Careers in Environmental Science, Environmental Management and Sustainability: Pathways, Challenges and Success

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Careers and Employment Centre

Careers in Environmental Science,

Environmental Management and
Pathways, Challenges and Success

Environmental Science is a holistic and

multidisciplinary field that explores
the links between air, land, water,
biology and human society - creating
an understanding of our natural
environment on which successful
management is based. Environmental
Management and Sustainability
translates that science into practical
and effective management actions,
to improve local, regional and
global sustainability.

These majors are interrelated and are often

completed together, however can also be
completed as a single major.

Careers in the Environment are varied but

most graduates in this field are skilled at
conducting research, problem solving and
then communicating their findings to both
technical and non-technical audiences.
They identify causes of environmental
issues, develop solutions, policy or
strategies for protecting the environment
and human health, as well as better
managing our natural resources.

Engage in your career before you graduate

Environmental majors encompass a broad • Volunteering with independent gain relevant experience. Student can also
field. It is important to seek independent Conservation or Natural Resource graduate with a “Community and Career
work experience or volunteer work and Management groups Skills Development Transcript” through
engage with industry to develop your • Engaging in curricular opportunities volunteering. The Volunteering Hub
network and confirm your key interest through university (e.g. Peer Tutoring, can be contacted via email:
areas. mentoring or Leadership Programmes) [email protected] or
telephone: 08 9360 6307.
This can include: • Joining and becoming an active
member of a relevant student club To complement the initiatives outlined
• Applying for a formal Vacation
or society (e.g. Murdoch University above, multidisciplinary student team
Employment program with large
Environmental Science Association competitions, hosted by industry groups
consulting firms, water authorities or
(MUEnSA) are encouraged as they provide further
resource companies. (The School of
Veterinary and Life Sciences also offers • Become an active campaigner for industry exposure and are a great way to
undergraduate students the chance to environmental causes in your local area network. The experience can also be used
undertake a short research project over to evidence the ability to work in diverse
The Murdoch Volunteering Hub (situated teams and think critically – additional skills
the summer break to gain hands-on
next to the Guild Shop on Bush Court) is for the resume.
research experience in an area
a useful resource for ideas on where to
of interest)

Careers and Employment Centre

Careers in Environmental Science,
Environmental Management and Sustainability:
Pathways, Challenges and Success

Careers in • Energy Efficiency Analyst

• Ecotourism consultant or operator
Environmental Science, • Environment and Quarantine Advisor

Environmental • Environmental Assessment Officer/

Environmental Liaison Officer
Management and • Environmental Auditor
• Environmental Campaign Officer
Sustainability • Environmental Consultant
Careers in Environmental Science and • Environmental Policy/Research/
/or Environmental Management and Project Officer
Sustainability typically fall into the • Green Army Supervisor
following categories: • Parks and Wildlife officer
• Air/Water Quality Protection and • Regional Landcare/NRM Facilitator
• Science communicator/Teacher/
• Agriculture Education Officer
• Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration • Soil Systems Analyst
• Climate Change and Protection • Sustainability Officer
• Ecotourism • Technical Assistant
• Education and Awareness • Waste Management Officer
• Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife
• Green/Alternative Energy
• Mining
Alternative Careers A Science degree majoring in
Environmental Science and/or
• Natural Resource Management The Environmental Science degree and Environmental Management and
the Environmental Management and Sustainability presents a world of
• Parks Management Policy Formation
Sustainability degree can be studied as opportunity to a diverse range of
• Research Sustainability careers. It is best to start with an open
a single major or together as a double
• Urban Planning major, incorporating both science and mind and look for specialty areas that
• Waste Management management aspects. Considering a interest you while you do your degree
double major or an additional minor and pave your own journey. You have
Many Environmental graduates work could further diversify your career the ability to continuously develop
for federal, state or local governments. options in the environment. your career by actively engaging in
They conduct research, manage natural university life, networking initiatives
resources, advise on policy, manage Environmental Science graduates have and stepping up to opportunity in
conservation areas and/or wildlife, also been successful in securing multi- industry. Choosing Environmental
educate and verify that organisations discipline Graduate Program roles. Science and/or Management and
are following regulations. Graduates can Graduate Programs are structured Sustainability is just the beginning,
also be involved in; raising environmental professional development programs but remember, it’s up to you to decide
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awareness and protection within the specifically designed for new graduates. where you take your degree.
not-for-profit sector, mining rehabilitation, Final year students apply for these
sustainability start-ups and consultancy positions from March for the following
work such as carrying out environmental year. Murdoch Environmental Science
impact assessments, just to name a few. graduates have previously secured
Some typical job titles include: Graduate Officer positions with both
Government Departments as well as
• Agricultural Research Assistant
larger organisations within the
• Atmospheric scientist resources sector.

Extend your network, get advice, join the

Murdoch e-Mentoring Network on LinkedIn

Careers and Employment Centre

Telephone: +61 9360 2596
Email: [email protected]
Careers and Employment Centre

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