or in groups.
The background of most Talzaran Warriors will limit It is not uncommon for them to spread out and keep
their exposure to the drive, pilot, and other skills. The in contact through telepathy. (The Player Characters
See in Dark, Shadow Stealth, Animal Communication combat ability should determine how many Talzaran
and Telepathic Communication spells are the Talzaran Warriors they encounter, but keep in mind that a few
Warriors’ most commonly cast spells. more might be alerted if the players breeze through the
first meeting.)
▪ Toughness x3 ▪ Melee: +7
▪ Cleave ▪ 11 EP
▪ Combat Awareness
Talzaran Warrior @ Level 4 fond of human flesh and have been known to kill and
eventually devour entire mining parties. Once they get
AC: 20, DR: 0, EX-HP: 0, HP: 60
a taste for humans, some Stone Ogres will even leave
FORT: +7, REF: +7, WILL: +1 the solitude of their caves to seek out places where
people are more plentiful.
▪ Ranged: +7
▪ Initiative Bonus: -1
Stone Ogres are large humanoids with thick rock-like
skin that dwell deep in caves and mines throughout ▪ Empowerment Points: 2
Eldlandria. They have the ability to meld with rock
and sleep for long periods of time, but will awaken to ▪ Base movement: 25 feet (5 squares)
feast if a living creature comes near. Stone Ogres are
Spell and Skill Categories
▪ Protection
▪ 2 MP
▪ 3 SP
▪ (Melee Training: Basic)
▪ Cleave
Additional Equipment
▪ Night Sight (2 EP) [Naturally occurring]
Background walls. A Stone Ogre’s general presence can sometimes
be indicated with the Examine Supernatural Spell. Light
Attribute Score Modifier weapons will be less effective due to the Stone Ogre’s
High Damage Reduction. (Empowered blades, due
Strength 22 +6 to their design, are not normally damaged when used
against stone armour.) Stone Ogres can be killed, but
Dexterity 8 -1
cannot be reasoned with.
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 10 +0 Varrathnoth
Wisdom 10 +0 Varrathnoth are beings from the other side of the
barrier who often cross over at the bidding of a more
Charisma 10 +0 powerful master. They appear as small humanoids,
often shorter than four feet tall. They are known by their
distinct, skull-like head.
Attitude and Tactics
Stone Ogres blur the line between human-like and Varrathnoth typically prove to be little trouble for
monster. Technically they are human-like because of well-armed soldiers, unless met in great numbers. As
the underlying human intelligence that can be seen part of a mixed enemy force, Varrathnoth can become
in their eyes. They have the ability to use tactics, to a dangerous distraction.
surprise, surround or stalk their prey.
Player Knowledge
A good Knowledge: Common or Popular check reveals
the basic legends surrounding Stone Ogres: they live
underground and will get you if you dare enter their
caves. They will come and steal your friends if you are
not good. They are made of rock and cannot be hurt. ▪ Concept: Low level villainous foot soldier,
weak but potentially dangerous.
A good Knowledge: Academic, Specific or Obscure
check reveals that Stone Ogres emerge from stone
Base Stats (Level 1) Additional Equipment
AC: 14, DR: 0, EX-HP: 0, HP: 4 or 7 ▪ Leather and Plates (0 EP)
Spirit Born Witch
A Spirit Born Witch is a human spell caster who took
a shortcut in obtaining magical power. The caster
accepts the power offered by a supernatural barrier
creature, but becomes inhuman in the process. The
spirit that adds to the caster’s power also twists their
mind. Once their mind shatters, Spirit Born Witches
are almost always dangerous and cruel. They are
hunted because of this, and become beings even more
dangerous and vengeful against the societies that they
formerly belonged to.
▪ Death Spells
▪ Protection Spells
▪ Telepathy Spells
▪ MP: 14
Player Knowledge
A good Knowledge: Common or Popular check reveals
that these things are called Varrathnoth and that they
are vile beings from the other side of the barrier.
Base Stats (Level 6) Background
AC: 15, DR: 1d4 + 1d8, EX-HP: 9, HP: 48 Attribute Score Modifier
Dexterity 14 +2
Common Attacks
▪ Sedger Short Blade (3 EP) Constitution 13 +1
▪ Base movement: 30 feet (6 squares) In combat, most Spirit Born Witches try to have their
followers or minions engage the enemy while they
Spell and Skill Categories themselves step back and blast away with magic
(Death Ray, Fire Blast, and Lightning Bolt are common
▪ Can cast all spells from the 12 major
choices). They are not opposed to using Spellchrome
categories @ stage 2 or 3 spell power.
weapons, but since that is not what they excel at, magic
▪ May have a few custom spells to will almost always be their first choice.
keep the PCs on their toes.
Some Spirit Born Witches are extremely powerful and
▪ 18 MP dangerous. They crackle with energy and speak in a
voice greater than a single being can produce. The GM
▪ Basic Dexterity (+12)
must balance how much of this is dramatic description
▪ Basic Intelligence (+11) and how much is actual game statistics. The GM should
note that, in general, the spirit who is feeding power
▪ 3 SP to the Witch will not let them die easily, especially at
the beginning of a battle. The spirit can absorb some
Feats damage, partially heal them, and even move the Witch
▪ Light and Medium Armour Proficiency telekinetically in order to keep its plaything alive.
▪ Melee: +14/+9/+3
Additional Equipment
▪ Stage 3 Spell Caster
▪ H-G Light Plate (3 EP)
▪ MP: 24
▪ Mark-3 Mage Gauntlet (3 EP)
▪ Cathal Scale Armour (6 EP)
▪ Sprevtec R7 Long Range Comlink (2 EP)
Player Knowledge Common Attacks
A good Knowledge: Common or Popular check reveals ▪ Monstrous Bite
that some people are Witches. This does not reveal
exactly how or why Witches come to be, but it does ▪ Attack Bonus: +9
indicate that Spirit Born Witches are often powerful and ▪ Damage: 2d8 + 6(Str)
▪ (or) Claw Attack x 2
A good Knowledge: Academic, Specific or Obscure
check reveals that the PC knows how Spirit Born ▪ Attack Bonus: +9
Witches come to exist and what they are capable of. ▪ Damage: 2d6 + 6(Str)
The PC will also know that since the person the Witch
once was voluntarily accepted the spirit’s influence ▪ Initiative Bonus: +3
(coerced, manipulated, tricked or otherwise), there is
little chance to undo the damage. Even if there was ▪ Base movement: 40 feet (8 squares)
a way to go back, most Spirit Born Witches would not ▪ Can instinctively cast Fire Blast (Stage 1)
give up their power.
▪ (Erupts from the throat)
Dangerous Beasts ▪ 3 MP
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 10 +0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 13 +1
Eldlandrian Wolf (Level 2) Common Attacks
AC: 14, DR: 0, EX-HP: 0, HP: 18 ▪ Poison Bite
Background Feats
▪ Agile Weapon Style
Attribute Score Modifier
▪ Combat Awareness
Strength 17 +3
▪ Dual Melee Weapons
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Attribute Score Modifier
Intelligence 10 +0
Strength 16 +3
Wisdom 12 +1
Dexterity 22 +6
Charisma 13 +1
Constitution 16 +3
The Eldlandrian Wolf is common in lightly wooded
Intelligence 11 +4
areas, plains and mountainous regions. Their diet
consists of deer, mice and kelver-hares. They are Wisdom 10 +1
related to dogs. Most Eldlandrian wolves are part of a
pack that hunt together in a large family unit. Charisma 15 +1
Generally, the the Eldlandrian Wolf is not dangerous, No one quite knows how the Monkey Snakes came
unless provoked. to exist, but they seem to be some form of magically
mutated primate. Most have the body of a small monkey
Eldlandrian Monkey Snake (Level 4) and the head and spine of a viper. The Monkey Snake
is a very agile and quick mover.
AC: 17, DR: 0,
EX-HP: 0, HP: 28 Most Eldlandrian Monkey Snakes tend to be very
aggressive and combative. They have been known to
FORT: +3, work in unison with each other to tackle larger prey or
REF: +8, numerous foes. Foolishly, many people have brought
WILL: +1 Monkey Snakes from their native jungles to other parts
of the world, spreading the poisonous threat.
Some Monkey Snake have been known to have ▪ Concept: Zombies, slow but relentless.
poisonous claw attacks and bites that are exceptionally
strong, sometimes capable of piercing thick armour. Base Stats (Level 1)
AC: 12, DR: 1d10 (Natural), EX-HP: 0, HP: 20
Player Knowledge
A good Knowledge: Common or Popular check reveals FORT: +4, REF: -2, WILL: +0
what the animal basically looks like and what it is
called. The PC knows whether the animal is normally Common Attacks
dangerous or not.
▪ Arm swing (0 EP)
A good Knowledge: Academic, Specific or Obscure ▪ Attack Bonus: +3
check reveals the animal’s habits and territory, diet and
attack methods. ▪ Damage: 1d6+3(Str)
▪ Initiative Bonus: -2
The Lumbering Dead ▪ Empowerment Points: 10
When barrier spirits cross over into Eldlandria, some ▪ Base movement: 20 feet (4 squares)
are not strong enough to feed off or control a living
creature. The barrier spirit is forced to inhabit and use
a human corpse, creating what is commonly called the
Additional Equipment
lumbering dead. Interfacing with the dead, the spirit is ▪ Clothing or armour: whatever
often driven to feed on fresh meat. The lumbering dead they were buried in, etc.
tend to be very slow, but they do gain strength over
time. They are highly resilient to physical attacks. Background
Often these weaker spirits are brought over and Attribute Score Modifier
commanded by a more powerful force, which means
Strength 17 +3
that the walking dead are almost always a component
of greater danger. Dexterity 6 -2
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Stories persist of humans working in coordination with
spirit forces to cobble together even more powerful
Pale Twin
lumbering dead from the components of several Pale Twins are impersonators that step into individuals’
corpses. lives and cause havoc. They are terror spirits from
beyond the barrier that seek out people in distress
Lumbering Dead @ Level 2 and feed off of misery. Eventually, this particular kind
of barrier spirit cocoons and emerges with a physical
AC: 13, DR: 1d12, EX-HP: 0, HP: 30
resemblance and basic knowledge of their victim. The
FORT: +4, REF: -2, WILL: +1 Pale Twin will often take the other person’s place,
seeking deadly revenge on their behalf. They are called
▪ Strength: 19 (+4)
pale because their physical illusion will dissipate when
▪ Improved Arm Swing (0 EP) using the full extent of their supernatural abilities.
▪ 2 MP
▪ Attack Bonus: +7
▪ Damage: 1d8+5(Str)
▪ 3 MP
Player Knowledge
A good Knowledge: Common or Popular check reveals
that “there be danger here”. Keep your distance and get
away. Otherwise they will get you and you will become
one of them.
Common Attacks Background
▪ Liquid Crystal Sword (3 EP) [Natural] Attribute Score Modifier
▪ Attack Bonus: +14/+9 Strength 23 +6
▪ Damage: 1d12 + 6(Str)
Dexterity 22 +6
▪ Poison Bite [Natural]
Constitution 21 +5
▪ Attack Bonus: +14
Intelligence 20 +5
▪ Damage: 1d8 + 6(Str)
Wisdom 14 +2
▪ Stage 2 Poison, causing Minor Paralysis
Charisma 17 +3
▪ Initiative Bonus: +6
Tale of the Pale Twin
The Legend of the Pale Twin dates back over 600
years, to the around the year 412 CE. It is believed that
their appearance was less frequent before the barrier
was damaged, that it took more energy and time to
cross over in the past.
Chapter 11: Setting Within a century, many of the captured humans’ descen-
dants, worked together to overcome and overthrow their
oppressive masters. It is believed that some returned
Overview to Eldlandria, though the majority remained and built
Castles dot the Eldlandrian landscape, along with stone what would eventually become Allteria. In creating their
fortresses, towns and villages. Eldlandria is an ancient new world, the free humans greatly benefited from the
world, where for thousands of years men and women exposure to the Mysterion technology, allowing them
have defended their borders with sword and magic. to build vast vertical cities, communication nets and
And so it would have likely continued in just that way if advanced weaponry.
not for the arrival of the Allterions.
Limited contact with Eldlandria continued over the next
With the Allterions comes new technology. The local centuries. It is discovered that those who returned to
urban wizard and the select few who are able to master Eldlandria divided into two main groups. Some of them
Telepathy Spells no longer dominate communication. had seen multiple worlds ravaged from technological
War changes as ranged weapons become exceed- and industrial abuse, causing the first group to put
ingly powerful, forcing adaptation or failure. Nowhere is advanced technology behind them, rejoining Eldlan-
change more evident than with the once huge castles, drian societies. Several key members of this group
now dwarfed by immense Allterion tower cities. went on to form the Lundor Royal family, still in power
a thousand years later. The Lundors were supposedly
able to create unity in a time of major upheaval. True or
The Allterions not, it is factual that the Current Era is measured from
Allterions are humans with little in the way of visual the coronation of the first Lundor Queen.
traits from magical pollution, although blue, purple and
green skin pigmentation is not uncommon. They tend to The second group settled on a large island and barred
be slightly taller than the average Eldlandrian human. any contact with the outside medieval world. They
managed to figure out how to get technology to function
The Allterions claim their story begins over a thousand within the limited area of the island, and created the
years ago on Eldlandria. At that time, they say a non- first empowerable weapons that can function outside
humanoid race appeared who they came to call the of a shielded environment. Those residents allowed to
Mysterion. These intruders captured and transported occasionally leave would spread rumours of horrible
away hundreds of thousands of Eldlandrians, leaving monsters and dangers that await any person foolish
those who remained in chaos. enough to venture near their island and its surrounding
Most Allterions remained and Allteria became their
permanent home. A thousand years later, Allteria was
Kingdom of Lundor Time Line
dying and there was serious talk of the re-coloniza- ▪ -340: Castle Ryddorman is completed. It remains the
tion of Eldlandria. Limited resources gave way to a largest man made structure for over six centuries.
major Global-Allteria conflict. The Nova Dirge, a new
▪ -110: The Mysterion capture and
renegade faction, led by an off-world race known as the
transport away hundreds of thousands of
Krillzacore, began to sweep power. The Krillzacore are
Eldlandrians. A time of chaos follows.
world conquerors and had their sights set on control-
ling all of Allteria, then followed by all of Eldlandria. ▪ -22: Humans gain freedom on Allteria. Most
have come to call themselves Allterions.
With the Allterion majority losing the battle on their Two groups return to Eldlandria.
own world, they decided to prepare the next world as ▪ -7: Much of western Eldlandrian is consumed by warring
soon as they could. They broke with a thousand-year tribes. Lady Kallsdry, born on Allteria, rises in power and
tradition and forced Eldlandria to acknowledge their unifies the tribes, ending a century of chaos and conflict.
existence. Starships appeared in the sky. Queens,
Kings and leaders across Eldlandria shook hands with ▪ 0 Current Era: Kallsdry becomes Queen and takes
their ancient brethren in front of perplexed crowds. The over Castle Ryddorman. The Kingdom of Lundor
is re-established. A new Calendar is declared.
Allterions used massive technology to transport entire
cities. Old Eldlandria cities began to change, grow
taller, while others fiercely dug in their heels, refusing
any changes at all.
▪ 813 CE: Darvwell is removed from power by Lord Lloyd ▪ 1050 CE: The Nova Dirge are shown to have
Kallerdavine. Kallerdavine proves to be a bigger tyrant. sabotaged the 18th tower. Alternative conspiracy
theories are widespread but none are ever proven.
▪ 847 CE: The monarchy, parliament and the constitu-
tion are restored. Kallerdavine is executed. ▪ 1050 CE: Supernatural activity spikes. Communities
are forced to form groups lead by Paranormal Auditors.
▪ 855 CE: The first generation illusion screen is Heavy weapon laws are relaxed in some locations.
developed. It is a small or medium sized globe that Tough mercenary types are looked upon favourably.
displays a captured 3d image. It works by leveraging
magical knowledge and mechanics. It is initially ▪ 1052 CE: It is proven that each sudden transporta-
so expensive that only the nobility can buy it. tion of a tower city strained a critical barrier between
the mildly magical world of Eldlandria and the
▪ 997 CE: An Allterion scouting mission goes supernatural world beyond the barrier. The sudden
horribly wrong. Several high ranking Eldlandrian destruction of the 18th tower city shattered the barrier
Leaders are involved in a cover up. in thousands of locations throughout Eldlandria.
▪ 1006 CE: Allterion Starships can be seen ▪ 1052 CE: Higher rates of magical pollution and visual
in the sky. Official contact is made. traits occur. More cases of mutated animals are reported.
Claims are made that magic “feels easier” to cast.
▪ 1011 CE: The first R-14 power core is developed.
▪ 1054 CE: The first [Western] Eldlandrian
▪ 1012 - 1047 CE: Seventeen Allterion tower cities are
- Nova Dirge Conflict begins.
transported to Eldlandria (about one every two years).
Reports of supernatural activity increases in frequency. ▪ 1058 CE: The war with the Nova Dirge ends at a
stalemate. Over 4 million in total are killed in battle.
▪ 1013 CE: The first Spellchrome pistol is made available
to Eldlandrians. Debate rages over their use. ▪ 1059 CE: Resentment. Allterions are blamed for bringing
the Nova Dirge. The Allterions counter argue that
they saved the Eldlandrians from total destruction.
▪ 1028 CE: The Dronddii ’29 Fusion Bike is introduced. ▪ 1062 CE: The Allterion image screen is released.
▪ 1046 CE: The Nova Dirge take the East. ▪ 1065 CE: Comlink use and ownership rises above 80%.
▪ 1049 CE: Disaster strikes. The Eighteenth Allterion ▪ 1076 CE: Current Day. Neither the Eldlandrians or
tower city is destroyed as it is warped to its Eldlandrian the Nova-Dirge are ready for a rematch, but continue
location. The destruction can be scene hundreds of to spy on other in an attempt to gain an upper hand.
miles away. Multiple starships fall from the sky. Since neither want to force an outright confronta-
tion, both sides conduct war by proxy, battling over
▪ 1049 CE: A huge area around the tower collapse the few third parties still left, such as Talzzeroon.
becomes a badlands, a place where both
treasures and horrible dangers can be found.
Language Common Languages
▪ Avenngrail (Avenngrail region)
Most Eldlandrians can speak the very basics of the
languages from other regions (several have common ▪ Brysren (Brywicker region)
roots). Some individuals are able to speak nearly all
Eldlandrian languages fluently. ▪ Fals (Folmaur region)
Eldlandria has varied climates. Southern Lundor experiences 2 to 3 months of snow and cold per year on
average, while Northren Folmaur has perpetual winter. Talzzeroon is hot throughout the year. The Vihallden
Union gets some brutally cold weather in the winter but is temperate the rest of the year. Avenngrail tends to
have mild weather year round, good for growing more delicate crops. Brywicker tends to have mild winters and
sweltering summers.
Level of Technology Culture
▪ Technology varies by region. Many hold ▪ Most Lundorans drink ale with their meal; it
to tradition in the face of rapid change. is safer than the water. The Nobility, who can
afford it, tend to drink Allterion purified water.
▪ About 6% of Lundorans have an Allterion
“freezer”. The rest continue to use an ice box and ▪ Most adults carry a weapon on their belt. A
visit the local Urban Wizard or Elementalist. century ago it was a dagger, today it might be a
light pistol or a empowerable blade. Regrettably,
accidental death rose for some time after the more
deadly weapons first become widely available.
The Barrier Zone for the most part, as they did before the
barrier crash. They are, of course, now
The barrier zone, also known as the forced to deal with much more super-
breach zone, the badlands, and a host of natural activity than other areas. This
other names, is located in the Kingdom is somewhat offset by their positions as
of Lundor, radiating from the location main suppliers to many mercenaries and
intended for the 18th Allterion Tower paranormal auditors passing through who
City. It is a place of extreme supernatural are often eager to track down and deal
activity and is a major gateway for barrier with some shadowy beasts, terror spirits
creatures and spirits to enter Eldlandria. or lumbering dead. (Calrwell and Port
Halldry are also known for their lax rules
The 1049 destruction of the 18th Tower governing the acquirement of military
City sent ripples of energy throughout the world, further grade weapons and equipment.)
weakening barriers already bent from the previous
arrivals of Allterion Tower Cities. The area which imme- At least two or more settlements still reside within the
diately surrounds the massive destruction of the tower barrier zone, although they are lawless and chaotic
city fared far worse, permanently shattering the barrier towns. While the buildings may (for the most part)
between two worlds remain standing, it’s reportedly hard to relax in such
a place - where everyone is hunting and everyone is
Today, this area is home to bizarre creatures, being hunted.
scavengers (both human and not), fortune hunters and
criminals. It is a place where many fugitives and people There is limited visibility inside the barrier zone, usually
who do not want to be found go (they believe that the no further than half a mile. Some expected the haze of
barrier zone is too dangerous for anyone to bother the barrier zone to clear off soon after the disaster. But,
tracking them down there, and they are often right). after 25 years, that does not seem to be the case. The
Those not seeking refuge seek valuables that they haze is typically grey or red depending on the area.
believe they will find in the wreckage of the destroyed The barrier zone covers a diverse area, including open
tower city, in one of the many star ships that crashed plains, forests, marsh and lake areas. Some ground
following the tower’s demise, or in one of the towns or vehicles have fared all right in the barrier zone, but
cities that was lost to the zone area. they are uncommon. Flightcraft, for reasons unknown,
tend to fall to the ground, not unlike the star ships that
The barrier zone’s edges brush up against two major descended years ago, never to rise again.
settlements (Calrwell and Port Halldry) that still exist,
Tower Cities Nova Dirge Territory
The Nova Dirge began as a renegade faction on
Allteria. Originally they were led by an off-world power
known as the Krillzacore, who conquered worlds
through deception and brutal might. After taking over
most of the (dying) world of Allteria, they set their sights
on Eldlandria.
Major Factions talented groups to look into and solve problems that
have come to their attention.
The different nations and kingdoms of Eldlandria make
up the horizontal stripes of the world. World spanning The Greystones also operate smaller healing facilities
Organizations (secret, official or something in-between) in most cities throughout the free nations.
make up the vertical stripes, weaving in and out as
needed or desired. Ryddorman University
Ryddorman University is among the oldest academic
The Eldlandrian Western Guard institutions in Lundor. They feature extensive libraries,
The Eldlandrian Western Guard formed as a demanding courses, and inquisitive scholars.
military alliance in 1056 CE, during the first
Eldlandrian - Nova Dirge Conflict. It is composed Ryddorman University regularly sponsors explo-
of the Vihallden Union, Avenngrail, Lundor, rations. Sometimes adventurers are needed
Brywicker, Folmaur, and the Allterions. Today to provide security for scholars, while other
the Western Guard maintains a ready army times Ryddorman needs hearty folk
and has classified divisions that are used for to follow up clues uncovered during
reconnaissance, infiltration, counter-control, research and bring back lost artefacts
and other covert missions. and treasures.
Crown of Lundor service, eventually providing private security to clients
in the Vihallden Union, Lundor, Avenngrail, Brywicker
The Crown of Lundor is the Queen’s invisible hand, and the Allterion City States.
ensuring that justice, the people of Lundor and Royal
and elected leaders are served well. As deemed by the Sometimes Allteria-Goldman Private Security acts
crown, Agents of the Crown have special rights to bend as a middle man, finding clients with security needs
the laws for the greater good. The Crown of Lundor and capable groups who work well together. Often
does not serve to replace any service offered by the adventure groups are useful for one-time jobs and
Local Warden Investigator or the Eldlandrian Guard, special circumstances. Allteria-Goldman typically
but rather they are an additional layer to protect where handles all the silver billing and payment.
most necessary.
Adventurers who take on temporary assignments for The Sibboor Industrial Corporation
the Trisstherrn Mail Company must enjoy traveling The Sibboor Industrial Corporation is a mining
to remote, exotic and sometimes dangerous places. and factory production company, with Lundorans,
(Permanent deliverers handle the bulk of regular Avenngrailmen, and Allterions on the board of directors.
mail routes). Unofficially, it is belived that certain They have major projects in nearly every free nation.
tasks require particular, shadowy cloak and dagger
actions; the Trisstherrn Company soundly denies any Often there is need to hire groups to solve problems
connection to “such nonsense”. relating to, but not limited to, scouting new territories,
protecting VIPs, freeing worksites from unknown or
Allteria-Goldman Private Security hostile forces, recruiting brilliant craftsmen, negotiating
protection money (or putting an end to inequitable
Allteria-Goldman Private Security began life as a “agreements”), recovering trade secrets and other
smaller Folmaur based company. In 1037 CE, an situations that need immediate rectification.
Allterion company invested in and expanded the
The Hunter-Drave Institute has grown too big and cumbersome, lacking the agility
to make quick and effective changes. There are reports
of Paranormal Investigation of relentless infighting and grabs for power, leading to
speculation that the Kryaegar Household will fracture
The Hunter-Drave Institute serves to investigate and into multiple parts in the near future.
combat Paranormal activity such as the presence of
Barrier Creatures or Terror Spirits. The two Paranormal Adventurers will most often be assisting the local law
Auditors Hunter and Drave originally founded the or the Crown in combating organized crime, through
company in 1051 CE. There are outpost Hunter-Drave either investigation, force or the use of subterfuge.
Institutes in most major cities in the free nations.
Index Bluff .................................................................... 74
Armoes ............................................................... 14
Associated Magic Spells ..................................... 80 Combat Options ................................................ 180 Effects of cover ................................................. 178
Associated Skills ................................................. 60 Combat Training ............................................... 117 Eldlandria .......................................................... 233
Athletic .............................................................. 116 Comlink ............................................................. 142 Eldlandrian Western Guard .............................. 243
Attack Ability ....................................................... 22 Common Goods and Services .......................... 154 Elemental Brawler .............................................. 40
Attack Roll ........................................................ 166 Concentration ..................................................... 67 Empowering Items ............................................ 124
Attacks Of Opportunity ...................................... 172 Conflict .............................................................. 203 Encumbrance ................................................... 172
Awake ................................................................. 67 Consumer Products .......................................... 157 Equipment Categories ...................................... 125
Blasting Wind .................................................... 107 Dagger of Light ................................................... 95 Far Shot ............................................................ 118
Blind .................................................................. 180 Damage Reduction ............................................. 32 Feats ........................................................... 30, 111
Blind fire ............................................................ 179 Dangerous Beasts ............................................ 227 Fighting Defensively ......................................... 185
Fire Blast ............................................................ 85
Firing into Melee ............................................... 179 Ice Blast .............................................................. 90 Melee Slash ........................................................ 66
Fists of Ice .......................................................... 90 If a PC dies ....................................................... 197 Melee Training: Advanced ................................ 120
Five Foot step ................................................... 171 Improving Skills .................................................. 78 Melee Training: Basic ....................................... 120
Flaming Surface ................................................. 87 Initiative ............................................................ 165 Melee Weapons ................................................ 131
Followers of Vordamund ................................... 245 Investigate .......................................................... 70 Mind Grip .......................................................... 104
Folmaur ............................................................ 237 Iron Will ............................................................. 119 Mind Link .......................................................... 105
Forgery and Detect Forgery ................................ 70 Items and Devices ............................................ 142 Mind Read ........................................................ 105
G Jump ................................................................... 62
Mounted Combat .............................................. 183
Great Fortitude ................................................. 118 Language .......................................................... 237 Non-lethal Damage ........................................... 170
Greystone Sorcerers ........................................ 243 Leap .................................................................. 101 Nova Dirge Territory ................................. 237, 242
Poison ................................................................. 82 Shadow Stealth ................................................ 100 The Trisstherrn Mail Company ......................... 244
Poison Resistance .............................................. 68 Shadow Tool ..................................................... 100 Threats ............................................................. 215
Power Alterations ............................................. 146 Shield Systems ................................................. 122 Thunder Mage .................................................... 52
Powerful Soul ................................................... 121 Sibboor Industrial Corporation .......................... 244 Time Line .......................................................... 234
Power Hit .......................................................... 121 Silver Credit ...................................................... 123 Total Defence ................................................... 185
Precise Healing .................................................. 88 Silver Credits .................................................... 202 Tough as Nails Detective .................................... 37
Precise Shot ..................................................... 121 Single Grip ........................................................ 122 Toughness ........................................................ 122
Prep Work ......................................................... 189 Skill Categories ................................................... 24 Tower Cities ...................................................... 242
Repair ................................................................. 69 Starting Resources ............................................. 31 Vehicles and Transportation ............................. 148
Resist Elements .................................................. 68 Stealthy ............................................................. 122 Vihallden Union ................................................ 237
Restoration ......................................................... 89 Stone Ogre ....................................................... 222 Villain Guidelines .............................................. 198
Restore Lost ..................................................... 122 Storage ............................................................. 155 Visual Traits ........................................................ 17
Open Gaming License 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
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System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
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Spellchrome Core Rulebook Copyright ©2009 Collin Lenzen.
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