PVC As Pharmaceutical Packaging Material
PVC As Pharmaceutical Packaging Material
PVC As Pharmaceutical Packaging Material
Van Dooren AA. PVC as pharmaceutical packaging material. A literature survey with
special emphasis on plasticized PVC bags. Pharm Weekbl [Sci] 1991;13(3):109-18.
In this report the state of the art with respect to PVC as pharmaceutical packaging
material is described. A general introduction into the applications of PVC is followed by a
description of its production process. The metabolic effects of the monomer of PVC, vinyl
chloride and of the most commonly used plasticizer diethylhexylphthalate are mentioned.
Special attention is given to the pharmaceutical properties of plasticized PVC bags in
Keywords comparison to other plastics and the environmental aspects of waste PVC disposal. Although
Chemistry there are emotional and political queries regarding the future use of PVC as a
Consumer product safety (pharmaceutical) packaging material, we conclude that there is no scientific justification for
Drug packaging a total or partial ban of PVC. PVC will remain a fact of life as a cheap, versatile,
Environmental pollution high-performance and well-investigated plastic material for medical and pharmaceutical
Plasticizers applications, to be replaced by newer plastics only for certain well-defined indications where
Polyvinyls the requirements of the plastic to be used are so specific that it will economically and
technically be justified to use another polymer. Community and hospital pharmacists have
Dr. A.A. Van Dooren: Medistad to be prepared for a role in intake of waste plastic disposables, probably against deposit
Holland BV, P.O. Box 99, money, in order to fulfil the logistics needed for recycling.
1670 AB Medemblik, the
Netherlands. Accepted 10 January 1991.
Table 1
Comparison of various sterile fluid container materials
Waste disposal
Finally, all plastics end up in the solid-waste
stream. However, they form only a minor part of Figure 1
this stream. In the Netherlands, total plastic Structures of dibenzodioxin (left) and dibenzofurane
waste amounts to 663,000 tons per annum, of (right)
which 13% (86,000 tons) consist of PVC [77]. The
amount of Dutch hospital waste is estimated to
be 115,000 tons, of which 15% (16,500 tons/ reuse the NaC1 formed by scrubbing [81] but in
annum) are plastics. The percentage of PVC in theory the chlorine cycle is completely closed, as
hospital waste is unknown [77]. is shown in the German Iserlohn incineration
Municipal waste, including hospital waste, is plant [82].
disposed of via different methods: Dioxin formation. Since 10 July 1976, the day
- landfill disposal; of the Seveso disaster, the word 'dioxin' has been
- incineration; added to the general vocabulary as a symbol of
- recycling. terror and catastrophy. Dioxin is a collective
term for as many as 210 different substances,
Landfill disposal with structures based on dibenzodioxin and di-
In the Netherlands, approximately 68% of mu- benzofurane moieties (Fig. 1). The toxicity of
nicipal waste is still disposed of via landfill [77]. these substances varies greatly, the most toxic
Landfill disposal of municipal waste is generally isomer being 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzopara-
not dangerous, but the formation of landfill gas dioxin (TCDD) (Fig. 2).
and the leaking of degradation products into The substance in Figure 2 is extremely toxic,
ground water should be considered. It is known but the acute toxicity is species-specific. The
that under certain conditions plasticizers may most sensitive animal is the guinea-pig (oral
leak out of deposited PVC material, and LD50 0.6-2.9 /xg/kg). The oral LD50 for the
although these are in principle easily degradable monkey is 70/~g/kg [83]. In humans acute skin
by micro-organisms it is not yet fully understood irritation (chloracne) and eye irritation were re-
whether bacterial degradation actually takes ported after the Seveso disaster [83]. Dioxins are
place under the conditions of decomposition. not metabolized appreciably by bio-organisms,
A relationship between PVC and VCM traces (except maybe by the cow) [83]; they appear to ac-
in landfill gas has not been established (the main cumulate in adipose tissues and can be excreted
source of VCM is thought to be chlorine- through breastmilk.
cOntaining solvents) [78]. Both dibenzodioxins and dibenzofuranes are
The main problem of landfill disposal is the in- teratogenic, but they appear to have no signifi-
creasing shortage of landfill sites. Thus, it is un- cant mutagenic activity in vitro [83]. In rats,
derstandable that governments are striving to TCDD is carcinogenic at doses of 0.1 ng-kg -1. d -1
decrease waste disposal by this means [79]. Land- It is a tumour promotor rather than a tumour in-
fill deposition is not the method of choice for the itiator. The no-observed-adverse-effect level
disposal of hospital waste. (NOAEL) is 0.001 ~ g . k g - l . d -~ and using a
safety margin of 100-250 when extrapolating
Waste incineration animal data to humans, a virtually safe dosis of
Two major problems are attributed to inciner- 1-10 pg. kg -1- d -1 for humans is reached [83].
ation of PVC: emission of hydrochloric acid and Dioxins are regarded to be side products of in-
dioxine formation. complete combustion [84]. Phenolic non-chlori-
Emission of hydrochloric acid. Upon inciner- nated precursors can be formed by pyrolysis from
ation, PVC releases hydrochloric acid which is a e.g. lignin [85]. Chlorination of these precursors
component of acid rain, attributing to the well- may follow in the cooling phase (400-200~
known forest death. HC1 formation due to incin- after their adsorption to fly-ash particles, in the
eration of waste contributes for only a minor part presence of heavy metals, like copper [80 86].
(0.35%) to the total acid emission responsible for For this so-called "de novo synthesis' the pres-
acid rain formation. 50-70% Of the HC1 emission ence of oxygen is essential; water has an antag-
caused by incineration of waste is due to PVC onistic effect [84]. Clearly, PVC may act as a
[79], the remainder being caused by burning source of chlorine necessary for the de novo syn-
paper (bleached with HC1), vegetables and other
so-called natural material (wood, NaC1 in
kitchen waste). Total HC1 emissions in offgases
from incinerators are in the region of 800-
900 mg/m 3 [80]. Without any PVC this amount
would drop to 300-450 mg/m 8. The future (1995)
Dutch norm for maximum HC1 emission is
50 mg/m ~ [80]. Thus, it should be concluded that
wet scrubbing of offgas to remove HC1 is necess-
ary with or without any PVC in the waste. Figure 2
A debate is still going on whether it is useful to Structure of 2,3, 7,8-tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin
emission present conflicting results. In vari- Since the beginning of the seventies, PVC has
ous studies, both under experimental and had to face various severe threats shaking the
practical conditions, no relationship could be roots of its existence: firstly, the vinylchloride
established [86 90-93], but a recent Dutch carcinogenicity, secondly, plasticizer leakage
study showed a positive relation [80]. This and toxicity and nowadays, the environmental
latter test was carried out in a relatively old issues. Close scrutiny of the available literature
incinerator and the conditions were not opti- leads to the conclusion t h a t there is no scientific
mal [77]. justification for any complete or partial ban of
In conclusion, it must be stated t h a t the avail- PVC. The problems of VCM exposure for workers
able literature data is contradictory and t h a t in polymerization plants and for patients have
further research is necessary. A general consen- been largely solved by processing measurements
sus in the literature can be found in the desig- and strict standards for m a x i m u m levels in medi-
nation of priority steps to be t a k e n in order to de- cal grade PVC. Furthermore, there is no proof
crease dioxin emissions by waste incineration, t h a t the plasticizer D E H P is toxic or carcino-
which pertain to improvement of combustion genic to humans, whilst its beneficial effects on
conditions [77]: red blood cell survival is a valued property. The
- incineration under homogeneous, undisturbed total PVC content of solid waste is only a minor
process conditions; fraction, although PVC does account for the
- m i n i m u m furnace t e m p e r a t u r e 800-850~ main part of the hydrochloric acid formation
- avoidance of overload (slow addition of waste after incineration of municipal waste. However,
to maintain combustion temperature); without PVC in the waste this HC1 emission is
- offgas scrubbing to scavenge dioxins; still above acceptable m a x i m u m levels, and
- recombustion or removal of fly-ash [87]. sequestering HC1 by means of wet scrubbing is a
more logical step towards diminishing its
Recycling emission t h a n a ban of PVC. Neither has it been
Recycling of waste will become one of the great proven t h a t PVC would have any effect on the
challenges of the coming era. The Dutch govern- formation of dioxins during incineration. The
ment aims at an increase of the recycling per- existing literature is conflicting, but it can gen-
centage of plastic waste from 10% (in 1986) to erally be agreed t h a t good incineration cir-
37% (in the year 2000) [79]. cumstances have a better effect on the decrease
Recycling is a means of reducing waste of dioxin emissions t h a n the removal of PVC
streams: it leads to an effective reuse of ma- from the waste.
terials and it can save natural resources [77]. All It might even be contended t h a t in the long
thermoplastics including PVC can be recycled, term, after the problem of acid scrubbing and
although the quality of the regenerates is always preventing the 'de novo synthesis' of dioxins has