Conference Publications Jul 2017

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List of Conference Papers (2017-18)  

S.  Title of the paper  Name of conference with venue,  Name of the 
N date and year, page nos.  authors 

1.  Honking Noise Contribution to Road  nil  Claudio 

Traffic Noise Prediction  Guarnaccia, 
Daljeet Singh, 
Quartieri, S.P. 
Nigam, Maneek 

2.  2nd International Conference on  AIP (American Institute of  Rashant Singh 
Mathematical Methods & Computational  Physics) Editors: Nikos Bardis  Rana, Daljeet 
Techniques in Science & Engineering  Volume number: 1982, Published:  Singh 
(MMCTSE 2018), Murray Edwards  Jul 27, 2018 
College, University of Cambridge, UK, 
16–18 February 2018 

3.  Moisture Diffusion along the Layered  8th International Conference on  Vats, S., Jain, D. 
Fibre Matrix Composites with Different  Materials Processing and  and Bera, T. K. 
Fibre Orientations  Characterization 2018, 
Hyderabad, India, March 2018 

4.  Micromechanical Interactions and their  8th International Conference on  Jain, D. Vats, S. 
Relation to Stress Field for different  Materials Processing and  and Bera, T. K. 
classes of Reinforced Polymer  Characterization 2018, 
Composites  Hyderabad, India, March 2018 

5.  Potential porous mediums for  International Symposium on  Himanshu 

electrochemical hydrogen storage: state  Functional Materials, 13-15 April  Jindal, 
of art and comparitive study  2018, Chandigarh, pp 53  Amandeep 
Singh Oberoi, 
Inderjeet Singh 
Sandhu and 
Mansi Chitkara 

6.  Thermo-mechanical simulation study of  International Conference on  Satish Kumar 
HAZ in multipass submerged arc welding  Advanced Materials and  Sharma, Sachin 
of HSLA steel  Processes: Challenges and  Maheshwari, 
Opportunities (AMPCO-2017),  Gyander 
November 30 – December 02,  Ghangas 
2017 at IIT Roorkee, India 
7.  Magnetorheological finishing on  39th International MATADOR  Harsh Kansal, 
injection barrel type surface of moulding  Conference on Advanced  Vishwas Grover, 
machine  Manufacturing, Manchester,  Anant Kumar 
United Kingdom, July 05-07, 2017  Singh 

8.  Development of new magnetorheological  39th International MATADOR  Harsh Kansal, 

nano-finishing tool using permanent  Conference on Advanced  Vishwas Grover, 
magnets for flat surfaces  Manufacturing, Manchester,  Anant Kumar 
United Kingdom, July 05-07, 2017  Singh 

9.  Influence of particle size on leaching  Proceedings of 15th International  S. K. Mohapatra 

characteristics of fly ash  Conference on Environmental 
Science and Technology, CEST 
2017, Rhodes, Greece, 31st 
August to 2nd September 2017. 

1 Potential environmental hazardous due  Proceedings of 15th International  S. K. Mohapatra 

0.  to disposal of ash from Indian thermal  Conference on Environmental 
power plants  Science and Technology, CEST 
2017, Rhodes, Greece, 31st 
August to 2nd September 2017. 

1 Tool wear analysis while creating blind  International Conference On  A. Sharma, V. 
1.  holes on float glass using conventional  Engineering Materials, Metallurgy  Jain, D. Gupta 
drilling: A multi-shaped tools study  And Manufacturing (ICEMMM) 

1 Parametric optimization for  ASME’s 13th Manufacturing  M. Singh, A.K. 

2.  nano-finishing of the external cylindrical  Science and Engineering  Singh 
surfaces using rotating core  Conference (MSEC2018), June 
magnetorheological finishing process  18-22, 2018, Texas A&M 
University, College Station, TX, 

1 Optimisation of transesterification of  Proceedings of second  Ragit S.S., and 

3.  safflower seed oil, performance and  international conference on  Mohapatra, S. K 
emission characteristics of safflower oil  Engineering technology, Science 
methyl ester and its diesel blends in CI  and Management Innovation 
engine: A review  (ICETSMI-2017), NTTR 
Chandigarh, 15th January, 2017 

1 Taguchi’s approach for optimizing of  Material Today:  Singh, J, Kumar, 

4.  tribo-resistance parameters for SS304  Proceedings,www.materialstoday S, Mohapatra, S. 
.com/proceedings  K., Singh, G. 

1 Circumferential temperature analysis of  Proceedings of Sixth  Chandra, Y.P., 

5.  one sided thermally insulated parabolic  International Conference on Soft  Singh, A., 
trough receiver using computational fluid  Computing for problem Solving,  Mohapatra, S. K., 
dynamics  Advances in Intelligent Systems  Kesari, J. P. 
and Computing, Vol 542, pp 

1 Erosion wear in a slurry pipe with  Material Today Proceedings  Singh G., Kumar 
6.  multisized coal and bottom ash slurries  4(2017) 3565-3571  S.. and 
Mohapatra, S. K 

1 Modeling of bubbling fluidized bed  Material Today Proceedings  Gaba, M. Kumar 

7.  combustor based on biomass and  4(2017) 1615-1625  H., and 
co-firing  Mohapatra, S. K. 

1 An investigation on leaching  IConAMMA-2017 Materials  Singh, G., Kumar 

8.  characteristics for Indian bottom ash  Today Proceedings, 2017.  S., and 
Mohapatra, S.K. 

1 Thermo-mechanical analysis of  3rd Indian Conference on Applied  Y. S. Joshan, A. 

9.  anti-symmetric angle-ply laminated  Mechanics (INCAM), MNNIT  Soni and Neeraj 
plates using secant function based shear  Allahabad July 2017;11-12.  Grover 
deformation theory 

2 Transverse deformation and stress  3rd Indian Conference on Applied  L. K. Sharma, Y. 
0.  behaviour of laminated composite  Mechanics (INCAM), MNNIT  S. Joshan and 
spherical and cylindrical shells  Allahabad July 2017;23-24  Neeraj Grover 

2 Analytical solution for bending analysis  3rd Indian Conference on Applied  A. Soni, G. 
1.  of functionally graded plates using  Mechanics (INCAM), MNNIT  Bhardwaj and 
secant function based shear  Allahabad July 2017;25-26.  Neeraj Grover 
deformation theory. 

2 SimMechanicsTM Based Modeling,  11th IEEE International  Abhishek 

2.  Simulation and Real-Time Control of  Conference on Intelligent  Kathpal, Ashish 
Rotary Inverted Pendulum  Systems and Control  Singla 
(ISCO-2017), 5-6 Jan, 2017, 
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, pp. 
166-172, 2017 

2 Compatibility of glass materials with  5th International Conference on  Sukhdeep Singh, 
3.  silicon during anodic bonding for  Advancements in Engineering  Ashish Singla, 
diaphragm based MEMS capacitive  and Technology (ICAET-2017),  Jaspreet Singh 
sensor  24-25 March, 2017, BGIET, 
Sangrur, pp. 590-592, 2017 

2 Various efficiencies associated with the  6th International Hydrogen and  Navdeep Singh, 
4.  performance of a Proton Exchange  Fuel Cell Conference, 10-12  Amandeep 
Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell: A review.  December 2017, Pune,  Singh Oberoi, 
Maharashtra, India  and Baljit Singh 
2 Insights on Force Trends and  10th International Conference on  Singh, A., 
5.  Geometrical Discrepancies in Single  Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano  Agrawal, A 
Point Incremental Bending Process  Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, 
7th – 9th December, 2017 

2 Immersed boundary simulation for  24th National and 2nd  Bhole A. S., 
6.  continuous casting with different mould  International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat  Kumar M, Roy S, 
shapes.  and Mass Transfer Conference  Panda, S. S. 
(IHMTC), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad, 
27th – 30th December, 2017 

2 Effects of Blockages and Inflow  44th National Conference on  Kumar M., Roy 
7.  Pulsations on Flow Behaviour through  Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power.  S. 
S-Shaped Arteries  December 14-16, 2017, Amrita   
University, Amritapuri Campus, 
Kollam, Kerala, India 

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