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THE BROTHERHOOD" AUTHOR: MATT FORBECK CONCEPT: NILS GULLIKSSON, MICHAEL STENMARK, LHENRIK STRANDBERG, MAGNUS SETER, JERKER SSOJDELIUS, STEFAN THULIN, FREDRIK MALMBERG ART DIRECTION:STEFAN THULIN, JERKER SSOJDELIUS, NILS GULLIKSSON ORIGINALS: STEFAN THULIN COVER ARTWORK: PAUL BONNER INTERIOR ARTWORK: PETER BERGTING, LARS NORDBECK, PAUL BONNER, MAGNUS OLSSON, NILS GULLIKSSON, TONY BAGGE, PAOLO PARENTE For More Information Contact: Heartbreaker RO. Box 105 Folsom PA 19033 U.S.A. or Gameeraft A16 Gardners Row Liverpool, L36uT England COPYRIGHT © 1993 TARGET GAMES AB, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MUTANT CHRONICLES, MUTANT CHRONICLES THE TECHNO: FANTASY ROLEPLAYING GAME, THE BROTHERHOOD AND ALL CHARACTER NAMES AND LIKENESS(ES) THEREOF ARE ‘TRADEMARKS OF TARGET GAMES AB. PRINTED IN THE U. S.ACenyigh 1898 Target Games AB. AlRights Resend. MUTANT CHRONQLES an all haat es andthe csi theese threat ae Tradonarts of Taxet Games AB CARDINAL DomINIC Cardinal Dominic is the Cardinal of the Cathedral on Luna and therefore the Brothethood's second in command. He is a ‘member ofthe Curia, and hopes to one day become the Cardinal himself. He has no idea that he doesn't have a chance, so he holds out some hope. Known asthe Sheriff of Luna, Dominicis an old man made infamous by his penchant for torture. There is nothing he likes better than to while away the hours not occupied by the duties of his office by interrogating some truly stubborn young heretic. Dominic wll stop at nothing to obtain the answers he desires. No form of maiming or mutilations too grotesque fortis man—in fact, the more pain he can cause, the bet ter. Dominic managed to rise to his current Position through nothing more than ru thless efficiency. No matter what the task, he always gets the job done, no matter what the cost. His tactics have met with disapproval by many, but as he always growls to any who question his judgment, there's @ war on. In his opinion, the Brothethood can't afford tobe nice—there simply isn't enough time. Besides, you don't think the Legions of Darkness ever ‘gave a human a second chance, do you? He was appointed tothe Cardinalship of Luna by Nathaniel in his last term in office. Alexander deeply regrets his brother's choice, but Nathaniel always was much ‘more of a bottomline kind of guy than he, Results are what counts, he would say, hile Alexander is of the opinion that how the results are acheived is atleast as im Portant as getting them. The first time Dominic sips up, Alexander is going to ha ve him removed. So far, though, he's been flawless, at least as far as Alexander can see Dominic's demeanor is that of a bitter old man, for that’s what he is. He is cold and heartless, and the only time a gleam of life leaps into his eye is when he's presen ted with the opportunity to inflict cruelties upon others. He has a short temper which often snaps quickly and loudly, He expects nothing but total subservience from those around him, and he always gets it or an un pleasant example is made. e xn the beginning, there was chaos. The world was encompassed by darkness and despair. Out of this disorder came a man called Nathaniel Durand, It was he who became our savior, the fist Cr Orson enon rertnr cette ieee Not long after, humanity in its hubris reached forthe stars. Instead, they found Neto, the tenth and final planet. There they discovered things long hidden, things that had fallen asleep before our ancestors had become brave enough eRe ee emcees beasts of evil, and their wrath arose with them to be focused on these upstart igs in this barren universe that dared to call themsehes humans. Iwas these forces of darkness that delved deep into the things that made us so excessively proud: our so-called knowledge and our far-too-e- lied-upon technology, Soon our devices turned against us, Seen ee eee ate for fear that they had! been tainted with some hor rible aspect of Dark Symmetry Cardinal Durand saw this and knew instantly eae ern er, the Cardinal laid down the three basic credos by which each member of the Brotherhood swears to live by until Ben een) Coe Ran cree aes) the Cardinal (and, by cere ee ese an nS hethood) in all things, for his wisdom Det ee en Sees een ae Ik of humanity into a force of good can be found. The second is this: Thou shalt recruit others into ie Brotherhood for the good of the Brotherhood and ert) Only through the work of the Missionaries can the word the Cardinal be spread to the ignorant, Elsewise, those who live in the rkness of our worlds cannot ever see the lg The third is this: Thou shalt constantly beware the horrible influence of Jark Symmetry in others and in thyself. Only by constant vigilance against such incursions into their souls can good men and women hope to stand Se a ee Re rothers who follow these three tenets will serve the Cardinal's SOS eee ee eC Pee One se ee en be remembered by the Cardinal and the remainder of his loyal Dees Once Cardinal Durand had founded the Brotherhood, he wisely saw that he would need to divide his beloved brethren into more easily manageable divi- sions, each of which would have its own distinetjusisdiction and purpose. And 50 he invited the most faithful of our members to become the first Curates of the Curia, the council of elders who assist the Cardinal in his governing of the Brotherhood and from amongst which each successive Cardinal is selected Guided by the wiscom of these learned people, Cardinal Durand formed the CO een ES Ryhe Fist Directorate formed was that ofthe Mystics Se cM RS ulate the very fabric of reality, the Changellor, Re cr eRa CRecr e Seers, who can see both into the farthest future and ie ee ea eens CSR ne nee ad Pore n eat he Second Directorate is that of the Inquisition. n has one of the most important vocatiy BAF) 27) root out the influences of Dark Symmetry wherever it may found. This calling can take them from the surface of Nero to the heart of sacred Luna itself, and it often does. Inquisitors can be found almost anywhere humans gather in large numbers, and Sacred Warriors are constantly found in the thick of the harshest and deadliest battles against the demonic powers in the eternal night of deepest space. Only the Light can triumph against the Darkness against ich the whole of humanity is otherwise helpless. ice he had arranged the Brotherhood in this quadratic patter, the Cardinal looked down upon it and saw that it was Then he was finally free to go about the work that had been his or wherever they may flourish. Mighty and devout Cardinal Durand fied with merely stemming the tide of Darkness that was forever thre dlinal Durand brought the battle directly to the Dark Legion itself See ee eee ee ata iginal calling: to stamp out any instances of Dark Symme ' objective didn't end with the defense of humanity. Not sats 1 to overwhelm humankind in its ignorance and weakness, Ca RO ee ee cco Pe a built citadel after citadel on the Corporation's planets, those closest to the ze of our solar system and farthest away from our homemasses necessary to provide support to the Brotherhood's needs. Cardin Aen ee Cnc ee ee sition its mighty arm, the Mission was its holy body without which the oth ll Iye Thitd Directorate is the Mission. These brothers and sisters make up the branches were naught, These men and women spread the Cardinal's word he ignorant, They also seek out and preserve or destroy the mystic art s of both Darkness and Light. The most humble brothers are found in part of the Brotherhood, transcribing the accumulated knovle a Brotherhood by hand so as to keep it from any hint of influence Det BF hye Fourth and final Directorate can be thought of as the Brotherhood's ous system. It is by means of the Administration that humanity’s lar stand most powerful organization can get anything done and donations are simply not enough to sustain su a massive fraternity. The Administration's businessmen ensure that the Cardinal’s sacred calling has enough resources to be ans any time, The Administration also routes personnel and supplies for otherhood and acts as the Brotherhood's liaison with ‘al and corporate entities planet of Earth and its sacted daughter Luna, Determined not to let these Dark Siblings have their way with innocent souls, Cardinal Durand hin self threw off his holy robes, baring his blessed battle armor, and led the Sacred Warriors into righteous war against the mutant sons and daugh Re ener NR er Cardinal Durand knew that walking through che Venusian valleys of Darkness would cause a bate like none ever seen in ths war or any other nthe many years since the Dark Soul had been unleashed upon the worlds of humanity, many such assaults had been attempted. None had suc: ceeded. Most had concluded that such a batle could not be won. The Cardinal ignored them saying, “Inthe batle of good versus evil, we must 0 lay down our lives so thatthe Light may shine into not be content simply to stave off the encroaching Darkness. Me must instead be willing eee eee every comer of every world once again, Darkness succeeds only where the LiSRO eee Ea an oa Tereafer, with only as muci delay as was required to muster his troops, Cardinal Durand led a direct assault upon a citadel of Algeroth’s deep in th ear of the Venusian jungles. The first and mightiest Cardinal spra Bs Se en ce ee ee er oe een con nets ny (Once on Venus, the battle was soon met, The Cardinal led his personal guard—the now l ae eee any fiom each ofthe four corporations: the Venusian Rangers, the Sealions, the Hatamoto and the Blood Berets. A special Cartel attachment of ete forces known as the Doomtroopers was assigned to accompany the Cardinal in battle, This was the Doomntroopers’ fist and most glorious mission, and their reputation has Poe ee ees The assault was a long and laborious one. For every three feet the Cardinal’ forces fought forward, they were PaO en ieee and Undead Legionnaires. Soon afte, these creatures of darkness wer joined by Exoghouls,Raides and Pretoria Roe es R en ia et the valiant sisterhood ofthe Valkyties—encountered the Dee Reece ec Peete ee Pee ES nae ae Cee ee eet nc eae cra SOD Re ea POR sea Cee out eit eee eC The Carkial himself, surounded by the Doomtroopers and what remained ofthe Fury, caught up with the Apostle inthe very heart of hs citadel. The Cardinal hurled himself headlong, into final battle with his nemesis, and the De Dace ee etre De cc eer ene Pee ene me Ce ae a cee the Bringer of Light, which banished all remaining shad Ocoee aa Se eee ee Darkness and Light that could only end in victory for one and, for the other, death, The Cardinal beat his way through Algeroth's defenses once, twice, then thrice. On the third time, with a single mighty blow, Cardinal Nath niel Durand | cleaved the demon Algeroth in twain, ven ‘whilst his parts fll in separate directions, the demon cack Ce eee ee te Cee een eo? eae eine tes Brotherhood had triumphed, but only t an unspeakable OS nn rs cs that had entered the battle were now dead, Several of the Doomtroopers and most of the Fury had fallen as well ‘Worst yet, Cardinal Durand had been morally wounded in ee nn The Cardinal managed! to make it back to Luna before he (eee etn nn os Peet ee set ge came to bid him farewell before he was cremated and his ashes were interred in the heart of Luna, inthe place to be eee Thus was ended the Life of Cardinal Nathaniel Durand, SC cst ee ns en ee ee erate = Excerpts fom the Fist Chronicle carved onthe walls ofthe First Cathedral on Luna 0 ry Pas = ae qiHOW ey CREATE A BROTHERHOOD CHARACTER: he original Mutant Chronicles book gives Jetailed information on how to create an Inquisitor or a Mystic. Below, you'll find ‘out how to create all sorts of other Brotherhood charac ed that these new rules Brotherhood ed with the rules in the Mutant compatible with The also b Mystics, but haracters. cr Chronicles are completely wood character is just like yer sort of character, with a coming up with any 0 few notable generated normally, but from there on, mo: things are a bit different. ‘The Brot apprenticeships have been altered slightly, and Brotherhood characters use their meth ir backgrounds. Plus, they now have a much wider selection of professions to own special JOINING THE BROTHERHOOD There are thre While just about anyone foung men and women h into the Fi fr Second Directorates, The t CUM RC ee Ee ee Brotherhood during your early adolescence Ce a ee ees ee eect mee Pee During. your background repetitions. At a ee) Fepetitions that yout have an MST or PER of 15 or more, you can join the Brotheiflood by See a oe aces cers ert eee! DCC a CLC UMUC SLL oe SOUR Cn Ro URES ts ne ned not Ce ce SE Te (You shoufd “have already rolled on. the See ee eee time -an join the Brotherhood, an an join the Mission after having reached adulthood, only the most promising ve even the slightest chance of being taken straight into the Brotherhood at all, none of them are ea e ways to join chon De ee om Ree ee ees Ra a Peer cera ere ne the Brotherhoodind ask to be allowed ee me ancy Se eR SS eae a made for higher level characters wh@ have a lot to offer the Brotherhood. For Axample, a Bauhaus officer might be made an Adm nistrator instead, No one gets dipéctly inducted Se Ree Laue) ee eR a ee eee Cg ec eC a Brotherhood during development can’gain use ga ne ccorenieraiees sapaearanay a ee Seen on cs Nee acd ean recta doubt. Those whol the trial often ie Per CC eee for mercy as the long Cie ee Ne buried itself within his arm, setting his nerves afire. In his entire life, he had never known er aes pain. Unlike the sharp flick of eR a ee ea eres Dee ET fought helplessly against the Teather straps whic held him enc Se table. Every one of his muscles See a eae 10 remove the thing that had Dae Cee ea the mask of pain that was his Te eee he began coughing up blood, ee Ce ae ed Oe Des Cand ST ee) Pee ear Dea ean Sara ee ad a te through any hope of freedom. When the instrument finally left him, Lars? muscles finally Pee ee a ia) ee a ae a ed Pr se pee What was that?" asked the ae err a a The operating light overhead See ee a 7THE APPRENTICESHIP The period of time from when you are inducted into the Brotherhood (usually at around 8-12 years of age) unt you're ready to start your training as a fullledged member of the Brotherhood (at 16) is called an apprenticeship. During this time, Brotherhood characters get to make five skill picks in Communications, two picks in Movement, and four fie picks to be used in che ‘Combat, Firearms and Special files, Just as stated in Mutant Chronicles, a Brotherhood charact luding any spells. Events Table in the Mutant Chronicles book. Instead you must roll three times on the new Brotherhood Adolescence Events Table on page 10-11. Basic skill values are figured normally. Note that as soon as you enter the Brotherhood, your social standing becomes 5. It only changes if, your Level of Perfection in any Art is over 5, in which ‘ase, your social standing is equal to your Level of Perfection. It can also be changed by certain rolls on the Brotherhood Adolescence Events Table and the Brotherhood Special Events Table. constricting pupils and Pee ag Cn ee shoulders of the black-robed Inquisitor leaning over him Ce Rea re eee eaten ee Neen er ama Ea ag CT eae Ct ene ee oi Pope Cae eal ea whimpered softly to himself ete a aa Se rs Te ren sloved hand infront of Lars’ ene with Lars’ crimson fluids, jutted out ofits index finger Se eae ed ran down Lars’ face again, cea ra Sea Crea netcs) a eed ca Smee ag ma) Just as before, each adventurers in the ranks ofthe Cardinals believers, Cr Poor) eee era ay COM a ence eee ee PTO a en continue. Otherwise, you have been deemed PROM Oey career DSO Age cee mee me Pec em eT RCN cc ean a) Missionary, continue on to step 3. ST a ‘me, my son, and the pain will end. By the Cardinal's Roll a d10. If this is higher than or equal current Level of Perfection, you eae CR Concer et emer reg Missionariés do“not make this roll uiiless em ore Rear | Protection’ in an Art as rolled on the new Panty ea The Inquisitor’ eyes re Oe emer ee Dra port of his face uncovered, BROTHERHOOD BACKGROUNDS } od of background development covers a two-year p every two yeats, characters have the option of continuing on developing th riod in the characters life. After backgrounds or starting out as PROGEDURE ont 4 ar your skill picks according to your Raa en aCe Niemen Sem ee Re ere en Sem Te cc ae to ena Brotherhood Special Events Table. wise, they skip to step 5. Raise. your Level of Perfection in Sec ere) Poe Brotherhood characters cary use any Combat & Firearms picks for skillsn any field, except spells. Only Free picks ¢gh be used for spell sere etre hed 9 new fevel of Perfection abo eae oe raed a things Lars has ever seen The Inqusitor’s costume had Repeat these steps until you feel your character is ready to be a part of the game. Since lucky Brotherhood characters can become powerful fairly quickly, it's up to the GM to seta limit as to how mighty a character can be before he or she has to come out of development. This imi should be based upon how tough a game the GM wants to run, The players should be informed of this imit before they start work on their characters.BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION Brotherhood characters can choose fiom any of the following professions. Often, characters will start ofF in fone profession, say as an Inquisitor, but end up in another, less glamorous position, like that of a Missionary. Players should not be disheartened by these sorts of happenings. They should simply be regarded as temporary setbacks in the characters’ path toward imevitable glory for themselves and the Cardinal REQUIREMENTS: Means the minimum requirements you have to meet for that occupation, The require- ments only have to be filed on the day you star in that career. Normally, 2 social standing of 1 is a requirement for any background, but this require ment can be ignored by members of the Bro- therhood, each of which has a social standing of at least 5, FIELDS OF EXPERTISE: The number after each field of expertise tells how many skill picks you may make from that field after each period of service. The Free skill picks may be made from any field of expertise including the Special skills. The Special skills include spells, so the Free picks are especially important to a ‘member of the Brotherhood, as they are the only way to pick up spells. Unlike other professions, Brotherhood profess ions have had the fields of Combat and Firearms bined into a single field for purposes of assigning skill picks. Picks from this field can be used for any of the other skills as well, not including spells, SOCIAL STANDING: This is ignored while developing Brotherhood characters. All of the brethren start with a social standing of 5. This can only be changed by tolls on the Brotherhood Adolescent or Special Event Tables or by attaining @ Level of Perfection higher than 5. Ifthe Level of Perfection is higher than your social standing, raise your social standing to the same value as your Level of Perfection, PERMODIFICATION: Doing well at your job boosts your ego and makes your personality stronger. This modifier is applied to your PER value every time you make your picks. MST-MODIFICATION: The extraordinary mental train hat_ members of the Brotherhood receive is reflected by the fact that they get a modification to their MST value every time a background is repeated. This i treated just like the PER modification. those on trial, Lars knew, ee 4s oppressive asthe cold, shhark-like eyes of the man within the suit. What life ee ead waxed and waned only with the flowing and ebbing of seat Perr ee ae Cr Lars’ began rattling off ere eae ee ae air ear es ore Tues a eT Ce source of throbbing eta Cred didn't know, nor at this point did he ety Deng Ce es eyes. Oy finished, the na er aa en ena Ca Dem ears eto ce od ore ad indicate that he had eae eee the Inquisitor eae Ne Se —— ce)ld the pain stop now? his eyes febly asked. Behind his mask, the re Then with one quick Ce Rcd Se nag ere ee eee oat While Lars’ life's blood _gurglett out of him, the eau blessing over his departing eae ree ee as Missionary to follow after ean Cee ere bout, Inquisitor, you promised him fee. Ce eae eae ee era Cogs es fae a emt n Petal Dae) liar.” The Inquisitor paused {fora deadpan moment to ae ee puma a Ua aed a ee corpse before turning once Cece See decomposing body behind. te eee eg BROTHERHOOD ADOLESCENCE/EVEN TABLE 2D20 ADOLESCENCE EVENT MORTAL SIN. COMMITTED*. You have been accused of a horrible sin against the Cardinal and the Brotherhood. Guilty or not, you are now stuck in the Mission (at least until you begin adventuring) You must spend the next Id6+3 years as a Missionary. Also, you suffer a disablement due to the ‘wrath ofthe Inquisition, See result 3 below. DISABLED*. A horrible accident almost cripples you. Read your movement allowance from the line above the normal on the Combat Statistics Table. You may not be a member ofthe Inuisition. ATANTHEARTED®. When confomed with dng ‘you often feel faint. Your actions per round should always be read from the line above the normal on the Combat Statistics Table. You may not be a member of the Inquisition or the Mystics. VENIAL SIN COMMITTED. You have been accused of a minor transgression against the Brotherhood. Although your conscience may be clear, your record has been blemished. You must spend the next 143 yyeats as a Missionary. You may not be a Mystic, and the only way you can be a part of the Inquisition is as 2 Trooper (at least until you start adventuring) WEAK BONE STRUCTURE®. You just don’t take damage very well. Subtract 5 from your total Body Points. DIMWITTED». Quite frank, you're not too swift Your Defensive and Perception Bonuses should always be read from one line above the normal on the Combat Statistics Table. BACKED THE WRONG HORSE. In one of the Brotherhood’ ongoing politcal games, you chose the side that lost. You must spend your first development round as a Missionary SLOW*. You're a sharp enough person, but for some reason, the world always 5 passing you by. Take a ~1 penalty to you and offensive bonuses. T O,NUSTON TRAINING Ancor se lot of him- or herself in you. Take a round of skill picks as if you spent two years as a Missionary from the Inquisition. J [POST ANNE 4 power Msi sens {your potential and takes you under his or her wing. Take a round of skil picks as if you spent two yeas asa Missionary from the Mystics 1 DADMBESTRATIN TRARING. & member of ‘the Fourth Directorate seems to think you'd make a good addition to his of her team—someday. Take a round of skill picks as if you spent two years 235 a Missionary from the Administration. 1 eSIONAsY TRAINING For some esa, high level Missionary takes a liking to you. You may not have aspirations in the Third Directorate, but you're happy to take advantage of this person’s kindness. Take a round of skill picks as Ifyou spent two years asa straight Missionary 1 GINSUENTIA BENEFACTOR. For some rex "son, you have gained the attention of an influential member of the Brotherhood. Choose one of the results 10-13, ms to be 5 10" OF YOUR lass You re so pn in your studies, that the Brotherhood sees no reason to test you straight out of your apprenticeship. You don't have to make an INT/PERMST roll for your fist trial. You pass it automatically. Congratulations. { GSU SPEAR, Some sy you sneak wih forked tongue. You just say you know how to express yourself eloquently. Communications SVs. 1 ZSRTUR TEGINIIAN, When i comes to tech, you're a real whizskid. You get +1 in all Technician SVs, [ QUEROSS FATC. vou ink tats knives and other tools of destruction are the coolest things you've ever seen. You get +1 in all Firearm SVs and Weapons Syst ROTIER!000 HARTAL ARTS TRAKING You see combat asa true art form—one that you wish to practice. You get +1 in Brotherhood Martial Ars. See page 28 for more about Brotherhood Martial Arts. Detour sea SEES. You inn know where to hit people where it hurts them ‘most. Add +1 to your Offensive Bonus D1 Sur SENSES ou seme ae ox ‘ordinarily sharp. You get +1 to your Percep: tion and Avoid SVs DQ PSRONG WL, Once you set your mind o something, nothing can stand in your way. Add +1 to your MST and +3 to your Interrogation SV. DZLtARSMATIC VOICE When you sak, people listen. Raise your PER and all your Communica tion SVs by +2 2.442000 BOY CONTROL You now js whee every part of your body is at all times, and you know how to make them move just right. Add +1 to your COR and +2 to your Movement SVs. D5 ONTACE MMTN A MECACDRFORATON. You have a contact within one of the megacorp rations, Roll 146, 1=Mishima, 2=Capitol, 3. or 4=Imperial, 5=Bauhaus, 6=Cybertronic. The GM decides how the contact works, but it should be a considerable advantage whenever the character wants information about the corporation's doings or wants an entrance pass to a corporate building, et. DG COMA TAN A DRECTORATE. Yo Have 3 contact within one of the Directorates. Roll 1d6. |=Inquisition, 2 or 3=Administration, 4 or 5=Mission, 6=Mystics. The GM decides how the contact works, but it should be a considerable advantage whenever the character wants. information about that particular Directorate's doings or wants an entrance pass to a Directorate building or needs help when running afoul ofthat Directorate, etc DT HESSTANT TO PAN, You tush No wats ‘what anybody throws at you, you can take it Add +1 to your BPs in each body part JA TENT FOR AN ART: Sudniy is af 0 clear to you. You automatically gain the frst Level of Perfection in the Art of your choice. QO RETED STUDENT. For some reason, tha adolescent training just clicked. Take your adolescent skil picks again. You get +1 invall
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