dTRANS RW 01 P Transmitter / Controller For High-Purity Water
dTRANS RW 01 P Transmitter / Controller For High-Purity Water
dTRANS RW 01 P Transmitter / Controller For High-Purity Water
Delivery address:Mackenrodtstraße 14, JUMO House 885 Fox Chase, Suite 103
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dTRANS Rw 01
µP transmitter / controller
for high-purity water
Type 202545 Type 202545 / …
- logic 12 V
temperature (option).
❏ 2 relays as standard, freely programmable
as limit controller or
2 logic inputs P, PI, PID, PD controller with pulse
Output 4:
for floating contacts width / pulse frequency output or
- Relay or
Functions: - analog process value output or modulating controller.
- key inhibit - analog continuous controller output ❏ 1 logic output (alarm contact or
- range expansion (x10)
- alarm stop
temperature limit contact).
- setpoint switching ❏ Front protection IP 65.
- hold
- resetalarm time ❏ IP65 surface mounting or site housing on
* see page 7.
Output 5:
- Profibus DP or
- serial interface RS422/485 with
Modbus Jbus protocol or
Supply voltage - analog process value output or
110 — 240 V AC, +10%/ -15% - relay or Zulassungen
48 — 63 Hz - analog continuous controller output
20 — 53 V AC/D, 48 — 63 Hz
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µS K1 K2 K3 K4
MΩ cm
x cm (3)
(7) (5)
Code words protect the levels from
unauthorized access. (1) LED display in µS/cm (6) PGM key for selection of parameters and
Membrane keys ensure simple and user- confirmation of entries
friendly operation. (2) Status indicators (yellow) (7) 4-digit temperature display (green), 8mm
The two LED displays show the parameter for outputs 1 to 4 high
symbols and the corresponding values.
(3) Increment key for altering parameters (8) 4-digit process value indication (red)
Operating level or manual operation of relay K2 13mm high
The lower display, for example, shows the (4) Decrement key for altering parameters (4) “CAL”: Initiates calibration (relative cell
symbol, the upper display shows the or manual operation of relay K1 + constant Krel or temperature
corresponding value. Setpoints SPr1 and (6) coefficient α)
SPr2 can be altered by using the membrane
keys. (5) EXIT key to leave the levels (3)
+ Initiate manual operation or hold
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signal), with a knee-point at 50% of the output ❏ Simulation of the analog process value Technical data
signal. The knee-point of the characteristic output
can be shifted along the dotted 50% line. In the manual mode, the process value Inputs
The factory setting of 50% produces a output (0/2 — 10 V or Analog input 1
straight-line characteristic. 0/4 — 20 mA, depending on the setting) Measuring cells with cell constants 0.01 or
can be switched in 10% steps from 0.1 [1/cm] (2-electrode principle).
0 — 100%. The cell constants can be adjusted over a
Application: “Dry-run” commissioning of range 80 — 120%.
the plant (without measuring cell, fault Lead compensation, input 1
search, servicing). The influence of long cables can be
compensated by entering the lead resistance,
❏ Controller output functions in the range 0.00 to 9.99 Ω.
Output 1 (relay): Switching, with pulse Analog input 2
frequency or pulse width action / limit Resistance thermometer Pt100 or
monitoring / switched off. Switching Pt 1000, in 2- or 3-wire circuit
function can be reversed. -50 to +250°C
MAX / MIN limit comparator. Measurement display in °C or °F (option)
Output 2 (relay): Switching, with pulse Lead compensation, analog input 2
The bilinear characteristic is used when the frequency or pulse width action / limit The lead resistance can be compensated in
“normal” measurement range is likely to be monitoring / MAX / MIN limit comparator for software by a correction of the process value.
frequently exceeded. temperature / switched off. Switching This is not required if the resistance
function can be reversed. thermometer is connected in a 3-wire circuit.
Example: The normal measurement range
MAX / MIN limit comparator. When a resistance thermometer is connected
spans 0 — 2 µS/cm.
However, measurements of up to 8.0 µS/cm Output 3, relay or analog process value in a 2-wire circuit, lead compensation can be
can also occur. output: “Hold” / alarm pulse contact; alarm provided by using an external compensation
In this case, the range 0 — 10 µS/cm will be steady contact / MAX limit comparator for resistor.
selected, and the knee-point set at 20% of temperature input / MIN limit comparator Functional description of logic inputs 1
this range (20% of 10 µS/cm corresponds to for temperature input / output of resistance and 2
2 µS/cm). process value (only for analog process The two standard logic inputs can be
This results in measurements in the range value output) / output of temperature operated by floating contacts (relays) from a
0 — 2 µS/cm being converted into an output process value (only for analog process PLC, or by switches. The following functions
signal 0 — 10 mA. Measurements in the range value output) / analog controller output can be selected and assigned:
2 — 10 µS/cm will be converted into an (only for analog process value output) / no
Key inhibit: The PLC or a key switch can be
output signal 10 — 20 mA. function.
used to lock the keys on the transmitter, to
❏ The response of the controller relays to Output 4, logic output: “Hold“ / alarm pulse prevent unauthorized entries being made.
“Hold” can be defined contact / alarm steady contact / MAX / MIN
Setpoint changeover: For comfortable
“Hold” is initiated either manually, using limit comparator for temperature input / no
process control. As long as the logic input is
the keys, by a logic input, or by an alarm function.
not operated, setpoint pair SPr1 and SPr2 is
event. The outputs of the relays K1 and K2 Output 5, relay or analog process value active. If the appropriately configured logic
can move to the following (programmable) output: “Hold” / alarm pulse contact; alarm input is operated, then the second setpoint
states on “Hold”: steady contact / MAX limit comparator for pair is activated (setpoint switching).
0% Relay de-energized temperature input / MIN limit comparator
Freeze measurement: The indicated
50% output For dynamic controllers, for temperature input / output of resistance
measurement and the process value output
50% of the maximum process value (only for analog process
no longer change.
pulse width or frequency value output) / output of temperature
“Hold”: This function can be used (for
is produced process value (only for analog process
instance, by a supervisory PLC) to put the
value output) / analog controller output
100% output Relay is energized, or instrument into the secure “Hold” state. The
(only for analog process value output) / no
maximum pulse width / response of the controller to “Hold” is as
frequency previously defined.
Output The present output “Hold reversed”: The same function as for
accepted continues to be HOLD, but when the logic input is open.
Limit comparator
(limit monitor) Alarm stop: The alarm generation via the
❏ In “Manual” mode, the relays K1 and K2 configured output is reset or prevented, but
Controller outputs 1 to 5 (depending on the
are operated manually, by using the the alarm LED (e.g. K4) continues to blink as a
instrument version) can be assigned to a limit-
keys. Either key or switch operation can warning.
monitoring function.
be selected, by a setting at the parameter
For each one, the direction of switching (i.e. Reset alarm time: The alarm generation via
on going above, or going below a limit), pull- the configured output is prevented. The alarm
Key operation: The relay is switched as in and / or drop-out delay, and a hysteresis delay time is set to zero, but is restarted when
long as the key is pressed (e.g. for manual can all be defined. the logic output becomes inactive and the
dosing). start conditions are fulfilled once more. The
Switch operation: The first key stroke
Interface alarm LED (e.g. K4) continues to blink as a
switches the relay on – the second switches The microprocessor / controller can be warning.
it off again (toggle action), e.g. for emptying optionally fitted with an RS422 /RS485
Range expansion (x10): If only a small portion
large tanks. interface. This is used for communication with
of the measurement range is used, it may be
higher-level systems and integration into a
advantageous for the transmitter to react to 0
data network. The transmission protocol can
— 10% of the process value by producing 0
be either Profibus-DP or MODbus/Jbus.
— 100% of the output signal.
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Measurement and control range General controller data
approx. 320g
for cell constant 0.01: A/D converter
0.5 µS/cm, 2.0 µS/cm, 10.0 µS/cm, Wall-mounting housing (extra code /640)
resolution > 15 bit
20 MΩcm approx. 1400 g
Controller type
for cell constant 0.1: Outputs 1 and 2
5.0 µS/cm, 20.0 µS/cm limit controller, pulse width or pulse frequency Option
Deviation from characteristic* controller, modulating controller. Freely Wall-mounting housing
≤ 0.25% of measurement range configurable and mixable extra code /640
Ambient temperature error* K3 / K5: On request, the JUMO dTRANS Lf 01 can be
≤ 0.15% per 10 °C proportional controller supplied built into a surface-mounting hou-
Control action sing. The housing is suitable for wall-moun-
Reference temperature
configurable as P, PI, PID or PD. ting or for mounting on a 35 x 7.5 mm DIN rail
to EN 50 022.
Temperature display Sampling time
-50 to +250°C (can be switched to °F) 210msec The housing is sturdy and provides IP67 pro-
Measurement circuit monitoring tection for the built-in instrument and is fitted
Deviation from characteristic with six cable glands. Unused cable glands
≤ 0.25% of measurement range. Input 1: out-of-range
Input 2: out-of-range, probe short-circuit, can be tightly sealed using the blind grom-
Ambient temperature error mets that are included in the delivery.
probe break
≤ 0.1% per 10 °C The outputs move to a defined (configurable) The electrical connection is made via screw
status. terminals (wire cross-section up to 2.5 mm2).
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Parameter Display Value range Comments
The alarm is only generated when the level
Alarm tolerance AL1 0.000 — 9999* (setpoint + alarm tolerance) has been passed,
and the alarm delay time has elapsed
Alarm delay AL2 0 — 6000 sec Delay time before the alarm contact is activated
Proportional band 1 – Lf Pb1
1 — 9999* Influences the P action of the controller
Proportional band 2 – Lf Pb2
Derivative time 1 dt1 Influences the D action of the controller
0 — 9999 sec
Derivative time 2 dt2 If dt = 0, the controller has no D action.
Minimum ON time 1
(for limit controller or
pulse width controller)
minimum pulse width 1
(for pulse frequency controller) Determined by the technical data of the dosing
0.2 — 999.9 sec
Minimum ON time 2 device (solenoid valve, dosing pump)
(for limit controller or
pulse width controller)
minimum pulse width 2
(for pulse frequency controller)
Switching differential 1 HYS1
Switching differential 2 HYS2
Defines the switch-off point for the control
Switching differential 3 HYS3 1 — 9999*
Switching differential 4 HYS4
Switching differential 5 HYS5
Pull-in delay 1 Ond1
Pull-in delay 2 Ond2
Pull-in delay 3 Ond3 0.0 — 999.9 sec Delay time before the contact is activated
Pull-in delay 4 Ond4
Pull-in delay 5 Ond5
Drop-out delay 1 Ofd1
Drop-out delay 2 Ofd2
Delay time until the contact moves back to the
Drop-out delay 3 Ofd3 0.2 — 999.9 sec
initial position
Drop-out delay 4 Ofd4
Drop-out delay 5 Ofd5
Maximum pulse frequency 1 Fr1 Maximum frequency of pulses (operating a
0 — 150 pulses/min
Maximum pulse frequency 2 Fr2 dosing pump, for instance)
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Connection diagram
Rear view with
faston connectors
L1 (L-)
17 19 20 22
18 21 23 (L+) TE
16 1
15 2
14 3
Wall-mounting housing
(extra code /640)
13 11 9 7 5 with terminal strip
12 10 8 6 4
Relay 2 2 21 common 21 20
(K2) 20 make (n.o.)
Status indication
15 – 14 15
14 +
analog process value output
(electrically isolated)
+ -
Logic output 1 4 19 – 17 19
(K4) 17 +
Status indication
+ -
2 – 1 2
1 +
analog process value output
(electrically isolated)
+ -
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Resistance thermometer 9
9 11 10
in 3-wire circuit 10
Resistance thermometer 9
in 2-wire circuit 10
Logic input 1 13
13 19
Logic input 2 12
12 19
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High-purity water
High-purity water is produced from de-ionized water, using special process steps, and has a specific conductivity of about 0.055 to 2 µS/cm at 25°C. Because
of the non-linear characteristic of high-purity water, a specially adapted temperature compensation should be used during measurement. Automatic temperature
acquisition or a constant temperature is indispensable for correct temperature compensation.
Panel cut-out to DIN 43700
Type 202540 / … close mounting (minimum dimensions)
Surface-mounting housing, extra code /640, IP67 protection
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(6) Interface
00 no serial interface
54 serial interface RS422/4851
64 serial interface Profibus-DP1
Stock items
Type Sales No.
202545/10-888,000-23-00/000 20/00377256
Optional accessories 2
Designation Sales No.
Fixing for DIN rail 70/00375749
Blank cover 96 x 48 mm 70/00069680
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