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Postdoctoral Scholar, Environmental Studies Department, University of California, Santa Cruz
001-831-999-0492 | [email protected] |

2016 Ph.D. Biology, University of Victoria
Dissertation: Fear in wildlife food webs: Large carnivore predation risk mediates
the impacts of a mammalian mesocarnivore
Co-supervisors: Michael Clinchy, Lawrence Dill, Liana Zanette
2011 M.Sc. Biology/Behavioral Ecology, Simon Fraser University
Dissertation: Prey choice decisions by Glaucous-winged Gulls: Energetic and
anti-parasitic hypotheses for size selection of sea stars
Supervisor: Lawrence Dill
2006 B.S. Biology (with distinction), University of Virginia

2016-Present Postdoctoral Scholar, Environmental Studies Department, University of
California Santa Cruz, PI: Christopher C. Wilmers

24. Nickel BA, Suraci JP, Nisi AC, Wilmers CC. Energetics and fear of humans constrain the
spatial ecology of pumas. PNAS.
23. Suraci JP, Nickel BA, Wilmers CC. Fine-scale movement decisions by a large carnivore inform
conservation planning in human-dominated landscapes. Landscape Ecology.
22. Garvey PM, Banks PB, Suraci JP, Bodey TW, Glen AS, Jones CJ, McArthur C, Norbury GL,
Price CJ, Russell JC, Sih A. Leveraging personality, motivations, and sensory cues for effective
predator management. TREE.
21. Gaynor KM, Cherry M, Gilbert SL, Kohl M, Larson C, Newsome T, Prugh LR, Suraci JP,
Young J, Smith JA. An applied ecology of fear: linking theory to management practice. Animal

20. Smith JA*, Suraci JP*, Hunter JS, Gaynor KM, Keller CB, Palmer MS, Atkins JL, Castañeda I,
Cherry MJ, Garvey PM, Huebner S, Morin DJ, Teckentrup L, Weterings MJA, Beaudrot L.
Zooming in on mechanistic predator-prey ecology: Integrating camera traps with experimental
methods to reveal the drivers of ecological interactions. Journal of Animal Ecology. (In press)
*Co-first authors
19. Anton C, Smith DW, Suraci JP, Stahler DR, Duane TP, Wilmers CC. Grey wolf habitat use in
response to growing visitor activity along roadways in Yellowstone National Park. Ecosphere.
(In press)
18. Nickel BA*, Suraci JP*, Allen ML, Wilmers CC. (2020) Human presence and human footprint
have non-equivalent effects on wildlife spatiotemporal habitat use. Biological Conservation.
241:108383. *Co-first authors
Justin P. Suraci | CV

17. Suraci JP, Clinchy M, Zanette LY, Wilmers CC. (2019) Fear of humans as apex predators has
landscape-scale impacts from mountain lions to mice. Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.13344.
Altmetric score: 274 (top 5% of all tracked papers)
16. Suraci JP, Smith JA, Clinchy M, Zanette LY, Wilmers CC. (2019) Humans, but not their dogs,
displace pumas from their kills: an experimental approach. Scientific Reports doi:
15. Suraci JP, Frank LG, Oriol-Cotterill A, Ekwanga S, Williams TM, Wilmers CC. (2019)
Behavior-specific habitat selection by African lions may promote their persistence in a human-
dominated landscape. Ecology, e02644.
14. Suraci JP, Clinchy M, Mugerwa B, Delsey M, Macdonald D, Smith JA, Wilmers CC, Zanette
LY. (2017) A novel Automated Behavioural Response system to integrate playback experiments
into camera trap studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8:957–964.
13. Smith JA, Suraci JP, Clinchy M, Crawford A, Roberts DJ, Zanette LY, Wilmers CC. (2017)
Fear of the human 'super predator' reduces feeding time in large carnivores. Proceedings of the
Royal Society B. 284:20170433. Altmetric score: 216 (top 5% of tracked papers); Featured on cover
12. Wilmers CC, Isbell LA, Suraci JP, Williams TM. (2017) Energetics-informed behavioral states
reveal the drive to kill in African leopards. Ecosphere. 8(6):e01850.
11. Suraci JP, Clinchy M, Zanette LY. (2017) Do large carnivores and mesocarnivores have
redundant impacts on intertidal prey? PLoS One, 12:e0170255.
10. Suraci JP, Roberts DJ, Clinchy M, Zanette LY. (2017) Fearlessness towards extirpated large
carnivores may exacerbate impacts of naïve mesocarnivores. Behavioral Ecology, 28:439-447.
9. Suraci JP, Clinchy M, Roberts DJ, Zanette LY. (2017) Eavesdropping in solitary large
carnivores: Black bears advance and vocalize toward cougar playbacks. Ethology,
8. Suraci JP, Clinchy M, Dill LM, Roberts DJ, Zanette LY (2016) Fear of large carnivores causes a
trophic cascade. Nature Communications, 7:10698. Altmetric score: 552; Web of Science “Highly
Cited Paper” (among the top 1% of most cited Ecology and Evolution papers from 2016)
7. Clinchy M, Zanette LY, Buesching C, Newman C, Roberts DJ, Suraci JP, Macdonald D (2016)
Fear of the human "super predator" exceeds that of extant and extinct large carnivores in a model
mesocarnivore. Behavioral Ecology, 27:1826-1832
6. Suraci JP, Clinchy M, Zanette LY, Currie CMA, Dill LM (2014) Mammalian mesopredators on
islands directly impact both terrestrial and marine communities. Oecologia, 176:1087-1100.
5. Zanette LY, Clinchy M, Suraci JP (2014) Diagnosing predation risk effects on demography: can
measuring physiology provide the means? Oecologia, 176:637-651.
4. Robinson JPW, White ER, Wiwchar LD, Claar DC, Suraci JP, Baum JK (2014) The limitations
of diversity metrics in directing global marine conservation. Marine Policy 48:123-125
3. Suraci JP and Dill LM (2013) Short timescale rate maximization by gulls and implications for
predation on size-structured prey. Behavioral Ecology, 24: 280–292.
2. Suraci JP and Dill LM (2011) Energy intake, kleptoparasitism risk, and prey choice by Glaucous-
winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens) foraging on sea stars. Auk, 128: 643-650.
1. Kilburn VL, Ibáñez R, Sanjur O, Bermingham E, Suraci JP, Green DG (2011) Ubiquity of the
Pathogenic Chytrid Fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in Anuran Communities in Panamá.
EcoHealth, 7: 537-548.

 Mentored undergraduate student; Mentored graduate student

Justin P. Suraci | CV

Suraci JP and Wilmers CC (2019) Informing connectivity planning in the Coyote Valley through
puma habitat selection in patchy environments. A report to the Peninsula Open Spaces Trust.

Suraci JP (2016) The power of fear. Biosphere Magazine.
Suraci JP (2016) Linking the Land and Sea, in Our Threatened Coast: Nature and Shared Benefits in
the Salish Sea. Raincoast Conservation Foundation, Sydney, BC.


My work has been covered by over 100 media outlets in 31 countries.
Selected radio coverage, interviews and podcasts
BBC News Hour, The Naked Scientist, Futureproof, Scientific American’s 60 Second
Science, NPR Science Friday, CBC Quarks and Quirks
Selected news articles
The Atlantic (2016, 2019), Washington Post, LA Times, The Independent, New
Scientist, National Geographic, Popular Science, Newsweek, Daily Mail, Gizmodo,
National Observer, SF Chronicle, The Wildlife Society

2019-2022 Foundation Funding, Mitigating human impacts on pumas in the Santa Cruz
Mountains, Co-PI with C. Wilmers ($200,000)
2018 Environment, Health, and Community Fund, Mitigating human impacts on
pumas in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Grant writer and senior researcher with C.
Wilmers ($50,000)
2014 Animal Behavior Society George Barlow Most Outstanding Graduate
Student Grant ($2,000)
2013 & 2014 Toronto Dominion Friends of the Environment Grant with Raincoast
Conservation Foundation ($10,000)


2015 King-Platt Fellowship ($13,000)
2012-2015 NSERC Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship ($62,000)
in partnership with Raincoast Conservation Foundation
2013 Maureen de Burgh Memorial Scholarship ($425)
2013 Edward Bassett Family Scholarship ($2,500)
2013 UVic President’s Research Scholarship ($4,000)
2012 W. Gordon Fields Memorial Fellowship ($958)
2012 UVic Outstanding Graduate Entrance Award ($5,000)
2010 Glen Geen Graduate Scholarship in Marine Biology ($800)
2009 SFU Graduate Fellowship ($12,500)

Justin P. Suraci | CV


2018 Highly Cited Paper – Web of Science, for Suraci et al. (2016) Nat Commun
2017 STEM Postdoc Travel Award – UCSC STEM Postdocs Association
2014 Most Outstanding Graduate Student Proposal – Animal Behavior Society
2014 Best Talk Award – University of Victoria Biology Symposium
2013 Best Talk Award – Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference


2020 Integrating large-scale field experiments and macroecological data to quantify human
impacts on wildlife behavior. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental
Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles (scheduled)
2018 Manipulating predators’ fear of predators: Management implications of predation risk
experiments. Animal Behavior as a Management Tool Workshop, Landcare
Research & University of Lincoln, Lincoln, NZ
2018 Fear of humans affects wildlife interactions in protected areas. The Wildlife Society
2018 Anthropogenic landscapes of fear: Causes and consequences of human-induced
changes in carnivore predation risk. Environmental Science, Policy and
Management Departmental Seminar, University of California, Berkley
2018 Anthropogenic landscapes of fear: Causes and consequences of human-induced
changes in carnivore predation risk. Gordon Research Conference on Predator-
Prey Interactions
2017 Fear in wildlife food webs: The far-reaching effects of risk from large carnivores and
human predators. Environmental Studies Departmental Seminar, University of
California, Santa Cruz
2017 Fear in wildlife food webs: The far-reaching effects of risk from large carnivores and
human predators. Animal Behavior Seminar Series, University of California, Davis
2016 Fear in wildlife food webs: The far-reaching effects of risk from large carnivores and
human predators. Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Oxford University
2016 Fear in wildlife food webs: The far-reaching effects of risk from large carnivores and
human predators. Zoology Department, Oxford University
2016 Large carnivore risk mediates mesopredator impacts. Biology Departmental Seminar,
University of Victoria
2015 Fear and balanced ecosystems: Large carnivores and coastal food webs. Camosun
College Wildlife Biology Program
2011 Prey choice and information use in the glaucous-winged gull. Les Ecologiste Seminar
Series, Simon Fraser University.


The Wildlife Society (2018, 2019)
Gordon Research Conference on Movement Ecology of Animals (2019)
Ecological society of America (2018)
Gordon Research Conference on Predator-Prey Interactions (2014, 2016, 2018, 2020)
Western Society of Naturalists (2016)
Raincoast Conservation Foundation Research Symposium (2015)

Justin P. Suraci | CV


University of Victoria Biology Graduate Research Symposium (2012, 2013, 2014)
Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (2010, 2011, 2013)
Interdisciplinary Ecology and Applied Sciences Symposium (2009, 2010)


Scientific Teaching for Diverse Learners Workshop offered by The Science Education
Partnership and Assessment Laboratory, San Francisco State University (August, 2019)
2019 Behavioral Ecology, University of California, Santa Cruz
2019 Conservation Biology Graduate Course, University of California, Santa Cruz
2018 Ecology and Society, University of California, Santa Cruz
2017 Conservation Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz
2017 Animal Ecology, University of California, Santa Cruz
2015 Study Design and Analysis, University of Victoria
2014 Study Design and Analysis, University of Victoria
2010 Vertebrate Biology, Simon Fraser University
2015 Introduction to Data Visualization in R, EcoStats R Workshop Series,
University of Victoria
2014 Introduction to Plotting and Graphics in R, EcoStats R Workshop Series,
University of Victoria
2015 Evolution and Biodiversity, University of Victoria
2010 Vertebrate Biology, Simon Fraser University
2008 General Biology, Simon Fraser University
2006 Introductory Organismal Biology, University of Virginia
2019 Chloe Reilly, Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
Thesis: Experimentally investigating trade-offs between fear of humans and
anthropogenic resources in wildlife (Ongoing).
2019 Emily Engle, Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
Thesis: To assemble or disassemble: An exploration into natural and anthropogenic
gradients affecting mammal community assemblages.
2017 Zakery Pendleton, Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
Thesis: The common raccoon helps keep native species under control
2014 Devin Roberts, Biology Department, University of Victoria
Thesis: Naiveté in an island mesopredator
*Thesis research published in Behavioral Ecology (publication 10 above)


2016-Present Anna Nisi, PhD Candidate, Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz
with primary advisor Prof. Christopher Wilmers
2016-Present Colby Anton, PhD Candidate, Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz
with primary advisor Prof. Christopher Wilmers
Justin P. Suraci | CV


2015-2017 Badru Mugerwa, MSc Student, Biology Department, Western University
with primary advisor Prof. Liana Zanette
2019 Mentored Soledad Soto’s project on puma feeding ecology through the UCSC
CAMINO internship program for underrepresented groups in science
2018-2019 Supervised 2 paid student research technicians in GIS-based wildlife
behavior and conservation science for UC Santa Cruz undergraduate students.
2017-Present Supervised 20 UC Santa Cruz undergraduate interns working on wildlife
and behavioral ecology projects in both the field and lab
2015 Secured a stipend for summer field experience for intern Preston Charlie
from the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation in Tofino, British Columbia
2012-2017 Supervised paid field tech positions for multiple undergraduate
researchers: Jennifer Sibbald, Natalie Gray, Lauren Cochenour, Laura
Granger, Chris Currie, Aria Crabb


ESA Early Career Ecologists Section
Secretary-treasurer (2018-2019); Officer at large (2019-present)
EcoStats R Workshop Series
Founder and contributor (2014-2016)
Stats Therapy Statistics Help Group
Founder and contributor (2012-2015)
Ecology@UVic Community
Founder, grad student representative, and webmaster (2012-2015)
Ecological society of America (2018-2019); The Wildlife Society (2018-2019); Animal
Behavior Society (2009)
PNAS, Nature Communications, Ecology, TREE, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Current
Biology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Biological Conservation, Landscape Ecology, Oikos,
Oecologia, Behavioral Ecology, Nature Scientific Reports, Behavioral Ecology Ecology and
Evolution, Ethology, Journal of Field Ornithology, Emu, Waterbirds, Bird Study
2019 Citizen science initiative engaging homeowners around the Santa Cruz Mountains in
a suburban wildlife ecology/coexistence experiment (Ongoing)
2019 Public lecture on fear of humans in wildlife, Science on Tap outreach event, Santa
Cruz, California
2018 Public lecture on large carnivores in human-dominated landscapes, hosted by
Midpeninsula Open Spaces District, Los Altos, California
2018 Public engagement on mountain lions in fragmented habitats, After Dark public
science event, Exploratorium, San Francisco, California
2013-2017 Wildlife ecology and conservation talks with seven middle and high school groups
in Canada, the US, and Australia

Justin P. Suraci | CV


2015 Public lecture on large carnivore ecology, hosted by Pacific Rim National Park,
Tofino, British Columbia
2014 Outreach event on local ecology with middle and high-school students from low-
income First Nations communities in British Columbia
2011-2012 Public outreach and education events on freshwater conservation with five
naturalist societies and community volunteer groups in Vancouver, British Columbia
2011 Organized and led hands-on ecological restoration field experience for low-
income youth in Abbottsford, British Columbia

Dr. Liana Zanette, Professor
Department of Biology
Western University
1151 Richmond Street
London, ON, Canada, N6A 5B7
Phone: 519-661-2111, ext 88317
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Lawrence Dill, Professor Emeritus
Department of Biology
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5A 1S6
Phone: 778-782-3664
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Christopher Wilmers, Professor
Environmental Studies Department
University of California
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA, 95064
Phone: 831-459-2634
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Michael Clinchy
Department of Biology
Western University
1151 Richmond Street
London, ON, Canada, N6A 5B7
Phone: 519-661-2111, ext 88316
Email: [email protected]

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