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Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
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00 (2017) 337–342
2017 International Conference on Alternative Energy in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies
2017 AEDCEE, 25-26 May 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
2017 International Conference on Alternative Energy in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies
2017 AEDCEE, 25-26 May 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
Hook Design Loading by The Optimization Method
HookThe Design
With Loading
15th International by The
Symposium on Optimization
Rating Method
District Heating andMethod
With Weighted Factors Rating Method
Assessing the feasibility
Apichit Manee-ngam*, of using
Penyarat the heat
Saisirirat, Patpimol demand-outdoor
temperature function
Apichit Manee-ngam*,
Department for Engineering
of Mechanical a Penyarat
long-term district
Technology, College heat
of Industrial demand forecast
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Mechanical
a,b,c a Engineering
a Technology, College
b of Industrial Technology,
c c
I. Andrić *,King
Pina , University
P. Ferrão , J. Fournier
of Technology ., B.
North Bangkok, Lacarrière
Bangkok, Thailand , O. Le Corre
IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research - Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, 291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
This study aims c for 2-ton Systèmes
Département lifting hooks designed
Énergétiques to be the appropriate
et Environnement size for 4using.
- IMT Atlantique, BothKastler,
rue Alfred of the 44300
cost, the strength,
Nantes, Francethe security
and the aesthetics by using the optimal designed method together with the highest weight method. In this study is divided a
This study aims
methodology for 2-ton
to design thelifting
hook hooks designedprocesses.
into three-step to be the appropriate
The first step size
is for using. aBoth
to create of hook
lifting the cost,
by ISOthe strength,
7597: 2013 the standard
(Forged Steel Lifting Hooks with Latch, Grade 8) to be an initial lifting hook. Then analyzed the axial load of 2 tons by the finitea
the aesthetics by using the optimal designed method together with the highest weight method. In this study is divided
element method. to design the hook
The second step into
is to three-step
analyze byprocesses.
the optimal The first to
design step is to the
design create a lifting
lifting hook hook by higher
with the ISO 7597:safety2013
by the
weight ofSteel
the Lifting Hooks
lifting hook with Latch,
remains Grade
the same or 8) to be an initial
difference. lifting
The third stephook.
is to Then
analyzeanalyzed the axial
the results of theload of 2 tons
second step by
by the finite
lifting The
heating second
hooks stepcommonly
by highest is weight
to analyze by the
method foroptimal
insizing design
the literature to design
of the liftingas one the lifting
of The
hook. the hook
results with
of higher showed
analysis safety value
that by
for decreasing the
weight of
hook the
that has gas lifting hook
beenemissions remains
designedfromby the the same
building or difference.
sector. These
presented The third
in this systems step
research require is to analyze the
can be able results
reduce the which of the second
are returned
production step
cost of the by
the heat
materials by
27.5 proper
sales. Due lifting
percents toper hooks
the by
piece withhighest
climate weight
increasing themethod
safetyandfor sizing
equal of renovation
to 42.16thepercents.
lifting hook.
It is The
policies,good results
heat of the
looking andinanalysis
the be
can showed
easily thatdecrease,
hook that has
comparing with been
the designed
the by the
initial lifting method presented in this research can be able to reduce the production cost of the materials by
The percents
main scope perofpiece with increasing
this paper is to assessthethesafety equaloftousing
feasibility 42.16 thepercents.
heat demandIt is –good looking
outdoor and canfunction
temperature be easilyforproduced
heat demand by
forecast. Thewith district
the initial
of lifting hooks.
Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district
2017 The Authors. Published
scenariosPublished by Elsevier
were developed Ltd. intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
© 2017 The Authors.
Peer-review under responsibility by
ofElsevier Ltd. committee
the scientific of the 2017 International Conference on Alternative Energy in
compared with
Peer-review under results from a dynamic
responsibility of the heat demand
Organizing model, previously
Committee developed and validated by the authors.
of 2017 AEDCEE.
Developing Countries and Emerging Economies.
©The2017 The Authors.
results showed that Published
when onlyby Elsevier
change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
(the errorHook,
Keywords: inunder
Finite demandAnalysis,
Element wasof lower than 20%Method.
Organizing for all weather
Committee of 2017 scenarios
AEDCEE. considered). However, after introducing renovation
scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
The value Hook, Finite Element
of slope Analysis,
coefficient Optimization
increased Method.
on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and
renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the
coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.
1. Introduction
There is a higher business competition. The equipment performance is very important to development to be
safety and accident reduction. Crane Hooks are kind of equipment and the components which are generally used to
elevate the heavy load in industries and constructional sites, the reason why are on favorite in factories. Material
handling system equipment mainly import from abroad. The industrial manufacturing requires the professional of
material structures for designing and analysis who has an experience and expertise. Now the engineering analysis
program to get involved and advantage. The analysis program result is very high accuracy based on material shape
of a work piece, reinforcement and the capabilities of the analysis program.
Finite element method has become a powerful tool for numerical solution to analysis the length of camshaft
to preparing forging with the minimize force by the factory dimension design (1) time reduction from the forging
process. There are design and simulation processes from analysis program to confirm a complete result as filling the
material and shape of the work piece. When forging work piece experimental and analyze the result with mold
process then the results are consistent. In the customization of raw material size reduction as 50% and mold
adjustment cost reduction 25% have effective to products properly. (2) because that allow for determine of
conditions (3) to the mold design is more accurate and advantage.
This research of crane hooks are according to ISO 7597: 2013 (Forged Steel Lifting Hooks with latch, grade
8 ) to analyze and development safety factor under the condition of weighted Factors are remained the same or less
then divided 2 phases. The first step is analysis by Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided
Engineering (CAE) technology. Based on the Finite Element Analysis method compatible with the Optimum Design
approach and analyze the results. The second step is analyzed of the first step result by Weighted Factors Rating
2. Methodology
At the implementation of research for crane hooks design analysis can reduce the production cost and apply
by the Finite Element Analysis method compatible with the Optimum Design approach. This is an accuracy option,
fast and non-waste consumable for experiment. There are 4 main steps that are :
For this experiment we study a 2 tons crane hooks compatible with the eye type chain that produced by
forging method. Material standard AISI 4340 or DIN 34CrNiMo6 as a high carbon steels and property is resistant to
corrosive. The chemical composition and mechanical properties according to standard as J. D. Costa, 2001: 70 Finite
element analysis of an approximation model for crane hook from Solid Works 2013 by creating a 3D standard work
piece. The analysis scope that allow by crane hooks material as AISI 4340, Fixed Geometry grip design for lock the
position that can not move. Define 19620 N or 2 tons force applied to crane hooks at the center of the curved
From investigated results of the finite element method. To find the actual sizes according ISO 7597: 2013
(Forged Steel Lifting Hooks with latch, grade 8).
The purpose is to improve the crane hooks efficiency of strength by Soild Works 2013 with the same weight
or less. There are 2 steps: Define the design variables to create the optimize crane hooks design process following
the Fig. 1.
Apichit Manee-ngam et al. / Energy Procedia 138 (2017) 337–342 339
Apichit M. et al./ Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 3
Parameter in factor of the safety ( F.O.S) equation is consist of Wn that is the new design weight of crane
hooks, Wo is the standard weight of crane hooks, σm is the material stress of crane hooks, σ h is the maximum
stress of crane hooks and c is the chain width.
Max. F.O.S = (1)
Constraints by
36.0 ≤ B s ≤ 45.0 (2)
30.4 ≤ D ≤ 40.0 (3)
20.0 ≤ E ≤ 25.0 (4)
10.0 ≤ F ≤ 14.4 (5)
27.0 ≤ H m1 ≤ 34.4 (6)
27.0 ≤ H m 2 ≤ 34.4 (7)
100.0 ≤ L ≤ 124.0 (8)
35.0 ≤ O s ≤ 44.0 (9)
Bs > Os (10)
Os > c (11)
W n ≤ Wo (12)
B s , D , E , F , H m1 , H m 2 , L , O s , Wn , Wo > 0 (13)
A standard to give the score, the priority by design with 5 points that mean 5 points is the maximum score
and 0 point is the lowest. From the analysis results of crane hooks to create the priority for calculated as (3-14).
f =1
With x f is the average score of each factor
340 Apichit Manee-ngam et al. / Energy Procedia 138 (2017) 337–342
4 Apichit M. et al./ Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
∑ S mf W f (15)
f =1
With S mf is the average score of each factor
Wf is the significance
From equations 3-15, are the sums points of each crane hooks. When receive for all of analysis result then
compare scores to find the highest points to create the best crane hooks.
From a SoildWorks 2013 software results as show a yield point occur at 1100 MPa then a maximum stress
at 595.2 MPa from the analysis result and safety factor at 1.85 and weigh 1375.95 grams. From investigated results
of the finite element method and design for 2 tons crane hooks complies with ISO7597 standard and define to be the
largest size as shows in Fig.1
Then after adjusting to be an appropriate size , 1st type to 9th type of crane hooks were reduced weight. The
9 type has the lowest weight as 997.7 grams and the 6th type has the highest safety factor as 3.79.
In this research analysis.There are two factors classified as qualitative factors and quantitative factors. The
qualitative factors evaluating from the expert that divided for 2 factors as productivity and shape. In productivity
factors evaluating from 5 experts that found the 7th , 8th , 9th types had the highest average score of 3.6 points. The
results of the shape factor analysis showed that the third hook had the highest mean score of 4.0 points.
The quantitative factors evaluating , there are two factors that were material cost and safety factor. The
material cost factor analysis results from the scoring criteria that was found the 9th type is the highest score as 5
points can be created 1 ,0 0 2 pieces of crane hooks. And the significance analysis result was found that the material
cost factor had the highest significance and then the second was safety factors. Finally productivity factor and shape
factor was the lowest significance.
The summation and average scores of the appropriate crane hooks forms. Take both results of qualitative and
quantitative procedures and analysis by Weighted Factors Rating Method. Since from the priority approach can
analyze qualitative and quantitative factors because only one factor is not enough for decision. The purpose of this
crane hooks research for support loading 2 tons thus the crane hooks weigh is the same or less and made from high
carbon steel AISI 4340 shows the result of the priority approach that was found the highest scores as reference by 4
Apichit Manee-ngam et al. / Energy Procedia 138 (2017) 337–342 341
Apichit M. et al./ Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 5
factors were 9th crane hook type show a productivity factor as 3.6 points, a shape factor as 2.6 points , material cost
factor as 5.0 points and safety factor as 2.0 points.
The summary of all 4 factors was 3.42 points, thus reference from qualitative factors and quantitative factors
that the 9th type is the best crane hooks of this design as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Show the size of 9th type of crane hooks(a) Stress (MPa) (b) Safety factor
Since design by ISO 7597 standard that define B s , D , E , F , H m1 , H m 2 , L and O s to be factors to study
by the Finite Element Analysis method compatible with the Optimum Design approach and the Weighted Factors
Rating Method. From all method that was found the best result thus can support more loads and reduce weight.
From material cost factor when we create and design a suitable crane hooks can reduce material cost from
134.16 baht per piece to 97.2 baht per piece or 27.49 % of material cost reduction.
From safety factor when we create and design a suitable crane hooks can increase the safety factor from
1.85 to 2.63 and allow to increase to support loading 15303.6 N or 1.56 tons or increase 42.16% of crane hooks
safety factor. From productivity factor that the scores from 5 experts that was found 3 and 4 points was similar to the
reason why size and manufacturing process were not different.
Crane hooks design loading by the optimization method with weighted factors rating method can increase
the strength but can reduce material then the effective of this result was reduce material costs. In the manufacturing
process can forge from ISO 7597 standard because of shape and size are not different.
The optimize size of crane hooks. There are 8 variables factors to effective for all sizes and can be
compared as shown in Table 1.
Table 2 Show the comparison between the standard crane hooks with the new designed of crane hooks.
From Table 2 Show the comparison between the standard crane hooks with the optimize designed of new
crane hooks by the optimization method that found all sizes were reduce.
There are effective for 8 factors when the condition had changed, and the most factors had effect on the
strength are D , L , H m1 , H m 2 Since the maximum stress is on the curve of crane hooks reference from Fig.2 that
show the maximum stress area because support the maximum loading.
From 4 variation factors are the force moment that effective to support loading thus has to create the new
curve is the smallest from the reference method , comparative by Fig. 3
(a) (b)
Fig. 3 Show comparative of (a) standard crane hooks and (b) Optimize crane hooks ratio 1:2
4. Conclusion
This crane hooks design for support 2 tons loading and material made from high carbon steel AISI 4340.
The design by ISO 7597 standard that define factors to study by the Finite Element Analysis method compatible
with the Optimum Design approach and the Weighted Factors Rating Method. From all method that was found the
best result thus can support more loads and reduce weight. The type of hook that was designed by this approach is
the 9th hook model. This size has improved to be easy to mold. It can reduce production costs by up to 27.49%
compared to material costs per piece and safety factor increate for 42.16% consider to appearance and the new
design process is more convenient than the standard design all so. From crane hooks can carries over load and the
condition of weight is less than the standard type. However to be develop the design and increate safety factor the
reason why select the optimum crane hooks design to find out and define dimension to create prototype and useful
for future.
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