Anti Surge Control PDF
Anti Surge Control PDF
Anti Surge Control PDF
Anti-Surge Control
for stable operation
Surge Protector
for reliable protection
Anti-Surge Control
for Stable Operation
Protective Measures
Against Surging
The kmo Anti-Surge Control offers features numerous practical Besides the reliable surge detection (3 signals, different criteria)
functions which don't exist in conventional control concepts. the kmo Surge Protector offers a multi-level surge-protective
All functions are already programmed and simply need to be control (partial opening, full opening, shut-down) and various
parameterized: diagnostic functions.
The controller works is permanently in the automatic-mode. Measurement of density or mass flow rate is not needed.
Control signal and manual signal are linked by a minimum
Comfortable Interpretation
selection: Manually the valve can be opened any time. Closing
the valve is only possible up to the point of reaching the response A conventional surge protection does also protect the compressor.
line. But only the kmo Surge Protector gives information like for
Remote control of the regulator is either possible via Bus instance at which performance data the compressor surged, how
connection, a 4...20mA signal or via binary contacts. often and during which period of time. These informations are
A retardation-free pressure-limiting control is integrated. very useful to arrive at fast and reliable conclusions about the
An outstanding function is the minimization of the dead-time cause of surging.
before opening starts, which is typical for pneumatic actuators.
Different control algorithms can be configured. Diagnostic Functions:
DVP (Dynamic Valve Positioning): Event-controlled an expected Each surging is stored with date and time.
valve position is set directly. The characteristic values of each of the last 100 surges
Exact adaptation of the response line to surge line by a polygon are stored:
(up to 10 lines). A temperature and/or speed correction is pre- - process values 1 sec before surging
configured. - actuation criterion
The function of trimming each actuator for optimum control - number of partial openings
mode has proved its worth many times. The number of surges is counted:
Partial Opening: activated by the first surging. The compressor - total number of surges
is protected, the downstream process can continue with slightly - number of surges since the last start of the machine.
reduced flow. The total number of surges is controlled regarding the
Full opening: activated by "surge protection level 2". maximum limit.
Event-controlled XP/TN-change-over for stable operation during The signal course of the last event of surging remains stored,
all operating stages. can be represented graphically and evaluated in detail. The
number of machine starts as well as the operation time is
counted and controlled regarding the maximum limit.
Software "kmo-surge"
for easy handling and perfect training
Hardware Application
Anti-Surge Control & Surge Protector are The kmo Surge Protector and the kmo Anti-Surge Control are suitable for all kinds
available with SIMATIC S7 as well as a of turbo compressors. Due to their compact construction and flexible application
Schneider QUANTUM PLC. A single-channel potential both are predestined for the retrofit of machines. Since 1995 companies
surge protection with comparable functions compressors of the following manufacturers have been modernized successfully by
is available on basis of a MOELLER compact kmo-turbo: Atlas Copco, Borsig, Demag, Escher Wyss, GHH, Ingersoll Rand, Joy,
PLC. KKK, MAN Turbo, Nuovo Pignone, PGW, Siemens PGI, Sulzer.
Configuration, Parameter
Setting and Simulation
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