Rotordynamic Comparison of Built-Up Versus Solid Rotor Construction
Rotordynamic Comparison of Built-Up Versus Solid Rotor Construction
Rotordynamic Comparison of Built-Up Versus Solid Rotor Construction
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea and Air
June 8-12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA
June 8 – 12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA
In order to predict the behavior of the two rotors, FIGURE 3 – SHAFT MODEL GEOMETRY PLOT FOR
rotordynamic models were generated for a built-up (with tie- STACKED TIE-BOLT ROTOR
bolt) rotor as well as a solid rotor. Figure 3 provides a
graphical definition of the mass-elastic model of the stacked
tie-bolt rotor, while Fig. 4 shows the solid rotor. Each rotor
model is composed of 66 elements and is derived from mass
elastic data, Computer Aided Design (CAD) geometry, and
other information provided by the Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM). The element numbering starts at the
drive end, shown on left in the model. The drive coupling is
concentrated at Station 6 of the models. The journal bearings
are located at Stations 10 and 58. The vibration probes are
located adjacent to the bearings at Stations 9 and 59.
Labyrinth seals are located at Stations 31, 42, and 44.
Figure 3 shows the tie-bolt rotor, and the red elements
indicate a steel material that contributes to the mass and FIGURE 4. – SHAFT MODEL GEOMETRY PLOT FOR SOLID
stiffness of the rotor. The blue elements represent a steel ROTOR
material and contribute only to the mass of the rotor. The dry
gas seals and the tie-bolt nut are both represented by the blue TILTING-PAD BEARING ANALYSIS
elements. The silicon carbide portion of the dry gas seals Bearing stiffness and damping characteristics were
shown contribute only to the mass of the rotor. The yellow determined using the XLTRC2 software. The software solves
elements represent the impellers and contribute only to the the two-dimensional Reynolds equation. The adiabatic option
stiffness of the rotor since the mass properties of the impellers in XLTRC2 was used for these analyses with an 80% carryover
are modeled separately as added masses. The green elements assumption. This assumption implies that 80% of the hot oil
in Fig. 3 represent the tie-bolt, which contributes to mass and exiting one pad goes into the downstream pad. The remainder
stiffness, and includes the axial tension. is made up by fresh oil supply. This approach provides
Figure 4 shows the solid rotor, and the red elements reasonable correlation to the measured temperature from the
indicate a steel material that contributes to the mass and factory test. ISO 32 oil supplied at 125°F is used.
stiffness of the rotor. The green elements represent the Figure 5 is a bearing schematic, which shows the
impellers and contribute only to the stiffness of the rotor, since definition of Cb (assembled clearance) and Cp (pad clearance)
the mass properties of the impellers are modeled separately as in terms of differences in radii of shaft and pad, together with
added masses. The solid rotor is modeled with the stiffness their relationship to preload (m).
diameter reduced by 6.35 mm along the impeller sections to
account for shrink-fit type impellers with spacers in between.
While some manufacturers use solid rotor construction designs
The undamped critical speed analysis provides an
approximate indication of where critical speeds will occur for
the rotor-bearing system. At critical speeds, the system’s
sensitivity to unbalance excitation is maximized. However,
the calculation of response to unbalance is required to account
for the full interaction of rotating forces caused by unbalance,
rotor elastic deformation, and bearing forces induced by both
rotor displacement and velocity at the bearings. Including all
these interactions typically shifts the frequency of peak
response away from and higher than the undamped critical
speed. It also enables a measure of likely severity of response FIGURE 8. – PROBE 1 RESPONSE COMPARISON TO
at the critical speeds to be determined. UNBALANCE AT CENTER (1X API)
The first critical speed of the solid rotor falls slightly The tie-bolt rotor shows the second critical speed to be
below the tie-bolt rotor when excited with the mid-span between 9,660 and 9,670 rpm. The response at probe 2 shows
unbalance. The solid rotor shows a peak response for both the amplification factor to be about 1.83.
probes and Station 36 (center of rotor) between 5,770 and
6,120 rpm as shown by the horizontal and vertical response
Q0 = 2.62e7 N/m
Q0 = 2.94e7lb/in
0 .9 50 0 Tieb o lt R oto r
API Aero: Q 0/Q a=8.14
0 .7 50 0
Log Dec
0 .5 50 0
Qa = 3.61e4 lb/in
S olid Ro tor
AP I Aero : Q 0/Q a=7.31
0 .3 50 0
Damped Eigenvalue 3-D Mode Shape Plot -0 .2 50 0
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LABYRINTH SEALS AND API AERO KXY , SOLID ROTOR [2] API 617, 2002, “Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and
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Figure 13 compares the log decrement sensitivity to aero Industry Services, Seventh Edition, American Petroleum
cross-coupling Kxy of the tie-bolt rotor and solid rotor. The Institute, Washington, D.C.
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clearances and temperatures. The solid rotor is approximately University, College Station, Texas.
21 kg heavier (5% greater) than the tie-bolt rotor and has
slightly lower undamped critical speeds. The mid-span [7] Wachel, J. C. and von Nimitz, W., 1980, “Assuring the
unbalance response for the solid rotor has about a 5% lower Reliability of Offshore Gas Compression Systems,” European
critical speed, a 15% higher amplification factor, and slightly Offshore Petroleum Conference & Exhibition, London,
England; EUR 205.