Fluent Multiphase 15.0 L04 Gas Liquid Flows

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Lecture 4:

Gas-Liquid Flows
15.0 Release

Advanced Multiphase Course

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Conservation equations
Modelling strategies : Euler-Lagrangian and Eulerian
Interfacial Forces
Non-Drag Forces
Turbulence Interaction

Mixture Model
Validation example

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Gasliquid flows occur in many Rain/Hail
applications. The motion of
bubbles in a liquid as well as
droplets in a conveying gas Combustion Spray Drying
stream are examples of gas
liquid flows. Bubble Column
Bubble columns are commonly
used in several process Boiling Distillation
industries Process Process

Atomization to generate small Absorption

droplets for combustion is Process
important in power generation
2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 2, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
Why Study Gas-Liquid Flows
The main interests in studying gas-liquid flows, in devices like
bubble columns or stirred tank reactors, are:

Design and scale-up

Fluid dynamics and regime analysis
Hydrodynamic parameters

4 2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 2, 2014 ANSYS Confidential

Bubble Columns
To design bubble column reactors, the following hydrodynamic parameters
are required:

Specic gasliquid interfacial area ( )

Sauter mean bubble diameter, ( )
Axial and radial dispersion coefcients of the gas and liquid, ( )
Heat and mass transfer coefcients, (, )
Gas holdup, ( )
Physicochemical properties of the liquid medium, (, )

5 2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 2, 2014 ANSYS Confidential

Regime Analysis
< .
Two types of ow regimes are commonly < . /
observed in bubble columns:

The bubbly flow regime,

< /
Bubbles are of relatively uniform small sizes
( = )
Rise velocity does exceed 0.025m/s
Holdup shows linear dependence with the flow

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Regime Analysis > .
> . /
The churn turbulent flow regime
> /
Bubble are Large bubbles ( > ) and show wide size
Rise velocity is in the range of 1-2m/s

Most frequently
observed flow
regime in industrial-
size, large diameter
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Photographic Representation of Bubbly and Churn-
Turbulent Flow Regimes

Bubbly Flow Regime Churn Turbulent Flow Regime

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Design and Scale-up of Bubble Column Reactors
Bubble have significant effect on hydrodynamics well as heat and mass
transfer coefcients in a bubble columns
The average bubble size and rise velocity in a bubble column is found to be
affected by:

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Euler-Lagrangian Method
In this approach, a single set of
conservation equations is solved for a Eulerian Cell
continuous phase Gravity
The dispersed phase is explicitly tracked
by solving an appropriate equation of
motion in the Lagrangian frame of
reference through the continuous phase
flow field
The interaction between the continuous
and the dispersed phase is taken into Buoyancy
account with separate models for drag,
and non-drag forces Liquid Flow

10 2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 2, 2014 ANSYS Confidential

Eulerian Approach
In the Eulerian approach, both the continuous and dispersed phases are
considered to be interpenetrating continua

The Eulerian model describes the motion for each phase in a macroscopic

The flow description therefore consists of differential equations describing

the conservation of mass, momentum and energy for each phase separately

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Conservation Equations
Continuity equation:

q q q q v q m pq mqp Sq

t p 1
mass transfer

Momentum equation:

q q q g K pq v p v q m pq v pq mqp v qp
q q v q q q v q q p
t p 1
Interfacial Force
Pr essure Friction Bouyancy
mass transfer

Non Drag Forces

Fq F lift,q F wl,q
F vm,q F td,q

external Lift Wall Lubrication Virtual Mass Turbulent Dispersion
Force Force Force Force Force
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Interphase Momentum Exchange
A key question is how to model the inter-
phase momentum exchange Drag

This is the force that acts on the bubble Virtual

and takes into account: Momentum
Effect of multi-bubble interaction
Gas holdup
Turbulent Interaction Turbulent

Turbulent Dispersion
Turbulent Interaction

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Drag Force
We can think of drag as a hydrodynamic
friction between the liquid phase and the
dispersed phase

We can also think of drag as a

hydrodynamic resistance to the motion of
the particle through the water. The source
of this drag is shape of particle

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Drag Force
For a single spherical bubble, rising at steady state, the drag force is given
D Ap
2 slip velocity

vq v p vq
drag coefficient

For a swarm of bubbles the drag, in absence of bubble-bubble interaction, is

given by:

FD , swarm NFD
6 p
C D Ap q v p v q v p v q
d 3 2


3 p

v p vq v p vq

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Drag Force
In order to ensure that the interfacial force vanishes in absence any
dispersed phase, the drag force needs to multiplied by as shown:

FD , swarm
3 p q

v p vq v p vq

In Fluent

18 q d p
FD , swarm K pq v p v q p p
d 2 Ai f v p v q

p p 6
18 q d p C D Re
p p
d 2

Ai v p vq
p p 6 24

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= Interfacial Area Density, m2/m3
Drag Force
To estimate the drag force bubble diameter, ,is needed
The is often taken as the mean bubble size
For bubble columns operating at low gas superficial velocities (< 5 cm/s)
works reasonably well
For bubble columns operating at higher gas superficial velocities(> 5 cm/s),
bubble breakup and coalesce dominate and bubble size is no longer uniform
and mean bubble size approach may not be adequate

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Glycerol Water /
Drag Coefficient
The drag coefficient is likely to be different for a
single bubble and a bubble swarm. This is because the
shape and size of a bubble in a swarm is different than
that of an isolated bubble
When the bubble size is small ( < 1mm in water):
bubble is approximately spherical

When the bubble size is large ( > 18mm in water):

bubble is approximately a spherical cap

When the bubble of intermediate size: bubbles exhibit

complex shapes
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Bubble Shape
We can use the Eotvos number () together with
the Morton number () to characterize the shape
of bubbles or drops moving in a surrounding fluid
or continuous phase 3mm air bubble rising in tap water

gd p2
Number Eo

Ratio of bouncy force and surface tension force and
essentially gives a measure of the volume of the bubble
Lorond Eotvos
Number Mo
q2 3
Ratio of physical properties
Constant for a given incompressible two-phase system.
Water has a Morton number of . Bubble Regime Map

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Drag Laws for Small and Constant Bubble Sizes
At low flow rates bubbles assume an approximately spherical shape while they rise in
a rectilinear path
Schiller and Naumann (1978)


1 0.15 Re 0.687 for : Re 1000 q v p vq d p
Re Re
CD 0.44 for : Re 1000 q

When Reynolds number is

Morsi and Alexander (1972) small ( < 1) these
a2 a correlations essentially
C D a1 32 reduce to the well known
Re Re Stokes drag law = 24
Symmetric Drag Model:
The density and the viscosity are calculated from volume averaged properties and is given
by Schiller Naumann model
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Drag Laws for Variable Bubble Sizes
For all other flow rate, bubble size and shapes Larger bubbles - ellipsoidal
varies with the flow
Consequently, different drag correlations are
Several drag correlation are found in literature

Grace drag law

Tomiyama drag law
Universal drag law

As bubble size increases,

spherical caps may be formed
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The drag correlations for
Terminal Rise Velocity for Bubbles large bubbles are very
different from those for
spherical particles

Grace Correlation

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Bubble Regimes

Viscous and inertial forces are

Viscous important
CD max 1 0.15 Re0 .687 ,0.44

the function is given by an Re
Regime The drag coefficient on the Reynolds number decreases with
empirical correlation e.g. SN
increasing values of the Reynolds number

Bubbles follow zig-zag paths 2 g

Distorted is proportional to the size C D , dp
of bubble 3
Bubble Regime
is independent of viscosity

Drag coefficient Reaches a 8

constant value CD
Cap Regime 3

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Automatic Regime Detection
Flow regime automatically determined from
continuity of drag coefficient 3cm/s

C D ,viscous C D , distorted C D ,viscous

C D ,viscous C D , distorted C D min C D ,viscous , C D , distorted

The determined by
choosing minimum of
vicious regime and capped

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Drag Laws for Variable Bubble Sizes
Universal Drag Law (for Bubbly Flow)
Viscous regime
q v q v p d p q

1 0.1 Re 0 .75
; Re
1 p

Distorted regime
2 g 1 17.67 f 6/7

CD dp f (1 p )1.5
3 18.67 f

Capped regime
As the bubble size increases the bubble become spherical caped shaped

1 - p 2
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Drag Laws for Variable Bubble Sizes
Grace Drag Law
The flow regime transitions between the viscous and distorted particle flow and can expressed as
Viscous regime CD
1 0.15 Re0.687

Distorted regime 4 g
CD d p vt Mo 0.149 ( J 0.857)
vt d
3 q p
0.94 H

, 2 H 59.3

3.42 H
, H 59.3
- 0.14
H EoMo 0.149

, ref 9 x10 4 kg / ms
3 ref
Capped regime 8
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Drag Laws for Variable Bubble Sizes
Tomiyama Model (1998)
24 72 8 Eo
C D max min (1 0.15 Re 0.687 ), ,
Re p 3 Eo 4

Viscous Distorted Cap

Regime Regime Regime

Like the Grace et al model and universal drag model the Tomiyama model is well suited to gas-
liquid flows in which the bubbles can have a range of shapes

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Non-Drag Forces
For gasliquid flows, non-drag forces have a profound influence on the flow characteristics,
especially in dispersed flows
Bubbles rising in a liquid can be subject to a additional forces including:

Lift Force

Wall Lubrication Force

Virtual Mass Force

Turbulence Dispersion Force

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Lift Force
When the liquid flow is non-uniform or rotational, bubbles experience a lift force
This lift force depends on the bubble diameter, the relative velocity between the phases, and
the vorticity and is given by the following form

Flift CL p q v q v p v q
The lift coefficient, , often is approximately constant
in inertial flow regime and ( < < ) and,
following the recommendations Drew and Lahey, it is
set to 0.5
Lift forces are primarily responsible for inhomogeneous
radial distribution of the dispersed phase holdup and
could be important to include their effects in CFD
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Lift Coefficients: Saffman Mei Model
Saffman and Mei developed an expression for lift force
constant by combining the two lift forces:
Classical aerodynamics lift force resulting from interaction
between bubble and liquid shear
Lateral force resulting from interaction between bubbles and
vortices shed by bubble wake
Known as wake effect
Shear Lift Force Vorticity induced
3 q d p2
CL CL ; Re
q Lift Force
2 Re q
( 0.1Re) 1 Re
1 - 0.3314 1 Re e 0.3314 ; for : Re 40 Suitability
2 Re

2 Re

C L 6.46
Mainly spherical rigid particles
Re Could be applied to small liquid
0.0524 ; for : 40 Re 100

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Lift Coefficients: Moraga et al Model
Moraga et al. (1999) proposed an al alternative expression for the lift coefficient that
correlated with the product of bubble and shear Reynolds numbers

0.0767 for Re Re 6000

Re Re Re Re

C L 0.12 0.2e 36000 e 3e for 6000 Re Re 5 107

-0.6353 for Re Re 5 107 Suitability

Mainly spherical rigid particles
Could be applied to small liquid

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Lift Coefficients: Legendre and Magnaudet Model

Legendre and Magnaudet proposed an expression for the lift

coefficient that correlated with the product of bubble Reynolds
number and dimensionless shear rate
This model accounts of induced circulation inside bubbles

C L C L2,low Re C L2,high Re , for 0.1 Re 500 , Sr 2 1

C L ,low Re
Re Sr J
0.5 '

2 Suitability
1 1 16 Re 1 Mainly small spherical bubbles
C L ,high Re and liquid drops
2 1 29 Re 1
2 q d p2
2.255 1 Re
, , , Re q
1 0.1
2 2
Re 2 Re q

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Lift Coefficients Tomiyama Model
Tomiyama et al correlated the lift coefficient for
larger bubbles with a modified Etvs number and
accounts for bubble deformation

min 0.288 tanh 0.121 Re, f Eo ' for Eo ' 4

C L f Eo ' for Eo ' 10
0.27 10 Eo '

f Eo ' 0.00105 Eo '3 - 0.0159 Eo ' 2 0.474
g q p d H2 g q p d p2

Eo '
, d H d p 1 0.163Eo 0.757 3
, Eo

All shape and size of bubble
and drops

Dependence of lift coefficient on bubble diameter

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Wall Lubrication Force
This is a force that prevents the bubbles from
The main effect of this force is to ensure zero void
fraction (found experimentally) near vertical walls
Wall lubrication force is normally correlated with
slip velocity and can be expressed as force is gas void fraction
defined as:

FWL CWL p q v p v q n w

Slip velocity component parallel to the wall

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Wall Lubrication Coefficient: Antal et al Model
Antal et al. (1991) proposed a wall lubrication force coefficient according to:
CWL max 0, W 1 W 2
d yw

CW 1 0.01
CW 2 0.05
yw distance to nearest wall

Only active in thin region near wall where: Suitability

Mainly small bubbles
CW 2 Requires Fine Mesh
d b 5d b

As a result, the Antal model will only be active on a sufficiently fine mesh
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Wall Lubrication Coefficient: Tomiyama Model
Modified the Antal model for special case of pipe flow and accordingly:
dp 1 1
2 yw D yw 2
0.47 for Eo 1
0 .933 Eo 0 .179
e for 1 Eo 5
0.00599 Eo 0.0187 for 5 Eo 33
0.179 for 33 Eo
D Pipe Diameter
Coefficients were developed on a single air bubble in a glycerol solution but results
have been extrapolated to air-water system
Depends on Eotvos number, hence accounts for dependence of wall lubrication force on
bubble shape Suitability
Viscous Fluids and all bubble size and shapes
Could be used for low air-water system
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Wall Lubrication Coefficient: Frank Model
Generalised Tomiyama model to be geometry independent
Model constants calibrated and validated for bubbly flow in vertical pipes

1 CWC d b
CWL CW max 0, m 1
CWD yw
WC b
C d
0.47 for Eo 1
0 .933Eo 0 .179
e for 1 Eo 5
0.00599 Eo 0.0187 for 5 Eo 33
0.179 for 33 Eo Suitability
CWD Distance to nearest wall 6.8 Viscous Fluids and all bubble size and
shapes in vertical pipe flows
m 1.7
Could be used for low air-water system
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Wall Lubrication Coefficient: Hosokawa Model
Hosokawa et al. (2002) investigated the influence of the Morton number and
developed a new correlation for the coefficient:

CWL max 1.9 ,0.0217 Eo

Includes the effects of Eotvos number and bubble relative Reynolds number
on the lift coefficient

All bubble size and shapes
Could be used for low air-water system
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Turbulent Dispersion forces
The turbulent dispersion force accounts for an
interaction between turbulent eddies and
Results in a turbulent dispersion and dispersion
homogenization of the dispersed phase force
The simplest way to model turbulent gas void fraction
dispersion is to assume gradient transport as
follows: fluid vel.

FTD CTD q k q p

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Turbulent Dispersion Models
Lopez de Bertodano Model, Default CTD =1
CTD = 0.1 to 0.5 good for medium sized bubbles in ellipsoidal flow regime.
However, CTD up to 500 required for small bubbles
Burns et al. Model Default CTD =1
The defaults value of CTD are appropriate for bubbly flows
Simonin Model Default CTD =1
Same as Burns et al. Model
Diffusion in VOF Model : Models
Instead of modelling the turbulent dispersion as an interfacial momentum force
in the phase momentum equations, we can model it as a turbulent diffusion
term in the phasic continuity equation

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Turbulent Interaction
Turbulence in bubbly flows are very complex due:
Bubble-induced turbulence
Interaction between bubble-induced and shearinduced
Direct interaction between bubbles and turbulence eddies

Turbulence Dispersion Models in Fluent

Only available when dispersed and per phase turbulence models are enabled
Troshko and Hassan
Alternative to Simonin Model

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Virtual Mass Force
The virtual mass force represents the force due to inertia of
the dispersed phase due to relative acceleration

Dv q Dv p
f vm CVM p q ; CVM 0.5
Dt Dt

Large continuous-dispersed phase density ratios, e.g.

bubbly flows
Transient Flows can affect period of oscillating bubble Dip your palms into the water and slowly
plume. bring them together. Such a movement will
require small effort. Now try to clap your
Strongly Accelerating Flows e.g. bubbly flow through hands frequently. The speed of hands now is
narrow constriction. low and will require considerable effort

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Mixture Multiphase Model

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The mixture model, like the Eulerian model, allows the phases to be
interpenetrating. It differs from the Eulerian model in three main respects:
Solves one set of momentum equations for the mass averaged velocity and tracks
volume fraction of each fluid throughout domain
Particle relaxation times < 0.001 - 0.01 s
Local equilibrium assumption to model algebraically the relative velocity
This approach works well for flow fields where both phases generally flow in
the same direction and in the absence of sedimentation

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Underlying Equations of the Mixture Model
Solves one equation for continuity of mixture
mum 0

Solves one equation for the momentum of the mixture

r r
mumum p eff um um m g F k k uk uk
t k 1

Solves for the transport of volume fraction of each secondary phase

( p p ) .( p p um ) .( p p u pr )
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Constitutive Equations
Average density m
k k
k 1

k 1 k k k

Mass weighted average velocity um

Drift velocity ukr uk um

u pq u p uq
Slip Velocity

r n

uk u pq k k uqk
Relation between drift and slip velocities k 1 m
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Relative Velocity
If we assume the particles follows the mixture flow path, then, the slip
velocity between the phases is

a v p m u
u pq a g um um m
f drag p t

In turbulent flows, the relative velocity should contain a diffusion term in

the momentum equation for the disperse phase. FLUENT adds this
dispersion to the relative velocity as follows:

a p p m

u pq q
fdrag p p D
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Validation of the Multiphase Flow in
Rectangular Bubble Column,
15.0 Release

48 2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 2, 2014 ANSYS Confidential

Investigate air-water bubbly flow in a rectangular bubble
column as investigated at HZDR by Krepper et al.,
Experimental and numerical studies of void fraction
distribution in rectangular bubble columns, Nuclear
Engineering and Design Vol. 237, pp. 399-408, 2007

Validation of Momentum Exchange Models for disperse

bubbly flows accounting:
Drag force
Lift force
Turbulent dispersion
Turbulence Interaction
Turbulence models
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Computational Geometry
Duct Dimensions: Outlet:
Height: 1.0 m Degassing or
Width: 0.1 m Pressure
Depth: 0.01 m Outlet

Bubbles are introduced at

the bottom
LW 0.020.01 m

or mass
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Fluid Materials and Phase Setup
Materials Setups
Gas Bubble FLUENT Fluid Materials: air
Water FLUENT Fluid Materials: water-liquid (h2o<l>)

Phases Setup
Phase Specification Primary Phase: water (Material: water)
Secondary Phase: gas bubble (diameter: 3mm with Material: air)
Phase Interaction Drag: Grace Drag Force
Lift: Tomiyama lift force
Wall Lubrication: Antal et al (default coeff.)
Turbulent Dispersion Burns et al. (cd=0.8)
Turbulent Interaction Sato Model (default coeff.)
Surface Tension Coeff.: 0.072

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Boundary Conditions
Boundary Patch Properties
Type: Mass flow inlet
Inlet Gas Bubble: 2.37E-05 kg/s
Gas Volume Fraction (VF): 1.0
Turbulence Intensity 10%
Viscosity Ratio 10
Water: mass flow rate: 0 kg/s
Water VF: 0.0

Type: Degassing
Outlet Degassing outlet: Symmetry for water
Sink for air

Walls No Slip

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Solution Methods and Control
Solution Methods
Pres.-Vel. Coupling Coupled Scheme
Spatial Discretization Gradient: Least Squared Cell Based
Momentum: QUICK
Volume Fraction: QUICK
TKE: 1st Order Upwind
Transient Formulation Bounded 2nd Order Implicit

Solution Controls
Courant No. 200
Explicit Relax. Factors Momentum: 0.75 Pressure: 0.75
Under-Relax. Factors Density: 1 Body Forces: 0.5
Volume Fraction: 0.5 TKE: 0.8
Specific. Diss. Rate: 0.8 Turb. Viscosity: 0.5

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Instantaneous Gas Volume Fraction
k-SST-Sato k- Troshko-Hassan

Gas volume fraction at 25s, 35s, 45s Gas volume fraction at 20s, 30s

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Turbulence Validation, Sato Model

Mean gas volume fraction Mean gas volume fraction

distribution at plane y=0.63m distribution at plane y=0.08m

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Turbulence Validation, Troshko-Hassan Model

Mean gas volume fraction Mean gas volume fraction

distribution at plane y=0.63m distribution at plane y=0.08m

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Summary and Conclusions
It was found that the most appropriate drag which is in good accordance with
the measurements is the Grace Drag law
The k- turbulence model combined with the Sato Model reproduced well the
experiments with no fundamental differences to the k- SST plus the Sato
Model. This may indicate that the bubble induced turbulence is quite
significant in this bubble column
The Troshko-Hassan k- turbulence model performed well, particularly near
the injection point, a region of interest as it seemed to be problematic when
the validations were carried out with ANSYS CFX using k- SST plus the Sato

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Numerical Schemes and Solution Strategies

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Numerical schemes for multiphase flows
Equations describing the two fluid model are strongly linked and source
terms dominated
Drag forces create large source terms in the conservation equations. Without decoupling a
numerical solution may not be obtained
Lift forces create extra coupling among velocity components

Three algorithms available for solving the pressure-velocity coupling

Phase coupled SIMPLE (PC- SIMPLE)
Pressure Coupled (Volume Fraction solved in a segregated manner )
Full multiphase coupled (Volume Fraction solved along with pressure and momentum)

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Multiphase coupled solver
Simultaneous solution of the equations of a multiphase system offers a
more robust alternative to the segregated approach
Can be extended to volume fraction correction (Full multiphase coupled)
For steady state problems the coupled methodology is more efficient than
segregated methodology
For transient problems the efficiency of coupled not as good as for steady,
particularly for small time steps. Solver efficiency increases with increase in
time steps used for discretization of the transient terms.

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Solution Strategies
Solution controls for PC-SIMPLE
Conservative solution control settings are shown
If convergence is slow, try reducing URFs for volume fraction and

Tighten the multi-grid settings for pressure (lower it by two

orders of magnitude) . Default is 0.1
Use gradient stabilization (BCGSTAB)

Try using W cycle for pressure

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Solution Strategies
For steady state problems using coupled multiphase solver
is effective
Use lower courant numbers for steady state and higher
URFs for momentum and pressure
Recommended values
Courant number = 20
URF pressure and momentum = 0.5-0.7
URF volume fraction = 0.2-0.5

For transient problems the efficiency of coupled not as

good as for steady, particularly for small time steps.
Use larger time steps and high courant numbers (1E7) for
coupled solvers and high URFs (> 0.7)

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