Task 2 501
Task 2 501
Task 2 501
Grow Consultants committed, as a business, to the well-being of both economic and ecological systems, of both
humans and other living things. Therefore, our company will become environmentally friendly.
Currently we do not implement any sustainability practices.
Sustainability benefits
Cost savings – by spending less on raw materials, energy, water and waste management.
Business reputation – people may be more likely to support a business that cares about its impact on the
Resource recovery – reducing, reusing and recycling is important for the environment and can also be
Work health and safety – reduced use of industrial chemicals and less waste can improve workplace health
and safety.
Legal compliance – your business needs to meet certain environmental protection laws.
A lifecycle map is a qualitative tool which can provide an increased understanding of the
product lifecycle and some of the sustainability benefits and impacts associated with
each stage. It involves drawing up a process tree, or 'map', of the product lifecycle by
asking a series of questions.
Lifecycle matrix
Is another qualitative tool that can help the user to think through the sustainability
impacts and benefits at each stage of the lifecycle. It can be used in conjunction with
the lifecycle map to build knowledge about the lifecycle impacts and benefits of a
product and opportunities to enhance sustainability through better design.
Include example sustainability actions to inform the sustainability action plan for the next 12 months. You should
identify at least five ideas initially, including identifying priority actions and longer-term actions.
Performance Indicators
Provide recommendations on suitable performance indicators that can be used to measure environmental
performance once the policy and procedure is implemented.
Policy options
Recommendations for policy options including discussion on likely effectiveness, timeframes and any costs.