Pathways T-Chart - Dhanvi Agarwal
Pathways T-Chart - Dhanvi Agarwal
Pathways T-Chart - Dhanvi Agarwal
Pros Cons
- I have always been interested in science and medical- - Very lengthy process to become a surgeon; therefore,
related topics, so pursuing a career in this field is a requires a lot of patience and determination. However,
passion of mine if I continue to focus on my tasks, stay organized, and
remain dedicated, I am sure that I will overcome this
- I want to make a significant difference within my challenge – and this goes for all cons/obstacles
community and this career path will allow that
- Extremely competitive and difficult to get accepted in
- I will further develop my leadership abilities by universities or programs; however, this challenges me
directing my team to success to grow and further improve my skills
- High salary – an estimated amount of $250,000 to - Transportation can be an issue at times, depending on
$420,000 annually which university I choose to attend, and which medical
school or residency program I pick as well. This will
- Reasonable costs – tuition at Western and Ryerson also add to my costs
Universities are around $7,700 per year, residency is
approximately $10,600 to $11,000 annually - Have to work long hours without breaks
Does this option have more Pros or Cons? (circle one) Remember not all pros and cons are equally weighted.
Pathway Option #2: Business Field – Accounting and Finance
● Explore what costs are associated with pursuing this pathway.
● What are you specifically interested in terms of what this pathway offers you for your future?
● Is this pathway a good fit for you or not? Why?
Pros Cons
- At school, past experiences include: running a - Not something I am truly passionate about as I do not
business (vinyl stickers), being a head of the marketing have much interest in this career path. Nonetheless, this
department, and going to the One Of A Kind show at would definitely be a second option as I still want to
the Enercare Centre in Toronto for one week, where we learn more about businesses and develop my creative,
actually sold our products and learned several valuable innovative, and public-speaking skills
skills. This is definitely one of my most proudest
moments and it was far from my comfort zone, but it - I am more interested in science and want to learn
was the perfect opportunity to develop my abilities more about medical-related topics
- Math is a huge aspect of this career path and I feel as - Higher tuition costs – more than $10,000 (Ryerson
if I would greatly succeed, since I am very good at this University)
subject and enjoy completing tasks on this topic
- Not many opportunities for me to grow and improve;
- Entrepreneurship is a very important transferable skill thus, it does not challenge me
to have, so the business field would allow me to
develop this ability - Overall, I believe that this will not be a good fit for
me as it mainly does not align with my passions,
interests, and must haves/nice-to-haves
Does this option have more Pros or Cons? (circle one) Remember not all pros and cons are equally weighted.