Balance Sheet As of March 2003: Jl. Gunung Lingai Gg. Berkat Blok. AA

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Salma 17651046
Jl. Gunung Lingai Gg. Berkat Blok. AA

Balance Sheet

As of March 2003
2:30:28 AM

Kas Perusahaan $11,700,000
Kas BNI $93,965,000
Kas BRI $0
Payroll Cheque Account $0
Undeposited Funds $0
Electronic Clearing Account $0
Piutang Dagang $45,630,000
Cadangan Piutang $0
Piutang Lain-Lain $12,500,000
Persediaan $3,020,000
Hutang Bunga $0
Biaya Dibayar Dimuka $0
Perlengkapan Kantor $0
Voluntary Withholding Credits $0
ABN Withholding Credits $0
Aktiva tetap
Kendaraan $200,000,000
Akum. Penyst. Kendaraan ($16,000,000)
Gedung $450,000,000
Akum. Penyst. Gedung ($25,250,000)
Peralatan Kantor $25,000,000
Akum. Penyst. Peralatan Kantor ($3,500,000)
Total HARTA $797,065,000

Hutang Lancar
Hutang Dagang $58,100,000
Hutang Gaji $0
Hutang Bunga $0
A/P Accrual - Inventory $0
Import Duty Payable $0
WET Payable $0
Voluntary Withholdings Payable $0
ABN Withholding Payable $0
Luxury Car Tax Payable $0
PPN Masukan ($900,000)
PPN Keluaran $385,000
Payroll Liabilities $0
Total HUTANG $57,585,000

Net Assets $739,480,000

Modal Mr. Chottam $730,330,000
Prive. Mr. Chottam $0
Laba Ditahan $0
Laba Tahun Berjalan $9,150,000
Historical Balancing Account $0
Total MODAL $739,480,000

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